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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aide à la Décision pour l’Optimisation du Niveau d’Automatisation lors de la Conception des Systèmes d’Assemblage Industriels. / Early Phase Assembly Systems Design, Automation Alternatives Description, and Optimization : A Support to Automation Decision

Salmi, Anas 05 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le cadre de ma thèse portant sur la détermination du niveau d’automatisation optimal pour la conception des lignes d’assemblage, une revue de littérature exhaustive a été élaborée en premier lieu sur le sujet. La revue a confirmé que peu de travaux traitent ce problème et montre un manque de méthodologies objectives et méthodiquement applicable afin de pouvoir fournir une aide à la décision d’automatisation. A la suite, les facteurs et critères intervenants dans la décision ont été identifiés. Une méthodologie guidant une décision multicritère dédiée aux systèmes d’assemblages a été établie. Cette méthode, permet la prise en compte de différents critères décisionnels, tels que : le temps et le coût d’assemblage, le critère qualité, l’aspect ergonomique, la stratégie et les préférences de l’industriel, la localisation et le contexte économique, la capacité d’investir ou l’aspect social de l’entreprise.La méthodologie de décision établie nécessite en particulier une méthode graphique standardisée de représentation du processus d’assemblage et de l’allocation des ressources. Les méthodes graphiques existantes concernant la représentation de processus d’assemblage ont été donc revues et analysées. Ceci a conduit à la définition d’une nouvelle méthode graphique dédiée établie par inspirations et combinaison de méthodes existantes afin de répondre aux exigences du sujet définies au préalable. Après définition de cette méthode baptisée ASML pour « Assembly Sequences Modeling Language », un vocabulaire standardisé de mouvements élémentaires d’assemblage a été réutilisé de la littérature.Un vocabulaire de plus haut niveau, celui des taches et techniques d’assemblage, en lien avec le premier, a ensuite été défini pour diverses raisons. Ceci permettra de bénéficier à la fois d’une facilité et d’une rapidité de modélisation avec l’utilisation du vocabulaire de taches défini, mais aussi des avantages du premier vocabulaire tel que la détermination des temps d’assemblage ou la détection des opérations répétitives comme signes propices pour une éventuelle automatisation à étudier. L’ensemble permet de définir, organiser, et représenter la séquence d’assemblage par analyse du design du produit. Une démarche d’allocation adéquate représente une conséquence directe qui a été définie en compagnie de certaines règles définie en cohérence avec les principes du « lean manufacturing ».Nous nous intéressons ensuite à l’intégration du critère coût vu l‘importance des investissements générés par des automatisations. Une revue exhaustive en estimation de coût a été ainsi établie. A la suite, un modèle intégré permettant l’estimation du coût d’assemblage par produit a été défini. Ce modèle, basé sur les estimations de temps du processus ainsi que sur des informations stratégiques de la production planifiée, a la vocation de prédire le coût d’assemblage par produit pour une alternative de système en question.A ce stade, tous les éléments sont réunis pour la modélisation et la prédiction de performance d’une alternative candidate de système d’assemblage. Or l’objectif est de déterminer la meilleure configuration possible, il est nécessaire d’appliquer l’approche sur plusieurs options possibles ou alternatives d’assemblage. Ce processus ne peut évidemment pas être réalisé d’une manière individuelle ou manuelle, et donc une implémentation d’un module de génération de scénarios possibles puis leurs évaluations est ainsi nécessaire. Cette implémentation a été réalisée par le développement d’une méthode de résolution exacte par formulation mathématique en un programme linéaire en nombre entiers. L’approche globale a été validée sur des exemples numériques, académiques de la littérature, mais aussi industriels. Les résultats s’avèrent ainsi prometteurs et représentent une approche innovante en matière de décision du niveau d’automatisation, un domaine qui manque de littérature et d’aide en décision. / This work is performed in the context of PhD dissertation of Anas Salmi in Grenoble INP – School of Industrial Engineering. The thesis is supervised by Dr. Eric Blanco (Grenoble INP – GSCOP laboratory) and co-supervised by Dr. Pierre David (Grenoble INP – GSCOP laboratory) and Pr. Joshua Summers (Clemson University – CEDAR laboratory).The work aims at defining a procedure and tool to help assembly manufacturers, particularly deciders, managers, and systems designers in the decision about automation for their assembly processes design. The purpose is to orient to the optimal Level of Automation (LoA) of the process since the early conceptual design phase.The purpose is to provide the most appropriate solution, most profitable, with consideration of the production requirements, product design features and characteristics, assembly sequence, and manufacturer’s exigencies and preferences and prior decision criteria from different point of views such as quality level, ergonomics, reliability, and manufacturer’s best practices and historical data. Different manufacturer’s constraints have also to be also taken into account in the decision such as social, financial and investment potentials, as well as the location and labor rate.A state of the art of the topic was realized and has shown that the literature about LoA deciding is not abundant. This need to support LoA deciding and delicacy of such process were also recognized by several assembly manufactures and researchers.A first main contribution consists in a multi-criteria LoA decision methodology proposal involving several identified decision criteria to be considered in the decision process.The approach generated a need to define an adequate modelling language. A new graphic Assembly Sequences Modeling Language (ASML) was then defined allowing conceptual assembly processes modelling since the early phase by assembly operations with different architectural possibilities. A standard model can be then defined introducing an intuitive and generic way to define systems with various automation levels alternatives.Rules and time standard databases were also developed allowing assembly systems ASML modelled time estimation based on standardized motions, corresponding time standards, and process’ architectures.To easier the alternatives generation and for better standardization, a high layer vocabulary of 20 standardized assembly tasks, associated to the modelling language, is defined. These developments allow a quick modelling and time estimation when automatically linked to the motions vocabulary.As the economic criterion represents the major occupation and criterion for every manufacturer in such heavy investment, an early phase cost model is developed after an exhaustive review in the field. The cost model, when combined to the previous developments, allows assembly systems alternatives cost prediction with consideration of selected automation options.To computerize the automation decision approach and the exhaustive generation of assembly systems alternatives for the sake of finding the optimal configuration, a mathematical integer formulation is developed and validated. The model is implemented in CPLEX OPL and allows the convergence to the optimal configuration with consideration of the different entered constraints and manufacturers preliminary preferences as input matrices.This work includes theoretical and industrial validations. It opens multiple perspectives and openings in the field of assembly systems design, particularly the rationalization of product and process integrated development by the assembly system automatic generation directly from the product design CAD tool. Other openings of work instructions generation and standardization may represent also promising openings.

Možnosti pacientek s nádorovým onemocněním prsu v souvislosti s plastickou rekonstrukční operací / Possibilities of patients with breast cancer in relation to reconstructive plastic surgery

GALUŠKOVÁ, Soňa January 2013 (has links)
Possibilities of Breast Cancer Patients in Connection with Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Oncological disease is one of the diseases basically no one is able to influence. It is not a disease anyone would want. It starts slowly, stealthily and is often overlooked. Yet, oncological disease always changes our whole past life, within family, workplace, and our leisure activities, both in physical and psychological terms. Any patient deals with this disease differently, also the approach to these patients has to be highly individualized. Every patient goes through all the phases of the disease at a different pace and with varying success and every patient copes with it in a different way and is then able to return to his or her old life. Oncological disease is one of the most serious diseases and I dare say that breast cancer is for women very traumatic, changing their position in all roles; intensity is usually placed on a woman?s psyche. Every woman needs an individual approach from a physician, non-physician and especially from her family. The disease does not affect only the patient, but also the whole family and her environment. This diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of breast cancer patients in connection with plastic reconstructive surgery. Four objectives were set... The first objective was to determine the level of patient awareness of the possibilities of reconstructing the missing breast. The research showed that patients lack information and the majority of respondents received complete information from a mammologist, or a surgeon when dealing with the primary breast cancer diagnosis. The second objective was to find out whether patients are interested in co-decisions on the method of breast reconstruction. Based on the research, we concluded that yes, they are interested in deciding on the method, but it is important for them to have enough information and to know the doctor?s opinion. The third objective was to see whether patients have the opportunity to co-decide on the method of breast reconstruction. The results showed that patients have the possibility to decide on the choice of method, but in dependence on the possibilities, which are for each patient individual. It is not possible to use and select from all methods for each patient, it is necessary to approach each respondent individually and with complete knowledge of the course of her disease. The fourth objective was to define the most frequent patients? questions in connection with breast reconstruction. The results of interviews showed that the most frequently asked questions related to the length and number of hospitalizations and return to the social, professional and personal life. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts?theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part describes the historical development of reconstructing the missing breast, primary cancer disease and its classification. A greater part includes the possibilities of reconstructing the missing breast and specific nursing care for these patients. To process the empirical part of this thesis, qualitative research was chosen. The method of questioning, using semi-structured interviews with open questions, was selected. The research sample consisted of 11 patients at the Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospital in Pilsen and 1 client of Mama Help Center in Pilsen. Three research questions were formulated. 1. What are the obstacles to the lack of information about breast reconstruction? The research shows that the patients outside the big specialized mammological centers have less access to specialized information and the research shows generally apparent absence of written information for patients on this topic.

Social and Economic Factors in Decision Making under Uncertainty : Five Essays in Behavioral Economics

Posadzy, Kinga January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to improve the understanding of human behavior that goes beyond monetary rewards. In particular, it investigates social influences in individual’s decision making in situations that involve coordination, competition, and deciding for others. Further, it compares how monetary and social outcomes are perceived. The common theme of all studies is uncertainty. The first four essays study individual decisions that have uncertain consequences, be it due to the actions of others or chance. The last essay, in turn, uses the advances in research on decision making under uncertainty to predict behavior in riskless choices. The first essay, Fairness Versus Efficiency: How Procedural Fairness Concerns Affect Coordination, investigates whether preferences for fair rules undermine the efficiency of coordination mechanisms that put some individuals at a disadvantage. The results from a laboratory experiment show that the existence of coordination mechanisms, such as action recommendations, increases efficiency, even if one party is strongly disadvantaged by the mechanism. Further, it is demonstrated that while individuals’ behavior does not depend on the fairness of the coordination mechanism, their beliefs about people’s behavior do. The second essay, Dishonesty and Competition. Evidence from a stiff competition environment, explores whether and how the possibility to behave dishonestly affects the willingness to compete and who the winner is in a competition between similarly skilled individuals. We do not find differences in competition entry between competitions in which dishonesty is possible and in which it is not. However, we find that due to the heterogeneity in propensity to behave dishonestly, around 20% of winners are not the best-performing individuals. This implies that the efficient allocation of resources cannot be ensured in a stiff competition in which behavior is unmonitored. The third essay, Tracing Risky Decision Making for Oneself and Others: The Role of Intuition and Deliberation, explores how individuals make choices under risk for themselves and on behalf of other people. The findings demonstrate that while there are no differences in preferences for taking risks when deciding for oneself  and for others, individuals have greater decision error when choosing for other individuals. The differences in the decision error can be partly attributed to the differences in information processing; individuals employ more deliberative cognitive processing when deciding for themselves than when deciding for others. Conducting more information processing when deciding for others is related to the reduction in decision error. The fourth essay, The Effect of Decision Fatigue on Surgeons’ Clinical Decision Making, investigates how mental depletion, caused by a long session of decision making, affects surgeon’s decision to operate. Exploiting a natural experiment, we find that surgeons are less likely to schedule an operation for patients who have appointment late during the work shift than for patients who have appointment at the beginning of the work shift. Understanding how the quality of medical decisions depends on when the patient is seen is important for achieving both efficiency and fairness in health care, where long shifts are popular. The fifth essay, Preferences for Outcome Editing in Monetary and Social Contexts, compares whether individuals use the same rules for mental representation of monetary outcomes (e.g., purchases, expenses) as for social outcomes (e.g., having nice time with friends). Outcome editing is an operation in mental accounting that determines whether individuals prefer to first combine multiple outcomes before their evaluation (integration) or evaluate each outcome separately (segregation). I find that the majority of individuals express different preferences for outcome editing in the monetary context than in the social context. Further, while the results on the editing of monetary outcomes are consistent with theoretical predictions, no existing model can explain the editing of social outcomes.

Namítání podjatosti úředníků ve správním řízení / Objection to the bias of an officials in administrative proceedings

Nováková, Johana January 2021 (has links)
105 Objection to the bias of an officials in administrative proceedings Abstract The subject of this diploma thesis is the analysis of the institute of exclusion from hearing and decision-making in administrative proceedings, which is enshrined in the provisions of § 14 of Act No. 500/2004 Coll. Administrative Procedure Code, including its amendments and the case law of the Supreme Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court. The diploma thesis also focuses on the concept of systematic bias, which is related to this institute. The aim of the diploma thesis is to at least partially map the use of the institute of exclusion from hearing and decision-making in practice, as regulated in the provisions of § 14 of Act No. 500/2004 Coll. Administrative Procedure. The beginning of the diploma thesis is devoted to the current legal regulation of the institute of exclusion from hearing and decision - making in administrative proceedings and the legal basis of the legal regulation of exclusion from hearing and decision - making. The next part of the diploma thesis is devoted to a detailed analysis of the current legal regulation of the institute of exclusion from hearing and decision-making in administrative proceedings, which is enshrined in the provisions of § 14 of Act No. 500/2004 Coll. Administrative...

Řízení o svéprávnosti / Legal capacity proceedings

Machová, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines legal capacity and its restriction. The legal capacity of a person makes along with his legal personality an inherent and inalienable component of his personality that enables him to act legally. It is therefore a prerequisite of his self-realization and active participation in society. Legal capacity and legal personality are components so significant, that they cannot be relinquished. Not even partially. Unlike legal personality, a person's legal capacity can be restricted by a court order. And it is the very legal capacity proceeding, this thesis focuses on. In view of the fact, that procedural law is reflected in substantive law, part of this thesis also concerns with the analysis of legislation contained within the Civil Code (Act. No. 89/2012 Coll.). The thesis thoroughly analyses individual stages of a legal capacity proceeding and the subsequent legal provisions and court decisions. The thesis is divided into two parts and eight chapters. The first part discusses substantive regulations of legal capacity. In the introduction to the first chapter, I draw attention to an alteration in legal terminology and a new conception of legal capacity restriction according to the legal regulation that came into force on the 1st of January 2014. Subsequently I define the concept of...

Uma experiência de auto-gestão de professores e alunos da E.E.S.G. Prof. Ayres de Moura - 1984 a 1994 / A self-management experience among teachers and students at E.E.S.G. Prof. Ayres de Moura between 1984 and 1994

Riqueti, Carlos Eduardo 04 April 2008 (has links)
No início dos anos 1980, em meio ao efervescente contexto político-social nacional, um grupo de professores e alunos da E.E.S.G. Professor Ayres de Moura, localizada na Vila Jaguara, Lapa, zona oeste da capital paulista, iniciou um movimento que culminou no afastamento do diretor e na apropriação daquele espaço pela comunidade escolar, propiciando condições para práticas didático-pedagógicas arrojadas que ocorreram por aproximadamente dez anos, entre 1984 e 1994. O presente estudo pretende analisar a extensão dessas práticas e seus limites - que subsistem e reclamam para si o direito à memória -, deixando registrado um exemplo alternativo no campo da Educação ocorrido na década de 1980, questionando, dessa forma, o binômio \"escola pública/má qualidade\". A análise do processo de auto-gestão instaurado naquela escola busca também refletir acerca da participação direta e efetiva nas decisões dentro do espaço escolar, do significado de participação política, democracia e cidadania, assim como nas relações de poder existentes no cotidiano. Especificamente no tocante às questões didático-pedagógicas, procura entender como o currículo real dessa escola foi trabalhado ao longo desses dez anos em que ela foi gerida pela comunidade. Em outras palavras, procura entender a dinâmica existente entre as esferas política e pedagógica. Para tanto, utilizou como fontes entrevistas com ex-professores e ex-alunos, artigos de jornais e documentos de natureza diversa produzidos pela escola. Atualmente, a E.E.S.G. Professor Ayres de Moura não difere da média das escolas públicas da periferia da cidade de São Paulo, pouco se assemelhando ao que foi durante o período referido por essa pesquisa. Nesse sentido, também se buscou compreender as razões que levaram aquela experiência ao seu esgotamento. / In the beginning of the 1908s, amidst a roaring social-political national environment, a group of professors and students of the E.E.S.G. Professor Ayres de Moura (located in Vila Jaguara, Lapa, west of Sao Paulo) initiated a movement which had its height with the deposition of their Headmaster. The schooling community then took possession of that space allowing for the appropriate teaching practices to be applied between 1984 and 1994. This work aims at analyzing the extension of such practices and their limits which exist and claim for themselves the right to memory leaving as a mark an alternative example in the education field which took place in the 1980s decade, questioning the alleged correlation between state schools vs. poor quality. The analysis of the self management process adopted by that school looks to reflect over the direct and effective participation within the school space on the meaning of political participation, democracy and citizenship, as well as of the relationships of the existing power of daily life. Specifically on the teaching methodology questions, it looks to understand how the real curriculum was worked during the school creation process undertaken by the community. In other words, the existing dynamics between the pedagogical and political spheres. To that end, interviews with ex-teachers, ex-students and newspaper clippings and documents produced by the school were used. Currently, E.E.S.G. Professor Ayres de Moura does not differ from the average nearby state schools in the outskirts of Sao Paulo, with little resemblance of what was until the mid 1990s. This way, there was also the need to understand the reasons which led to comprehend such experience to come to an end.

Computational Aspects of Learning, Reasoning, and Deciding

Zanuttini, Bruno 27 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
We present results and research projects about the computational aspects of classical problems in Artificial Intelligence. We are interested in the setting of agents able to describe their environment through a possibly huge number of Boolean descriptors, and to act upon this environment. The typical applications of this kind of studies are to the design of autonomous robots (for exploring unknown zones, for instance) or of software assistants (for scheduling, for instance). The ultimate goal of research in this domain is the design of agents able to learn autonomously, by learning and interacting with their environment (including human users), also able to reason for producing new pieces of knowledge, for explaining observed phenomena, and finally, able to decide on which action to take at any moment, in a rational fashion. Ideally, such agents will be fast, efficient as soon as they start to interact with their environment, they will improve their behavior as time goes by, and they will be able to communicate naturally with humans. Among the numerous research questions raised by these objectives, we are especially interested in concept and preference learning, in reinforcement learning, in planning, and in some underlying problems in complexity theory. A particular attention is paid to interaction with humans and to huge numbers of descriptors of the environment, as are necessary in real-world applications.

Uma experiência de auto-gestão de professores e alunos da E.E.S.G. Prof. Ayres de Moura - 1984 a 1994 / A self-management experience among teachers and students at E.E.S.G. Prof. Ayres de Moura between 1984 and 1994

Carlos Eduardo Riqueti 04 April 2008 (has links)
No início dos anos 1980, em meio ao efervescente contexto político-social nacional, um grupo de professores e alunos da E.E.S.G. Professor Ayres de Moura, localizada na Vila Jaguara, Lapa, zona oeste da capital paulista, iniciou um movimento que culminou no afastamento do diretor e na apropriação daquele espaço pela comunidade escolar, propiciando condições para práticas didático-pedagógicas arrojadas que ocorreram por aproximadamente dez anos, entre 1984 e 1994. O presente estudo pretende analisar a extensão dessas práticas e seus limites - que subsistem e reclamam para si o direito à memória -, deixando registrado um exemplo alternativo no campo da Educação ocorrido na década de 1980, questionando, dessa forma, o binômio \"escola pública/má qualidade\". A análise do processo de auto-gestão instaurado naquela escola busca também refletir acerca da participação direta e efetiva nas decisões dentro do espaço escolar, do significado de participação política, democracia e cidadania, assim como nas relações de poder existentes no cotidiano. Especificamente no tocante às questões didático-pedagógicas, procura entender como o currículo real dessa escola foi trabalhado ao longo desses dez anos em que ela foi gerida pela comunidade. Em outras palavras, procura entender a dinâmica existente entre as esferas política e pedagógica. Para tanto, utilizou como fontes entrevistas com ex-professores e ex-alunos, artigos de jornais e documentos de natureza diversa produzidos pela escola. Atualmente, a E.E.S.G. Professor Ayres de Moura não difere da média das escolas públicas da periferia da cidade de São Paulo, pouco se assemelhando ao que foi durante o período referido por essa pesquisa. Nesse sentido, também se buscou compreender as razões que levaram aquela experiência ao seu esgotamento. / In the beginning of the 1908s, amidst a roaring social-political national environment, a group of professors and students of the E.E.S.G. Professor Ayres de Moura (located in Vila Jaguara, Lapa, west of Sao Paulo) initiated a movement which had its height with the deposition of their Headmaster. The schooling community then took possession of that space allowing for the appropriate teaching practices to be applied between 1984 and 1994. This work aims at analyzing the extension of such practices and their limits which exist and claim for themselves the right to memory leaving as a mark an alternative example in the education field which took place in the 1980s decade, questioning the alleged correlation between state schools vs. poor quality. The analysis of the self management process adopted by that school looks to reflect over the direct and effective participation within the school space on the meaning of political participation, democracy and citizenship, as well as of the relationships of the existing power of daily life. Specifically on the teaching methodology questions, it looks to understand how the real curriculum was worked during the school creation process undertaken by the community. In other words, the existing dynamics between the pedagogical and political spheres. To that end, interviews with ex-teachers, ex-students and newspaper clippings and documents produced by the school were used. Currently, E.E.S.G. Professor Ayres de Moura does not differ from the average nearby state schools in the outskirts of Sao Paulo, with little resemblance of what was until the mid 1990s. This way, there was also the need to understand the reasons which led to comprehend such experience to come to an end.

A motivação das decisões judiciais civis em um estado de direito: necessária proteção da segurança jurídica / Reasoned judgments in the rule of law: realizing legal certainty

Lucca, Rodrigo Ramina de 16 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do papel desempenhado pelo dever de motivação das decisões judiciais na realização do Estado de Direito e, consequentemente, dos princípios da segurança jurídica e do devido processo legal. Partindo de uma concepção fina do Estado de Direito, busca-se demonstrar, inclusive mediante dados históricos, que a motivação das decisões judiciais é fundamental ao controle da atividade jurisdicional, reduzindo o arbítrio e o subjetivismo a que todo exercício de poder está sujeito. Para que a motivação possa desempenhar tal função, deve ser dotada de algumas características essenciais, que incluem: racionalidade, estrutura lógico-argumentativa e natureza declaratória e retrospectiva; cada uma delas estudada especificamente. Em relação à promoção da segurança jurídica, explica-se que apenas decisões motivadas são aptas a gerar precedentes judiciais, cuja observância é fundamental para se proporcionar estabilidade e previsibilidade ao ordenamento jurídico. Além disso, defende-se que as razões dadas pelos órgãos judiciais para a tomada de decisões geram expectativas legítimas no jurisdicionado que devem ser tuteladas. / This essay faces the role performed by obligatory reasoned judgments in the Rule of Law and its consequences to legal certainty and due process of law. Accepting a thin theory of the Rule of Law, the author intends to show, through the appointment of historical facts, that giving reasons for judgments is essential to control the jurisdictional activity and restrict the arbitrary power. Giving reasons, however, shall only attend its expected role if some exigencies are fulfilled, including: rationality, logical-argumentative structure and declaratory and retrospective nature of the reasons given. The author also explains that judgments may not be precedents if they are not reasoned; and following precedents is essential to assure legal certainty. Besides that, it is sustained that reasoned judgments generate legitimate expectations to the citizens that should be protected.

A motivação das decisões judiciais civis em um estado de direito: necessária proteção da segurança jurídica / Reasoned judgments in the rule of law: realizing legal certainty

Rodrigo Ramina de Lucca 16 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do papel desempenhado pelo dever de motivação das decisões judiciais na realização do Estado de Direito e, consequentemente, dos princípios da segurança jurídica e do devido processo legal. Partindo de uma concepção fina do Estado de Direito, busca-se demonstrar, inclusive mediante dados históricos, que a motivação das decisões judiciais é fundamental ao controle da atividade jurisdicional, reduzindo o arbítrio e o subjetivismo a que todo exercício de poder está sujeito. Para que a motivação possa desempenhar tal função, deve ser dotada de algumas características essenciais, que incluem: racionalidade, estrutura lógico-argumentativa e natureza declaratória e retrospectiva; cada uma delas estudada especificamente. Em relação à promoção da segurança jurídica, explica-se que apenas decisões motivadas são aptas a gerar precedentes judiciais, cuja observância é fundamental para se proporcionar estabilidade e previsibilidade ao ordenamento jurídico. Além disso, defende-se que as razões dadas pelos órgãos judiciais para a tomada de decisões geram expectativas legítimas no jurisdicionado que devem ser tuteladas. / This essay faces the role performed by obligatory reasoned judgments in the Rule of Law and its consequences to legal certainty and due process of law. Accepting a thin theory of the Rule of Law, the author intends to show, through the appointment of historical facts, that giving reasons for judgments is essential to control the jurisdictional activity and restrict the arbitrary power. Giving reasons, however, shall only attend its expected role if some exigencies are fulfilled, including: rationality, logical-argumentative structure and declaratory and retrospective nature of the reasons given. The author also explains that judgments may not be precedents if they are not reasoned; and following precedents is essential to assure legal certainty. Besides that, it is sustained that reasoned judgments generate legitimate expectations to the citizens that should be protected.

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