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Měření symetrického a nesymetrického rušení na napájecích vodičích / Differential and Common Mode Conducted Emissions MeasurementMatýsek, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This work deals with interfering signals and noises, possibilities of their measurement, their reduction and afterwards with design of LISN. The theoretical part analyzes formation of interfering signals, their types, with possible measuring instruments for each type of these signals and their properties. In framework of practical part LISN for long-term load of 5A, frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz, with possibility to measure symmetrical and asymmetrical noise separately and also with possibility to switch to normal mode of LISN was developed. For better results LISN was realized as two stage LC filter.
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Měření a analýza středofrekvenčního rušení v distribučních sítích / Measurement and analysis of audio-frequency differential disturbances in distribution systemsDoseděl, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with voltage disturbances in audio-frequency propagated in distribution networks. In the theoretical part, a creation and effect of these interferences are discussed as well as current methods of their measurement. In the practical part of the thesis, a measurement device based on a frequency filter was developed. This measurement device is able to measure audio-frequency disturbances up to 250kHz without suppresion of audio-frequency disturbances. The maximum frequency on the output is limited by either 125kHz or 250 kHz filter.
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Modular Approach for Characterizing and Modeling Conducted EMI Emissions in Power ConvertersLiu, Qian 22 November 2005 (has links)
With the development of power electronics, electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues have become more and more important for both power converter designers and customers. This dissertation studies EMI noise emission characterization and modeling in power converters.
A modular-terminal-behavioral (MTB) equivalent EMI noise source modeling approach is proposed. This work is the first to systematically develop a 3-terminal EMI noise source model for a switching phase-leg device module. Each module is modeled as pairs of equivalent noise current sources and source impedances. Although the proposed MTB modeling approach applies the linear circuit theory to a semiconductor switching device, which exhibits nonlinear behavior during switching transients, the analysis and experiments show that the nonlinearity has negligible practical effect on the modeling methodology. The validation range of the modeling methodology has been analyzed.
One of the differences between the proposed MTB model and the other state-of-the-art models is that the MTB model characterizes and predicts the CM and DM noise simultaneously. The inseparable high-frequency CM and DM noise characteristics contributed by the source impedance and propagation path are analyzed. A comprehensive evaluation of different EMI noise source modeling approaches according to the criteria of accuracy, feasibility and generality has been presented. Results show that the MTB modeling approach is more accurate, feasible and general than other approaches.
The modular and terminal characteristics of the MTB noise source model are verified in two more complicated cases. One example is the application of the MTB equivalent source model in a half-bridge AC converter with variable switching conditions. Although the MTB model is derived under a certain operating condition, the models under different conditions can be combined together to predict the EMI noise for the converter with variable switching conditions. Another example is the application of the MTB equivalent source model in multi-phase-leg converters. The EMI noise of a full-bridge converter is predicted based on the MTB equivalent source model of one phase-leg module. The implementation procedures and results for both applications are verified by the experiment. The applicability of the MTB model in different type of converters is discussed.
Based on the MTB model, EMI noise management is explored. The parametric study based on the MTB model is demonstrated by selecting DC-link decoupling capacitors for voltage source converter (VSC). The EMI effect of a decoupling capacitor for a device s safe operation is analyzed, and this analysis shows the terminal characteristics of the MTB model. Both the EMI and voltage overshoot are predicted by the MTB model. A completed converter-level EMI model can be derived based on the noise source model and propagation path model. This model makes it possible to optimize the EMI filter design and study the EMI noise interactions between converters in a power conversion system. / Ph. D.
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Modeling and Characterization of Power Electronic Converters with an Integrated Transmission-Line FilterBaisden, Andrew Carson 24 July 2006 (has links)
In this work, a modeling approach is delineated and described in detail; predominantly done in the time domain from low frequency, DC, to high frequencies, 100 MHz. Commercially available computer aided design tools will be used to determine the propagation path in a given structure. Next, an integrated transmission-line filter — fabricated using planar processing technologies — is modeled to accurately predict the EMI characteristics of the system. A method was derived to model the filter's performance in the time-domain while accurately depicting the highly frequency dependant transmission-line properties. A system model of a power factor correction (PFC) boost converter was completed by using active device models for diodes, MOSFETs, and the gate driver. In addition, equivalent circuits were used to characterize high frequency impedances of the passive components.
A PFC boost converter was built and used to validate the model. The PFC operated at a peak output power of 1 kW, switching at 400 kHz, with a universal input ranging from 90-270 VRMS with unity power factor. The time-domain and EMI frequency spectrum waveforms are experimentally measured and agree very well with the simulated values; within 5 dB for EMI.
The transmission-line filter was also manufactured for model verification, and it is tested for the first time with an operating converter: a PFC at 50 W output and 50 VDC input. The small signal characteristics match the model very well. In addition, impedance interactions between the filter, the converter, and the EMI measurement set-up are discussed, evaluated, measured, and improved to minimize undesired resonances and increase low-frequency EMI attenuation. Experimentally measured attenuation provided by the filter in the range from 100 kHz to 100 MHz was 20-50 dBμV. The simulation also shows a similar attenuation, with the exception of one key resonance not seen in the simulation. / Master of Science
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Conception de convertisseurs électroniques de puissance à faible impact électromagnétique intégrant de nouvelles technologies d'interrupteurs à semi-conducteurs / Design of electronic low-impact electromagnetic power converters incorporating new semiconductor switch technologiesRondon-Pinilla, Eliana 18 June 2014 (has links)
Actuellement, le développement de semiconducteurs et la demande croissante de convertisseurs en électronique de puissance dans les différents domaines de l’énergie électrique, notamment pour des applications dans l’aéronautique et les réseaux de transport et de distribution, imposent de nouvelles spécifications comme le fonctionnement à hautes fréquences de commutation, densités de puissance élevées, hautes températures et hauts rendements. Tout ceci contribue au fort développement des composants en SiC (Carbure de Silicium). Cependant, ces composants créent de nouvelles contraintes en Compatibilité Electromagnétique (CEM) à cause des conditions de haute fréquence de commutation et fortes vitesses de commutation (forts di/dt et dv/dt) en comparaison à d’autres composants conventionnels de l'électronique de puissance. Une étude des perturbations générées par les composants SiC est donc nécessaire. L'objectif de ce travail est de donner aux ingénieurs amenés à concevoir des convertisseurs une méthode capable de prédire les niveaux d'émissions conduites générées par un convertisseur électronique de puissance qui intègre des composants en SiC. La nouveauté du travail présenté dans cette thèse est l’intégration de différents modèles de type circuit pour tous les constituants d’un convertisseur (un hacheur série est pris comme exemple). Le modèle est valable pour une gamme de fréquences de 40Hz à 30MHz. Des approches de modélisation des parties passives du convertisseur sont présentées. Ces approches sont différentes selon que les composants modélisés soient disponibles ou à concevoir : elles sont basées sur des mesures pour la charge et les capacités ; elles sont basées sur des simulations prédictives pour routage du convertisseur. Le modèle complet du convertisseur (éléments passifs et actifs) est utilisé en simulation pour prédire les émissions conduites reçues dans le réseau stabilisateur d’impédance de ligne. Le modèle est capable de prédire l'impact de différents paramètres comme le routage, les paramètres de contrôle comme les différents rapports cycliques et les résistances de grille avec des résultats satisfaisants dans les domaines temporels et fréquentiels. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le modèle peut prédire les perturbations en mode conduit pour les différents cas jusqu'à une fréquence de 15MHz. Finalement, une étude paramétrique du convertisseur a été élaborée. Cette étude a permis de voir l’influence de la qualité des différents modèles comme les éléments parasites du routage, des composants passifs et actifs et d'identifier les éléments qui ont besoin d’un modèle précis pour avoir des résultats valides dans la prédiction des perturbations conduites. / The recent technological progress of semiconductors and increasing demand for power electronic converters in the different domains of electric energy particularly for applications in aeronautics and networks of transport and distribution impose new specifications such as high frequencies, high voltages, high temperatures and high current densities. All of this contributes in the strong development of SiC (Silicon Carbide) components. However these components create new issues in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) because of the conditions of high frequency switching and high commutation speeds (high di/dt and dv/dt) compared to other conventional components in power electronics. A precise study of the emissions generated by SiC components is therefore necessary. The aim of this work is to give a method able to predict levels of conducted emissions generated by a power electronics converter with SiC components to engineers which design power converters. The novelty of the work presented in this thesis is the integration of different modeling approaches to form a circuit model of a SiC-based converter (a buck dc–dc converter is considered as an example). The modeling approach is validated in the frequency range from 40Hz to 30MHz. Modeling approaches of the passive parts of the converter are presented. Theses approaches differs according to whether the component is existing or to be designed : they are based on measurements for the load and capacitors; they are based on numerical computation and analytical formulations for PCB. The complete model obtained (passive and active components) is used in simulations to predict the conducted emissions received by the line impedance stabilization network. The model is able to predict the impact of various parameters such as PCB routing, the control parameters like duty cycles and different gate resistors in the time and frequency domains. A good agreement is obtained in all cases up to a frequency of 15MHz. Finally, a parametric study of the converter has been elaborated. This study allowed to see the influence of different models such as parasitic elements of the PCB, passive and active components and to identify the elements that need a precise model to obtain valid results in the prediction of conducted EMI.
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Modélisation CEM des équipements aéronautiques : aide à la qualification de l’essai BCI / EMC modeling of aeronautical equipment : support for the qualification of the BCI testCheaito, Hassan 06 November 2017 (has links)
L’intégration de l’électronique dans des environnements sévères d’un point de vue électromagnétique a entraîné en contrepartie l’apparition de problèmes de compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM) entre les différents systèmes. Afin d’atteindre un niveau de performance satisfaisant, des tests de sécurité et de certification sont nécessaires. Ces travaux de thèse, réalisés dans le cadre du projet SIMUCEDO (SIMUlation CEM basée sur la norme DO-160), contribuent à la modélisation du test de qualification "Bulk Current Injection" (BCI). Ce test, abordé dans la section 20 dans la norme DO-160 dédiée à l’aéronautique, est désormais obligatoire pour une très grande gamme d’équipements aéronautiques. Parmi les essais de qualification, le test BCI est l’un des plus contraignants et consommateurs du temps. Sa modélisation assure un gain de temps, et une meilleure maîtrise des paramètres qui influencent le passage des tests CEM. La modélisation du test a été décomposée en deux parties : l’équipement sous test (EST) d’une part, et la pince d’injection avec les câbles d’autre part. Dans cette thèse, seul l’EST est pris en compte. Une modélisation "boîte grise" a été proposée en associant un modèle "boîte noire" avec un modèle "extensif". Le modèle boîte noire s’appuie sur la mesure des impédances standards. Son identification se fait avec un modèle en pi. Le modèle extensif permet d’étudier plusieurs configurations de l’EST en ajustant les paramètres physiques. L’assemblage des deux modèles en un modèle boîte grise a été validé sur un convertisseur analogique-numérique (CAN). Une autre approche dénommée approche modale en fonction du mode commun (MC) et du mode différentiel (MD) a été proposée. Elle se base sur les impédances modales du système sous test. Des PCB spécifiques ont été conçus pour valider les équations développées. Une investigation est menée pour définir rigoureusement les impédances modales. Nous avons démontré qu’il y a une divergence entre deux définitions de l’impédance de MC dans la littérature. Ainsi, la conversion de mode (ou rapport Longitudinal Conversion Loss : LCL) a été quantifiée grâce à ces équations. Pour finir, le modèle a été étendu à N-entrées pour représenter un EST de complexité industrielle. Le modèle de l’EST est ensuite associé avec celui de la pince et des câbles travaux réalisés au G2ELAB. Des mesures expérimentales ont été faites pour valider le modèle complet. D’après ces mesures, le courant de MC est impacté par la mise en œuvre des câbles ainsi que celle de l’EST. Il a été montré que la connexion du blindage au plan de masse est le paramètre le plus impactant sur la distribution du courant de MC. / Electronic equipments intended to be integrated in aircrafts are subjected to normative requirements. EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) qualification tests became one of the mandatory requirements. This PhD thesis, carried out within the framework of the SIMUCEDO project (SIMulation CEM based on the DO-160 standard), contributes to the modeling of the Bulk Current Injection (BCI) qualification test. Concept, detailed in section 20 in the DO-160 standard, is to generate a noise current via cables using probe injection, then monitor EUT satisfactorily during test. Among the qualification tests, the BCI test is one of the most constraining and time consuming. Thus, its modeling ensures a saving of time, and a better control of the parameters which influence the success of the equipment under test. The modeling of the test was split in two parts : the equipment under test (EUT) on one hand, and the injection probe with the cables on the other hand. This thesis focuses on the EUT modeling. A "gray box" modeling was proposed by associating the "black box" model with the "extensive" model. The gray box is based on the measurement of standard impedances. Its identification is done with a "pi" model. The model, having the advantage of taking into account several configurations of the EUT, has been validated on an analog to digital converter (ADC). Another approach called modal, in function of common mode and differential mode, has been proposed. It takes into account the mode conversion when the EUT is asymmetrical. Specific PCBs were designed to validate the developed equations. An investigation was carried out to rigorously define the modal impedances, in particular the common mode (CM) impedance. We have shown that there is a discrepancy between two definitions of CM impedance in the literature. Furthermore, the mode conversion ratio (or the Longitudinal Conversion Loss : LCL) was quantified using analytical equations based on the modal approach. An N-input model has been extended to include industrial complexity. The EUT model is combined with the clamp and the cables model (made by the G2ELAB laboratory). Experimental measurements have been made to validate the combined model. According to these measurements, the CM current is influenced by the setup of the cables as well as the EUT. It has been shown that the connection of the shield to the ground plane is the most influent parameter on the CM current distribution.
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Integrated CM Filter for Single-Phase and Three-Phase PWM RectifiersHedayati, Mohammad Hassan January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The use of insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)-based power converters is increasing exponentially. This is due to high performance of these devices in terms of efficiency and switching speed. However, due to the switching action, high frequency electromagnetic interference (EMI) noises are generated. Design of a power converter with reduced EMI noise level is one of the primary objectives of this research.
The first part of the work focuses on designing common-mode (CM) filters, which can be integrated with differential-mode (DM) filters for three-phase pulse-width modulation (PWM) rectifier-based motor drives. This work explores the filter design based on the CM equivalent circuit of the drive system. Guidelines are provided for selection of the filter components. Different variants of the filter topology are evaluated to establish the effectiveness of the proposed topology. Analytical results based on Bode plot of the transfer functions are presented, which suggest effective EMI reduction. Experimental results based on EMI measurement on the grid side and CM current measurement on the motor side are presented. These results validate the effectiveness of the filter.
In the second part of the work, it is shown that inclusion of CM filters into DM filters results in resonance oscillations in the CM circuit. An active damping strategy is proposed to damp the oscillations in both line-to-line and line-to-ground ac voltages and currents. An approach based on pole placement by state feedback is used to actively damp both the DM and CM filter oscillations. Analytical expressions for state-feedback controller gains are derived for both continuous-and discrete-time models of the filter. Trade-off in selection of the active damping gain on the lower-order grid current harmonics is analysed using a weighted admittance function method.
In the third part of the work, single-phase grid-connected power converters are considered. An integrated CM filter with DM LCL filter is proposed. The work explores the suitability of PWM methods for single-phase and parallel single-phase grid-connected power converters. It is found that bipolar PWM and unipolar PWM with 180◦interleaving angle are suitable for single-phase and parallel single-phase power converters, respectively. The proposed configuration along with the PWM methods reduces the CM voltage, CM current, and EMI noise level effectively. It is also shown that the suggested circuit is insensitive to nonidealities of the power converter such as dead-time mismatch, mismatch in converter-side inductors, unequal turn on and turn off of the switches, and propagation delays.
In the fourth part of the work, the inter-phase inductor in parallel interleaved power converters is integrated with LCL filter boost inductor. Different variant designs are presented and compared with the proposed structure. It is shown that the proposed structure makes use of standard core geometries and consumes lesser core material as well as copper wire. Hence, it reduces the overall size and cost of the power converter.
In the present work, a 10kVA three-phase back-to-back connected with input LCL filter and output dv/dt filter, a 5kVA single-phase grid-connected power converter with LCL filter, and a 7.5kVA parallel single-phase grid-connected power converter with LCL filter are fabricated in the laboratory to evaluate and validate the proposed methods. The experimental results validate the proposed methods that result in significant EMI performance improvement of grid-connected power converters.
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Modélisation haute-fréquence des variateurs de vitesse pour aéronefs : contribution au dimensionnement et à l'optimisation de filtres CEM / High frequency Modeling of electrical drives for aircrafts : Contribution to the design and optimization of EMI filtersToure, Baïdy Birame 06 June 2012 (has links)
Depuis une bonne dizaine d'année, l'aéronautique a entamé sa mutation vers le "plus électrique".L'objectif étant de réduire la consommation de carburant, une des contraintes majeures de ces nouvelles solutions est de réduire la masse embarquée. Les filtres dimensionnés pour les convertisseurs statiques doivent donc être optimisés au mieux vis-à-vis de ce critère, ainsi que du volume. Il y a donc un fort besoin du côté des concepteurs d’avions de savoir quels choix parmi les différentes possibilités technologiques sont optimaux, et de connaître l'impact de ces choix sur le poids, le coût global et le volume de l'équipement. Le filtre CEM représente généralement environ 30% du coût et du volume d'un convertisseur électronique de puissance. Il va de soi que le volume et/ou la masse de ces filtres doit être optimisé. L'impact de la loi de commande du convertisseur, le choix des semi-conducteurs, du packaging, câbles (longueur et intégration dans l’avion), des machines électriques,...doivent être parfaitement connus pour atteindre un dimensionnement optimal.Dans cette perspective, les objectifs de ces travaux de thèse visent à fournir non seulement une démarche méthodologique pour la modélisation haute fréquence des variateurs de vitesse dédiés aux applications aéronautiques mais aussi une approche de dimensionnement par optimisation des filtres CEM. Pour cela, un outil logiciel évolutif d’aide à la génération rapide des modèles CEM est proposé. Une description modulaire et une mise en équation automatique du modèle fréquentiel complet ainsi que des gradients en facilitent l'utilisation en procédures d’optimisation sous contraintes. L’approche présentée dans ces travaux est relativement générique : la topologie du filtre, de la structure du convertisseur, du câblage et la loi de commande peuvent être facilement recalculées, grâce à cet environnement logiciel. / The More Electrical Aircraft concept is very promising regarding energy saves, but generates new problems, and especially the emergence of new power electronics loads on the electrical network. Keeping the same level of safety in the aircraft means developing these switching mode converters in accordance with the aircraft standards, as the DO160. This is not obvious since weights of equipments are especially constrained: indeed, the objective of weight and energy save needs to be balanced with the additional weight and volume of the required EMI filters. There is thus a strong need in helping the aircraft designers to choose among the various technological possibilities, and to know the impact of these choices on the global weight, cost and volume of the embedded equipments. The EMI filter usually represents roughly 30% of the cost and volume of a power electronics converter, and it is very important to optimize it. The impact of the converter control law, semiconductors choice, interconnects realization, harness selection and placement, electrical motors characteristics… should be perfectly known in order to reach a good system design. In this perspective, the objectives of this thesis are to provide not only an approach for modelling high frequency variable speed drives dedicated to aerospace applications but also a methodology to optimize the required EMI filters. For this purpose, new architecture software dedicated to the rapid generation of EMC models is proposed. A modular description and a complete automatic model generation facilitate the use by the designer in optimization procedures thanks to automatic gradient computation.The methodology presented in this work is not specifically developed for a given application. It is a very generic approach: the topology of the filter, the structure of the inverters, interconnects and the control law can be easily recalculated, using this software environment. Consequently, the impact of all these elements on the electromagnetic disturbances can be characterized, and the EMI filter optimized.
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Investigation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of low-voltage (<60V) DC electric motors in construction machinery applicationLuong, David, Salloum, Ibrahim January 2019 (has links)
The brushed DC motor is a source of electromagnetic emission that may cause interference. The main issues with brushed DC motor are arcing, which occurs between the brushes and commutator, and inrush current. It is possible to decrease the electromagnetic emissions by addressing the source (brushed dc motor) and the installation. The source may be addressed by using filters in the form of X2Y-capacitors on the terminals or ferrites on the cables. The installation does not produce any emission, but it is possible to lower its contribution. This is done by altering the installation like changing the placement of cables and provide good coupling. An effective way of decreasing inrush currents is by using negative-thermal-coefficient (NTC) thermistors. Another measure to improve the EMC properties of the brushed DC motor is to design the motor so that it can trap EM emissions. Some of these parameters are motor house material, end-cap material, vent holes or slots on motor housing, placement of power terminals, crimping tabs and motor enclosure.
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Corrente de fuga em inversores monofásicos sem transformador para conexão de sistemas fotovoltaicos à rede de distribuição de energia elétrica: análise e proposta de filtro passivo integrado de modo comum e diferencial. / Leakage current in single-phase transformerless inverters for the connection of photovoltaic systems to the distribution grid: analysis and proposal of an integrates common and differential mode passive filter.Ricardo Souza Figueredo 21 May 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a corrente de fuga de modo comum em inversores monofásicos sem transformador utilizados para a conexão de sistemas fotovoltaicos (FV) à rede de distribuição de energia elétrica. O estudo se concentra em inversores do tipo fonte de tensão que empregam a topologia em ponte completa. A partir da adequada modelagem do sistema (rede, conversor e módulo fotovoltaico) identifica-se e quantifica-se a contribuição das tensões de modo comum e modo diferencial para a corrente de fuga. Conclui-se que a tensão de modo comum de alta frequência produzida pelo inversor, que depende da estratégia de modulação por largura de pulso (PWM Pulse Width Modulation) empregada, fornece a maior contribuição para produção da corrente de fuga. Esse estudo mostra que os inversores sem transformador, com topologia em ponte completa e modulação que produz tensão de saída com três níveis, necessitam de medidas adicionais para a minimização da corrente fuga quando aplicados em sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede. Algumas soluções propostas na literatura para a minimização da corrente de fuga baseadas em topologias modificadas e filtros de modo comum são listadas e discutidas. Neste trabalho é proposto um filtro integrado de modo comum e modo diferencial com amortecimento passivo de baixas perdas, para minimizar a corrente de fuga produzida por um inversor monofásico sem transformador. Um exemplo de aplicação do filtro proposto é apresentado juntamente com seu procedimento de projeto, resultados de simulação e experimentais que validam a proposta. Além disso, a influência da variação da indutância da rede elétrica e da capacitância parasita do sistema fotovoltaico no comportamento do filtro proposto é analisada. A influência da variação da indutância da rede no comportamento do sistema de controle e o impacto da corrente de modo comum no projeto dos indutores do lado do conversor também são analisados. / This paper presents a study on the common mode leakage current in single-phase transformerless inverters for grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems. The study focuses on voltage source inverters (VSI) employing the full-bridge topology. The common mode and differential mode voltages that contribute to the leakage current are identified and quantified from the analysis of the system model (utility grid, converter and PV module). The system model analysis shows that the high frequency common mode voltage produced by the inverter, which depends on the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) strategy, is the main source contributing to the leakage current. This work shows that transformerless inverters employing the full-bridge topology and a modulation strategy that produces a three-level output voltage require some leakage current minimization strategy when they are employed in grid-connected PV systems. Some solutions proposed in the literature for leakage current minimization based on modified topologies and common mode filters are listed and discussed. In this dissertation an integrated common and differential filter with low loss passive damping is proposed to minimize the leakage current produced by a single-phase transformerless PV inverter. An application example of the proposed filter is presented with design procedure, simulation and experimental results validating the proposal. Additionally, the influence of grid inductance and PV module parasitic capacitance variations on the behavior of the proposed filter is analyzed. The behavior of the control system considering the grid inductance variation and the impact of the common mode current on the converter side inductors design are also analyzed.
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