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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deformabilidade de ligações viga-pilar de concreto pré-moldado / Deformability of beam-column connections in precast concrete structures

Marcelo de Araújo Ferreira 22 February 1999 (has links)
No presente trabalho é abordada uma metodologia analítica para o cálculo de deformabilidades de ligações típicas de concreto pré-moldado, levando-se em conta os mecanismos básicos de deformação na ligação. Foram estudas duas ligações típicas viga-pilar de concreto pré-moldado. A primeira ligação é uma ligação com almofada de elastômero e chumbador. É apresentado um desenvolvimento analítico para o cálculo da deformabilidade ao cisalhamento da ligação. Também, é abordado um procedimento para a determinação da resistência ao cisalhamento. Foram realizados ensaios de cisalhamento, de flexão e torção nessa ligação, onde foram variados a geometria da almofada e o diâmetro do chumbador. A segunda ligação é uma ligação resistente à flexão com chapas soldadas. É apresentado um desenvolvimento para o cálculo da deformabilidade à flexão da ligação. Foram realizados dois ensaios de flexão alternada em um protótipo com ligações soldadas e um protótipo monolítico, o qual serviu de referência para avaliar a rigidez da ligação. Os valores calculados da deformabilidade ao cisalhamento, para os protótipos com almofada de elastômero e chumbador, foram, em média, 23% superiores aos valores experimentais. Todavia, este equacionamento não se aplica ao caso de uma ligação com almofada com um fator de forma maior do que 5. As resistências ao cisalhamento calculadas corresponderam a valores entre 96 a 100% em relação aos valores experimentais. A ligação com chapas soldadas apresentou uma rigidez à flexão da ordem 83% da rigidez da ligação monolítica. O valor calculado para a rigidez à flexão secante foi 5% superior à rigidez apresentada pela ligação ensaiada. O momento máximo de cálculo da ligação, estimado com base na rigidez calculada, foi 6% superior ao momento de ruptura. A partir dos resultados experimentais, demonstrou-se que, através da utilização de procedimentos analíticos para a determinação das deformabilidades, pode-se obter uma boa estimativa para os valores experimentais, constituindo-se assim em uma alternativa viável e em uma ferramenta de grande potencial a ser explorado para o projeto das ligações de concreto pré-moldado. / This thesis discusses an analytical methodology to determine the deformability of beam-column connections for precast concrete structures, considering the basic mechanisms of deformation in these connections. Two typical beam-column connections it was studied. For the first one, which consists of a connection with bearing pad and dowel bars, is presented an analytical development to determine its shear deformability. In addition, it is discussed a procedure to determine its shear resistance and some tests, which include shear, bending moment and sprain about beam axis, are also reported, where it were used different parameters to the bearing pad geometry and to the dowel bar diameter in the connections. For the second connection, which consists of a moment resistant connection with welded plates, is presented an analytical development to determine the connection flexibility. In order to evaluate the flexibility behaviour of the connection, two tests are reported. In the first one was used a rigid connection, which was used as a stiffness reference. As a result, the theoretical shear deformability, calculated to the prototypes with bearing pad and dowel bars, presented 23% more than the experimental results. Therefore, this calculus was not applied for pads with shape factor bigger than 5. The predicted shear resistance suited to values between 96 and 100% in relation to experimental values. The stiffness response of the resistant moment connection suited about 83% of the rigid connection stiffness. The theoretical secant stiffness of the connection it was 5% bigger than the experimental response. The predicted ultimate bending moment it was 6% bigger than moment crack of connection. Based on the analysis of the results, it was demonstrated that, the employ of analytical developments to determine deformabilities in the precast concrete connections is viable and provides good estimated values. In other way, the use of those analytical developments together with available procedures consist on important design tools to be applied for the precast concrete connections.

Resistência e deformabilidade de blocos vazados de concreto e suas correlações com as propriedades mecânicas do material constituinte / Strength and deformability of concrete hollow blocks and their correlation to mechanical properties of constituent material

Claudius de Sousa Barbosa 23 April 2004 (has links)
O trabalho tem como objetivo correlacionar as propriedades mecânicas de blocos vazados com as do concreto que o constitui. Moldam-se blocos vazados e corpos-de-prova de dimensões distintas com concreto plástico em três níveis de resistência (10, 20 e 30 MPa) e caracterizam-se as propriedades mecânicas por meio de ensaios à compressão axial e à tração. Ensaiam-se à compressão axial prismas constituídos por dois e três blocos de concreto sem junta de argamassa, unidos por adesivo à base de epóxi. Observa-se que a relação entre as resistências do bloco e prisma e a resistência do concreto diminui com o aumento da altura desses elementos. Obtém-se o módulo de elasticidade longitudinal do concreto, a partir de ensaios com corpos-de-prova. Analisam-se as deformações em diversos pontos do bloco quando submetidos à compressão axial. Devido à distribuição não uniforme de tensões nos blocos e prismas, obtêm-se diferentes valores de deformação ao longo das paredes dos elementos. Os blocos, por possuírem menor altura que os prismas, apresentam maior diferença entre os valores de deformação. Por meio de simulações numéricas, no regime linear, observa-se que a placa de ensaio não se desloca uniformemente, acarretando os distintos valores de deformação ao longo do bloco. Uma forma peculiar de cálculo, baseada nessas deformações, permite a previsão da capacidade resistente do bloco e conduz a valores próximos da força máxima de ensaio. Apresenta-se ainda, uma tentativa de prever a deformabilidade do bloco vazado de concreto a partir das propriedades mecânicas do concreto. / This research aims to correlate the mechanical properties of hollow blocks to those of the concrete used to build them. Concrete hollow blocks and test samples of different shapes and sizes (cylinder 50 x 100, 100 x 200 and 150 x 300 mm) were molded with plastic consistency concrete in three different levels of strength (nominally 10, 20 and 30 MPa). Their mechanical properties and structural behavior in axial compression and tension tests were determined. Also two and three block prisms were built without mortar joints, pilled up with epoxy glue. It could be observed that the relationship between block strength or prism strength and concrete strength (measured in test samples) decreases with increasing of the element\'s height. Stress and strain analyses were made based on the concrete\'s modulus of elasticity obtained in sample tests and on the measured strain in the blocks\' faces and webs. By linear numerical simulations it was observed that loading plate does not show uniform displacement values, causing significant differences between theoretical and experimental behavior. A peculiar stress-strain analysis permitted to calculate the block load capacity based in its deformations. Also a tentative method to preview the block deformability from the concrete mechanical properties is described and tested.

Implication de l’hémorhéologie dans la physiopathologie de la drépanocytose / Involvement of the hemorheology in the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease

Lamarre, Yann 16 December 2013 (has links)
Nous avons étudié les marqueurs hémorhéologiques, hématologiques et biochimiques chez des sujets drépanocytaires homozygotes SS (HbS/HbS) et hétérozygotes composites SC (HbS/HbC) dans deux cohortes, pédiatriques et adultes, de patients drépanocytaires, et ce, à travers 7 complications récurrentes de la drépanocytose : 2 appartenant au profil hémolytique (l’ulcère de jambes et la glomérulopathie) et 5 appartenant au phénotype visqueux/vaso-occlusif (l’hypertension artérielle, le syndrome thoracique aigu (STA), la crise vaso-occlusive (CVO), la rétinopathie et l’ostéonécrose). Nous avons montré que : 1) une viscosité sanguine et une déformabilité érythrocytaire élevées sont des facteurs de risques de CVO chez les enfants homozygotes ; 2) Une viscosité sanguine élevée est associée à une hypertension artérielle systémique relative chez des adultes SS ; 3) les enfants SC présente une fonction vasculaire mieux préservée que les enfants SS pour faire face à une augmentation de la viscosité sanguine ; 4) les patients adultes SS avec une ostéonécrose présentent une déformabilité érythrocytaire plus élevée que les patients sans ostéonécrose ; 5) une viscosité sanguine élevée est associée à la présence d’une rétinopathie chez les adultes SC mais pas chez les SS ; 6) les patients adultes SS présentant une glomérulopathie ont un taux d’hémolyse élevé, une déformabilité érythrocytaire réduite et des agrégats érythrocytaires très robustes ; 7) les patients adultes SS avec des ulcères de jambes récurrents ont un taux d’hémolyse accru et une déformabilité érythrocytaire réduite. De plus, nos travaux confirment que l’-thalassémie module les propriétés de déformabilité érythrocytaire, mais montrent pour la première fois qu’elle module aussi les propriétés d’agrégation érythrocytaire, et notamment la force des agrégats érythrocytaires. En conclusion, ces travaux permettent de préciser le rôle de la rhéologie sanguine dans un certain nombre de complications de la drépanocytose et d’enrichir le modèle préexistant divisant les complications de la drépanocytose selon 2 phénotypes : hémolytique versus visqueux/vaso-occlusif. Nous montrons pour la première fois que le phénotype hémolytique est caractérisé aussi par des anomalies de la rhéologie du globule rouge : rigidité accrue et agrégats érythrocytaire robustes. / Hemorheological, hemathological, and biochemical marquers of patients with sickle cell anemia (SS) and patients with sickle cell SC disease (SC) were studied in 2 cohorts: children and adults. We focused on 7 recurrent complications: 5 belonging to the viscosity/vaso-occlusion phenotype (systemic hypertension, acute chest syndrome (ACS), vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC), retinopathy and osteonecrosis) and 2 belonging to the hemolytic phenotype (leg ulcer and glomerulopathy). Our results show that 1) high viscosity is associated with increased risk for VOC in SS children; 2) blood viscosity is increased in SS adults with systemic relative hypertension; 3) SC children have preserved vascular function compared to SS children; 4) SS adults with osteonecrosis are characterized by higher red blood cell (RBC) deformability than SS adults without osteonecrosis; 5) high blood viscosity is associated with retinopathy in SC adults but not in SS adults; 6) SS adults affected by glomerulopathy have high hemolytic rate, low RBC deformability and increased RBC aggregates strenght; 7) SS adults with recurrent leg ulcers have high hemolytic rate and reduced RBC deformability. Moreover, our studies shows that alpha-thalassemia modulate RBC deformability and RBC aggregation properties. In conclusion, this work shows for the first time that the hemolytic phenotype is characterized by an abnormal RBC rheology which may play a role in several sickle cell complications.

Single-cell mechanical phenotyping across timescales and cell state transitions

Urbanska, Marta 25 January 2022 (has links)
Mechanical properties of cells and their environment have an undeniable impact on physiological and pathological processes such as tissue development or cancer metastasis. Hence, there is a pressing need for establishing and validating methodologies for measuring the mechanical properties of cells, as well as for deciphering the molecular underpinnings that govern the mechanical phenotype. During my doctoral research, I addressed these needs by pushing the boundaries of the field of single-cell mechanics in four projects, two of which were method-oriented and two explored important biological questions. First, I consolidated real-time deformability cytometry as a method for high-throughput single-cell mechanical phenotyping and contributed to its transformation into a versatile image-based cell characterization and sorting platform. Importantly, this platform can be used not only to sort cells based on image-derived parameters, but also to train neural networks to recognize and sort cells of interest based on raw images. Second, I performed a cross-laboratory study comparing three microfluidics-based deformability cytometry approaches operating at different timescales in two standardized assays of osmotic shock and actin disassembly. This study revealed that while all three methods are sensitive to osmotic shock-induced changes in cell deformability, the method operating at the shortest timescale is not suited for detection of actin cytoskeleton changes. Third, I demonstrated changes in cell mechanical phenotype associated with cell fate specification on the example of differentiation and de-differentiation along the neural lineage. In the process of reprogramming to pluripotency, neural precursor cells acquired progressively stiffer phenotype, that was reversed in the process of neural differentiation. The stiff phenotype of induced pluripotent stem cells was equivalent to that of embryonic stem cells, suggesting that mechanical properties of cells are inherent to their developmental stage. Finally, I identified and validated novel target genes involved in the regulation of mechanical properties of cells. The targets were identified using machine learning-based network analysis of transcriptomic profiles associated with mechanical phenotype change, and validated computationally as well as in genetic perturbation experiments. In particular, I showed that the gene with the best in silico performance, CAV1, changes the mechanical properties of cells when silenced or overexpressed. Identification of novel targets for mechanical phenotype modification is crucial for future explorations of physiological and pathological roles of cell mechanics. Together, this thesis encompasses a collection of contributions at the frontier of single-cell mechanical characterization across timescales and cell state transitions, and lays ground for turning cell mechanics from a correlative phenomenological parameter to a controllable property.:Abstract Kurzfassung List of Publications Contents Introduction Chapter 1 — Background 1.1. Mechanical properties as a marker of cell state in health and disease 1.2. Functional relevance of single-cell mechanical properties 1.3. Internal structures determining mechanical properties of cells 1.4. Cell as a viscoelastic material 1.5. Methods to measure single-cell mechanical properties Aims and scope of this thesis Chapter 2 — RT-DC as a versatile method for image-based cell characterization and sorting 2.1. RT-DC for mechanical characterization of cells 2.1.1. Operation of the RT-DC setup 2.1.2. Extracting Young’s modulus from RT-DC data 2.2. Additional functionalities implemented to the RT-DC setup 2.2.1. 1D fluorescence readout in three spectral channels 2.2.2. SSAW-based active cell sorting 2.3. Beyond assessment of cell mechanics — emerging applications 2.3.1. Deformation-assisted population separation and sorting 2.3.2. Brightness-based identification and sorting of blood cells 2.3.3. Transferring molecular specificity into label-free cell sorting 2.4. Discussion 2.5. Key conclusions 2.6. Materials and experimental procedures 2.7. Data analysis Chapter 3 — A comparison of three deformability cytometry classes operating at different timescales 3.1. Results 3.1.1. Representatives of the three deformability cytometry classes 3.1.2. Osmotic shock-induced deformability changes are detectable in all three methods 3.1.3. Ability to detect actin disassembly is method-dependent 3.1.4. Strain rate increase decreases the range of deformability response to actin disassembly in sDC 3.2. Discussion 3.3. Key conclusions 3.4. Materials and methods Chapter 4 — Mechanical journey of neural progenitor cells to pluripotency and back 4.1. Results 4.1.1. fNPCs become progressively stiffer during reprogramming to pluripotency 4.1.2. Transgene-dependent F-class cells are more compliant than ESC-like iPSCs 4.1.3. Surface markers unravel mechanical subpopulations at intermediate reprogramming stages 4.1.4. Neural differentiation of iPSCs mechanically mirrors reprogramming of fNPCs 4.1.5. The closer to the pluripotency, the higher the cell stiffness 4.2. Discussion 4.3. Key conclusions 4.4. Materials and methods Chapter 5 — Data-driven approach for de novo identification of cell mechanics regulators 5.1. Results 5.1.1. An overview of the mechanomics approach 5.1.2. Model systems characterized by mechanical phenotype changes 5.1.3. Discriminative network analysis on discovery datasets 5.1.4. Conserved functional network module comprises five genes 5.1.5. CAV1 performs best at classifying soft and stiff cell states in validation datasets 5.1.6. Perturbing expression levels of CAV1 changes cells stiffness 5.2. Discussion 5.3. Key conclusions 5.4. Materials and methods Conclusions and Outlook Appendix A Appendix B Supplementary Tables B.1 – B.2 Supplementary Figures B.1 – B.9 Appendix C Supplementary Tables C.1 – C.2. Supplementary Figures C.1 – C.5 Appendix D Supplementary Tables D.1 – D.6 Supplementary Figures D.1 – D.7 List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations. List of Symbols References Acknowledgements

Influence of exercise on quantity and deformability of immune cells in multiple sclerosis

Proschmann, Undine, Shalchi-Amirkhiz, Puya, Andres, Pauline, Haase, Rocco, Inojosa, Hernán, Ziemssen, Tjalf, Akgün, Katja 05 August 2024 (has links)
Objective: The study aimed to investigate the effect of exercise on immune cell count and cell mechanical properties in people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) on different disease-modifying treatments (DMT) vs. healthy controls (HCs). Methods: A cohort of 16 HCs and 45 pwMS, including patients with lymphopenia (alemtuzumab and fingolimod) as well as increased lymphocyte counts (natalizumab), was evaluated for exercise-mediated effects on immune cell counts and lymphocyte deformability. As exercise paradigms, climbing stairs at normal speed or as fast as possible and cycling were used, while blood samples were collected before, immediately, and 20 as well as 60 min post-exercise. Immune cell subtypes and lymphocyte deformability were analyzed using multicolor flow cytometry and real-time deformability cytometry. Results: An increase in lymphocytes and selected subsets was observed following exercise in HCs and all pwMS on different DMTs. Patients with lymphopenia exhibited an increase in absolute lymphocyte counts and immune cell subsets till just below or into the reference range. An increase above the upper limit of the reference range was detected in patients on natalizumab. Exercise-induced alterations were observable even in low and more pronounced in high-intensity physical activities. Lymphocyte deformability was found to be only mildly affected by the investigated exercise regimes. Conclusion: People with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) treated with alemtuzumab, fingolimod, and natalizumab respond to acute exercise with a comparable temporal pattern characterized by the increase of immune cell subsets as HCs. The magnitude of response is influenced by exercise intensity. Exercise-mediated effects should be considered when interpreting laboratory values in patients on immunomodulatory therapy. The impact of exercise on biophysical properties should be further elucidated.

Influência da petrotrama, textura e mineralogia sobre parâmetros geomecânicos de arenitos: O caso da formação Piramboia / Influence of petrofabric, texture and mineralogy on geomechanical parameters of sandstones: the case of the Piramboia Formation

Fiorini, Paulo 14 November 2018 (has links)
A resistência à compressão uniaxial e o módulo de deformabilidade são parâmetros que descrevem o comportamento de materiais rochosos frente a solicitações por esforços. É prática corriqueira em investigações geológico-geotécnicas para projetos de engenharia estimar a resistência de maneira preliminar com base em propriedades de tenacidade, dureza e friabilidade, aferindo à rocha graus de coerência. Dados laboratoriais referentes a aspectos físicos, texturais e mineralógicos de arenitos da Formação Piramboia, Bacia do Paraná, amostrados via sondagens mistas na região de Anhembi e Santa Maria da Serra, Estado de São Paulo, foram correlacionados entre si e a parâmetros geomecânicos como resistência à compressão uniaxial, módulo de deformabilidade e graus de coerência. As fácies reconhecidas nos arenitos foram agrupadas em associações de dunas e interdunas e suas rochas classificadas como quartzo arenitos e arenitos feldspáticos ou subarcóseos, com cimentação principalmente de esmectita ou material argilo- ferruginoso. Encontraram-se correlações significativas da resistência à compressão uniaxial com tamanho médio dos grãos e densidade, inversa no primeiro caso e direta no segundo. Já o módulo de deformabilidade apresentou correlação significativa inversa com proporção de pelíticos, e direta com tamanho médio dos grãos, desvio padrão da distribuição granulométrica e grau de empacotamento. Arenitos característicos de inundações efêmeras em domínio de interdunas úmidas, com maiores teores de pelíticos, apresentaram módulos de deformabilidade baixos e resistências altas em comparação aos arenitos de demais fácies. Variações da composição mineralógica do arcabouço não se mostraram suficientes para influenciar significativamente o comportamento geomecânico dos arenitos. / The uniaxial compressive strength and the deformability modulus are parameters that describe the behavior of rock materials under stress. It is an everyday practice in geological and geotechnical investigations for engineering projects to estimate strength in a preliminary fashion, based on properties such as tenacity, toughness and friability, attributing to the rock a qualitative term describing its strength. Laboratorial data on physical, textural and mineralogical aspects of sandstones of the Piramboia Formation, Paraná Basin, obtained by core drillings in the region of Anhembi and Santa Maria da Serra, state of São Paulo, were correlated to each other and to geomechanical parameters such as uniaxial compressive strength, deformability modulus and qualitative terms describing their strength. The recognized sandstone facies were grouped in dune and interdune associations and their rocks were classified as quartz arenites and feldspathic arenites or subarkoses, whose cementation is mainly composed of smectite or ferruginous clay material. Significant correlations of uniaxial compressive strength with mean grain size and density were found, inverse in the first case and direct in the second. On the other hand, the deformability modulus showed a significant inverse correlation with the amount of pelitic material, and direct with mean grain size, standard deviation of grain size distribution and packing density. Sandstones characteristic of ephemeral floods in the domain of wet interdunes, with greater amounts of pelitic material, presented low values of deformability modulus and high strength values compared to the other facies. Variations in the mineral composition of the framework were not sufficient to significantly influence the geomechanical behavior of the sandstones.

Degradação hidromecânica de rochas brandas silto-argilosas / Hydro mechanical degradation of silty-clay soft rocks

Parizotto, João Cândido Valenga 24 September 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho caracterizou os siltitos do Grupo Itararé, rocha branda proveniente da amostragem de pedreira localizada nas proximidades de futuro empreendimento brasileiro, o Trem de Alta Velocidade. Objetivou entender as causas da pronunciada e rápida alteração da rocha intacta, e simular, em condições controladas de laboratório, a degradação hidromecânica causada pela simples variação da umidade relativa do ar. Para tal, estabeleceu-se técnica de amostragem de testemunhos por meio da extração via seca com ar-comprimido, e processo de intemperismo artificial, composto por 4 ciclos de 2 etapas (secagem e umedecimento). O processo se deu em dessecadores, sendo a variação da umidade ocasionada pela técnica do vapor e sílica gel. O acompanhamento da degradação dos corpos de prova efetuou-se com duas técnicas não-destrutivas de propagação de ondas: o pulso ultrassônico e a excitação por impulso (sistema Sonelastic). Em paralelo, realizou-se a caracterização geotécnica dos siltitos em umidade natural, com ensaios mineralógicos, físicos, físico-mecânicos, físico-químicos e de alteração laboratorial. Por meio desta metodologia, foi possível estimar as minorações do módulo de deformabilidade e da resistência, além das causas físico-químicas da degradação. / This work characterized the siltstones of the Itararé Group, a soft rock sampled in a quarry located near a future Brazilian venture, the High Speed Train. It aims at understanding the causes of the pronounced and fast changes of the intact rock, and simulate in controlled laboratory conditions the hydro degradation process caused by simple variation of relative air humidity. Dry sampling technique with compressed air was used to extract samples from blocks, and the process of artificial weathering consisted on 4 cycles of 2 steps (drying and wetting). The process occurred in desiccators, where moisture variation was caused by the vapor technique and silica gel. The monitoring of the specimens degradation was performed with two non-destructive wave propagation techniques: the ultrasonic pulse and the impulse excitation (Sonelastic system). A geotechnical characterization of the siltstones in natural moisture condition was made in parallel, consisting on mineralogical, physical, physical-mechanical, physical-chemical and durability tests. By this methodology, it was possible to estimate the mitigation of the deformability modulus and strength besides the physical- chemical causes of degradation.

Influência da petrotrama, textura e mineralogia sobre parâmetros geomecânicos de arenitos: O caso da formação Piramboia / Influence of petrofabric, texture and mineralogy on geomechanical parameters of sandstones: the case of the Piramboia Formation

Paulo Fiorini 14 November 2018 (has links)
A resistência à compressão uniaxial e o módulo de deformabilidade são parâmetros que descrevem o comportamento de materiais rochosos frente a solicitações por esforços. É prática corriqueira em investigações geológico-geotécnicas para projetos de engenharia estimar a resistência de maneira preliminar com base em propriedades de tenacidade, dureza e friabilidade, aferindo à rocha graus de coerência. Dados laboratoriais referentes a aspectos físicos, texturais e mineralógicos de arenitos da Formação Piramboia, Bacia do Paraná, amostrados via sondagens mistas na região de Anhembi e Santa Maria da Serra, Estado de São Paulo, foram correlacionados entre si e a parâmetros geomecânicos como resistência à compressão uniaxial, módulo de deformabilidade e graus de coerência. As fácies reconhecidas nos arenitos foram agrupadas em associações de dunas e interdunas e suas rochas classificadas como quartzo arenitos e arenitos feldspáticos ou subarcóseos, com cimentação principalmente de esmectita ou material argilo- ferruginoso. Encontraram-se correlações significativas da resistência à compressão uniaxial com tamanho médio dos grãos e densidade, inversa no primeiro caso e direta no segundo. Já o módulo de deformabilidade apresentou correlação significativa inversa com proporção de pelíticos, e direta com tamanho médio dos grãos, desvio padrão da distribuição granulométrica e grau de empacotamento. Arenitos característicos de inundações efêmeras em domínio de interdunas úmidas, com maiores teores de pelíticos, apresentaram módulos de deformabilidade baixos e resistências altas em comparação aos arenitos de demais fácies. Variações da composição mineralógica do arcabouço não se mostraram suficientes para influenciar significativamente o comportamento geomecânico dos arenitos. / The uniaxial compressive strength and the deformability modulus are parameters that describe the behavior of rock materials under stress. It is an everyday practice in geological and geotechnical investigations for engineering projects to estimate strength in a preliminary fashion, based on properties such as tenacity, toughness and friability, attributing to the rock a qualitative term describing its strength. Laboratorial data on physical, textural and mineralogical aspects of sandstones of the Piramboia Formation, Paraná Basin, obtained by core drillings in the region of Anhembi and Santa Maria da Serra, state of São Paulo, were correlated to each other and to geomechanical parameters such as uniaxial compressive strength, deformability modulus and qualitative terms describing their strength. The recognized sandstone facies were grouped in dune and interdune associations and their rocks were classified as quartz arenites and feldspathic arenites or subarkoses, whose cementation is mainly composed of smectite or ferruginous clay material. Significant correlations of uniaxial compressive strength with mean grain size and density were found, inverse in the first case and direct in the second. On the other hand, the deformability modulus showed a significant inverse correlation with the amount of pelitic material, and direct with mean grain size, standard deviation of grain size distribution and packing density. Sandstones characteristic of ephemeral floods in the domain of wet interdunes, with greater amounts of pelitic material, presented low values of deformability modulus and high strength values compared to the other facies. Variations in the mineral composition of the framework were not sufficient to significantly influence the geomechanical behavior of the sandstones.

Performance evaluation of RC flexural elements strengthened by advanced composites

Andreou, Eftychia January 2002 (has links)
The flexural performance of composite systems made of reinforced concrete, Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) and adhesives was studied during the current research. The experimental investigation was principally concentrated on the potential use of Kevlar® 49 (aramid fibre) for RC beam strengthening. The main aims of research have been; (a) to investigate the relative merits of using Aramids in comparison to other FRPs, (b) strength optimisation of systems to prevent excessive losses of ductility, (c) to examine the failure mode and crack patterns, together with salient strength factors at ultimate limit state and (d) to carry out analytical modelling using a commercial FE package. The experimental investigation comprised of testing 55 simply supported RC beams of either 1.5m or 2.6m length. In addition to the parametric studies included in points (a)-(d) above (to assess the section characteristics), further experimentation was conducted to investigate the beam performance by varying the factors of; (e) beam shear span, (f) FRP anchorage length, (g) concrete surface preparation, (h) FRP end-anchoring, (i) beam precracking, (j) introduction of air-voids within the bond line of FRP/concrete, (k) influence of cyclic loading and, (1) exposure to aggressive environment. The results from current tests confirm elements of reports from other researchers (by thorough review of literature) that all FRPs have great potential for flexural strengthening of RC members. This is valid even in cases where additional environmental degradation and/or cracking (due to serviceability loads), had taken place. Aramid fibres were found to result in favourable outcomes concerning both strength and ductility enhancements. It was determined, both from experiments and non-linear modelling, that the amount of FRP fibre content is an important factor in every strengthening application. Experimentation showed that depending on the existing condition of the structure (concrete strength, internal reinforcement ratio, section dimensions, degradation level and load configuration), there seems to be a unique level of optimum fibre content. The FRP levels in excess of the optimum were seen to lead to premature brittle tearing-off failure modes. It was also found that to prevent premature beam failure (due to incompatibility of stress at concrete and FRP interface), a maximum possible anchorage length should be considered in order to deliver an optimum section performance. The results from the analytical modelling indicated a most satisfactory agreement with the experimental data after the initial mechanical properties were calibrated. It was found that actual representation of material properties (e.g. steel constitutive law) are of great significance, for an accurate modelling of RC element loaded behaviour. The bond developed between the FRP and concrete is one of the key parameters for achieving good performance of the systems. It was determined that concrete surface preparation and priming is beneficial, while the introduction of air-voids due to poor workmanship can reduce the section load bearing capabilities. Cyclic loading on FRP strengthened sections was found to curtail the full rotational capacity utilisation of the beam. However, even the above mentioned curtailed behaviour was more advantageous than cyclically loaded beam performance without FRP strengthening.

Degradação hidromecânica de rochas brandas silto-argilosas / Hydro mechanical degradation of silty-clay soft rocks

João Cândido Valenga Parizotto 24 September 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho caracterizou os siltitos do Grupo Itararé, rocha branda proveniente da amostragem de pedreira localizada nas proximidades de futuro empreendimento brasileiro, o Trem de Alta Velocidade. Objetivou entender as causas da pronunciada e rápida alteração da rocha intacta, e simular, em condições controladas de laboratório, a degradação hidromecânica causada pela simples variação da umidade relativa do ar. Para tal, estabeleceu-se técnica de amostragem de testemunhos por meio da extração via seca com ar-comprimido, e processo de intemperismo artificial, composto por 4 ciclos de 2 etapas (secagem e umedecimento). O processo se deu em dessecadores, sendo a variação da umidade ocasionada pela técnica do vapor e sílica gel. O acompanhamento da degradação dos corpos de prova efetuou-se com duas técnicas não-destrutivas de propagação de ondas: o pulso ultrassônico e a excitação por impulso (sistema Sonelastic). Em paralelo, realizou-se a caracterização geotécnica dos siltitos em umidade natural, com ensaios mineralógicos, físicos, físico-mecânicos, físico-químicos e de alteração laboratorial. Por meio desta metodologia, foi possível estimar as minorações do módulo de deformabilidade e da resistência, além das causas físico-químicas da degradação. / This work characterized the siltstones of the Itararé Group, a soft rock sampled in a quarry located near a future Brazilian venture, the High Speed Train. It aims at understanding the causes of the pronounced and fast changes of the intact rock, and simulate in controlled laboratory conditions the hydro degradation process caused by simple variation of relative air humidity. Dry sampling technique with compressed air was used to extract samples from blocks, and the process of artificial weathering consisted on 4 cycles of 2 steps (drying and wetting). The process occurred in desiccators, where moisture variation was caused by the vapor technique and silica gel. The monitoring of the specimens degradation was performed with two non-destructive wave propagation techniques: the ultrasonic pulse and the impulse excitation (Sonelastic system). A geotechnical characterization of the siltstones in natural moisture condition was made in parallel, consisting on mineralogical, physical, physical-mechanical, physical-chemical and durability tests. By this methodology, it was possible to estimate the mitigation of the deformability modulus and strength besides the physical- chemical causes of degradation.

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