Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dental pump""
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The effect of endodontic regeneration medicaments on mechanical properties of radicular dentinYassen, Ghaeth H. January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Endodontic regeneration treatment of necrotic immature teeth has gained popularity in recent years. The approach suggests a biological alternative to induce a continuous root development. In this project, three in vitro experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of three medicaments used in endodontic regeneration on mechanical properties and chemical structure of radicular dentin. In the first experiment, we investigated longitudinally the effect of medicaments on the indentation properties of the root canal surface of immature teeth using a novel BioDent reference point indenter. A significant difference in the majority of indentation parameters between all groups was found after one-week and one-month application of medicaments (p<0.0001): triple antibiotic paste (TAP) > double antibiotic paste (DAP) > control > calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]. The four-week exposure of dentin to TAP and DAP caused 43% and 31% increase in total indentation distance outcome, respectively.
In the second experiment, we investigated longitudinally the effect of medicaments on the chemical structure of immature radicular dentin by measuring the phosphate/amide I ratios of dentin using Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Phosphate/amide I ratios were significantly different between the four groups after one week, two weeks and four week application of medicaments (p<0.0001): Ca(OH)2-treated dentin > untreated dentin > DAP-treated dentin > TAP-treated dentin.
In the third experiment, we investigated longitudinally the effect of medicaments on root fracture resistance and microhardness of radicular dentin. For the microhardness, the two-way interaction between group and time was significant (p<0.001). TAP and DAP caused a significant and continuous decrease in dentin microhardness after one and three month application, respectively. The three-month intracanal application of Ca(OH)2 significantly increased the microhardness of root dentin. The time factor had a significant effect on fracture resistance (p<0.001). All medicaments caused significant decrease in fracture resistance ranging between 19%-30% after three month application compared to one week application. The three medicaments used in endodontic regeneration caused significant change in the chemical integrity of the superficial radicular dentin and significantly affected the indentation properties of the root canal surface. Furthermore, the three month intracanal application of medicaments significantly reduced the fracture resistance of roots.
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An in-vitro comparison of working length determination between a digital system and conventional film when source-film/sensor distance and exposure time are modifiedLey, Paul J. (Joseph), 1980- January 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Accurate determination of working length during endodontic therapy is a crucial step in achieving a predictable outcome. This is determined by the use of electronic apex locators, tactile perception, and knowledge of average tooth lengths and/or dental radiography whether digital or conventional is utilized. It is the aim of this study to determine if there is a difference between Schick digital radiography and Kodak Insight conventional film in accurately determining working lengths when modifying exposure time and source-film/sensor distance. Twelve teeth with size 15 K-flex files at varying known lengths from the anatomical apex were mounted in a resin-plaster mix to simulate bone density. Each tooth was radiographed while varying the source-film/sensor distance and exposure 122 time. Four dental professionals examined the images and films independently. Ten images and 10 films were selected at random and re-examined to determine each examiner?s repeatability. The error in working length was calculated as the observed value minus the known working length for each tooth type. A mixed-effects, full-factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) model was used to model the error in working length. Included in the ANOVA model were fixed effects for type of image, distance, exposure time, and all two-way and three-way interactions. The repeatability of each examiner for each film type was assessed by estimating the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). The repeatability of each examiner on digital film was good with ICCs ranging from 0.67 to 1.0. Repeatability on the conventional film was poor with ICCs varying from -0.29 to 0.55.We found there was an overall difference between the conventional and digital films (p < 0.001). After adjusting for the effects of distance and exposure time, the error in the working length from the digital image was 0.1 mm shorter (95% CI: 0.06, 0.14) than the error in the working length from the film image. There was no difference among distances (p = 0.999) nor exposure time (p = 0.158) for film or images. Based on the results of our study we conclude that although there is a statistically significant difference, there is no clinically significant difference between digital radiography and conventional film when exposure time and source-film/sensor distance are adjusted.
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Efeitos da fototerapia com laser em baixa intensidade e dos fatores de crescimento PDGF e BMP-2, isolados ou em associação, na diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica de células-tronco de polpa dentária humana / Effects of low intensity laser therapy and growth factors PDGF and BMP-2 on the odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cellsFerreira, Leila Soares 15 September 2011 (has links)
A fototerapia com laser em baixa intensidade (FTLBI) é capaz de aumentar o metabolismo celular, o que poderia influenciar na diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica das células-tronco da polpa dentária humada (hDPSCs). O PDGF e o BMP-2 são fatores de crescimento envolvidos na dentinogênese e na reparação tecidual. O PDGF tem papel importante durante o desenvolvimento embrionário, na proliferação e migração celular e na angiogênese, enquanto o BMP-2 está fortemente associado à diferenciação celular em tecidos mineralizados, como o osso e a dentina. Sendo assim, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar os efeitos da FTLBI e dos fatores de crescimento (PDGF-BB ou BMP-2), isolados ou em associação, na diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica das hDPSCs. Para o estudo hDPSCs foram cultivadas em meio regular (G1) e irradiadas (G2), meio mineralizante (G3) e irradiadas (G4), meio mineralizante contendo PDGF-BB (G5) e irradiadas (G6), meio mineralizante contendo BMP-2 (G7) e irradiadas (G8). Para os grupos irradiados, a FTLBI foi realizada no modo pontual e em contato, com um laser de diodo semi-condutor, com área de feixe de 0,028cm2 e comprimento de onda 660nm (InGaAlP-vermelho), utilizando-se os seguintes parâmetros: potência de 20mW, densidade de energia de 5J/cm2, tempo de irradiação de 7 segundos por ponto e 0,14J de energia por ponto. A expressão dos genes relacionados à diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica (DSPP, DMP-1 e OCN) através do PCR quantitativo em tempo real (qRT-PCR), a atividade da fosfatase alcalina e os depósitos de cálcio foram analisados em 3, 7 e 14 dias. Os dados obtidos foram comparados pelo teste ANOVA complementado pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05). As culturas tratadas com meio mineralizante contendo BMP-2 e irradiadas (G8) foram as que mostraram os maiores índices de diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica nos testes realizados. As expressões de DSPP, OCN e DMP-1, ao menos em 14 dias, foram significantemente maiores no G8 que nos demais grupos experimentais, exceto os grupos G3 e G7. Estes grupos apresentaram expressões de DSPP e OCN semelhantes às do G8 em 14 dias. A maior atividade de ALP foi observada no G8 em 3 dias e a menor no mesmo grupo aos 14 dias. A maior quantidade de depósitos de cálcio também foi encontrada no G8 em 14 dias. A associação de FTLBI e BMP-2 se mostrou capaz de induzir a diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica em células-tronco de polpa dentária humana de forma mais marcante que as demais terapias isoladas ou associadas estudadas. Portanto, o uso de uma terapia associando FTLBI e BMP-2 poderia ser de relevância para o restabelecimento da fisiologia pulpar quando aplicada em casos de exposição deste tecido, uma vez que poderia favorecer a diferenciação das células indiferenciadas da polpa dentária. / Laser phototherapy (LPT) is able to increase cellular metabolism, which in turn could influence the odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs). PDGF and BMP-2 are growth factors involved in dentinogenesis and tissue repair. PDGF plays a role in embryonic development, cell proliferation, cell migration, and angiogenesis, whereas BMP-2 is strongly associated with cell differentiation in mineralized tissues such as bone and dentin. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of LPT and the growth factors PDGF-BB and BMP-2 combined or not on the odontogenic differentiation of hDPSCs. These cells were grown in regular medium (G1) and irradiated (G2), mineralizing medium (G3) and irradiated (G4), mineralizing medium containing PDGF-BB (G5) and irradiated (G6), mineralizing medium containing BMP-2 (G7) and irradiated (G8). For irradiated groups, LPT was performed in punctual and contact mode with a semiconductor diode laser, with a beam spot area of 0.028 cm2 and wavelength of 660nm (InGaAlP-visible red), using the following parameters: power of 20mW, energy density of 5J/cm2 and irradiation time of 7 seconds per point (0,14 J per point). Differentiation was assessed by the following analysis: expression of genes related to odontogenic differentiation (DSPP, DMP-1 and OCN) using quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR); alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium deposition using alizarin red staining in 3, 7 and 14 days. Data were compared by ANOVA and Tukey´s test (p<0.05). The cultures treated with mineralizing medium containing BMP-2 and irradiated (G8) showed the highest rate of odontogenic differentiation. The expressions of DSPP, DMP-1 and OCN genes, at least in 14 days, were significantly higher in G8 compared to all other groups, except for the groups G3 and G7. These groups showed similar expressions of DSPP and OCN than G8 in 14 days. G8 showed the highest ALP activity in 3 days and the lowest in 14 days compared to all other groups. The largest amount of calcium deposits was observed in G8 in 14 days. The most striking feature on induction of odontogenic differentiation of hDPSCs was observed when LPT was applied in association with BMP-2. Therefore, the use of a combined LPT and BMP-2 therapy could be of relevance for the re-establishment of pulp physiology when applied in cases of dental pulp exposure by promoting the differentiation of hDPSCs.
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Periodontal pathobiology and defective cell-autonomous mineralization in X-linked hypophosphatemia / Physiopathologie parodontale et défauts de minéralisation dans le rachitisme vitamino-résistant hypophosphatémiqueCoyac, Benjamin R. 06 April 2017 (has links)
Le rachitisme vitamino-résistant hypophosphatémique (RVRH) est une maladie génétique rare causée par des mutations du gène PHEX. La perte de fonction de la protéine PHEX conduit à l’augmentation du FGF23, une hormone circulante qui agit sur le rein et entraîne une perte systémique de phosphate. Le squelette rachitique des patients atteints de RVRH présente des déformations osseuses et une ostéomalacie. La dentine hypominéralisée des patients est à l’origine d’abcès dentaires fréquents, mais le statut parodontal des patients RVRH est mal connu, de même que leur risque de développer une parodontite pouvant aboutir à la perte des dents. La fonction et le substrat de la protéine PHEX ne sont pas identifiés avec exactitude. Il a été montré in vitro que PHEX avait la capacité d’interagir et de dégrader des protéines membres de la famille des SIBLINGs comme MEPE ou OPN, toutes les deux impliquées dans la régulation de la minéralisation des tissus osseux et dentinaires, mais on ne sait pas si in vivo les défauts de minéralisation observés résultent principalement de l’hypophosphatémie systémique ou bien également des effets directs de l’absence de PHEX sur les protéines régulatrices de la minéralisation. L’objectif de cette thèse a consisté à s’intéresser à la physiopathologie du parodonte dans le RVRH ainsi qu’à déterminer quel était l’impact de la mutation de PHEX dans un modèle de biominéralisation humaine où les conditions de concentration en phosphate pouvaient être ajustées et normalisées. Nous avons d’abord analysé le statut parodontal de 34 patients RVRH dans une étude clinique cas-témoins et ainsi montré que les malades dont la supplémentation en phosphate et vitamine D était tardive ou incomplète présentaient une fréquence et une sévérité accrues de maladie parodontale. Le phénotype parodontal du RVRH a alors été étudié sur des échantillons humains et sur le modèle murin du RVRH, la souris HYP. Nous avons réalisé un modèle d’égression dentaire de façon à permettre une apposition du cément cellulaire, ainsi qu’un modèle de résorption et de réparation osseuses parodontales afin de caractériser l’impact du RVRH sur la physiopathologie parodontale. Nos résultats ont montré que le phénotype parodontal et sa physiopathologie étaient très perturbés dans le rachitisme vitamino-résistant hypophosphatémique et chez la souris HYP, nous avons aussi pu mettre en évidence que le rôle pathologique majeur joué par l’ostéopontine dans le tissu osseux au cours du RVRH ne pouvait pas être généralisé aux autres tissus minéralisés du parodonte. De façon à identifier le rôle de PHEX dans la minéralisation matricielle locale indépendamment de la phosphatémie systémique, nous avons ensemencé des matrices de collagène dense avec des cellules primaires humaines issues de patients RVRH comparés à des contrôles que nous avons cultivés pendant 24 jours en conditions ostéogéniques avec des concentrations en phosphate identiques. Nos résultats ont montré que malgré une concentration normale en phosphate, la perte de fonction de la protéine PHEX entraînait une diminution de la quantité et de la qualité de la phase minérale et une accumulation et une dégradation pathologiques de la protéine OPN. Les contributions originales de ce travail de thèse doctorale ont consisté à démontrer sur le plan clinique et biologique la susceptibilité accrue du rachitisme hypophosphatémique lié à l’X quant au risque de développer une maladie parodontale, ainsi qu’à apporter la preuve d’un rôle pathologique de l’absence de PHEX indépendant de la phosphatémie sur des cultures primaires humaines. / X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is a rare X-linked dominant disorder caused by inactivating mutations in the PHEX gene. The impairment of PHEX protein leads to an increase in FGF23, a circulating factor that causes systemic loss of phosphate. The rachitic skeleton of patients with XLH displays short stature and osteomalacia. Dental defects include poorly mineralized dentin and spontaneous dental abscesses. Little is known about the periodontal condition of XLH and if patients are more prone to develop periodontitis, eventually leading to tooth loss. Although the exact function and substrate of PHEX are not known, it has been shown in vitro that PHEX could interact with SIBLING proteins such as MEPE or OPN, both involved in the regulation of bone and dentin mineralization, but it is not yet clear if the defects in the calcified extracellular matrices of XLH are caused by systemic hypophosphatemia only, or also by local consequences of the absence of PHEX. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to explore the pathobiology of the XLH periodontium and to determine the impact of PHEX deficiency at the local level in a model of human biomineralization where phosphate supply could be adjusted and normalized. We first examined 34 adults with XLH in a case-control study and observed that periodontitis frequency and severity were increased in individuals with late or incomplete supplementation in phosphate and vitamin D analogs. The periodontium was then analyzed in XLH dental roots and further characterized in the Hyp mouse, the murine model of XLH. We performed a model of tooth movement adaptation leading to the formation of cellular cementum and a model of periodontal breakdown and repair to investigate the impact of XLH on the pathobiology of periodontal tissues. Our results showed strongly affected XLH/Hyp periodontal phenotype and impaired pathobiology and suggested that the key role played by OPN in bone could not be generalized to other periodontal mineralized tissues. In order to determine the role of PHEX in local human mineralization, dense collagen gels were seeded with primary human dental pulp cells harvested from XLH patients displaying PHEX mutations and age-matched healthy individuals. Cell-seeded gels were cultured up to 24 days under osteogenic conditions and controlled phosphate medium concentrations. Our results showed that despite normal phosphate concentrations, PHEX deficiency led to decreased quantity and quality of the mineral phase and a pathologic accumulation and processing of OPN. Overall the original contributions of this doctoral dissertation consist in the demonstration of a higher susceptibility of XLH patients to periodontitis and in the evidence of a local effect of PHEX deficiency in the pathologic intrinsic mineralization from XLH osteogenic cells.
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Estudo da expressão da <font face=\"symbol\">a-actina de músculo liso em cultura de células de polpas dentárias e gengivas humanas tratadas com o fator de transformação de crescimento <font face=\"symbol\">b1(TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1). / Expression of <font face=\"symbol\">a-smooth muscle actin in cultured human dental pulp and gingival fibroblasts induced by transforming growth factor-<font face=\"symbol\">b1 (TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1).Martinez, Elizabeth Ferreira 12 June 2008 (has links)
Durante o processo de reparação tecidual, o fator de transformação de crescimento <font face=\"symbol\">b1 (TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1) apresenta um importante papel na regulação da expressão da <font face=\"symbol\">a-actina de músculo liso (<font face=\"symbol\">a-AML) e portanto, na diferenciação miofibroblástica. Como os fibroblastos pulpares apresentam características peculiares, com a expressão de proteínas específicas que os diferem de fibroblastos de outros tecidos conjuntivos, o presente estudo avaliou in vitro se o TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1 aumenta a expressão de <font face=\"symbol\">a-AML em fibroblastos pulpares humanos comparando-os com fibroblastos de gengiva. Para tal, diferentes doses de TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1 (5 à 10 ng/ml) foram adicionadas às culturas de células, sendo a expressão da <font face=\"symbol\">a-AML analisada por imunofluorescência e western-blotting. Ambos os tipos celulares imunoexpressaram <font face=\"symbol\">a-AML mesmo sem o tratamento com o TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1, estando aumentada consideravelmente, quando o TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1 foi adicionado às culturas. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que o TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1 induz a expressão de <font face=\"symbol\">a-AML, sugerindo a indução do fenótipo miofibroblástico em fibroblastos pulpares. / Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1) has been related to induce the expression of <font face=\"symbol\">a-smooth muscle actin (<font face=\"symbol\">a-SMA) in fibroblasts during repair. Since pulpal fibroblasts seem to be somewhat different from other fibroblasts, the present study investigated in vitro whether TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1 enhances the expression of <font face=\"symbol\">a-SMA in human pulpal fibroblasts. TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1 was added in doses between 5-10 ng/ml to cultures of both dental pulp and gingiva human fibroblasts. The expression of <font face=\"symbol\">a-SMA was analyzed by immunofluorescence and western-blotting. Both cell types were immunoreactive for <font face=\"symbol\">a-SMA even without TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1. When TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1 was added to cell cultures, the expression of <font face=\"symbol\">a-SMA increased dramatically in pulpal fibroblasts, independent of the concentration used. It was confirmed by the western blot analysis. The present findings showed that TGF-<font face=\"symbol\">b1 up-regulated the expression of <font face=\"symbol\">a-SMA thus inducing pulpal fibroblasts to acquire the myofibroblast phenotype.
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Efeito neuroprotetor do transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas de dente decíduo humano em ratos Wistar submetidos à lesão medularNicola, Fabrício do Couto January 2017 (has links)
A lesão medular (LM) é uma patologia incapacitante que resulta em déficits sensoriais e motores. No Brasil, a incidência anual é de 30 novos casos de lesão medular a cada 1 milhão de indivíduos e, infelizmente, a LM permanece sem um tratamento eficaz. Células-tronco derivadas do dente decíduo humano estão entre as potenciais fontes de células-tronco para transplante após a lesão medular, cujo objetivo é de promover a proteção ou a recuperação da lesão na medula espinal. Buscou-se nesta tese avaliar os efeitos do transplante, uma hora após a lesão, das células tronco de dente decíduo humano (SHED) no período agudo, subagudo e crônico sobre a neuroproteção, proteção tecidual e recuperação funcional em ratos Wistar submetidos à lesão medular por contusão. Os principais objetivos foram: a) investigar os efeitos do transplante das SHED sobre a recuperação funcional, volume da lesão e morte neuronal; b) verificar os efeitos do transplante sobre as células progenitoras, formação da cicatriz glial e modificações astrocitárias após o modelo de contusão medular Observou-se a melhora na recuperação funcional, redução do volume da lesão e morte neuronal na medula espinal dos animais que receberam o transplante de SHED após a lesão medular. As SHED aumentam o número de células precursoras na medula espinal, no período subagudo, reduzem a expressão da proteína fibrilar glial ácida (GFAP) e aumentam a expressão do canal retificador de influxo de potássio 4.1, ambas proteínas astrocitárias. Concluímos que o transplante de células-tronco derivadas do dente decíduo humano após a lesão medular promove a recuperação funcional a partir do efeito neuroprotetor iniciado na fase aguda, confirmado pelo maior número de neurônios motores presentes seis semanas após a contusão. As SHED são capazes de aumentar o número de células precursoras e de produzir modificações astrocitárias na medula espinal de ratos lesados na fase subaguda, reduzindo a formação da cicatriz glial. / Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a disabling condition that results in sensory and motor deficits. The estimated annual incidence in Brazil is of 30 new cases of spinal cord injury per 1 million of individuals; unfortunately SCI remains without an effective treatment. Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) are one among potential sources of stem cells for transplantation after spinal cord injury in order to promote protection or tissue and functional recovery after spinal cord injury. The aim of this Thesis was to evaluate the effects of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) transplantation, one hour after lesion, in the acute, subacute and chronic phases on neuroprotection, tissue protection and functional recovery in Wistar rats submitted to spinal cord injury by contusion The main goals were: a) to investigate the effects of SHED transplantation on functional recovery, lesion volume, and neuronal death; b) to verify the effects of the transplantation on the progenitor cells number, glial scar formation and astrocytic modifications after spinal cord contusion. Improvement of functional recovery, reduction of lesion volume and neuronal death were observed in the spinal cord of animals submitted to spinal cord injury and SHED transplantation. SHEDs increased the number of precursor cells in the spinal cord in the subacute period, reduced the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and increased the expression of the potassium influx rectifier channel 4.1, both astrocyte proteins. We conclude that transplantation of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth after spinal cord injury promotes functional recovery from the neuroprotection effect, which starts in the acute phase and is confirmed six weeks after the contusion with a higher number of motor neurons in the ventral horn of spinal cord. SHEDs are able to increase the number of precursor cells and produce astrocyte modifications in the spinal cord of injured rats in the subacute phase, reducing glial scar formation.
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Proliferations- und Differenzierungsverhalten humaner Zahnkeimzellen der Pulpa / Proliferation and Differentiation Characteristics of Human Pulp Cells taken from Tooth GermsGümmer, Andrea Mirja 15 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Efeito neuroprotetor do transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas de dente decíduo humano em ratos Wistar submetidos à lesão medularNicola, Fabrício do Couto January 2017 (has links)
A lesão medular (LM) é uma patologia incapacitante que resulta em déficits sensoriais e motores. No Brasil, a incidência anual é de 30 novos casos de lesão medular a cada 1 milhão de indivíduos e, infelizmente, a LM permanece sem um tratamento eficaz. Células-tronco derivadas do dente decíduo humano estão entre as potenciais fontes de células-tronco para transplante após a lesão medular, cujo objetivo é de promover a proteção ou a recuperação da lesão na medula espinal. Buscou-se nesta tese avaliar os efeitos do transplante, uma hora após a lesão, das células tronco de dente decíduo humano (SHED) no período agudo, subagudo e crônico sobre a neuroproteção, proteção tecidual e recuperação funcional em ratos Wistar submetidos à lesão medular por contusão. Os principais objetivos foram: a) investigar os efeitos do transplante das SHED sobre a recuperação funcional, volume da lesão e morte neuronal; b) verificar os efeitos do transplante sobre as células progenitoras, formação da cicatriz glial e modificações astrocitárias após o modelo de contusão medular Observou-se a melhora na recuperação funcional, redução do volume da lesão e morte neuronal na medula espinal dos animais que receberam o transplante de SHED após a lesão medular. As SHED aumentam o número de células precursoras na medula espinal, no período subagudo, reduzem a expressão da proteína fibrilar glial ácida (GFAP) e aumentam a expressão do canal retificador de influxo de potássio 4.1, ambas proteínas astrocitárias. Concluímos que o transplante de células-tronco derivadas do dente decíduo humano após a lesão medular promove a recuperação funcional a partir do efeito neuroprotetor iniciado na fase aguda, confirmado pelo maior número de neurônios motores presentes seis semanas após a contusão. As SHED são capazes de aumentar o número de células precursoras e de produzir modificações astrocitárias na medula espinal de ratos lesados na fase subaguda, reduzindo a formação da cicatriz glial. / Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a disabling condition that results in sensory and motor deficits. The estimated annual incidence in Brazil is of 30 new cases of spinal cord injury per 1 million of individuals; unfortunately SCI remains without an effective treatment. Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) are one among potential sources of stem cells for transplantation after spinal cord injury in order to promote protection or tissue and functional recovery after spinal cord injury. The aim of this Thesis was to evaluate the effects of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) transplantation, one hour after lesion, in the acute, subacute and chronic phases on neuroprotection, tissue protection and functional recovery in Wistar rats submitted to spinal cord injury by contusion The main goals were: a) to investigate the effects of SHED transplantation on functional recovery, lesion volume, and neuronal death; b) to verify the effects of the transplantation on the progenitor cells number, glial scar formation and astrocytic modifications after spinal cord contusion. Improvement of functional recovery, reduction of lesion volume and neuronal death were observed in the spinal cord of animals submitted to spinal cord injury and SHED transplantation. SHEDs increased the number of precursor cells in the spinal cord in the subacute period, reduced the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and increased the expression of the potassium influx rectifier channel 4.1, both astrocyte proteins. We conclude that transplantation of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth after spinal cord injury promotes functional recovery from the neuroprotection effect, which starts in the acute phase and is confirmed six weeks after the contusion with a higher number of motor neurons in the ventral horn of spinal cord. SHEDs are able to increase the number of precursor cells and produce astrocyte modifications in the spinal cord of injured rats in the subacute phase, reducing glial scar formation.
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Efeito neuroprotetor do transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas de dente decíduo humano em ratos Wistar submetidos à lesão medularNicola, Fabrício do Couto January 2017 (has links)
A lesão medular (LM) é uma patologia incapacitante que resulta em déficits sensoriais e motores. No Brasil, a incidência anual é de 30 novos casos de lesão medular a cada 1 milhão de indivíduos e, infelizmente, a LM permanece sem um tratamento eficaz. Células-tronco derivadas do dente decíduo humano estão entre as potenciais fontes de células-tronco para transplante após a lesão medular, cujo objetivo é de promover a proteção ou a recuperação da lesão na medula espinal. Buscou-se nesta tese avaliar os efeitos do transplante, uma hora após a lesão, das células tronco de dente decíduo humano (SHED) no período agudo, subagudo e crônico sobre a neuroproteção, proteção tecidual e recuperação funcional em ratos Wistar submetidos à lesão medular por contusão. Os principais objetivos foram: a) investigar os efeitos do transplante das SHED sobre a recuperação funcional, volume da lesão e morte neuronal; b) verificar os efeitos do transplante sobre as células progenitoras, formação da cicatriz glial e modificações astrocitárias após o modelo de contusão medular Observou-se a melhora na recuperação funcional, redução do volume da lesão e morte neuronal na medula espinal dos animais que receberam o transplante de SHED após a lesão medular. As SHED aumentam o número de células precursoras na medula espinal, no período subagudo, reduzem a expressão da proteína fibrilar glial ácida (GFAP) e aumentam a expressão do canal retificador de influxo de potássio 4.1, ambas proteínas astrocitárias. Concluímos que o transplante de células-tronco derivadas do dente decíduo humano após a lesão medular promove a recuperação funcional a partir do efeito neuroprotetor iniciado na fase aguda, confirmado pelo maior número de neurônios motores presentes seis semanas após a contusão. As SHED são capazes de aumentar o número de células precursoras e de produzir modificações astrocitárias na medula espinal de ratos lesados na fase subaguda, reduzindo a formação da cicatriz glial. / Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a disabling condition that results in sensory and motor deficits. The estimated annual incidence in Brazil is of 30 new cases of spinal cord injury per 1 million of individuals; unfortunately SCI remains without an effective treatment. Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) are one among potential sources of stem cells for transplantation after spinal cord injury in order to promote protection or tissue and functional recovery after spinal cord injury. The aim of this Thesis was to evaluate the effects of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) transplantation, one hour after lesion, in the acute, subacute and chronic phases on neuroprotection, tissue protection and functional recovery in Wistar rats submitted to spinal cord injury by contusion The main goals were: a) to investigate the effects of SHED transplantation on functional recovery, lesion volume, and neuronal death; b) to verify the effects of the transplantation on the progenitor cells number, glial scar formation and astrocytic modifications after spinal cord contusion. Improvement of functional recovery, reduction of lesion volume and neuronal death were observed in the spinal cord of animals submitted to spinal cord injury and SHED transplantation. SHEDs increased the number of precursor cells in the spinal cord in the subacute period, reduced the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and increased the expression of the potassium influx rectifier channel 4.1, both astrocyte proteins. We conclude that transplantation of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth after spinal cord injury promotes functional recovery from the neuroprotection effect, which starts in the acute phase and is confirmed six weeks after the contusion with a higher number of motor neurons in the ventral horn of spinal cord. SHEDs are able to increase the number of precursor cells and produce astrocyte modifications in the spinal cord of injured rats in the subacute phase, reducing glial scar formation.
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Efeitos da fototerapia com laser em baixa intensidade e dos fatores de crescimento PDGF e BMP-2, isolados ou em associação, na diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica de células-tronco de polpa dentária humana / Effects of low intensity laser therapy and growth factors PDGF and BMP-2 on the odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cellsLeila Soares Ferreira 15 September 2011 (has links)
A fototerapia com laser em baixa intensidade (FTLBI) é capaz de aumentar o metabolismo celular, o que poderia influenciar na diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica das células-tronco da polpa dentária humada (hDPSCs). O PDGF e o BMP-2 são fatores de crescimento envolvidos na dentinogênese e na reparação tecidual. O PDGF tem papel importante durante o desenvolvimento embrionário, na proliferação e migração celular e na angiogênese, enquanto o BMP-2 está fortemente associado à diferenciação celular em tecidos mineralizados, como o osso e a dentina. Sendo assim, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar os efeitos da FTLBI e dos fatores de crescimento (PDGF-BB ou BMP-2), isolados ou em associação, na diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica das hDPSCs. Para o estudo hDPSCs foram cultivadas em meio regular (G1) e irradiadas (G2), meio mineralizante (G3) e irradiadas (G4), meio mineralizante contendo PDGF-BB (G5) e irradiadas (G6), meio mineralizante contendo BMP-2 (G7) e irradiadas (G8). Para os grupos irradiados, a FTLBI foi realizada no modo pontual e em contato, com um laser de diodo semi-condutor, com área de feixe de 0,028cm2 e comprimento de onda 660nm (InGaAlP-vermelho), utilizando-se os seguintes parâmetros: potência de 20mW, densidade de energia de 5J/cm2, tempo de irradiação de 7 segundos por ponto e 0,14J de energia por ponto. A expressão dos genes relacionados à diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica (DSPP, DMP-1 e OCN) através do PCR quantitativo em tempo real (qRT-PCR), a atividade da fosfatase alcalina e os depósitos de cálcio foram analisados em 3, 7 e 14 dias. Os dados obtidos foram comparados pelo teste ANOVA complementado pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05). As culturas tratadas com meio mineralizante contendo BMP-2 e irradiadas (G8) foram as que mostraram os maiores índices de diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica nos testes realizados. As expressões de DSPP, OCN e DMP-1, ao menos em 14 dias, foram significantemente maiores no G8 que nos demais grupos experimentais, exceto os grupos G3 e G7. Estes grupos apresentaram expressões de DSPP e OCN semelhantes às do G8 em 14 dias. A maior atividade de ALP foi observada no G8 em 3 dias e a menor no mesmo grupo aos 14 dias. A maior quantidade de depósitos de cálcio também foi encontrada no G8 em 14 dias. A associação de FTLBI e BMP-2 se mostrou capaz de induzir a diferenciação ósseo/odontogênica em células-tronco de polpa dentária humana de forma mais marcante que as demais terapias isoladas ou associadas estudadas. Portanto, o uso de uma terapia associando FTLBI e BMP-2 poderia ser de relevância para o restabelecimento da fisiologia pulpar quando aplicada em casos de exposição deste tecido, uma vez que poderia favorecer a diferenciação das células indiferenciadas da polpa dentária. / Laser phototherapy (LPT) is able to increase cellular metabolism, which in turn could influence the odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs). PDGF and BMP-2 are growth factors involved in dentinogenesis and tissue repair. PDGF plays a role in embryonic development, cell proliferation, cell migration, and angiogenesis, whereas BMP-2 is strongly associated with cell differentiation in mineralized tissues such as bone and dentin. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of LPT and the growth factors PDGF-BB and BMP-2 combined or not on the odontogenic differentiation of hDPSCs. These cells were grown in regular medium (G1) and irradiated (G2), mineralizing medium (G3) and irradiated (G4), mineralizing medium containing PDGF-BB (G5) and irradiated (G6), mineralizing medium containing BMP-2 (G7) and irradiated (G8). For irradiated groups, LPT was performed in punctual and contact mode with a semiconductor diode laser, with a beam spot area of 0.028 cm2 and wavelength of 660nm (InGaAlP-visible red), using the following parameters: power of 20mW, energy density of 5J/cm2 and irradiation time of 7 seconds per point (0,14 J per point). Differentiation was assessed by the following analysis: expression of genes related to odontogenic differentiation (DSPP, DMP-1 and OCN) using quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR); alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium deposition using alizarin red staining in 3, 7 and 14 days. Data were compared by ANOVA and Tukey´s test (p<0.05). The cultures treated with mineralizing medium containing BMP-2 and irradiated (G8) showed the highest rate of odontogenic differentiation. The expressions of DSPP, DMP-1 and OCN genes, at least in 14 days, were significantly higher in G8 compared to all other groups, except for the groups G3 and G7. These groups showed similar expressions of DSPP and OCN than G8 in 14 days. G8 showed the highest ALP activity in 3 days and the lowest in 14 days compared to all other groups. The largest amount of calcium deposits was observed in G8 in 14 days. The most striking feature on induction of odontogenic differentiation of hDPSCs was observed when LPT was applied in association with BMP-2. Therefore, the use of a combined LPT and BMP-2 therapy could be of relevance for the re-establishment of pulp physiology when applied in cases of dental pulp exposure by promoting the differentiation of hDPSCs.
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