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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A representação social do adolescente egresso do regime de internação na Febem sobre o processo de (re)socialização /

Nery, Maria Aparecida. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Ângela Viana Machado Fernandes. / Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de adolescentes egressos da medida sócio-educativa de privação de liberdade, da Unidade de Internação da FEBEM de Araraquara, sobre o processo de (re)socialização e sua (re)inserção na sociedade. Realizadas as entrevistasmcomcinco adolescentes, nossas análises partem da percepção desse jovem considerando-se, além das representações sociais, dois outros aspectos: o primeiro trata de comparar o que está previsto nas leis, em especial na Constituição Federal Brasileira de 1988 e na Lei 8069/90 - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e o que tem sido efetivado no tocante à garantia de direitos do adolescentes autor de ato infracional; o segundo aspecto refere-se ao que está definido na Proposta Pedagógica da Unidade de Internação e o que efetivamnte aconteceu na sua operacionalização. O discurso desses adolescentes cotejados com os referenciais teóricos e o arcabouço legal mostraram que na execução da medida de internação, sobrepõe-se, de forma contundente o caráter coercitivo-punitivo ao sócio-educativo. / Abstract: This study has been conducted in order to investigate the social representation of adolescents former detainees of the liberty privation of freedom system within the juvenile detention centre of FEBEM (Foundation for the Well-Being of Minors) Araraquara about their (re)socialization and their (re)insertion in society. After interviewing five adolescents who came into conflict with the law, we start our the analysis from the perceptions of these youngsters considering, besides social representations, two other aspects: the first one concerns in comparing the subjects set in the legislation, especially within the present Brazilian Constitution (1988) and in the Law #8069/90 - Statute of the Child and Adolescent - and what has been effectively done concerning the guarentee of rigths of the adolescents who have transgressed the law. The second aspect refers to what is defined in the Pedagogic Proposal of the referred Intern Unit and what actually happened. The discourse of these adolescents compared to the theoretical references and the set of existing laws, showed that, along the process of arrestment, the outdate repressive and ill-treatment based model is much more usual than the socio-educational treatment stipulated by the ECA. / Mestre

Jovens e[m] medidas socioeducativas de internação : entre normativas, contextos e notícias

Werner, Sheyla January 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação coloca em foco o jovem em conflito com a lei em medida socioeducativa de internação, sendo, essa medida, a resposta estatal mais severa ao cometimento de ato infracional. O recorte é o estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, foi cartografada entrelaçando e analisando intensidades: as vivenciadas, recordadas por registros fotográficos, da pesquisadora, em uma unidade de atendimento socioeducativo; as que se apresentam nas legislações, através de um panorama histórico mostrando a transição da Doutrina da Situação Irregular para a Doutrina da Proteção Integral, com seus respectivos ordenamentos normativos: os códigos de menores de 1927 e o de 1979, o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA, lei Federal nº 8.069/1990) e a instituição do Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (SINASE, Lei 12.594, de 18 de janeiro de 2012). Na análise do que é dito, anunciado, escrito se tratando do jovem em conflito com a lei, entrelaçou-se ainda, a necessidade pela busca de como esse jovem é escrito, anunciado, de forma acessível para a população em geral: mapearam-se, assim, as notícias do periódico de maior circulação do estado, em seu formato on-line, acrescidas, então, à pesquisa. A base teórica se aproxima das perspectivas de Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, dialogando com autores diversos, tais quais: José Machado Pais, Deisemer Gorczevski, João Batista Costa Saraiva, Carmem Craidy, Gislei Lazzaroto, dentre outros Nesta pesquisa, percebem-se diferenças ao que se propõe em lei, à realidade encontrada e, também, ao que se apresenta no dizer social e midiático quanto aos jovens e as medidas socioeducativas de internação. Ao focalizar os modos como os sujeitos são referidos, nomeados, descritos, vê-se significativos avanços nas proposições legais, enquanto, nas notícias do dispositivo analisado, encontra-se indícios da infâmia e a tendência de uma visão pautada no menorismo. Frente a tantas distâncias encontradas, ressalta-se a necessidade de distanciar esses sujeitos do lugar de infame e, por fim, reforça-se a importância de vê-los como jovens, compreendendo as pluralidades, e, empreendendo a eles, suas singularidades, perfomidades, culturas, histórias, vidas. Nesse sentido, destaca-se: embora esses jovens sejam autores de infrações e são sentenciados por isso, também são atores principais de uma família, sendo filho, irmão, mãe, pai, muitas vezes. Tornando-se indispensável, principalmente, vê-los como sujeitos. Sujeitos de direito. Para além das normativas e das notícias infames de suas histórias, mas em sua rede social, de saúde e educação. / This dissertation focuses on the young person in conflict with the law under the socio-educative measure of detention, as this is the most severe state response to an infraction. The profile is the state of Rio Grande Do Sul. The qualitative research was mapped by interweaving and analyzing intensities: those experienced, remembered by photographic records, of the researcher, in a socioeducative care unit; the those that are presented in legislation, through a historical panorama showing the transition from the Doctrine of Irregular Situation to the Doctrine of Integral Protection, with its respective normative ordinances: the juvenile codes from 1927 and 1979, the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA, Federal Law no. 8,069/1990), and the institution of the National Socio-Educational Service System (SINASE, Law no. 12,594, from January 18, 2012). In the analysis of what is said, announced, and written about the young person in conflict with the law, the need for the search of how this young person is written, announced, in an accessible way to the general population: this is how the news from the biggest newspaper in the state was mapped, from its online format, and then added to the research The theoretical basis approaches the perspectives of Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, and Felix Guattari, dialoguing with diverse authors, such as José Machado Pais, Deisemer Gorczevski, João Batista Costa Saraiva, Carmem Craidy, Gislei Lazzaroto, amongst others. In this research, differences are perceived in what is proposed in the law, and to the reality, and also, in what it is presented in the social and mediatic saying about the youngsters and the socio-educative measures of internment. By focusing on how subjects are referred to, named, described, significant advances are made in legal propositions, while in the news of the analyzed device there are signs of infamy and the tendency of a view based on minorism. Faced with so many distances found, the need to distance these subjects from the place of infamy is emphasized and, finally, the importance of seeing them as young people, understanding the pluralities, and, by undertaking their singularities, perfomities, cultures, stories, and lives. In this sense, it is noteworthy: although these young people are perpetrators of offenses and sentenced for them, they are also main actors of a family, being sons, brothers, mothers, or fathers. It is mainly indispensable to see them as subjects. Subjects of right, in addition to the regulations and the infamous news stories, but in their social, health and education networks.

L'incarcération hors jugement / The imprisonment without judgment

Bonnot, Marion 14 December 2010 (has links)
Le risque de détention arbitraire est inhérent à toute action répressive et il s'accroît lorsque l'individu est détenu sans avoir été jugé. N'est-il pas présumé innocent, aux termes de l'article 9 de la Déclaration de 1789 ? Pourtant, les nécessités de la recherche judiciaire et la préservation de l'ordre public ont depuis longtemps justifié la détention temporaire. L'incarcération hors jugement est acceptée dans la mesure où elle est encadrée par des procédures précises. Cependant, souvent considérées comme contraires aux principes fondamentaux elles sont fréquemment remises en cause. C'est pourquoi l'objectif premier doit être la recherche de mesures, moins privatives de droit, qui permettent le plus possible, d'éviter que la personne soit privée de liberté. Des propositions en ce sens peuvent être faites, comme par exemple un renforcement de l'accompagnement psychologique, ou une modification du rapport à l'idée de contrainte, mais cela engendrerait une profonde transformation du système français. / The risk of arbitrary detention is inherent to any repressive action and it increases when the individual is detained without having been judged. Is not he presumed innocent, at the end of the article 9 of the Declaration of 1789? Nevertheless, the necessities of the judicial research and the conservation of the law and order justified for a long time the temporary detention. The imprisonment without judgment is accepted as far as it is framed by precise procedures. However, often considered as opposite in the fundamental principles they are frequently questioned. That is why the first objective has to be the research for measures, less privative of rights, which allow as much as possible to avoid that the person is deprived of liberty. Propositions in this way can be made, as for example an intensification of the psychological accompaniment, or a modification of the relation to the idea of constraint, but that would generate a deep transformation of the French system.

Impact of Individualized Learning Plans on Educational Completion Among Incarcerated Youth

D'Anna, Laura Lee 01 January 2018 (has links)
Interruptions to juvenile detainees' education often delay their progress toward high school completion. Implementing an individualized learning plan (ILP) has been suggested as a solution to this problem. The purpose of this case study was to explore how ILPs facilitate attainment of graduation among incarcerated youth. The study was guided by the Washington State legislative framework for individualized learning plans and the efforts of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency to increase educational opportunities. Three research questions were formulated to explore perceptions of local juvenile detention center educators and administrators regarding their experiences in the development, implementation, and effectiveness of ILPs. Qualitative data were collected from interviews with 5 detention center educators, field observations, and document reviews. The examination of the data through the coding process using a matrix enabled descriptions and themes to emerge. Results indicated that ILPs are collaboratively developed and implemented in the detention center, there is a need for professional development related to ILPs, and ILPs have impacted students' education completion. Results from this study may influence social change by supporting development of ILPs which can result in a higher graduation rate and a reduction in recidivism among the incarcerated youth population.

Análise da influência de microrreservatórios em um loteamento e seus efeitos em escala de bacia / Analysis of micro-reservoirs influence in a residential land and its effects in a catchment scale

Daniele Feitoza Silva 22 August 2016 (has links)
Como resultado da crescente impermeabilização das bacias, as redes de drenagem pública são submetidas a vazões de pico cada vez maiores. Na tentativa de contornar ou amortizar este problema, pesquisadores têm estudado soluções que compensem os efeitos da urbanização. Estas soluções são denominadas técnicas compensatórias, ou BMP\'s (Best management Practices), cujo foco é manter o ciclo hidrológico mais próximo do natural da bacia, pelo menos no que se refere ao escoamento superficial. A aposta em medidas de controle na fonte de geração do escoamento, isto é, no lote, cresceu, sendo estabelecido seu uso por meio de leis e decretos. Assim, com o propósito de redução e detenção do escoamento pluvial, antes do mesmo ingressar no sistema de microdrenagem, os microrreservatórios na saída dos lotes são cogitados como estruturas compensatórias. O presente trabalho busca dimensionar e avaliar o impacto desses microrreservatórios a princípio em escalas de lote e loteamento e, em seguida, em escala de macrodrenagem. O estudo foi aplicado a uma bacia da cidade de São Carlos, estado de São Paulo, em processo de urbanização, que vem sofrendo grande pressão imobiliária para a construção de novos empreendimentos. As legislações locais sancionadas, nos últimos anos, estabelecem a implantação de poço de infiltração e reservatório de captação e reaproveitamento de águas pluviais, sem maiores detalhes sobre métodos construtivos ou estudos preliminares de viabilidade. Os resultados aqui descritos foram produzidos considerando um loteamento existente na bacia do córrego do Mineirinho, São Carlos, SP. Foram produzidos volumes para o dimensionamento dos reservatórios para as diferentes áreas de lote, assumindo os percentuais de impermeabilização de 50% e 70%, segundo os diferentes métodos de estimativa constantes da literatura. As vazões máximas e os volumes resultantes apresentaram significativa variação, quando calculados utilizando os métodos de estimativa constantes da literatura. Através da modelagem hidráulico-hidrológica, concluiu-se também que o reservatório de detenção na fonte é eficiente na redução da vazão de pico gerada no lote para vazão de pico em nível de pré-urbanização. Além disso, a definição do diâmetro do orifício de descarga mostrou-se determinante ao dimensionamento do reservatório, de modo a garantir sua eficiência. Os microrreservatórios dimensionados para duração da chuva crítica do lote (90 minutos), apesar de maiores, exibiram maior capacidade de detenção, sem extravasar quando submetidos a diferentes durações de chuvas. No loteamento, o uso desses dispositivos possibilitou a atenuação da vazão de pico de descarga em, pelo menos, 44%. Em escala de bacia, diferentes posicionamentos do loteamento, com e sem microrreservatórios de lote, foram instrumentais em demonstrar a capacidade de redução das vazões de pico locais. Este estudo comprovou que os microrreservatórios de lote são uma boa opção na redução das vazões escoadas pelo canal de macrodrenagem, quando da ocorrência de eventos de precipitação na bacia do córrego do Mineirinho. / As a result of the growing waterproofing of basins, the public drainage systems are under increasing flow rate peaks. In an attempt to mitigate these issues, researchers have studied solutions to address the effects of the urban development. These solutions are well-known as BMP\'s (Best Management Practices) and aim to preserve the hydrological cycle near to the natural basin, at least for the superficial run-off. The increasing search for solutions that controls the source of the run-off was responsible for the establishment of new laws and rules for on-site run-off control. Thus, for reduction and detention of run-off before it goes into the micro-drainage system, micro-reservoirs are considered as BMP\'s solutions. The present study aims to sizing and assess the impact of micro-reservoirs, initially on site and on residential land scale, and subsequently, on macro-drainage scale. The study was applied to Mineirinho Stream Watershed, in São Carlos city, São Paulo state. These basins are in urbanization process, and suffering from market pressure of constructions of real estate ventures. Recent local legislations have imposed the implementation of infiltration pits and rain water tanks, but without more details about construction methods or even preliminary feasibility studies. The results described in this work, regarding to sizing of micro-reservoirs to different allotment size ranges, used 50% and 70% of waterproofing percentages, according estimation methods from the literature. Peak flows and sizing showed a significant variation when calculated by these methods. Hydraulic-hydrologic SWMM software modelling showed that micro-reservoir is efficient in reducing the hydrograph peak flow from urbanization to preurbanization level. Furthermore, the definitions of the orifice diameter have demonstrated to be decisive to dimensioning of the reservoir, in order to ensure its efficiency. The microreservoirs sized for a 90 minutes critical rain, showed more detention capacity, without overflow when under different rainfall durations. The use of micro-reservoirs in the allotments of a residential division, was able to reduce the hydrograph outside peak in 44%, at least. In a basin-scale, moving the same residential division, by using or not micro-reservoirs in the allotments, were conclusive in demonstrate that this BMP is a good option to reducing the hydrograph river flow, being able to reduce the peak flow in the discharge point. The study comproved that the use of micro-reservoirs in both basin positions can be a feasible solution to recurring flooding problems in the Mineirinho Stream.

Proposta de metodologia de cálculo para reservatórios de detenção em bacias hidrográficas urbanizadas / Proposed methodology for calculation of tanks detention in watershed urbanized

Vitor Rafael de Andrade Assunção 29 May 2012 (has links)
Diversos são os transtornos causados pelas inundações dentre os quais se destacam problemas ambientais, sanitários, de perdas materiais e humanas. Os maiores agentes destas inundações são o crescimento urbano não planejado, que ocasiona a impermeabilização indiscriminada das áreas urbanas gerando maior volume escoado, e a ocupação de várzeas. As bacias de detenção são caracterizadas por sua destinação ao amortecimento dos picos de cheias por meio da contenção de parte do volume escoado superficialmente. No presente trabalho fez-se uma proposta de pré-dimensionamento de bacias de detenção, fundamentada no método racional e associada a relações IDF, que permite o cálculo dos volumes de detenção. A viabilidade e segurança do modelo foram verificadas comparando a proposta desenvolvida com metodologias consagradas entre projetistas, sendo utilizado como referência o procedimento desenvolvido por Porto (2002). De modo a permitir uma melhor avaliação dos métodos estudados foram analisadas interferências relativas às mudanças no tempo de concentração da bacia e na duração dos eventos chuvosos. O processo proposto apresentou resultados satisfatórios quando aplicado à bacia do córrego do Andrezinho na cidade de Pirassununga, São Paulo, assegurando em seus melhores ajustes diferenças máximas da ordem de 5% do volume estimado como ideal. / Several disorders are occurred by the floods of which are highlighted environmental issues, sanitary, of human and material losses. The main agent of these floods is the unplanned urban growth which causes sealing of urban areas generating higher volumes disposed. The detention ponds are characterized by their allocation to the dampening of flood peaks through retention of part of surface runoff. The present work proposes the pre-sizing of detention basins, based on rational method and associated with IDF relations which allows the calculation of the volumes of detention. The feasibility and safety of the model were verified by comparing the proposal with methods traditionally developed between designers, being used as reference the procedure developed by Porto (2002). In order to allow a better evaluation of the methods studied were analyzed interferences related to changes in the watershed concentration time and duration of rainfall events. The proposed method showed good results when applied to the basin of the Andrezinho stream in the city of Pirassununga, Sao Paulo, ensuring in their optimum settings with maximum differences about 5% of the volume estimated as ideal.

La réforme pénitentiaire / The prison Reform

Garraud, Astrid 04 December 2015 (has links)
Si la prison fait beaucoup parler d’elle, ses caractéristiques sont trop souvent connues par les données négatives qu’elle reflète. Révélées par de multiples facteurs dont le surpeuplement pénitentiaire, les violences carcérales ou encore la santé fragile des détenus (etc.), les problématiques de la prison remettent en question sa capacité à remplir ses missions de garde et d’accompagnement de la personne détenue. Dans ces conditions, la notion de réinsertion de l’individu incarcéré pourrait être largement compromise. Le sujet de cette thèse est loin d’être anodin : c’est précisément de ces difficultés que semble se nourrir le débat pénitentiaire. Ce sont, en effet, autant d’éléments qui font barrage à l’efficacité de notre réponse pénitentiaire mais qui donnent raison aux préconisations et impératifs européens d’humanisation des prisons. Encouragé par le droit supranational du Conseil de l’Europe, notre droit tiraillé entre deux perceptions sécuritaire et humaniste, se tourne vers d’autres solutions pour satisfaire à la qualité opérante de la politique pénale. Il faut donc faire le constat de l’avancée majeure de la probation, laquelle concurrence la sanction strictement pénitentiaire. Indéniablement, et parce que la peine de prison demeure, toutefois, la peine la plus élevée sur l’échelle de gravité des peines, des réflexions efficaces sont devenues indispensables pour guérir les maux du droit pénitentiaire. Cette thèse permet alors d’analyser la signification, en matière pénitentiaire, du terme « réforme » et souscrit ainsi à la réflexion d’une nouvelle structure émancipatrice du droit de l’exécution de la peine singulière que représente la peine privative de liberté. / If prisons have been under discussion, they all too often find themselves in the public eye as a result of their negative image. Revealed through multiple factors such as overcrowding, violence and poor inmate health, the inherent problems of the prison system cast doubt on its capacity to fulfill its mission of both detention and prisoner support. Under such conditions, rehabilitation of the person incarcerated has little chance of success. The subject of this thesis is therefore by no means insignificant: such difficulties are precisely what appear to feed the prison debate. These are all elements which hamper efforts to find an effective prison solution but which justify European recommendations and imperatives on prison humanization. Encouraged by Council of Europe supranational law and torn between security and humanitarian issues, our domestic law has had to seek alternative solutions to satisfy the functional requirements of penal policy. The major advance provided by probation should be noted here, as opposed to strictly custodial sentencing. Undeniably, however, as prison remains the highest sanction on the sentencing scale, effective reflection is now essential if we are to remedy the wrongs of a scattered and ephemeral prison law. This thesis is therefore designed to analyze the meaning, in penitentiary matters, of the term “reform” and thus reflect on a new emancipatory approach to enforcement law with regard to the singular difficulty of the custodial sentence.

Diary of an internship with the Federal Youth Camp Mount Lemmon, Tucson, Arizona

Forys, Walter M., Forys, Walter M. January 1966 (has links)
No description available.

Diary of an internship in the Federal Youth Camp Tucson, Arizona

Hendrix, Roy L., Hendrix, Roy L. January 1963 (has links)
No description available.

Comparing the Efficiency and Accuracy of Health Information Exchange (HIE) to the Traditional Process of Medical History Gathering During Admission at the Pima County Adult Detention Complex (PCADC)

Chao, Hout, Hernandez, George, McCracken, William, Warholak, Terri January 2014 (has links)
Class of 2014 Abstract / Specific Aims: Assess the change in efficiency and accuracy of healthcare in provider access to HIE for medication profiles at the PCADC. Methods: Adults detainees admitted from October 22, 2012 to July 31, 2013 were enrolled in this study. A completed Intake Medical Screening form with self-reported/correction facility staff verified medication list will (the old method) be compared to the medication list obtained by querying the medication HIE (the new method). Descriptive statistics will describe the patients. Statistical significance will be calculated using the McNemar chi-square test for comparing the proportions of omissions (medications and strengths) on the 765PI to the HIE with an a priori alpha of 0.05. Main Results: In progress. Conclusion: HIE has the potential to be a valuable tool for healthcare providers operating at an adult detention facility.

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