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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A strategy study to regenerate local development by rural tourism

Cheng, Hsin-Yi 13 July 2005 (has links)
According to the Statistics from Council of Agriculture in 2005, the proportion that agriculture occupied in the industrial structure of Taiwan has already dropped to 1.5%. After Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization in 2002, the government constructively attempted to encourage the farmers to transform to the suppliers of the recreation services. It¡¦s promoted the developed types of rural tourism changes from the early orchards and leisure farms to combine closely with local characteristics. The study aims to investigate the situations of rural tourism in Taiwan and to develop the workable strategies to revive the local economy. Use in-deep interview and the survey of questionnaire in Delphi method to collect the opinions from the industrial businessmen, government officials and academic experts. It has found that economical, social, and environmental dimensions obviously affect rural tourism in reviving local development. Furthermore, the strategies of rural tourism to regenerate local development could be divided into short-term and long-term strategy. For short-term strategy, there six recommends of the government are as followed, amending legislative laws and policies, adequately improving infrastructures, providing in-job training, and so on. And there are three about rural tourism suppliers. They are promoting the uniqueness rural resources, participating in communities¡¦ development, and upgrading the qualities of service. For long-term strategies, experts suggest the government in three dimensions, and four for the rural tourism suppliers. In conclusion, rural tourism is one of the most popular domestic recreation activities. In the future, the participations from business, governments, residents, and tourists are all very important to achieve the sustainable management goals. It¡¦s expected that development of Taiwan rural tourism could attract international tourists and improve the Taiwan¡¦s visibility in the international tourism market.

Operating target therapy for cancer drugs, key success factors.

Hung, Kuo-Yao 12 August 2010 (has links)
Abstract Cancer has been a big issue in the medical science. Many scientists in the world have been trying so hard to find the effective drugs or therapies for different kinds of cancers. However, cancer is till so hard to cure. Until these days targeted therapies show up and give cancer patient a new hope to cure cancer. Targeted therapies are drugs which can block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific molecules involved in tumor growth and progression. By focusing on molecular and cellular changes that are specific to cancer, targeted therapies are more effective than other types of treatment, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and less harmful to normal cells. Targeted therapies have been known by reducing side effects and improving quality life as well. Therefore, many drug manufactures have been investing money on investigating targeted therapies. Target therapy market is rapidly expending, and the competition among the drug manufactures has been more and fiercer. The key or critical success factors to the business of target cancer drugs are the most important issue for the drug manufactures to get the most profit from target drugs. The key success factors can be analyzed by sell strategy, research, development strategy, price strategy and government policy. This paper is trying to find the key success factors for business of target cancer drugs by deep interviewing the top sells managers in the industry and the top doctors in the hospital. Then these interview contents are analyzed by SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat) to find the key success factors for business of target cancer drugs. With these key success factors, hopefully it can help the drug manufactures make good business on target cancer drug market. Keywords: target drug, target therapy, key success factor, critical success factor, SWOT, deep interview.

失落的因應歷程之探討--以青少年時期父(母)親過世的成人為例 / The study on loss coping process of adults when they were adolescent following parental death

黃淑清, Huang, Shu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討於青少年時期曾經驗父(母)親過世的成人,面對其父(母)親過世的失落事件個人之因應方式,以及失落事件對個人造成的影響和意義是什麼? 研究採現象學取向的深度訪談方式為研究方法,邀請五位成年人,進行回溯性資料蒐集,並以中心主題及個人描敘文加以分析資料。主要的研究發現如下: 一、失落事件與自我之間存在一個互為背景與圖像的關係。以此一觀點引申,發現失落具有四個內涵:失落感覺的產生來自情境的引發、失落是經驗主體的主動感知、失落是循環不止的質變過程、失落其實是部份自我的失落。 二、失落事件的發生對個人最主要的影響在於,經驗失落的主體之自我概念的改變。其中改變的向度包括自我認同、家庭動力、人際互動及生命觀等四個層面。 三、成功的因應失落來自於經驗主體其自我概念的成功重建。 四、失落的意義在於,個人因與過世父(母)親的關係的中斷,促使經驗失落的主體得以發展新的眼光來看待過去關係中的「自我」。 五、以時間序列的縱觀角度探討失落的因應歷程時,發現個人因應失落的歷程有極高的個殊性,無法歸納出相同的步驟、階段。但在失落感受發生的片刻之間,發現個人在面對其失落感受及現實生活挑戰時,具有極為相似的心理歷程。 最後依據以上的研究發現,提出有關對諮商人員、父母及教育工作者及對未來研究的建議。 / The purpose of this study was to understand coping process, the influence, and the meaning of adults when they were adolescent following parental death. Five interviewees participated this study. Phenomenological deep interview was adopted to collect data. Central themes and essential descriptions were chosen to analyze. The main finding were as follow: 1. The relationship of loss and self was just like figure and ground. There were four implications from this concept such as: 1) loss was induced by the environment 2)loss was an active feeling 3)the meaning of loss was changeable.4) loss came from part of self loss. 2. Facing the event of loss, the most critical influence towards interviewees was the change to his/hers self-concept. Changed aspects included self-indentity, family dynamics, interpersonal dynamics, and vision to life. 3. Successful coping skills mean the self-concept had been successfully reconstructed. 4. The meaning of loss was what could get a new self-concept ideal by the interrupted parental relationship. 5. There were no typical loss coping process among these interviewees. But when loss appears in daily life, there was a similar psychological process. The discussion and suggestion about the develoment of loss counseling were raised at the end the article.

未婚男性的愛情觀--現象學方法的研究 / Pre-Marital Males’ Views about Love--A Phenomenological Approach

余振民, Jenn-Min Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討未婚男性的愛情觀。探究個人的愛情經驗在他們的生活中所扮演的整體角色,以歸納出愛情對他們個人的意義。並以研究所獲得的結果為基礎,進一步比較當代相關的理論,發展符合本土愛情現象的論述。   研究方法以現象學探索個人「生命世界」的方式為出發點,採用深度訪談及焦點團體來蒐集資料,邀請十一位受訪者參與訪談。訪談資料以現象學方法為基礎發展出基本架構,輔以研究者的主觀知識來完成整體男性愛情觀的詮釋與討論。主要的研究發現如下: 一、受訪的男性在青少年時期大多缺乏兩性親密互動的經驗,他們往往會藉由追求愛情來肯定自己、探索兩性關係。男性在挑選對象時相當注重外表,女性美麗的外表對他們個人的意義,在於帶給他們愉快的感受、性的快感,自我肯定,他們並會藉著女性的外表來判斷她們的內在。 二、男性在愛情關係中常扮演主動的追求者,在不斷追求愛情的經驗中,他們漸漸累積了對真實兩性關係的瞭解,以及兩性互動深刻的體驗。在愛情經驗的累積中,他們滿足自己的需求,像是自我肯定、自我成長、征服感、被關愛、被照顧、擺脫孤獨、性需求等等。透過這些需求的滿足,他們感到愛情的意義。但是對於維繫長期關係所需要的付出、犧牲自由、情慾限制、卻常讓他們感到痛苦。並且無論在他們的內心,以及他們和女友的互動中,都容易會產生不少的衝突。這樣的衝突本身不易解決,往往他們期待脫離當下的親密關係,尋找更適合自己的愛情。 三、整體來說,男性的愛情中包含了以性為主體的親密感,這樣的親密感不只是一種慾力的宣洩,而是包含著身體與心理的親密互動,甚至是一種能達到精神安定的對話關係。此外,愛情還是男性們滿足各種個人需求與成長的一個過程,端看他當下所期待的需求與成長是什麼。而在愛情關係中所獲得的成長,往往也是一種改變,推動他們再尋找最適合他們的愛情關係。   最後依據以上的研究發現,提出有關於男性、女性、諮商者以及未來研究的建議。 目 錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍的界定 12 第三節 本研究的限制 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 愛情的本質 15 第二節 愛情的來源 20 第三節 愛情的過程 24 第四節 兩性特質及其社會化影響因素 28 第五節 相關知識在本研究中的定位 33 第三章 研究方法 34 第一節 研究進行的架構 34 第二節 研究對象的選取 37 第三節 研究者自我涉入與自我檢核 42 第四節 蒐集資料的程序 45 第五節 資料整理與分析 56 第四章 研究發現 64 第一節 對象的挑選 64 第二節 愛情的追求 80 第三節 關係的發展 96 第四節 愛情的意義 109 第五章 結論、討論與建議 125 第一節 研究結論與討論 125 第二節 建議 156 參考書目 162 附錄 169 附錄一 訪談邀請函 169 附錄二 焦點團體邀請函 171 附錄三 訪談契約書 173 附錄四 個別訪談大綱 174 附錄五 田野日誌 175 附錄六 焦點團體訪談大綱 176 附錄七 個別訪談意義單元編輯舉例 177 附錄八 D的中心主題、開放編碼舉例 179 附錄九 個別訪談核心單元編輯舉例 180 附錄十 個別訪談的初步分析結果大綱 182 附錄十一 焦點團體訪談稿意義單元編輯舉例 184 附錄十二 研究方法的背景哲學 191 附表目次 表一 張老師近年求助問題前三名摘錄表 1 表二 台北市「生命線」近年求助問題統計資料 2 表三 愛情的內涵 3 表四 本土心理學界的愛情質性研究 6 表五 愛情的來源 22 表六 愛情的過程 27 表七 台灣男女兩性的特質 29 表八 研究對象的個人基本資料 37 表九 不同文化下的男女特質差異 136 附圖 圖一 研究進行的基本架構 35 圖二 資料分析的步驟 57 圖三 研究發現的初步架構 60 圖四 加入焦點團體資料後的研究發現架構 62 / The purpose of this study is to acquire the awareness of love of single males. This study tries to find the role of love in their lives to define their attitudes toward love. After all, this study compares the finding with contemporary theories, and tries to produce some discourse of romances in Taiwan.   Eleven interviewers have participated in this study. The phenomenological deep interview and focus group were adopted to collect data, along with the method of Phenomenological Psychology to analyze data. Finally, some hermeneutic approaches were used to illuminate the finding. The main findings were as the following.   First, most interviewed males lacked experience of mutually sexual interaction at their teens. They used to confine themselves and explore bi-sexual relations through the pursuing of love. Males intended to care about the appearance of females, as the beautiful appearance is of significance for them. Males judged the existence of females by the appearance of females, as it accommodated males with delighted feeling, sexual contentment, and self-confidence.   Secondly, Males frequently played an aggressive role in the process. Males accumulated their understandings of sexual relationship and experience of impressing sexual interaction. They were mentally and physically fulfilled with self-ascertain, self-growth, sense of conquering, being loved, being cared, and sexual interaction. Through the satisfaction of these needs, they aware the meanings of love. They, however, felt uncomfortable with the consistently long term giving, sacrifice of freedom, and control of sexual desires Such conflicts were not easily resolved, and they led males to pursue more suitable love under the present expectations. Literally speaking, love attitude of bachelors consists of intimacy mainly. Such intimacy contains physical and mental interactions and even the achievement of dialogue relations of spiritual comfort, rather than an outlet of desires.   Furthermore, love is also the process of various needs and self-growth at the moment of what makes expect to obtain and to be. The growth mostly in love relations is a change as well. It motivates males to define a more suitable relationship among themselves and others.   Based on the above findings, comments are made for males, females, consolers, and future advanced research.

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