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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Construcción del discurso periodístico de los canales web RTV La República y Exitosa Noticias TV. Análisis comparativo de la cobertura electoral municipal Lima 2018 (7 de setiembre al 7 de octubre) / Construction of the journalistic discourse of the web channels RTV La República and Exitosa Noticias TV. Comparative analysis of municipal electoral coverage Lima 2018 (September 7 to October 7)

Limaylla Guevara, Daiana Bárbara 16 October 2019 (has links)
Los medios tradicionales de la comunicación como la prensa escrita, la radio y la televisión han incorporado nuevas modalidades para la producción de sentido y la difusión de información, que son algunas de las características de la comunicación digital. De este modo se han creado diferentes canales web que desarrollan contenido audiovisual de carácter periodístico sobre temas de actualidad, política, sociedad, economía y cultura. Exitosa Noticias TV, por ejemplo, se ha convertido en un medio de comunicación multiplataforma que utiliza los canales web y la plataforma live streaming para difundir sus programas de televisión. Así también se encuentra RTV La República, un canal web reciente, pero de histórico formato en prensa escrita que utiliza este espacio digital para desarrollar y publicar nuevos contenidos de todo ámbito de información. En la presente investigación se realiza un análisis comparativo sobre la construcción del discurso periodístico en estos dos canales web durante un mismo contexto electoral. Teniendo en cuenta ello, se desarrolla un análisis de la cobertura electoral, las estrategias discursivas y los elementos del lenguaje periodístico y audiovisual. El objetivo es identificar de qué manera construyen sus discursos periodísticos los canales web RTV La República y Exitosa Noticias durante la cobertura electoral municipal Lima 2018. Los programas políticos de opinión y de entrevistas son el objeto de estudio de este análisis. / Traditional media such as the written press, radio and television have incorporated new modalities for the production of meaning and the dissemination of information, which are some of the characteristics of digital communication. In this way, different web channels are created that develop audiovisual content of a journalistic nature on current affairs, politics, society, economy and culture. Exitosa Noticias TV, for example, has become a cross-platform means of communication that uses web channels and the live streaming platform to broadcast its television programs. Likewise, there is RTV La República, a recent web channel, but of a historical format in the written press, which uses this digital space to develop and publish new content in all areas of information. In the present investigation, a comparative analysis is carried out regarding the construction of the journalistic discourse in these previously mentioned web channels, during the same electoral context. Taking this into account, an analysis of electoral coverage, discursive strategies and elements of audiovisual journalistic language is developed. The objective is to identify how the RTV La República and Exitosa Noticias TV web channels built in Lima 2018 municipal electoral coverage, their political opinion and interview programs being the object of study of this analysis. / Tesis

Distansarbetares upplevelse av den digitala kommunikationens påverkan på känsla av sammanhang

Ekman, Kirsti, Ribbing, Lia January 2021 (has links)
Omställningen till ett digitalt arbetsliv, till följd av Covid-19-pandemin, på distans har förändrat många människors sätt att arbeta de senaste två åren. Forskning visar på motstridiga resultat hur distansarbetare upplever detta sätt att arbeta och det finns en bristande kunskap om hur kommunikationen inom de digitala plattformarna påverkar distansarbetarnas upplevelse av KASAM. Syftet var att undersöka om distansarbetare, som innan pandemin inte tidigare arbetat på distans, upplever att kommunikation via digitala plattformar påverkar deras upplevelse av KASAM. I studien deltog 12 respondenter från både offentlig och privat sektor. Genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer, som analyserades tematiskt, visade resultatet att respondenterna upplevde både faktorer som hindrade KASAM, som bland annat försämrad teamkänsla, och faktorer som främjade KASAM, som bland annat ökad effektivitet. Studiens resultat visade i linje med vad tidigare forskning sagt att det finns både positiv och negativ påverkan på respondenternas KASAM när de kommunicerar via digitala plattformar under distansarbete.

Adaptive Signal Processing for Digital Communication Over Dispersive Unknown Channels

Mark, Jon Wei 23 June 2016 (has links)
<p> The problem of communication would have been trivial if the channel through which the signal must propagate were ideal, that is, an all pass system with a linear phase response. In practice, channels are non-ideal; imperfections in the physical channel, such as time-dispersion and frequency-dispersion, are the results of signal dependent distortions. In addition, upon reception the signal is further corrupted by the inevitable presence of additive random noise. Time dispersion causes successive pulses to overlap, thereby creating a phenomenon which has been termed 'intersymbol interference'. Frequency dispersion causes the received signal spectrum to vary both in amplitude and phase. Unless these channel imperfections are taken into account in the design of the communication system, the rate of data transmission can be limited by the physical channel. Also, the presence of additive noise poses further limitations on the ultimate performance of the system.</p> <p> This thesis is concerned with adaptive signal processing techniques for digital communication through dispersive unknown channels. The research undertaken has been principally aimed at the analytical derivations of an adaptive recursive filter and an adaptive recursive equalizer, and the simulations of overall binary communication systems, taking into account dispersive effects as well as random noise.</p> <p> Computer simulation tests have indicated that the new adaptive equalizer exhibits a much more robust operation capability and improved system performance than the conventional adaptive equalizer. This study has indicated that adaptive signal processing is a viable technique upon which a reliable communications system may be designed.</p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Role of Technology Enhanced Learning and its Global Impact on the Higher Education Sector.

Sheriff, Ray E. 2009 November 1924 (has links)
yes / The delivery of higher education, as with many aspects of society in general, is becoming increasingly shaped by the availability of the Internet in our everyday lives. Associated with the growth in Internet availability, web 2.0 technologies have become increasingly popular over recent years, especially with the `Google Generation¿, a term used to describe those brought up with the Internet. The exploitation of such tools has led to the widespread take-up of social networking sites, the growth in blogging and twitter, and the adoption of wikis and social media sites for the sharing and publishing of content. The opportunities introduced by technology enhanced learning (TEL), and in particular web 2.0 tools and applications, are now starting to attract significant interest from within the academic community. The lecture begins by describing the advances in digital communication technologies that are allowing new approaches to teaching and learning to be investigated. A review of how technology is currently employed in higher education then follows, before proceeding to outline the latest developments associated with web 2.0 tools and applications and the opportunities these present. A review of significant findings from within the academic research community is then given. To conclude, an assessment of what are the likely drivers that are creating a need for change within the higher education sector is presented before outlining the implications of introducing TEL from the perspectives of both students and teaching staff.

Shuffled Faster Than Nyquist Signaling For Spectrally Efficient And Secure Wireless Communication

Gharib, John 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the implementation and performance of Shuffled Faster than Nyquist (SFTN) signaling, a communication method that enhances spectral efficiency and provides physical layer security (PLS) in wireless communications. In Faster than Nyquist signaling, the Nyquist inter-symbol interference (ISI) criterion is exceeded, thereby increasing spectral efficiency. By varying the transmission rate of symbols above the Nyquist rate, SFTN signaling is able to obfuscate the timing of transmitted symbols with ISI. The work in this thesis evaluates the performance of SFTN in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channels and the MATLAB 802.11ax fading channels. Results show that while SFTN signaling offers the ability to introduce PLS, the sensitivity of the waveform is significantly influenced by the choice of symbol transmission rates and channel conditions.

Organizational Information Dissemination Within Collaborative Networks Using Digital Communication Tools

Hinojosa, Cristelia 01 January 2017 (has links)
While knowledge is one of an organization’s greatest assets, it remains a challenge to facilitate knowledge transfer between people within an organization. Social influence has been studied in its role of facilitating information diffusion, which is necessary for knowledge transfer to occur. Among this research, tie strength, a quantifiable characteristic of a social network that determines the link between two nodes, has been measured to determine the impact of social influence on knowledge transfer and information dissemination within a social network. Current research that explores the impact of social influence on information diffusion has been conducted within public social networks due to the availability of data that can be gathered from public social online network systems, such as Facebook. With the emergence of collaboration technologies that exist in online social network tools being utilized within organizations, there is an opportunity to digitally collect information regarding information dissemination within a collaborative network. This study captured data from an online social network, specifically a unified communication tool, being used within a collaborative social network at a mid-sized South Central corporation. A content analysis of Lync messages for 1,749 connections was performed to quantitatively measure the influence of tie strength on information dissemination within a collaborative social network. The results demonstrated that tie strength had a significant impact on information dissemination using a collaborative system. Multivariate analysis of variance showed that tie strength had the largest impact on information dissemination using the instant messaging modality of a collaboration system.

Digitalisering av kommunikation med leverantörer : En fallstudie av hur företag kan prioritera sina resurser / Digitalisation of communication with suppliers : A case study of how companies can prioritise their resources

Johansson, Julia, Ivarsson, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Digitalisering har med tiden fått en allt större betydelse och vikten av att företag utvecklas i takt med dess framväxt förväntas öka. En anledning till det är globaliseringen som bland annat medfört en ökad konkurrens. För att bibehålla alternativt förbättra konkurrenskraften bör företag ha en tydlig strategi för hur resurser gällande digitala satsningar ska avsätts. Ytterligare en viktig aspekt för att överleva på marknaden är företagets förmåga att hantera inköp samt ha nära och långsiktiga leverantörsrelationer. För att åstadkomma det behövs en god kommunikation där information snabbt och enkelt kan delas. Företag har generellt svårt att utvecklas i takt med digitaliseringens framfart på grund av att de prioriterar sina resurser till annat. Studien syftar därmed till att besvara följande frågeställning: ”Hur kan ett företag prioritera sina resurser för uppströms digitalisering?”. För att besvara ovanstående frågeställning genomfördes en fallstudie på Axis Communications AB. Syftet med studien är att effektivisera och förenkla kommunikationen gällande uppströms digitalisering genom att hjälpa Axis att prioritera sina resurser. För att åstadkomma det kommer Axis nuvarande kommunikationsflöde med deras leverantörer att undersökas. För att få en trovärdig bild av hur kommunikationen ser ut i dagsläget genomfördes flera intervjuer med anställda på Axis och en enkätundersökning distribuerades till leverantörerna. För att få ökad inspiration samt säkerställa att rekommendationerna är realistiska hölls två benchmarkingintervjuer och ett möte med en specialist inom området digitalisering. Baserat på litteraturstudien, empirin och analysen utformades en prioriteringslista för Axis som innefattas av följande sex steg, där respektive steg bör genomsyras av att ”Kontinuerligt arbeta med digitala möjligheter och utmaningar”. Skapa intern förståelse Skapa nära och långsiktiga samarbeten med leverantörerna Undersöka värdet av att digitalisera kommunikationen Förändra och effektivisera nuvarande arbetssätt Anpassa digitala lösningar utefter leverantörens mognadsgrad Fortsätta implementera EDI För att åstadkomma en lyckad digital satsning bör Axis inledningsvis arbeta med att skapa en intern förståelse. Först efter det ska Axis avsätta resurser på att förbättra leverantörssamarbetet. För att sedan säkerställa att en digital satsning är fördelaktig att genomföra ska Axis undersöka värdet av förändringen. Därefter bör Axis bestämma hur de vill förändra och effektivisera sina nuvarande arbetssätt innan de kan erbjuda leverantörerna anpassade digitala lösningar, baserat på deras digitala mognadsgrad. Efter det bör fokus vara att fortsätta implementera EDI. Då prioriteringslistan innehåller generella rekommendationer är den även applicerbar på andra företag men kan anpassas utifrån den specifika situationen. / Digitalisation has, over time, become increasingly important and the importance of companies developing in pace with its growth is expected to increase. One reason for this is globalisation, which among other things has led to increased competition. To maintain or improve competitiveness, companies should have a clear strategy for how resources for digital investments should be allocated. Another important aspect for surviving in the market is the ability of companies to manage purchases and have close and long-term supplier relationships. To achieve this, good communication is needed where information can be shared quickly and easily. Generally, companies find it difficult to develop in the same pace as the digitalisation since they prioritise their resources for other things. Thus, the study aims to answer the following research question: “How can a company prioritise its resources for upstream digitalisation?”. To answer the research question above, a case study was conducted at Axis Communications AB. The purpose of the study is to streamline and simplify the communication regarding upstream digitalisation by helping Axis prioritise its resources. To achieve this, Axis’ current flow of communication with their suppliers will be investigated. In order to obtain a credible picture of the current communication, several interviews were conducted with employees at Axis and a survey was distributed to the suppliers. To gain more inspiration and ensure that the recommendations are realistic, two benchmarking interviews and a meeting with a specialist within digitalisation were held. Based on the literature review, the empirical data and the analysis a priority list including the following six steps was designed for Axis, where each step should be permeated by “Continuous work with digital opportunities and challenges”. Create internal understanding Create close and long-term partnerships with the suppliers Examine the value of digitising the communication Change and streamline current working methods Customise digital solutions according to the supplier’s maturity Continue to implement EDI To achieve a successful digital initiative, Axis should initially work on creating an internal understanding. After that Axis will set aside resources to improve supplier collaboration. Thereafter, to ensure that a digital investment is advantageous to implement, Axis will examine the value of the change. Then, Axis should decide how they want to change and streamline their current working methods before they can offer the suppliers customised digital solutions, based on their digital maturity. At last, the focus should be on continuing to implement EDI. Since the priority list contains general recommendations, it is also applicable to other companies, but can be adapted to the specific situation.

Do Navio Kasato Maru ao porto digital: as identificações e a identidade comunicativa expressas em blogs de Dekasseguis. / Do Navio Kasato Maru ao porto digital: as identificações e a identidade comunicativa expressas em blogs de Dekasseguis.

Moreno, Juliana Kiyomura 14 September 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa se insere nas linhas de investigação do Centro de Pesquisa ATOPOS, da Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP) sobre os aspectos teóricos das mídias digitais. Propõe compreender, estudar, analisar e verificar como a sociabilidade expressa nos blogs está contribuindo para ressignificação e identificação dos valores culturais entre os dekasseguis por meio da construção de uma identidade comunicativa na web. A metodologia baseia-se em uma análise de fundo qualitativo da composição da postagem de oito blogs em três períodos determinados, levando em conta critérios trazidos pela determinação da tipologia de blogs e existência de comunidades e espaços conversacionais na rede digital e por fragmentos de análise usados pela análise do discurso. Entre os resultados podemos afirmar que o termo comunidade dekassegui não é apropriado se for levado em conta a sociologia clássica, porém este termo pode ser aplicado no âmbito digital. Também o termo mediascape, de Arjun Appadurai (1996), e situação social tecnológica (MEYROWITZ, 1985) se mostram presentes e relidos ao serem aplicados a este grupo. / This research fits into the lines of investigation of the ATOPOS Research Center, of Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo [School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo] (ECA/USP) on the theoretical aspects of digital media. It is intended to understanding, studying, analyzing and verifying how the sociability expressed in the blogs contributes to the redefinition and identification of the cultural values among the dekasseguis through the construction of a communicative identity in the Web. The methodology is based on the qualitative analysis of the composition of posts of eight blogs, in three determined periods, considering criteria brought by speech analysis and determination of the typology of blogs and the existence of communities and conversational spaces in the digital web. Among the results, one can state that the term dekassegui community is not appropriate, considering the classic sociology, but such term can be applied in the digital sphere. Also, the terms mediascape, of Arjun Appadurai (1996), and social technologic situation (Meyrowitz, 1985) are present and redefined when applied to this group.

Avaliação do uso da rede de telecomunicações aeronáuticas  (ATN) para comunicação digital na operação de veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANT). / Evaluation of the use of aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN) for digital communication in operation unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

Rossi, Magali Andréia 29 August 2013 (has links)
Esta Tese apresenta uma contribuição para avaliação da comunicação digital na operação de veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANT) no ambiente aeronáutico. A comunicação digital aeronáutica relaciona-se diretamente ao nível de segurança crítica desejado para o controle do fluxo de tráfego aéreo, por parte de autoridades e de órgãos normativos, os quais possuem como objetivo tornar a comunicação uniforme para todos os continentes. Diversas são as discussões acerca do nível de segurança crítica que a comunicação digital entre VANT e controle em terra possa exibir, sempre buscando redução da exposição a riscos inerentes à operação desse tipo de veículo. Nesse contexto, a proposta desta Tese é avaliar a segurança na comunicação digital, por meio do uso de injeção de falhas, para operações de veículos aéreos não tripulados. Este trabalho descreve a importância de analisar as interferências causadas por falhas na comunicação digital, relacionadas ao envio de mensagens entre o órgão de controle e a aeronave não tripulada. Também são definidos quais os tipos de falhas que causam um maior impacto na comunicação, bem como quais os parâmetros que devem ser utilizados para manipulação das variáveis de falhas na comunicação. Para atender a avaliação proposta, foi utilizado o ambiente simulado que reúne as características do ambiente aeronáutico, denominado PipE-SEC (Plataforma Integrada para Ensaios de Sistemas Embarcados Críticos), bem como o protocolo CPDLC (Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications) para troca de mensagens digitais. / This thesis presents a contribution to the evaluation of digital communication in the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in the aeronautical environment. Aeronautical digital communication relates directly to the critical safety level required for controlling the air traffic flow by authorities and regulatory agencies, which are aimed at making communication uniform for all continents. There are several discussions about the safety critical level that digital communication between UAVs and ground control can display, always seeking to reduce exposure to risks inherent in the operation of such vehicles. In this context, the proposal of this thesis is to evaluate the safety in digital communication, through the use of fault injection for operations of UAV. This work describes the importance of analyzing the interference caused by faults in digital communication related to sending messages between the control agency and the UAV. There are also defined what types of faults cause a greater impact on communication as well as which parameters should be used to simulate communication faults. To answer the proposed evaluation, we used the simulated environment that combines the features of the aeronautical environment, called PIpE-SEC (Integrated Platform for Test Critical Embedded Systems), as well as the protocol CPDLC (Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications) to exchange digital messages.

Desenvolvimento de transmissores de pressão com sensor piezoresistivo e protocolo de comunicação HART. / Development of a piezoresistive pressure transmitters with hart communication protocol.

Tellez Porras, Deivid Efrain 30 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma pesquisa tecnológica (P&D) de inovação tecnológica de produto para o mercado brasileiro, que visa desenvolver um transmissor de pressão inteligente de alta exatidão com protocolo HART e sensor piezoresistivo em parceria LSI-USP / MEMS Ltda. Fornecendo assim um protótipo de um produto competitivo no mercado brasileiro. Neste trabalho se apresenta uma arquitetura baseada nos transmissores 4-20 mA de alta exatidão da MEMS Ltda. Essa arquitetura mantém as características de desemprenho da medição analógica e adiciona os componentes necessários para suportar as funções do padrão HART com camada física Bell 202. Além da arquitetura, neste documento é apresentado: o desenvolvimento das interfaces entre o algoritmo de compensação e os algoritmos responsáveis da comunicação digital, as modificações no circuito de controle da corrente de laço para permitir a modulação do sinal de 1200 Hz e 2200 Hz usado pela comunicação digital, e o projeto de alimentação do transmissor, que foi projetado visando a eficiência para respeitar os limites de consumo de corrente. Os resultados obtidos com essa nova arquitetura, apresentam que são mantidas as características dos transmissores 4-20 mA usados como base, e que a medição digital tem um nível de erro 0,05 %FS (porcentagem de fundo de escala) menor do que a saída analógica do mesmo transmissor, valor considerável comparado com o 0,2 %FS que é o nível de erro total do sistema. Os protótipos usados para as medições foram caracterizados num processo que levou 35 dias de operação continua, validando assim o projeto elétrico e software desenvolvido. / This thesis consists of a technical research (P&D) on technological innovations of a highly accurate intelligent pressure transmitter using a HART protocol and piezoresistive sensors in collaboration with LSI-USP / MEMS Ltda. The outcome consists of a prototype of a competitive product in the Brazilian market. This project presents a product architecture based on highly accurate 4-20mA MEMS Ltda. transmitters. It maintains the features necessary for analogical measurements and adds components, which are compatible with the functions of HART with a Bell 202 physical layer. In addition to the architecture, this document presents the development of: interfaces between the compensation algorithm and digital communication algorithms, modifications of the current loop control circuit to allow signal modulation used by digital communications of 1200Hz and 2000Hz, a voltage source project, which envisioned efficiency and considered the limits of current consumption. Results of this architecture show that the 4-20mA transmitter´s characteristics, used as a starting point for the product, are maintained and that digital measurements present 0.05%FS (Full Scale) less error than analogical measurements taken by the same transmitter. This presents a significant error reduction when compared to the total error of the system, which is 0, 2 %FS. The prototypes used for measurements were tested during 35 continuous days, validating their electrical installation and software.

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