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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uses and Nonuses of Patented Inventions

Jung, Taehyun 19 December 2009 (has links)
Innovation comprises the processes of invention and commercialization. While the importance of innovation, especially commercialization, has been widely recognized, existing studies have largely overlooked the commercialization process. By examining the determinants of uses and nonuses of patented inventions from firms at the levels of technology, organization, and project/invention, this study attempts to help fill a critical gap in the literature. In doing so, it enriches theoretical understandings of innovation and, in particular, builds on the evolutionary explanation of technology development, the Teecian framework on profiting from innovation, Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), the Knowledge-Based View (KBV), and open innovation and innovation network perspectives. It also reveals an empirical reality of commercial use and strategic nonuse of patents. The study is based on a novel dataset constructed from multiple sources: inventor surveys, the United States Patent and Trademark Office online database, and COMPUSTAT, among others. After examining the factors affecting overall propensity to commercialize patented inventions, this study explores the factors that affect the organizational paths of commercialization. The empirical estimation indicates that technological uncertainty and a strong internal position of complementary assets raise the propensity for internal commercialization. The study argues that openness of innovation processes and network relationships should affect the choice of commercialization paths. Consistent with the hypotheses, empirical estimations show that external industrial knowledge increases the propensity of internal commercialization. The study also indicates that collaboration has diverging effects on the choice of commercialization paths. While collaboration with firms in vertical relationships tends to favor internal commercialization, collaboration with firms in horizontal relationships tends to favor external commercialization (licensing, start-up). Finally, the study reports findings on the strategic use of patents and then tests hypotheses about the factors driving strategic nonuse. It concludes that a significant portion of U.S. patents are indeed filed for strategic reasons. It also finds that characteristics of technology and firms are significantly associated with different strategies. In particular, firms are more likely to use a patent for strategic defensive purposes when they have larger amounts of assets. The study concludes with discussing managerial and policy implications.

WHO CC Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres og deres rolle i Safe-Community bevegelsen : En studie av organisering, utvikling og framtid / WHO CC Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres and their role in the Safe Community movement. : A study of organisation, development and future

Nygaard, Bjørn January 2007 (has links)
Den internasjonale Safe-Community (SC) bevegelsen vokser stadig. Denne studien setter søkelyset på de såkalte Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres (ASC) og deres rolle i bevegelsen. SC-begrepet blir behandlet både som en innovasjon og som en organisasjons- modell som utbres etter Rogers og Røviks teorier. ASCene ses på som ”forandrings-agenturer” i følge disse teoriene. Studien er en case-study i følge Yin, og dekker 9 av ialt 15 ASCer. Tre av dem har mistet sin status som ASC, seks av dem har sin status i behold. De følgende fem påstander blir studert: 1)Det er ingen forskjell i hvordan sentrene har utøvet sin rolle som årsak til at noen mister sin status og andre ikke. 2)Årsakene til at noen mister sin status ligger i interne organisasjonsmessige, personalmessige eller økonomiske forhold. 3) ASC’ene og deres oppgaver er ikke særlig godt kjent blant ”brukerne” 4)ASC’ene har et svakt eller lite bevisst forhold til det teoretiske og vitenskapelige grunnlag for spredningsprosesser 5)SC-begrepet oppfattes i liten grad som en organisasjonsmodell på linje med andre organisasjonsmodeller. Data ble samlet inn fra spørreskjemaundersøkelser, skriftlig materiale og intervju. Materialet omfatter alle ”nivåer” i SC-bevegelsen. Alle fem påstander ble styrket av materialet. Studien har ledet til følgende konklusjoner og anbefalinger som forhåpentligvis kan styrke både renommé og effektivitet i SC-bevegelsen og lette arbeidet i ASCene: Organisasjonsteori og organisasjonsspørsmål må i langt større grad settes på dagsorden i bevegelsen. Vekst og utbredelse av SC-”ideén” får for stor plass i forhold til konsolidering. Det forekommer konflikter mellom ASC-arbeidet og andre arbeidsoppgaver. Det gjelder særlig når det gjelder prioriteringen mellom forsking og arbeidet med å utbre SC-modellen. ASCene har ikke tilstrekkelig kapasitet til å følge opp veksten i SC-bevegelsen. Begge disse forhold synes hovedsakelig å bunne i mangel på finansiering og mangel på planmessig utbygging. Mangel på planmessig organisering av bevegelsen er foruroligende. Dersom det ikke blir tatt tak i denne manglende organiseringen, vil det kunne være til hinder for videre utbredelse og i verste fall virke ødeleggende for bevegelsen. Det må også pekes på kvinnenes sterke, til dels dominerende stilling / The international Safe-Community (SC) movement is steadily growing. This study highlights the so-called Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres (ASC) and their role in the movement. The concept of SC is treated as an innovation and an organisational model diffusing according to the theories of Rogers and Røvik. The ASCs are looked upon as ”change agencies” according to these theories. This is a case-study according to Yin of 9 out of 15 ASCs. Three of them have lost their status as ASC, six still have their status. The following five propositions are examined: 1.There are no differences in how the ASCs have executed their role that can explain why some have lost their status and some not. 2.The reason why some have lost their status can be explained by internal organisational, personal or economic conditions. 3.The ASCs and their tasks are not well known by the ”users”. 4.The ASCs have a weak or little conscious relations to the theoretical and scientific foundation of diffusion processes. 5.The SC-concept is to a very little degree considered as an organisational model. Data was collected from surveys and interviews with people at all ”levels” of the SC-movement as well as written material. All five propositions were strengthened by the material. The study leads to the following conclusions and recommendations which hopefully can improve the reputation and efficiency of the SC-movement and ease the work of the ASCs: The ASCs have an important role in the movement, but they are too few to serve an increasing number of SCs. The development of new ASCs should go on simultaneously with the increase of SCs. It is also necessary with a geographical distribution corresponding with the distribution of the SCs. The economy of the ASC-work has a very weak foundation, and this should be taken more seriously. There are conflicts between ASC-work and other tasks. There are no indications that certain models of internal organisation or company construction are more functional than others. Organisational matters are not considered sufficiently important. This is alarming, and may threaten the existence of the whole movement if not taken more seriously. It must be a responsibility of the WHO Collaborating Centre to bring these matters to discussion. There are few other arenas for these discussions than the regional and world-wide conferences. But in addition the institutions teaching SC-issues have a responsibility for taking up these topics in their education programmes. Women have a very strong position in the ASC. But it is not possible from this material to draw conclusions as to whether their position has influenced the priorities or choice of topics in the ASC-work. / <p>ISBN 978-9185721-08-5</p>

Examining the Use of the 2006 and 2007 World Health Organization Growth Charts by Family Physicians in British Columbia

Rand, Emily Marie Nicholson 28 April 2014 (has links)
Introduction: The epidemic of overweight and obesity both worldwide and in Canada is indicative of the need for proper growth monitoring beginning at birth. This study evaluated Family Physician’s (FP) Level of Use (LoU) of the recommended 2006 and 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Charts for monitoring their paediatric patients’ growth. It explored factors influencing LoU, utilizing the Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theory and Ecological Framework for Effective Implementation (EFEI) as guiding models. FPs’ awareness of resources to support paediatric weight management was also assessed. Methods: A survey was distributed to FP in British Columbia (BC), Canada (N = 2853). The survey addressed provider and innovation characteristics, prevention delivery and support system factors, and barriers and facilitators to chart use. Correlations and multiple linear regression were used to determine correlates and predictors of LoU. Results: Sixty-two surveys were returned (2.2%). WHO Growth Chart LoU was 80.4%. Six variables significantly predicted LoU, including age (β = -.28, t = -3.15, p < .05), practicing in Fraser Health Authority region (β = -.24, t = -2.67, p < .05), assessing head circumference of birth to two year olds (β = .23, t = 2.45, p < .05), perceived growth chart accessibility (β = .39, t = 4.22, p < .05) and compatibility (β = .47, t = 5.27, p < .05), and innovativeness (β = -.37, t = -4.11, p < .05). These variables accounted for 69% of the variance in LoU. The most commonly identified barrier and facilitator to chart use was related to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. FPs’ awareness of resources to support overweight paediatric patients was low. Conclusion: The majority of FP in BC in this sample had adopted the WHO Growth Charts. The results showed partial support for DOI theory and EFEI derived factors. Despite a small sample size, the findings highlighted the importance of installing the charts in the EMR systems, and can provide a foundation for future public health dissemination efforts and research on medical guideline implementation. / Graduate / 0573 / 0769 / erand@uvic.ca

Examining the Use of the 2006 and 2007 World Health Organization Growth Charts by Family Physicians in British Columbia

Rand, Emily Marie Nicholson 28 April 2014 (has links)
Introduction: The epidemic of overweight and obesity both worldwide and in Canada is indicative of the need for proper growth monitoring beginning at birth. This study evaluated Family Physician’s (FP) Level of Use (LoU) of the recommended 2006 and 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Charts for monitoring their paediatric patients’ growth. It explored factors influencing LoU, utilizing the Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theory and Ecological Framework for Effective Implementation (EFEI) as guiding models. FPs’ awareness of resources to support paediatric weight management was also assessed. Methods: A survey was distributed to FP in British Columbia (BC), Canada (N = 2853). The survey addressed provider and innovation characteristics, prevention delivery and support system factors, and barriers and facilitators to chart use. Correlations and multiple linear regression were used to determine correlates and predictors of LoU. Results: Sixty-two surveys were returned (2.2%). WHO Growth Chart LoU was 80.4%. Six variables significantly predicted LoU, including age (β = -.28, t = -3.15, p < .05), practicing in Fraser Health Authority region (β = -.24, t = -2.67, p < .05), assessing head circumference of birth to two year olds (β = .23, t = 2.45, p < .05), perceived growth chart accessibility (β = .39, t = 4.22, p < .05) and compatibility (β = .47, t = 5.27, p < .05), and innovativeness (β = -.37, t = -4.11, p < .05). These variables accounted for 69% of the variance in LoU. The most commonly identified barrier and facilitator to chart use was related to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. FPs’ awareness of resources to support overweight paediatric patients was low. Conclusion: The majority of FP in BC in this sample had adopted the WHO Growth Charts. The results showed partial support for DOI theory and EFEI derived factors. Despite a small sample size, the findings highlighted the importance of installing the charts in the EMR systems, and can provide a foundation for future public health dissemination efforts and research on medical guideline implementation. / Graduate / 0573 / 0769 / erand@uvic.ca

Produção de ciência e tecnologia dos inventores de uma universidade tecnológica: insights sobre a presença da ecoinovação na tecnologia / Science and technology production of the inventors of a technological university: insights on the presence of eco-innovation in technology

Queiroz, Dayane Cristina de 31 August 2017 (has links)
O desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação são entendidos como elementos chaves para transformar o conhecimento em riqueza e melhorar a qualidade de vida das sociedades. Nos últimos anos, a preservação ambiental ganhou destaque e organizações governamentais e não governamentais passaram a buscar soluções para os problemas ambientais da atualidade. Desta maneira, estudos sobre as inovações ambientais têm tentado entender e fomentar inovações que visam reduzir o impacto ambiental. Sendo assim, esta dissertação tem como objetivo investigar a produção de ciência e tecnologia dos inventores da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – UTFPR e verificar a presença da ecoinovação, para compreender sua contribuição no sistema de inovação. Tal estudo se mostra relevante uma vez que, reflete sobre a produção de ciência e tecnologia dos inventores de uma universidade tecnológica, sendo pertinente dado o papel importante da universidade na disseminação de conhecimento científico e no desenvolvimento tecnológico, e por outro lado, a ecoinovação é um debate recente e seu conceito ainda é indefinido. Assim, justifica-se pela importância do entendimento da ecoinovação e do papel da universidade no desenvolvimento tecnológico, seja pelo auxílio nas decisões de políticas públicas, bem como pela crescente demanda em orientar os resultados da universidade a serviço de maior competitividade da indústria nacional e do crescimento econômico. A metodologia baseia-se no método de estudo de caso, os procedimentos metodológicos foram exploratórios e descritivos, de natureza qualitativa e a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e pesquisa de campo, Constatou-se, que aproximadamente 53% dos professores-inventores são da área de engenharia, reflexo da identidade de uma universidade tecnológica. A participação dos alunos inventores é proporcional entre os estudantes da graduação e pós-graduação, e existem pedidos de patente de invenção em coautoria com instituições pública e privada. Verificou-se que os artigos completos publicados em periódicos dos professores-inventores possuem citações nas bases de dados Scopus e Web of Science. Em relação à presença da ecoinovação, dos 118 pedidos de patente de invenção, 40 foram declarados ecoinovação por seus inventores, contribuindo no ganho de mais valor com menor impacto ambiental. / Technological development and innovation are understood as key elements for transforming knowledge into wealth and improving the quality of life of societies. In recent years, environmental preservation has gained prominence and governmental and non-governmental organizations have come to seek solutions to current environmental problems. In this way, studies on environmental innovations have tried to understand and foster innovations that aim to reduce the environmental impact. Thus, this dissertation aims to investigate the production of science and technology of the inventors of the Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR and verify the presence of eco-innovation in order to understand its contribution to the innovation system. This study is relevant since it reflects on the production of science and technology of the inventors of a technological university, being pertinent given the important role of the university in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and technological development, and on the other hand, eco-innovation is a recent debate and its concept is still undefined. Thus, it is justified by the importance of understanding the eco-innovation and the role of the university in technological development, either by aiding in public policy decisions, as well as by the growing demand to orient the university's results in the service of greater competitiveness of national industry and economic growth. The methodology was based on the case study method, the methodological procedures were exploratory and descriptive, of a qualitative nature and the data collection was done through bibliographical research, documentary research and field research. It was found that approximately 53 % of teacher-inventors are from engineering, reflecting the identity of a technological university. The student inventors' participation is proportional among undergraduate and graduate students, and there are patent applications for co-authoring with public and private institutions. It has been found that the full papers published in the journals of the inventor-teachers are quoted in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Regarding the presence of eco-innovation, of the 118 patent applications, 40 were declared eco-innovation by their inventors, contributing to the gain of more value with less environmental impact.

Adoção de computação em nuvem : estudo de casos múltiplos

Sobragi, Cyro Gudolle January 2012 (has links)
A computação em nuvem é considerada um paradigma computacional da atualidade. Sua adoção vem crescendo nos últimos anos, contudo ainda é incipiente nas organizações brasileiras. Por ser uma tecnologia inovadora, a computação em nuvem vem recebendo maior atenção da academia nos últimos anos, contudo a abordagem do assunto na literatura de Sistemas de Informação ainda é considerada baixa, apesar de crescente. A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar os fatores de adoção da tecnologia, estabelecendo uma relação entre elementos de teorias de base e fatores de adoção. Foram identificados na literatura elementos teóricos e fatores relacionados à computação em nuvem, sendo realizadas associações entre tais fatores e elementos. Os elementos teóricos identificados na revisão da literatura são oriundos da teoria dos custos de transação, teoria da dependência de recursos e teoria de difusão da inovação. A pesquisa realizada é de caráter exploratório, por meio de estudos de casos múltiplos, realizados em três empresas que já adotaram computação em nuvem. O estudo utilizou como fontes de evidências entrevistas semiestruturadas, documentos e consulta a sites corporativos das organizações pesquisadas. Para análise das entrevistas foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo, com o auxílio do software MAXQDA10. Os resultados do estudo apresentaram como fatores de adoção de computação em nuvem: confiabilidade, escalabilidade, economia, privacidade e segurança. A pesquisa também contribui para o preenchimento da lacuna na literatura de Sistemas de Informação, oferecendo subsídios para estudos quantitativos que confirmem os fatores levantados. / Cloud computing is considered a new computational paradigm for many researchers and practitioners. The adoption of this technology has been arisen in the last few years by the organizations, nevertheless it is still emerging in Brazil. As considered an innovative technology, cloud computing adoption has been gathering more attention in the academy. However, this subject in the Information Systems literature still has little attention, although increasing. This dissertation intends to analyze the adoption factors of cloud computing and establish associations between technology adoption factors and theory elements. Initially were identified in the literature of economic and organizational theories some elements related to the Diffusion of Innovations Theory, Transaction Cost Economics and Resource Dependency Theory. Then, the technology adoption factors were related directly to the cloud computing features. Consequently the theory elements were associated with the technology adoption factors. This research was exploratory, through multiple case studies in three companies that already adopted cloud computing. The data collection was made by interviews and documents analysis. To analyze the seven interviews this research used the content analysis method, using the software MAXQDA10. Thereafter, was conducted an association between the theory elements and the technology adoption factors. As main results, were confirmed as adoption factors in cloud computing: reliability, scalability, security, privacy and economy. This study also contributes for fill in a lack in the literature, as well as offer information for future quantitative researches about the technology adoption factors.

Assessing the diffusion and use of mobile payment solutions : a case of the South African townships

Mhlongo, Kulani Morgan 11 1900 (has links)
With mobile phones almost being ubiquitous in most communities, the electronic payment industry has realised the potential of using mobile phones as devices that can be used to conduct electronic payments. This realisation has led to an increase in the number of mobile payment solutions, which are being deployed for use by the public. However, these mobile payment solutions have not been widely adopted, especially by the citizens who are residing in the townships. Thus, this study investigates the factors that inhibit township residents from adopting mobile payments. The study was done at the Soshanguve township on the outskirts of Pretoria in Gauteng, South Africa. The study adopted a mixed method approach to collect data. Phase 1 relied on the interviews from a few selected individuals to collect the initial data, once this process was complete; a questionnaire (Phase 2) was developed and distributed to the general community of Soshanguve for data collection, which was qualitatively and quantitatively analysed.the diffusion and use of mobile payments in the townships. Some of the factors are as follows: mobile payments are not easy to use; lack of products to purchase using mobile payments; high costs associated with using mobile payment solutions; lack of trialability of mobile payment solutions; and lack of awareness of mobile payment providers in the townships. The study proposes several guidelines that could help developers and operators of mobile payment solutions to design and deploy their solutions in such a way that they are suitable for consumption by the users in township communities. Proposed guidelines are as follows: (1) when a mobile payment solution is launched, effort should be made to market it to the target market; (2) potential adopters of mobile payments should be able to try it without incurring any financial penalties; (3) mobile payments should be easier to use; (4) mobile payment security features should be apparent to the potential adopters in order to alleviate their fears; (5) mobile payment solutions should be designed according to the needs of the target market as one size fits all does not work; (6) mobile payment solutions should fulfill a need which is not met by the current alternatives or it should offer more value than the existing alternatives; (7) the cost of conducting mobile payments should be affordable; and (8) the regulator should develop legislation that stimulates innovation and competition while ensuring the security of mobile payments. / Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

The management and preservation of indigenous knowledge in Dlangubo village in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Zimu-Biyela, Acquinatta Nomusa 07 1900 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to establish various practices of indigenous knowledge (IK) commonly used in the Dlangubo village, and methods and tools used in managing IK; to determine ownership protocols and what they know about the South African (SA) intellectual property (IP) laws; to explore the role of libraries and information and communication technologies (ICTs) in managing IK and, lastly, what model can be developed for the management of IK in the Dlangubo village, in KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa. In order to gain more insight about the problem studied, the socialisation, externalisation, combination and internalisation (SECI) model of knowledge management and the diffusion of innovation (DoI) model were adopted. The SECI model helped in understanding the modes of knowledge creation and transfer that were used in managing IK in the area of study. The DoI model was important in understanding the perceptions of the community about the South African intellectual property (IP) laws, the libraries and the ICTs in managing IK. This study used the constructivist theoretical underpinning and adopted the qualitative approach in order to inquire in depth and explore the studied phenomenon in the natural setting of the Dlangubo village. This approach allowed the researcher to engage in an in-depth interviewing process with the participants in order to explore IK management challenges and then get empirical evidence about the area studied. Flowing from the qualitative approach, the grounded theory (GT) was adopted because it uses the systematic inductive approach to inquiry followed by a constant comparison of categories in order to generate theory, which is grounded in data of the sampled participants of the Dlangubo village The findings of the study indicated that the practices that were predominantly used in the area of study included agricultural crop farming and livestock keeping, the initiation of girls into adulthood and beadwork. The in-situ preservation strategies were more common than the ex-situ preservation strategies. Most of the respondents indicated that they acquired IK through apprenticeship of family line. The majority did not have knowledge or had insufficient knowledge about the South African IP laws. In addition, they were not using the libraries and the ICTs in managing their IK. The model that was recommended was to have the cultural information centre where they can sit together and share their IK and skills, and market their finished products. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Valoração de tecnologias em organizações científicas e tecnológicas (OCTs) do estado do Paraná (Brasil) / Technology valuation in scientific and technological organizations (OCTs) of Paraná (Brazil)

Silva, Robson Thiago Guedes da 14 April 2015 (has links)
O modelo de inovação aberta proposto recentemente por Henry Chesbrough tem encorajado a transferência de tecnologia entre empresas, universidades e instituições de pesquisa. Em resposta a esse fenômeno o Brasil criou mecanismos para incentivar a transferência de tecnologia entre essas diferentes organizações pelas Leis 10.973/2004 e 11.196/2005. Assim, a maior integração entre esses agentes de inovação tecnológica levanta a necessidade de voltar maior atenção à avaliação do valor da tecnologia objeto de transferência. O objetivo da pesquisa foi descrever as principais características de processos de valoração de tecnologias desenvolvidos e utilizados por organizações científicas e tecnológicas no Paraná. Esta é uma pesquisa de natureza aplicada, qualitativa do ponto de vista da abordagem do problema, descritiva no que diz respeito aos seus objetivos e predominantemente documental em relação aos seus procedimentos técnicos. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluíram uma pesquisa bibliográfica buscando o mapeamento de características de processos de valoração de tecnologia utilizados no Brasil e no exterior, que foram levantados por meio do acesso a sítios, via internet, de importantes organizações científicas e tecnológicas e levantamentos usando instrumentos como questionário. Como resultado, verificou-se que as principais características que definem o perfil das OCTs no processo de transferência de tecnologia são: a maior abrangência do escopo da missão institucional das OCTs (maior quantidade de objetivos); maior envolvimento com atividades de pesquisa; o envolvimento de outros agentes na definição dos critérios para valoração de um ativo tecnológico (incluindo parceiros e pesquisador); adoção de maior número de tipos de contratos de transferência; e maior tempo de experiência do NIT. Adicionalmente foi possível verificar que a aderência aos métodos mais indicados na literatura não é uma característica das OCTs paranaenses, o que sinaliza um potencial para convergência das práticas atuais às melhores práticas. Como sugestão recomenda-se que as OCTs adotem como prática a oferta de diferentes tipos de contratos de transferência em suas negociações para maximizar as possibilidades de sucesso. Recomenda-se também incluir nos catálogos de patentes, além dos descritivos técnicos, redações sobre as possibilidades de aplicação das tecnologias em operações da produção de bens ou prestação de serviços. As recomendações incluem também a publicação do portfólio de projetos de pesquisa cujos objetivos sejam conceber novos produtos ou processos de produção. Este trabalho sugere também a criação de um cadastro de demandas tecnológicas, que poderia ser publicado no Relatório Formict, para que os NITs possam identificar oportunidades de transferência de tecnologia. / The open innovation model recently proposed by Henry Chesbrough has encouraged the transfer of technology between companies, universities and research institutions. In response to this phenomenon Brazil has created mechanisms to encourage technology transfer between these different organizations by Law 10,973 / 2004 and 11,196 / 2005. Thus, the further integration of these technological innovators raises the need to pay more attention to assessing the value of the transfer object technology. The objective of the research was to describe the main features of valuation processes developed technologies and used by science and technology organizations in Paraná. This is an applied research, qualitative by point of view of the problem approaching, descriptive with regard to their objectives and predominantly documental in relation to its technical procedures. The methodological procedures include a bibliographical research aiming at the mapping technology valuation process characteristics used in Brazil and abroad, which were raised through access to sites via the Internet of important scientific and technological organizations and surveys using tools such as questionnaire. As a result, it was found that the main characteristics that define the profile of the OCTs in the technology transfer process are: a more comprehensive scope of the institutional mission of the OCTs (larger number of objectives); greater involvement in research activities; the involvement of other agents on decision process of the criteria for valuing a technological assets (including partners and researcher); adoption of more types of transfer agreements; longer NIT experience. Additionally we found that adherence to the methods most indicated in the literature is not a feature of Paraná OCTs, which indicates a potential for convergence of current practices to best practices. As a suggestion it is recommended that OCTs adopt a policy of offering different types of transfer agreements in their negotiations to maximize the chances of success. It is also recommended to include in the patent catalogs, in addition to technical descriptions, information about the possibilities for the application of technologies involving the production of goods or services. The recommendations also include the publication of the portfolio of research projects whose purposes are designing new products or production processes. This work also suggests the creation of a register of technological demands, which could be published in Formict Report so that NITs might identify technology transfer opportunities.

Valoração de tecnologias em organizações científicas e tecnológicas (OCTs) do estado do Paraná (Brasil) / Technology valuation in scientific and technological organizations (OCTs) of Paraná (Brazil)

Silva, Robson Thiago Guedes da 14 April 2015 (has links)
O modelo de inovação aberta proposto recentemente por Henry Chesbrough tem encorajado a transferência de tecnologia entre empresas, universidades e instituições de pesquisa. Em resposta a esse fenômeno o Brasil criou mecanismos para incentivar a transferência de tecnologia entre essas diferentes organizações pelas Leis 10.973/2004 e 11.196/2005. Assim, a maior integração entre esses agentes de inovação tecnológica levanta a necessidade de voltar maior atenção à avaliação do valor da tecnologia objeto de transferência. O objetivo da pesquisa foi descrever as principais características de processos de valoração de tecnologias desenvolvidos e utilizados por organizações científicas e tecnológicas no Paraná. Esta é uma pesquisa de natureza aplicada, qualitativa do ponto de vista da abordagem do problema, descritiva no que diz respeito aos seus objetivos e predominantemente documental em relação aos seus procedimentos técnicos. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluíram uma pesquisa bibliográfica buscando o mapeamento de características de processos de valoração de tecnologia utilizados no Brasil e no exterior, que foram levantados por meio do acesso a sítios, via internet, de importantes organizações científicas e tecnológicas e levantamentos usando instrumentos como questionário. Como resultado, verificou-se que as principais características que definem o perfil das OCTs no processo de transferência de tecnologia são: a maior abrangência do escopo da missão institucional das OCTs (maior quantidade de objetivos); maior envolvimento com atividades de pesquisa; o envolvimento de outros agentes na definição dos critérios para valoração de um ativo tecnológico (incluindo parceiros e pesquisador); adoção de maior número de tipos de contratos de transferência; e maior tempo de experiência do NIT. Adicionalmente foi possível verificar que a aderência aos métodos mais indicados na literatura não é uma característica das OCTs paranaenses, o que sinaliza um potencial para convergência das práticas atuais às melhores práticas. Como sugestão recomenda-se que as OCTs adotem como prática a oferta de diferentes tipos de contratos de transferência em suas negociações para maximizar as possibilidades de sucesso. Recomenda-se também incluir nos catálogos de patentes, além dos descritivos técnicos, redações sobre as possibilidades de aplicação das tecnologias em operações da produção de bens ou prestação de serviços. As recomendações incluem também a publicação do portfólio de projetos de pesquisa cujos objetivos sejam conceber novos produtos ou processos de produção. Este trabalho sugere também a criação de um cadastro de demandas tecnológicas, que poderia ser publicado no Relatório Formict, para que os NITs possam identificar oportunidades de transferência de tecnologia. / The open innovation model recently proposed by Henry Chesbrough has encouraged the transfer of technology between companies, universities and research institutions. In response to this phenomenon Brazil has created mechanisms to encourage technology transfer between these different organizations by Law 10,973 / 2004 and 11,196 / 2005. Thus, the further integration of these technological innovators raises the need to pay more attention to assessing the value of the transfer object technology. The objective of the research was to describe the main features of valuation processes developed technologies and used by science and technology organizations in Paraná. This is an applied research, qualitative by point of view of the problem approaching, descriptive with regard to their objectives and predominantly documental in relation to its technical procedures. The methodological procedures include a bibliographical research aiming at the mapping technology valuation process characteristics used in Brazil and abroad, which were raised through access to sites via the Internet of important scientific and technological organizations and surveys using tools such as questionnaire. As a result, it was found that the main characteristics that define the profile of the OCTs in the technology transfer process are: a more comprehensive scope of the institutional mission of the OCTs (larger number of objectives); greater involvement in research activities; the involvement of other agents on decision process of the criteria for valuing a technological assets (including partners and researcher); adoption of more types of transfer agreements; longer NIT experience. Additionally we found that adherence to the methods most indicated in the literature is not a feature of Paraná OCTs, which indicates a potential for convergence of current practices to best practices. As a suggestion it is recommended that OCTs adopt a policy of offering different types of transfer agreements in their negotiations to maximize the chances of success. It is also recommended to include in the patent catalogs, in addition to technical descriptions, information about the possibilities for the application of technologies involving the production of goods or services. The recommendations also include the publication of the portfolio of research projects whose purposes are designing new products or production processes. This work also suggests the creation of a register of technological demands, which could be published in Formict Report so that NITs might identify technology transfer opportunities.

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