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Studium tepelných vlastností materiálů vhodných k chlazení fotovoltaických panelů / Study of Thermal Properties of Materials for Cooling of Photovoltaic PanelsDohnalová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this doctoral thesis is to study the thermal properties of PCM materials and discussion of their use for cooling of photovoltaic systems. The aim of the study is to measure and characterize the thermal properties of commercial PCM materials (Micronal®), their practical use is related to the phase transitions. The behavior of bulk materials at different temperatures is well described theoretically and experimentally verified. For the application use it is necessary to examine and determine the thermal properties of PCM materials depending on the phase transitions during heating and cooling. To study the thermal properties of materials the known transient methods of measuring are used which give full information about the behavior of the materials investigated in dependence on the temperature and thus allow the determination of the thermo-physical parameters of the system. For the transient measurements there are used especially pulse transient and step wise method. Newly is used also combination of linear temperature rise (the ramp wise) and the step wise method. The principle is based on the generation of a small amount of heat inside the studied sample and it is measured the thermal response of the system from which it may be then determined the necessary thermo-physical parameters. The theoretical part of this thesis focuses on characterization of methods for the determination of thermo-physical parameters of the investigated material. In the experimental part of the approached process of experiment, the results, the method of evaluation of the obtained data and also the discussion of results from the viewpoint of potential applications are presented.
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從正當行政程序論民間參與公共建設甄審與爭議處理 / A study on Evaluation and Dispute of the Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects from Due Administrative Process蔡志明 Unknown Date (has links)
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Le droit fiscal à l'épreuve de la mondialisation : la règlementation des prix de transfert au Sénégal / Tax law and the test of globalization : regulating transfer pricing in SénégalBa, El Hadji Dialigue 07 July 2011 (has links)
Symbole de la souveraineté de l’État, le droit fiscal est fortement éprouvé par la mondialisation.Les prix de transfert en sont un témoignage éloquent. Les règles en matière de détermination desprix de transfert ne garantissent pas un résultat exact. Le principe de pleine concurrence estd’application délicate. Les comparables qui en assurent la bonne application ne sont pas toujoursdisponibles. Dès lors, la justification des prix de transfert est souvent difficile et parfoisimpossible. À ce titre, la réglementation sénégalaise doit être mise à jour, notamment dans le sensde prévoir les méthodes nouvelles de détermination des prix de transfert et des obligationsdocumentaires spécifiques.Du fait du caractère limité du contrôle unilatéral des prix de transfert, les États développent deplus en plus la coopération internationale. Mais, pour utile qu’elle soit, la coopération fiscaledemeure elle aussi limitée. C’est pourquoi, le Sénégal doit s’inspirer de l’expérience des pays del’OCDE pour instituer une politique d’accords préalables en matière de prix de transfert. De lamême manière, il est nécessaire d’instituer, à titre transitoire, un régime de protection fiscale. Cesmécanismes de contractualisation et de facilitation fiscales sont très efficaces, mais demeurentégalement limités.Le meilleur moyen de contrôler les prix de transfert qui sont un phénomène transnational estd’adopter une stratégie au niveau supranational. La communauté des États ne saurait fairel’économie de la création d’un ordre fiscal mondial. Ce nouvel ordre devra reposer sur une lexfiscalia et une aequitas fiscalia vectrices d’un droit commun fiscal mondialisé élaboré et mis enoeuvre à travers une véritable gouvernance fiscale mondiale qui ne doit pas laisser en rade lespays en développement, sous la supervision d'un observatoire mondial des prix de transfert et lecontrôle d’un tribunal fiscal international. / As a symbol of State sovereignty, tax law is strongly afflicted by globalization and transferpricing are an eloquent testimony. The rules for determining transfer pricing do not guarantee anexact result. The arm’s length principle is difficult to apply and the comparables that ensure theproper implementation are not always available. Therefore, the justification for transfer pricing isoften difficult and sometimes impossible. Senegalese law must be updated, particularly in thesense of providing new methods of determining transfer pricing and specific documentationrequirements.Because of the limited nature of unilateral control, States are increasingly developinginternational cooperation. But, however useful it may be, tax cooperation remains limited.Therefore, Senegal must learn from the experience of OECD countries to institute a policy ofadvanced pricing agreements (APA). Similarly, it is necessary to establish, provisionally, asystem of tax protection. These contracting mechanisms and tax incentives are very effective, butremain also limited.The best way to control transfer pricing, which is a transnational phenomenon, is to adopt asupranational strategy. The community of States cannot do without creating a worldwide taxorder. This new order is based on both a lex fiscalia and an aequitas fiscalia as vectors of a globaltax law that is developed and implemented through truly global tax governance under thecontrol of an International Tax Tribunal, which should not leave stranded developing countries.
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Kupní smlouva v soukromém právu / Contract of Sale in Private LawChvátalová, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT CHVÁTALOVÁ, Daniela: Contract of Sale in Private Law. [Dissertation thesis]. Charles University. Faculty of Law; Department of Civil Law. Tutor: prof. JUDr. Jan Dvořák, CSc., Head of Department of Civil Law, Vice-Dean for the Doctoral Study Programme and Rigorosum Procedure. Level of professional qualification: Ph.D., Praha: PF UK, 2015. Key words: Civil Code No. 40/1964 Sb. Commercial Code No. 53/1991 Sb. Civil Code No. 89/2012 Sb. Principles of civil law. Purchase. Dual regulation. Precontracting negotiations. Offer and acceptance of the offer. Contract of sale. Purchase of personal property. Purchase of real property. Subject of the contract. Superficies solo cedit. Construction is a part of the land. Hardship clause. Purchase price and manner for determining the purchase price. Commercial terms and conditions. Decrease in a purchase price. Unreasonable decrease in the purchase price Laesio enormis. Price clause. Delivery of goods. Seller's delay in delivery of goods. Transfer of title. Rights in case of defective performance. Quality, quantity, type, and package. Rebus sic stantibus clause. Contractual penalty. Cancellation of a contract of sale. Sale of a plant. Advance payment and retainer. Supranational projects. Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR). Principles of European Contract Law...
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Předmět plnění a odpovědnost za porušení povinností ze smluv o dílo v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Subject matter of performance and liability for a breach of obligations from contracts for work in international tradeBéreš, Ján January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation deals with how the subject matter of performance under a contract for work is defined and issues related to formulating the rights and obligations ensuing therefrom. At the same time, it seeks common legal sources existing across national laws which provide definitions thereof. It attempts to find a common definition of contracts for work and how they differ from other similar contracts. It further defines some common basic features and problems related to contracts for work which apply in international trade or in cases where parties decide to formulate their contract by reference to international contract conditions. In that context, it primarily refers to construction contracts as the most common type of contract for work in international trade. At the same time, it focuses on the possible consequences of a breach of contract and emphasizes some parties' claims ensuing therefrom. Moreover, this work examines the definition of work defects and conditions for asserting claims as a specific topic, which relates to the definition of the subject matter of a contract for work and its basic features. Key words: contract for work, construction work, contractor, employer, international trade, sources for determining obligations, international contract conditions, subject matter of...
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Propojení tepelného manekýna s termofyziologickým modelem člověka / Coupling of Thermal Manikin with Human Thermophysiological ModelDoležalová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
thermal manikin, thermophysiological model, thermal comfort, climatic chamber, clothing thermal resistence
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