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Time-Variant Load Models of Electric Vehicle ChargersZimmerman, Nicole P. 15 June 2015 (has links)
In power distribution system planning, it is essential to understand the impacts that electric vehicles (EVs), and the non-linear, time-variant loading profiles associated with their charging units, may have on power distribution networks. This research presents a design methodology for the creation of both analytical and behavioral models for EV charging units within a VHDL-AMS simulation environment.
Voltage and current data collected from Electric Avenue, located on the Portland State University campus, were used to create harmonic profiles of the EV charging units at the site. From these profiles, generalized models for both single-phase (Level 2) and three-phase (Level 3) EV chargers were created. Further, these models were validated within a larger system context utilizing the IEEE 13-bus distribution test feeder system.
Results from the model's validation are presented for various charger and power system configurations. Finally, an online tool that was created for use by distribution system designers is presented. This tool can aid designers in assessing the impacts that EV chargers have on electrical assets, and assist with the appropriate selection of transformers, conductor ampacities, and protection equipment & settings.
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Design, implementation, and testing of a software interface between the AN/SPS-65(V)1 radar and the SRC-6E reconfigurable computerGuthrie, Thomas G. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis outlines the development, programming, and testing a logical interface between a radar system, the AN/SPS-65(V)1, and a general-purpose reconfigurable computing platform, the SRC Computer, Inc. model, the SRC-6E. To confirm the proper operation of the interface and associated subcomponents, software was developed to perform basic radar signal processing. The interface, as proven by the signal processing results, accurately reflects radar imagery generated by the radar system when compared to maps of the surrounding area. The research accomplished here will allow follow on research to evaluate the potential benefits reconfigurable computing platforms offer for radar signal processing. / Captain, United States Marine Corps
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Proposta de linguagem geradora de imagens em impressoras de página / A page description language for raster non impact printers.Stefani, Mario Antonio 16 August 1990 (has links)
Uma compacta linguagem descritora de páginas, destinada a impressoras não-impacto de estrutura raster é apresentada. Tal linguagem foi implementada usando o processador gráfico TMS4010, da Texas Instruments e possui uma estrutura muito similar à encontrada nas linguagens interpretativas encadeadas. A linguagem é totalmente modular e interativa, e se utiliza um modelo gráfico simples, visando simular as tarefas normalmente encontradas nas artes tipográficas. São efetuadas comparações com outras linguagens comerciais, visando avaliar suas possibilidades. Uma pequena introdução à tecnologia das impressoras laser é apresentada. / A small Page description language intended for raster non-impact printers is presented. The language is implemented using the Texas Instruments TMS4010 Graphics system processor and its structure is similar that encountered in threaded interpretative languages. The language is fully modular and interactive, and uses a simple graphic model to simulate the same common tasks encoutered in typographical arts. Comparison are made with other comercial languages to perform some evaluations on its possibilities. A small introduction on the laser printer technology is presented.
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Structuration d'un flot de conception pour la biologie synthétique / Structuring the design flow for synthetic biologyGendrault, Yves 06 December 2013 (has links)
La biologie synthétique est une science issue du rapprochement entre les biotechnologies et les sciences pour l’ingénieur. Elle consiste à créer de nouveaux systèmes biologiques par une combinaison rationnelle d’éléments biologiques standardisés, découplés de leur contexte naturel. L’environnement, l’agroalimentaire et la santé figurent parmi ses principaux domaines d’application. Cette thèse s’est focalisée sur les aspects liés à la conception ex-vivo de ces biosystèmes artificiels. A partir des analogies réalisées entre les processus biologiques et certaines fonctions électroniques, l’accent a été mis sur la réutilisation et l’adaptation des outils de conception numériques, supportant l’approche de conception « top-down ». Ainsi, une adaptation complète des méthodes de CAO de la microélectronique a été mise en place pour la biologie synthétique. Dans cette optique, les mécanismes biologiques élémentaires ont été modélisés sous plusieurs niveaux d’abstraction, allant de l’abstraction numérique à des modèles flux de signal et des modèles conservatifs. Des modèles en logique floue ont aussi été développés pour faire le lien entre ces niveaux d’abstraction. Ces différents modèles ont été implémentés avec deux langages de description matérielle et ont été validés sur la base de résultats expérimentaux de biosystèmes artificiels parmi les plus avancés. Parallèlement au travail de formalisation des modèles destinés au flot de conception, leur amélioration a aussi été étudiée : la modélisation des interactions entre plusieurs molécules a été rendue plus réaliste et le développement de modèles de bruits biologiques a également été intégré au processus. Cette thèse constitue donc une contribution importante dans la structuration et l’automatisation d’étapes de conception pour les biosystèmes synthétiques. Elle a permis de tracer les contours d’un flot de conception complet, adapté de la microélectronique, et d’en mettre en évidence les intérêts. / Synthetic biology is a science derived from the rapprochement between biotechnology and engineering science. It aims to create new biological systems through a rational combination between standardized biological elements which are disconnected from their natural context. Its main areas of application are the environment, the food-processing industry and the health sector. This thesis focuses on the ex vivo design aspects of these artificial biosystems. Thanks to analogies between biological processes and some electronic functions, the emphasis was put on reusing and adapting digital design tools that are fitting the top-down design approach. Thus, microelectronics CAD methods have been completely adapted to synthetic biology. In this regard, basic biological mechanisms have been modelled with various levels of abstraction, from digital abstraction to signal flow and conservative models. Fuzzy logic models have also been developed as a link between these levels of abstraction. These models have been implemented with two hardware description languages. They have been proven correct thanks to experimental results from state-of-the-art artificial biosystems. Concurrently to their formalization, improvements of design flow models have been studied: the modelling of interactions between several molecules have been made more realistic and the development of models for biological noise have been integrated to the process. This thesis is an important contribution to the structuring and the automation of some design steps for synthetic biosystems. It has made possible to highlight and to trace the outlines of a complete design flow, adapted from microelectronics.
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Intégration de l'analyse de propriétés non-fonctionnelles dans l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles pour les systèmes embarqués / Integration of the Analysis of Non-Functional Properties in Model-Driven Engineering for Embedded SystemsBrau, Guillaume 13 March 2017 (has links)
L'ingénierie des systèmes embarqués repose sur deux activités complémentaires : la modélisation d'une part permet dereprésenter le système, l'analyse d’autre part permet d'évaluer les diverses propriétés non-fonctionnelles (par exemple despropriétés temporelles via l'analyse d’ordonnancement temps réel). Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'intégration entre ces modèleset analyses: comment appliquer une analyse sur une modèle ? Comment gérer le processus d’analyse ? La première partie de cette thèse présente une approche globale afin de répondre à ces questions. Cette approche s'organise autour de quatre couches applicatives: (1) les modèles qui représentent le système, (2) les accesseurs qui permettent d'extraire des données à partir d'un modèle, (3) l'analyse qui traite des données en entrée pour produire des données ou propriétés en sortie, (4) des contrats qui décrivent les interfaces d'une analyse et permettent d'orchestrer le processus d'analyse. La seconde partie de cette thèse est dédiée à l'expérimentation de cette approche sur des systèmes réels provenant du domaine aérospatial : un drone, un robot explorateur et un système de gestion de vol. Nous montrons que les accesseurs permettent d’appliquer diverses analyses d’ordonnancement temps réel sur des modèles architecturaux hétérogènes, par exemples décrits avec le standard industriel AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language) ou le nouveau langage dirigé par le temps CPAL (Cyber-Physical Action Language). En outre, nous montrons que les contrats peuvent être utilisés afin d’automatiser des procédures d'analyse complexes : quelle analyse peut être appliquée sur unmodèle ? Quelles analyses remplissent les objectifs visés ? Peut-on combiner des analyses ? Y-a-t-il des interférences entreles analyses ? Etc. / The engineering of embedded systems relies on two complementary activities: modeling on the one hand enables torepresent the system, analysis on the other hand makes it possible to evaluate the various non-functional properties (forexample, temporal properties with the real-time scheduling analysis). This thesis deals with the integration between thesemodels and analyses: how to apply an analysis on a model? How to manage the analysis process? The first part of this thesis presents a comprehensive approach to answer these questions. This approach is based on four application layers: (1) models to represent the system, (2) accessors to extract data from a model, (3) analyses to computeoutput data and/or properties from input data (4) contracts to represent the analysis interfaces and orchestrate the analysisprocess. The second part of this thesis deals with the experimentation of this approach with concrete systems coming fromthe aerospace: a drone, an exploratory robot and a flight management system. We demonstrate that the accessors enable toapply various real-time scheduling analyses on heterogeneous architectural models, for example written with the industrystandard AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language) or the new time-triggered language CPAL (Cyber-PhysicalAction Language). In addition, contracts make it possible to automate complex analysis procedures: which analysis can beapplied on a given model? Which are the analyses that meet a given goal? Are there analyses to be combined? Are thereinterferences between analyses? Etc.
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[pt] No cenário atual do setor de telecomunicações, percebe-se
uma tendência
crescente em direção ao uso de sistemas de comunicação que
permitam a criação
rápida e de baixo custo de serviços. Na busca por
arquiteturas de rede que
respondam a essa tendência, vários grupos têm centrado seus
esforços em
pesquisas na área de redes programáveis. O surgimento da
tecnologia de
processamento de rede no mercado de equipamentos de
telecomunicações abriu
ainda maior espaço para pesquisas nessa área. Nesse
contexto, é imprescindível
que os processos de criação de serviços sejam bem
estruturados e, o quanto
possível, sistemáticos. Esta tese, inserida em um projeto
desenvolvido no
Laboratório TeleMídia da PUC-Rio, adota uma abordagem de
criação de serviços
em que técnicas de Arquitetura de Software e de
Desenvolvimento Baseado em
Componentes são aplicadas consistentemente e de modo
ubíquo, desde
especificações de alto nível de serviços até a
implementação de software básico
em unidades programáveis de processamento de rede. Os
objetivos principais são
expressar a adaptabilidade de múltiplos aspectos nesses
serviços e,
simultaneamente, reduzir a sobrecarga cognitiva em
projetistas e programadores,
decorrente dessa multiplicidade de aspectos. Para isso, foi
desenvolvida uma
linguagem de especificação baseada em XML, chamada Lindax,
que permite
descrever arquiteturalmente diversos aspectos de sistemas
de comunicação - por
meio de um arcabouço sintático único para DSLs - e
restrições de adaptação em
cada aspecto particular - por meio de estruturas de estilos
Complementando o trabalho, um conjunto de ferramentas de
manipulação de
descrições arquiteturais em LindaX é definido. Essas
ferramentas permitem o
refinamento para diferentes linguagens formais ou a síntese
de configurações e
mecanismos de controle de adaptações para diversas
plataformas. / [en] It is increasingly noticeable, in the current
telecommunications market, a
trend towards using communication systems that allow rapid
and cheap
deployment of new services. In pursuit of network
architectures that keep up with
such trend, significant research has been carried out on
programmable networks.
This field is set to gain further impetus from developments
in network
processor-based equipment. In this context, it is crucial
that service creation
processes be well structured and, as far as possible,
systematic. This thesis, which
is part of an ongoing project at the TeleMídia Laboratory,
PUC-Rio, adopts a
service creation approach in which techniques from Software
Architecture and
Component-Based Software Development are uniformly and
ubiquitously applied
at all levels of a communication system, ranging from high-
level service
specifications to low-level software implementation running
in network
processors. The main aim is to express adaptibility in
cross-cutting service aspects
and, meanwhile, cut down on the cognitive overhead usually
imposed upon
designers and programmers due to such multiplicity of
concerns. For the sake of
the aforementioned aim, an XML-based specification
language, called LindaX,
has been developed. Such language allows various system
aspects to be
architecturally described - by means of a single syntactic
framework for DSLs -
as well as adaptable in a constrained way - through style
Complementing the work, a toolset for handling LindaX
architecture descriptions
has been defined, which allows their refinement to
different formal languages or
their synthesis onto system configurations and adaptation
controlling mechanisms
for diverse platforms.
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Assertions and measurements for mixed-signal simulation / Assertions et mesures pour la simulation en signaux mixtesFerrere, Thomas 28 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le monitorage des simulations de circuits en signaux mixtes. Dans le domaine de la vérification de matériel, l'utilisation de formalismes déclaratifs pour la specification, dans le cadre de la validation par simulation, s'est installée dans la pratique courante. Cependant, le manque de fonctionnalités visant à spécifier les comportements asynchrones, ou l'intégration insuffisante des résultats de la vérification, rend les language d'assertions et de mesures inopérants pour la vérification de comportements en signaux mixtes. Nous proposons des outils théoriques et pratiques pour la description et le monitorage de ces comportements, qui comportent des aspects à la fois discrets et continus. Pour cela, nous nous appuyons sur des travaux antérieurs portant sur les extensions temps-réel de la logique temporelle et des expressions régulières. Nous décrivons de nouveaux algorithmes pour calculer la distance entre une trace de simulation et une propriété en logique temporelle données. Une nouvelle procédure de diagnostic est conçue pour déboguer efficacement de telles traces. Le monitorage des comportements continus est ensuite étendu à d'autres formes d'assertions basées sur des expressions régulières. Ces expressions constituent la base de notre language de description de mesures, qui permet de définir conjointement la mesure et les intervals temporels sur lesquels cette mesure doit être prise. Nous montrons comment d'autres mesures, déjà mises en œuvre dans les simulateurs analogiques peuvent être importées dans les descriptions digitales. Ceci permet d'étendre vers le domaine en signaux mixtes les approches hiérarchiques utilisées en vérification de circuits digitaux. / This thesis is concerned with the monitoring of mixed-signal circuit simulations. In the field of hardware verification, the use of declarative property languages in combination with simulation is now standard practice. However the lack of features to specify asynchronous behaviors, or the insufficient integration of verification results, makes existing assertion and measurement languages unable to enforce mixed-signal requirements. We propose several theoretical and practical tools for the description and automatic monitoring of such behaviors, that feature both discrete and continuous aspects. For this we build on previous work on real-time extensions of temporal logic and regular expressions. We describe new algorithms to compute the distance from some simulation trace to temporal logic specifications, whose complexity is not higher than traditional monitoring. A novel diagnostic procedure is provided in order to efficiently debug such traces. The monitoring of continuous behaviors is then extended to other forms of assertions based on regular expressions. These expressions form the basis of our measurement language, that describes conjointly a measure and the patterns over which that measure should be taken. We show how other measurements implemented in analog circuits simulators can be ported to digital descriptions, this way extending structured verification approaches used for digital designs toward mixed-signal.
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Proposta de linguagem geradora de imagens em impressoras de página / A page description language for raster non impact printers.Mario Antonio Stefani 16 August 1990 (has links)
Uma compacta linguagem descritora de páginas, destinada a impressoras não-impacto de estrutura raster é apresentada. Tal linguagem foi implementada usando o processador gráfico TMS4010, da Texas Instruments e possui uma estrutura muito similar à encontrada nas linguagens interpretativas encadeadas. A linguagem é totalmente modular e interativa, e se utiliza um modelo gráfico simples, visando simular as tarefas normalmente encontradas nas artes tipográficas. São efetuadas comparações com outras linguagens comerciais, visando avaliar suas possibilidades. Uma pequena introdução à tecnologia das impressoras laser é apresentada. / A small Page description language intended for raster non-impact printers is presented. The language is implemented using the Texas Instruments TMS4010 Graphics system processor and its structure is similar that encountered in threaded interpretative languages. The language is fully modular and interactive, and uses a simple graphic model to simulate the same common tasks encoutered in typographical arts. Comparison are made with other comercial languages to perform some evaluations on its possibilities. A small introduction on the laser printer technology is presented.
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Testování generovaných překladačů jazyka c pro procesory ve vestavěných systémech / Testing of generated C compilers for processors in embedded systemsDolíhal, Luděk Unknown Date (has links)
Vestavěné systémy se staly nepostradatelnými pro náš každodenní život. Jsou to obvykle úzce zaměřená, vysoce optimalizovaná, jednoúčelová zařízení. Jádro vestavěných zařízení obvykle tvoří jeden nebo více aplikačně specifických instrukčních procesorů. Tato disertační práce se zaměřuje na problematiku testování nástrojú pro návrh aplikačně specifických procesorů a následně i samotných aplikačne specifických procesorů. Snahou bylo vytvořit systém, ve kterém bude možné otestovat jednotlivé nástroje, jako například překladač, assembler, disassembler, debugger. Nicméně vyvstává také potřeba provádět složitější testy, například integrační, které zaručí, že mezi jednotlivými nástroji nevzniká nekompatibilita. Autor vytvořil s podporou přůběžně integračního serveru prostředí, které napomáhá odhalování a odstraňování chyb při návrhu aplikačně specifických procesorů a které je navíc do značné míry automatizované.
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Využití funkcionálních jazyků pro hardwarovou akceleraci / Hardware Acceleration Using Functional LanguagesHodaňová, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to research how the functional paradigm can be used for hardware acceleration with an emphasis on data-parallel tasks. The level of abstraction of the traditional hardware description languages, such as VHDL or Verilog, is becoming to low. High-level languages from the domains of software development and modeling, such as C/C++, SystemC or MATLAB, are experiencing a boom for hardware description on the algorithmic or behavioral level. Functional Languages are not so commonly used, but they outperform imperative languages in verification, the ability to capture inherent paralellism and the compactness of code. Data-parallel task are often accelerated on FPGAs, GPUs and multicore processors. In this thesis, we use a library for general-purpose GPU programs called Accelerate and extend it to produce VHDL. Accelerate is a domain-specific language embedded into Haskell with a backend for the NVIDIA CUDA platform. We use the language and its frontend, and create a new backend for high-level synthesis of circuits in VHDL.
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