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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expérience migratoire antérieure et déqualification : étude de cas portant sur des immigrants russophones à Montréal

Vaynman, Irina 12 1900 (has links)
Malgré la politique d’ouverture à l’immigration, à la diversité et au multiculturalisme du Québec, les immigrants récents rencontrent de nombreuses barrières sur le marché du travail. Selon la vision néo-classique, le capital humain détermine l’intégration des immigrants et leur degré de déqualification. Bien que l’origine puisse influencer les caractéristiques professionnelles et personnelles des immigrants qualifiés, certains d’entre eux peuvent être de même origine mais avoir des caractéristiques différentes. L’expérience migratoire, définie comme le fait pour un individu d’avoir émigré une 1ère fois de son pays d’origine vers un pays étranger, avant d’émigrer de nouveau de ce pays vers un 3ème, pourrait modifier ces caractéristiques du capital humain et qui influence l’intégration des immigrants ainsi que leur degré de déqualification. Arrivés d’un pays très diversifié, étant instruits, et allophones, les immigrants d’ex-URSS se constituent un groupe représentatif pour cette étude. De surcroît, certains immigrants de ce groupe possèdent une expérience migratoire. Cette recherche a pour but d’examiner le rôle de l’expérience migratoire antérieure dans l’intégration des immigrants russophones sur le marché du travail québécois et de voir son impact sur la présence et le degré de déqualification. L’approche qualitative adoptée pour ce travail permet d’observer pleinement les opinions des immigrants quant à leur intégration professionnelle et d’examiner l’effet de l’expérience migratoire. Nous avons découvert que l’expérience migratoire peut modifier la situation des immigrants sur le marché du travail. D’une part, elle leur permet d’acquérir un diplôme et une expérience de pays économiquement développés, ce qui a plus de valeur au Québec que les diplômes et l’expérience de pays d’ex-URSS. En plus, cette expérience permet aux immigrants d’améliorer leurs compétences linguistiques. D’autre part, l’expérience migratoire peut modifier les caractéristiques comportementales, telles que les méthodes de recherche d’emploi ou l’adoption d’un comportement ouvert et flexible qui peut aider à l’intégration. De surcroît, l’amélioration des caractéristiques professionnelles et personnelles par une expérience migratoire peut avoir un effet de compensation qui diminue l’effet de la stratégie familiale sur la présence et le degré de déqualification. En somme, nous pouvons conclure que l’expérience migratoire antérieure a un effet sur l’intégration des immigrants russophones sur le marché du travail québécois, et particulièrement, sur la présence et le degré de déqualification. / Despite the policy of open immigration, diversity and multiculturalism in Quebec, recent immigrants face many barriers in the labor market. According to the neo-classical view, human capital has an influence on the integration of immigrants and their degree of deskilling. While origin can influence the professional and personal characteristics of skilled immigrants, some of them might be of the same origin, yet possess different characteristics. The anterior migratory experience is defined as the act for someone, to migrate for the first time from their country of origin to another country, prior to migrate again from this country to a third one. That allows to the immigrants to alter characteristics of human capital, which then influence the integration of immigrants and their degree of deskilling. Being from a very diverse country, being educated, and being allophones, immigrants from the former USSR are a good representative group for this study. In addition, some immigrants in this group have previous migratory experience. This research aims to examine the role of previous migratory experience in the integration of Russian-speaking immigrants in the Quebec labor market, and to evaluate its impact on the presence and level of deskilling. The qualitative method adopted for the work allows for clear observation of the immigrants’ opinions relative to their professional integration, and an evaluation of the effect of the migratory experience. We have found that migratory experience can change an immigrant’s situation in the labor market. On the one hand, it allows them to get a degree and experience from an economically developed country, which holds more value in Quebec than qualifications and experience gained in countries of the former USSR. In addition, it allows them the opportunity to improve their language skills. On the other hand, migratory experience can shape behavioral characteristics, such as job search methods or the adoption of open and flexible behaviors which could help with integration. The improved professional and personal characteristics derived through migratory experience can also have a compensating effect which reduces the impact of family strategy on the presence and level of deskilling. In the end, we can conclude that previous migratory experience does have an impact on the integration of Russian-speaking immigrants in the Quebec labor market and, in particular, on the presence and level of deskilling.

Le projet migratoire des immigrants haïtiens de Saint-Denis : le prix d'une humanité exilée / The migratory project of Haitian immigrants from Saint-Denis : the price of an exiled humanity

Lamare, James 11 October 2019 (has links)
Tout en recourant à la méthode ethnographique, nous étudions, à travers cette thèse, les projets migratoires d'un ensemble d'immigrants haïtiens arrivés en France métropolitaine entre 1991 et 2011, les relations haïtiennes intracommunautaires dans la banlieue de Saint-Denis et les liens matériels et affectifs que nos enquêtés continuent de maintenir avec leur pays originel au-delà de leur double frustration liée à la déqualification professionnelle en France et à la peur de la réinstallation en Haïti. Doublement frustrés, la plupart d'entre eux se dirigent vers des églises protestantes et d'autres associations haïtiennes à Saint-Denis dans le but de pouvoir trouver une réponse à leurs difficultés migratoires. Toutefois, décevant ces derniers, ces églises s'érigent en espaces de résurgence d'oppositions interrégionales moun nan Nò/moun nan Sid (gens du Nord/gens du Sud) issues du pays d'origine. D'autres migrants empruntant par ailleurs le chemin du réseau maçonnique feraient l'expérience de l'unification communautaire. Par contre, au-delà de l'importante contribution du réseau maçonnique à l'unification des immigrants haïtiens, les oppositions interrégionales perdurent encore... Le morcellement communautaire et la régionalisation de l'organisation commerciale des immigrants haïtiens à Saint-Denis nous portent à avancer qu'ils constituent une communauté transnationale, et non une diaspora. L'expérience de l'émigration a fait tomber une représentation paradisiaque de l'ailleurs. Au cœur de leurs tiraillements, de nombreux Haïtiens déqualifiés et frustrés à Saint-Denis décident d'emprunter la voie d'une "re-haïtianisation" incapable de dépasser toutefois les clivages interrégionaux moun nan Nò/moun nan Sid. Notre thèse comporte quatre grandes parties. Elle s'articule autour de quatre grands objectifs. Quatre disciplines majeures (philosophie, sociologie, histoire et géographie) ont été mobilisées dans la construction de notre argumentation. / While using the ethnographic method, this thesis proposes to study the migratory projects of a group of Haitians who arrived in France between 1991 and 2011 and living in Saint-Denis, the intra-community Haitian relations in this suburb, and the material and emotional ties that the respondents continue to maintain with their original country beyond a double frustration linked to their professional deskilling and their fear of returning to Haiti. Doubly frustrated, most of the immigrants studied go to haitian protestant churches in order to be able to find an answer to their migratory difficulties. However, disappointing these immigrants, these churches are erected spaces resurgence inter-regional oppositions moun nan Nò / moun nan Sid (people of the North / people of the South) from the country of origin. Other migrants who are also moving towards the Masonic network would make an entirely different experience: the experience of community unification. On the other hand, beyond the eminent contribution of the Masonic network to the unification of immigrants, the inter-regional opposition persists. The fragmentation of communities and the regionalization of the commercial organization of Haitian immigrants in Saint-Denis lead us to argue that they constitute a transnational community, not a diaspora. The experience of emigration has brought down a paradise representation of elsewhere. During their tugging, the Haitians of Saint-Denis decide to take the path of a "re-haitianization" unable to exceed the regional divisions.

Negotiating Technology in Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreements

Shella, Andrew Jospeh, Shella January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

La construction institutionnelle de régimes de travail contraint au Canada : les cas des immigrants permanents et des migrants temporaires : quelles mobilisations possibles?

Malhaire, Loïc 08 1900 (has links)
Dans le contexte de l'effritement de la société salariale (Castel 1995), on constate au Canada une prolifération de statuts d'emplois atypiques, une flexibilisation et une précarisation du travail, ainsi qu'une augmentation du nombre de travailleuses et travailleurs pauvres. Deux formes d’emploi semblent particulièrement illustrer la pauvreté et la précarité en emploi : le travail immigrant en agence de placement temporaire et le travail migrant temporaire. Alors que le travail en agence de placement (TAP) constitue un marché du travail précaire, on y retrouve un grand nombre d’immigrants reçus, de demandeurs d’asile ou de réfugiés, employés dans des emplois sous-qualifiés, malgré des niveaux de scolarité souvent élevés. Par ailleurs, le programme fédéral des travailleurs étrangers temporaires peu-spécialisés (PTET-PS), permet aux employeurs canadiens le recrutement d’une main-d’œuvre étrangère pour des postes déclarés non pourvus par une main-d’œuvre locale, établissant des normes spécifiques d'emploi et de migration et constituant un marché du travail transnational et fortement concurrentiel au travail salarié. La thèse interroge les processus institutionnels de construction des conditions d’accès à l’emploi pour ces deux catégories de travailleurs non natifs du Canada que sont (1) les immigrants reçus et les réfugiés insérés en emploi d’agences de placement dans le secteur de l’entreposage et (2) les travailleurs étrangers temporaires peu-spécialisés travaillant dans un abattoir. Une immersion ethnographique effectuée sur le mode de la participation observante pendant près de deux ans au Centre des travailleuses et travailleurs immigrants (CTI) à Montréal, complétée par une série d’entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de travailleurs, de personnes ressources et d’intervenants du secteur communautaire, montrent que la construction de ces régimes de travail doit être analysée (1) au croisement des politiques publiques d'immigration, de la régulation du travail, des mesures d’insertion en emploi des immigrants et de l’encadrement du regroupement familial, (2) au regard des pratiques des acteurs du marché du travail (entreprises, agences de placement/recrutement, organisations professionnelles et sectorielles) et (3) en considérant les manières dont les travailleurs intègrent les conditions structurelles de l’emploi immigrant à leurs stratégies de vie personnelles et familiales. Il ressort que l’association de statuts juridiques d’immigration et de certaines formes d’emploi structure des régimes de travail caractérisés par la captivité en emploi, construits relativement aux enjeux et aux besoins immédiats des secteurs d’activité et légitimés par une législation entravant de façon systémique l’accès des travailleurs aux droits et libertés. On observe ensuite que ces régimes de travail contraint produisent des conditions d’accès à l’emploi définies sur un continuum allant de la qualification des personnes, à leur déqualification professionnelle, à leur disqualification sociale. Alors que les travailleurs rencontrés ont la particularité d’être fixés à leur emploi précaire par des contraintes liées à leur exclusion des emplois valorisés et/ou à leurs statuts juridiques d’immigration, la thèse interroge finalement les formes possibles de mobilisation et de défense collective de leurs intérêts à travers une étude de cas portant sur des actions collectives soutenues par un groupe communautaire en lien avec des syndicats. / In the context of the erosion of the “société salariale” (wage-earning society, Castel 1995), in Canada as elsewhere, we are witnessing the proliferation of atypical employment conditions, the flexibilisation and casualization of work, and an increase in the number of working poor. Two forms of employment best illustrate poverty and precariousness in employment: immigrants working in temporary placement agencies (temp agencies) and temporary foreign workers (TFWs). The precarious labour market of temp agency work harnesses a large number of highly educated landed immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers employed in low-skilled jobs. Moreover, the federal program for low-skilled temporary foreign workers (TFWP-LS), allows Canadian employers to recruit foreign workers for positions unfilled by the local workforce. The TFWP-LS establishes specific employment and immigration standards, thereby institutionalizing a transnational labour force competing with domestic wage-earners. This thesis examines the institutional processes that create the terms of access to employment for two categories of foreign-born workers in Canada: (1) landed immigrants and refugees working in warehouses through temporary placement agencies and (2) low-skilled temporary foreign workers in slaughterhouses. A nearly two-year ethnographic immersion at the Immigrant Workers Centre (IWC) in Montreal, based on the “observant participation” method, complemented by a series of semi-structured interviews with workers, key informants and community sector stakeholders, showed that the construction of these work arrangements is complex. An understanding of these categories of work requires an analysis: (1) at the intersection of immigration policies, labour regulations, employment integration measures for immigrants, and regulations related to family reunification; (2) in relation to the practices of labour market actors (companies, placement/recruitment agencies, professional and sectorial organizations); and (3) in consideration of the ways in which workers incorporate the structural conditions of im/migrant employment in their personal and family life strategies and choices. Results show that immigration status has intersected with certain forms of employment to structure work arrangements characterized by forced labour. Those work arrangements are built on the short-term needs of industries and are legitimized by legislation that systemically impedes workers' access to rights and freedoms. These constrained work arrangements lead (im)migrant workers through a deleterious process, starting with their qualification as an (im)migrant to Canada, then professional de-skilling and finally social disqualification. While the workers met in the context of this project are constrained in their precarious jobs due to their exclusion from qualified jobs and/or by their legal immigration status, the thesis concludes by exploring the possible forms of mobilization and collective defense of their interests through a case study of collective action supported by a community group in connection with trade unions.

Mozky nebo svaly: Srovnání vzdělanostního a zaměstnaneckého statusu pracovních migrantů ze zemí mimo EU / Brains versus Brawn: Comparison of the Educational and Occupational Status of non-EU Labour Migrants in the Czech Republic

Leontiyeva, Yana January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to examine the educational and occupational structure of non-EU labour migration to the Czech Republic. Using insights from human capital theory and the sociology of migration this thesis explores the extent to which there is an educational-occupational mismatch among non-EU migrant workers in the Czech Republic. This thesis uses currently available statistical data and evidence from qualitative and quantitative sociological studies. The dissertation exploits data from two unique surveys conducted by the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in 2006 and 2010.

Immigration, Literacy, and Mobility: A Critical Ethnographic Study of Well-educated Chinese Immigrants’ Trajectories in Canada

Wang, Lurong 13 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation interrogates the deficit assumptions about English proficiency of skilled immigrants who were recruited by Canadian governments between the late 1990s and early 2000s. Through the lens of literacy as social practice, the eighteen-month ethnographic qualitative research explores the sequential experiences of settlement and economic integration of seven well-educated Chinese immigrant professionals. The analytical framework is built on sociocultural approaches to literacy and learning, as well as the theories of discourses and language reproduction. Using multiple data sources (observations, conversational interviews, journal and diary entries, photographs, documents, and artifacts collected in everyday lives), I document many different ways that well-educated Chinese immigrants take advantage of their language and literacy skills in English across several social domains of home, school, job market, and workplace. Examining the trans-contextual patterning of the participants’ language and literacy activities reveals that immigrant professionals use literacy as assistance in seeking, negotiating, and taking hold of resources and opportunities within certain social settings. However, my data show that their language and literacy engagements might not always generate positive consequences for social networks, job opportunities, and upward economic mobility. Close analyses of processes and outcomes of the participants’ engagements across these discursive discourses make it very clear that the monolithic assumptions of the dominant language shape and reinforce structural barriers by constraining their social participation, decision making, and learning practice, and thereby make literacy’s consequences unpredictable. The deficit model of language proficiency serves the grounds for linguistic stereotypes and economic marginalization, which produces profoundly consequential effects on immigrants’ pathways as they strive for having access to resources and opportunities in the new society. My analyses illuminate the ways that language and literacy create the complex web of discursive spaces wherein institutional agendas and personal desires are intertwined and collide in complex ways that constitute conditions and processes of social and economic mobility of immigrant populations. Based on these analyses, I argue that immigrants’ successful integration into a host country is not about the mastery of the technical skills in the dominant language. Rather, it is largely about the recognition and acceptance of the value of their language use and literacy practice as they attempt to partake in the globalized new economy.

Immigration, Literacy, and Mobility: A Critical Ethnographic Study of Well-educated Chinese Immigrants’ Trajectories in Canada

Wang, Lurong 13 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation interrogates the deficit assumptions about English proficiency of skilled immigrants who were recruited by Canadian governments between the late 1990s and early 2000s. Through the lens of literacy as social practice, the eighteen-month ethnographic qualitative research explores the sequential experiences of settlement and economic integration of seven well-educated Chinese immigrant professionals. The analytical framework is built on sociocultural approaches to literacy and learning, as well as the theories of discourses and language reproduction. Using multiple data sources (observations, conversational interviews, journal and diary entries, photographs, documents, and artifacts collected in everyday lives), I document many different ways that well-educated Chinese immigrants take advantage of their language and literacy skills in English across several social domains of home, school, job market, and workplace. Examining the trans-contextual patterning of the participants’ language and literacy activities reveals that immigrant professionals use literacy as assistance in seeking, negotiating, and taking hold of resources and opportunities within certain social settings. However, my data show that their language and literacy engagements might not always generate positive consequences for social networks, job opportunities, and upward economic mobility. Close analyses of processes and outcomes of the participants’ engagements across these discursive discourses make it very clear that the monolithic assumptions of the dominant language shape and reinforce structural barriers by constraining their social participation, decision making, and learning practice, and thereby make literacy’s consequences unpredictable. The deficit model of language proficiency serves the grounds for linguistic stereotypes and economic marginalization, which produces profoundly consequential effects on immigrants’ pathways as they strive for having access to resources and opportunities in the new society. My analyses illuminate the ways that language and literacy create the complex web of discursive spaces wherein institutional agendas and personal desires are intertwined and collide in complex ways that constitute conditions and processes of social and economic mobility of immigrant populations. Based on these analyses, I argue that immigrants’ successful integration into a host country is not about the mastery of the technical skills in the dominant language. Rather, it is largely about the recognition and acceptance of the value of their language use and literacy practice as they attempt to partake in the globalized new economy.

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