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Integrating deconstruction into the project delivery processIsidianso, Chinwe January 2007 (has links)
Considering deconstruction as a means of achieving sustainable construction, would enable the construction industry to address some of its environmental problems. In addition, the growing pressure from the public and legislation for environmental considerations, means that there is now a need for the construction industry to increasingly consider the recycling and reuse of building components used in constructing buildings. The deconstruction of buildings provides the construction industry with the opportunities to effectively deal with its unsustainable construction practices. One of the approaches taken by industry to facilitate the adoption of deconstruction is designing a building with the intention of disassembly instead of demolition at the end of its useful life. This concept is known as Design for Deconstruction (DFD). Although some research works have been undertaken to support and establish deconstruction into current construction practice, there is little or no guidance for practitioners on how best to do this. This need to fully integrate the concept of design for deconstruction into the current project delivery process is the basis of this research. In order to contextualise, corroborate and develop the research, a review of existing literature on sustainable construction and deconstruction was undertaken. Following from the review of literature, a survey and case study were undertaken to explore the current practice of deconstruction and investigate a practical example of sustainable construction practice that reflects the integration of deconstruction principles within the building process. The findings from the review of literature, the survey and case study were used to develop a mechanism for integrating deconstruction into the building process. The mechanism is a process model for the construction industry to implement the concept of DFD from inception to completion of a building project and throughout a building's lifecycle. Evaluation of the developed process model was carried out by industry practitioners to assess its suitability and practicability. The feedback from the evaluation established that the process model is effective in enabling some aspects of sustainability principles such as designing to minimise waste and encouraging the reuse and recycle of building materials and components. Several benefits and potentials of the process model were also identified. Considering deconstruction as a means of achieving sustainable construction, would enable the construction industry to address some of its environmental problems. In addition, the growing pressure from the public and legislation for environmental considerations, means that there is now a need for the construction industry to increasingly consider the recycling and reuse of building components used in constructing buildings. The deconstruction of buildings provides the construction industry with the opportunities to effectively deal with its unsustainable construction practices. One of the approaches taken by industry to facilitate the adoption of deconstruction is designing a building with the intention of disassembly instead of demolition at the end of its useful life. This concept is known as Design for Deconstruction (DFD). Although some research works have been undertaken to support and establish deconstruction into current construction practice, there is little or no guidance for practitioners on how best to do this. This need to fully integrate the concept of design for deconstruction into the current project delivery process is the basis of this research. In order to contextualise, corroborate and develop the research, a review of existing literature on sustainable construction and deconstruction was undertaken. Following from the review of literature, a survey and case study were undertaken to explore the current practice of deconstruction and investigate a practical example of sustainable construction practice that reflects the integration of deconstruction principles within the building process. The findings from the review of literature, the survey and case study were used to develop a mechanism for integrating deconstruction into the building process. The mechanism is a process model for the construction industry to implement the concept of DFD from inception to completion of a building project and throughout a building's lifecycle. Evaluation of the developed process model was carried out by industry practitioners to assess its suitability and practicability. The feedback from the evaluation established that the process model is effective in enabling some aspects of sustainability principles such as designing to minimise waste and encouraging the reuse and recycle of building materials and components. Several benefits and potentials of the process model were also identified.Considering deconstruction as a means of achieving sustainable construction, would enable the construction industry to address some of its environmental problems. In addition, the growing pressure from the public and legislation for environmental considerations, means that there is now a need for the construction industry to increasingly consider the recycling and reuse of building components used in constructing buildings. The deconstruction of buildings provides the construction industry with the opportunities to effectively deal with its unsustainable construction practices. One of the approaches taken by industry to facilitate the adoption of deconstruction is designing a building with the intention of disassembly instead of demolition at the end of its useful life. This concept is known as Design for Deconstruction (DFD). Although some research works have been undertaken to support and establish deconstruction into current construction practice, there is little or no guidance for practitioners on how best to do this. This need to fully integrate the concept of design for deconstruction into the current project delivery process is the basis of this research. In order to contextualise, corroborate and develop the research, a review of existing literature on sustainable construction and deconstruction was undertaken. Following from the review of literature, a survey and case study were undertaken to explore the current practice of deconstruction and investigate a practical example of sustainable construction practice that reflects the integration of deconstruction principles within the building process. The findings from the review of literature, the survey and case study were used to develop a mechanism for integrating deconstruction into the building process. The mechanism is a process model for the construction industry to implement the concept of DFD from inception to completion of a building project and throughout a building's lifecycle. Evaluation of the developed process model was carried out by industry practitioners to assess its suitability and practicability. The feedback from the evaluation established that the process model is effective in enabling some aspects of sustainability principles such as designing to minimise waste and encouraging the reuse and recycle of building materials and components. Several benefits and potentials of the process model were also identified. Thus, in this research, it can be concluded that integrating the concept of deconstruction into the construction project delivery process can assist the industry to better reuse and recycle building materials and achieve a sustainable environment. Furthermore, the expected impact of the research on the construction industry is a practical process model that can be used to incorporate the concept of deconstruction into the project delivery process. This can be adopted at all the stages of the building process and would benefit the industry as it offers a solution to reduce the environmental impacts caused by its activities.
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The Applicability of Thin Client in Health care IndustryChiu, Cheng-Lung 05 July 2005 (has links)
This research investigates the applicability of thin client in a hospital environment. First, a set of thin client application criteria in terms of hardware, function characteristics, network, and application platform are identified. Second, we analyze the healthcare delivery process in terms of operation process, hardware, and application platform. Third, we evaluate the fitness of thin client application by matching the above two sets of criteria. A case study was conducted to valid the applicability of this approach. These results provide great insight for practitioners and scholars for enhancing their understanding of thin client implementation and provide implication guidelines to help practitioners adapt thin client in health care industry.
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Utvecklingspotential i ett sågverk : En fallstudie på JGAs sågverk i Linneryd / Development potential in a sawmill : A case study on JGA’s sawmill in LinnerydHultegård, Philip, Lindberg, Tobias January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ur en logistisk synvinkel är order-till-leveransprocessen en av de viktigaste processerna ett företag förfogar över, då processen inkluderar flera aktörer och samarbetet mellan dessa är av stor vikt. Ett företags processer bör granskas så att kvalitetsbrister kan identifieras för att sedan eliminera dubbelaktiviteter samt icke-värdeadderande aktiviteter som återfinns i processerna. En processkartläggning underlättar identifieringen av kvalitetsbrister i en process samt att den skapar en förståelse hur företagets olika delar hänger ihop för att skapa det slutliga kundvärdet. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att genom en processkartläggning av JGAs order-till-leveransprocess identifiera kvalitetsbrister som uppstår från godshämtning av sågat och torkat virke till avsändning mot kund. Vidare kommer syftet ta fram grundläggande orsaker till kvalitetsbristerna i JGAs produktförädling samt ge rekommendationer till hur dessa kan minimeras. Metod: Studien är en fallstudie för JGAs order-till-leveransprocess med ett positivistiskt synsätt och deduktivt angreppsätt. Den empiri som studien bygger på har samlats in genom semi- och ostrukturerade intervjuer, deltagande observationer samt en fokusgrupp. Teorin kring processkartläggning, kvalitetsbrister och orsak-verkandiagram har samlats in från litteratur från Linneuniversitetets bibliotek och genom databaser. Urval för intervjupersoner har skett genom ett snöbollsurval. Slutsatser: Kvalitetsbrister i JGAs order-till-leveransprocess har identifierats med hjälp av den processkartläggning som gjorts för studien. Dessa kvalitetsbrister har tillsammans med JGA diskuterats för att se vad som krävs för att åtgärda dessa och vilken effekt de skulle få för verksamheten. För varje kvalitetsbrists har författarna listat flera förbättringsförslag som de rekommenderar för JGA. / Background: Form a logistics point of view the order-to-delivery process is one of the most important processes in a company. Due to the number of operators included in the process, cooperation between them is of great importance. Company’s processes should be evaluated in order to identify quality defects and to eliminate dual activities and non-value adding activities. A process mapping help the company to identify quality defects within the process and to create a better understanding on how the company’s different activities connect in order to create value for the customer. Purpose: The purpose of this study is through a process mapping of JGA’s order-to-delivery process identify quality defects arising within the process, starting with sawed and dried lumber to delivery to customer. Furthermore, the purpose is to identify the cause to the defects within the process and give recommendations on how these can be minimized. Method: This study is a case study on JGA’s order-to-delivery process with a positivistic and deductive approach. The empirical data has been collected though semi and unstructured interviews, participant observation and a focus group. The theory regarding process mapping, quality deficiencies and cause-effect has been collected from literature from Linnaeus University library and different databases. Selections of interviewees have been through a snowball selection. Conclusions: Quality deficiencies within JGAs order-to-delivery process has been identified though the process mapping that has been done in the study. These quality deficiencies have been discussed together with JGA to se what effort it takes to solve them and the effect it would have on the business. For each quality deficiency the authors have listed a number of improvement proposals that they recommend to JGA.
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Minimizing the risk of material shortage and waiting times via an improved order to delivery process : A study conducted within IV Produkt in VäxjöDagberg, Alexandra, Thorén, Alexander, Tozzi, Giovanni, Velichkov, Kalin January 2013 (has links)
~ 3 ~ Abstract Master Program in Business process and Supply Chain Management Degree Project in Logistics 15 hp, Course 4FE06E Authors: Alexandra Dagberg, Alexander Thorén, Giovanni Tozzi, Kalin Velichkov Tutor: Roger Stokkedal Examiner: Helena Forslund Title: “Minimizing the risk of material shortage and waiting times via an improved order to delivery process – A study conducted within IV Produkt in Växjö” Background: Inventory Management activities have gained a relevant importance over the time in reducing uncertainties at both upstream as well as downstream levels of the supply chain, allowing a smooth material flow between chain members while responsively meeting customer demand. Control activities over the inventory represent a challenged and controversial aspect for most of today’s companies, including IV Produkt. Problem discussion: IV Produkt has, due to the rapid growth during the last ten years, fallen behind the area of inventory management as well as internal material handling process. The reason is that the company has not been able to develop these functions with the same pace as the economic growth. Consequently, the firm is facing difficulties to efficiently supply assembly lines, causing material shortage and waiting times. Research questions: RQ1: - How is the order to delivery process, from material supply functions to the Assembly line 2, at IV Produkt built up today? RQ2: - How can the order to delivery process of raw material and semi-finished products, between material supply functions and the Assembly line 2, be improved in order to minimize the risk of material shortage and waiting times? RQ3: - How can the physical storage of raw material and semi-finished products be structured within the studied area in order to support RQ2? Method: This thesis represents a descriptive case study conducted via a positivistic perspective and a deductive approach. Data was collected by interviews, observations and questionnaires, as well as via academic literature procured via a research in Linnaeus University’s library and via the use of approved web databases. Results are based on quantitative data collected from the studied company, guaranteeing the scientific credibility of the thesis. The respect of ethical principles were ensured by a discussion with company to mutually agree on the confidentiality of the presented information. Conclusion: The conclusion shows how the studied order to delivery process is built up today, highlighting several kind of waste in the current material and information flows. As a result, several actions, such as an extended use of the data system, the application of Kanban and the implementation of the ABC logic, in combination with a new proposed storage layout, were identified and proposed in order to minimize the risk of material shortage and waiting times.
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Tvärorganisatoriska förbättringsmöjligheter : En fallstudie om kvalitetsbrister inom order-till-leveransprocessen / Interorganizational improvement : A case study of quality deficiencies within the order-to-delivery processLööf, Viktor, Tandrup, Rasmus January 2017 (has links)
Kurs: Examensarbete i logistik och controller för Civilekonomprogrammet, 30 hp. 4FE18E & 4FE19E, VT17 Författare: Viktor Lööf och Rasmus Tandrup Handledare: Hana Hultén Examinator: Helena Forslund Titel: Tvärorganisatoriska förbättringsmöjligheter – En fallstudie om kvalitetsbrister inom order-till-leveransprocessen Bakgrund: Leverantörer har fått en allt viktigare roll i försörjningskedjan och order-till leveransprocessen har därför beskrivits som en av företagets viktigaste processer. Genom att identifiera kvalitetsbrister inom E-handelsföretagets order-till-leveransprocess och utveckla förbättringsåtgärder för att minimera dessa kan en mer välfungerande process uppnås. För att säkerställa resultatet av en genomförd kvalitetsförbättring måste företag även utveckla styrning för den berörda processen, där det inom order-till- leveransprocessen kan finnas hinder vid utformningen av prestationsmätning mellan leverantör och köpare. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera kvalitetsbrister inom E-handelsföretagets order-till-leveransprocess samt att utveckla förbättringsåtgärder som reducerar de förekommande bristerna. Vidare är syftet att identifiera de hinder som finns vid utformning av prestationsmätning mellan köpare och leverantör inom order-till- leveransprocessen. Metod: Denna studie grundar sig på en kvalitativ ansats. I linje med studiens syfte har en fallstudie gjorts hos E-handelsföretaget. Empiri har insamlats genom observationer, intervjuer och en fokusgrupp. Slutsats: Merparten av de kvalitetsbrister som identifierats inom E-handelsföretagets order-till-leveransprocess härleds till aspekten informationskvalitet. För att reducera dessa kvalitetsbrister presenteras en EDI-lösning mellan köpare och leverantör som en möjlig förbättringsåtgärd, vilket ger förutsättningar för att skapa och kommunicera information vid rätt tillfälle. Majoriteten av de hinder som identifierats vid utformning av prestationsmätning inom order-till-leveransprocessen kan kopplas till vem och hur själva mätningen genomförs mellan köpare och leverantör. Studiens resultat sammanställs i tabell 8 och figur 30, se avsnitt 6.1. / Course: Thesis in logistics and controller for the MBA program, 30 hp. 4FE18E & 4FE19E, VT17 Authors: Viktor Lööf and Rasmus Tandrup Supervisor: Hana Hultén Examiner: Helena Forslund Title: Interorganizational improvements - A case study of quality deficiencies within the order-to-delivery process Background: Due to the increased role of suppliers within the supply chain the order-to- delivery process has been described as one of the most important processes in a company. By identifying quality deficiencies within the order-to-delivery process and developing measures addressing how these can be minimized the overall quality of the process can be improved. To ensure the results of quality improvements companies also need to manage the performance of the process. Managing performance is however connected to obstacles when integrating performance measurement between buyer and supplier within the order-to-delivery process. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify quality deficiencies within the case company’s order-to-delivery process and develop improvement measures addressed to reduce the identified deficiencies. Furthermore, the purpose is to create an understanding of obstacles to integrating performance measurement between buyer and supplier within the order-to-delivery process. Method: This study is based on a qualitative approach. In line with the purpose of the study a case study has been conducted at an E-commerce company. The empirical data has been collected through observations, interviews and a focus group. Conclusions: The majority of quality deficiencies found within the studied order-to- delivery process are related to the dimension information quality. To reduce these deficiencies an EDI-solution between buyer and supplier is proposed, providing conditions to create and communicate accurate information at the right time. Most of the obstacles to integrating performance measurement within the order-to-delivery process identified were connected to how the actual measurement is performed. The results of the study are summarized in table 8 and figure 30.
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Effektivisering av inleveransprocesser på lager : Med Human Lean aspekterMohammad, Fedek Kawthar, Johansson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Logistics is an integral component in making the production process more efficient in companies. An important concept in logistics is lead time, the time it takes for a product to go through the process from inbound and outbound to the customer. A normal logistical process comprises the initial receival of goods, controls upon arrival and further quality controls carried out before the product ends up in the storage. The delivery process is a central process with many sub-processes including varying working methods and routines that can result in permeating inefficiencies in the company if they aren’t done properly. The purpose of the study is to identify causes of inefficiency that might cause extended lead times and reduced productivity in the delivery process. This is achieved by studying the internal workflow and routines of Volkswagen Parts Logistics delivery process. This study’s based on a case and the data is gathered by semi-structured interviews and observations at Volkswagen Parts Logistics. Thereafter the results are analysed through literature and scientific articles. The study first identifies one cause of inefficiency through factors such as simplification, synchronization, communication and integration. To identify the root-cause, a root-cause analysis has been used on these factors, which are then compiled into a cause and effect diagram and finally six factors have been explained. From the analysis and discussion of the six factors, four improvement suggestions have been submitted to Volkswagen Parts Logistics. The suggestions included education & training, standardized working methods, understanding the whole process and cooperation between groups. The study presents a scientific gap regarding the efficiency improvement of lead time with Human Lean aspect with a focus on the delivery process. The study contributes to the gap through the six factors and improvement suggestions based on analysis and discussion. / Logistik har blivit allt viktigare för att effektivisera produktionen i företag. Ett viktigt begrepp inom logistik är ledtid, i den här studien innebär ledtid tiden det tar för en reservdel inleverans till utleverans vidare mot kund. En väsentlig del inom logistik är inleveransprocessen för inkommande gods som går igenom godsmottagning, ankomstkontroll och kvalitetskontroll för att sedan hamna på lagerhyllan. Inleveransprocessen är en central process med många delprocesser och varierande arbetssätt samt rutiner som vid brister kan medföra en genomsyrande ineffektivitet i företaget. När avvikelser uppstår kan det medföra en förlängning av ledtiden vilket påverkar resten av processen och framförallt utleveransen till kunden. Studiens syfte är att identifiera orsaker till ineffektivitet som kan leda till förlängda ledtider och minskad produktivitet i inleveransprocessen. Det görs genom att studera arbetssätt och rutiner i inleveransprocessen. För att utveckla kunskap rörande faktorer som påverkar inleveransprocessen är en fallstudie som grund med genomförda semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer genomförts på Volkswagen Parts Logistics. Resultat har analyserats med hjälp av litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar från forskningsområdet. I studien identifieras först orsaken till ineffektivitet genom faktorer som förenkling, synkronisering, kommunikation och integration. För att identifiera rotorsaken till ineffektivitet har en rotorsaksanalys genomförts på dessa faktorer som sedan sammanställts i en orsakverkan-diagram och slutligen har sex stycken faktorer presenterats. Utifrån analys och diskussion för de sex faktorerna framtogs fyra stycken förbättringsförslag till fallföretaget. Förbättringsförslagen innefattade utbildning & upplärning, standardiserade arbetssätt, förståelse för hela processen och samarbete mellan grupper. I studien framförs ett vetenskapligt gap gällande effektivisering av ledtid med Human Lean aspekt med avgränsning till inleveransprocessen. Studien bidrar till detta gap genom de sex framtagna faktorerna samt formulerade förbättringsförslag baserat på analys och diskussion.
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Performance management process at Wica Cold AB : towards an improved performance in the order-to-delivery processSchultz, Patrik January 2009 (has links)
Thesis, civilekonomprogrammet, School of Management and Economics at Växjö University, Logistics, FE3094, spring 2009 Author: Patrik Schultz 840222 Tutor: Helena Forslund Title: Performance management process at Wica Cold – towards an improved performance in the order-to-delivery process Background: Performance measurement and the management of it have become of great importance for organizations in order to compete in today’s business environment. The performance management process at Wica Cold AB is not very well developed and they would know like to know how it can be developed in order to improve performance in the order-to-delivery process. Performance in this thesis covers the aspects of efficiency, quality, deliveries, time, flexibility and improvements. The PM-process is in this thesis seen as measures used, collection and analyzing of data and make use and take action based on the measures. How to make use of the measurement information, what should be measured and that lack of resources is an important aspect for the PM-process in SMEs like Wica are the main problems identified. Objectives: The objectives are to describe the PM-process at Wica Cold and the corresponding performance in the OTD-process. Furthermore the objectives are to find ways to develop the PM-process in order to improve performance in the OTD-process, also taking into consideration the characteristics of a SME regarding the PM-process. Methodology: This thesis is a case study and it is both descriptive and explanatory. The main scientific perspective in this thesis is the positivistic and it has a deductive approach. Data is mostly collected through semi-structured interviews. The scientific credibility is secured by interviewing employees at different positions, consider many views (theory, the benchmark study at Getinge Disinfection and the variety of data collection at Wica) and by gather all relevant information for the thesis on my hard drive. Results, conclusions: The current PM-process only has a few measures and it is not communicated to the employees very well. The performance in the order-to-delivery process is satisfying but can in many ways be improved. The PM-process can develop with some new measures and some small changes and additions in the current measures. One main aspect in this regard is to measure the amount of guarantee claims and percentage of orders delivered on time instead of only costs for backorders and guarantee claims. The measures should be published on a board on the shop floor as a way to make use and take action based on the measures. Meetings every other week should be in place to discuss ideas from employees and the value-added time. This improves performance since it highlights important aspects and common problems and a way to improve that performance can be found. The characteristics of a SME are taken into consideration for instance by limiting the amount of measures used and by making them simple and easy to collect.
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Performance management process at Wica Cold AB : towards an improved performance in the order-to-delivery processSchultz, Patrik January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Thesis, civilekonomprogrammet, School of Management and Economics at Växjö University, Logistics, FE3094, spring 2009</strong></p><p><strong>Author:</strong> Patrik Schultz 840222</p><p><strong>Tutor:</strong> Helena Forslund</p><p><strong>Title:</strong> Performance management process at Wica Cold – towards an improved performance in the order-to-delivery process</p><p><strong>Background:</strong> Performance measurement and the management of it have become of great importance for organizations in order to compete in today’s business environment. The performance management process at Wica Cold AB is not very well developed and they would know like to know how it can be developed in order to improve performance in the order-to-delivery process. Performance in this thesis covers the aspects of efficiency, quality, deliveries, time, flexibility and improvements. The PM-process is in this thesis seen as measures used, collection and analyzing of data and make use and take action based on the measures. How to make use of the measurement information, what should be measured and that lack of resources is an important aspect for the PM-process in SMEs like Wica are the main problems identified.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The objectives are to describe the PM-process at Wica Cold and the corresponding performance in the OTD-process. Furthermore the objectives are to find ways to develop the PM-process in order to improve performance in the OTD-process, also taking into consideration the characteristics of a SME regarding the PM-process.</p><p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This thesis is a case study and it is both descriptive and explanatory. The main scientific perspective in this thesis is the positivistic and it has a deductive approach. Data is mostly collected through semi-structured interviews. The scientific credibility is secured by interviewing employees at different positions, consider many views (theory, the benchmark study at Getinge Disinfection and the variety of data collection at Wica) and by gather all relevant information for the thesis on my hard drive.</p><p><strong>Results, conclusions:</strong> The current PM-process only has a few measures and it is not communicated to the employees very well. The performance in the order-to-delivery process is satisfying but can in many ways be improved. The PM-process can develop with some new measures and some small changes and additions in the current measures. One main aspect in this regard is to measure the amount of guarantee claims and percentage of orders delivered on time instead of only costs for backorders and guarantee claims. The measures should be published on a board on the shop floor as a way to make use and take action based on the measures. Meetings every other week should be in place to discuss ideas from employees and the value-added time. This improves performance since it highlights important aspects and common problems and a way to improve that performance can be found. The characteristics of a SME are taken into consideration for instance by limiting the amount of measures used and by making them simple and easy to collect.</p>
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Collaborative Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems : A multiple case study on the OTD-process of manufacturing SMEs in the Swedish lighting industry / Collaborative Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems : A multiple case study on the OTD-process of manufacturing SMEs in the Swedish lighting industrySvensson, Arvid, Gustafsson, Frida, Guillaume, Julien January 2019 (has links)
Title: Collaborative Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems. A multiple case study on the OTD-process of manufacturing SMEs in the Swedish lighting industry. Authors: Arvid Svensson, Frida Gustafsson and Julien Guillaume. Background: Even though the multiple stated benefits of Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems (SCPMS) to enhance the collaboration, there is a lack of research, especially regarding the presence among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME). Closely associated with the presence of a SCPMS are the challenges. Research on SCPMS and the accompanied challenges have been made in multiple fields and contexts. Yet, SCPMS in the Order to Delivery (OTD)-process between a SME lighting manufacturer and their key customers is missing. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what level collaboration regarding SCPMS is present in the OTD-process among the cases studied as well as explain this level of collaboration by studying the challenges of SCPMS. The aim is to contribute to existing literature with an explanatory model that highlights the challenges for a highly collaborative SCPMS with their key customers. This model should also give practical contributions to the case companies. Method: A multiple case study have been conducted. Qualitative data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews. Findings and Conclusion: The findings show that the level of collaboration in the SCPMS differs from no presence at all to an almost total high presence in the cases studied. The criteria that were found in previous literature for high collaboration in the SCPMS were overall similar to the practices found in the cases. Most of the challenges found in previous research were able to explain the difference in level of collaboration in the SCPMS. The two major challenges were lack of knowledge and lack of will. Lack of knowledge was present where the will to progress was clear, while also in one case, there was not even a will to progress. Overall, the company with low level and will to progress was most likely to perceive challenges, while the company with the highest level perceived the least challenges.
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L’expérience de la maternité des Ouagalaises : d’une génération à l’autreLewis, Marie-Josée 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur l’expérience de la maternité des Ouagalaises et son évolution. Il s’intéresse au déroulement de la première grossesse, de l’accouchement et de l’entrée en maternité de deux générations de femmes. Privilégiant une approche holistico-inductive en méthodologie qualitative, notre recherche s’est appuyée sur 31 entretiens semi-directifs avec des Ouagalaises, sur 15 d’heures d’observation participante à la maternité ainsi que sur 10 d’entretiens semi-directifs avec des sages-femmes.
Les résultats de l’analyse montrent que le savoir de la maternité se transmet toujours de génération en génération, et qu’il demeure encore fortement encadré par les aînées. Toutefois, les transformations en cours dans le système de santé et dans la société burkinabè ne sont pas sans incidence dans la capitale. Les jeunes femmes étant plus renseignées en matière de santé reproductive, elles ont davantage reconnu les signes de la grossesse et le début des douleurs de l’accouchement. Les accompagnantes n’ayant plus accès à la salle d’accouchement et le pouvoir des sages-femmes s’agrandissant, l’expérience de l’accouchement se modifie. Bien que les vieilles femmes n’aient plus le même contrôle sur les parturientes durant l’accouchement, leur influence est toutefois toujours très importante pendant la période post-partum. Les femmes de la jeune génération n’étant généralement pas encore mariées ou installées dans leur propre maison au moment de la grossesse, la promiscuité avec leur belle-mère à l’issue de l’accouchement augmente et le pouvoir de cette dernière est plus important qu’il ne l’était à l’époque de la génération précédente. / This thesis explores the maternity experience of women from Ouagadougou and its evolution through time. It focuses on the unfolding of the first pregnancy, the delivery process and the entrance in maternity for two generations of women. Using a analytic induction approach in qualitative methodology, our research is based on 31 semi-directed discussions with woman, 15 hours of participative observation on maternity, and, on 10 semi-directed interviews with mid wives.
The results of the analysis demonstrate that the accumulated knowledge surrounding maternity, has always been transmitted from generation to generation [among woman,] and that it’s still largely influenced by the elderly. However, the transformations happening in the burkinabé society and most importantly in their health care system, is having an impact on this ‘sharing of knowledge.’ Young woman are now receiving more information on their reproductive health, and are more inclined to recognize both, the signs of pregnancy, and the on-set of labour. Because the old women doesn’t have access to the delivery room, and because of the mid wives’ growing power, the birth process of the women is changing. Even though the elderly women don’t have the same influence over their parturients during the delivery process, their impact is still present during the post-partum period. Countless of these young urban women are now residing with their mother-in-law, translating into increased power of the mother-in-law in many facets of the pregnancy. This exertion of power is now more noticeable than ever before compared to any prior generation.
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