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A intervenção didática no processo de produção textual de alunos participantes da olimpíada de língua portuguesa - OLP / The didactic intervention in a process of text production of students from public schools that are participants of OLP - Olympiad of the Portuguese LanguageMoura, Karolynne Kaya maria Amorim 12 May 2016 (has links)
This work presents a reflection on the didactic intervention in a process of text production of students from public schools that are participants of OLP- Olympiad of the Portuguese Language – Writing the Future/OLP, a national competition of composing that take part students of the Fifth Grade of elementary school to Third Grade of high school of the public educational networks. It tries to reflect on the functionality of the interventions produced for two participants teachers of OLP with intention by trying to improve the text of their students when they write. In total, they were collected 40 (forty) texts, 35 (thirty-five) by students of the class from teacher P1 and 5 (five) texts from teacher P2, these being of the same pupil. All students are students of high school of State Public Network from Maceió-AL. For purposes of this work, they were analyzed 8 (eight) texts, 2 (two) of them of textual genre Literary Memory and 6 (six) of genre Opinion Article. For this, we delimited the theoretical basis about dialogism and interaction starting from studies by Bakhtin (1926;1986) and Serafini (1989); the questions and discussions about didactic interference with Calil (2000), Dolz, Gagnon & Decândio (2010) and Ruiz (2010), among others. In the initial analysis of the corpus , it was observed an incidence on the regulatory aspects of the language; however, with the walk of analysis, it was identified other structural issues of language that, in our view, they can be justified by group of factors which may involve the formation of each instructor the research. / Este trabalho apresenta uma reflexão sobre a intervenção didática no processo de produção textual de alunos de escolas públicas participantes da OLP - Olimpíada de Língua Portuguesa Escrevendo o Futuro/OLP, um concurso nacional de redação em que participam alunos dos 5º ano do ensino fundamental ao 3º ano do ensino médio das redes públicas de ensino. Reflete sobre a funcionalidade das intervenções produzidas por duas professoras participantes da OLP com o intuito de tentar melhorar o texto dos seus alunos quando escrevem. Ao total, foram coletados 40 textos, sendo 35, de alunos da turma da professora P1 e 5 (cinco) textos da professora P2, sendo estes de uma mesma aluna. Todos os alunos são estudantes do Ensino Médio da Rede Pública Estadual de Maceió-AL. Para os fins deste trabalho, foram analisados 7 textos, sendo dois do gênero textual Memória Literária e cinco do gênero Artigo de Opinião. Para isto, delimitamos a base teórica sobre dialogismo e interação a partir dos estudos de Bakhtin (1926; 1986) e Serafini (1989); os questionamentos e discussões sobre interferência didática com Calil (2000), Dolz, Gagnon & Decândio (2010) e Ruiz (2010), entre outros. Nas análises iniciais do corpus, observou-se uma incidência sobre os aspectos normativos da língua; no entanto, com o caminhar das análises, identificou-se outros tipos de intervenções questões que, ao nosso ver, podem ser justificadas por conjunto de fatores que pode envolver a formação de cada docente da pesquisa.
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Ensino de Química e Saberes populares em uma escola do CampoMattos, Gileine Garcia de 10 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Simone Maisonave (simonemaisonave@hotmail.com) on 2016-08-25T16:24:06Z
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Gileine Garcia de Mattos_Dissertacao (1).pdf: 5263434 bytes, checksum: 24e1a5ba444ba0928accdbc6ecdd7dcb (MD5)
Gileine Garcia de Mattos_Produto da Dissertacao (2).pdf: 3192320 bytes, checksum: 7824b36f6bb300664ab8f31ae85f3e26 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T16:58:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3
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Gileine Garcia de Mattos_Dissertacao (1).pdf: 5263434 bytes, checksum: 24e1a5ba444ba0928accdbc6ecdd7dcb (MD5)
Gileine Garcia de Mattos_Produto da Dissertacao (2).pdf: 3192320 bytes, checksum: 7824b36f6bb300664ab8f31ae85f3e26 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-04-10 / Sem bolsa / Essa dissertação de mestrado refere-se a uma proposição de reorganização curricular de Química para o 1º ano do Ensino Médio Politécnico de uma escola do campo, no município de Herval/RS, visando considerar, valorizar e validar os saberes populares dos alunos como eixo organizacional dos conteúdos de Química ensinados. A investigação consistiu em uma análise do Projeto Pedagógico e dos planos de ensino de Química do 1º ano do Ensino Médio Politécnico, uma pesquisa com alunos do mesmo ano da Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio e Fundamental Corintho Ávila Escobar, para levantamento dos seus saberes populares e, a partir desse levantamento, propor ações em uma intervenção didática que utilizasse conhecimentos da ciência para explicar as práticas vivenciadas pelos sujeitos, sendo os registros das atividades realizadas e das manifestações dos estudantes, feitos em diário de campo. As ações desenvolvidas permitiram tratar conteúdos de Química, como também conteúdos que envolvem outras áreas de conhecimentos. A metodologia para o ensino contou com recursos e estratégias para que os alunos tivessem uma participação ativa, sendo o acompanhamento de desempenho dos estudantes avaliado ao longo de todo o trabalho. A proposta de ensino fez com que a escola sofresse mudanças com relação à organização de tempos e espaços para atender alunos que circulavam na escola fora do seu turno regular de aulas, bem como com relação ao currículo e às práticas desenvolvidas. Foi possível observar que ao promover um ensino de Química contextualizado, com valorização dos saberes populares dos alunos, aumentam as possibilidades das aprendizagens serem significativas. / This Master Thesis refers to a proposal for curricular reorganization of the discipline of Chemistry addressed to the 1st year of the Ensino Médio Politécnico of a field school in the town of Herval/RS, in order to analyze, evaluate and validate the popular knowledge of students as organizational axis of the Chemistry content taught by the teacher. The research constitutes an analysis of the educational project and of the educational plans of Chemistry of the 1st year of the Escola Politécnica, a
survey of students of the same year in the Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio e Fundamental Corintho Ávila Escobar, in order to search for their popular knowledge and, from this survey, propose actions in a didactic intervention that utilizes knowledge of science to explain the practices experienced by the subjects, and the records of the activities and demonstrations of the students, were made in a field diary. The actions developed allowed to treat chemical content, as well as, the content that involves other areas of knowledge. The methodology for teaching counted on resources and strategies for the students to have an active participation, and the monitoring of the performance of students evaluated throughout the job. The education proposal meant that the school suffered changes in relation to the organization of time and space to suit students who circulated at school outside of their regular classes, as well as, in relation to the curriculum and practices developed. It was observed that in encouraging a contextualized chemistry teaching, with an appreciation of popular knowledge of the students, the possibilities of learning are more meaningful.
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La dynamique des centres d'apprentissage de la langue francaise [CALF] du Tchad : les enjeux d'une formation en francais langue seconde. / Dynamics of the French language learning centres [FLLC] in Chad : The issues of French as a Second Language training.Diop, Aminata 29 October 2010 (has links)
La présente étude est une contribution à la compréhension des stratégies et initiatives de diffusion de la langue française ainsi qu’à leurs effets réels. Elle se situe au Tchad, un espace négroafricain de contact entre deux communautés linguistiques mondialisées : la francophonie et l’arabophonie. L’objectif du travail consiste à examiner la dynamique de l’instance d’intervention didactique que sont les CALF, lieu de partage de pouvoirs et d’intérêts entre le Tchad et la France. L’analyse du contexte linguistique et éducatif tourmenté du Tchad permet de comprendre les enjeux de l’émergence de cet « appareil » formatif et d’apprécier l’influence des diverses politiques sur son évolution. Les modalités de partage des rôles entre les deux Etats et la fonctionnalité du triangle didactique sont décortiquées et évaluées. Le rythme et les conditions d’une réelle autonomisation du réseau des CALF sont discutés en particulier en matière de formation des enseignants. Enfin, l’examen de l’intégration des apprenants arabophones dans le tissu administratif et économique francophone du Tchad permet d’estimer l’impact des CALF et son utilité sociale pour cette nation en construction. Les données et analyses produites se veulent informatives, pragmatiques et valorisables pour le développement futur de cette institution au montage original. / This study contributes to understand strategies, initiatives and genuine effects of French language dissemination. It’s set in Chad, a black African space connecting two globalized linguistics communities : the French-speaking world and the Arabic-speaking world. This work aims to investigate dynamics of FLLC as a didactic intervention authority and a sharing place of powers and interests between Chad and France. Chad choppy linguistic and educational context analysis allows understanding the emergence issues of this training system and appraising the influence of the various policies on its evolution. Practical details of dividing out roles between the two states and functionality of didactic triangle are dissected and assessed. Cadence and conditions of FLLC network genuine independence are argued more particularly about the training of teachers. Finally the analysis of the Arabic-speaking learner integration in Chad French-speaking economic and administrative network allows estimating FLLC impact and its social utility for this nation in construction. Data and analysis produced claim to be instructive, pragmatic and useful for the coming development of this original organisation institution.
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Effets de l’introduction d’une approche plurielle fondée sur des langues inconnues sur le système didactique : des éléments de cadrage à la mise en place expérimentale en classe d’anglais au collège / Effects of the introduction of a pluralist approach based upon unknown languages on the didactic system : from framework to experimental implementation in English class at lower secondary schoolDahm, Rebecca 07 November 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale s’inscrit dans le cadre de la didactique de l’anglais et prend appui sur les champs théoriques propres à la didactique des langues et aux sciences du langage. Elle a pour objet l’étude de l’introduction d’approches plurielles fondées sur les langues inconnues (APLI) au sein du cours d’anglais et cherche à comprendre les effets d’une telle modification du savoir sur les acteurs de la relation pédagogique (l’élève et l’enseignant). Une quasi-expérimentation fut menée sur l’année scolaire 2011-2012 dans cinq classes de collège, de niveau cinquième. Les élèves, regroupés par tétrades, ont successivement été confrontés à trois langues inconnues (néerlandais, italien et finnois). Pour chacune de ces langues, ils ont été amenés à résoudre des problèmes d’ordre métasémantique, métasyntaxique, puis métaphonologique. Après avoir circonscrit le cadre institutionnel et théorique nécessaire à l’étude, le cadre méthodologique est précisé. Puis est abordée l’analyse des effets de la modification du savoir devenu plurilingue, tant sur les élèves que sur les enseignants. Lorsqu’on observe les effets des APLI sur la relation Savoir-Professeur, on constate que cette modification didactique a permis aux enseignants de mieux comprendre les concepts de situation-problème, de conceptualisation, de stratégies d’apprentissage et de compétence. La transposition didactique s’en trouve modifiée : les enseignants ont progressivement été amenés à concevoir des séquences didactiques donnant plus de place à l’élève, avec des exigences plus élevées. L’étude de la relation Enseignant-Élève met en exergue une modification de la pratique, essentiellement liée à la mise en place du travail de groupe. Le rôle de l’enseignant est alors révisé : il devient facilitateur du travail qui s’effectue en collaboration au sein du groupe. Finalement, l’analyse de la relation Savoir-Élève souligne la nécessaire conscientisation qui mène vers le développement de compétences plurilingues et la mise en œuvre de stratégies d’apprentissage transférables à l’étude de la L2. / This doctoral research work is embedded in the field of language didactics and is equally based on the linguistics and cognitive theoretical fields. Its main goal is to study the introduction of pluralistic approaches based on unknown languages (PAUL) within the English class, at lower secondary school. It seeks to understand the effects of such a change of knowledge on the actors of the pedagogical relationship (student and teacher). A quasi-experiment was conducted in 2011-2012 in five year 7 and four year 9 forms. Students, in groups of four, were successively confronted to three unknown languages (Dutch, Italian and Finnish). They were asked to solve metasemantic, metasyntactic or metaphonological problems in turn, for each of these languages. This doctoral work first explores the institutional and theoretical framework. Then, it presents the methodological framework so as to be able to analyze the effects of the change of the knowledge parameter which has become multilingual, both on the students and the teachers. When looking into the effects of PAUL on the Knowledge-Teacher relationship, we observe that it enables teachers to better apprehend concepts such as problem-solving, conceptualisation, learning strategies and competence. The didactic transposition is hence modified: teachers have gradually been led to develop teaching sequences with higher standards giving more space to the student. The study of the Teacher-Student relationship highlights a change in practice, mainly due to the implementation of group work. The role of the teacher is then revised: he becomes a facilitator of the collaborative learning. Finally, the analysis of the Knowledge-Student relationship underlines the necessary awareness that leads to the development of multilingual competences through the implementation of learning strategies which appear to be transferable to the study of L2.
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