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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Místo setkávání Travná mezi roky 1968 - 2004 / Place of Encounter Travná between 1968 and 2004

Rosický, Aleš January 2018 (has links)
This thesis describes place of encounter Travná from the time of its establishment to 2014. The main aim of this work is to describe what types of influences affected meetings of youth in Travná. The main sources used in this work are several interviews which were conducted with people who are connected to Travná in some way. Methods of oral history were used for the realization and processing of these interviews. Thanks to a wide variety of interviews across the investigated time period, we can find out a lot about the history of youth meetings. A large part of the thesis is devoted to pastor Adolf Petr, who was the founder of Travná and who influenced many other events connected with youth meetings. Other topics which arose from the interviews and which are important for the youth meetings are different types and displays of piety, work in Travná, ecumenical and foreign collaboration, time of Communism and social work in Travná. The author tries to put encounters in Travná before 1989 into the context of other young people church meetings in Czechoslovakia. Events from 1990s Travná are seen in the context of a newly formed legal and economic system.

Teologická východiska charitativní činnosti křesťanské církve / The theological basis for the charitable activites of the Christian Church

Koudelka, Jaroslav January 2012 (has links)
The theological basis for the charitable activities of the Christian Church. The thesis focuses on the charitable work of the Christian Church today known as Diakonia, characterised as a service of love to others, which is currently considered one of the key, i.e. constitutive elements, of the fundamental structure of the Church. Based on analyses of the relations between theological disciplines, particularly Biblical, systematic theology and Christian social ethics, it identifies the Christian Church's idea of charity as the communion of love in the service of those who suffer. A fundamental defining characteristic of the Diakonia charity is God's love and the structure of the assessment system that unfolds from it that is specific and essential for the Christian Church. Keywords Charitable work, Diakonia, service of love, Christian social ethics, Catholic social teaching

Profil synodů CČE po r. 1990 / Profile of Synods of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren after the year 1990

Opočenský, Matěj January 2012 (has links)
This thesis looks at the general character of the synod of the Evangelical church of Czech Brethern (ČCE), based on archival documents since 1990. (The) first chapter describes how the Synod functions within the church and briefly mentions the issue of coping with communism, especially how some pastors got involved politically. I also touch on the events of the Velvet Revolution. The next chapter focuses on an analysis of the Synod's work based on classifying the synod's resolutions into different catogories. The results are given in three diagrams. The goal of this analysis is to show which types of resolutions dominate and which types are more unusual. The third more extensive chapter deals with the most important topics being resolved in the synod. It describes the origin of …, its progress and consequences for the church. To show the character of the ČCE Synod, I highlight its internal discussions regarding church law, the practical and theological discussions on …(church education, ordination and baptism…). Then I discuss the ČCE Social Welfare organisation, a free standing topic, as well as subjects that have revealed the Synod's views. This third group address the church's outside concerns. The synod talked about these topic both inside and outside the church as well as with the ecumenical...

Missionarische Engagement der eingewanderten Christen Sansibars für die einheimische Bevölkerung : förderliche und hinderliche Faktoren

Scholz, Christhart Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
German text / In dieser Forschungsarbeit wird qualitativ das missionarische Engagement der sansibarischen Christen den einheimischen muslimischen Sansibaris gegenüber auf förderliche und hinderliche Faktoren untersucht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, diese Faktoren aufzuzeigen und dadurch ein Bewusstsein für die Problematik der fehlenden Ganzheitlichkeit zu schaffen, damit hier gegengesteuert werden kann. Dazu wird zunächst der ethnologische und religionsgeschichtliche Hintergrund über Sansibar vorgestellt. Danach wird die geschichtliche Entwicklung und das heutige Bild der sansibarischen Gemeinden und Kirchen skizziert, um anschließend anhand des empirischtheologischen Praxiszyklus die Planung, die Durchführung und die Ergebnisse qualitativer Interviews mit jeweils drei Pastoren und leitenden Mitarbeiterinnen sansibarischer Gemeinden und Kirchen darzustellen. Mit Hilfe der Grounded Theory lassen sich zwei Tendenzen von kaum bis bedingt gelebter ganzheitlicher Missionspraxis der Gemeinden und Kirchen und ihr jenseitsorientiertes Evangeliumsverständnis als Ursache dessen identifizieren. Abschließend wird der Ist-Zustand der Missionspraxis der Gemeinden und Kirchen beschrieben, indem basierend auf den Forschungsergebnissen Thesen formuliert werden. / This research work qualitatively examines the beneficial and hindering factors of the missionary commitment of the Zanzibari Christians to the native population. The aim is to describe these factors and to create an awareness for the lack of holistic mission so that countermeasures can be taken. Firstly, background information about Zanzibar is presented. Next, the historical development and current church landscape are described. Based on the empirical-theological practice cycle, the planning and execution as well as the results of qualitative interviews carried out with six church workers are then presented. Furthermore, based on the Grounded Theory, two tendencies of their mission practice ranging from negligible to minimal are identified, caused by a kingdom-come orientation concerning the understanding of the Gospel. Last but not least, based on the research results, the actual state of the mission practice of the Zanzibari churches is presented in three theses.

Im Netz der Liebe die protestantische Kirche und ihre Zuwanderer in der Metropole Berlin (1849-1914) /

Hitzer, Bettina. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Bielefeld, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [417]-446).

Diakonie v byzantské tradici / Diaconate in the Byzantine tradition

SLYVOTSKA, Nataliya January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the concept of diaconate and the diacon's service in the Byzantine tradition. The first part deals with the diaconate in the New Testament. The second part focuses on the historical development of the Byzantine rite as well as of the diaconate from the charitable, administrative and liturgical perspektive where the liturgical aspekt begins to dominate. The third part introduces the Liturgies (Masses)in the Byzantine tradition with consideration for the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and stresses his irreplaceable role.

Das missionarische Mandat der Gemeinwesendiakonie - Eine interdisziplinäre Studie zum christlichen Profil gemeinwesendiakonischer Arbeit / The missionary mandate of diaconal community work - an interdisciplinary study on this ministry's Christian profile

Scharnowski, Jelena 11 1900 (has links)
Summary in German and English / Die Arbeit untersucht aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive, wie das christliche Profil der (Gemeinwesen-) Diakonie dargestellt wird, welche Herausforderungen sich daraus ergeben und in welchem Bezug Mission dazu steht. Hierzu dienen die geschichtlichen Entwicklungen von Diakonie und Mission innerhalb Deutschlands und die Ausführung des ganzheitlichen Missionsverständnisses nach David J. Bosch als Grundlage. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass in der Verbindung von Theologie, Diakonie und der Sozialen Arbeit wesentliche Grundannahmen und -spannungen gegeben sind, die Parallelen zur Missionstheologie aufzeigen, welche aber nicht als ‚Mission’ benannt oder anerkannt werden.Das Ergebnis dieser Forschungsarbeit lautet, dass die missionarisch ganzheitlich verstandene Gemeinwesendiakonie einen Ausweg aus der mangelnden Praxisrelevanz theologischer Leitbilder darstellt und somit einen Beitrag zur Stärkung des christlichen Profils diakonischer Einrichtungen liefern kann. / Using an interdisciplinary perspective, this piece of work examines how the Christian profile of diaconal community work is portrayed, the challenges that emerge and how missionary work relates to the debate. The historical developments of social work and missionary work in Germany, as well as David J. Bosch’s holistic understanding of mission serve as a foundation for the analysis. The study will show that the relationship between theology, diaconal community work and social work reveals major assumptions and tensions which show parallel elements to a theology of mission but are not named or acknowledged as such. The conclusion of this study will state that diaconal community work, understood as holistic mission, can offer a solution to the decreasing relevance of theological mission statements and therefore contribute to strengthening the Christian profile of diaconal institutions. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Působení nekatolických církví v oblasti sociální a charitativní práce v České republice / Activity of non-catholic churches in social and charity work in Czech Republic

MERHAUT, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis was to monitor contemporary work of non-catholic churches (that unified in collective platform, Diaconies in the Czech Republic) in the field of charitable, in context of historically progression of czech reformation and basic dogmatic recourses.

Strategie zvládání odlišností v církevních organizacích sociálních služeb / Strategies of managing differences in church organizations social services

Štindlová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis explores differences among values and traditions of various (christian and jewish) social services run by religious NGO and focuses on strategies how non-religous employees cope with their work in such organizations. The thesis is focused on two Christian organizations (Charita, Diakonie) and one jewish organization run by Jewish Community. The thesis describes a history of church social services and their present state, questions of interactions between individual and corporal identities, culture of organization, faith and influence of the group. The specific characteristics of organizations run by church are part of their culture and should be a part of the way they are being managed too. Besides describing strategies used by employees who do not belong to the church, the thesis also describes some recommendations for the management, which would be also benefitial for employees' support. The aim of the thesis is not to compare Christian and Jewish institutions, but to focus on their specifics, which influence workers from the outside. In the research part the thesis tries to map attitudes of these employees, their strategies of managing differences, which they meet while working for religious NGOs. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Zurück zum Glauben : christliches Zeugnis im Kaliningrader Gebiet in Postsowjetischer Zeit / Back to the faith : Christian witness in the Kaliningrad area during the post-Soviet era / Christliches Zeugnis im Kalingrader Gebiet

Breitkreuz, Alex 30 June 2006 (has links)
Text in German / Zusammenfassung Das heute zu Russland gehörende Kaliningrader Gebiet gehörte vor dem zweiten Weltkrieg mit der Hauptstadt Königsberg Ostpreußen. Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg wurde Königsberg 1945 mit einem Teil des Ostpreußengebiets Russland zugeteilt. Am 4. Juli 1946 wurde Königsberg in Kaliningrad umbenannt und damit eine neue Epoche für das Gebiet eingeleitet. Nach dem Krieg wurden alle Deutschen nach Deutschland deportiert und mit Russen aus Westrussland besiedelt. Unter den umgesiedelten Leuten kamen auch Christen mit, die sich in Kaliningrader Gebiet ansiedelten und begannen ihren Glauben zu leben. Bald darauf organisierten sie sich in kleinere Gruppen und bemühten sich Präsenz nach außen hin zu zeigen. Besonders in den 1990er Jahren erlebte das Kaliningrader Gebiet ein reges Wachstum der evangelikalen Gemeinden. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, diese evangelikalen Gemeinden auf ihre Präsenz nach außen, ihr inneres Gemeindeleben, ihre evangelistischen und sozial-diakonischen Bemühungen hin empirisch mittels Interviews zu untersuchen und die Ergebnisse aus missions-theologischen Perspektive zu reflektieren. Summary The area of Kaliningrad, which belongs to Russia today, was with it´s capital Königsberg a part of Ostpreußen before the second world war. 1945, after the second world war, Königsberg and parts of the area of Ostpreußen became a part of Russia. On July 4th in 1946 Königsberg was renamed into Kaliningrad and so a new era was instituted for this area. After the war all Germans were deported to Germany and the area was recolonized with Russians from Westrussia. Among these settlers there even were christians, who settled down in Kaliningrad and began to act out their beliefs. Especially in the 1990ties Kaliningrad experienced a large growth of evangelical churches. Not long after that, they organized themselves in small groups and tied to be a representative outwards. The intention of the present dissertation is the empirical analysis of these churches by dint of interviews; Especially the analysis of how the churches represent theirselves outwards and how they endeavor in regard of social deaconry. The deliverables has been deliberated from the perspective of theological mission. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th.

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