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Fallrelaterad self-efficacy, gångförmåga och antal vårddagar hos äldre personer som opererats för höftfrakturBotvalde, Lina, Åslund, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Fall orsakar de allra flesta höftfrakturerna och en tredjedel av alla över 65 år i Sverige faller varje år. En persons self-efficacy kan påverka hur aktiv personen vågar vara efter en höftfraktur vilket torde påverka den postoperativa rehabiliteringen. <strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet var att vid hemgång från ortopedavdelning efter operation för höftfraktur undersöka om fallrelaterade self-efficacy skiljer sig i olika äldre åldersgrupper samt samband mellan fallrelaterad self-efficacy, gångförmågan och antalet vårddagar. <strong>Metod:</strong> Medelåldern i studien var 78 år. 14 personer ingick i studien. 6 av personerna tillhörde gruppen äldre/äldre (≥80 år) och resterande tillhörde gruppen yngre/äldre (65-79 år). Personerna som ingick hade ingen till mild kognitiv nedsättning. Frågeformuläret Falls-efficacy scale svenska versionen (FES(S)) även gångtestet Timed Up and Go användes. <strong>Resultat:</strong> Studien kunde inte påvisa några statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i fallrelaterad self-efficacy mellan yngre/äldre och äldre/äldre på FES(S) och dess delskalor. De äldre/äldre skattade dock sin fallrelaterade self-efficacy högre än yngre/äldre. Sambandet mellan FES(S) delskala för personliga aktiviteter i dagliga livet (PADL) och TUG i gruppen äldre/äldre var statistiskt signifikant. Sambanden mellan antalet vårddagar och resultaten på FES(S) var lågt till måttligt. <strong>Konklusion:</strong> Att äldre/äldre skattar högre på FES(S) och har ett starkt samband med resultaten på TUG är något som avdelningar skulle kunna ta hänsyn till i sin rehabilitering genom att träna vardagsaktiviteter för att tillägna sig ökad förståelse av vad de möts av vid hemgång.</p>
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Fallrelaterad self-efficacy, gångförmåga och antal vårddagar hos äldre personer som opererats för höftfrakturBotvalde, Lina, Åslund, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Fall orsakar de allra flesta höftfrakturerna och en tredjedel av alla över 65 år i Sverige faller varje år. En persons self-efficacy kan påverka hur aktiv personen vågar vara efter en höftfraktur vilket torde påverka den postoperativa rehabiliteringen. Syfte: Syftet var att vid hemgång från ortopedavdelning efter operation för höftfraktur undersöka om fallrelaterade self-efficacy skiljer sig i olika äldre åldersgrupper samt samband mellan fallrelaterad self-efficacy, gångförmågan och antalet vårddagar. Metod: Medelåldern i studien var 78 år. 14 personer ingick i studien. 6 av personerna tillhörde gruppen äldre/äldre (≥80 år) och resterande tillhörde gruppen yngre/äldre (65-79 år). Personerna som ingick hade ingen till mild kognitiv nedsättning. Frågeformuläret Falls-efficacy scale svenska versionen (FES(S)) även gångtestet Timed Up and Go användes. Resultat: Studien kunde inte påvisa några statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i fallrelaterad self-efficacy mellan yngre/äldre och äldre/äldre på FES(S) och dess delskalor. De äldre/äldre skattade dock sin fallrelaterade self-efficacy högre än yngre/äldre. Sambandet mellan FES(S) delskala för personliga aktiviteter i dagliga livet (PADL) och TUG i gruppen äldre/äldre var statistiskt signifikant. Sambanden mellan antalet vårddagar och resultaten på FES(S) var lågt till måttligt. Konklusion: Att äldre/äldre skattar högre på FES(S) och har ett starkt samband med resultaten på TUG är något som avdelningar skulle kunna ta hänsyn till i sin rehabilitering genom att träna vardagsaktiviteter för att tillägna sig ökad förståelse av vad de möts av vid hemgång.
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Patienter med höftfraktur : Könsskillnader samt riskfaktorer för nedsatt gångförmåga och smärta fyra månader efter operation - en registerstudie / Patients with hip fracture : Gender differences and risk factors of impaired walking ability and pain four months after surgery - a register studyLundgren, Marie Catharina January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att råka ut för en osteoporosrelaterad höftfraktur medför ofta att personernas funktionsnivå försämras mer än vad som kan förklaras av åldrandet i sig. Syfte: Att hos personer som blir inlagda på sjukhus på grund av höftfraktur, dels beskriva könsskillnader och dels identifiera riskfaktorer för nedsatt gångförmåga och smärta i den opererade höften fyra månader postoperativt. Metod: En registerstudie där 1000 personer, 50 år och äldre, med icke patologisk höftfraktur ingick. Registermaterialet analyserades dels deskriptivt och dels med multivariata regressionsmodeller för att undersöka riskfaktorer för nedsatt gångförmåga och smärta. Resultat: Kvinnorna var äldre, friskare enligt ASA, använde mer gånghjälpmedel och bodde oftare ensamma innan frakturen jämfört med männen. Riskfaktorer för nedsatt gångförmåga var högre ålder (OR = 1,07; 95% CI, 1,05-1,10), att vara svårare sjuk enligt ASA (OR = 2,04; 95% CI, 1,50-2,77) och att inte använda gånghjälpmedel (OR = 0,36; 95% CI, 0,25-0,53). Riskfaktorer för smärta i den opererade höften var lägre ålder (OR = 0,95; 95% CI, 0,92-0,97) och att inte använda gånghjälpmedel före fraktur (OR = 0,68; 95% CI, 0,47-0,99). Slutsats: Det är viktigt att utveckla rehabiliteringsprocessen för att minska risken för nedsatt gångförmåga speciellt för äldre personer och att optimera smärtbehandlingen framför allt till de yngre. / Background: To incur a hip fracture often means that people's level of function deteriorates more than can be explained by the aging process itself. Objective: To describe gender differences and also identify risk factors for impaired walking ability and pain in the operated hip four months postoperatively. Method: A register study in which 1,000 people, aged 50 and older, with non-pathological hip fracture were included. Index was analyzed partly descriptive and partly by multivariate regression models to examine risk factors for impaired walking ability and pain. Results: The women were older, healthier according to ASA, using more walking aids and more often lived alone before the fracture compared with men. Risk factors for impaired walking ability were older age (OR = 1.07, 95% CI, 1.05-1.10), to be affected with severe illness according to ASA (OR = 2.04, 95% CI, 1.50-2.77) and not using walking aids (OR = 0.36, 95% CI, 0.25-0.53). Risk factors for pain in the operated hip were younger age (OR = 0.95, 95% CI, 0.92-0.97) and not using walking aids before fracture (OR = 0.68, 95% CI, 0.47-0.99). Conclusion: It is important to develop the rehabilitation process to reduce the risk of impaired walking ability especially for older people and to optimize pain management particular to the young.
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<p> Injurious pecking, aggression, footpad dermatitis and leg abnormalities have been identified as major welfare issues in commercial turkey production, which lead to culling and mortality, downgraded carcass value and economic losses due to decreased productivity and carcass damage. Injurious pecking includes aggressive pecking (head pecking), feather pecking, and cannibalism. Aggressive pecking is related to aggression and is more prevalent in males than females. Feather pecking consists of non-damaging gentle feather pecking and severe feather pecking that can cause feather, skin and tissue damage, and even death in extreme cases. Common methods to control injurious pecking include infrared beak treatment and reduced light intensity, but those methods can result in inconsistent effects on feather condition and negative affect eye development. Footpad dermatitis and leg abnormalities can lead to lameness and an inability of turkeys to access feed and water. </p>
<p> Environmental enrichment, which is the modification of the environment of captive animals to improve their biological functioning, is one alternative way of reducing injurious pecking and potentially improving turkeys’ walking ability. In meat-type poultry production, five types of environmental enrichment are usually used, which include social enrichment, occupational enrichment, physical enrichment, sensory enrichment and nutritional enrichment. For turkeys, some types of physical enrichment such as foraging and pecking enrichment have been found to be most effective in reducing injuries caused by injurious pecking and elevated structures (e.g. platform or straw bale) were effective in promoting locomotive exercise. </p>
<p> To address some of the gaps in the knowledge regarding the effects of environmental enrichment on turkey behavior, welfare and walking ability, this study examined 1) age-related changes in welfare and gait when turkeys are provided with different types of environmental enrichment; 2) the effects of different types of environmental enrichment on enrichment usage and injurious pecking behavior; 3) specific behaviors and relative location of turkeys when they interact with different types of environmental enrichment.</p>
<p> Data were collected from a total of 420 beak-trimmed tom turkeys housed in 24 littered pens located in two rooms within the same barn. Birds were randomly assigned to six treatment groups with 4 replicate pens per treatment group, including five enrichment groups (straw bale, platform, platform + straw bale, pecking block and tunnel) and a control group (no additional enrichment provided). Welfare measures (wounds on the head, neck, snood, back and tail; beak abnormalities; feather quality; feather cleanliness; and footpad condition) and walking ability (gait) were assessed at 8, 12, 16 and 19 wk. Postmortem footpad condition was assessed at 19 wk. Behavior of turkeys was video recorded at 8, 12 and 16 wk and analyzed using scan sampling. The proportions of turkeys performing target behaviors were determined every 15 min (07:00 h - 22:00 h). Welfare and gait data were analyzed using PROC LOGISTIC with Firth bias-correction. Behavior data were analyzed using PROC GLIMMIX.</p>
<p> Better wing feather quality with age was observed in turkeys in the straw bale and tunnel groups. Footpad condition worsened with age for turkeys in all treatment groups except for the straw bale group. Gait worsened with age in all treatment groups while earlier onset of gait problem was observed in turkeys provided with a tunnel or no enrichment (control group). The average proportion of turkeys using the enrichments declined with age. Turkeys provided with a platform + straw bale had the highest levels of enrichment usage, followed by the platform group. Preening and severe feather pecking behavior did not change with age and were unaffected by the type of enrichment provided. Aggressive pecking and gentle feather pecking were not influenced by the type of enrichment provided. Higher average proportions of turkeys were observed performing environmental pecking in the control group than in the platform + straw bale group. Turkeys’ usage of enrichments mainly included resting on top, locomotion, pecking and remaining under the enrichment when they had access to platforms; resting on top, locomotion and pecking when they had access to straw bales or pecking blocks; and remaining in the tunnel and pecking when they had access to a tunnel.</p>
<p> In conclusion, environmental enrichment showed beneficial effects on turkey wing feather quality, footpad condition and walking ability. Providing tom turkeys with straw bales and tunnels as environmental enrichment can help improve wing feather quality with age and providing straw bales may reduce the development of footpad dermatitis under suboptimal litter conditions. Providing enrichments that can help increase turkey activity and locomotion, including enrichment that can satisfy turkeys’ pecking and foraging needs (straw bale or pecking block) and elevated structures (bale or platform), may be beneficial for turkey walking ability. Multi-functional environmental enrichments, especially a combination of enrichment objects, can promote turkeys’ natural behaviors. Turkeys had the highest enrichment usage when provided with a combination of different enrichment objects (e.g., platform + straw bale) that can serve multiple functions to fulfill their different behavioral needs. Providing a platform only can also achieve high enrichment usage. Turkeys gradually lost interest in interacting with enrichments over time, which may be associated with habituation, destruction of some enrichment objects (e.g. straw bale and pecking block) and fecal contamination on the surface of enrichments. </p>
<p> Future research will be valuable in examining the effects of different types of environmental enrichment in various commercial facilities and across different flocks and seasons. Research is needed to examine the effect of enrichments on turkey activity levels and whether there is a relationship between increased activity level and turkey walking ability. In addition, the effectiveness of making periodic changes to the enrichment objects and using unpredicted schedules of presenting the enrichments on habituation will need to be examined.</p>
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Effekten av fysisk aktivitet på gångförmåga och livskvalitét hos personer med claudicatio intermittens : En litteraturstudie / The effect of physical activity on walking ability and quality of life in people with intermittent claudication : A literature studyHultén, Maja, Kegg, Johan January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Claudicatio Intermittens är vanligt förekommande hos äldre personer och ger upphov till fysiska och psykiska besvär såsom försämrad gångförmåga och sämre livskvalite. Fysisk aktivitet är en viktig fysioterapeutisk behandlingsmetod som har visat goda resultat för patientgruppen. Därför är det viktigt att sammanställa aktuell evidens för att öka och tillgängliggöra ny kunskap. Syfte: Att undersöka det vetenskapliga underlaget för fysisk aktivitet som behandling och dess effekt på gångförmåga och livskvalitet hos patienter med claudicatio intermittens. Metod: Studiens design var litteraturstudie. En litteratursökning efter randomiserade kontrollerade studier genomfördes i databasen PubMed. De utvalda studiernas kvalitet granskades enligt PEDro-skalan och tillförlitligheten av resultatet bedömdes utifrån ”Bedömning av den sammanvägda tillförlitligheten i systematiska översikter”. Resultat: Sex studier inkluderades i litteraturstudien. Bäst resultat gällande gångförmåga och livskvalitet fick grupperna som genomgick endovaskulär revaskularisering i kombination med en intervention som innehöll fysisk aktivitet. Samtliga studier fick hög kvalitet från granskningen enligt PEDro. Tillförlitligheten av det sammanvägda resultatet bedömdes enligt ”Bedömning av den sammanvägda tillförlitligheten i systematiska översikter” vara låg. Konklusion: Kombinationen av endovaskulär revaskularisering och fysisk aktivitet hade positiv effekt på utfallsmåttet gångförmåga och livskvalitét hos patienter med claudicatio intermittens, men ingen skillnad mellan olika sorters fysisk aktivitet framgick. Fler studier av hög kvalitet som jämför liknande interventioner behövs för att med hög tillförlitlighet kunna avgöra vilken behandling som ger bäst effekt. / Background: Intermittent claudication is common in the elderly population and causes physical and psychological problems such as impaired walking ability and poorer quality of life. Physical activity is an important physiotherapeutic method that has shown promising results for this population. Therefore, it is important to summarize current evidence in order to increase new knowledge and make it available. Purpose: The aim of this literature study was to examine the scientific evidence for physical activity as a treatment, and its effect on walking capacity and quality of life in patients with intermittent claudication Method: The design of the study was literature study. A literature search for randomized controlled trials was conducted in the PubMed database. The quality of the included studies was examined by the PEDro scale, and the reliability of the results was assessed with ”Bedömning av den sammanvägda tillförlitligheten i systematiska översikter”. Result: Six studies were included in the literature study. The best results regarding walking ability and quality of life were obtained by the groups that underwent endovascular revascularization in combination with an intervention that included physical activity. All studies received high quality according to PEDro. According to with ”Bedömning av den sammanvägda tillförlitligheten i systematiska översikter”, the reliability of the combined results was considered low. Conclusion: The combination of endovascular revascularization and physical activity had a positive effect on the outcome measures walking ability and quality of life in patients with intermittent claudication. No difference between different types of physical activity could be seen. More studies of high quality comparing similar interventions are needed to be able to determine, with high reliability, which treatment produces the best effect.
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Mätning av gångförmåga efter operation av lumbal spinal stenos och korrelation mot subjektivt skattad gångförmåga i hälsofunktionsindexFransson, Roland January 2014 (has links)
Lumbal spinal stenos är ett av de vanligaste patologiska tillstånden i ryggen. Primärt mål för de flesta av interventionerna vid lumbal spinal stenos är en förbättring av gångförmågan. I det Svenska ryggregistret för uppföljning av kirurgi saknas utvärdering av objektivt uppmätt gångförmåga. Syfte: Att undersöka hur objektivt uppmätt gångförmåga påverkas efter en operation av lumbal spinal stenos samt hur den korrelerar mot subjektivt skattad gångförmåga och mot skattad rygghälsa samt livskvalitet. Metod: Etthundrasjuttiotre patienter i ålder 50-81 år utförde pre och 24 månader postoperativt ett standardiserat six minutes walk test (6 MWT) samt besvarade enkäter om självskattad gångförmåga, livskvalitet (EQ5D) och rygghälsa (ODI). Signifikans på förändring av medelvärdet av gångförmågan beräknades med ett parat t-test och 95 % konfidensintervall. Korrelation mellan uppmätt gångförmåga och självskattad gångförmåga samt mot EQ5D och ODI beräknades med Spearmans rangkorrelation. Resultat: Gångförmågan mätt med 6MWT förbättrades från 314 meter preoperativt till 396 meter 24 månader postoperativt. Korrelationen mellan uppmätt gångförmåga och självskattad gångförmåga var 0,68 postoperativt. Korrelationen mellan 6 MWT och EQ5D var 0,60 och mot ODI 0,65, 2 år postoperativt. Konklusion: Resultatet i denna studie visade på en signifikant förbättring av objektivt uppmätt gångförmåga två år efter en operation av lumbal spinal stenos. Korrelationen mellan självskattad gångförmåga och 6 MWT var moderat. Korrelationen mellan 6 MWT och EQ5D var moderat och moderat till stark mot ODI. / Lumbar spinal stenosis is one of the most common pathological conditions in the lower back. A primary goal for most of the interventions for lumbar spinal stenosis is an improvement of walking ability. In the Swedish back registry for follow-up surgery objectively measured gait is missing. Objective: To examine how objectively measured walking capacity is affected by an operation of lumbar spinal stenosis and how it correlates with subjective estimated walking capacity, back health (ODI) and quality of life (EQ5D). Method: Onehundredseventythree patients in age 50-81 years performed pre and 24 months postoperatively a standardized six minutes walk test (6 MWT) and responded to questionnaires about self-rated gait, EQ5D and ODI. Significance of the change in mean walking ability was calculated by using a paired t-test and 95% confidence intervals. Correlation between the measured gait and self-rated gait as well as against EQ5D and ODI were calculated with Spearman rank correlation. Result: Walking capacity measured by the 6MWT improved from 314 to 396 meters, 24 months postoperatively. The correlation between the measured and self-rated gait were 0,68 postoperatively. Correlation between 6MWT and EQ5D were 0,60 and against ODI 0.65, 2 years postoperatively. Conclusion: The results of this study showed a significant improvement in objectively measured walking capacity, two years after an operation of lumbar spinal stenosis. Correlation between self-rated gait and 6 MWT were moderate. Correlation between 6MWT and EQ5D were moderate and against ODI moderately strong.
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Prolonged-release fampridine in multiple sclerosis: clinical data and real-world experience. Report of an expert meetingAlbrecht, Philipp, Bjørnå, Ingrid Kristine, Brassat, David, Farrell, Rachel, Feys, Peter, Hobart, Jeremy, Linnebank, Michael, Hupperts, Raymond, Magdič, Jožef, Oreja-Guevara, Celia, Pozzilli, Carlo, Vasco Salgado, Antonio, Ziemssen, Tjalf 05 November 2019 (has links)
Prolonged-release (PR) fampridine is the only approved medication to improve walking in multiple sclerosis (MS), having been shown to produce a clinically meaningful improvement in walking ability in the subset of MS patients with Expanded Disability Status Scale 4–7. Recent responder subgroup analyses in the phase III ENHANCE study show a large effect size in terms of an increase of 20.58 points on the patient-reported 12-item MS Walking Scale in the 43% of patients classified as responders to PR-fampridine, corresponding to a standardized response mean of 1.68. Use of PR-fampridine in clinical practice varies across Europe, depending partly on whether it is reimbursed. A group of European MS experts met in June 2017 to discuss their experience with using PR-fampridine, including their views on the patient population for treatment, assessment of treatment response, re-testing and retreatment, and stopping criteria. This article summarizes the experts’ opinions on how PRfampridine can be used in real-world clinical practice to optimize the benefits to people with MS with impaired walking ability.
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<p dir="ltr">The environmental factors that any living being experiences can have lasting influences on the rest of their life. There have been major changes in the poultry industry. Recently consumers are wanting products that reflect their own values and have experiences that better allow them to express natural behaviors, in turn benefiting the animals biological functioning. But, with endemic issues the industry is facing change needs to be made in order to ensure animals are able to live in their environment free of dangers and provided with all of the recourses they need to be successful and become a quality edible product for customers.</p><p dir="ltr">This study investigated the impact of environmental enrichment (EE) (CO = control, PB = pecking block, PL = platform, RO = robot, SB = strawbale, TU = tunnel) and forced locomotor periods and their effect on commercial tom turkeys. Two replicates of 400 male broad breasted white turkeys (n = 800) were reared and observed at different age points to assess the effects of environmental modifications. Toms were analyzed to see if the environmental modifications provided had an impact on the footpad health, walking ability, or objective gait parameters at different time points through the bird’s life.</p><p dir="ltr">On average, the walking ability of male commercial broad-breasted white turkeys was more affected by their age and body weight than the EE or forced locomotor period provided in this experiment. But, concerning the specific gait parameters of birds, few impacts (effects to gait time and gait distance) were observed in the objective gait parameter output form individual birds. Further investigation is needed to better understand the impact of environmental modifications on common problems seen in commercially available tom turkeys raised for consumption. Gait impairments and footpad health issues that face the turkey industry have persisted for some time, but with new research examining any links between the animal’s environment, walking ability, and foot health, producers have the possibility to reduce the possibility of premature culling while still providing high levels of care by providing biologically relevant modifications to the bird’s environment.</p>
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