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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Artectura: A apropriação do espaço Urbano através da Arte Participativa, na metodologia do Diagrama de Deleuze / The appropriation of urban space through the participative art, in Deleuze´s diagram methodology

Nery, Carolina 17 August 2018 (has links)
O processo de fusão entre a arte e a arquitetura, é chamado nesta pesquisa de Artectura, sendo esta uma experimentação de práticas realizadas no ambiente urbano. Foram investigados projetos de arte urbana com o objetivo de criar possíveis ações políticas. Atribui-se assim, ao profissional arquiteto a função de fomentador de ações, compreendendo a cidade contemporânea. Citamos projetos artísticos que partem de uma interação com o espaço urbano e criticam o poder opressivo, apontando como poderiam ou não ser contextualizados dentro da teoria do Diagrama. De acordo com Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guatarri o Diagrama possui alguns aspectos, entre eles: aspecto geo-espacial, aspecto aritmético e aspecto afetivo. Na tentativa de exemplificar uma estratégia e elucidar a teoria realizamos uma performance na cidade de Jundiaí, nos pautando nos aspectos do Diagrama. A partir da escolha do Diagrama de Deleuze foi possível criar uma abordagem baseada em processos, onde a ação é mais efetiva se entendida dentro de uma organização metodológica. Passa-se a entender o espaço urbano como fomentador de afetos e de relações sociais em uma construção da cidade a partir do olhar de quem a constitui. Convergimos diferentes áreas a fim de criar uma democratização no espaço urbano, para isso, foi investigado o controle social utilizado pelo Poder, para possibilitar maior liberdade de usos. / The process of merging art and architecture in this research is Artectura named, being an experiment in urban environment. We investigated urban arts projects, in order to create potential political actions. Therefore, the professional architect gains the function as developer of actions, understanding the contemporary city. We also mentioned artistic projects based in urban spaces interaction, which criticize the oppressive power. We analyzed the possibility to contextualize inside Diagram´s theory, agreeing with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guatarri in: spacial aspect, arithmetic aspect and affective aspect. Trying to exemplify a strategy and elucidate the theory, we made a performance art in Jundiai city, gathering the Diagram´s aspects. From the Diagram choice was possible to create an approach based in process, the action is more effective if better understood in a methodological organization. The urban space comprehension becomes a relational and an Affect social fomenter in the city construction, through the inhabitant perspective. The range of different areas converged in urban space practices, studying the social control, normally used by the Power reaching democratic spaces.

A configuração do discurso do diagrama na arquitetura contemporânea / The configuration of the diagrams discourse in the contemporary architecture

Souza, Douglas Lopes de 11 May 2010 (has links)
Frente a uma compreensão projetual ampliada na arquitetura contemporânea devido às intersecções disciplinares experimentadas no pós-modernismo, esta pesquisa destaca os processos que anunciam o diagrama como conceito que efetiva um novo modus operandi arquitetônico. Percebendo as ramificações teóricas que são geradas sobre este tema dentro do discurso dos arquitetos, este trabalho busca na definição semiótica de diagrama em Charles S. Peirce e na sua derivação filosófica em Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari um suporte instrumental para a compreensão da configuração do discurso do diagrama na arquitetura. Partindo do pressuposto que a possibilidade de um conceito só é efetivada em sua interpretação, recorremos à análise de textos e obras de Peter Eisenman e do escritório UNStudio na tentativa de compreender como o conceito transita nestas arquiteturas. / Facing an amplified projectual comprehension in contemporary architecture due to the disciplinary intersections experimented in the postmodernism, this thesis emphasize the processes that announce the diagram as a concept that effects a new architectural modus operandi. Apprehending the theoretical ramifications that are generated about this theme inside the architect´s speeches, this thesis searches in the Charles S. Peirces semiotics definition of diagram and in its philosophic derivation of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari an instrumental support for the comprehension of the dis- course ´s configuration of the diagram in architecture. Starting from the assumption that the possibility of a concept is only effective inner its interpretation, we had recoursed to the analysis of texts and works of Peter Eisenman and of the office UNStudio in the attempt to understand how the concept transits in these

Folkbiblioteket och individualiseringen. En diskursanalytisk studie. / The Public Library and Individualization. A discourse analysis.

Rogat, Mauricio January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyze the relation between the discursive formation and the optical formation in the public library-apparatus. An ongoing individualization process in the library field and in society at large is used as a backdrop in the analysis. Discourse analysis is used as a method to explore the main Swedish library periodicals Biblioteksbladet, Bibliotek i Samhälle and DIK-forum. All issues from the years 1999 and 2009 have been used as material. The main analytical instruments applied in the analysis of this material are Michel Foucault's terms dispositive, apparatus and diagram. My analysis results in the identification of an individualization diagram which organizes the public library discourse and the public library space planning. This can be observed in the way the library discourse has an intensified focus on the user as a free individualistic subject and in the conveyed understanding of knowledge as relative and individual. The structure of the library space also follows an individualistic organization with an emphasis on flexibility and diversity of use. This may result in a diffuse understanding of how the library should be used. It could also become more difficult for the public libraries to claim legitimacy in society.

Matrix representation for partitions and Mock Theta functions

Bagatini, Alessandro January 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho, com base em representações por matrizes de duas linhas para alguns tipos de partição (algumas já conhecidas e outras novas), identificamos propriedades sugeridas por classificá-las de acordo com a soma dos elementos de sua segunda linha. Esta soma sempre fornece alguma propriedade da partição relacionada. Se considerarmos versões sem sinal de algumas funções Mock Theta, seu termo geral pode ser interpretado como função geradora para algum tipo de partição com restrições. Para retornar aos coeficientes originais, é possível definir um peso para cada matriz e depois somá-las para contá-los. Uma representação análoga para essas partições nos permite observar propriedades sobre elas, novamente por meio de uma classificação referente à soma dos seu elementos da segunda linha. Esta seriação é feita por meio de tabelas criadas pelo software matemático Maple, as quais nos sugerem padrões e identidades relacionadas com outros tipos de partições conhecidas e, muitas vezes, encontrando uma fórmula fechada para contá-las. Tendo as conjecturas obtidas, elas são provadas por meio de bijeções entre conjuntos ou por contagem. / In this work, based on representations by matrices of two lines for some kind of partition (some already known and other new ones), we identify properties suggested by classifying them according to the sum of its second line. This sum always provides some properties of the related partition. If we consider unsigned versions of some Mock Theta Functions, its general term can be interpreted as generating function for some kind of partition with restrictions. To come back to the original coefficients, you can set a weight for each array and so add them to evaluate the coefficients. An analogous representation for partitions allows us to observe properties, again by classificating them according to the sum of its elements on the second row. This classification is made by means of tables created by mathematical software Maple, which suggest patterns, identities related to other known types of partitions and often, finding a closed formula to count them. Having established conjectured identities, all are proved by bijections between sets or counting methods.

Zefektivnění firemních procesů spadajících do působnosti pracovního místa product manager ve firmě Kwesto Service, s.r.o.

Šmiga, Stanislav January 2006 (has links)
Teoreticko-metodologická část: Problematika hledání zefektivnění firemních procesů. Objasnění organizace práce, tvorby vývojového diagramu, užití časový studií (zejména chronometráže, snímků pracovního dne), hodnotové analýzy. Aplikační část: charakteristika daného procesu firmy Kwesto Service, s.r.o., zjištění časové náročnosti a nákladů na proces i jeho jednotlivé kroky pomocí časových studií, hodnotová analýza procesu, tvorba variant a výběr optimální varianty k realizaci. Certifikace, podněty k jednání s obchodním partnerem.

The State of Lexicodes and Ferrers Diagram Rank-Metric Codes

Antrobus, Jared E. 01 January 2019 (has links)
In coding theory we wish to find as many codewords as possible, while simultaneously maintaining high distance between codewords to ease the detection and correction of errors. For linear codes, this translates to finding high-dimensional subspaces of a given metric space, where the induced distance between vectors stays above a specified minimum. In this work I describe the recent advances of this problem in the contexts of lexicodes and Ferrers diagram rank-metric codes. In the first chapter, we study lexicodes. For a ring R, we describe a lexicographic ordering of the left R-module Rn. With this ordering we set up a greedy algorithm which sequentially selects vectors for which all linear combinations satisfy a given property. The resulting output is called a lexicode. This process was discussed earlier in the literature for fields and chain rings. We describe a generalization of the algorithm to finite principal ideal rings. In the second chapter, we investigate Ferrers diagram rank-metric codes, which play a role in the construction of subspace codes. A well-known upper bound for dimension of these codes is conjectured to be sharp. We describe several solved cases of the conjecture, and further contribute new ones. In addition, probabilities for maximal Ferrers diagram codes and MRD codes are investigated in a new light. It is shown that for growing field size, the limiting probability depends highly on the Ferrers diagram.

Studying brain networks via topological data analysis and hierarchical clustering

Almodóvar Velázquez, Leyda Michelle 01 December 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we apply the idea of a barcode from persistent homology to four hierarchical clustering methods: single, average, complete, and Ward's linkage. Desirable theoretical properties of dendrograms, the standard tool to visualize the output of hierarchical clustering methods, were described by Carlsson. We define analogous properties for hierarchical clustering quasi-barcodes and prove that average and complete quasi-barcodes possess a property that dendrograms do not. We discuss how to decide where to "cut" the output of hierarchical clustering quasi-barcodes based on the distance between the heights at which clusters merge. We find the best possible matching for calculating the Wasserstein distance between quasi-barcodes built from the same number of data points all born at time 0. We also prove that single, average, and complete quasi-barcodes are stable in the sense that small perturbations in distances between points produce small changes in quasi-barcodes. In order to test the efficiency of quasi-barcodes and the cut-off criteria, we generate datasets of points arranged in blobs or concentric circles and look whether the combination of the quasi-barcode with the cut-off criteria successfully finds the right amount of clusters in the dataset and whether it places points in the correct clusters. Finally, we apply these tools to datasets from New York University and Peking University of typically developed controls and attention hyperactivity deficit disorder subjects between the ages of 7 and 18.

Diagrammes d'Euler pour la visualisation de communautés et d'ensembles chevauchants

Simonetto, Paolo 02 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une méthode pour la visualisation d'ensembles chevauchant et de basé sur les diagrammes d'Euler. Les diagrammes d'Euler sont probablement les plus intuitifs pour représenter de manière schématique les ensembles qui partagent des éléments. Cette métaphore visuelle est ainsi un outil puissant en termes de visualisation d'information. Cependant, la génération automatique de ces diagrammes présente encore de nombreux problèmes difficiles. Premièrement, tous les clustering chevauchants ne peuvent pas être dessinées avec les diagrammes d'Euler classiques. Deuxièmement, la plupart des algorithmes existants permettent uniquement de représenter les diagrammes de dimensions modestes. Troisièmement, les besoins des applications réelles requièrent un processus plus fiable et plus rapide. Dans cette thèse, nous décrivons une version étendue des diagrammes d'Euler. Cette extension permet de modéliser l'ensemble des instances de la classe des clustering chevauchants. Nous proposons ensuite un algorithme automatique de génération de cette extension des diagrammes d'Euler. Enfin, nous présentons une implémentation logicielle et des expérimentations de ce nouvel algorithme.

Fluids confined by nanopatterned substrates

Eisenhuettenstadt 20 November 2001 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


Wang, Ziheng 01 May 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to develop the pseudo-ternary phase diagrams for a model drug delivery system consisting of vitamin E (model drug) + soybean oil + surfactant + co-surfactant (anhydrous glycerol) + water. The model drug (vitamin E) was loaded in the oil phase. The effects of different surfactants (pure and mixed) on the phase diagram, especially the microemulsion region, were investigated. The influence of drug loading level on the phase diagram was also determined. The surfactants studied were Tween 20, Tween 80, Cremopher EL, and their mixtures. The size (area) of the microemulsion region of the phase diagram was found to be dependent on the type of surfactant used and the loading level of drug (vitamin E). The phenomenon of phase inversion from W/O microemulsion to O/W microemulsion was also investigated for the drug delivery system consisting of soybean oil (0% w/w Vitamin E loading or 30% w/w Vitamin E loading) + Tween 80 + anhydrous glycerol + water. The inversion of phases was detected by observing changes in the viscosity of the system.

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