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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparison of the circadian clock of highly social bees (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\)) and solitary bees (\(Osmia\) \(spec.\)): Circadian clock development, behavioral rhythms and neuroanatomical characterization of two central clock components (PER and PDF) / Ein Vergleich der Inneren Uhr von sozialen Bienen (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\)) und solitären Bienen (\(Osmia\) \(spec.\)): Entwicklung der circadianen Uhr, Verhaltensrhythmen und neuroanatomische Beschreibung von zwei zentralen Uhr Komponenten (PER und PDF)

Beer, Katharina January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Summary Bees, like many other organisms, evolved an endogenous circadian clock, which enables them to foresee daily environmental changes and exactly time foraging flights to periods of floral resource availability. The social lifestyle of a honey bee colony has been shown to influence circadian behavior in nurse bees, which do not exhibit rhythmic behavior when they are nursing. On the other hand, forager bees display strong circadian rhythms. Solitary bees, like the mason bee, do not nurse their offspring and do not live in hive communities, but face the same daily environmental changes as honey bees. Besides their lifestyle mason and honey bees differ in their development and life history, because mason bees overwinter after eclosion as adults in their cocoons until they emerge in spring. Honey bees do not undergo diapause and have a relatively short development of a few weeks until they emerge. In my thesis, I present a comparison of the circadian clock of social honey bees (Apis mellifera) and solitary mason bees (Osmia bicornis and Osmia cornuta) on the neuroanatomical level and behavioral output level. I firstly characterized in detail the localization of the circadian clock in the bee brain via the expression pattern of two clock components, namely the clock protein PERIOD (PER) and the neuropeptide Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF), in the brain of honey bee and mason bee. PER is localized in lateral neuron clusters (which we called lateral neurons 1 and 2: LN1 and LN2) and dorsal neuron clusters (we called dorsal lateral neurons and dorsal neurons: DLN, DN), many glia cells and photoreceptor cells. This expression pattern is similar to the one in other insect species and indicates a common ground plan of clock cells among insects. In the LN2 neuron cluster with cell bodies located in the lateral brain, PER is co-expressed with PDF. These cells build a complex arborization network throughout the brain and provide the perfect structure to convey time information to brain centers, where complex behavior, e.g. sun-compass orientation and time memory, is controlled. The PDF arborizations centralize in a dense network (we named it anterio-lobular PDF hub: ALO) which is located in front of the lobula. In other insects, this fiber center is associated with the medulla (accessory medulla: AME). Few PDF cells build the ALO already in very early larval development and the cell number and complexity of the network grows throughout honey bee development. Thereby, dorsal regions are innervated first by PDF fibers and, in late larval development, the fibers grow laterally to the optic lobe and central brain. The overall expression pattern of PER and PDF are similar in adult social and solitary bees, but I found a few differences in the PDF network density in the posterior protocerebrum and the lamina, which may be associated with evolution of sociality in bees. Secondly, I monitored activity rhythms, for which I developed and established a device to monitor locomotor activity rhythms of individual honey bees with contact to a mini colony in the laboratory. This revealed new aspects of social synchronization and survival of young bees with indirect social contact to the mini colony (no trophalaxis was possible). For mason bees, I established a method to monitor emergence and locomotor activity rhythms and I could show that circadian emergence rhythms are entrainable by daily temperature cycles. Furthermore, I present the first locomotor activity rhythms of solitary bees, which show strong circadian rhythms in their behavior right after emergence. Honey bees needed several days to develop circadian locomotor rhythms in my experiments. I hypothesized that honey bees do not emerge with a fully matured circadian system in the hive, while solitary bees, without the protection of a colony, would need a fully matured circadian clock right away after emergence. Several indices in published work and preliminary studies support my hypothesis and future studies on PDF expression in different developmental stages in solitary bees may provide hard evidence. / Zusammenfassung Bienen, sowie viele andere Organismen, evolvierten eine innere circadiane Uhr, die es ihnen ermöglicht, tägliche Umweltveränderungen voraus zu sehen und ihre Foragierflüge zu Tageszeiten durchzuführen, wenn sie möglichst viele Blüten besuchen können. Es zeigte sich, dass der soziale Lebensstil der Honigbiene Einfluss auf das rhythmische Verhalten der Ammenbienen hat, die während der Brutpflege keinen täglichen Rhythmus im Verhalten aufweisen. Sammlerbienen auf der anderen Seite zeigen ein stark rhythmisches Verhalten. Solitäre Bienen, wie die Mauerbiene, betreiben keine Brutpflege und leben nicht in einer Staatengemeinschaft, aber sind den gleichen Umweltveränderungen ausgesetzt. Nicht nur Lebensstil, sondern auch Entwicklung und Lebenszyklus unterscheiden sich zwischen Honig- und Mauerbienen. Mauerbienen überwintern als adulte Insekten in einem Kokon bis sie im Frühjahr schlüpfen. Honigbienen durchleben keine Diapause und schlüpfen nach wenigen Wochen der Entwicklung im Bienenstock. In meiner Dissertation vergleiche ich die circadiane Uhr von sozialen Honigbienen (Apis mellifera) und solitären Mauerbienen (Osmia bicornis und Osmia cornuta) auf Ebene der Neuroanatomie und das durch die innere Uhr verursachte rhythmische Verhalten. Erstens charakterisierte ich detailliert die Lage der circadianen Uhr im Gehirn von Honig- und Mauerbiene anhand des Expressionsmusters von zwei Uhrkomponenten. Diese sind das Uhrprotein PERIOD (PER) und das Neuropeptid Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF). PER wird exprimiert in lateralen Neuronen-Gruppen (die wir laterale Neurone 1 und 2 nannten: LN1 und LN2) und dorsalen Neuronen-Gruppen (benannt dorsal laterale Neurone und dorsale Neurone: DLN und DN), sowie in vielen Gliazellen und Fotorezeptorzellen. Dieses Expressionsmuster liegt ähnlich in anderen Insektengruppen vor und deutet auf einen Grundbauplan der Inneren Uhr im Gehirn von Insekten hin. In der LN2 Neuronen-Gruppe, deren Zellkörper im lateralen Gehirn liegen, sind PER und PDF in den gleichen Zellen co-lokalisiert. Diese Zellen bilden ein komplexes Netzwerk aus Verzweigungen durch das gesamte Gehirn und liefern damit die perfekte Infrastruktur, um Zeitinformation an Gehirnregionen weiterzuleiten, die komplexe Verhaltensweisen, wie Sonnenkompass-Orientierung und Zeitgedächtnis, steuern. Alle PDF Neuriten laufen in einer anterior zur Lobula liegenden Region zusammen (sie wurde ALO, anterio-lobular PDF Knotenpunkt, genannt). Dieser Knotenpunkt ist in anderen Insekten mit der Medulla assoziiert und wird akzessorische Medulla (AME) genannt. Wenige PDF Zellen bilden bereits im frühen Larvalstadium diesen ALO und die Zellzahl sowie die Komplexität des Netzwerks wächst die gesamte Entwicklung der Honigbiene hindurch. Dabei werden zuerst die dorsalen Gehirnregionen von PDF Neuronen innerviert und in der späteren Larvalentwicklung wachsen die Neurite lateral in Richtung der optischen Loben und des Zentralgehirns. Das generelle Expressionsmuster von PER und PDF in adulten sozialen und solitären Bienen ähnelt sich stark, aber ich identifizierte kleine Unterschiede in der PDF Netzwerkdichte im posterioren Protocerebrum und in der Lamina. Diese könnten mit der Evolution von sozialen Bienen assoziiert sein. Zweitens entwickelte und etablierte ich eine Methode, Lokomotionsrhythmen von individuellen Bienen im Labor aufzunehmen, die in Kontakt mit einem Miniaturvolk standen. Diese Methode enthüllte neue Aspekte der sozialen Synchronisation unter Honigbienen und des Überlebens von jungen Bienen, die indirekten sozialen Kontakt zu dem Miniaturvolk hatten (Trophalaxis war nicht möglich). Für Mauerbienen etablierte ich eine Methode Schlupf- und lokomotorische Aktivitätsrhythmik aufzuzeichnen und konnte damit zeigen, dass tägliche Rhythmen im Schlupf durch Synchronisation der circadianen Uhr in Mauerbienen durch Tagestemperatur-Zyklen erzielt werden kann. Des Weiteren präsentiere ich die ersten lokomotorischen Aktivitätsrhythmen von solitären Bienen, die sofort nach ihrem Schlupf einen starken circadianen Rhythmus im Verhalten aufwiesen. Honigbienen brauchten in meinen Experimenten mehrere Tage, um circadiane Rhythmen in Lokomotion zu entwickeln. Ich erstellte die Hypothese, dass Honigbienen zum Zeitpunkt des Schlupfes im Bienenvolk ein noch nicht vollständig ausgereiftes circadianes System besitzen, während solitäre Bienen, die ohne den Schutz eines Volkes sind, direkt nach dem Schlupf eine vollständig ausgereifte Uhr brauchen. Mehrere Hinweise in Publikationen und Vorversuchen unterstützen meine Hypothese. Zukünftige Studien der Entwicklung des PDF Neuronen-Netzwerkes in solitären Bienen unterschiedlicher Entwicklungsstufen könnten dies nachweisen.

The impact of DNA sequence and chromatin on transcription in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\) / Der Einfluss der DNA-Sequenz und der Chromatinstruktur auf die Transkription in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)

Wedel, Carolin January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
For cellular viability, transcription is a fundamental process. Hereby, the DNA plays the most elemental and highly versatile role. It has long been known that promoters contain conserved and often well-defined motifs, which dictate the site of transcription initiation by providing binding sites for regulatory proteins. However, research within the last decade revealed that it is promoters lacking conserved promoter motifs and transcribing constitutively expressed genes that constitute the majority of promoters in eukaryotes. While the process of transcription initiation is well studied, whether defined DNA sequence motifs are required for the transcription of constitutively expressed genes in eukaryotes remains unknown. In the highly divergent protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, most of the proteincoding genes are organized in large polycistronic transcription units. The genes within one polycistronic transcription unit are generally unrelated and transcribed by a common transcription start site for which no RNA polymerase II promoter motifs have been identified so far. Thus, it is assumed that transcription initiation is not regulated but how transcription is initiated in T. brucei is not known. This study aimed to investigate the requirement of DNA sequence motifs and chromatin structures for transcription initiation in an organism lacking transcriptional regulation. To this end, I performed a systematic analysis to investigate the dependence of transcription initiation on the DNA sequence. I was able to identify GT-rich promoter elements required for directional transcription initiation and targeted deposition of the histone variant H2A.Z, a conserved component during transcription initiation. Furthermore, nucleosome positioning data in this work provide evidence that sites of transcription initiation are rather characterized by broad regions of open and more accessible chromatin than narrow nucleosome depleted regions as it is the case in other eukaryotes. These findings highlight the importance of chromatin during transcription initiation. Polycistronic RNA in T. brucei is separated by adding an independently transcribed miniexon during trans-splicing. The data in this work suggest that nucleosome occupancy plays an important role during RNA maturation by slowing down the progressing polymerase and thereby facilitating the choice of the proper splice site during trans-splicing. Overall, this work investigated the role of the DNA sequence during transcription initiation and nucleosome positioning in a highly divergent eukaryote. Furthermore, the findings shed light on the conservation of the requirement of DNA motifs during transcription initiation and the regulatory potential of chromatin during RNA maturation. The findings improve the understanding of gene expression regulation in T. brucei, a eukaryotic parasite lacking transcriptional Regulation. / Die Transkription ist ein entscheidender Prozess in der Zelle und die DNA-Sequenz nimmt hierbei eine elementare Rolle ein. Promotoren beinhalten spezifische und konservierte DNASequenzen und vermitteln den Start der Transkription durch die Rekrutierung spezifischer Proteine. Jedoch haben Forschungen im vergangenen Jahrzehnt gezeigt, dass die Mehrzahl der Promotoren in eukaryotischen Genomen keine konservierten Promotormotive aufweisen und häufig konstitutiv exprimierte Gene transkribieren. Obgleich der Prozess der Transkriptionsinitiation im Allgemeinen gut erforscht ist, konnte bisher nicht nachgewiesen werden, ob ein definiertes DNA-Motiv während der Transkription von konstitutiv exprimierten Genes erforderlich ist. In dem eukaryotischen und einzelligen Parasiten Trypanosoma brucei ist die Mehrzahl der proteinkodierenden Gene in lange polycistronische Transkriptionseinheiten arrangiert. Diese werden von einem gemeinsamen Transkriptionsstart durch die RNA Polymerase II transkribiert, allerdings konnten hier bisher keine Promotormotive identifiziert werden. Aus diesem Grund besteht die Annahme, dass Transkription keiner Regulation unterliegt. Allgemein ist der Prozess der Transkriptionsinitiation in T. brucei bisher nur wenig verstanden. Um den Zusammenhang zwischen DNA-Motiven und konstitutiver Genexpression näher zu untersuchen und Schlussfolgerungen über die DNA-Sequenz-Abhängigkeit der Transkriptionsinitiation zu ziehen, habe ich eine systematische Analyse in T. brucei durchgeführt. Ich konnte GT-reiche Promotorelemente innerhalb dieser Regionen identifizieren, die sowohl eine gerichtete Transkriptionsinitiation, als auch den gezielten Einbau der Histonvariante H2A.Z in Nukleosomen nahe der Transkriptionsstartstelle vermittelt haben. Des Weiteren zeigten Nukleosomenpositionierungsdaten, dass in Trypanosomen die Transkripitonsstartstellen nicht die charakteristische, nukleosomendepletierte Region, wie für andere Organismen beschrieben, sondern eine offene Chromatinstruktur enthalten. Zusätzlich konnte ich zeigen, dass die Chromatinstruktur eine wichtige Rolle während der mRNAProzessierung spielt. In T. brucei wird die polycistronische pre-mRNA durch das Anfügen eines Miniexons während des sogenannten trans-Splicens in individuelle mRNAs aufgetrennt. Die Daten dieser Arbeit belegen, dass die Anreicherung von Nukleosomen eine Verlangsamung der transkribierenden Polymerase bewirken und sie somit die richtige Wahl der Splicestelle gewährleisten. Zusammenfassend wurde in dieser Arbeit die Rolle der DNA Sequenz während der Transkriptionsinitiation und Nukleosomenpositionierung in einem divergenten Eukaryoten untersucht. Die Erkenntnisse bringen mehr Licht in die Konservierung der Notwendigkeit eines DNA-Motivs während der Transkriptionsinitiation und das regulatorische Potential der Chromatinstruktur während der RNA-Reifung. Zudem verbessern sie das Verständnis der Genexpressionsregulation in T. brucei, einem eukaryotischen Parasiten, der ohne transkriptionelle Regulation überlebt.

Application of next generation sequencing to the analysis of evolutionary changes in gene expression in primates: Application of next generation sequencing to the analysis of evolutionary changes in gene expression in primates

Dannemann, Michael 16 May 2014 (has links)
Understanding the evolutionary basis for human-specific phenotypes such as complex speech and language, advanced cognition or the unique preparation of their food is a topic of broad interest. Approaches focusing on comparisons of the genomic DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) or RNA (ribonucleic acid) sequence between species, individuals or tissues allow for the identification of evolutionary sequence changes, some of these changes may underlie differences in phenotypes. In addition, differences in when, where and how much of a particular gene is present may also contribute to functional changes and therefore also to phenotypic differences. The resources to make such comparisons using genetic data are now available. The genome sequences of a number of outgroups: all living great apes, as well two archaic humans, are now publically available. Studying gene expression on the RNA level - a precursor of the protein expression - is considerably easier and cheaper than the measurement of expression of the protein itself. It has been shown that the RNA and protein expression levels are well correlated and therefore measuring RNA levels provides a good proxy for the expression of the protein. Using high-throughput sequencing techniques, relatively unbiased expression comparison is now possible because the RNA from any species can be sequenced directly, rather than being captured on arrays which are designed based on a particular reference sequence. The aim of this research was to use gene expression as a molecular phenotype to identify changes relevant to human-specific biology and study the difference between humans and their closest living relatives to understand patterns and differences in the gene expression and in gene expression regulation in multiple tissues in primates using high-throughput sequencing techniques. In my thesis, I describe two analyses to address open questions in the field of gene expression and genes expression regulation in humans. In the first part I will analyze how the effect of different diets impact gene expression using a mouse model. Two key components of the human diet that differ substantially from the diet of other primates, the frequent use of meat of many humans and the cooking of their food which is common for almost all human populations, are modeled in the experiment. I tested for their impact on liver gene expression. I found that both the differences in food substrates - meat and tuber - as well as in their preparation affect gene expression in mice significantly. The effect is bigger between food substrates than between methods of preparation. Differentially expressed genes between food substrates and food preparation were predominantly related to metabolic functions. In addition, immune-genes showed differential expression between the comparisons of raw meat to both, raw tuber and cooked meat, respectively. The results indicate that different food substrates and food preparations activate different metabolic pathways and that the cooking of food and particularly of meat has an influence on the immune also changes immune-reactions of the body. I showed that expression differences in these mice are correlated with the differences observed between humans and other primates, and that there is evidence that adaptation to these diets dates to more than 300.000 years. Finally, I showed that transcription factors play in important role in regulation of gene expression with respect to different food preparation. In the second part I analyzed the expression of one key regulator of gene expression: microRNAs (miRNAs). Using miRNA expression data from multiple primate species and for multiple tissues I found that expression differences vary between tissues. While heart and brain show only few expression differences between primates, other tissues are more variable in expression. The most extreme expression differences in all three primate species were found in the brain, which may reflect the importance of miRNAs in the regulation of gene expression in the brain. Expression differences in testis were significantly larger between humans and macaques than between chimpanzees and macaques, indicating that miRNAs evolved differently in human compared to chimpanzees. MiRNA expression differences were correlated with expression differences of their target genes genome-wide which underlines the regulatory importance of miRNAs. I also showed that differentially expressed miRNAs between species/tissues preferentially targeted transcription factors, which are important gene expression regulators as well. This finding that suggests complex regulatory pathways involving both miRNAs and transcription factors in the control of gene expression. Finally, I used the miRNA sequencing data to annotate new miRNAs in primates and was able to increase the number of annotated miRNAs substantially, especially for the non-human primates which were previously not extensively annotated. The overlap of miRNAs annotated in multiple primate species thereby also increased which will support future studies to investigate the evolutionary changes of miRNAs between these primates.

Analysis of the opsin repertoire in the Tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini provides insights into the evolution of opsin genes in Panarthropoda

Hering, Lars, Mayer, Georg January 2014 (has links)
Screening of a deeply sequenced transcriptome using Illumina sequencing as well as the genome of the tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini revealed a set of five opsin genes. To clarify the phylogenetic position of these genes and to elucidate the evolutionary history of opsins in Panarthropoda (Onychophora + Tardigrada + Arthropoda), we reconstructed the phylogeny of broadly sampled metazoan opsin genes using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods in conjunction with carefully selected substitution models. According to our findings, the opsin repertoire of H. dujardini comprises representatives of all three major bilaterian opsin clades, including one r-opsin, three c-opsins, and a Group 4 opsin (neuropsin/opsin-5). The identification of the tardigrade ortholog of neuropsin/opsin-5 is the first record of this opsin type in a protostome, but our screening of available metazoan genomes revealed that it is also present in other protostomes. Our opsin phylogeny further suggests that two r-opsins, including an "arthropsin", were present in the last common ancestor of Panarthropoda. While both r-opsin lineages were retained in Onychophora and Arthropoda, the "arthropsin" was lost in Tardigrada. The single (most likely visual) r-opsin found in H. dujardini supports the hypothesis of monochromatic vision in the panarthropod ancestor, whereas two duplications of the ancestral panarthropod c-opsin have led to three c-opsins in tardigrades. Although the early-branching nodes are unstable within the metazoans, our findings suggest that the last common ancestor of Bilateria possessed six opsins: two r-opsins, one c-opsin, and three Group 4 opsins, one of which (Go opsin) was lost in the ecdysozoan lineage.

Human Adaptation in the Light of Ancient and Modern Genomes

Key, Felix-Michael 13 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Modern humans originated in Africa around 200,000 years ago and today have settled in nearly every corner of earth. During migrations humans became exposed to new pathogens, food sources and have encountered vastly different environments. Natural selection likely contributed to the survival under such diverse conditions by promoting the raise in frequency of advantageous alleles. Thereby natural selection leaves genetic footprints that we can identify. The thesis at hand is about understanding how natural selection has shaped different human populations by analyzing these genetic footprints. In the first study, I infer the evolutionary history of an insertion-substitution variant using present-day human genomic data. This variant is interesting because the ancestral allele encodes a previously unannotated open-reading frame for a gene with antiviral ac- tivity (IFNL4 ), while the derived allele truncates this open-reading frame and is strongly associated with improved clearance of Hepatitis C, a major health care problem. Using an approximate bayesian computation approach I infer a complex evolutionary history, where the derived, truncating allele evolved under weak positive selection in Africa, with selection strength increasing in non-African populations, especially in East Asian popu- lations where the truncating allele is nearly fixed today. Hence, the changes in selection and resulting population differences in allele frequency contribute to the variation in Hep- atitis C clearance observed across human populations today. In the second study, I use ancient human genomes to estimate genome-wide allele frequencies in the past to understand present-day population differentiation. I develop a new statistic and incorporate the genome of Ust’-Ishim, a modern human that lived 45,000 year ago in Siberia, to study to what extent natural selection and drift have contributed to human population differentiation. The results suggest that European populations carry high frequency alleles in protein-coding (genic) regions that evolved under strong, recent positive selection. Further, the genic alleles that rose in frequency recently in Europeans were already present in ancient hunter-gatherers more often than in ancient farmers. This suggests that during the colonization of Europe local, positive selection changed the frequency of advantageous alleles in hunter-gatherer populations prior to the influx of farming individuals and those alleles remained beneficial also in the later admixed populations.

Application of next generation sequencing to the analysis of evolutionary changes in gene expression in primates

Dannemann, Michael 05 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Understanding the evolutionary basis for human-specific phenotypes such as complex speech and language, advanced cognition or the unique preparation of their food is a topic of broad interest. Approaches focusing on comparisons of the genomic DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) or RNA (ribonucleic acid) sequence between species, individuals or tissues allow for the identification of evolutionary sequence changes, some of these changes may underlie differences in phenotypes. In addition, differences in when, where and how much of a particular gene is present may also contribute to functional changes and therefore also to phenotypic differences. The resources to make such comparisons using genetic data are now available. The genome sequences of a number of outgroups: all living great apes, as well two archaic humans, are now publically available. Studying gene expression on the RNA level - a precursor of the protein expression - is considerably easier and cheaper than the measurement of expression of the protein itself. It has been shown that the RNA and protein expression levels are well correlated and therefore measuring RNA levels provides a good proxy for the expression of the protein. Using high-throughput sequencing techniques, relatively unbiased expression comparison is now possible because the RNA from any species can be sequenced directly, rather than being captured on arrays which are designed based on a particular reference sequence. The aim of this research was to use gene expression as a molecular phenotype to identify changes relevant to human-specific biology and study the difference between humans and their closest living relatives to understand patterns and differences in the gene expression and in gene expression regulation in multiple tissues in primates using high-throughput sequencing techniques. In my thesis, I describe two analyses to address open questions in the field of gene expression and genes expression regulation in humans. In the first part I will analyze how the effect of different diets impact gene expression using a mouse model. Two key components of the human diet that differ substantially from the diet of other primates, the frequent use of meat of many humans and the cooking of their food which is common for almost all human populations, are modeled in the experiment. I tested for their impact on liver gene expression. I found that both the differences in food substrates - meat and tuber - as well as in their preparation affect gene expression in mice significantly. The effect is bigger between food substrates than between methods of preparation. Differentially expressed genes between food substrates and food preparation were predominantly related to metabolic functions. In addition, immune-genes showed differential expression between the comparisons of raw meat to both, raw tuber and cooked meat, respectively. The results indicate that different food substrates and food preparations activate different metabolic pathways and that the cooking of food and particularly of meat has an influence on the immune also changes immune-reactions of the body. I showed that expression differences in these mice are correlated with the differences observed between humans and other primates, and that there is evidence that adaptation to these diets dates to more than 300.000 years. Finally, I showed that transcription factors play in important role in regulation of gene expression with respect to different food preparation. In the second part I analyzed the expression of one key regulator of gene expression: microRNAs (miRNAs). Using miRNA expression data from multiple primate species and for multiple tissues I found that expression differences vary between tissues. While heart and brain show only few expression differences between primates, other tissues are more variable in expression. The most extreme expression differences in all three primate species were found in the brain, which may reflect the importance of miRNAs in the regulation of gene expression in the brain. Expression differences in testis were significantly larger between humans and macaques than between chimpanzees and macaques, indicating that miRNAs evolved differently in human compared to chimpanzees. MiRNA expression differences were correlated with expression differences of their target genes genome-wide which underlines the regulatory importance of miRNAs. I also showed that differentially expressed miRNAs between species/tissues preferentially targeted transcription factors, which are important gene expression regulators as well. This finding that suggests complex regulatory pathways involving both miRNAs and transcription factors in the control of gene expression. Finally, I used the miRNA sequencing data to annotate new miRNAs in primates and was able to increase the number of annotated miRNAs substantially, especially for the non-human primates which were previously not extensively annotated. The overlap of miRNAs annotated in multiple primate species thereby also increased which will support future studies to investigate the evolutionary changes of miRNAs between these primates.

The CHR site

Müller, Gerd A., Wintsche, Axel, Stangner, Konstanze, Prohaska, Sonja J., Stadler, Peter F., Engeland, Kurt 18 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The cell cycle genes homology region (CHR) has been identified as a DNA element with an important role in transcriptional regulation of late cell cycle genes. It has been shown that such genes are controlled by DREAM, MMB and FOXM1-MuvB and that these protein complexes can contact DNA via CHR sites. However, it has not been elucidated which sequence variations of the canonical CHR are functional and how frequent CHR-based regulation is utilized in mammalian genomes. Here, we define the spectrum of functional CHR elements. As the basis for a computational meta-analysis, we identify new CHR sequences and compile phylogenetic motif conservation as well as genome-wide protein-DNA binding and gene expression data. We identify CHR elements in most late cell cycle genes binding DREAM, MMB, or FOXM1-MuvB. In contrast, Myb- and forkhead-binding sites are underrepresented in both early and late cell cycle genes. Our findings support a general mechanism: sequential binding of DREAM, MMB and FOXM1-MuvB complexes to late cell cycle genes requires CHR elements. Taken together, we define the group of CHR-regulated genes in mammalian genomes and provide evidence that the CHR is the central promoter element in transcriptional regulation of late cell cycle genes by DREAM, MMB and FOXM1-MuvB.

Analysis of the opsin repertoire in the Tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini provides insights into the evolution of opsin genes in Panarthropoda

Hering, Lars, Mayer, Georg 09 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Screening of a deeply sequenced transcriptome using Illumina sequencing as well as the genome of the tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini revealed a set of five opsin genes. To clarify the phylogenetic position of these genes and to elucidate the evolutionary history of opsins in Panarthropoda (Onychophora + Tardigrada + Arthropoda), we reconstructed the phylogeny of broadly sampled metazoan opsin genes using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods in conjunction with carefully selected substitution models. According to our findings, the opsin repertoire of H. dujardini comprises representatives of all three major bilaterian opsin clades, including one r-opsin, three c-opsins, and a Group 4 opsin (neuropsin/opsin-5). The identification of the tardigrade ortholog of neuropsin/opsin-5 is the first record of this opsin type in a protostome, but our screening of available metazoan genomes revealed that it is also present in other protostomes. Our opsin phylogeny further suggests that two r-opsins, including an "arthropsin", were present in the last common ancestor of Panarthropoda. While both r-opsin lineages were retained in Onychophora and Arthropoda, the "arthropsin" was lost in Tardigrada. The single (most likely visual) r-opsin found in H. dujardini supports the hypothesis of monochromatic vision in the panarthropod ancestor, whereas two duplications of the ancestral panarthropod c-opsin have led to three c-opsins in tardigrades. Although the early-branching nodes are unstable within the metazoans, our findings suggest that the last common ancestor of Bilateria possessed six opsins: two r-opsins, one c-opsin, and three Group 4 opsins, one of which (Go opsin) was lost in the ecdysozoan lineage.

Epichloë endophyte-grass symbioses in Germany – Infection rates, alkaloid concentrations and possible intoxication risks / Epichloë Endophyt-Gras Symbiosen in Deutschland – Infektionsraten, Alkaloidkonzentrationen und mögliche Vergiftungsrisiken

Vikuk, Veronika January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Endophytes live in partial symbiosis inside a plant and have been detected in all tested plants. They belong to the group of fungi or bacteria and their ecological function is mostly unknown. The fungal endophytes of the genus Epichloë belong to a special group of endophytes. Epichloë endophytes live symbiotically inside cool season grass species and some of them are able to produce alkaloids toxic to vertebrates and insects. Their symbiosis is seen as mutualistic for the following reasons: the fungus provides the plant herbivore resistance by producing alkaloids, and it increases the plant’s drought tolerance as well as its biomass production. In return, the grass provides the fungus shelter, nutrients and dispersal. Epichloë endophytes are host specific and the ability to produce alkaloids differs between species. In order to estimate intoxication risks in grasslands, it is necessary to detect infection rates of different grass species with Epichloë endophytes, and to determine the genotypes and chemotypes of the Epichloë species as well as the produced alkaloid concentrations. Factors like land-use intensity or season may have an influence on infection rates and alkaloid concentrations. Also, different methodological approaches may lead to different results. In this doctoral thesis my general aim was to evaluate intoxication risks in German grasslands caused by Epichloë endophytes. For that I investigated infection rates of different grass species and the genotypes and chemotypes of their Epichloë endophytes in German grasslands (Chapter II). Furthermore, I compared alkaloid concentrations detected with dry and fresh plant weight and different analytical methods. I also detected possible changes on the influence of season or land-use intensity (Chapter III). Additionally, I examined infections with Epichloë endophytes and alkaloid concentrations in commercially available grass seed mixtures and determined how that influences the intoxication risk of grazing animals in Europe (Chapter IV). It is of agricultural interest to estimate intoxication risks for grazing livestock on German grasslands due to Epichloë infected grass species. Therefore, it is important to investigate which grasses are infected with the Epichloë endophyte, if the endophytes have the ability to produce vertebrate and invertebrate toxic alkaloids and if the alkaloids are indeed produced. I showed that Epichloë festucae var. lolii infecting agriculturally important Lolium perenne lacked the starting gene for ergovaline biosynthesis. Hence, vertebrate toxic ergovaline was not detected in the majority of the collected L. perenne plants. The detection of alkaloid concentrations is an important tool to estimate intoxication risk for vertebrates, but also invertebrates. My studies showed that the usage of dry plant material is crucial to quantify the correct alkaloid concentrations, and that alkaloid concentrations can vary depending on the detection method. Hence, the usage of validated, similar detection methods is important to be able to compare alkaloid concentrations from different studies. Nevertheless, the trends of seasonal changes and the influence of land-use intensity stayed the same, regardless if dry or fresh plant weight was used. Also, alkaloid concentrations were below toxicity thresholds on population level, regardless of the method used. Two commercially available forage grass and two commercially available turf grass seed mixtures were infected with Epichloë endopyhtes and alkaloids were detected. This might contribute to the spreading of Epichloë endopyhtes in Germany, therefore seed mixtures should be tested for Epichloë infections. My results indicate that the intoxication risk is generally low in Germany at the moment, although that might change due to climate change, an increase of monocultural land-use, or the seeding of Epichloë infected grass seeds. / Endophyten leben, zumindest zeitweise, symbiontisch in Pflanzen und sind bisher in allen untersuchten Pflanzen nachgewiesen worden. Es handelt sich dabei um Pilze oder Bakterien und ihre ökologische Funktion ist meistens unbekannt. Eine spezielle Gruppe der Endophyten sind Pilzendophyten der Gattung Epichloë. Diese leben symbiontisch innerhalb von kaltgemäßigten Grasarten und einige sind in der Lage vertebraten- und/oder insektentoxische Alkaloide herzustellen. Die Symbiose wird meist als mutualistisch bezeichnet, weil der Pilz der Pflanze einen Herbivorenschutz durch die Produktion der Alkaloide und eine gesteigerte Trockenresistenz und Biomassesteigerung bietet. Das Gras hingegen bietet dem Pilz Unterkunft, Nährstoffe und Verbreitung. Epichloë Endophyten sind wirtsspezifisch und die Fähigkeit Alkaloide zu produzieren schwankt zwischen den Arten. Um das Vergiftungsrisiko im Grünland einzuschätzen, ist es nötig Infektionsraten verschiedener Grasarten mit Epichloë Endophyten, die Geno- und Chemotypen der Epichloë Arten, und die produzierten Alkaloidkonzentrationen zu bestimmen. Faktoren wie Landnutzungsintensität oder die Jahreszeit können Infektionsraten und Alkaloidkonzentrationen beeinflussen. Ebenso können Alkaloidkonzentrationen von methodischen Faktoren abhängen. In dieser Doktorarbeit habe ich Infektionsraten verschiedener Grasarten in Deutschland und die Geno- und Chemotypen ihrer Epichloë Endophyten untersucht (Kapitel II). Außerdem habe ich Alkaloidkonzentrationen mit Frisch- bzw. Trockengewicht gemessen und mit verschiedenen analytischen Methoden verglichen, um mögliche Änderungen beim Einfluss von Jahreszeiten oder der Landnutzungsintensität zu detektieren. Des Weiteren habe ich das Vergiftungsrisiko auf deutschen Grasflächen abgeschätzt (Kapitel III). Zusätzlich habe ich kommerziell erhältliche Grassaatgutmischungen auf Epichloë Infektionen und Alkaloidgehalt untersucht und habe versucht einzuschätzen, wie sich das auf das Vergiftungsrisiko von Weidevieh in Europa auswirkt (Kapitel IV). Die Einschätzung von Vergiftungsrisiken für Weidevieh aufgrund von Epichloë infizierten Grasarten auf deutschen Graslandflächen ist von landwirtschaftlichem Interesse. Deshalb ist es wichtig zu untersuchen, welche Grasarten mit Epichloë Endophyten infiziert sind, ob der Endophyt in der Lage ist vertebraten- oder insektentoxische Alkaloide zu produzieren und ob diese tatsächlich produziert werden. Ich konnte zeigen, dass Epichloë festucae var. lolii, welches das landwirtschaflich wichtige Lolium perenne infiziert, das Startgen für die Ergovalinbiosynthese fehlt. Deshalb wurde das vertebraten-toxische Ergovalin in der Mehrheit der gesammelten L. perenne Pflanzen nicht nachgewiesen. Die Detektion von Alkaloidkonzentrationen ist ein wichtiges Werkzeug, um das Vergiftungsrisiko für Vertebraten aber auch Invertebraten einschätzen zu können. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Verwendung von trockenem Pflanzenmaterial essenziell ist, um korrekte Alkaloidkonzentrationen zu quantifizieren und dass Alkaloidkonzentrationen in Abhängigkeit von der Detektionsmethode schwanken können. Deshalb ist die Verwendung von validierten, ähnlichen Detektionsmethoden wichtig, um die Alkaloidkonzentrationen von verschiedenen Studien vergleichen zu können. Dennoch blieben die jahreszeitlichen Trends und der Einfluss von Landnutzungsintensität gleich, egal ob Trocken- oder Frischgewicht der Pflanze verwendet wurde und Alkaloidkonzentrationen lagen unter der Toxizitätsschwelle auf Populationsebene. Ich konnte außerdem zeigen, dass zwei kommerziell erwerbliche Futtergrasmischungen, sowie zwei Rasengrasmischungen mit Epichloë Endophyten infiziert waren und auch Alkaloide detektiert werden konnten. Das könnte zu einer weiteren Ausbreitung von Epichloë-Endophyten in Deutschland beitragen, weshalb Saatgutmischungen auf Epichloë Infektionen getestet werden sollten. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Vergiftungsrisiko in Deutschland im Moment generell eher niedrig ist. Allerdings kann sich das auf Grund von Klimawandel, zunehmenden Monokulturen in der Landnutzung, aber auch der Aussaat von Epichloë infiziertem Saatgut ändern.

Pangenome analysis of bacteria and its application in metagenomics / Bakterielle Pan-Genome und ihre Anwendungen in der Metagenomik

Maistrenko, Oleksandr January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
The biosphere harbors a large quantity and diversity of microbial organisms that can thrive in all environments. Estimates of the total number of microbial species reach up to 1012, of which less than 15,000 have been characterized to date. It has been challenging to delineate phenotypically, evolutionary and ecologically meaningful lineages such as for example, species, subspecies and strains. Even within recognized species, gene content can vary considerably between sublineages (for example strains), a problem that can be addressed by analyzing pangenomes, defined as the non-redundant set of genes within a phylogenetic clade, as evolutionary units. Species considered to be ecologically and evolutionary coherent units, however to date it is still not fully understood what are primary habitats and ecological niches of many prokaryotic species and how environmental preferences drive their genomic diversity. Majority of comparative genomics studies focused on a single prokaryotic species in context of clinical relevance and ecology. With accumulation of sequencing data due to genomics and metagenomics, it is now possible to investigate trends across many species, which will facilitate understanding of pangenome evolution, species and subspecies delineation. The major aims of this thesis were 1) to annotate habitat preferences of prokaryotic species and strains; 2) investigate to what extent these environmental preferences drive genomic diversity of prokaryotes and to what extent phylogenetic constraints limit this diversification; 3) explore natural nucleotide identity thresholds to delineate species in bacteria in metagenomics gene catalogs; 4) explore species delineation for applications in subspecies and strain delineation in metagenomics. The first part of the thesis describes methods to infer environmental preferences of microbial species. This data is a prerequisite for the analyses performed in the second part of the thesis which explores how the structure of bacterial pangenomes is predetermined by past evolutionary history and how is it linked to environmental preferences of the species. The main finding in this subchapter that habitat preferences explained up to 49% of the variance for pangenome structure, compared to 18% by phylogenetic inertia. In general, this trend indicates that phylogenetic inertia does not limit evolution of pangenome size and diversity, but that convergent evolution may overcome phylogenetic constraints. In this project we show that core genome size is associated with higher environmental ubiquity of species. It is likely this is due to the fact that species need to have more versatile genomes and most necessary genes need to be present in majority of genomes of that species to be highly prevalent. Taken together these findings may be useful for future predictive analyses of ecological niches in newly discovered species. The third part of the thesis explores data-driven, operational species boundaries. I show that homologous genes from the same species from different genomes tend to share at least 95% of nucleotide identity, while different species within the same genus have lower nucleotide identity. This is in line with other studies showing that genome-wide natural species boundary might be in range of 90-95% of nucleotide identity. Finally, the fourth part of the thesis discusses how challenges in species delineation are relevant for the identification of meaningful within-species groups, followed by a discussion on how advancements in species delineation can be applied for classification of within-species genomic diversity in the age of metagenomics. / Die Biosphäre beherbergt eine große Zahl verschiedener Mikroorganismen, die fast alle bekannten Lebensräume besiedeln können. Die Gesamtzahl mikrobieller Spezies liegt Schätzungen zu Folge bei bis zu 1012, von denen jedoch bis heute erst 15.000 beschrieben worden sind. Die Beschreibung von phänotypisch, evolutionsbiologisch und ökologisch kohärenten Spezies, Sub-Spezies oder Stämmen stellt Forscher vor konzeptionelle Herausforderungen. Selbst innerhalb anerkannter Spezies kann die Kombination einzelner Gene oft stark variieren. Diese Beobachtung ist die Grundlage der Analyse von Pan-Genomen. also der Konstellation originärer Gene innerhalb einer Abstammunsglinie, als evolutionsbiologische Einheiten. Spezies entsprechen prinzipiell ökologisch und evolutionär kohärenten Einheiten, jedoch sind die primären Habitate und ökologischen Nischen vieler prokaryotischer Spezies bis heute nur unzureichend beschrieben, insbesondere mit Blick auf den Einfluss ökologischer Präferenzen auf die Evolution von Genomen. Die Mehrheit vergleichender genomischer Studien untersucht einzelne prokaryotische Spezies mit Bezug auf deren klinische oder ökologische Relevanz. Aufgrund der wachsenden Verfügbarkeit genomischer Daten ist es nun jedoch möglich, vergleichende Studien über Speziesgrenzen hinweg durchzuführen, um allgemeine Prinzipien der Evolution von Pan-Genomen, Spezies und Sub-Spezies zu untersuchen. Die wesentlichen Ziele der vorliegenden Arbeit waren 1) die Annotation von Habitatpräferenzen prokaryotischer Spezies und Stämme; 2) die Quantifizierung des Einflusses von Umwelt und Evolutionsgeschichte (Phylogenie) auf die genomische Diversität von Prokaryoten; 3) die Bestimmung natürlicher Schwellenwerte der Genomsequenzähnlichkeit zwischen Spezies, auch anhand von Genkatalogen; 4) die Untersuchung der Abgrenzung zwischen Spezies, Sub-Spezies und Stämmen mithilfe metagenomischer Daten. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Methoden zur Bestimmung ökologischer Präferenzen mikrobieller Spezies beschrieben. Die so gewonnenen Daten dienen in der Folge als Grundlage für die Quantifizierung von Umwelt- und evolutionsgeschichtlichen Einflüssen auf die Struktur und Evolution bakterieller Pan-Genome im zweiten Teil der Arbeit. Ein zentrales Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung war, dass bis zu 49% der strukturellen Varianz in Pan-Genomen durch Habitatpräferenzen erklärt werden kann, im Gegensatz zu lediglich 18% durch phylogenetische Trägheitseffekte. Dies zeigt, dass die Größe und Diversität von Pan-Genomen nicht phylogenetisch limitiert ist, insbesondere in Fällen von konvergenter Evolution. Große Kern-Genome sind ferner mit einer weiten ökologischen Verbreitung von Spezies assoziiert; eine mögliche Erklärung ist, dass weit verbreitete Spezies vielseitigere Genome mit mehr notwendigen Genen besitzen, die ein Überleben in vielfältigen Umgebungen ermöglichen. Die vorgelegte Arbeit kann weiterhin einen Beitrag zur Vorhersage ökologischer Profile neu beschriebener Spezies leisten. Im dritten Teil der Arbeit werden datenbezogene, operationelle Definition von Spezies-Grenzen untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Gene verschiedener Genome innerhalb derselben Spezies normalerweise mindestens 95% Ähnlichkeit der Nukleotidsequenz aufweisen, während die Ähnlichkeit zwischen Spezies desselben Genus geringer ausfällt. Dieser Wert liegt im Rahmen früherer Schätzungen. Der vierte Teil der Arbeit beschreibt abschließend die Herausforderungen bei der Bestimmung von evolutionären Linien innerhalb von Spezies und diskutiert anschließend, wie konzeptionelle Entwicklungen in dieser Frage für die Klassifizierung und Quantifizierung von Diversität anhand metagenomischer Daten genutzt werden kann.

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