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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grade 7 learners' self-configuration experiences within the teacher-learner relationship / Georgina du Plessis

Du Plessis, Georgina January 2014 (has links)
Humans are relational beings, as they are constantly in interaction with others and with their environment. In schools, learners spend at least nine years of their lives in formal schooling, and the relationships they have with their teachers are bound to have an impact on their self-configuration. According to the Field theory, the Bioecological theory and the Dialogical theory of self, which were used as theoretical frameworks for this study, individuals’ self-configuration is impacted by their environment, experiences and interactions with others. The focus of this study was on Grade 7 learners’ self-configuration experiences within the teacher-learner relationship. Grade 7 learners are at the beginning of the adolescent phase, which is characterised by many changes, transitions, challenges and uncertainties. One of these transitions is the forthcoming transition from primary school to high school and a healthy self-configuration could assist learners to adapt to these changes in a positive manner. The research was qualitative in nature and made use of the case study method. This allowed the researcher to use data gathering approaches through which the subjective experiences of the participants could be explored. Twelve participants volunteered to take part in this study, and data was gathered by means of individual interviews as well as group discussions. All interviews and group discussions were voice and video recorded, where after they were transcribed and analysed by means of thematic analysis. The analysis allowed for data to be organised into meaningful themes. It was found that learners’ experiences of relationships with teachers are both positive and negative. Self-regulation in learners takes place through encouragement and disapproval from teachers, as well as through lessons learnt from teachers and from past experiences. Further studies around self-configuration and teacher-learner relationships are recommended, in order to make teachers more aware of the importance of the teacher-learner relationship, and also to determine what the obstacles are in developing supportive and caring teacher-learner relationships. By highlighting the importance, and by determining the obstacles, more meaningful teacher-learner relationships could be encouraged and developed in order to enhance learners’ self-configuration experiences. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Self-configuration experiences of intermediate phase learners with mild learning difficulties within the learner-teacher relationship / Suzaan Wessels

Wessels, Suzaan January 2014 (has links)
More often than not learners with learning difficulties are treated differently from normal mainstream learners. Often they experience themselves in a less positive manner because of the interactions with various teachers who may not always have enough patience to deal with these learners while trying to cope with large numbers of learners on a daily base. This study was conducted to explore self-configuration experiences of Intermediate Phase learners with learning difficulties within the learner-teacher relationship. Literature indicates that the self is a complex construct to define and can be interpreted in various ways. The researcher aimed to understand how the self is configured in experiences that learners have with their teachers and how these experiences contribute to and affect self-configuration. The theoretical frameworks of the Dialogical Theory of Self and the Gestalt Field Theory were used to gain an understanding of how vital relations and context are in the configuration experiences of the self. A qualitative case study with purposive sampling was conducted. The study was done at a single school where all the learners in the school have learning difficulties. There were nine learners that fell in the Intermediate Phase category and all of them were boys who voluntarily participated in the research. Data were collected by means of a semi-structured interview in which the participants were asked to use incomplete sentences and a visual map that they made to help them express their experiences. A follow-up interview was conducted to check that the meaning that the learner ascribed to his incomplete sentences and visual map was accurate and an opportunity was given to add something should the participant want to. Participants were given this opportunity as some of them had difficulty in expressing themselves adequately during the first session as a result of their learning difficulties in so much as they struggle to find words that express their feelings and what they wanted to communicate. Data were transcribed and analysed by means of thematic analysis. The study indicated that it was aspects such as quality time the teachers spent with the learners and the tone of voice of the teacher that contributed to the self-configuration experiences of the learners. Further research is necessary to determine whether this is the experience in other schools that cater for learners with learning difficulties and how this knowledge may be used to bring greater awareness to teachers to better understand how learners experience their relationship with regards to self-configuration. Quantitative studies can also be conducted to investigate the impact of teacher-learner relationships on self-configuration. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Grade 7 learners' self-configuration experiences within the teacher-learner relationship / Georgina du Plessis

Du Plessis, Georgina January 2014 (has links)
Humans are relational beings, as they are constantly in interaction with others and with their environment. In schools, learners spend at least nine years of their lives in formal schooling, and the relationships they have with their teachers are bound to have an impact on their self-configuration. According to the Field theory, the Bioecological theory and the Dialogical theory of self, which were used as theoretical frameworks for this study, individuals’ self-configuration is impacted by their environment, experiences and interactions with others. The focus of this study was on Grade 7 learners’ self-configuration experiences within the teacher-learner relationship. Grade 7 learners are at the beginning of the adolescent phase, which is characterised by many changes, transitions, challenges and uncertainties. One of these transitions is the forthcoming transition from primary school to high school and a healthy self-configuration could assist learners to adapt to these changes in a positive manner. The research was qualitative in nature and made use of the case study method. This allowed the researcher to use data gathering approaches through which the subjective experiences of the participants could be explored. Twelve participants volunteered to take part in this study, and data was gathered by means of individual interviews as well as group discussions. All interviews and group discussions were voice and video recorded, where after they were transcribed and analysed by means of thematic analysis. The analysis allowed for data to be organised into meaningful themes. It was found that learners’ experiences of relationships with teachers are both positive and negative. Self-regulation in learners takes place through encouragement and disapproval from teachers, as well as through lessons learnt from teachers and from past experiences. Further studies around self-configuration and teacher-learner relationships are recommended, in order to make teachers more aware of the importance of the teacher-learner relationship, and also to determine what the obstacles are in developing supportive and caring teacher-learner relationships. By highlighting the importance, and by determining the obstacles, more meaningful teacher-learner relationships could be encouraged and developed in order to enhance learners’ self-configuration experiences. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Self-configuration experiences of intermediate phase learners with mild learning difficulties within the learner-teacher relationship / Suzaan Wessels

Wessels, Suzaan January 2014 (has links)
More often than not learners with learning difficulties are treated differently from normal mainstream learners. Often they experience themselves in a less positive manner because of the interactions with various teachers who may not always have enough patience to deal with these learners while trying to cope with large numbers of learners on a daily base. This study was conducted to explore self-configuration experiences of Intermediate Phase learners with learning difficulties within the learner-teacher relationship. Literature indicates that the self is a complex construct to define and can be interpreted in various ways. The researcher aimed to understand how the self is configured in experiences that learners have with their teachers and how these experiences contribute to and affect self-configuration. The theoretical frameworks of the Dialogical Theory of Self and the Gestalt Field Theory were used to gain an understanding of how vital relations and context are in the configuration experiences of the self. A qualitative case study with purposive sampling was conducted. The study was done at a single school where all the learners in the school have learning difficulties. There were nine learners that fell in the Intermediate Phase category and all of them were boys who voluntarily participated in the research. Data were collected by means of a semi-structured interview in which the participants were asked to use incomplete sentences and a visual map that they made to help them express their experiences. A follow-up interview was conducted to check that the meaning that the learner ascribed to his incomplete sentences and visual map was accurate and an opportunity was given to add something should the participant want to. Participants were given this opportunity as some of them had difficulty in expressing themselves adequately during the first session as a result of their learning difficulties in so much as they struggle to find words that express their feelings and what they wanted to communicate. Data were transcribed and analysed by means of thematic analysis. The study indicated that it was aspects such as quality time the teachers spent with the learners and the tone of voice of the teacher that contributed to the self-configuration experiences of the learners. Further research is necessary to determine whether this is the experience in other schools that cater for learners with learning difficulties and how this knowledge may be used to bring greater awareness to teachers to better understand how learners experience their relationship with regards to self-configuration. Quantitative studies can also be conducted to investigate the impact of teacher-learner relationships on self-configuration. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Languaging and Social Positioning in Multilingual School Practices : Studies of Sweden Finnish Middle School Years

Gynne, Annaliina January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim of the thesis is to examine young people’s languaging, including literacy practices, and its relation to meaning-making and social positioning. Framed by sociocultural and dialogical perspectives, the thesis builds upon four studies that arise from (n)ethnographic fieldwork conducted in two different settings: an institutional educational setting where bilingualism and biculturalism are core values, and social media settings. In the empirical studies, micro-level interactions, practices mediated by languaging and literacies, social positionings and meso-level discourses as well as their intertwinedness have been explored and discussed. The data, analysed through adapted conversational and discourse analytical methods, include video and audio recordings, field notes, pedagogic materials, policy documents, photographs as well as (n)ethnographic data. Study I illuminates the doing of linguistic-cultural ideologies and policies in everyday pedagogical practices and focuses on situated and distributed social actions as nexuses of several practices where a number of locally and nationally relevant discourses circulate.  In Study II, the focus is on everyday communicative practices on the micro and meso levels and the interrelations of different linguistic varieties and modalities in the bilingual-bicultural educational setting. Study III highlights young people’s languaging, including literacies, in everyday learning practices that stretch across formal and informal learning spaces. Study IV examines social positioning and identity work in informal and heteroglossic literacy practices across the offline-online continuum. Consequently, the four studies map the kinds of languaging practices young people are engaged in both inside and outside of what are labelled as bilingual school settings. Furthermore, the studies highlight the kinds of social positions they perform and are oriented towards in the course of their everyday lives. Overall, the findings of the thesis highlight issues of bilingualism as pedagogy and practice, the (un)problematicity of multilingualism across space and time and multilingual-multimodal languaging as a premise for social positioning. Together, the studies and the thesis form a descriptive-analytical illustration of “multilingual” young people’s everyday lives in and out of school in late modern societies of the global North. Overall, the thesis provides insights concerning the education and lives of a large, yet sparsely documented minority group in Sweden, i.e. the Sweden Finns. / Denna avhandling fokuserar på ungdomars språkande, inklusive literacy-praktiker, och dess relation till deras meningsskapande och social positionering. Avhandlingen tar avstamp i sociokulturell och dialogisk teoribildning och bygger på fyra studier som blivit till genom (n)etnografiskt fältarbete i två olika sammanhang: inom en skola där tvåspråkighet och bikulturalitet är viktiga värderingar, och sociala medier. I de empiriska studierna undersöks hur interaktion, språkande och literacy-praktiker och sociala positioneringar görs på mikronivå. Dessa fenomen studeras vidare i anslutning till och som en del av diskurser som drivs på meso-nivå. Avhandlingens data har analyserats med tillämpade samtals- och diskursanalytiska metoder och inkluderar video- och audioinspelningar, fältanteckningar, pedagogiska material, policy-dokumentation, fotografier samt (n)etnografiskt skapad data. I Studie I undersöks hur lingvistisk-kulturella ideologier och policys görs i vardagliga pedagogiska praktiker. Den fokuserar på situerade och distribuerade sociala handlingar som praktiknexus där flera lokalt och nationellt relevanta diskurser cirkulerar. Studie II intresserar sig för vardagliga kommunikativa praktiker på mikro- och meso-nivåer samt för samspelet av språkliga varieteter och modaliteter i den tvåspråkiga-bikulturella skolan. I Studie III studeras ungdomars språkande, inklusive literacies, i vardagliga lärandepraktiker som sträcker sig över tid och rum i formella och informella lärandemiljöer. Studie IV fokuserar på social positionering och identitetsarbete i informella och heteroglossiska literacy-praktiker både offline och online. Tillsammans kartlägger de fyra studierna olika slags språkandepraktiker som ungdomarna deltar i och bidrar till både inom och utanför vad som kallas för tvåspråkiga skolsammanhang. Vidare illustrerar studierna vardagslivets görande av olika slags sociala positioneringar och identitetsperformanser. Resultaten visar på hur tvåspråkigheten i skolans värld kan ses som både pedagogik och praktik, att flerspråkigheten är (o)problematisk för ungdomarna och för skolan och att språkandets karaktär som flerspråkig och multimodal är central för social positionering. Studierna och avhandlingen bildar tillsammans en deskriptiv-analytisk illustration av ”flerspråkiga” ungdomars vardag i och utanför skolan i ett senmodernt nordiskt samhälle. Vidare bidrar avhandlingen till kunskapsbasen gällande utbildningsfrågor och vardag för en av Sveriges nationella minoriteter, sverigefinländare. / LIMCUL / DIMuL

A Bequest of Wings: Dialogical Teaching - Literature as a Mediational Tool

Falconer, Marc Stuart 15 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 0111318E - M Ed research report - School of Education - Faculty of Humanities / This research report explores the unique nature of literature and its efficacy as a dialogically mediating tool. In this study, drawing primarily on the theories of Vygotsky and Bakhtin, the dialogical small-group teaching of nine A Level students is considered, (with the teaching aimed to be within this group’s Zone of Proximal Development) it was found axiomatic that there was a supporting framework of schemes, tropes, narrative role taking, schemata theory and genre, among other concepts. Qualitative analysis of the edited transcripts from eight consecutive seminars substantiates these theoretical presumptions and leads to the conclusion that literature, in this case the prescribed poems of Elizabeth Jennings, is an highly efficacious, dialogically mediating, pedagogical tool.

A construção cultural do self em um contexto de execução penal de metodologia alternativa / The cultural construction of the Self in a context of penal execution of alternative methodology

Miranda, Sirlene Lopes de 27 November 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetiva descrever as implicações da vivência institucionalizada na construção cultural do Self em um sistema prisional no qual a pessoa assume uma dupla posição: cumpre sua pena, mas também participa da administração da instituição penal, como responsável pela segurança. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas fases: 1) uma discussão teórico-metodológica a partir da noção de multiplicação dialógica (Guimarães, 2013); e 2) um estudo de caso na Associação de Proteção e Assistência os Condenados - APAC, método alternativo de cumprimento de pena privativa de liberdade que prescinde de presença policial e compartilha a administração com a comunidade local. A participação observante (Bastien, 2007; Malfitano & Marques, 2011), enquanto recurso metodológico para o estudo de caso foi utilizada para descrever e analisar as relações concretas no âmbito da Instituição penal APAC. Realizei 12 visitas à Instituição para observar como se davam as relações interpessoais, bem como uma visita a duas unidades de referência do método APAC e à Fraternidade Brasileira de Assistência aos Condenados, órgão fiscalizador das APAC´s. Efetuei o registro das informações em um diário de campo. Dezoito pessoas participaram da pesquisa, perante consentimento prévio. As entrevistas semiestruturadas foram gravadas em áudio e transcritas em sua íntegra para o posterior processo de análise dialógica interpretativa dos enunciados. A partir das informações levantadas na pesquisa, elaborei um protocolo de análise pelo qual identifiquei antinomias e aspectos expressivos (Wertsch, 1993) que emergiram das experiências vividas com os participantes em três campos-tema (cf. Spink, 2003) selecionados para análise, relações interpessoais, relações intrapessoais, e relação APAC-sistema prisional convencional. Cada contexto de convívio interpessoal apresenta um sistema de valores distinto que baliza múltiplas trajetórias de ação (cf. Boesch, 1991) para a pessoa. Então, qual o papel que a Instituição APAC ocupa na construção cultural do Self da pessoa que cumpre pena privativa de liberdade? Observamos a construção de sistemas de valores, que passam a orientar as ações no presente e em relação ao futuro iminente, que canalizam a construção pelo Self de posicionamentos e reposicionamentos enquanto tentativas de elaborar tensões dialógicas experimentadas pelos participantes. E o Self se desenvolve como uma possibilidade de organização das múltiplas trajetórias de ação disponíveis por meio das ações simbólicas. A análise dialógica dos dados aqui proposta nos guia para uma compreensão que a pessoa que cumpre pena no método APAC reconstrói suas vivências na sociedade e no presídio em memórias transformadas, em uma síntese criativa das antinomias emergentes da experiência e em uma hierarquia de sentidos afetivo-cognitivamente organizados. Como desdobramento da pesquisa, proponho um constructo teórico próprio na dinâmica de compreensão do Self que contemple as dimensões institucionais, uma noção preliminar, a ser aprofundada em estudos posteriores- o Self Institucional, enquanto um modo de subjetivação e de estabelecimento de relações intra e interpessoais que se guia por uma articulação entre aspectos históricos, culturais e afetivo-relacionais no contexto institucional / This research aims to describe the implications of the institutionalized experience in the cultural construction of the Self in a prison system in which the person assumes a double position: he fulfills his sentence, but also engages in the administration of the penal institution, as one responsible for the security. The research was developed in two phases: 1) a theoretical-methodological discussion based on the notion of the dialogic multiplication (Guimarães, 2013); and 2) a case study in the Protection and Assistance to Convicts Association - APAC, an alternative method of serving a custodial sentence that dispenses the police presence and shares administration with the local community. The observational participation (Bastien, 2007; Malfitano & Marques, 2011), as a methodological resource for the case study was used to describe and analyze the concrete relations within the scope of the APAC Criminal Institution. Ive visited the Institution 12 times to observe how the interpersonal relations were given, and I visited another two reference units of the APAC method and the Brazilian Fraternity to Convicts Assistance, APAC\'s inspection body. I recorded the information in a field diary. Eighteen people formed the corpus of the research, with prior consent. The semistructured interviews were recorded in audio and fully transcribed for the subsequent process of interpretative dialogical analysis of the statements. From the information collected, I developed a protocol of analysis in which I identified antinomies and expressive aspects (Wertsch, 1993) that emerged from the experiences with participants in three subject fields (Spink, 2003) selected for analysis: intrapersonal relations, interpersonal relations and APAC relationship-conventional prison system. Each context of interpersonal living presents a distinct value system that targets multiple action paths (cf. Boesch, 1991) for the individual. So, what role does the APAC Institution play in the cultural construction of the Self of the person who is serving custodial sentence? We observe the construction of value systems, which guide the actions in the present and regarding the imminent future and lead the construction by the Self of positioning and repositioning as attempts to elaborate the dialogical tensions experienced by the participants. And the Self works as an organizational possibility of the multiple paths of action available through symbolic actions. The dialogical analysis of the data proposed here guides us to an understanding that the condemned person in the APAC method reconstructs his experiences in society and prison by transforming memories, in a creative synthesis of the emerging antinomies of experience and in a hierarchy of affective-cognitively organized. As a result of the research, I propose a theoretical construct in the dynamics of Self, understanding that it contemplates the institutional dimensions, a preliminary notion, to be deepened in later studies - Institutional Self, as a way of subjectivation and establishment of intra and interpersonal relations which is guided by an articulation between historical, cultural and affective-relational aspects in the institutional context

Intersubjetividade e desejo nas relações sociais: o caso dos jogos de representação de papéis / Intersubjectivity and desire in social relationships: the Role-Playing Game case

Guimaraes, Danilo Silva 13 February 2008 (has links)
Uma das principais vias de transformação no desenvolvimento humano ocorre através da busca pela intersubjetividade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi compreender alguns processos de construção de conhecimento acerca do outro e de si através de um estudo de relações intersubjetivas grupais. Para tanto, trabalhamos com a perspectiva construtivista semiótico-cultural, focalizando especialmente as ações simbólicas dos sujeitos ao buscarem momentos de protagonismo e de reconhecimento uns pelos outros. Procuramos estabelecer uma relação entre essa busca dos sujeitos e a noção levinasiana de desejo, entendido como um movimento da subjetividade ao buscar abrigar o que a excede na direção da alteridade. No processo de investigação, tomamos para exame uma situação empírica envolvendo interações de natureza lúdica, quais sejam, sessões de Role-Playing Game (RPG), que possuem uma dinâmica particular na construção de objetivos e desejos dos jogadores. A dinâmica das relações eu - outro nos jogos de RPG foi analisada a partir da assimetria de posições subjetivas, dialogicamente definidas. Realizamos um mapeamento dessas posições e vimos que nos jogos de representação de papéis há fruição de um mundo imaginário reduzido e presentificado no pensamento. Finalmente, chegamos à proposição de que o significado essencial das construções pessoais está no âmbito de outrem, presente ou ausente, real ou imaginário, em relação ao qual o eu procura constituir um plano de compartilhamento. / One of the main sources of transformation in human development is through the subjects quest for intersubjectivity. The objective of this work was to understand some aspects of the processes of knowledge construction concerning the self and the other. It was developed through a study focusing intersubjective group relationships. In order to achieve that, we worked with semiotic-cultural constructivist perspective, focusing specially, on the symbolic actions of subjects searching for moments of protagonism and of recognition of one by the others. We tried to establish a link between this search of the subjects and the levinasian notion of desire, though as a subjective movement trying to shelter what exceeds itself on the alterity direction. On the investigation process, we examined an empirical situation involving ludic interactions of Role-Playing Game (RPG) sessions. This game has a particular dynamic towards building objectives and desires by its players. The I-other dynamic relations in Role-Playing Games was analyzed observing the asymmetry of subjective positions, dialogically defined. We did a mapping of these positions and saw that in the role-playing games there is the fruition of an imaginary world reduced and made present in the thought. Finally, we arrived to the assertion that the essential meaning of personal constructions is related to otherness, either present or absent, real or imaginary, in relation to which the self tries to constitute a shared setting.

Povos indígenas e saúde mental: a luta pelo habitar sereno e confiado / Indigenous peoples and mental health: the struggle to live serene and trusting

Sousa, Flaviana Rodrigues de 15 May 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa empirica discute pontos de tensoes emergidos no dialogo interetnico em torno das questoes de saude indigena, dando enfase ao tema da saude mental. As tensoes foram analisadas segundo diferentes pontos de vista sobre a promocao da saude indigena, identificadas a partir da producao de um mapeamento que expressa os conteudos discursivos marcados por um grande divisor: de um lado a perspectiva ocidental, composta pelo Estado, compreendido atraves das Politicas Publicas de Saude Indigena; do Sistema Unico de Saude e sua assistencia a saude; pelos Conselhos Federal e Regional de Psicologia e pela Organizacao Mundial da Saude. Do outro lado esta a perspectiva dos indigenas, especialmente do povo Mbya Guarani, analisados com apoio da literatura antropologica, a partir da nocao de Teko Pora (Bem Viver); dos noticiarios produzidos e veiculados por coletivos indigenas; do conteudo narrativo contido no documentario Teko Rexa - Saude Guarani Mbya e dos discursos presentes nos noticiarios produzidos por entidades indigenistas. As nocoes de saude e saude mental discutidas por Gadamer (2006), bem como as nocoes de saude e de ethos refletidas por de Figueiredo (2008), referencial teorico-metodologico assumido nesta dissertacao fundamentam sobre a importancia do territorio nos processos de saude/doenca para os povos indigenas, bem como auxiliam a refletir sobre as tensoes presentes em ambas as perspectivas. Os dados foram analisados a partir da nocao de multiplicacao dialogica (Guimaraes, 2013) no ambito do construtivismo semiotico-cultural em psicologia. A partir da identificacao de tensoes presentes, foram levantadas questoes a respeito de como estruturar o cuidado em psicologia, refletindo sobre as possibilidades de seu transito entre diferentes perspectivas em saude / This empirical research discusses points of tension emerging in the interethnic dialogue around indigenous health issues, emphasizing the theme of Mental Health. The tensions were analyzed according to different points of view on the promotion of indigenous health, identified from the production of a mapping that expresses the discursive contents marked by a great divide: on the one hand the western perspective, composed by the State, understood through Policies Public Health Indigenous; of the Unified Health System and its health care; by the Federal and Regional Councils of Psychology; and the World Health Organization. On the other side is the perspective of the indigenous people, especially the Mbya Guarani people, analyzed with the support of anthropological literature, based on the notion of Teko Pora (Bem Viver); of the news produced and transmitted by indigenous collectives; of the narrative content contained in the documentary \"Teko Rexa - Saude Guarani Mbya\" and the speeches present in the news produced by indigenist entities. The notions of \"health\" and \"mental health\" discussed by Gadamer (2006), as well as the notions of \"health\" and \"ethos\" reflected by de Figueiredo (2008), theoretical and methodological reference assumed in this dissertation, importance of the territory in health / disease processes for indigenous peoples, as well as helping to reflect on the tensions present in both perspectives. The data were analyzed from the notion of dialogical multiplication (Guimaraes, 2013), within the scope of semiotic-cultural constructivism in psychology. From the identification of present tensions, questions were raised about how to structure care in psychology, reflecting on the possibilities of its transit between different perspectives in health

Polêmicas discursivas na perspectiva bakhtiana: embates entre vozes de cientistas e outras vozes na arena do Roda Viva / discursive polemic in bakhtiniana perspective: clashes between scientist\'s voice and other voices in the arena of Roda Viva

Veloso, Simone Ribeiro de Ávila 08 December 2011 (has links)
Parte integrante do projeto chamado Divulgação científica: linguagem, esferas e gêneros vinculado à linha de pesquisa Estudos do Discurso em Língua Portuguesa do Programa de Filologia e Língua Portuguesa da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar as refrações discursivas presentes em um corpus formado por edições do programa de entrevistas denominado Roda Viva, produzido e veiculado, desde setembro de 1986, pela TV Cultura, emissora pública paulista. Entendemos por refrações discursivas os fenômenos caracterizados pelas polêmicas aberta e velada, bem como réplicas dialógicas dos telespectadores. Defendemos a tese de que os discursos oficiais são predominantemente refratados por meio da polêmica velada com tons de polêmica aberta tendo em vista a esfera de especialização do entrevistado no contexto do gênero de entrevistas Roda Viva. Nossa contribuição a esse projeto configura-se na análise diacrônica de edições realizadas com entrevistados cientistas e acadêmicos no período compreendido pelas décadas de 80, 90 e 2000, mais precisamente, desde o início das transmissões até maio de 2009. Dessa forma, a partir de um total de 160 edições, distribuídas em seis áreas científicas, selecionamos um corpus de 6, por meio do qual ressaltamos as recorrências que evidenciam cientificamente os fenômenos mencionados. Por outro lado, nosso percurso investigativo prevê analisá-los tendo em vista a noção bakhtiniana de gênero discursivo. Tal orientação exige uma abordagem de estudo que considere cada edição como um enunciado concreto. Em outras palavras, interessa-nos observar as três dimensões, necessariamente imbricadas, que possibilitam uma análise da concretude de cada edição: o horizonte social amplo, o gênero discursivo propriamente dito e as formas da língua. Assim, optamos por um estudo qualitativo de três edições representativas de cada uma das décadas citadas, o que implica considerá-las a partir de um viés sociológico, que compreende as esferas de produção, circulação e recepção de cada enunciado, bem como, um viés dialógico que observa as contraposições discursivas em uma relação espacio-temporal que ultrapassa os limites do diálogo face-a-face. Além dessas três edições, consideramos ainda um corpus de outras três com vistas a uma análise dos fenômenos discursivos recorrentes. Os resultados sinalizam a instauração de polêmicas entre os discursos de entrevistados e discursos de supradestinatários como o poder público instituído em cada uma das três décadas. Em relação às réplicas dialógicas, identificamos, na edição dos anos 80, uma clara dicotomia entre dois posicionamentos axiológicos: conservador, afinado ao regime de exceção, por um lado e de outro, contestador, alinhado ao discurso de esquerda. Já em relação às demais décadas, observamos que tais posicionamentos se arrefecem, concentrando-se em temas que circulam mais frequentemente na esfera da ideologia do cotidiano. / Part of the project called Scientific Vulgarization: languages, spheres and genres linked to the research line studies of speech of Portuguese, of the program of Philosophy and Portuguese of Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas of USP, this research aims to investigate the discursive refractions present in a corpus constituted by the editions of a program called Roda Viva, produced and released since September 1986, by TV Cultura, a public broadcaster. By discursive refractions, we refer to the phenomenon characterized by open and covert polemics, as well as replicas of viewers. We defend the thesis that the official discourses are predominantly refracted through the controversy veiled with shades of open polemic, in view of the sphere of expertise of the interviewee. Our contributions to this project set in the diachronic analyses of editions held with scientists and academics in the period between the 1980, 1990 e 2000. More precisely from the start of transmissions to May 2009. Thus, from a total of 160 editions, distributed in six scientific fields, we selected a corpus of six through which we highlight the scientific phenomenon mentioned. On the other hand, our route provides investigative analysis in view of the Bakhtinian notion of speech genre. Such a perspective requires an approach that considers each edition like a concrete utterance. In others words, we are interested in observing the three dimensions necessarily intertwined that enable an analysis of concreteness of each edition: the wider social horizon, the genre of discourse and the forms of languages. So we chose a qualitative study of three editions representing each decade cited, which implies considering them from a sociological view which holds spheres of production, circulation and reception of each utterance, as well as a dialogical perspective that note the positions in a discursive space-time relationship that goes beyond the limits of dialogue face to face. In addition to these three issues we consider a corpus of three other for the purpose of a discursive analysis of the recurring phenomenon. The results indicate the establishment of polemics between the interviews discourses and destinatary speeches as the government set up in each decade. In relation to the dialogical replicas, we identified in the edition of year 1980, a clear dichotomy between two axiological positions: tight, aligned with the regime, on one hand and, on the other, objectors speech left aligned. As for de other decades, we observe that such placements are distant, focusing on themes that circulate more often in the spheres of the every day ideology.

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