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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Air-water experiments in a vertical DN200-pipe

Beyer, M., Lucas, D., Kussin, J., Schütz, P. January 2008 (has links)
The extensive experimental results presented in this report provide a high-quality database for air-/water flows in a vertical pipe with a nominal diameter of 200 mm. This database can be used for the development and validation of CFD-like models for two-phase flows, e.g. for bubble coalescence and fragmentation. In particular, the investigations aim on the evolution of the two-phase flow along the pipe height. Therefore, up to 18 single measurements with varying distances between the gas injection and measurement plane were realised for each of the 92 combinations of gas and water flow rates. The pressure at the position of the activated gas injection was kept constant at 0.25 MPa(a). This boundary condition has the advantage that the measured data represent exactly the evolution of the flow along the pipe, i.e. they reflect a configuration at which the gas injection is at a fixed height position, while the measurement plane varies. Important results of this test series are time averaged radial profiles of the gas fraction, and the gas velocity, as well as the time and cross-section averaged bubble size distributions. Furthermore, gas fraction data resolved regarding the bubble size and spatial distribution are presented. As in previous test series, flow patterns were analysed, whereby the classification results from the bubble size. A substantial part of these new air/water experiments were quality and plausibility checks of the measured data. In the result, a clear and consistent trend regarding their evolution with increasing distance from the position of the gas injection was found. Comparisons of the trend of time and cross section averaged gas volume fraction along the pipe height with the theoretically expected values were carried out. The influence of the orifice diameter of the gas injection on flow patterns is also discussed in the report.

Luft-Wasser Experimente im vertikalen DN200-Rohr

Beyer, M., Lucas, D., Kussin, J., Schütz, P. January 2008 (has links)
Die im Rahmen dieser Versuchsserie erzielten umfangreichen experimentellen Ergebnisse bilden eine hochwertige Datenbasis für Luft-Wasser-Strömungen in einem vertikalen DN200-Rohr, die für die Entwicklung und Validierung von CFD-Modellen, beispielweise bzgl. Blasenkoaleszenz und -fragmentierung, genutzt werden können. Besonderes interessant ist die Untersuchung der Entwicklung der Zweiphasenströmung über der Rohrhöhe. Aus diesem Grund wurden für jede der 92 betrachteten Kombinationen aus Gas- und Wasser-Volumenstromdichten bis zu 18 Messungen mit variablen Abständen zwischen Gaseinspeisung und Messebene durchgeführt. Dabei wurde der Druck an der Gaseinspeisestelle konstant auf 0,25 MPa(a) gehalten. Diese Randbedingung bietet den Vorteil, dass die so gemessenen Daten die Entwicklung der Strömung über der Rohrhöhe widerspiegeln, d.h. eine Konfiguration beschreiben, bei der das Gas an einer festen Höhenposition eingespeist wird und die Messungen in verschiedenen darüberliegenden Ebenen erfolgen. Wesentliche Ergebnisse dieser Messserie sind radiale zeitgemittelte Profile für den Gasgehalt und die Gasgeschwindigkeit sowie zeit- und querschnittsgemittelte Blasengrößenverteilungen. Außerdem liegen blasengrößen- und ortsaufgelöste Gasgehaltsdaten vor. Wie bereits bei früheren Versuchsserien wurden auch in diesem Fall die Strömungsformen analysiert, wobei die Klassifizierung anhand der Blasengröße erfolgte. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser neuen Luft/Wasser-Versuche war die Qualitäts- und Plausibilitätsprüfung der Messdaten. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Daten einen eindeutigen, widerspruchsfreien Trend bzgl. ihrer Entwicklung mit zunehmendem Abstand von der Gaseinspeisung aufweisen. Zur Plausibilitätsprüfung wurden Vergleiche des Gasgehaltsverlaufes über der Rohrhöhe mit theoretisch zu erwartenden Kurven durchgeführt. Zusätzlich zu diesen Ergebnissen enthält der Bericht eine Einschätzung des Einflusses des Bohrungsdurchmessers an der Gaseinspeisung auf die sich einstellende Strömung.

The 14N(p,γ)O15 reaction studied at low and high beam energy

Marta, Michele January 2012 (has links)
The Bethe-Weizsäcker cycle consists of a set of nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen into helium and release energy in the stars. It determines the luminosity of low-metal stars at their turn-off from the main-sequence in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram, so its rate enters the calculation of the globular clusters’ age, an independent lower limit on the age of the universe. The cycle contributes less than 1% to our Sun’s luminosity, but it produces neutrinos that can in principle be measured on Earth in underground experiments and bring direct information of the physical conditions in the solar core, provided that the nuclear reaction rate is known with sufficient precision. The 14N(p,γ)15O reaction is the slowest reaction of the Bethe-Weizs¨acker cycle and establishes its rate. Its cross section is the sum of the contributions by capture to different excited levels and to the ground state in 15O. Recent experiments studied the region of the resonance at Ep = 278 keV. Only one modern data set from an experiment performed in 1987 is available for the high-energy domain. Both energy ranges are needed to constrain the fit of the excitation function in the R-matrix framework and to obtain a reliable extrapolated S-factor at the very low astrophysical energies. The present research work studied the 14N(p,γ)15O reaction in the LUNA (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics) underground facility at three proton energies 0.36, 0.38, 0.40MeV, and in Dresden in the energy range Ep = 0.6 - 2MeV. In both cases, an intense proton beam was sent on solid titanium nitride sputtered targets, and the prompt photons emitted from the reaction were detected with germanium detectors. At LUNA, a composite germanium detector was used. This enabled a measurement with dramatically reduced summing corrections with respect to previous studies. The cross sections for capture to the ground state and to the excited states at 5181, 6172, and 6792 keV in 15O have been determined. An R-matrix fit was performed for capture to the ground state, that resolved the literature discrepancy of a factor two on the extrapolated S-factor. New precise branching ratios for the decay of the Ep = 278 keV resonance were measured. In Dresden, the strength of the Ep = 1058 keV resonance was measured relative to the well-known resonance at Ep = 278 keV, after checking the angular distribution. Its uncertainty is now half of the error quoted in literature. The branching ratios were also measured, showing that their recommended values should be updated. Preliminary data for the two most intense transitions off resonance are provided. The presence in the targets of the other stable nitrogen isotope 15N with its well- known isotopic abundance, allowed to measure the strength of two resonances at Ep = 430 and 897 keV of the 15N(p,αγ)12 C reaction, improving the precision for hydrogen depth profiling.

Modeling of metal nanocluster growth on patterned substrates and surface pattern formation under ion bombardment

Numazawa, Satoshi January 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses the metal nanocluster growth process on prepatterned substrates, the development of atomistic simulation method with respect to an acceleration of the atomistic transition states, and the continuum model of the ion-beam inducing semiconductor surface pattern formation mechanism. Experimentally, highly ordered Ag nanocluster structures have been grown on pre-patterned amorphous SiO^2 surfaces by oblique angle physical vapor deposition at room temperature. Despite the small undulation of the rippled surface, the stripe-like Ag nanoclusters are very pronounced, reproducible and well-separated. The first topic is the investigation of this growth process with a continuum theoretical approach to the surface gas condensation as well as an atomistic cluster growth model. The atomistic simulation model is a lattice-based kinetic Monte-Carlo (KMC) method using a combination of a simplified inter-atomic potential and experimental transition barriers taken from the literature. An effective transition event classification method is introduced which allows a boost factor of several thousand compared to a traditional KMC approach, thus allowing experimental time scales to be modeled. The simulation predicts a low sticking probability for the arriving atoms, millisecond order lifetimes for single Ag monomers and ≈1 nm square surface migration ranges of Ag monomers. The simulations give excellent reproduction of the experimentally observed nanocluster growth patterns. The second topic specifies the acceleration scheme utilized in the metallic cluster growth model. Concerning the atomistic movements, a classical harmonic transition state theory is considered and applied in discrete lattice cells with hierarchical transition levels. The model results in an effective reduction of KMC simulation steps by utilizing a classification scheme of transition levels for thermally activated atomistic diffusion processes. Thermally activated atomistic movements are considered as local transition events constrained in potential energy wells over certain local time periods. These processes are represented by Markov chains of multi-dimensional Boolean valued functions in three dimensional lattice space. The events inhibited by the barriers under a certain level are regarded as thermal fluctuations of the canonical ensemble and accepted freely. Consequently, the fluctuating system evolution process is implemented as a Markov chain of equivalence class objects. It is shown that the process can be characterized by the acceptance of metastable local transitions. The method is applied to a problem of Au and Ag cluster growth on a rippled surface. The simulation predicts the existence of a morphology dependent transition time limit from a local metastable to stable state for subsequent cluster growth by accretion. The third topic is the formation of ripple structures on ion bombarded semiconductor surfaces treated in the first topic as the prepatterned substrate of the metallic deposition. This intriguing phenomenon has been known since the 1960\'s and various theoretical approaches have been explored. These previous models are discussed and a new non-linear model is formulated, based on the local atomic flow and associated density change in the near surface region. Within this framework ripple structures are shown to form without the necessity to invoke surface diffusion or large sputtering as important mechanisms. The model can also be extended to the case where sputtering is important and it is shown that in this case, certain \\lq magic\' angles can occur at which the ripple patterns are most clearly defined. The results including some analytic solutions of the nonlinear equation of motions are in very good agreement with experimental observation.

Quantitative dopant profiling in semiconductors: A new approach to Kelvin probe force microscopy

Baumgart, Christine January 2012 (has links)
Failure analysis and optimization of semiconducting devices request knowledge of their electrical properties. To meet the demands of today’s semiconductor industry, an electrical nanometrology technique is required which provides quantitative information about the doping profile and which enables scans with a lateral resolution in the sub-10 nm range. In the presented work it is shown that Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) is a very promising electrical nanometrology technique to face this challenge. The technical and physical aspects of KPFM measurements on semiconductors required for the correct interpretation of the detected KPFM bias are discussed. A new KPFM model is developed which enables the quantitative correlation between the probed KPFM bias and the dopant concentration in the investigated semiconducting sample. Quantitative dopant profiling by means of the new KPFM model is demonstrated by the example of differently structured, n- and p-type doped silicon. Additionally, the transport of charge carriers during KPFM measurements, in particular in the presence of intrinsic electric fields due to vertical and horizontal pn junctions as well as due to surface space charge regions, is discussed. Detailed investigations show that transport of charge carriers in the semiconducting sample is a crucial aspect and has to be taken into account when aiming for a quantitative evaluation of the probed KPFM bias.

Entwicklung einer Version des Reaktordynamikcodes DYN3D für Hochtemperaturreaktoren: Abschlussbericht

Rohde, Ulrich, Apanasevich, Pavel, Baier, Silvio, Duerigen, Susan, Fridman, Emil, Grahn, Alexander, Kliem, Sören, Merk, Bruno January 2012 (has links)
Basierend auf dem Reaktordynamikcode DYN3D für LWR, wurde die Codeversion DYN3D-HTR für das Blockkonzept eines graphit-moderierten, helium-gekühlten Hochtemperaturreaktors entwickelt. Diese Entwicklung umfasst die: • methodische Weiterentwicklung der 3D stationären Neutronenflussberechnung für hexagonale Geometrie (HTR-Brennelement-Blöcke), • Generierung von Wirkungsquerschnittsdaten unter Berücksichtigung der doppelten Heterogenität, • Modellierung der Wärmeleitung und des Wärmetransports in der Graphitmatrix. Die nodale SP3-Neutronentransport-Methode in DYN3D wurde auf hexagonale Brennelementgeometrie erweitert. Es wird eine Unterteilung der Hexagone in Dreiecke vorgenommen, so dass die Verfeinerung hexagonaler Strukturen untersucht werden kann. Die Verifikation erfolgte durch Vergleiche mit Monte-Carlo-Referenzlösungen. Für die Behandlung der doppelten Heterogenität der Brennelementstruktur bei Homogenisierung der Wirkungsquerschnitte wurden neue Methoden entwickelt. Zum einen wurde ein zweistufiges Homogenisierungsverfahren basierend auf der Methode der sog. Reactivity Equivalent Transformation (RPT) weiterentwickelt. Zum anderen ermöglichte die Verfügbarkeit des neuen Monte-Carlo-Codes SERPENT die Anwendung eines einstufigen Verfahrens, wobei die 3D heterogenen Strukturen in einem Rechenschritt konsistent erfasst werden können. Weiterhin wur-de in DYN3D ein 3D Wärmeleitungsmodell implementiert, das den radialen und axialen Wärmetransport in der Graphitmatrix beschreiben kann. DYN3D-HTR wurde schließlich anhand der Testfälle für Reaktivitätstransienten erprobt. Die Verifikation erfolgte durch Vergleich zwischen 3D und 1D Berechnung der Wärmeleitung. Schließlich wurde DYN3D mit dem CFD-Code ANSYS-CFX gekoppelt, um auch dreidimensionale Strömungen in Reaktorkernen berechnen zu können. Der Kern wird als poröser Körper modelliert. Die Kopplung wurde an anhand von 2 Testbeispielen, dem Auswurf eines Steuerstabes und einer lokalen Strömungsblockade in einem Brennelement, erprobt.

Annual Report 2012 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

Cordeiro, A. L., Fassbender, J., Heera, V., Helm, M. January 2013 (has links)
In 2012 the HZDR, and in consequence also the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research (IIM) including its Ion Beam Center (IBC), has undergone a scientific evaluation. The evaluation committee composed of the Scientific Advisory Board and numerous external experts in our field of research concluded that “the overall quality of the scientific work is excellent”, that “there are an impressive number of young scientists working enthusiastically on a variety of high-level projects” and that “the choice of these projects represents a clear underlying strategy and vision”. We feel honored and are proud that the external view on our scientific achievements is that extraordinary. In view of this outstanding result we would like to express our gratitude to all our staff members for their commitment and efforts! In the past year, we continued our integration into the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers (HGF) with our Institute mostly active in the research area “Matter”, but also involved in a number of activities in the research area “Energy”. In this respect, many consultations were held with the Helmholtz centers contributing to common research areas to precisely define the role we will play in the newly established HGF program “From Matter to Materials and Life” (see schematic below). Our IBC has been recognized as a large-scale user facility for ion beam analysis and modification of materials, i.e., specializing on materials science. In particular, the IBC plays a prominent role in the recently approved Helmholtz Energy Materials Characterization Platform (HEMCP), which mainly concentrates on the development of dedicated analytical tools for the characterization of materials required for future energy technologies. The successes achieved by the IBC allows us to invest 7200 k€ to further improve and strengthen the ion beam capabilities at the Institute. In addition to this infrastructure-related grant, we were also successful in our funding application for the establishment of the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NANONET), aiming at promoting the next generation of leading scientists in the field of nanoelectronics. The IHRS NANONET is coordinated by our Institute and offers a well-structured PhD program to outstanding students of all nationalities with emphasis on interdisciplinary research and comprehensive training in technical and professional skills.

Experimental Study of the 22Ne(p,γ)23Na Reaction and its Implications for Novae Scenarios

Menzel, Marie-Luise January 2013 (has links)
The 22Ne(p,γ)23Na reaction belongs to the catalytic neon-sodium cycle and has an important role in the explosive hydrogen burning. The neon-sodium cycle takes place at temperatures of T = 0:1 - 0:5GK and is assumed to occur in di erent astrophysical systems: e.g. in novae, in super novae of type Ia and during the shell-burning of red giant branch stars. The implications of 22Ne(p,γ)23Na and the neon-sodium cycle in a nova scenario have been studied by using the nuclear network code libnucnet at GSI in Darmstadt. A nova is an outburst of matter in a binary system consisting of a white dwarf and a red giant star. It is therefore a representative phenomenon for explosive hydrogen burning. For the calculation of the nucleosynthesis during the nova outburst, the code libnucnet requires the initial mass composition of the novae partners, the temperature and density pro les of the nova explosion and the thermonuclear reaction rates of the participating reactions. In the following, the code determined the ow and the nal atomic abundance in the neon-sodium cycle during the entire nova process. Additionally, the in uence of the temperature pro le of the novae outburst as well as the thermonuclear reaction rate of the 22Ne(p,γ)23Na reaction on the nal atomic abundance in the outburst has been studied. A characteristic measure for the reactions in astrophysical environments is the thermonuclear reaction rate. The reaction rate of 22Ne(p,γ)23Na has still strong uncertainties in the temperature range of T = 0:03-0:3 GK. These uncertainties are based on insu cient upper limits of the resonance strengths as well as the possible existence of tentative states that are populated in the energy range of Elabp = 30 - 300 keV. The research presented in this thesis is dedicated to the experimental study of the 22Ne(p,γ)23Na reaction for an improved determination of the thermonuclear reaction rate. Furthermore, the implications of 22Ne(p,γ)23Na and the neon-sodium-cycle in novae scenarios are discussed. The data taking has been performed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. This laboratory provides the LUNA facility (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics) for the measurement of small reaction cross sections. The LUNA facility includes a 400 kV ion accelerator, a windowless gas target system and a HPGe-detector. Based on the measurements of the 22Ne(p,γ)23Na reaction at LUNA, upper limits for the strengths of ve isolated resonances in the energy range of Elabp = 150 - 340 keV have been determined. For the nuclear resonance at Elabres = 186 keV, a positive resonance strength has been measured for the rst time in literature.

Einfluss der Bestrahlung mit energiereichen Teilchen auf die Härte von Fe-Cr-Legierungen

Heintze, Cornelia January 2013 (has links)
Ferritisch/martensitische Cr-Stähle und deren oxiddispersionsverfestigte Varianten gehören zu den potenziellen Konstruktionswerkstoffen für Komponenten zukünftiger kerntechnischer Einrichtungen, wie z. B. Fusionsreaktoren und Spalt-reaktoren der IV. Generation, die Strahlungsfeldern mit hohem Neutronenfluss aus-gesetzt sind. Ein Hauptproblem dieser Materialgruppen ist das Auftreten des Spröd-duktil-Übergangs und dessen maßgeblich durch die Strahlenhärtung verursachte Verschiebung zu höheren Temperaturen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Bestrahlungsverhalten von binären Fe-Cr-Modelllegierungen untersucht, die ein vereinfachtes Modell für ferritisch/martensitische Cr-Stähle darstellen. Dabei werden Bestrahlungen mit Eisenionen zur Simulation der durch Neutronen hervorgerufenen Schädigung verwendet. Die auf wenige Mikrometer begrenzte Eindringtiefe der Ionen macht es erforderlich, dass für dünne Schichten geeignete Charakterisierungsmethoden ein-gesetzt werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit sind das Nano¬härte¬messungen und Transmissions¬elektronen¬mikroskopie (TEM). Im Ergebnis liegen die bestrahlungsinduzierte Härteänderung der Schicht in Ab-hängig¬keit von Chromgehalt, Bestrahlungsfluenz und –temperatur sowie, für aus-gewählte Zustände, quantitative TEM-Analysen vor. Zusammen mit begleitenden Ergebnissen von Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuexperimenten an neutronen-bestrahlten Proben der gleichen Werkstoffe ermöglichen sie die Identifizierung von bestrahlungsinduzierten Versetzungsringen und nm-großen α’-Ausscheidungen als Quellen der Strahlenhärtung. Im Rahmen eines vereinfachten Modells, das auf Orowan zurückgeht, werden die Hindernis¬stärken dieser Gitterbaufehler für das Gleiten von Versetzungen abgeschätzt. Darauf aufbauend erfolgt ausblickartig eine Erweiterung des Untersuchungsgegenstands auf komplexere Situationen hinsichtlich der Bestrahlungs-bedingungen und des Werkstoffs. Durch das Einbeziehen simultaner und sequentieller Bestrahlungen mit Eisen- und Heliumionen kann gezeigt werden, dass der Effekt von Helium auf die Strahlenhärtung von der Bestrahlungs-reihenfolge abhängt und dass der simultane Eintrag fusionsrelevanter Mengen von Helium zu einer Verstärkung der Strahlenhärtung führt, die auf einem synergistischen Effekt beruht. Für Cr-Stähle mit 9 % Cr und deren oxiddispersions-verfestigte Varianten wird kein grundlegend anderes Bestrahlungsverhalten beobachtet als für binäres Fe-9at%Cr. Es gibt jedoch Hinweise, dass Oxid-dispersionsverfestigung die Strahlenhärtung unter bestimmten Bedingungen reduzieren kann. Im Ergebnis der Arbeit zeigt sich, dass Ionenbestrahlungen in Kombination mit Nanohärtemessungen zu einem vertiefenden Verständnis der Strahlenhärtung in Werkstoffen auf Fe-Cr-Basis sowie zu einer effektiven Materialvorauswahl beitragen können. Voraussetzung ist, dass der Eindruckgrößeneffekt und der Substrateffekt auf geeignete Weise in Rechnung gestellt werden.

Annual Report 2013 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

Cordeiro, A. L., Fassbender, J., Heera, V., Helm, M. 15 May 2014 (has links)
The year 2013 was the third year of HZDR as a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF), and we have made progress of integrating ourselves into this research environment of national Research centers. In particular, we were preparing for the evaluation in the framework of the so-called program oriented funding (POF), which will hopefully provide us with a stable funding for the next five years (2015 – 2019). In particular, last fall we have submitted a large proposal in collaboration with several other research centers. The actual evaluation will take place this spring. Most of our activities are assigned to the program “From Matter to Materials and Life” (within the research area “Matter”). A large fraction of this program is related to the operation of large-scale research infrastructures (or user facilities), one of which is our Ion Beam Center (IBC). The second large part of our research is labelled “in-house research”, reflecting the work driven through our researchers without external users, but still mostly utilizing our large-scale facilities such as the IBC, and, to a lesser extent, the free-electron laser. Our in-house research is performed in three so-called research themes, as depicted in the schematic below. What is missing there for simplicity is a small part of our activities in the program “Nuclear Waste Management and Safety” (within the research area “Energy”).

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