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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da qualidade do Sistema  de Informação de Registro de Óbitos Hospitalares (SIS-ROH), Hospital Central da Beira, Moçambique / Assessment of the Quality of the Information System of Hospital Death Registration (SIS-ROH), Beira Central Hospital, Mozambique

Mola, Edina da Rosa Durão 24 February 2016 (has links)
As informações de mortalidade são úteis para avaliar a situação de saúde de uma população. Dados de mortalidade confiáveis produzidos por um sistema de informação de saúde nacional constituem uma ferramenta importante para o planejamento de saúde. Em muitos países, sobretudo em desenvolvimento, o sistema de informação de mortalidade continua precário. Apesar dos esforços feitos em Moçambique para melhoria das estatísticas de mortalidade, os desafios ainda prevalecem em termos de tecnologias de informação, capacidade técnica de recursos humanos e em termos de produção estatística. O SIS-ROH é um sistema eletrônico de registro de óbitos hospitalares de nível nacional, implementado em 2008 e tem uma cobertura de apenas 4% de todos os óbitos anuais do país. Apesar de ser um sistema de nível nacional, ele presentemente funciona em algumas Unidades Sanitárias (US), incluindo o Hospital Central da Beira (HCB). Dada a importância deste sistema para monitorar o padrão de mortalidade do HCB e, no geral, da cidade da Beira, este estudo avalia a qualidade do SIS-ROH do HCB. É um estudo descritivo sobre a completitude, cobertura, concordância e consistência dos dados do SIS-ROH. Foram analisados 3.009 óbitos de menores de 5 anos ocorridos entre 2010 e 2013 e regsitrados no SIS-ROH e uma amostra de 822 Certificados de Óbitos (COs) fetais e de menores de 5 anos do HCB. O SIS-ROH apresentou uma cobertura inferior a 50% calculados com os dados de mortalidade estimados pelo Inquérito Nacional de Causas de Morte (INCAM). Verificamos a utilização de dois modelos diferentes de CO (modelo antigo e atual) para o registro de óbitos referentes ao ano de 2013. Observou-se completitude excelente para a maioria das variáveis do SISROH. Das 25 variáveis analisadas dos COs observou-se a seguinte situação: 9 apresentaram completitude muito ruim, sendo elas relativas à identificação do falecido (tipo de óbito e idade), relativas ao bloco V em que dados da mãe devem ser obrigatoriamente preenchidos em caso de óbitos fetais e de menores de 1 ano (escolaridade, ocupação habitual, número de filhos tidos vivos e mortos, duração da gestação) e relativas às condições e às causas de óbito (autópsia e causa intermédiacódigo); 3 variáveis apresentaram completitude ruim relativas à identificação do falecido (NID) e relativas às condições e causas de morte (causa intermédia - descrição e causa básica - código); 9 apresentaram completitude regular relativas à identificação do falecido (data de nascimento e idade), relativas ao bloco V (idade da mãe, tipo de gravidez, tipo de parto, peso do feto/bebé ao nascer, morte do feto/bebé em relação ao parto) e relativas às condições e causa de óbito (causa direta- código, causa básica descrição); 2 apresentaram completitude bom relativas à identificação do falecido (sexo e raça/cor) e, por último, 2 apresentaram completitude excelente relativas ao local de ocorrência de óbito (data de internamento e data de óbito ou desaparecimento do cadáver). Algumas variáveis do SIS-ROH e dos COS apresentaram inconsistências. Observou-se falta de concordância para causa direta entre o SIS-ROH e os COs. Conclusão: Moçambique tem feito esforços para aprimorar as estatísticas de mortalidade, porém há lacunas na qualidade; a análise rotineria dos dados pode identificar essas lacunas e subsidiar seu aprimoramento. / The mortality information is useful to assess the health status of a population. Reliable mortality data produced by a national health information system is an important tool for health planning. In many countries, especially developing countries, the mortality information system is still precarious. Despite efforts in Mozambique to improve mortality statistics, challenges still prevail in terms of information technology, technical capacity and human resources and statistical production. The SIS-ROH is an electronic system of national-level hospital deaths registration, implemented in 2008 and has a coverage of only 4% of all annual deaths in the country. Despite being a national system, it currently works in some health units (US), including Beira Central Hospital (HCB). Given the importance of this system to monitor the mortality pattern of HCB and, in general, the city of Beira, this study evaluates the quality of SIS-ROH HCB. It is a descriptive study on the completeness, coverage, compliance and consistency of the SIS-ROH data and examined a sample of 822 HCB deaths Certificates (COs) of fetal and children under 5 years of age. We find the use of two different models of CO (former and current model) for the registration of deaths related to the year 2013. We observed excellent completeness for most SIS-ROH variables. Of the 25 variables of COs there was the following situation: 9 had very bad completeness, which were relating to the identification of the deceased (type of death and age) on the V block in the mother\'s data, where must be filled in case of stillbirths and children under 1 year of age (education, usual occupation, number of living children taken and killed, gestational age) and on the conditions and causes of death (autopsy and intermediate-code causes); 3 variables had bad completeness concerning the identification of the deceased (NID) and on the conditions and causes of death (intermediate cause - description and basic cause - code); 9 showed regular completeness concerning the identification of the deceased (date of birth and age) on the V block (mother\'s age, type of pregnancy, mode of delivery, weight of the fetus / baby birth, death of the fetus / baby compared to delivery) and on the conditions and causes of death (direct cause code, basic cause description); 2 showed good completeness concerning the identification of the deceased (sex and race / color) and, finally, 2 showed excellent completeness concerning the place of occurrence of death (date of admission and date of death or the disappearance corpse). The SIS-ROH had coverage below 50% calculated on mortality data estimated by the National Survey of Causes of Death (INCAM). Some SIS-ROH variables and COS showed inconsistencies. There was a lack of agreement to direct cause between SIS-ROH and COs.

Arquitetura e métodos de integração de dados e interoperabilidade aplicados na saúde mental / Investigation of the effectiveness of data integration and interoperability methods applied to mental health

Miyoshi, Newton Shydeo Brandão 16 March 2018 (has links)
A disponibilidade e integração das informações em saúde relativas a um mesmo paciente entre diferentes níveis de atenção ou entre diferentes instituições de saúde é normalmente incompleta ou inexistente. Isso acontece principalmente porque os sistemas de informação que oferecem apoio aos profissionais da saúde não são interoperáveis, dificultando também a gestão dos serviços a nível municipal e regional. Essa fragmentação da informação também é desafiadora e preocupante na área da saúde mental, em que normalmente se exige um cuidado prolongado e que integra diferentes tipos de serviços de saúde. Problemas como a baixa qualidade e indisponibilidade de informações, assim como a duplicidade de registros, são importantes aspectos na gestão e no cuidado prolongado ao paciente portador de transtornos mentais. Apesar disso, ainda não existem estudos objetivos demonstrando o impacto efetivo da interoperabilidade e integração de dados na gestão e na qualidade de dados para a área de saúde mental. Objetivos: Neste contexto, o projeto tem como objetivo geral propor uma arquitetura de interoperabilidade para a assistência em saúde regionalizada e avaliar a efetividade de técnicas de integração de dados e interoperabilidade para a gestão dos atendimentos e internações em saúde mental na região de Ribeirão Preto, assim como o impacto na melhoria e disponibilidade dos dados por meio de métricas bem definidas. Métodos: O framework de interoperabilidade proposto tem como base a arquitetura cliente-servidor em camadas. O modelo de informação de interoperabilidade foi baseado em padrões de saúde internacionais e nacionais. Foi proposto um servidor de terminologias baseado em padrões de informação em saúde. Foram também utilizados algoritmos de Record Linkage para garantir a identificação unívoca do paciente. Para teste e validação da proposta foram utilizados dados de diferentes níveis de atenção à saúde provenientes de atendimentos na rede de atenção psicossocial na região de Ribeirão Preto. Os dados foram extraídos de cinco fontes diferentes: (i) a Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família - I, de Santa Cruz da Esperança; (ii) o Centro de Atenção Integrada à Saúde, de Santa Rita do Passa Quatro; (iii) o Hospital Santa Tereza; (iv) as informações de solicitações de internação contidas no SISAM (Sistema de Informação em Saúde Mental); e (v) dados demográficos do Barramento do Cartão Nacional de Saúde do Ministério da Saúde. As métricas de qualidade de dados utilizadas foram completude, consistência, duplicidade e acurácia. Resultados: Como resultado deste trabalho, foi projetado, desenvolvido e testado a plataforma de interoperabilidade em saúde, denominado eHealth-Interop. Foi adotada uma proposta de interoperabilidade por meio de serviços web com um modelo de integração de dados baseado em um banco de dados centralizador. Foi desenvolvido também um servidor de terminologias, denominado eHealth-Interop Terminology Server, que pode ser utilizado como um componente independente e em outros contextos médicos. No total foram obtidos dados de 31340 registros de pacientes pelo SISAM, e-SUS AB de Santa Cruz da Esperança, do CAIS de Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, do Hospital Santa Tereza e do Barramento do CNS do Ministério da Saúde. Desse total, 30,47% (9548) registros foram identificados como presente em mais de 1 fonte de informação, possuindo diferentes níveis de acurácia e completude. A análise de qualidade de dados, abrangendo todas os registros integrados, obteve uma melhoria na completude média de 18,40% (de 56,47% para 74,87%) e na acurácia sintática média de 1,08% (de 96,69% para 96,77%). Na análise de consistência houve melhoras em todas as fontes de informação, variando de uma melhoria mínima de 14.4% até o máximo de 51,5%. Com o módulo de Record Linkage foi possível quantificar, 1066 duplicidades e, dessas, 226 foram verificadas manualmente. Conclusões: A disponibilidade e a qualidade da informação são aspectos importantes para a continuidade do atendimento e gerenciamento de serviços de saúde. A solução proposta neste trabalho visa estabelecer um modelo computacional para preencher essa lacuna. O ambiente de interoperabilidade foi capaz de integrar a informação no caso de uso de saúde mental com o suporte de terminologias clínicas internacionais e nacionais sendo flexível para ser estendido a outros domínios de atenção à saúde. / The availability and integration of health information from the same patient between different care levels or between different health services is usually incomplete or non-existent. This happens especially because the information systems that support health professionals are not interoperable, making it difficult to manage services at the municipal and regional level. This fragmentation of information is also challenging and worrying in the area of mental health, where long-term care is often required and integrates different types of health services and professionals. Problems such as poor quality and unavailability of information, as well as duplicate records, are important aspects in the management and long-term care of patients with mental disorders. Despite this, there are still no objective studies that demonstrate the effective impact of interoperability and data integration on the management and quality of data for the mental health area. Objectives: In this context, this project proposes an interoperability architecture for regionalized health care management. It also proposes to evaluate the effectiveness of data integration and interoperability techniques for the management of mental health hospitalizations in the Ribeirão Preto region as well as the improvement in data availability through well-defined metrics. Methods: The proposed framework is based on client-service architecture to be deployed in the web. The interoperability information model was based on international and national health standards. It was proposed a terminology server based on health information standards. Record Linkage algorithms were implemented to guarantee the patient identification. In order to test and validate the proposal, we used data from different health care levels provided by the mental health care network in the Ribeirão Preto region. The data were extracted from five different sources: the Family Health Unit I of Santa Cruz da Esperança, the Center for Integrated Health Care of Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, Santa Tereza Hospital, the information on hospitalization requests system in SISAM (Mental Health Information System) and demographic data of the Brazilian Ministry of Health Bus. Results: As a result of this work, the health interoperability platform, called eHealth-Interop, was designed, developed and tested. A proposal was adopted for interoperability through web services with a data integration model based on a centralizing database. A terminology server, called eHealth-Interop Terminology Server, has been developed that can be used as an independent component and in other medical contexts. In total, 31340 patient records were obtained from SISAM, eSUS-AB from Santa Cruz da Esperança, from CAIS from Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, from Santa Tereza Hospital and from the CNS Service Bus from the Brazillian Ministry of Health. 47% (9548) records were identified as present in more than 1 information source, having different levels ofaccuracy and completeness. The data quality analysis, covering all integrated records, obtained an improvement in the average completeness of 18.40% (from 56.47% to 74.87%) and the mean syntactic accuracy of 1.08% (from 96,69% to 96.77%). In the consistency analysis there were improvements in all information sources, ranging from a minimum improvement of 14.4% to a maximum of 51.5%. With the Record Linkage module it was possible to quantify 1066 duplications, of which 226 were manually verified. Conclusions: The information\'s availability and quality are both important aspects for the continuity of care and health services management. The solution proposed in this work aims to establish a computational model to fill this gap. It has been successfully applied in the mental health care context and is flexible to be extendable to other medical domains.

Kunskapsskillnaderna mellan IT och Redovisning och dess påverkan på redovisningsdatakvalitet : en kvalitativ studie på ett av de största bemanningsföretagen i Sverige och i världen

Homanen, Malin, Karlsson, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Det oundvikliga beroendet av digitalisering och IT-system i dagens verksamheter och organisationer ställer krav på dagens arbetskraft att öka sina IT-kunskaper för att kunna integrera och kommunicera med nya datasystem för en mer effektiv verksamhet. Inte minst lika viktigt blir det för redovisningsekonomer som sköter verksamhetens finansiella redovisning då de måste kunna säkerställa att den redovisningsdata som framställs och levereras med hjälp av IT är felfri och uppnår kvalitet. Bristen på kunskap inom IT kan riskera att fel i redovisningsdata inte upptäcks och därmed påverkar redovisningsdatakvalitet. Detta i sin tur riskerar påverka redovisningskvalitet i den slutliga finansiella rapporteringen. Kommunikationen mellan avdelningarna riskerar också bli lidande då de med olika kunskaper har svårt att förstå varandra.Studiens syfte är att försöka bidra med kunskap om hur kunskapsskillnader i digital gundkunskap kan påverka säkerställandet av redovisningsdatakvalitet samt ge insyn i hur arbetet med detta kan gå till i praktiken. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning togs en analysmodell fram som illustrerar identifierade faktorers påverkansordning av redovisningsdatakvalitet; kunskapsskillnader → intern kontroll → redovisningsdatakvalitet.Studien tillämpar en instrumentell fallstudiedesign med en kvalitativ forskningsansats för att besvara frågeställningen. Två fokusgruppsintervjuer utfördes vid två olika tillfällen med respondenter från redovisningsavdelningen och IT-avdelningen från samma företag. Data transkriberades och kodades med hjälp av färgkodning för att tydliggöra de faktorer som utgör utgångspunkten i analysmodellen. En enkätundersökning genomfördes på resterande anställda på respektive avdelning för att komplettera resultaten från intervjuerna.Resultatet av studien visade att kunskapsskillnaderna har liten eller ingen alls direkt påverkan på redovisningsdatakvalitet utan snarare påverkar den interna kontrollen desto mer utifrån externa faktorer som tillkom. / The inevitable dependence on digitization and IT systems in today's operations and organizations demands the current workforce to increase their IT skills in order to be able to integrate and communicate with new computer systems for a more efficient business. It is equally important for financial accountants who’s responsible for the business’s financial reporting, since they must be able to ensure that the accounting data produced and delivered using IT is correct and of high quality. The lack of IT skills can increase the risk of errors in accounting data not detected and thus further affect the accounting data quality. This in turn risks affecting the accounting quality in the final financial reporting. The communication between the departments could also suffer due to the knowledge gaps between them that could make it difficult to understand each other.The aim of the study is to contribute with knowledge about how the differences in knowledge can affect the work in ensuring accounting data quality and give insight into how this work can be realized in practice. With the help of previous research, an analysis model was developed that illustrates identified factors and their influence on accounting data quality; knowledge gaps → internal control → accounting data quality.The study applies an instrumental case study with a qualitative research approach. Two focus group interviews were conducted on two different occasions with respondents from the accounting department and the IT department, both from the same company. Data was transcribed and coded using color coding to clarify the factors that form the basis of the analysis model. A survey was conducted with the other employees to complement and confirm the results found from the interviews.The result of the study showed that the differences in knowledge have little or no direct impact on accounting data quality, but rather affect the internal control, based on external factors that came into light during the analysis of the result. A revised analysis model was developed based on the result and replaced the initial hypothetical model.

Efficient use of a protein structure annotation database

Rother, Kristian 14 August 2007 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine Vielzahl von Daten zur Struktur und Funktion von Proteinen gesammelt. Anschließend wird in strukturellen Daten die atomare Packungsdichte untersucht. Untersuchungen an Strukturen benötigen oftmals maßgeschneiderte Datensätze von Proteinen. Kriterien für die Auswahl einzelner Proteine sind z.B. Eigenschaften der Sequenzen, die Faltung oder die Auflösung einer Struktur. Solche Datensätze mit den im Netz verfügbaren Mitteln herzustellen ist mühselig, da die notwendigen Daten über viele Datenbanken verteilt liegen. Um diese Aufgabe zu vereinfachen, wurde Columba, eine integrierte Datenbank zur Annotation von Proteinstrukturen, geschaffen. Columba integriert insgesamt sechzehn Datenbanken, darunter u.a. die PDB, KEGG, Swiss-Prot, CATH, SCOP, die Gene Ontology und ENZYME. Von den in Columba enthaltenen Strukturen der PDB sind zwei Drittel durch viele andere Datenbanken annotiert. Zum verbliebenen Drittel gibt es nur wenige zusätzliche Angaben, teils da die entsprechenden Strukturen erst seit kurzem in der PDB sind, teils da es gar keine richtigen Proteine sind. Die Datenbank kann über eine Web-Oberfläche unter www.columba-db.de spezifisch für einzelne Quelldatenbanken durchsucht werden. Ein Benutzer kann sich auf diese Weise schnell einen Datensatz von Strukturen aus der PDB zusammenstellen, welche den gewählten Anforderungen entsprechen. Es wurden Regeln aufgestellt, mit denen Datensätze effizient erstellt werden können. Diese Regeln wurden angewandt, um Datensätze zur Analyse der Packungsdichte von Proteinen zu erstellen. Die Packungsanalyse quantifiziert den Raum zwischen Atomen, und kann Regionen finden, in welchen eine hohe lokale Beweglichkeit vorliegt oder welche Fehler in der Struktur beinhalten. In einem Referenzdatensatz wurde so eine große Zahl von atomgroßen Höhlungen dicht unterhalb der Proteinoberfläche gefunden. In Transmembrandomänen treten diese Höhlungen besonders häufig in Kanal- und Transportproteinen auf, welche Konformationsänderungen vollführen. In proteingebundenen Liganden und Coenzymen wurde eine zu den Referenzdaten ähnliche Packungsdichte beobachtet. Mit diesen Ergebnissen konnten mehrere Widersprüche in der Fachliteratur ausgeräumt werden. / In this work, a multitude of data on structure and function of proteins is compiled and subsequently applied to the analysis of atomic packing. Structural analyses often require specific protein datasets, based on certain properties of the proteins, such as sequence features, protein folds, or resolution. Compiling such sets using current web resources is tedious because the necessary data are spread over many different databases. To facilitate this task, Columba, an integrated database containing annotation of protein structures was created. Columba integrates sixteen databases, including PDB, KEGG, Swiss-Prot, CATH, SCOP, the Gene Ontology, and ENZYME. The data in Columba revealed that two thirds of the structures in the PDB database are annotated by many other databases. The remaining third is poorly annotated, partially because the according structures have only recently been published, and partially because they are non-protein structures. The Columba database can be searched by a data source-specific web interface at www.columba-db.de. Users can thus quickly select PDB entries of proteins that match the desired criteria. Rules for creating datasets of proteins efficiently have been derived. These rules were applied to create datasets for analyzing the packing of proteins. Packing analysis measures how much space there is between atoms. This indicates regions where a high local mobility of the structure is required, and errors in the structure. In a reference dataset, a high number of atom-sized cavities was found in a region near the protein surface. In a transmembrane protein dataset, these cavities frequently locate in channels and transporters that undergo conformational changes. A dataset of ligands and coenzymes bound to proteins was packed as least as tightly as the reference data. By these results, several contradictions in the literature have been resolved.

Use of the CIM framework for data management in maintenance of electricity distribution networks

Nordström, Lars January 2006 (has links)
Aging infrastructure and personnel, combined with stricter financial constraints has put maintenance, or more popular Asset Management, at the top of the agenda for most power utilities. At the same time the industry reports that this area is not properly supported by information systems. Today’s power utilities have very comprehensive and complex portfolios of information systems that serve many different purposes. A common problem in such heterogeneous system architectures is data management, e.g. data in the systems do not represent the true status of the equipment in the power grid or several sources of data are contradictory. The research presented in this thesis concerns how this industrial problem can be better understood and approached by novel use of the ontology standardized in the Common Information Model defined in IEC standards 61970 & 61968. The theoretical framework for the research is that of data management using ontology based frameworks. This notion is not new, but is receiving renewed attention due to emerging technologies, e.g. Service Oriented Architectures, that support implementation of such ontological frameworks. The work presented is empirical in nature and takes its origin in the ontology available in the Common Information Model. The scope of the research is the applicability of the CIM ontology, not as it was intended i.e. in systems integration, but for analysis of business processes, legacy systems and data. The work has involved significant interaction with power distribution utilities in Sweden, in order to validate the framework developed around the CIM ontology. Results from the research have been published continuously, this thesis consists of an introduction and summary and papers describing the main contribution of the work. The main contribution of the work presented in this thesis is the validation of the proposition to use the CIM ontology as a basis for analysis existing legacy systems. By using the data models defined in the standards and combining them with established modeling techniques we propose a framework for information system management. The framework is appropriate for analyzing data quality problems related to power systems maintenance at power distribution utilities. As part of validating the results, the proposed framework has been applied in a case study involving medium voltage overhead line inspection. In addition to the main contribution, a classification of the state of the practice system support for power system maintenance at utilities has been created. Second, the work includes an analysis and classification of how high performance Wide Area communication technologies can be used to improve power system maintenance including improving data quality. / QC 20100614

An Effective Implementation of Operational Inventory Management

Sellamuthu, Sivakumar 16 January 2010 (has links)
This Record of Study describes the Doctor of Engineering (DE) internship experience at the Supply Chain Systems Laboratory (SCSL) at Texas A&M University. The objective of the internship was to design and develop automation tools to streamline lab operations related to inventory management projects and during that process adapt and/or extend theoretical inventory models according to real-world business complexity and data integrity problems. A holistic approach to automation was taken to satisfy both short-term and long-term needs subject to organizational constraints. A comprehensive software productivity tool was designed and developed that considerably reduced time and effort spent on non-value adding activities. This resulted in standardizing and streamlining data analysis related activities. Real-world factors that significantly influence the data analysis process were identified and incorporated into model specifications. This helped develop an operational inventory management model that accounted for business complexity and data integrity issues commonly encountered during implementation. Many organizational issues including new business strategies, human resources, administration, and project management were also addressed during the course of the internship.

Datenqualität in Sensordatenströmen / Data Quality in Sensor Data Streams

Klein, Anja 23 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die stetige Entwicklung intelligenter Sensorsysteme erlaubt die Automatisierung und Verbesserung komplexer Prozess- und Geschäftsentscheidungen in vielfältigen Anwendungsszenarien. Sensoren können zum Beispiel zur Bestimmung optimaler Wartungstermine oder zur Steuerung von Produktionslinien genutzt werden. Ein grundlegendes Problem bereitet dabei die Sensordatenqualität, die durch Umwelteinflüsse und Sensorausfälle beschränkt wird. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Datenqualitätsmodells, das Anwendungen und Datenkonsumenten Qualitätsinformationen für eine umfassende Bewertung unsicherer Sensordaten zur Verfügung stellt. Neben Datenstrukturen zur effizienten Datenqualitätsverwaltung in Datenströmen und Datenbanken wird eine umfassende Datenqualitätsalgebra zur Berechnung der Qualität von Datenverarbeitungsergebnissen vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus werden Methoden zur Datenqualitätsverbesserung entwickelt, die speziell auf die Anforderungen der Sensordatenverarbeitung angepasst sind. Die Arbeit wird durch Ansätze zur nutzerfreundlichen Datenqualitätsanfrage und -visualisierung vervollständigt.

Dealing with unstructured data : A study about information quality and measurement / Hantera ostrukturerad data : En studie om informationskvalitet och mätning

Vikholm, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
Many organizations have realized that the growing amount of unstructured text may contain information that can be used for different purposes, such as making decisions. Organizations can by using so-called text mining tools, extract information from text documents. For example within military and intelligence activities it is important to go through reports and look for entities such as names of people, events, and the relationships in-between them when criminal or other interesting activities are being investigated and mapped. This study explores how information quality can be measured and what challenges it involves. It is done on the basis of Wang and Strong (1996) theory about how information quality can be measured. The theory is tested and discussed from empirical material that contains interviews from two case organizations. The study observed two important aspects to take into consideration when measuring information quality: context dependency and source criticism. Context dependency means that the context in which information quality should be measured in must be defined based on the consumer’s needs. Source criticism implies that it is important to take the original source into consideration, and how reliable it is. Further, data quality and information quality is often used interchangeably, which means that organizations needs to decide what they really want to measure. One of the major challenges in developing software for entity extraction is that the system needs to understand the structure of natural language, which is very complicated. / Många organisationer har insett att den växande mängden ostrukturerad text kan innehålla information som kan användas till flera ändamål såsom beslutsfattande. Genom att använda så kallade text-mining verktyg kan organisationer extrahera information från textdokument. Inom till exempel militär verksamhet och underrättelsetjänst är det viktigt att kunna gå igenom rapporter och leta efter exempelvis namn på personer, händelser och relationerna mellan dessa när brottslig eller annan intressant verksamhet undersöks och kartläggs. I studien undersöks hur informationskvalitet kan mätas och vilka utmaningar det medför. Det görs med utgångspunkt i Wang och Strongs (1996) teori om hur informationskvalité kan mätas. Teorin testas och diskuteras utifrån ett empiriskt material som består av intervjuer från två fall-organisationer. Studien uppmärksammar två viktiga aspekter att ta hänsyn till för att mäta informationskvalitét; kontextberoende och källkritik. Kontextberoendet innebär att det sammanhang inom vilket informationskvalitét mäts måste definieras utifrån konsumentens behov. Källkritik innebär att det är viktigt att ta hänsyn informationens ursprungliga källa och hur trovärdig den är. Vidare är det viktigt att organisationer bestämmer om det är data eller informationskvalitét som ska mätas eftersom dessa två begrepp ofta blandas ihop. En av de stora utmaningarna med att utveckla mjukvaror för entitetsextrahering är att systemen ska förstå uppbyggnaden av det naturliga språket, vilket är väldigt komplicerat.

Data Quality Assessment for Closed-Loop System Identification and Forecasting with Application to Soft Sensors

Shardt, Yuri Unknown Date
No description available.

Developing a New Mixed-Mode Methodology For a Provincial Park Camper Survey in British Columbia

Dyck, Brian Wesley 08 July 2013 (has links)
Park and resource management agencies are looking for less costly ways to undertake park visitor surveys. The use of the Internet is often suggested as a way to reduce the costs of these surveys. By itself, however, the use of the Internet for park visitor surveys faces a number of methodological challenges that include the potential for coverage error, sampling difficulties and nonresponse error. A potential way of addressing these challenges is the use of a mixed-mode approach that combines the use of the Internet with another survey mode. The procedures for such a mixed-mode approach, however, have not been fully developed and evaluated. This study develops and evaluates a new mixed-mode approach –a face-to-face/web response – for a provincial park camper survey in British Columbia. The five key steps of this approach are: (a) selecting a random sample of occupied campsites; (b) undertaking a short interview with potential respondents; (c) obtaining an email address at the end of the interview; (d) distributing a postcard to potential respondents that contains the website and an individual access code; and (e) undertaking email follow-ups with nonrespondents. In evaluating this new approach, two experiments were conducted during the summer of 2010. The first experiment was conducted at Goldstream Provincial Park campground and was designed to compare a face-to-face/paper response to face-to-face/web response for several sources of survey errors and costs. The second experiment was conducted at 12 provincial park campgrounds throughout British Columbia and was designed to examine the potential for coverage error and the effect of a number of email follow-ups on return rates, nonresponse error and the substantive results. Taken together, these experiments indicate: a low potential for coverage error (i.e., 4% non-use Internet rate); a high email collection rate for follow-ups (i.e., 99% at Goldstream; a combined rate of 88% for 12 campgrounds); similar return rates between a paper mode (60%) and a web (59%) mode; the use of two email follow-ups reduced nonresponse error for a key variable (i.e., geographic location of residence), but not for all variables; low item nonresponse for both mixed-modes (about 1%); very few differences in the substantive results between each follow-up; a 9% cost saving for the web mode. This study suggests that a face-to face/web approach can provide a viable approach for undertaking park visitor surveys if there is high Internet coverage among park visitors. / Graduate / 0366 / 0344 / 0814 / brdyckfam@yahoo.com

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