Spelling suggestions: "subject:"das."" "subject:"dans.""
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Desenvolvimento de videira `Niagara Rosada´ podada em diferentes épocas / Development of the \'Niagara Rosada\' vine pruned at different seasonsMonaco Neto, Lourival Carmo 30 August 2012 (has links)
A cultura da videira \'Niagara Rosada\' apresenta grande importância em diferentes regiões produtoras, principalmente no estado de São Paulo. Para a produção dessa uva é fundamental a utilização da técnica cultural da poda, que pode ocorrer em diferentes épocas. Dessa forma o presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar o desenvolvimento da videira \'Niagara Rosada\' podada em diferentes épocas mediante a análise de características como o comprimento dos ramos, velocidade média de crescimento de ramos, duração em dias de cada período do ciclo produtivo e soma térmica em graus-dia (GD). As épocas de poda adotadas foram de inverno, com realização em 04/08/2010 e de verão, com realização em 28/01/2011. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com 7 e 8 unidades experimentais cada, totalizando 30 unidades. Cada bloco foi uma planta e a unidade experimental foi um ramo. Para a análise de médias foi empregado o teste de Tukey para comparar os tratamentos de poda de inverno e poda de verão. As variáveis foram comparadas em relação aos períodos do ciclo produtivos: poda à colheita, brotação à colheita, poda à brotação, brotação ao florescimento, florescimento ao início da maturação dos frutos e início da maturação dos frutos à colheita. Houve resultado significativo em todas as comparações entre os tratamentos, de forma que se confirmou que em relação ao tamanho dos ramos, a poda de inverno apresentou ramos mais compridos do que a poda de verão. Em relação à velocidade média de crescimento dos ramos, esta foi superior na poda de inverno do que o observado na poda de verão. Já na duração do ciclo produtivo, houve maior duração no início do ciclo na poda de inverno e maior duração no final do ciclo na poda de verão, de forma que no ciclo como um todo a duração foi praticamente a mesma. Finalmente para a soma térmica, a poda de inverno apresentou valores superiores em todo o ciclo, excetuando-se o período do florescimento ao início da maturação dos frutos, em que a poda de verão apresentou valores superiores. / The importance of the \'Niagara Rosada\" crop is major in several regions, especially in the state of São Paulo. In the production of this vine tree the use of pruning is essential, which can occur in several seasons. With that in mind, this study has as objective to compare \'Niagara Rosada\' vine tree\'s development under different pruning seasons by analyzing characteristics as the length of the branch, average branch growth velocity, duration in days of the production cycle and degreedays (DD). The adopted pruning seasons were the winter pruning, being done in 08/04/2010, and the summer pruning, being done 01/28/2011. As experimental plot were use 4 plants, with 7 or 8 branches each, with the total of 30 branches. To analyze the results was used the Tukey test, comparing the treatments in the different periods of the production cycle (Pruning to Harvest, Sprout to Harvest, Pruning to Sprout, Sprout to Flowering, Flowering to Early Ripening and Early Ripening to Harvest. There was a significant difference between the treatments in all the comparisons. For the length of the branches, the winter pruning showed bigger branches in all the periods than the length of the summer pruning. As for the average branch velocity, it was superior in all the periods in the winter pruning. When considering the duration in days of the periods of the production cycle there was, in the beginning, a longer duration in the winter pruning an a longer duration in the end of the cycle for the summer pruning. When considering the total duration both treatments presented almost the same number. Finally, for the degree-days, the winter pruning showed a bigger rate in all the cycle, except in the Flowering to Early Ripening period, in which the summer pruning showed a bigger rate.
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Fixação de frutos de caqui, sua relação com o acúmulo de graus-dia e a aplicação de ácido giberélico / Persimmon fruit set, its relation to degree-days and the gibberellic acid applicationMatheus Luís Docema 28 June 2016 (has links)
A produção de caqui no estado de São Paulo vem aumentando, sendo o seu cultivo uma boa alternativa para a diversificação de plantas frutíferas pelos produtores. O conhecimento sobre a fenologia e fixação de frutos das principais cultivares de caquizeiros em clima subtropical é de grande importância para o desenvolvimento de práticas culturais que visam uma boa produção, uma vez que em clima temperado a produção é instável pelas altas quedas fisiológicas de flores e frutos. Para isso avaliou-se o acúmulo de graus-dia em diferentes fases fenológicas das principais cultivares plantadas em São Paulo, em clima Cwa, e o efeito da aplicação de ácido giberélico na fixação dos frutos. Para atingir o ponto de colheita, a cultivar Fuyu necessita, após a poda, um acúmulo de 3650 graus-dia, Giombo e Rama-Forte 4559 graus-dia e Taubaté 4280 graus-dia. A queda fisiológica de frutos das quatro cultivares ocorre em até três meses após a antese, com o acúmulo médio de 2074 graus-dia. No período de queda fisiológica, para as quatro cultivares, há dois picos acentuados de abscisão de frutos, o primeiro após a queda de pétalas, com 298 graus-dia e o segundo 50 dias após a antese, com 913 graus-dia. A aplicação exógena de ácido giberélico incrementa a fixação de frutos de caqui nas cultivares Fuyu, Giombo, Rama-Forte e Taubaté, quando há ensacamento de flores. Para as cultivares Fuyu, Giombo e Rama-Forte a aplicação de 100 mg L-1 de ácido giberélico na florada, aumenta a fixação dos frutos em mais de 20%. Para a cultivar Taubaté a aplicação de 300 mg L-1 de ácido giberélico incrementa a fixação em mais de 30%. / The production of persimmon in the Brazilian state of São Paulo is increasing, as its cultivation is a good alternative for the diversification of fruit plants for farmers. The knowledge about the phenology and fruit set of the main persimmon cultivars in subtropical climates is of great importance to the development of agricultural practices aiming for a good production, as in temperate climates the production is instable due to the large physiological flower and fruit drop. Therefore, the accumulation of degree-days in different phenological phases of the main cultivars planted in São Paulo state, in a Cwa climate, was evaluated, as well as the effect of applying gibberellic acid on the fruit set. To reach the point of harvest, the cultivar Fuyu requires 3650 degree-days after pruning, Giombo and Rama-Forte 4559 degree-days and Taubaté 4280 degree-days. The phenological fruit drop of the four cultivars occurs up to three months after the anthesis, with a mean of 2074 degree-days. In the period of physiological fruit drop of the four cultivars, there are two accentuated peaks of fruit abscission, the first after the drop of petals, with 298 degree-days and the second 50 days after the anthesis, with 913 degree-days. The exogenous application of gibberellic acid increases the fruit set of the persimmons for the cultivars Fuyu, Giombo, Rama-Forte and Taubaté, with flowers being bagged. For the cultivars Fuyu, Giombo and Rama-Forte the application of 100 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid during blooming, increases the fruit set by more than 20%. For the cultivar Taubaté the application of 300 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid increases the fruit set by more than 30%.
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Remembering and Forgetting (un)happier Days in Beckett’s <em>Happy Days</em>Weiss, Katherine 04 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The Influence of Chilling and Heat Accumulation on Bloom Timing, Bloom Length and Crop Yield in Almonds (Prunus dulcis (Mill.))Covert, Melanie M 01 December 2011 (has links)
Almonds are one of the first commercial nut trees to bloom in early spring and thus are susceptible to temperature patterns prior to and during bloom which affect bloom timing, bloom length, pollination and nut set. Data used in this project include yearly dates of 90% bloom from 1996-2006, bloom length in days and final crop yields in pounds per tree for Nonpareil and Mission varieties. Data were collected from the University of California Cooperative Extension reports on the 1993-2006 Regional Almond Variety Trials in Butte, San Joaquin and Kern Counties. Temperature pattern models in the form of Chill Hours (Chill Hour Model), Chill Units (Chill Unit Model), Chill Portions (Chill Portion Model) and Growing Degree Hours (GDH°) (Heat Model) prior to bloom were used to predict the date of 90% bloom for each variety, site and year. Temperature model results were compared to averaged actual dates of 90% bloom by site and variety used to predict bloom timing (Calendar Model). The relationship between bloom length in days and GDH° during bloom and the relationship between bloom length, GDH° during bloom and final crop yields were also evaluated. The average error in predicting the 90% bloom date for both Nonpareil and Mission was smaller using the Calendar Model compared to the four temperature pattern models. The Chill Portion model did not have significantly higher average error in predicting the date of 90% bloom than the Calendar model in Nonpareil. The Chill Unit and Chill Portion models had smaller errors in predicting 90% bloom date than the Chill Hour or GDH° model in Mission. GDH° during bloom was positively correlated with bloom length. GDH° during the first four days of Nonpareil bloom was significantly correlated with crop yields, with each additional GDH° during bloom correlated with a 0.4 lbs./tree increase in crop yield. Further research is needed on specific temperature thresholds and their relationship to physiological changes during almond bloom and pollination. The practice of monitoring chilling and heat accumulation will allow growers to anticipate bloom, prepare to optimize bee activity during bloom, and plan for possible crop yield variations due to adverse weather conditions during bloom in almonds.
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Fallrelaterad self-efficacy, gångförmåga och antal vårddagar hos äldre personer som opererats för höftfrakturBotvalde, Lina, Åslund, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Fall orsakar de allra flesta höftfrakturerna och en tredjedel av alla över 65 år i Sverige faller varje år. En persons self-efficacy kan påverka hur aktiv personen vågar vara efter en höftfraktur vilket torde påverka den postoperativa rehabiliteringen. <strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet var att vid hemgång från ortopedavdelning efter operation för höftfraktur undersöka om fallrelaterade self-efficacy skiljer sig i olika äldre åldersgrupper samt samband mellan fallrelaterad self-efficacy, gångförmågan och antalet vårddagar. <strong>Metod:</strong> Medelåldern i studien var 78 år. 14 personer ingick i studien. 6 av personerna tillhörde gruppen äldre/äldre (≥80 år) och resterande tillhörde gruppen yngre/äldre (65-79 år). Personerna som ingick hade ingen till mild kognitiv nedsättning. Frågeformuläret Falls-efficacy scale svenska versionen (FES(S)) även gångtestet Timed Up and Go användes. <strong>Resultat:</strong> Studien kunde inte påvisa några statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i fallrelaterad self-efficacy mellan yngre/äldre och äldre/äldre på FES(S) och dess delskalor. De äldre/äldre skattade dock sin fallrelaterade self-efficacy högre än yngre/äldre. Sambandet mellan FES(S) delskala för personliga aktiviteter i dagliga livet (PADL) och TUG i gruppen äldre/äldre var statistiskt signifikant. Sambanden mellan antalet vårddagar och resultaten på FES(S) var lågt till måttligt. <strong>Konklusion:</strong> Att äldre/äldre skattar högre på FES(S) och har ett starkt samband med resultaten på TUG är något som avdelningar skulle kunna ta hänsyn till i sin rehabilitering genom att träna vardagsaktiviteter för att tillägna sig ökad förståelse av vad de möts av vid hemgång.</p>
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Reverse Stock Splits : An Empirical Approach to the Signaling and Trading Range Hypotheses on Swedish Stocks Subject to Reverse Split between 1995 and 2004Fransson, Abbe January 2005 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar företag som är listade på Stockholmsbörsen som gjorde omvänd split mellan 1995 och 2004. Företagen är testade för abnormal avkastning kring tillkännagivandet av den omvända spliten, samt förändringar i köp-sälj ratio, handels volym och antalet handelsdagar där ingen handel skedde i aktien. Inga abnormala avkastningar eller signifikanta förändringar i köp-sälj ration eller handelsvolymen kunde hittas. Däremot så visar förändringen i antalet handelsdagar utan handel i aktien en försämring och antalet handelsdagar minskade i de aktier som genomgått en omvänd split. Detta medför att likviditeten minskade för de företag som genomförde en omvänd split. / This paper addresses reverse splits for firms trading on the Stockholm stock exchange between 1995 and 2004. The related sample are tested for abnormal returns surrounding the announcement day of the reverse split, as well as any changes in bid-ask spread, trading volume and the number of non-trading days. No findings of abnormal returns or significant changes in either bid-ask spread or trading volume could be found, while the number of non-trading days for the whole sample increased. This may suggest that the marketability decreased for the reverse splitting firms.
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Fallrelaterad self-efficacy, gångförmåga och antal vårddagar hos äldre personer som opererats för höftfrakturBotvalde, Lina, Åslund, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Fall orsakar de allra flesta höftfrakturerna och en tredjedel av alla över 65 år i Sverige faller varje år. En persons self-efficacy kan påverka hur aktiv personen vågar vara efter en höftfraktur vilket torde påverka den postoperativa rehabiliteringen. Syfte: Syftet var att vid hemgång från ortopedavdelning efter operation för höftfraktur undersöka om fallrelaterade self-efficacy skiljer sig i olika äldre åldersgrupper samt samband mellan fallrelaterad self-efficacy, gångförmågan och antalet vårddagar. Metod: Medelåldern i studien var 78 år. 14 personer ingick i studien. 6 av personerna tillhörde gruppen äldre/äldre (≥80 år) och resterande tillhörde gruppen yngre/äldre (65-79 år). Personerna som ingick hade ingen till mild kognitiv nedsättning. Frågeformuläret Falls-efficacy scale svenska versionen (FES(S)) även gångtestet Timed Up and Go användes. Resultat: Studien kunde inte påvisa några statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i fallrelaterad self-efficacy mellan yngre/äldre och äldre/äldre på FES(S) och dess delskalor. De äldre/äldre skattade dock sin fallrelaterade self-efficacy högre än yngre/äldre. Sambandet mellan FES(S) delskala för personliga aktiviteter i dagliga livet (PADL) och TUG i gruppen äldre/äldre var statistiskt signifikant. Sambanden mellan antalet vårddagar och resultaten på FES(S) var lågt till måttligt. Konklusion: Att äldre/äldre skattar högre på FES(S) och har ett starkt samband med resultaten på TUG är något som avdelningar skulle kunna ta hänsyn till i sin rehabilitering genom att träna vardagsaktiviteter för att tillägna sig ökad förståelse av vad de möts av vid hemgång.
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Characterization of seed coat post harvest darkening and condensed tannin accumulation during seed coat development in common bean (<i>Phaseolus vulgaris</i>)Elsadr, Hanny Tarek 09 May 2011
Seed coat biochemistry and colour are highly variable in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) (syn. dry bean). Genetic studies of dry bean seed coat chemistry and colour have important implications in breeding efforts for improving nutrition and seed quality for consumer acceptance. The results of this thesis detail the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of seed coat post harvest darkening (PHD) in parents and progeny of crosses among them as well as the phenotypic characterization of seed coat condensed tannin (CT) accumulation in five genotypes of bean.<p>
Seed coat PHD represents a problem for producers and consumers of several different market classes of dry bean. There are three post harvest darkening phenotypes: (i) non-darkening (ND), (ii) slow darkening (SD) and (iii) regular darkening (RD). The inheritance of PHD was determined by evaluating 28 populations derived from crosses between RD, SD and ND genotypes. Results suggest that at least two major, unlinked genes control the PHD trait in dry bean. Recessive epistasis with three phenotypic classes best explains the segregation ratios observed in populations from crosses between SD and ND parents. One gene, J, is responsible for whether a bean will darken and seeds of plants that are jj do not darken at all. Another gene, SD, influences the rate a seed coat will darken with seed from sdsd individuals darkening more slowly that those with the dominant SD allele.
Quantitative evaluation of seed coat PHD demonstrated that there was a wide range of darkening within any given PHD phenotype. Crosses made between the ND x ND cross class resulted in F2 progeny that were all ND, however, a wide range of seed coat background colours was noted in the progeny. In several of the crosses made between ND x RD and SD x RD classes the resulting F1 progeny were all RD; however, a wide range of RD phenotypes were observed in the F2 progeny. These phenotypes are not likely due to quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with the PHD trait, but rather a result of other chemical reactions occurring in the seed coat. Condensed tannins (CT; syn. proanthocyanidins), kaempferols, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and possibly other compounds or enzymes may be interacting and causing this quantitative range within any given genotype as a function of environmental variability, genotype and their interaction. CT have been associated with PHD but are not responsible for the major difference between RD and SD lines. They may, however be responsible for the quantitative nature of the phenotype.<p>
Condensed tannins can be harmful or beneficial to human health and the environment depending on the amount present and where it is found in the plant. Manipulating the production, accumulation and form of CT in the seed coat of dry bean would be beneficial to bean producers, consumers and breeders. This experiment quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated differences in patterns of CT accumulation in the seed coats of five genotypes of dry bean which exhibited low, medium or high concentrations of CT in their seed coats at maturity. Condensed tannin content was assessed from seeds harvested every other day from 6 40 days after flowering (DAF) using a modified BuOH-HCl assay. Results illustrated that CT accumulated as early in low CT genotypes as in high CT genotypes. CT content stabilized after 14 DAF in low CT genotypes. By contrast, CT content peaked then leveled off 30 DAF in moderate and high CT genotypes. A reduction in CT content in the higher CT lines was observed in the final stages of seed development.
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Association analysis of MC1R, MC4R and AGRP in beef cattleMcLean, Kim Lauren 13 January 2010
Three interrelated genes postulated to affect economically important traits related to growth and/or carcass quality of beef cattle were chosen to characterize and perform association analyses for this study. Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) and agouti related protein (AGRP) play an integral role in the appetite pathway and in fat deposition.<p>
We genotyped 328 crossbred steers of various coat colours that were purchased at weaning and fed until slaughter for the previously published alleles ED, E+ and e. The E+ allele was present at five percent in this population and therefore was not included in further analysis. Black cattle of ED/ED or ED/e genotype had increased backfat (P<0.05) and required significantly fewer days (15-25) (P<0.01) on feed to reach a target fat level for slaughter compared to the red cattle. Red cattle of e/e genotype were found to have significantly larger longissimus dorsi (l. dorsi) area, shipping weight and hot carcass weight. Subsequent analysis revealed that the differences were comparable whether black versus red coat colour or MC1R genotype was used as the criteria for the group of cattle.<p>
MC4R sequence was obtained from 20 random crossbred steers. In addition to several previously published polymorphisms, a novel Ser330Asn polymorphism was detected. A population of 382 crossbred Canadian steers and 985 crossbred American steers was genotyped for this Ser330Asn polymorphism. A minor allele frequency of 0.01 was observed in the Canadian and 0.02 in the American steer populations. No homozygous g.989AA cattle were detected. In the Canadian population, heterozygous steers had increased grade fat (P=0.036) and decreased lean meat yield (P=0.032). Similarly in the American population, steers of the g.989GA genotype had increased backfat (P=0.031) and less desirable yield grades (P=0.022,) but also lower ribeye area measurements (P=0.031). These results suggest that genotyping for the Ser330Asn polymorphism may lead to increased quality of carcasses either through lean meat production or backfat measurements, depending on the goal of the beef operation.<p>
Sequence data obtained from 38 Bos taurus beef cattle, 4 Holsteins and 4 Bos indicus cattle revealed six polymorphisms in the AGRP gene. No polymorphisms that altered amino acids were detected in Bos taurus cattle. Genotyping of 382 crossbred beef steers was performed for two polymorphisms, an intronic deletion (g.439_440delTC) and a base pair substitution in exon 4 that did not alter an amino acid (g.715G>A). An ANOVA analysis, using PROC Mixed, was performed for both polymorphisms on several growth and carcass traits. No significant differences were observed.<p>
Polymorphisms in MC1R and MC4R could be used as genetic tests which may be beneficial for beef producers in North America. The significant differences observed in this study in relation to cattle growth and fat deposition would represent savings for producers when used for sorting feedlot cattle or in selection of breeding cattle.
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Characterization of seed coat post harvest darkening and condensed tannin accumulation during seed coat development in common bean (<i>Phaseolus vulgaris</i>)Elsadr, Hanny Tarek 09 May 2011 (has links)
Seed coat biochemistry and colour are highly variable in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) (syn. dry bean). Genetic studies of dry bean seed coat chemistry and colour have important implications in breeding efforts for improving nutrition and seed quality for consumer acceptance. The results of this thesis detail the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of seed coat post harvest darkening (PHD) in parents and progeny of crosses among them as well as the phenotypic characterization of seed coat condensed tannin (CT) accumulation in five genotypes of bean.<p>
Seed coat PHD represents a problem for producers and consumers of several different market classes of dry bean. There are three post harvest darkening phenotypes: (i) non-darkening (ND), (ii) slow darkening (SD) and (iii) regular darkening (RD). The inheritance of PHD was determined by evaluating 28 populations derived from crosses between RD, SD and ND genotypes. Results suggest that at least two major, unlinked genes control the PHD trait in dry bean. Recessive epistasis with three phenotypic classes best explains the segregation ratios observed in populations from crosses between SD and ND parents. One gene, J, is responsible for whether a bean will darken and seeds of plants that are jj do not darken at all. Another gene, SD, influences the rate a seed coat will darken with seed from sdsd individuals darkening more slowly that those with the dominant SD allele.
Quantitative evaluation of seed coat PHD demonstrated that there was a wide range of darkening within any given PHD phenotype. Crosses made between the ND x ND cross class resulted in F2 progeny that were all ND, however, a wide range of seed coat background colours was noted in the progeny. In several of the crosses made between ND x RD and SD x RD classes the resulting F1 progeny were all RD; however, a wide range of RD phenotypes were observed in the F2 progeny. These phenotypes are not likely due to quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with the PHD trait, but rather a result of other chemical reactions occurring in the seed coat. Condensed tannins (CT; syn. proanthocyanidins), kaempferols, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and possibly other compounds or enzymes may be interacting and causing this quantitative range within any given genotype as a function of environmental variability, genotype and their interaction. CT have been associated with PHD but are not responsible for the major difference between RD and SD lines. They may, however be responsible for the quantitative nature of the phenotype.<p>
Condensed tannins can be harmful or beneficial to human health and the environment depending on the amount present and where it is found in the plant. Manipulating the production, accumulation and form of CT in the seed coat of dry bean would be beneficial to bean producers, consumers and breeders. This experiment quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated differences in patterns of CT accumulation in the seed coats of five genotypes of dry bean which exhibited low, medium or high concentrations of CT in their seed coats at maturity. Condensed tannin content was assessed from seeds harvested every other day from 6 40 days after flowering (DAF) using a modified BuOH-HCl assay. Results illustrated that CT accumulated as early in low CT genotypes as in high CT genotypes. CT content stabilized after 14 DAF in low CT genotypes. By contrast, CT content peaked then leveled off 30 DAF in moderate and high CT genotypes. A reduction in CT content in the higher CT lines was observed in the final stages of seed development.
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