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An Investigation Into the Design Qualities, Ecological Requirements, and Potential Use of Some Native Trees and Shrubs of the Mountains of Northeastern UtahSutton, Richard K. 01 May 1974 (has links)
Digestion rates have been measured for brown trout (Salmo trutta Linn.) during summer, fall, winter and spring seasons on the Blacksmith Fork River, Utah. Exponential rates of digestion varied from a gradual rate of -0.2372 to an accelerated rate of -0.6808. Factors found to affect digestion rate most were water temperature and the amount of food in the stomach. The affect of temperature was not clearly isolated. However, the amount of food in the stomach, at the beginning of the digestion study, appeared to have the most pronounced effect. Four of the five digestion rate measurements, with high coefficients 'of determination, were highly correlated to changes in the amount of food in the stomach. A stomach capacity study was also conducted during the winter season. A comparison of the results of the present study with those of an earlier study conducted during the summer season exhibited two nearly parallel non-linear regression lines. The differences in stomach capacity ranged from only 0.02 cc at 170 mm fork length to 0.93 cc at 340 mm fork length. Throughout the 170 to 340 mm size range, stomach capacities were smaller in the present study than those reported in the earlier study. Although some differences in method of determining stomach capacity did occur, these differences should have led to larger stomach capacities in this study. Since season of collection was different, it is suspected that was largely responsible for these differences. Therefore, the results of the stomach capacity study indicate that stomach capacities can be expected to change between summer and winter seasons. However, these changes may not be significant.
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Effects of Structural Codifying in the Design Critiquing Process : An Exploratory Study with Jonas Löwgren’s Aesthetic Interaction QualitiesPapp, Kornelia January 2021 (has links)
This thesis begins by underlining the current methods and procedures in design evaluation as well as how design aesthetics is generally assessed. Then, it suggests the revision of current web design evaluation practices. The thesis explores a new method of incorporating Löwgren’s aesthetics of interaction attributes to help facilitate more eventful conversations within inter- and cross-departmental discussions, with the belief that such a process will manifest into more favorable design results and prevent friction during collaborative work due to incompatibility in technical jargon.
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Tillgänglighet i det tillfälliga offentliga rummet : Fallstudie av möjligheter och nackdelar för sommargågata på Östra Ågatan i UppsalaLindberg, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Ett socialt hållbart samhälle utgår från att skapa en miljö där alla individer respekteras och ges lika möjligheter att delta i samhället. Offentliga mötesplatser har en viktig funktion i den sociala hållbarheten med att vara inbjudande, trygga och tillgängliga. Människor med olika förutsättningar ska kunna vara delaktiga i samhället och offentliga miljöer behöver vara planerade efter fysisk tillgänglighet för att inte exkludera vissa grupper. Vilka grupper som kan vara delaktiga i det offentliga rummet påverkar hur samhället utvecklas över tid. Studien uppmärksammar hur tillfällig användning kan användas som metod för att föra arbetet med social hållbarhet framåt. Sommargågator är en tillfällig användning av en plats under sommarmånaderna när användningen temporärt ändras till fotgängares fördel genom att stänga av gatan för fordonstrafik. Konceptet sommargågata studeras i den här studien utifrån perspektivet social hållbarhet, genom att undersöka vilka möjligheter och nackdelar som kan uppstå vid införandet av tillfälliga gågator och hur dessa kan användas i samhällsplanering för att öka fysisk tillgänglighet och socioekonomisk inkludering. En fallstudie har utförts över Östra Ågatan i Uppsala för att undersöka möjligheter och nackdelar med att anordna en sommargågata utifrån social hållbarhet. Resultatet visar att en breddning av konceptet tillgänglighet möjliggör att offentliga platser blir mer inkluderande och flera grupper kan vara delaktiga i den offentliga miljön. Om detta sker kan tillfällig användning vara en metod för att skapa mötesplatser och öka tillgängligheten. Vidare är det grundläggande för att skapa en inkluderande plats att ett långsiktigt mål för platsen uttrycks och att balansen bibehålls mellan allmänna och kommersiella aktiviteter. / A socially sustainable society is based on creating an environment in which all individuals are respected and given equal opportunities to participate in society. Public spaces play an important role in the social sustainability of being involved, safe and accessible. People with different conditions should be able to participate in society and public environments need to be planned after physical accessibility so as not to exclude certain groups. Which groups that participate in the public space affects how society develops over time. The study draws attention to how temporary use can be used as a method to bring forward work on social sustainability. A summer pedestrian street is a temporary use of a place during the summer months when use is temporarily changed to pedestrian advantage by turning off the street for automobile traffic. The concept of summer pedestrian street is studied in this study from the perspective of social sustainability, by examining the possibilities and disadvantages that may arise when introducing temporary pedestrian streets and how these can be used in community planning to increase physical accessibility and socio-economic inclusion. A case study has been carried out across Östra Ågatan in Uppsala to investigate the possibilities and disadvantages of organizing a summer pedestrian street based on social sustainability. The results show that broadening the concept of accessibility enables public places to become more inclusive and several groups may be involved in the public environment. If this happens, temporary use can be a way to create meeting places and increase accessibility. Furthermore, it is essential to create an inclusive location for a long-term goal for the site to be expressed
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