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The electrogenic NADPH oxidase of human neutrophils derived cytoplastsHenderson, L. M. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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Detection of radar signals under noise and jamming conditionsMostafa, Khaled Hussien January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Analýza vztahu použitých obranných systémů a charakteristik rychlého útoku u vybraného družstva házené / Analysis of defence systems and attributes of fast attack used for selected handbal team.Jelínek, Roman January 2017 (has links)
Title: Analysis of defence systems and attributes of fast attack used for selected handbal team. Objectives: The objective of my dissertation was to find out reciprocal relations between defence systems and quantity (quality also) attributes of fast attack used for top handbal team in Czech republic. My next objective was analyzation of recorded values and comparation with available values of national teams from top events like Olympic games, European and World championship. Methods: We used for our dissertation methods of direct observation, indirect observation and analyzation. The results were processed by Microsoft office Excel 2007 and there was used chi-squared distribution of independence. Results: We found out in our dissertation that the observed team was frequently in fast attack during more agresive zone defence system 1:5 than the other defence systems used during games in season 2015/2016. The next detection is that observed team had almost the same quantity of fast attacks in one game like national teams during big international tournaments but there was found a big difference in proportional success of attacks for national teams. The participation of goals from fast attacks and total attacks is bigger for our observed team than for national teams on big international tournaments but...
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Topology-aware vulnerability mitigation wormsAl-Salloum, Ziyad January 2011 (has links)
In very dynamic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures, with rapidly growing applications, malicious intrusions have become very sophisticated, effective, and fast. Industries have suffered billions of US dollars losses due only to malicious worm outbreaks. Several calls have been issued by governments and industries to the research community to propose innovative solutions that would help prevent malicious breaches, especially with enterprise networks becoming more complex, large, and volatile. In this thesis we approach self-replicating, self-propagating, and self-contained network programs (i.e. worms) as vulnerability mitigation mechanisms to eliminate threats to networks. These programs provide distinctive features, including: Short distance communication with network nodes, intermittent network node vulnerability probing, and network topology discovery. Such features become necessary, especially for networks with frequent node association and disassociation, dynamically connected links, and where hosts concurrently run multiple operating systems. We propose -- to the best of our knowledge -- the first computer worm that utilize the second layer of the OSI model (Data Link Layer) as its main propagation medium. We name our defensive worm Seawave, a controlled interactive, self-replicating, self-propagating, and self-contained vulnerability mitigation mechanism. We develop, experiment, and evaluate Seawave under different simulation environments that mimic to a large extent enterprise networks. We also propose a threat analysis model to help identify weaknesses, strengths, and threats within and towards our vulnerability mitigation mechanism, followed by a mathematical propagation model to observe Seawave's performance under large scale enterprise networks. We also preliminary propose another vulnerability mitigation worm that utilizes the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) for its propagation, along with an evaluation of its performance. In addition, we describe a preliminary taxonomy that rediscovers the relationship between different types of self-replicating programs (i.e. viruses, worms, and botnets) and redefines these programs based on their properties. The taxonomy provides a classification that can be easily applied within the industry and the research community and paves the way for a promising research direction that would consider the defensive side of self-replicating programs.
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Systems methodology for Analysis of Airborne Electronic Warfare Systems / Systemmetodik för analys av luftburna elektroniska krigföringssystemHedén, Hugo January 2021 (has links)
This report is one of the first to examine how system methodology can be applied as a tool to facilitate a holistic view of fighter aircraft survivability. This is done through the application of a modified version of multi-agent influence diagrams (MAIDs), as an analytical tool of two generic one-on-one scenarios based on Robert E. Balls The Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability, Analysis and Design. The concept of survivability has been limited to susceptibility because this is where ECM, ECCM and ESM operate. The result: three influence diagrams for each scenario and a generic MAID developed for the first scenario. These should not be seen as an exact technical description of the interaction between threats and countermeasures, but as a pilot application of system methodology within the study area. Furthermore, the user validation indicates that the diagrams can convey the complexity of the interactions between threats and countermeasures through a graphical presentation. The diagrams led to a deeper discussion about which influences are important for survival. The conclusion is that MAID and systems methodology can serve as a tool to describe and help communicate the complex relationships between elements and influences that affect the aircraft's survivability between different actors, provided they are modelled correctly. / Denna rapport är en av de första som undersöker hur systemmetodik kan tillämpas som ett verktyg för att underlätta en holistisk syn på stridsflygplans överlevnadsförmåga. Detta görs genom tillämpningen av en modifierad version av multiagent influence diagrams (MAIDs) som ett analysverktyg av två generiska en-mot-en-scenarier baserade på Robert E. Balls The Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability, Analysis and Design. Begreppet överlevnadsförmåga har avgränsats till mottaglighet eftersom det är här ECM, ECCM och ESM verkar. Resultatet: tre influensdiagram för varje scenario och ett generisk MAID baserat på det första scenariot. Dessa ska inte ses som en exakt teknisk beskrivning av interaktionen mellan hot och motmedel, utan som en pilottillämpning av systemmetodik inom studieområdet. Vidare indikerar användarvalideringen att diagrammen kan förmedla komplexiteten i interaktionerna mellan hot och motmedel genom en grafisk presentation. Diagrammen ledde till en djupare diskussion om vilka influenser som är av vikt för överlevnad. Slutsatsen är att MAID och systemmetodik kan fungera som ett verktyg för att beskriva och hjälpa till att kommunicera de komplexa sambanden mellan element och influenser som påverkar flygplanens överlevnadsförmåga mellan olika aktörer. En förutsättning är dock att de modelleras på ett korrekt sätt.
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The Total Defence Boardgame : Using Game Based Learning to introduce systemic understanding of Swedish total defenceBrolin, Filip January 2022 (has links)
This report examines how games can be used to communicate and teach complex system structures. In collaboration with the total defence research institute, a game is being developed to introduce operational analysts to the Swedish total defence. The target group for the game lacked both experience in systems thinking and total defence, which is why the game was considered a good method to test. The study has a design science research approach and used Arnold and Wade's systems thinking matrix as the basis for the game's learning objectives. The development of the game is largely based on methodology taken from serious gaming, war games and game pedagogy. The result of the studies was that a number of points of interest for game development linked to complex systems are identified. Among other things, the result strengthened the idea of using games as an educational tool. The study also demonstrated certain difficulties with games and complex systems, where sometimes challenges were connected to creating a game that fairly depicts even the hidden relationships within a system.
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The Military Utility of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Swedish Tactical Deliveries : A Defence Systems Perspective / Militära Nyttan av Obemannade Flygande System för Svenska Taktiska Leveranser : Ett FörsvarssystemperspektivLomaeus, Anton January 2021 (has links)
There is a rapid development within the unmanned aerial systems (UAS) technologies and the logistics industry leads the research, motivated by potential future profits when used for last-mile deliveries. The military have used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for many decades, but the military usage of UAVs for deliveries is almost unheard of. The main purpose of the study is to theoretically evaluate if existing payload carrying UAVs could increase the Swedish defence-logistics organizations capabilities. This study is delimited to tactical deliveries and UAVs with a maximal takeoff weight of less than 250 kg. This study begins by investigating the Swedish Armed Forces logistical needs and the capabilities of the existing UAVs. It then performs a research overview in the subject to be updated on the latest insights which are complemented by discussions with expertise in the subject. The theory utilized are Systems Science, Systems Engineering and Military Capability which lay ground to the Military Utility concept which is developed to evaluate the value of military systems to support decision-makers when acquiring new complex systems. To evaluate the military logistics performance, Mosh Kress book Operational logistics was used. The research is split into three phases, phase one utilizes the insights from the background research to select UAVs to evaluate and to develop three potential scenarios. In phase two the Military Utility evaluation models are developed for each scenario. Phase three evaluates the concept systems performance for the scenarios. The conclusion is that there is circumstantial Military Utility with UAS within the Swedish logistics organization. The potential exists when used for their strengths such as low response time in hard-to-reach areas, and where there is a desire to remove the operators from danger during the transport. Further there is a potential to save operative costs in terms of man-hours, but UAVs are quite vulnerable to electronic disturbances and the cold and windy Swedish climate. The civil airspace regulation is also a major hinder for UAS effective use as well as their limited payload capacity. / Den teknologiska utvecklingen inom obemannade flygande system (UAS) går snabbt framåt. Det är logistikindustrin som leder forskningen motiverade av framtida vinster när tekniken används för sista kilometern-transporter. Militären har använt obemannade flygande fordon (UAV) i flera decennier, men inte för materielleveranser i någon betydande utsträckning. Det huvudsakliga syftet med den här studien är att teoretiskt utvärdera om befintliga transport UAV:er kan öka den svenska försvarslogistiska förmågan. Studien är avgränsad till taktiska leveranser med UAV:er som har en maximal startvikt på 250 kg. Studien börjar med att undersöka de svenska försvarslogistiska behoven samt förmågorna av existerande UAV:er. Den genomför sedan en forskningsöversikt i ämnet för att uppdateras om de senaste insikterna som även kompletteras av diskussioner med experter i ämnet. Teorin som används är Systemteori, Systemteknik och Militär förmåga som lägger grunden för det Militär Nytta-konceptet. Konceptet är utvecklat för att utvärdera värdet av militära system och förse beslutstagare med stöd vid anskaffande av nya komplexa system. För att utvärdera den militära logistikprestandan används Mosh Kress bok Operational Logistics. Genomförandet delas upp i tre faser. I fas ett används insikterna från initiala undersökningen för att välja ut UAV:er att utvärdera samt utvecklas tre potentiella scenarier. I fas två utvecklas Militära Nytta utvärderingsmodellerna för vartdera scenario. I fas tre utvärderas systemkonceptens prestanda i scenarierna. Slutsatsen är att Militär Nytta med UAS finns till varierande grad beroende på omständigheterna. Potentialen för tekniken finns främst när den används för sina styrkor till exempel vid behov av snabba leveranser till svåråtkomliga platser, samt när det finns ett behov att få bort förare från farliga platser. Vidare så finns det potential att spara operativa kostnader genom reducering av man-timmar, men UAV:er är ganska sårbara till elektroniska störningar och det svenska klimatet. Även luftrumsregelverken är ett hinder för effektiv användning samt dess begränsade lastkapacitet.
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