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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Massive Neutrinos: Phenomenological and Cosmological Consequences / Neutrinos Massivos: Consequências fenomenológicas e cosmológicas

Gonzalez, Yuber Ferney Perez 01 December 2017 (has links)
The XX century witnessed the quantum and relativistic revolutions in physics. The development of these two theories, namely, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity, was the inception of many crucial discoveries and technological advances. Among them, one stands out due to its uniqueness, the neutrino discovery. However, several neutrino properties are still obscure. Neutrinos are the only fundamental particles whose nature is currently unknown. Such fermions can either be different from their antiparticles, i.e., Dirac fermions, or be their own antiparticles, that is, Majorana fermions. On the other hand, the smallness of neutrino masses is a problem seemingly related to the neutrino nature; thus, as essential task consists in addressing the phenomenologically viable models in both cases. Furthermore, it is important to search for other physical process in which the neutrino nature may manifest through different experimental signatures. A rather difficult but promising method corresponds to the detection of the cosmic neutrino background, viz. neutrinos which are relics from the Big Bang. Previous works have shown that detection rates for Dirac and Majorana neutrinos can give different results. Nevertheless, this distinction was obtained considering the Standard Model framework only. Therefore, it is important to understand the consequences of having Non-Standard Interactions contributing to the detection of neutrinos from the cosmic background. Another remarkable relic predicted by Cosmology is the unidentified Dark Matter, composing ~25% of the Universe. All searches regarding the Weakly Interacting Massive Particle, one of the principal candidates for Dark Matter, have given negative results; this has compelled experiments to increase their sensitivity. Notwithstanding, neutrinos may stand in the way of such experimental searches given that they may constitute an irreducible background. In this thesis, we will address these three different phenomena, neutrino mass models, detection of the cosmic neutrino background and the neutrino background in Dark Matter searches, by considering the different characteristics in each case. In the study of neutrino mass models, we will consider models for both Majorana and Dirac neutrinos; specifically, we will probe the neutrinophilic two-Higgs-doublet model. Regarding the detection of relic neutrinos, we will analyse the consequences of the existence of the beyond Standard Model physics in the capture rate by tritium. Finally, we will scrutinize the impact of neutrinos in Direct Detection WIMP searches, by considering Standard Model plus additional interactions in the form of simplified models. / Ao longo do século XX testemunhamos as revoluções quântica e relativista que aconteceram na Física. O desenvolvimento da Mecânica quântica e da teoria da relatividade foi o prelúdio de inúmeras descobertas e avanços tecnológicos fundamentais; em particular, a descoberta dos neutrinos. No entanto, a sua total compreensão ainda é um mistério para a física de partículas. Entendidos como partículas fermiônicas fundamentais, os neutrinos possuem sua natureza desconhecida. Podendo ser diferentes de suas antipartículas, denominadas férmions de Dirac, ou também podendo ser as suas próprias antipartícula, sendo conhecidas como férmions de Majorana. Por outro lado, o valor de sua massa continua sendo um problema em aberto, supostamente relacionado à sua natureza. Portanto, é importante estudarmos modelos fenomenológicos viáveis para as duas naturezas possíves dos neutrinos. Além disso, é necessário procurar outros processos físicos cujos resultados experimentais sejam distintos de acordo com a natureza do neutrino. Um método bastante difícil, mas promissor, corresponde à detecção do fundo de neutrinos cósmicos, isto é, os neutrinos relíquia do Big Bang. Análises prévias mostraram que as taxas de detecção para neutrinos de Dirac e de Majorana resultam em valores distintos. Porém, este resultado foi obtido supondo como base o Modelo Padrão; assim, é crucial entender as possíveis consequências da existência de interações desconhecidas na detecção dos neutrinos da radiação cósmica de fundo. Outra relíquia notável prevista pela Cosmologia é a desconhecida Matéria Escura, que compõe ~25% do Universo. Todas as buscas por WIMPs (do inglês Weakly Interactive Massive Particles), um dos principais candidatos a Matéria Escura, tem dado resultados negativos. Isto tem forçado a criação de experimentos cada vez mais sensíveis. Contudo, os neutrinos poderão ser um obstáculo nessas buscas experimentais, pois estes convertir-se-ão em um fundo irredutível. Na presente tese, abordaremos estes três fenômenos diferentes, modelos de massa para os neutrinos, a detecção do fundo de neutrinos cósmicos e o fundo de neutrinos em experimentos de detecção direta de Matéria Escura, considerando as distintas características em cada caso. No estudo dos modelos de massa para os neutrinos consideraremos modelos para neutrinos de Majorana e Dirac; exploraremos modelos neutrinofílicos com dois dubletos de Higgs. Enquanto à detecção dos neutrinos relíquia, analisaremos as consequências da presença de física além do Modelo Padrão na taxa de captura pelo trítio. Finalmente, examinaremos o impacto dos neutrinos em experimentos de detecção direta de WIMPs, supondo as interações do Modelo Padrão junto com interações adicionais na forma de modelos simplificados.

Um objeto compacto exótico na relatividade geral pseudo-complexa

Volkmer, Guilherme Lorenzatto January 2018 (has links)
O impacto que estruturas algébricas podem exercer em teorias físicas e bem ilustrado pela Mecânica Quântica, onde os números complexos são inquestionavelmente a escolha mais adequada para desenvolver a teoria. A Relatividade Geral pseudo-complexa avalia a possibilidade da interação gravitacional assumir sua descrição mais natural quando construída tendo como base os números pseudo-complexos, que consistem em uma das três possibilidades de números complexos abelianos com uma unica unidade imaginária. Esse conjunto numérico e dotado de elementos não nulos cujo produto e zero, tais números recebem o nome de zeros generalizados ou divisores de zero. A presença de zeros generalizados permite a introdução de um princípio variacional modificado do qual um termo adicional, ausente na Relatividade Geral, emerge nas equações de campo. Esse termo adicional e interpretado como uma energia escura, cuja origem física está relacionada com flutuações no vácuo. A inclusão desse efeito e legítima pois flutuações no vácuo a priori devem gravitar como qualquer outra forma de energia. Das equações de campo podemos resumir a principal ideia conceitual da teoria, na Relatividade Geral pseudo-complexa massa não apenas curva o espaçotempo como também e capaz de alterar a estrutura do espaço-tempo ao redor da massa. As diferenças com relação a Relatividade Geral se manifestam em situações físicas extremas, no regime de campos gravitacionais intensos. Como aplicação analisamos sob o ponto de vista teórico um objeto compacto exótico composto por matéria escura fermiônica. / The impact that algebraic structures can exert on physical theories is well illustrated by Quantum Mechanics, where complex numbers are unquestionably the most appropriate choice to develop the theory. Pseudo-complex General Relativity evaluates the possibility that the gravitational interaction acquires its most natural description when constructed upon pseudo-complex numbers, which consist of one of the three possibilities of abelian complex numbers with a single imaginary unit. This numerical set is endowed with nonzero elements whose product is zero, such numbers are called generalized zeros or divisors of zero. The presence of generalized zeros allows the introduction of a modi ed variational principle from which an additional term, absent in General Relativity, emerges in the eld equations. This additional term is interpreted as a dark energy, whose physical origin is related to vacuum uctuations. The inclusion of this e ect is legitimate because a priori vacuum uctuations must gravitate as any other form of energy. From the eld equations we can summarize the main conceptual idea of the theory, in pseudo-complex General Relativity mass not only curves spacetime but also is able to change the structure of the spacetime around the mass. The di erences with respect to General Relativity are manifested in extreme physical situations in the regime of intense gravitational elds. As an application we analyze from the theoretical point of view an exotic compact object composed of fermionic dark matter.

Cosmologia do setor escuro / Dark sector cosmology

Landim, Ricardo Cesar Giorgetti 14 February 2017 (has links)
O lado escuro do universo é misterioso e sua natureza é ainda desconhecida. De fato, isto talvez constitua o maior desafio da cosmologia moderna. As duas com- ponentes do setor escuro (mat´ eria escura e energia escura) correspondem hoje a cerca de noventa e cinco por cento do universo. O candidato mais simples para a energia energia é uma constante cosmológica. Contudo, esta tentativa apresenta uma enorme discrepância de 120 ordens de magnitude entre a predição teórica e os dados observados. Tal disparidade motiva os físicos a investigar modelos mais sofisticados. Isto pode ser feito tanto buscando um entendimento mais profundo de onde a constante cosmológica vem, se deseja-se derivá-la de primeiros princípios, quanto considerando outras possibilidades para a expansão acelerada, tais como modificações da relatividade geral, campos de matéria adi- cionais e assim por diante. Ainda considerando uma energia escura dinâmica, pode existir a possibilidade de interação entre energia e matéria escuras, uma vez que suas densidades são comparáveis e, dependendo do acoplamento usado, a interação pode também aliviar a questão de porquê as densidades de matéria e energia escura são da mesma ordem hoje. Modelos fenomenológicos tem sido amplamente estudados na literatura. Por outro lado, modelos de teoria de cam- pos que visam uma descrição consistente da interação energia escura/matéria escura ainda são poucos. Nesta tese, nós exploramos como candidato à energia escura um campo escalar ou vetorial em várias abordagens diferentes, levando em conta uma possível interação entre as duas componentes do setor escuro. A tese é dividida em três partes, que podem ser lidas independentemente. Na primeira parte, nós analisamos o comportamento asintótico de alguns modelos cosmológicos usando campos escalares ou vetorial como candidatos para a energia escura, à luz da teoria de sistemas dinâmicos. Na segunda parte, nós usamos um campo escalar em supergravidade para construir um modelo de energia escura dinâmico e também para incorporar um modelo de energia escura holográfica em supergravidade mínima. Finalmente, na terceira parte, nós propomos um modelo de energia escura metaestável, no qual a energia escura é um campo escalar com um potencial dado pela soma de auto-interações pares até ordem seis. Nós inserimos a energia escura metaestável em um modelo SU(2)R escuro, onde o dubleto de energia escura e o dubleto de matéria escura interagem nat- uramente. Tal interação abre uma nova janela para investigar o setor escuro do ponto-de-vista de física de partículas. Esta tese é baseada nos seguintes artigos, disponíveis também no arXiv: 1611.00428, 1605.03550, 1509.04980, 1508.07248, 1507.00902 e 1505.03243. O autor também colaborou nos trabalhos: 1607.03506 e 1605.05264. / The dark side of the universe is mysterious and its nature is still unknown. In fact, this poses perhaps as the biggest challenge in the modern cosmology. The two components of the dark sector (dark matter and dark energy) correspond today to around ninety five percent of the universe. The simplest dark energy candidate is a cosmological constant. However, this attempt presents a huge discrepancy of 120 orders of magnitude between the theoretical prediction and the observed data. Such a huge disparity motivates physicists to look into a more sophisticated models. This can be done either looking for a deeper understanding of where the cosmological constant comes from, if one wants to derive it from first principles, or considering other possibilities for accelerated expansion, such as modifications of general relativity, additional matter fields and so on. Still regarding a dynamical dark energy, there may exist a possibility of interaction between dark energy and dark matter, since their densities are comparable and, depending on the coupling used, the interaction can also alleviate the issue of why dark energy and matter densities are of the same order today. Phenomenological models have been widely explored in the literature. On the other hand, field theory models that aim a consistent description of the dark energy/dark matter interaction are still few. In this thesis, we explore either a scalar or a vector field as a dark energy candidate in several different approaches, taking into account a possible interaction between the two components of the dark sector. The thesis is divided in three parts, which can be read independently of each other. In the first part, we analyze the asymptotic behavior of some cosmological models using either scalar or vector fields as dark energy candidates, in the light of the dynamical system theory. In the second part, we use a scalar field in the supergravity framework to build a model of dynamical dark energy and also to embed a holographic dark energy model into minimal supergravity. Finally, in the third part, we propose a model of metastable dark energy, in which the dark energy is a scalar field with a potential given by the sum of even self-interactions up to order six. We insert the metastable dark energy into a dark SU(2)R model, where the dark energy doublet and the dark matter doublet naturally interact with each other. Such an interaction opens a new window to investigate the dark sector from the point-of-view of particle physics. This thesis is based on the following papers, available also in the arXiv: 1611.00428, 1605.03550, 1509.04980, 1508.07248, 1507.00902 and 1505.03243. The author also collaborated in the works 1607.03506 and 1605.05264.

Produção de partículas no universo primordial e sua aplicação em problemas de astrofísica e cosmologia / Particle production in the early universe and its application to problems of astrophysics and cosmology

Campos, Ana Helena de 13 September 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudam-se três aplicações de mecanismos de produção de partículas no universo pós inflacionário. Apesar da motivação inicial para esses mecanismos ter sido o reaquecimento do universo, eles foram utilizados, posteriormente, para produzir partículas supermassivas. A produção de partículas, sejam elas supermassivas ou não, depende essencialmente do modelo inflacionário utilizado. Aqui, trabalha-se com modelos inflacionários caóticos gerados por um campo escalar, o inflaton. A primeira aplicação estuda a produção de partículas supermassivas pelo mecanismo de pré-aquecimento instantâneo que é não perturbativo. Estabelece-se os limites dos parãmetros desse mecanismo impondo que essas partículas constituam parte da matéria escura e que seu decaimento, hoje, produzam os raios cósmicos de altíssimas energias. A segunda aplicação é um estudo numérico de como teria sido o reaquecimento do universo, num modelo inflacionário quintessencial, com partículas tendo sido produzidas através do mecanismo de pré-aquecimento instantâneo. Esses modelos inflacionários são utilizados para explicar a origem da energia escura que parece dominar o universo hoje. Obtém-se a faixa de temperaturas de reaquecimento permitidas. A terceira aplicação também estuda a produção de partículas supermassivas para explicar os raios cósmicos de altíssimas energias, mas por um mecanismo perturbativo. As partículas seriam o produto do decaimento direto do inflaton após a inflação. Obtém se limites para razão de ramificação deste decaimento, impondo restrições para a vida média das partículas supermassivas e para a sua abundância hoje. / We studied three applications of the mechanisms of particle production in the early universe. Although such mechanisms were first proposed to reheat the universe they were used lately to produce supermassive particles. The production of supermassive or massless particles depends mainly on the inflationary model that we work with. Here, we chose the chaotic inflationary models generated by one scalar field, the inflaton. In the first application we studied the production of supermassive particles by the non-perturbative instant preheating mechanism. We used cosmic ray flux and cold dark matter observational data to constrain the parameters of the model, since we are supposing that such particles may account for a fraction of the cold dark matter as well as decay into high energy cosmic rays. In the second application we perform a numerical study of the instant preheating mechanism of particle production in a model of quintessential inflation. Such inflationary models are used to explain the dark energy that seems to dominate the universe nowadays. We obtained the reheating temperatures allowed by this mechanism. The third application studied the supermassive particle production by a perturbative mechanism to explain high energy cosmic rays. The inflaton would have decayed into such particles after inflation. By constraining their lifetime and present abundance we obtained the branching ratio of such decay.

Scintillateurs cryogéniques pour la détection d'événements rares, dans les expériences EDELWEISS et EURECA / Cryogenic scintillators for rare events detection in the      EDELWEISS and EURECA experiments

Verdier, Marc-Antoine 08 October 2010 (has links)
Une solution au problème astrophysique de la matière sombre pourrait être apportée par la détection de WIMPs, particules prédites par la supersymétrie. Sa détection directe nécessite de grandes masses de détecteurs capables d'identifier le signal d'un WIMP parmi le fond radioactif et cosmique environnant. Cette thèse se déroule dans le cadre de l'expérience EDELWEISS et la future expérience EURECA qui lui succédera. Ces expériences utilisent une technologie basée sur des détecteurs cryogéniques (bolomètres) à double voies, fonctionnant à quelques dizaines de mK. Ils sont constitués de cristaux qui sont le siège des interactions des particules, dont les dépôts d'énergie vont entraîner une élévation de température ainsi que l'ionisation du cristal, pouvant entraîner des charges ou des photons selon sa nature. Afin d'augmenter la palette de cibles pouvant faire office de bolomètres scintillants, nous avons mis en place un dispositif expérimental permettant d'étudier la scintillation de cristaux refroidis jusqu'à 3 K. Il est basé sur un cryostat à géométrie optique compacte permettant une collecte de lumière améliorée. Une méthode de comptage de photons individuels ainsi qu'un traitement statistique des données permettent de mesurer l'évolution du rendement lumineux et des constantes de temps de scintillation de cristaux entre la température ambiante et 3K. Cette thèse présente ainsi les résultats obtenus à 3 K avec ce dispositif expérimental sur deux cristaux, bien connus à température ambiante: le BGO (Bi4Ge3O12) et le BaF2. Nous présentons également les résultats sur la luminescence du saphir dopé au titane (Ti:Al2O3), sous VUV et refroidi à 8 K. / A solution to the dark matter problem in astrophysics could be found by the detection of WIMPs, particles predicted by supersymmetry. Its direct detection requires a large mass of detectors, able to identify WIMPs in the background of natural radioactivity and cosmic rays. This thesis takes place within the framework of the EDELWEISS and the future EURECA experiments. These experiments use a technology based on two channel cryogenic detectors (bolometers), working at a few tens of mK. They are made of crystals in which the energy deposited by particle interactions will produce a temperature increase (phonon signal), and where the ionization of the crystals results in either a charge or photon signal, depending on their nature. In order to broaden the range of targets for scintillating bolometers, we have built a setup to study the scintillation of crystals cooled down to 3 K. It is based on a cryostat with a compact optical geometry allowing enhanced light collection. Thanks to an individual photon counting technique and a statistical treatment of data, it allows us to measure the evolution of the the light yields and the decay time components between room temperature and 3 K. Thus this thesis presents the results obtained at 3 K on two well known room temperature crystals: BGO (Bi4Ge3O12) and BaF2. We also study the luminescence properties of titanium sapphire (Ti:Al2O3), under VUV excitation cooled down to 8 K.

Gravitational microlensing for the detection of MACHOs towards M31: data analysis with the AGAPE method

Sebastiano, Calchi Novati 14 March 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Questo lavoro di tesi è dedicato al problema della ricerca e<br />della caratterizzazione della \emph(materia oscura). A livello<br />osservativo, su diverse scale, da quelle galattiche (in<br />particolare nella Via Lattea) fino all'intero universo, esiste<br />disaccordo tra le stime \emph(dinamiche) della massa di oggetti<br />astrofisici (come galassie o ammassi di galassie) rispetto alla<br />stima della loro massa \emph(luminosa). Si tratta, in un certo<br />modo, di un problema di massa \emph(mancante). Si rende così<br />necessaria, nell'ambito del quadro teorico del modello<br />cosmologico standard, l'introduzione di una componente di materia<br />``oscura'', nel senso che non emette radiazione elettromagnetica,<br />la cui presenza può essere rilevata attraverso effetti<br />gravitazionali. Nonostante la convergenza di prove osservative ed<br />esigenze teoriche a sostegno dell'ipotesi della sua esistenza, un<br />interrogativo a cui non è ancora stata data una risposta<br />basata su solide evidenze sperimentali è quello della stessa<br />natura di tale componente di massa.<br /><br />Affrontiamo in particolare il problema della materia oscura negli<br />aloni galattici, dove le evidenze osservative (curve di rotazione)<br />risultano più stringenti. Per questo analizziamo un insieme<br />originale di dati sperimentali (i dati ``MDM'', frutto di una<br />apposita campagna osservativa tuttora in corso di svolgimento<br />presso l'osservatorio Michigan-Dartmouth-MIT, USA) acquisiti per<br />lo studio della componente oscura sotto forma di oggetti massivi<br />compatti (MACHOs, \emph(Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo<br />Objects)) nell'alone della Galassia (la nostra Via Lattea) e<br />della galassia vicina di Andromeda, M31 (ovvero NGC224). Questa<br />ricerca si basa su di un effetto di natura gravitazionale, il<br />\emph(microlensing), ovvero la deflessione della luce generata da<br />un oggetto oscuro massivo in moto che attraversa la linea di vista<br />tra l'osservatore e una sorgente luminosa che si manifesta con un<br />incremento della luminosità della sorgente. Dallo studio di<br />queste variazioni di luminosità nel tempo è possibile<br />risalire, per via indiretta, alla distribuzione della materia<br />sotto forma di MACHOs nell'alone. L'analisi è stata condotta<br />con la tecnica detta del \emph(pixel lensing) (proposta e<br />implementata dalla collaborazione AGAPE, \emph(Andromeda Galaxy<br />Amplified Pixel Experiment)), che permette il rilevamento di<br />variazioni di luminosità di stelle \emph(non) risolte (in<br />particolare questo consente di considerare le possibili sorgenti<br />in una galassia distante come M31).<br /><br />Nel capitolo 1, introdotti gli elementi del modello cosmologico<br />standard e quindi il problema della materia oscura<br />nell'appropriato contesto cosmologico e astrofisico, delineamo i<br />principi del \emph(microlensing) gravitazionale e il metodo del<br />\emph(pixel lensing). Nel capitolo 2 descriviamo l'apparato<br />sperimentale e l'acquisizione dei dati (a cui chi scrive ha avuto<br />modo di partecipare direttamente). Quindi analizziamo in<br />dettaglio il trattamento preliminare delle immagini necessario<br />per rendere significativo il successivo studio dei segnali<br />astrofisici interessanti. In particolare vengono discussi alcuni<br />aspetti quali la composizione di più immagini e le operazioni<br />di ``normalizzazione'' del flusso. Nel capitolo 3 affrontiamo le<br />tematiche connesse all'analisi del segnale rispetto al problema<br />della selezione di eventi di \emph(microlensing). Il ``rumore''<br />di fondo che ne contamina la ricerca è costituito da sorgenti<br />intrensicamente variabili. Per questo consideriamo in dettaglio<br />il modo di sfruttare la caratteristica \emph(acromaticità)<br />del segnale che ci interessa. Basandoci su di una opportuna<br />simulazione consideriamo inoltre il problema dell'efficacia dei<br />criteri di selezione adottati. Discutiamo infine i risultati<br />delle simulazioni Monte Carlo dell'esperienza. Vengono quindi<br />approfonditi, nel capitolo 4, diversi aspetti legati all'analisi<br />effettuata. Rivolgiamo particolare attenzione allo studio degli<br />effetti cromatici delle variazioni di luminosità rilevate e<br />discutiamo in questa prospettiva segnali di sorgenti variabili e<br />in particolare alcuni attribuibili a delle \emph(novæ).<br />Esponiamo quindi un primo risultato dell'analisi, lo studio del<br />prolungamento sui nostri dati di candidati eventi<br />\emph(microlensing) rilevati da altre collaborazioni. Infine<br />discutiamo i risultati della selezione, 5 \emph(curve di luce)<br />(la variazione di flusso nel tempo in un elemento<br />dell'im\-ma\-gi\-ne) compatibili con un segnale di<br />\emph(microlensing), e, alla luce delle simulazioni Monte Carlo,<br />le conclusioni fisiche riguardo al problema posto.<br /><br />La nostra analisi tende a confermare (in accordo con i risultati<br />di analoghe esperienze svolte nell'ambito della Galassia) che solo<br />una piccola frazione degli aloni galattici è costituita da<br />MACHOs, e in particolare a escludere come componente importante<br />quella di oggetti di massa substellare.

Symétrie électrofaible à la lumière du LHC

Kubik, Bogna 05 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les extensions du Modèle Standard (MS) des particules sont maintenant dans une époque de développement très actif. Les motivations de l'introduction des dimensions supplémentaires sont basées d'une part sur la théorie des cordes qui nécessitent l'existence de nouvelles dimensions pour être cohérent. D'un autre côté ces théories peuvent potentiellement expliquer le problème de hiérarchie, le nombre de générations de fermions ou la stabilité du proton. La caractéristique commune de ces modèles est qu'ils fournissent une nouvelle particule neutre interagissant faiblement - un candidat idéal de la matière noire. Sa stabilité est préservée par la parité KK qui interdit les désintégrations du LKP en particules du MS. La géométrie de l'espace sous-jacent détermine le spectre de particules du modèle donc la masse et le spin du candidat DM, qui à leur tour jouent un rôle clé dans les études phénoménologiques. Nous présentons un modèle à deux dimensions supplémentaires universelles compactifiées sur le plan projectif réel. Cette géométrie particulière permet la définition des fermions chiraux et la stabilité de la matière noire neutre candidat dérive naturellement des propriétés intrinsèques de l'espace sans ajouter de nouvelles symétries ad hoc. Nous présentons le spectre de deux premiers niveaux KK à une boucle. Le spectre au sein de chaque niveau KK est fortement dégénéré ce qui fournie des signatures très intéressantes du modèle. Nous étudions la phénoménologie de la matière noire dans notre modèle pour limiter l'espace des paramètres en comparant nos résultats avec les données de WMAP et les expériences de détection directe. En utilisant les bornes obtenues, nous nous concentrons sur la phénoménologie LHC de notre modèle.

Phenomenology of Inert Scalar and Supersymmetric Dark Matter

Lundström, Erik January 2010 (has links)
While the dark matter has so far only revealed itself through the gravitational influence it exerts on its surroundings, there are good reasons to believe it is made up by WIMPs – a hypothetical class of heavy elementary particles not encompassed by the Standard Model of particle physics. The Inert Doublet Model constitutes a simple extension of the Standard Model Higgs sector. The model provides a new set of scalar particles, denoted inert scalars because of their lack of direct coupling to matter, of which the lightest is a WIMP dark matter candidate. Another popular Standard Model extension is that of supersymmetry. In the most minimal scenario the particle content is roughly doubled, and the lightest of the new supersymmetric particles, which typically is a neutralino, is a WIMP dark matter candidate. In this thesis the phenomenology of inert scalar and supersymmetric dark matter is studied. Relic density calculations are performed, and experimental signatures in indirect detection experiments and accelerator searches are derived. The Inert Doublet Model shows promising prospects for indirect detection of dark matter annihilations into monochromatic photons. It is also constrained by the old LEP II accelerator data. Some phenomenological differences between the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and a slight extension, the Beyond the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, can be found. Also, supersymmetric dark matter models can be detected already within the early LHC accelerator data.

Search for Gamma-ray Lines from Dark Matter with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

Ylinen, Tomi January 2010 (has links)
Dark matter (DM) constitutes one of the most intriguing but so far unresolved issues in physics. In many extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics, the existence of a stable Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) is predicted. The WIMP is an excellent DM particle candidate. One of the most interesting scenarios is the creation of monochromatic gamma-rays from the annihilation or decay of these particles. This type of signal would represent a “smoking gun” for DM, since no other known astrophysical process should be able to produce it. In this thesis, the search for spectral lines with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi) is presented. The satellite was successfully launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida, USA, on 11 June, 2008. The energy resolution and performance of the detector are both key factors in the search and are investigated here using beam test data, taken at CERN in 2006 with a scaled-down version of the Fermi-LAT instrument. A variety of statistical methods, based on both hypothesis tests and confidence interval calculations, are then reviewed and tested in terms of their statistical power and coverage. A selection of the statistical methods are further developed into peak finding algorithms and applied to a simulated data set called obssim2, which corresponds to one year of observations with the Fermi-LAT instrument, and to almost one year of Fermi-LAT data in the energy range 20–300 GeV. The analysis on Fermi-LAT data yielded no detection of spectral lines, so limits are placed on the velocity-averaged cross-section, <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%3C%5Csigma%20v%3E_%7B%5Cgamma%20X%7D" />, and the decay lifetime, <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ctau_%7B%5Cgamma%20X%7D" />, and theoretical implications are discussed. / QC20100525 / GLAST

Σήματα ηλιακών axions μέσα από αστροφυσικές παρατηρήσεις / Astrophysical signatures of axion(-like) particles

Τσαγρή, Μαίρη 01 December 2009 (has links)
Σε αυτήν την εργασία συζητάμε κυρίως τις ηλιακές παρατηρήσεις οι οποίες προτείνουν την ύπαρξη του σωματιδίου axion. Η αρχή λειτουργίας των ηλιακών τηλεσκοπίων που χρησιμοποιούνται για την ανίχνευση των ηλιακών axions μπορεί να βρίσκεται πίσω από την απροσδόκητη ηλιακή εκπομπή ακτίνων X, ακόμη και επάνω από 3.5 keV από τα μη ενεργά active regions. Επειδή αυτό συνδέεται με τα ηλιακά μαγνητικά πεδία και παρουσιάζει την αναμενόμενη B2 εξάρτηση, που είναι χαρακτηριστική για την αλληλεπίδραση τους με μαγνητικά πεδία. Τα μαγνητικά πεδία γίνονται σε αυτό το πλαίσιο ο καταλύτης και όχι η ειδάλλως πιθανή/απροσδιόριστη πηγή ενέργειας των ηλιακών ακτίνων X. Επιπλέον, ίσως μπορέσουμε (ίσως και όχι) να είμαστε σε θέση να αναδημιουργήσουμε πλήρως τον υποτιθέμενο ενσωματωμένο συντονισμό αλληλεπίδρασης των axions στον ήλιο και, να είμαστε σε θέση (ή και όχι) να τον αντιγράψουμε σε ένα επίγειο πείραμα. Τα σήματα των ηλιακών axions μπορεί να είναι παροδικές εκλάμψεις ακτίνων X ή συνεχής ακτινοβολία, όπως π.χ. από την κορώνα η οποία εκ πρώτης όψεος παραβιάζει το δεύτερο νόμο της θερμοδυναμικής καθώς και το νόμο Planck περί ακτινοβολίας μέλανος σώματος. Για την κατανόηση του προβλήματος της ηλιακής κορώνας και των άλλων ηλιακών μυστηρίων, όπως είναι οι ηλιακές καταιγίδες, οι ηλιακές κηλίδες, οι κατανομές χημικών στοιχείων, κ.λ.π., καταλήγουμε τουλάχιστον σε δύο νέα ‘εξωτικά σωματίδια’, όπως είναι: α) παγιδευμένα ‘βαριά’ axions τύπου Kaluza-Klein τα οποία διασπώνται ακτινοβολώντας και επιτρέπουν μια συνεχή αυτο-ακτινοβολία του ήλιου, μέσω της αυθόρμητης διάσπασής τους σε δύο φωτόνια. Αυτή η διεργασία εξηγεί την ξαφνική αναστροφή θερμοκρασίας στα ~2000 χλμ επάνω από την επιφάνεια του ήλιου. β) εξερχόμενα ‘ελαφριά’ axions, τα οποία αλληλεπιδρούν με τα τοπικά μαγνητικά πεδία μέσω της χαρακτηριστικής εξάρτησης (~B2). Η αλληλεπίδραση αυτή εξαρτάται από πολλές παραμέτρους, μία εκ των οποίων είναι η συχνότητα πλάσματος του περιβάλλοντος χώρου. Η συχνότητα αυτή θα πρέπει να ταιριάζει με τη μάζα ηρεμίας του axion, προκειμένου να έχουμε τον επιθυμητό συντονισμό. Η αναμενόμενη συμπεριφορά αυτών των δυο κατηγοριών αυτή εξηγεί τα κατά τα άλλα απρόβλεπτα παροδικά, αλλά ταυτόχρονα και συνεχή, ηλιακά φαινόμενα. Κατόπιν, η ενεργειακή κατανομή των φωτονίων ενός υποψήφιου φαινομένου άγνωστης προέλευσης μπορεί να ‘φωτογραφίσει’ το σημείο γέννησης των axions. Παραδείγματος χάριν, αυτό θα μπορούσε να προτείνει ότι ηλιακή κορώνα θερμοκρασίας ~2MK έχει τις ρίζες της στο πάνω μέρος της «ζώνης ακτινοβολίας» (radiation zone) ακόμα κι αν αυτό από μόνο του δεν μπορεί να εξηγήσει προφανώς την τόσο απότομη περιοχή μετάπτωσης μεταξύ της χρωμόσφαιρας και της κορώνας. Το προβλεφθέν μαγνητικό πεδίο Β ≈ 10 – 50 Τ στην αποκαλούμενη tachocline σε ακτίνα ~0.7R๏, κάνει αυτήν την περιοχή μια πιθανή νέα πηγή ηλιακών axions. Σε κάθε περίπτωση, η πολλαπλή σκέδαση φωτονίων μέσω του φαινομένου Compton ενισχύει τη μετατροπή φωτονίων από axions, δεδομένου ότι τα axions δεν μπορουν να αλληλεπιδράσουν πολλές φορές και έτσι δραπετεύουν. Καταλήγουμε λοιπόν στο συμπέρασμα ότι η ενεργειακή κατανομή κάτω από περίπου 100 eV είναι ένα νέο παράθυρο για τις αναζητήσεις axion. Εντυπωσιακά, αυτή η ενεργιακή κατανομή συμπίπτει με το γεγονός ότι: α) οι ενέργειες των φωτονίων που προκύπτουν από την αυθόρμητη διάσπαση των axions για μια εξωτερική αυτο-ακτινοβολία του ήλιου, πρέπει να διαπεράσουν μέχρι την ‘περιοχή μετάπτωσης’ στα ~2000 χλμ επάνω από την ηλιακή επιφάνεια, και β) με την κύρια συνιστώσα της ηλιακής φωτεινότητας ακτίνων X χαμηλής ενέργειας, η οποία είναι άγνωστης προέλευσης. Κατά συνέπεια, τα άμεσα/έμμεσα σήματα υποστηρίζουν τα axions ως μια εξήγηση της αινιγματικής συμπεριφοράς του ήλιου. Π.χ., η ανεξήγητη «solar oxygen crisis». Έτσι, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη σχετικές παρατηρήσεις στους ‘πόρους’, παρατηρείται μια επίσης εντυπωσιακή ~B2 εξάρτηση της κατανομής των χημικών στοιχείων πάνω απο έναν ‘πόρο’. Όλη αυτή η συμπεριφορά μπορεί να εξηγηθεί μέσω της πίεσης ακτινοβολίας απο την εκπομπή ακτίνων X που προέρχονται από τα axions του ηλιακού πυρήνα, ή, ακόμη και από κάποια άλλη εσωτερική ηλιακή πηγή axions. Έτσι, κεραίες αxions θα μπορούσαν να αξιοποιήσουν / ενσωματώσουν ένα τέτοιο μηχανισμό. Τέλος, η παρατηρηθείσα χαμηλο-ενεργειακή εκπομπή ακτίνων X από τον ‘ήρεμο’ ήλιο στα υψηλότερα πλάτη καθώς επίσης και η εκτεταμένη δραστηριότητα που συνδέεται με τις μαγνητικές δομές, που διασχίζουν το κέντρο του ηλιακού δίσκου, προτείνουν ότι τελικά έχουμε να κάνουμε με ένα σενάριο axions πολλών συνιστωσών. Ένα τέτοιο σενάριο ίσως είναι τελικά στην πράξη, αυτό που εξηγεί γιατί τα ηλιακά axions δεν έχουν προσδιοριστεί / παρατηρηθεί μέχρι τώρα στο καθ’ολα πλούσιο και χωρο-χρονικά μεταβαλλόμενο ηλιακό φάσμα ακτίνων X. Τέλος, υποστηρίζουμε, σε αυτήν την εργασία ότι, τα ηλιακά axions που μετατρέπονται σε (υψηλοενεργειακές) ακτίνες X κοντά στην ηλιακή επιφάνεια μπορούν να ιονίσουν τα ανωτέρω στρώματα. Αυτό έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα την ισοτροπική Compton σκέδαση και την ενεργειακή υποβάθμιση των φωτονίων. Τα φωτόνια διαδίδονται μέσα στο πλάσμα με πολλαπλές σκεδάσεις Compton (τυχαίος βηματισμός). Και τα δύο φαινόμενα επιτρέπουν για πρώτη φορά την σύνδεση της ηλιακής εκπομπής ακτίνων X με το τυποποιημένο πρότυπο ηλιακών axions. Δηλαδή, έχουμε να κάνουμε όχι μόνο με μια ακτινική εκπομπή ακτίνων X που προέρχονται από το κέντρο του ηλιακού δίσκου αλλά και με ένα ενεργειακό φάσμα που μετατοπίζεται προς όλο και χαμηλότερες ενέργειες. Αυτό είναι κάτι νέο που προέκυψε από αυτήν την εργασία. Επιπλέον, τονίζουμε ότι, από την λογική αυτής της εργασίας προκύπτει το σημείο γέννησης / μετατροπής axions, και μάλιστα ‘φωτογραφίζοντας’ την ηλιακή επιφάνεια. Αυτό το συμπέρασμα είναι πολύ σημαντικό. Διότι, εάν υιοθετήσουμε το ευρέως διαδεδομένο, αντίστροφο φαινόμενο Primakoff, που πιστεύεται ότι προκαλεί αυτήν την αλληλεπίδραση, όπως γίνεται παραδείγματος χάριν στην 2η φάση του πειράματος CAST με το ‘buffer gas’ στους μαγνητικούς σωλήνες, καταλήγουμε για πρώτη φορά σε μια μάζα ηρεμίας ενός σωματιδίου όπως είναι το axion: maxion ≥ 0.01 eV/c2. Αυτό το γεγονός μαζί με την γωνιακή και ενεργειακή κατανομή των ακτίνων Χ, που προέρχονται από axions στην επιφάνεια του ήλιου, προέκυψαν από αυτήν την εργασία. Επίσης, και η ανάλυση των δισδιάστατων κατανομών ηλιακών ακτίνων Χ χαμηλής ενέργειας απο δημοσιευθέντα αρχεία δεδομένων οδήγησε σε νέα αποτελέσματα. / We discuss mainly solar signatures suggesting axion or axion(-like) particles. The working principle of axion helioscopes can be behind unexpected solar X-ray emission, even above 3.5 keV from non-flaring active regions. Because this is associated with solar magnetic fields shows the expected B2- dependence. The magnetic fields become in this framework the catalyst and not the otherwise suspected / unspecified energy source of solar X-rays. In addition, the built–in fine tuning we may (not) be able to fully reconstruct, and, we may (not?) be able to copy in an earth bound experiment. Solar axion signals are transient X-ray brightenings, or, continuous radiation from the corona violating at first sight the second law of thermodynamics and Planck’s law of black body radiation. To understand the corona problem and other mysteries like flares, sunspots, elemental abundances, etc., we arrive at least at two exotica: a) trapped, radiatively decaying, massive axions of the Kaluza Klein type allow a continuous self-irradiation of the Sun, via their spontaneous decay, explaining the sudden temperature inversion ~2000 km above the Sun’s surface and b) outstreaming light axions interact with local fields (~B2), depending crucially, among other parameters on the plasma frequency which must match the axion rest mass, explaining the otherwise unpredictable transient, but also continuous, solar phenomena. Then, the photon energy distribution of a related phenomenon of unknown origin might point at the birth place of involved axions. For example, this could suggest that the ~2 MK solar corona has its axion roots at the top of the radiative zone even though this alone can not explain the steep transition region (TR) between the chromosphere and the corona. The predicted B ≈ 10–50 T at the so called tachocline at ~0.7R, make this place a potential coherent axion source, while the multiple photon scattering enhances the photon-to-axion conversion unilaterally, since axions escape. We conclude that the energy range below some 100 eV is a new window of opportunity for axion searches. Remarkably, it coincides with a) the 10 derived photon energies for an external self-irradiation of the Sun, which has to penetrate until the transition region at ~2000 km above the solar surface, and b) with the bulk of the soft solar X-ray luminosity, which is of unknown origin. Thus, (in)direct signatures support axions or the like as an explanation of enigmatic behavior in the Sun and beyond; e.g., the otherwise unexplained “solar oxygen crisis” taking into account related observations in pores, which also show striking ~B2 – dependence of elemental abundance in a pore. They can be associated with the radiation pressure of the X-ray emission from converted axions from the solar core, or, other as yet unpredicted inner solar axion source. Axion antennas could take advantage of such a feed back. Finally, the observed soft X-ray emission from the quiet Sun at highest latitudes as well as the extended activity associated with magnetic structures crossing the solar disk centre suggest that a multi-component axion(-like) scenario is finally at work, which explains why the solar axions have not been identified / noticed before in the rich and spatiotemporarily changing solar X-ray spectrum. Finally, it is arguing in this work that solar axions converted to (hard) X-rays near the solar surface can ionize the layers above. This gives rise to the isotropic Compton scattering and to the photon energy degradation while the photons propagate inside the plasma. Both effects allow for the first time to reconcile solar X-ray emission with the standard solar axion model, i.e. not only radial X-ray emission distinguishing thus the solar disk center, and, an energy spectrum shifted towards lower and lower energies. Moreover, the concluded place of birth of the axion conversion points at the solar surface. If we assume the widely mentioned coherent inverse Primakoff-effect being behind this interaction, as it is done for example in CAST phase II with buffer gas in the magnetic pipes, then the axion or axion-like rest mass is maxion ≥ 0.01 eV/c^2.

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