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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modèle de processus pour la conception de produits d’assistance aux personnes en situation de handicap : cas d’étude sur la mobilité personnelle / Design process model of assistive products for disabled people : a case study on personal mobility

Pinto, Marcel de Gois 16 December 2016 (has links)
L’impact de ce travail de doctorat se concentre sur l’inclusion sociale des Personnes en Situation de Handicap (PSH). Cette inclusion dépend de plusieurs d’initiatives comme l’Accessibilité des espaces et des informations mais aussi de l’offre de Produits d’Assistance (PA) qui peuvent soulager voire compenser les situations de handicap. Notre travail se place sur ce second terrain, en particulier sur les insatisfactions et abandons des PA par les PSH et la difficulté des fabricants à offrir une variété de produits ciblés sur besoins et avec des prix abordables. Nous pensons que la solution à une telle pro-blématique peut être faite dès la conception des PA. Ainsi, nous proposons un modèle de référence pour l’organisation du processus de conception de ces produits autour d’une philosophie et d’une méthodologie de conception. Ce modèle a été construit à partir de recherches bibliographiques sur les processus de conception de produits de manière générale, telles que la conception lean et la customi-sation de masse, et aussi quelques approches et modèles de conception de produits qui intègrent les PSH dans le public de consommateurs. Suite à son développement, la proposition a été testée et amé-liorée à partir de deux cas d’étude réalisés dans le cadre de la Mobilité Personnelle. Le premier cas d’étude se concentre sur la conception de Dispositifs d’Aide à la Marche (DAM), tels que les cannes, les béquilles et les cadres de marche. Ensuite, la deuxième expérience est focalisée sur la conception de Véhicules non-motorisés (VNM), comme les cycles et les fauteuils roulants. Le résultat de ces expéri-mentations et les révisions du modèle de référence pour la conception de PA nous ont permis d'abou-tir à une configuration des principes et à une méthodologie qui accordent les attentes tangibles et in-tangibles des PSH à travers la conception et l’offre de produits personnalisables tout en respectant les exigences des systèmes de fabrication et distribution. / The impact of this PhD work focuses on the social inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PWD). This inclusion depends on several initiatives such as spacial and informational accessibility, and the offer of Assistive Products (AP), which can alleviate or compensate disability situations. Our work focuses on this second point, particularly under the dissatisfaction and abandonment of AP by the PWD and the inability of the manufacturers to offer a variety of products that respond to the users’ needs with affordable prices. We believe that the solution to this problem can be found in the AP design process. Thus, we propose a reference model for the a AT design process organization around a philosophy and a design methodology. This model was constructed from bibliographic research on product de-sign processes in general, such as lean design and mass customization, as well as some product design approaches and models that integrate the PWD as customers. After this, the proposal was tested and improved through two case studies carried out in the Personal Mobility context. The first case study focuses on the design of Walking Aid Devices (WADs), such as walking sticks, crutches and walking frames. Second, the second one focuses on the design of non-motorized vehicles (NMVs), such as cycles and wheelchairs. The result of these experiments and the revisions of the reference model for AP design enabled us deliver a configuration of principles and a methodology of design that matches the tangible and intangible expectations of the PWD through the conception and offering of customi-zed products that respond to the requirements of manufacturing and distribution systems.

Os padrões de ampliação espontânea de habitações de interesse social em Porto Alegre, RS, e Região Metropolitana: uma proposta de aplicação da gramática da forma e sintaxe espacial

Mussi, Andréa Quadrado January 2014 (has links)
O déficit habitacional brasileiro continua elevado, apesar do aumento dos investimentos públicos voltados à produção de HIS (Habitação de Interesse Social). A produção habitacional financiada por programas públicos emprega, majoritariamente, a área útil ao redor de 36m². Assim, torna-se inevitável que as HIS, com dimensões mínimas, sofram ampliações (na maioria das vezes espontâneas, efetuadas pelos próprios moradores), nem sempre com orientação profissional. Dificuldades para projetar casas evolutivas, adaptáveis às necessidades de expansão horizontal ou vertical da unidade habitacional, determinam, muitas vezes, alterações substanciais no conforto ambiental e na lógica de circulação e de articulação entre os espaços da habitação original. Metodologias utilizadas para a previsão de transformações morfológicas esbarram na dificuldade de modelar as transformações e transferir a descrição obtida com estes modelos para estratégias projetuais. Entre os modelos de formas construídas, a Sintaxe Espacial vem se mostrando eficaz na análise de hierarquia dos espaços, enquanto a Gramática da Forma documenta, com relativa fidelidade, as características de contiguidades entre espaços no processo de expansão. Com isso, os princípios generativos de uma habitação evolutiva podem ser extraídos das ampliações de HIS. Esses modelos ajudam a descrever a estrutura planar das transformações morfológicas e podem auxiliar na previsão das mudanças provocadas por usuários de HIS no Brasil. O método foi aplicado em casas originalmente de dois dormitórios existentes em conjuntos habitacionais de Porto Alegre e da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (grupo RS). A comparação com projetos de HIS de três autores (grupo unidades-exemplo) testa a hipótese de tendência a semelhanças (apesar das diferenças entre os projetos do grupo unidades-exemplo quanto ao tamanho, à localização e à implantação no terreno) entre as ampliações espontâneas observadas no grupo RS e as propostas adotadas por esses autores. O método utilizado permitiu confirmar a hipótese levantada, indicando que é possível generalizar as soluções apresentadas no grupo unidades-exemplos para outras regiões do País, no momento em que há semelhanças entre os dois grupos considerados. Essa metodologia tem como produto as regras espaciais e medidas de hierarquia dos compartimentos, sem estarem atreladas a uma expressão arquitetônica, que retratam os padrões geométricos e configuracionais das HIS transformadas no grupo RS e contribuem para possibilitar comparações com outros projetos, como os do grupo unidades-exemplo. / The Brazilian housing deficit remains high, despite the increase in public investment aimed at production of low-incoming housing. Housing production financed by public programs employs, mainly, the useful area around 36 m². Thus, it becomes inevitable that the low-incoming housing, with minimum dimensions, suffer expansions (most often spontaneous, carried out by the residents), not always with professional guidance. Difficulties to design evolutionary houses, adaptable to the needs of horizontal or vertical expansion of the housing unit, determine, often, substantial changes in the environmental comfort and in the logic of movement and articulation among the spaces of the original housing. Methodologies used for the prediction of morphological transformations based on difficulty of modeling transformations and transfer the description obtained from these models for project strategies. Among the models of forms built, Space Syntax has been showing effective in analysis of hierarchy and permeability of the spaces, while the Grammar of Form documents, with relative fidelity, the characteristics of contiguities among spaces in the expansion process. With that, the generative principles of an evolutionary housing can be extracted from enlargements of low-incoming housing. These templates help to describe the plane structure of morphological transformations and can assist in predicting the changes caused by low-incoming housing users in Brazil. The method was applied in originally two bedroom houses existing in housing estates of Porto Alegre and the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre (RS group). The comparison with low-incoming housing projects by three authors (group sample-units) tests the hypothesis of trend to similarities (in spite of the differences among the projects of the group sample-units regarding the size, the location and the deployment on the ground) between the spontaneous enlargements observed in the RS group and the proposals adopted by these authors. The used method was able to confirm the hypothesis, indicating that it is possible to generalize the solutions presented in the group sample-units for other regions of the Country, at the moment when there are similarities between the two groups considered. This methodology has as product the space rules and measures of hierarchy of compartments, without being linked to an architectural expression, which depict configurational and geometric patterns of transformed low-incoming housing in RS group and contribute to enable comparisons with other projects, such as the group sample-units.

Evolution du processus de création en architecture face aux impératifs du développement durable : vers une théorie du process pour des temps écosophiques / Evolution of architectural design process confronted by the requisiteness of sustainable construct : towards a theory on design process in ecosophic times

Perysinaki, Aliki-Myrto 02 July 2014 (has links)
Dans un contexte international marqué par la prise de conscience des enjeux environnementaux, et dans un contexte national d'injonctions réglementaires visant la réduction de la consommation énergétique, les disciplines liées à l’aménagement de l’espace voient leurs frontières et leurs méthodes évoluer de manière conséquente. Cette thèse a pour objet d’analyser les influences du développement durable sur le processus de création en architecture dans le cadre particulier du Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™ et en fonction de la réglementation sur le bâtiment et le territoire en France. Elle examine des mutations des modes opératoires du processus du projet architectural et propose des éléments de méthode et d'analyse concernant la prise en compte des piliers du développement durable, l'environnement, l'économie, la société et la culture. Il ressort de l’analyse que la compréhension des enjeux du développement durable rassemble dans une même dynamique intégrative les différentes piliers, faisant ainsi de la complexité la condition pour leur interdépendance. La prise en compte de la complexité à travers le milieu qui est attestée par les cas étudiés dans cette thèse soulève des questions sur le déroulement du processus du projet à travers une imagination pluraliste qui dépasse une réponse universelle normalisée. Si la complexité se traduit par la prise en compte simultanée des dimensions urbaines et rurales, paysagères et architecturales, quantitatives et qualitatives, elle envisage également le croisement et l’interdépendance des métiers. Ce qui signifie que l’architecte doit -en tant que médiateur- (se) construire une nouvelle identité, développant des compétences en conduite de conception et de négociation. / Global awareness of environmental matters and local regulations intending reductions of energy consumption forces disciplines related to space to expand their working methods in a substantial way. This thesis analyses influences of sustainable development on the architectural design process, particularly the case of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™ and the case of the French context in accordance to the regulation of building and territorial matters in France. It examines the mutations of the modus operandi of the process and offers elements of method and analysis towards the consideration of Pillars of sustainable development , environment, economy, society and culture. The analysis shows that the understanding of the sustainable development issues gathers the different Pillars in common integrative dynamics, making "Complexity" the condition of their interdependency. The account of the "Complexity" through milieu as attested by the case studies in this thesis, raise questions on the project's process through a pluralist imagination that goes beyond a normalised universal answer. When "Complexity" is being applied with a simultaneous consideration of urban, rural, landscaped, architectural, quantitative and qualitative dimensions, it heads towards the crossing and the interdependency of professions. This means that architects as mediators have to build themselves a new identity, cultivating proficiency and competency in leading conception and negotiation of the architectural project.

Designing Digital Nudges to Encourage Sustainable Decisions : Developing and Testing a Framework

Bertheim, Jane January 2018 (has links)
The awareness of environmental impacts lead to that organizations are starting to work towards UN's global sustainability goals. To influence customers into a more sustainable behaviour, organizations have the potential to look at nudging as a tool. A nudge is a way to alter peoples behaviour into taking a certain decision. However, since many organizations offer their service or product in the digital environment, such as websites or apps, increased knowledge of digital nudging is required. This thesis aims to establish a framework for how nudges should be designed and used on digital platforms to encourage sustainable decisions. The purpose is to enlighten designers of digital environment of the potential of nudges, pitfalls to avoid, and a general design process to follow. The framework is based on a literature study and interviews with people familiar with the concept of nudging. To examine how the framework works a case study is performed, this includes a workshop, performing a user research, developing prototypes and finally, conduct user tests. By testing the framework further methods could be found, this meant that more practical steps could be included in the framework. The result of this thesis shows that the framework proved to be useful and functional to use when designing digital nudges to encourage sustainable decisions.

La démarche de conception pour la fabrication additive : choix des modes de représentation dans la phase d’analyse / The design process for additive manufacturing : choice of representation modes in the analysis phase

Vo, Thanh Hoang 29 September 2017 (has links)
A ce jour, la fabrication additive est développée avec plusieurs procédés qui sont capables de fabriquer les pièces en plastique ou en métallique. De plus, la FA a des avantages qui sont des limites pour la technologie traditionnelle. Par exemple, grâce à la liberté de la forme de la pièce, il n’y pas besoin des outillages spécifiques. Mais la FA a aussi des inconvénients, par exemple, la qualité de surface de la pièce, normalement faible, le cout, de la fabrication, notamment à cause de l’investissement pour la machine de fabrication et aussi la matière première. Il y a beaucoup de différences entre la FA et les technologies traditionnelles. Nous considérons donc qu’il est nécessaire d’avoir un nouveau processus de conception pour la fabrication additive On étudie une méthode de conception pour la fabrication additive qui nous permet de fabriquer une pièce ou un mécanisme de manière optimale.Notre travail de thèse est appuyé sur les deux questions de recherche :• Quel modèle pour le processus de conception d’une pièce par fabrication additive ?o Comment tirer les profits de l’avantage de la FA, par exemple, la liberté de la forme ?o Comment intégrer des caractéristiques du procédé de FA dans le processus de conception ?• Quelle est l’influence de la représentation intermédiaire dans le processus de conception pour la fabrication additive ?o Les types de représentations intermédiaires avec la FAo Le choix du type de représentation intermédiaire pour évaluer le produit dans un moment spécifique du processus de conception pour la FA.En première temps, nous avons développé une modèle de processus qui permet de prise en compte la caractéristique des procédés, ainsi de tirer les profits de l’avantage de fabrication additive.En deuxième temps, nous avons déterminé une méthode de choix qui nous permet de choisir entre les types de représentations intermédiaire pour évaluer le produit dans un processus de conception pour la FA. Cette méthode est basé sur Case Based Reasoning. / To date, additive manufacturing is being developed with several processes that are capable of manufacturing plastic or metal parts. In addition, the FA has advantages that are limitations for traditional technology. For example, thanks to the freedom of the shape of the part, there is no need for specific tools. But the FA also has disadvantages, for example, the surface quality of the part, normally low, cost, manufacturing, especially because of investment for the manufacturing machine and also the raw material. There are many differences between AF and traditional technologies. We therefore consider it necessary to have a new design process for additive manufacture. A design method for additive manufacturing is being studied which allows us to manufacture a part or mechanism in an optimal way.Our thesis work is based on the two research questions:• Which model for the design process of a part by additive manufacturing?O How to draw the benefits of the FA advantage, for example, freedom of form?O How to integrate AF process characteristics into the design process?• What is the influence of intermediate representation in the design process for additive manufacturing?O Types of intermediate representations with FAO The choice of intermediate representation type to evaluate the product at a specific time in the design process for the FA.In the first phase, we have developed a process model that takes into account the characteristic of the processes, thus taking advantage of the additive manufacturing advantage.As a second step, we determined a method of choice that allows us to choose between the types of intermediate representations to evaluate the product in a design process for FA. This method is based on Case Based Reasoning.

Industrial Experiences of Set-based Concurrent Engineering- Effects, results and applications

Raudberget, Dag January 2012 (has links)
During product development, most of the customer value, as well as the cost and the quality of a product are defined. This key role of development in industry has led to an intense search for better ways to develop products, software, services and systems. One development methodology that has received positive attention is Set-Based Concurrent Engineering (SBCE). Some authors claim that SBCE and related practices from Lean Development are four times more productive than traditional development models. Unfortunately, SBCE is also described as hard to implement. This thesis presents the results of a three year research project aimed at implementing and describing the effects of Set-Based Concurrent Engineering in industry. The scope of the research is to use the principles of SBCE as a means to improve the productivity of industrial product development processes and its resulting products. The contribution of this work is a better understanding of Set-Based Concurrent Engineering and a support to implement its principles. The results show that SBCE gives positive effects on many aspects of product development performance and on the resulting products. The improvements are especially dominant on product performance, product cost and the level of innovation Moreover, a comparison between a Set-based decision process and a traditional matrix for design evaluation is presented, showing that these two approaches generate different results. The matrix evaluation promoted the development of new technology and the Set-based process promoted a thorough understanding of the important design parameters of the current designs. Finally, this work presents a structured design process and computer tool for implementing the principles of SBCE. The process was demonstrated by using information from an industrial development project, showing how the proposed process could implement the three principles of SBCE in a traditional Point-based development environment.

Planejamento e controle do processo de projeto de sistemas pré-fabricados em ambientes de engineer-to-order / Design planning and control for engineer-to-order prefabricated building systems

Wesz, Josana Gabriele Bolzan January 2013 (has links)
O processo de projeto tem importante papel na geração de valor, pois define o produto de forma que este atenda às necessidades do cliente. No entanto, o planejamento e controle deste processo na indústria da construção são, em geral, informais e ineficazes. Estes problemas tendem a ser mais graves em empreendimentos rápidos e complexos, quando envolvem sistemas pré-fabricados, normalmente caracterizados como sistemas do tipo engineer-to-order (ETO). Visando a aprimorar o processo de projeto, muitas empresas tem implementado conceitos e princípios da produção enxuta, podendo ser destacado o uso do Sistema Last Planner (SLP), que contribui para proteger a produção da variabilidade do processo, assim como para eliminá-la. O presente estudo tem como objetivo propor um modelo de planejamento e controle de projetos em empresas que projetam, fabricam e montam sistemas pré-fabricados, com características de sistema de produção do tipo ETO. Foi realizado um estudo empírico no setor de projetos de empresa de sistemas construtivos metálicos, com sede na Região Sul do Brasil. Inicialmente, o SLP foi implementado em duas equipes de projeto, sendo refinado e adaptado ao contexto da empresa. Depois, o SLP refinado foi implementado em outras quatro equipes. Como principais contribuições destacam-se o papel do modelo proposto no aumento da transparência de processos e na melhoria da confiabilidade deste processo, possibilitando o planejamento integrado entre as equipes de projeto. O modelo pode ser aplicado a sistemas pré-fabricados do tipo ETO, não somente no contexto de sistemas construtivos metálicos, mas em equipes de projetos que desenvolvem múltiplos projetos simultaneamente. / The design process plays an important role in value generation, since it defines the products that must meet customer needs. However, design planning and control in the construction industry are often informal and ineffective. This problem tends to bring serious consequences, especially in fast and complex projects that involve prefabricated building systems, normally defined as engineer-to-order (ETO) environments. In order to improve the design process, several companies have implemented lean production concepts and principles, and especially the Last Planner System (LPS) for production control, which shields production from upstream variability as well as contributes for reducing it. The aim of this study is to propose a model for planning and controlling the design process in companies that design, manufacture and assemble prefabricated ETO building systems. An empirical study was carried out is the design department of a steel fabricator based in Southern Brazil. Initially, LPS was implemented in two design teams, being refined and adapted to the context of the company. Then, the existing LPS was implemented in four other design teams. The main contributions of this investigation is the role of the proposed model in increasing process transparency and improving the reliability of the design process, making it possible to produce an integrated plan for the whole design department. This model is not limited to steel fabricators, but is applicable to any ETO prefabricated building systems, in which design teams carry out multiple design projects simultaneously.

A arquitetura e as ferramentas digitais : uma visão do projeto arquitetônico

Jung, Ronald Luis da Cruz January 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procura investigar o processo de projeto na arquitetura e como o mesmo passou a ser influenciado nas últimas décadas pelas ferramentas digitais que surgiram desde então. Busca estabelecer uma visão sobre o projeto arquitetônico questionando a existência de um novo paradigma. Para isso analisa a produção acadêmica brasileira dos últimos anos que exploraram ou desenvolveram teorias sobre a utilização de ferramentas digitais afim de estabelecer um ponto de partida. Através da bibliografia expõem uma visão e uma defesa de uma forma de projetar e de como as ferramentas digitais podem auxiliar este processo sem criar deturpações de uso. Por fim o texto contrapõem duas arquiteturas: a arquitetura silenciosa - sóbria - que busca adequar-se à cidade e tão bem aguenta o passar do tempo e a arquitetura digitalista, focada no "inusitado", que está muito mais voltada à possibilidade de exploração midiática da edificação e que tantos problemas traz aos usuários e à sociedade. / This research investigates the design process in architecture and how it came to be influenced in the past few years by digital tools which emerged since then. It seeks to establish a vision about the architecture design methods by questioning the existence of a new paradigm. Thereunto it analyzes the Brazilian academic production of the past few years which explored or developed theories about the use of digital tools in order to establish a starting point. Through literature, it exposes a vision and a defense of a way of designing and how digital tools can assist this process without creating distortions of its use. Finally, the text contrasts two types of architecture: the silent, sober architecture, which seeks to adapt to the city and as well support the passage of time and changes of its uses, and the "digitalist" architecture, focused on the "unusual", which turns to the possibility of the media exploitation of the building and the many problems it brings to users and society.

Contribution à l’amélioration du processus de conception des produits innovants : Développement d’outils d’aide au choix des processus / Contribution to the design process of innovative products : support tools to choice a design process

Benabid, Yacine 13 March 2014 (has links)
L'optimisation des processus de conception est une activité de recherche en pleine évolution, soulignée dans de nombreuses références et pratiques des entreprises dans l'objectif l'amélioration et le développement de produits nouveaux. Notre démarche s'inscrit dans la continuité de ces activités qui prend comme point de départ la diversité des processus de conception existants et la difficulté de réaliser un choix où une adaptation. D'ou notre problématique est résumée autour d'une question centrale que nous formulons de la manière suivante : comment optimiser le choix d'un processus de conception soumis à un environnement contraint ? La réponse à cette question est à travers la proposition d'un outil d'aide au choix qui converge vers l'installation d'un processus de conception. Cet outil est tridimensionnel, où la première dimension vise la préparation de la phase amont de conception, la deuxième dimension sélectionne un processus de conception sur une carte de classement et l'objectif de la troisième dimension est l'identification des métiers, outils et méthodes pour le développement des produits. La partie expérimentale de notre travail nous a conduit à valider l'outil développer et proposer comment l'exploiter par des concepteurs. L'optimisation est réalisée dans notre travail par la proposition de l'outil tridimensionnel d'un coté et de l'autre par l'exploitation des algorithmes d'optimisation pour la modélisation de l'outil. Des nouvelles pistes de recherche pour l'amélioration sont identifiées et proposées pour des futurs travaux. / The optimization of the design process is a research evolving highlighted in numerous references and business practices with the aim improving and developing new products. Our approach is a continuation of those activities that takes as its starting point the diversity of existing design processes and the difficulty of achieving a selection where adaptation. Hence our problem is summarized around a central question which we formulate as follows: how to optimize the choice of the design process subject to a constrained environment? The answer to this question is through the proposition of a tool Help in choosing which converges to the installation of a design process. This tool is three-dimensional, where the first dimension relates to the preparation of the upstream design phase, the second dimension selects a design process on a map classification and the objective of the third dimension is the identification of trades tools and methods for product development. The experimental part of our work has led us to validate the developed tool and propose how to use by designers. Optimization is achieved in our work by the proposal of a three-dimensional tool side and the other by the use of optimization algorithms for modeling tool. New avenues of research for improvement are identified and proposed for future work.

Os padrões de ampliação espontânea de habitações de interesse social em Porto Alegre, RS, e Região Metropolitana: uma proposta de aplicação da gramática da forma e sintaxe espacial

Mussi, Andréa Quadrado January 2014 (has links)
O déficit habitacional brasileiro continua elevado, apesar do aumento dos investimentos públicos voltados à produção de HIS (Habitação de Interesse Social). A produção habitacional financiada por programas públicos emprega, majoritariamente, a área útil ao redor de 36m². Assim, torna-se inevitável que as HIS, com dimensões mínimas, sofram ampliações (na maioria das vezes espontâneas, efetuadas pelos próprios moradores), nem sempre com orientação profissional. Dificuldades para projetar casas evolutivas, adaptáveis às necessidades de expansão horizontal ou vertical da unidade habitacional, determinam, muitas vezes, alterações substanciais no conforto ambiental e na lógica de circulação e de articulação entre os espaços da habitação original. Metodologias utilizadas para a previsão de transformações morfológicas esbarram na dificuldade de modelar as transformações e transferir a descrição obtida com estes modelos para estratégias projetuais. Entre os modelos de formas construídas, a Sintaxe Espacial vem se mostrando eficaz na análise de hierarquia dos espaços, enquanto a Gramática da Forma documenta, com relativa fidelidade, as características de contiguidades entre espaços no processo de expansão. Com isso, os princípios generativos de uma habitação evolutiva podem ser extraídos das ampliações de HIS. Esses modelos ajudam a descrever a estrutura planar das transformações morfológicas e podem auxiliar na previsão das mudanças provocadas por usuários de HIS no Brasil. O método foi aplicado em casas originalmente de dois dormitórios existentes em conjuntos habitacionais de Porto Alegre e da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (grupo RS). A comparação com projetos de HIS de três autores (grupo unidades-exemplo) testa a hipótese de tendência a semelhanças (apesar das diferenças entre os projetos do grupo unidades-exemplo quanto ao tamanho, à localização e à implantação no terreno) entre as ampliações espontâneas observadas no grupo RS e as propostas adotadas por esses autores. O método utilizado permitiu confirmar a hipótese levantada, indicando que é possível generalizar as soluções apresentadas no grupo unidades-exemplos para outras regiões do País, no momento em que há semelhanças entre os dois grupos considerados. Essa metodologia tem como produto as regras espaciais e medidas de hierarquia dos compartimentos, sem estarem atreladas a uma expressão arquitetônica, que retratam os padrões geométricos e configuracionais das HIS transformadas no grupo RS e contribuem para possibilitar comparações com outros projetos, como os do grupo unidades-exemplo. / The Brazilian housing deficit remains high, despite the increase in public investment aimed at production of low-incoming housing. Housing production financed by public programs employs, mainly, the useful area around 36 m². Thus, it becomes inevitable that the low-incoming housing, with minimum dimensions, suffer expansions (most often spontaneous, carried out by the residents), not always with professional guidance. Difficulties to design evolutionary houses, adaptable to the needs of horizontal or vertical expansion of the housing unit, determine, often, substantial changes in the environmental comfort and in the logic of movement and articulation among the spaces of the original housing. Methodologies used for the prediction of morphological transformations based on difficulty of modeling transformations and transfer the description obtained from these models for project strategies. Among the models of forms built, Space Syntax has been showing effective in analysis of hierarchy and permeability of the spaces, while the Grammar of Form documents, with relative fidelity, the characteristics of contiguities among spaces in the expansion process. With that, the generative principles of an evolutionary housing can be extracted from enlargements of low-incoming housing. These templates help to describe the plane structure of morphological transformations and can assist in predicting the changes caused by low-incoming housing users in Brazil. The method was applied in originally two bedroom houses existing in housing estates of Porto Alegre and the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre (RS group). The comparison with low-incoming housing projects by three authors (group sample-units) tests the hypothesis of trend to similarities (in spite of the differences among the projects of the group sample-units regarding the size, the location and the deployment on the ground) between the spontaneous enlargements observed in the RS group and the proposals adopted by these authors. The used method was able to confirm the hypothesis, indicating that it is possible to generalize the solutions presented in the group sample-units for other regions of the Country, at the moment when there are similarities between the two groups considered. This methodology has as product the space rules and measures of hierarchy of compartments, without being linked to an architectural expression, which depict configurational and geometric patterns of transformed low-incoming housing in RS group and contribute to enable comparisons with other projects, such as the group sample-units.

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