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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomika nízkonákladové letecké dopravy - analýza tratí v evropském regionu / Low cost air carriers Economics - analysis of routes in the European region

Daško, Matúš January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the area of low-cost aviation in Europe. Discusses the economics of air carriers and analyzes statistical data on which compares the functioning of selected carriers. In submitted paper there are simultaneously analyzed the destinations network and selected European routes for particular air carriers. Analyses are supplemented by proposals for future possible ways to improve the functioning of the economy. In conclusion is proposed the new model of low-cost air carrier, which is based on a new system of pricing of tickets.

Nucená migrace z Čečenska v období čečenských válek / Forced migration from Chechnya in a time of Chechen wars

Paramonova, Svetlana January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with a study of forced migration from the Chechen republic during Chechen wars in 1996-2002. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the study of migration strategies of refugees from Chechnya. This qualitative study attempts to grasp the complexity of forced migration process and to depict it from the perspective of refugees. It explores motives and strategies of mobility of the Chechen refugees now living in Russia and Austria and of those refugees, who have returned to Chechnya after the war was over. The impact of this armed conflict on population mobility was examined with a qualitative research of sixteen refugees, who had left Chechnya because of the war. The results of the research show the link between refugee's age and likelihood of return, differences in decision-making of Chechen and Russian refugees, and the strong influence of the social networks on the decision-making and after arrival at destination. Key words Chechnya, forced migration, reasons for migration, destinations, returns, qualitative approach

The role of Instagram Influencers in Last Chance Tourism : Through applying users perception and interaction of Instagram Influencers’ photos of Last Chance Destinations

Jensen, Maria Louise January 2021 (has links)
While theory argues that Instagram influencers are beneficial for rural and sustainable tourism in gaining attention and awareness, they also can generate an increased tourist flow. A newly published article by Palazzo, et al., 2021, mentions that while they have focused on the bright sides of Instagram Influencers within tourism, they have excluded matters of adverse effects. Something that could likely create a situation of overtourism, as increased tourism flows can be hard to manage. Due to little research of Last Chance Destinations (LCDs), a similar theory will be applied, as these destinations are already considered damaged. Due to the study gap and the tiny amount of empery within this field, people between 18-25 with interest in travel content on Instagram have been interviewed to get more in-depth answers. It has been discovered that Instagram Influencers play little to no role in increased tourism flows to LCDs. People are only inclined to visit LCD after engaging with a destination post if they already have existing motivations to visit it. Instead, influencers serve the purpose and potential ofeducating Instagram users about sustainable tourism principles and climate change.

Turistea: Negocio de audioguías de destinos turísticos peruanos / Turistea: Audio guide business for Peruvian tourist destinations

Chávez Behar, Daniela, Huaman Patricio, Joselyn Gleidy, Ramírez Huamán, Grecia, Rodas Florez, Franklin Adrian 29 November 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo desarrollar un plan de negocio para un servicio de audioguías llamado Turistea. Este modelo de negocio consiste en ofrecer audios informativos sobre destinos turísticos vía redes sociales y website. El público objetivo son los turistas en centros turísticos en las regiones de Cusco, Arequipa y Lima (destinos inicialmente ofrecidos) que tengan entre 18 y 44 años. A continuación, se detallará las necesidades identificadas, la solución planteada, los experimentos realizados y el plan de negocios. Con relación a la necesidad, se identificó que los turistas que visitaban los diferentes destinos no estaban completamente satisfechos con las visitas guiadas en grupo, ya sea por los estrictos horarios, la cantidad de personas, entre otros. Así, se halló la oportunidad para plantear un modelo de negocios que les permita personalizar su experiencia y puedan decidir sobre diversos factores como los tiempos, los destinos a visitar, la cantidad de personas con las que quieren ir, etc. Para plantear el modelo de negocio de una manera simplificada, se utilizó la herramienta Business Model Canvas. Con el fin de validar la solución, el modelo de negocio y el interés de compra de los usuarios; se desarrolló una serie de experimentos desde entrevistas hasta campañas para incentivar la demanda. El plan de negocios de Turistea se basó en identificar la necesidad de los usuarios, plantear y validar la solución y el modelo de negocio, y aplicar la metodología Concierge para validar el interés de compra y viabilidad del proyecto. / The present research project has the purpose of developing a business plan for a service of audio guides called Turistea. This business model consists in offering informative audios about tourist attractions via social networks and a company website. The target audience of the project are tourists that are visiting Cusco, Arequipa, and/or Lima (Turistea’s three initial destinations); between the ages 18 and 44. In the next paragraphs the identified need, the proposed solution, the experiments performed, and the business plan will be further detailed. The identified need was that the tourists were not completely satisfied with group guided tours, due to the tight schedules, the amount of people in the group, etc. Thus, the opportunity to propose a business model that allows the users to further personalize their experience and be able to decide on various factors such as times and destinations was found. In order to pose the business model in a simplified way, the Business Model Canvas tool was used to identify the key points of the company. To validate the proposed solution, the business model, and the user’s purchase interest; a series of experiments were developed, ranging from interviews to discount campaigns to boost the demand. Turistea’s business plan was based on identifying the user’s needs, proposing, and validating the solution and business model, and applying the Concierge methodology to validate the purchase interest and project’s viability. / Trabajo de investigación

Perfil del turista digital y su relación con la gestión de destinos turísticos inteligentes / Profile of the digital tourist and the relationship with the management of smart tourist destinations

Rojas Cruz, Marhorie Lisset, Rumiche Alamo, Rita Alexandra 28 November 2021 (has links)
El avance tecnológico ha cambiado la forma de relacionarse de las personas, esto ha generado que el turismo se visualice desde diferentes enfoques los cuales recaen esencialmente en la relación con la tecnología, la participación de la comunidad, la co-gestión entre entidades estatales y privadas y la interacción del viajero con el entorno desde la experiencia que se ofrece. En la gestión turística los destinos turísticos inteligentes cobran importancia porque presentan un enfoque renovado que responde al nuevo perfil del turista actual y ofrece impulso a la economía local. Este nuevo perfil del turista se caracteriza esencialmente por el uso de las tecnologías y cómo éstas influyen en su estilo de vida, así como también en la mayor independencia e interacción respetuosa con el destino que visitan. Por tanto, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo explicar la relación del perfil del turista digital con la gestión de un destino turístico inteligente, siguiendo una metodología de revisión de literatura bajo el enfoque integrador puesto que sintetiza la información obtenida de los documentos empleando la caracterización del perfil del turista digital, la revisión y análisis conceptual sobre destinos turísticos inteligentes, la identificación de aspectos clave para su implementación y la descripción de la relación del perfil del turista digital con la gestión de destinos turísticos inteligentes. Finalmente, concluimos que el perfil del turista digital se relaciona directamente con cada aspecto de la gestión de los destinos turísticos inteligentes. / Technological advancement has changed the way people relate to each other, this has generated that tourism is viewed from different approaches which essentially fall on the relationship with technology, community participation, co-management between state and private entities and the interaction of the traveler with the environment from the experience that is offered. In tourism management, smart tourist destinations gain importance because they present a renewed approach that responds to the new profile of the current tourist and offers a boost to the local economy. This new tourist profile is essentially characterized by the use of technologies and how they influence their lifestyle, as well as greater independence and respectful interaction with the destination they visit. Therefore, the present research aimed to explain the relationship of the digital tourist profile with the management of an intelligent tourist destination, following a literature review methodology under the integrative approach since it synthesizes the information obtained from the documents using the characterization of the profile of the digital tourist, the review and conceptual analysis of smart tourist destinations, the identification of key aspects for their implementation and the description of the relationship of the profile of the digital tourist with the management of smart tourist destinations. Finally, we conclude that the profile of the digital tourist is directly related to every aspect of the management of smart tourist destinations. / Trabajo de investigación

Expanding Turnover Theory: Testing Behavioral Predictions of the Proximal Withdrawal States and Destinations (PWSD) Model

Robinson, Sean D. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Optimal Regional Allocation of Population and Employment: Application of a Spatial Interaction Commuting Model

Lee, David Jung-Hwi 14 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Enjeux, tendances et orientations des institutions muséales de Québec à l'ère de la (sur) fréquentation touristique

Vailles, Andréanne 15 April 2024 (has links)
Ce mémoire interroge les approches, les enjeux et les tendances qui caractérisent le Musée de la civilisation ainsi que le Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec dans l'écosystème touristique de la ville de Québec. Cette recherche a été menée dans le contexte où, avant la pandémie de COVID-19, les villes connaissaient une hausse marquée de leur fréquentation touristique. Effectivement, les prévisions de l'Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT) énonçaient que le nombre de voyageurs devait atteindre 1,8 milliard de personnes en 2030, ce qui a entraîné de sérieuses réflexions parmi les acteurs des milieux touristiques. En ce qui concerne le Vieux-Québec, quartier touristique de la ville de Québec reconnu au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, la montée des mobilités internationales est à l'origine de nombreuses préoccupations en ce qui a trait aux répercussions de ce phénomène sur ses capacités d'accueil et sur la qualité des expériences proposées. Considérant que l'identité, la notoriété et l'attractivité touristique du Québec reposent en grande partie sur son riche patrimoine historique ainsi que sur ses institutions muséales, il est pertinent de se pencher sur les postures et orientations de ces dernières lorsqu'elles sont soumises à l'épreuve du (sur) tourisme urbain. Dans le cadre de ce projet, des acteurs des milieux touristique et muséal ont été interrogés à l'aide d'entretiens semi-dirigés. L'étude des rapports annuels et des plans stratégiques produits entre 2008 et 2020 par ces deux musées complète ces démarches méthodologiques. De façon générale, cette recherche met en évidence que ces institutions adoptent explicitement des modalités de mise en valeur relevant de logiques d'attractivité touristique intrinsèques et extrinsèques à leurs missions. Aspirant à la démocratisation de leurs instances et à l'élargissement de leurs fonctions, ces musées embrassent des approches et orientations associées aux tournants communicationnel et récréatif qui caractérisent également les quartiers touristiques. Les deux musées représentent de surcroît des acteurs urbains puisqu'ils s'inscrivent en toute vraisemblance dans les préceptes du marketing territorial contribuant au rayonnement de la ville de Québec. Enfin, proposant une offre touristique considérée à certains égards comme alternative, les musées favorisent l'atténuation de certaines conséquences perçues comme découlant du surtourisme.

La courte randonnée pédestre en montagne : image et risque

Lavallée, Camille 13 December 2023 (has links)
La présente recherche portant sur la courte randonnée pédestre en montagne, met en lumière le lien entre l'image et le risque qui y sont liés. La question est en fait de savoir si l'image de la randonnée pédestre en montagne accroît les risques pour les visiteurs ? De façon plus spécifique, il s'agit de comprendre l'influence de l'image touristique sur la prise de risque en randonnée pédestre, d'identifier les risques associés à la courte randonnée pédestre en montagne, définir ce qu'est l'image touristique et déterminer l'influence de cette dernière sur le choix de la randonnée. Considérant l'absence de littérature concernant ce problème social concret, une approche inductive a été choisie pour colliger les données. La méthode d'analyse inductive est d'ailleurs particulièrement adaptée pour la réalisation de projet à caractère exploratoire. Les données ont été collectées par l'entremise d'entretiens semi-dirigés réalisés auprès de randonneurs et de gestionnaires de sentiers ou de territoire. Par la suite, les données brutes ont été classées selon différents concepts, ce qui a permis la création d'arbres d'analyse pour présenter les résultats. Le lien entre le risque et l'image concernant le randonneur sera discuté en fonction de l'exactitude de l'information projetée par l'image et de l'effort nécessaire pour la reproduire, tout en prenant en considération l'équipement, la forme physique et les renseignements indispensables pour arriver à destination le plus sécuritairement possible. Sans oublier que même les plus aguerris ne sont pas à l'abri d'un accident ou d'un événement les mettant en péril. Les photos diffusées dans les médias sociaux et par l'industrie touristique ne présentent pas toujours ce qu'il faut traverser pour en arriver à de beaux paysages comme le type d'aménagement du sentier ou l'état de ce dernier. De la sensibilisation est déjà mise en place par les organisations pour tenter de prévenir les randonneurs dans le but d'inciter les gens à s'assurer du bon déroulement de leur activité. / The present research on short mountain hiking highlights the link between image and risk. The question is to know if the image of mountains hiking increases risks for visitors? This research thus aims to understand how the tourist image can push a hiker to take risks during a short hike in the mountains. More specifically, the aim is to understand the influence of the tourist image on risk-taking in hiking, to identify the risks associated with it, to define what the tourist image is and to determine its influence on the choice of hiking. Considering the lack of literature concerning this concrete social problem, an inductive approach was chosen to collect data. The inductive analysis method is particularly well suited for the realization of projects of an exploratory nature. Data was collected through semi-directed interviews with hikers and trail or site managers. Subsequently, the raw data was then classified according to different concepts, which allowed the creation of analysis trees to present the results. The link between risk and image for the hiker will be discussed in terms of the accuracy of the information projected by the image and the effort required to reproduce it, while taking into consideration equipment, physical fitness and the information needed to arrive at the destination as safely as possible. Not to mention that even the most knowledgeable are not immune to an accident or event that puts them at risk. Photos posted on social media and by the tourism industry do not always show what hikers have to go through to get to beautiful viewpoints such as the type of trail construction, the condition of the trail, etc. Awareness is already being raised by organizations trying to assist visitors in remaining safe.

Smart destinace cestovního ruchu / Smart Tourism Destination

KOUBOVÁ, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on the explanation of the Smart concept within the cities and tourist destinations, how the destination of Písek uses marketing communication to attract new visitors and to keep the existing ones. In this part, the reader will also be informed about the topic of measuring emotions, what the methods are, their strengths and weaknesses, and specifically how the EDA method (measurement of electrodermal activity, or skin conductivity) works, which was used in the practical part. The aim of thesis is to use new technologies in effective marketing of tourism destinations - based on measurement of emotional reactions using the EDA method, optimalization of visual communication for destination Písek and its surroundings as a city with a Smart city concept. The practical part describes how the questionnaire and measurement by the EDA method took place. During the research the respondents were shown pictures that were taken of Písek and its surroundings. Data processing was done by evaluating the questionnaire and EDA measurements. The results of both research methods were ranked in the Top Ten Positively/Negatively Ranked Images with Higher Emotional Response. Ten positively and ten negatively evaluated questionnaire and EDA measurements are also visualized in this thesis. It can be concluded from the research that the EDA method is suitable for the measurement of emotions and, together with the questionnaire, it provided interesting information on what type of images is suitable to use in the marketing communication of Píseckem, s. r. o.

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