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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation in-situ et modélisation des mécanismes et couplages thermomécaniques en usinage : application à l’alliage de titane Ti-6Al-4V / In-situ characterization and modelling of mechanisms and thermomechanical couplings in machining : application to Ti-6AL-4V titanium alloy

Harzallah, Mahmoud 08 February 2018 (has links)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans une stratégie d'investigation expérimentale et numérique des mécanismes d'enlèvement de la matière lors de l'usinage de l'alliage de titane Ti-6Al-4V. Il aborde un problème complexe, fortement couplé, faisant intervenir la thermique et la mécanique aux petites échelles (micrométrique). Le manque de moyens de mesure dédié à ces échelles de temps et de l'espace (phénomènes rapides et très locaux) ne permet pas, à ce jour, d'appréhender précisément les phénomènes thermomécaniques mis en jeu pendant la formation de copeau. De ce fait, un dispositif spécifique, appelé VISIR, répondant à cette problématique a été mis en place. La partie expérimentale s'est donc orientée vers une compréhension plus fine des mécanismes d'enlèvement de la matière. Elle a notamment permis de mettre en évidence l'évolution de grandeurs mécaniques et thermiques durant la formation des festons mais surtout le couplage entre la température et la vitesse de déformation. Basée sur les constatations expérimentales, une étude du comportement thermomécanique de cet alliage a été mis en place. Des essais en cisaillement dynamique à travers des éprouvettes chapeau ont permis d'identifier par méthode inverse une nouvelle loi de comportement couplée en température et en vitesse de déformation. De plus, une étude de l'endommagement s'est appuyée sur l'identification et l'évaluation de huit critères communément utilisés dans le domaine de mise en forme a permis de proposer une nouvelle loi, inspirée du critère de Tresca, couplée au comportement. L'intégralité de ces formulations couplée à un modèle de frottement Stick-Slip ont enfin été implémentés dans un modèle EF 3D. La confrontation expérimentale/numérique en termes de grandeurs mécaniques et thermiques a révélé la robustesse et l'aspect prédictif du modèle EF développé. Enfin, les résultats de cette étude ont permis de développer une discussion détaillée sur les mécanismes d'enlèvement de la matière et plus particulièrement les complexes trajet des fissurations. / This work develops an experimental and numerical strategy in order to investigate material removal of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V during machining process. It therefore intends to tackle a complex and strongly coupled problem, involving thermal and mechanical aspects at small scales (micrometric). The lack of measuring means dedicated to such scales in terms of time and space (rapid and strongly local phenomena) does not allow yet to precisely apprehend the thermomechanical phenomena involved during the chip formation. As a result, a specific device, called VISIR, that addresses this issue has been set-up. The experimental aspect of this work has therefore been oriented towards a more precise understanding of the material removal mechanisms. It allowed to observe the evolution of mechanical and thermal quantities during the chip formation and more precisely the strong coupling between the temperature and the strain rate. Based on these experimental insights, the thermomechanical behavior of this alloy has been studied through dynamic shear tests using hat-shaped specimens. It allowed to identify through inverse method a new constitutive equation coupled in temperature and strain rate. In addition, a study on damage is conducted. It is based on the identification and the evaluation of eight criteria commonly used in the material forming process. This leads to proposing a new damage equation, inspired from the Tresca criterion and coupled to material plastic behavior. All of these formulations along with a Stick-Slip friction model have finally been implemented in a 3D FE orthogonal cutting model. Experimental/numerical comparison in terms of mechanical and thermal quantities revealed the robustness and predictive aspect of the developed FE model. Finally, the results of this study allowed to develop a detailed discussion on the material removal mechanisms and more particularly the complexe cracks paths.

Avaliação da adaptação marginal e interna, da resistência à fratura após ciclagem termomecânica e das tensões nos implantes por correlação de imagens digitais em próteses parciais fixas sobre implantes com pilares e copings em zircônia com diferentes sistemas CAD/CAM / Evaluation of the marginal and internal fit, resistance to fracture after thermomechanical cycling and tensions in the implants by correlation of digital images in fixed partial dentures on implants with abutments and copings in zirconia with different CAD/CAM systems

Francielle Alves Mendes 02 June 2015 (has links)
Considerando a crescente exigência estética, o desenvolvimento da zircônia e o incremento da tecnologia CAD/CAM o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adaptação marginal e interna, as tensões nos implantes e a resistência à fratura após prensagem da porcelana e termociclagem mecânica em próteses parciais fixas sobre implantes com pilares e infraestrutura em zircônia com dois sistemas CAD/CAM (Neodent digital - Neodent e Lava - 3M ESPE) comparados com o método convencional (n=10). A adaptação marginal e interna foi analisada por meio de um microtomógrafo computadorizado (microCT). Cada prótese foi digitalizada e os arquivos foram processadas utilizando o software NRecon e CTAN. Foi utilizado o programa Dataview para aferição das medidas. Para a realização da ciclagem termomecânica as próteses foram posicionadas na máquina de fadiga mecânica por mastigação e foi aplicada a carga de 120 N com uma ponta que simula a oclusão antagonista simulando 2.000.000 ciclos. Durante o ensaio, as próteses foram mantidas em água destilada e termocicladas com variação de temperatura entre 5º-55º C. Para a verificação das tensões geradas pelas próteses parciais fixas em torno dos implantes foi realizada a análise por correlação de imagens digitais. Foram selecionados cinco modelos de cada um dos sistemas CAD/CAM e um antagonista e aplicada uma carga de 250 N, com velocidade de 0,1 mm/min, em máquina universal de ensaios. Para avaliação da resistência à fratura foi aplicada uma força perpendicular ao longo eixo da peça protética, no pôntico, até que devido à fratura não houvesse mais resistência. Após esse teste foi avaliado o relacionamento entre os componentes da prótese em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV). A análise estatística mostrou que houve diferença significativa na adaptação pilar-implante dos molares entre os grupos Lava e ZirNeo, Lava e Controle (p=0,008). Para a desadaptação vertical e horizontal antes e após a prensagem e ciclagem não houve diferença significante (p>0,005). A desadaptação interna axial mostrou diferença significante antes e após para os molares dos grupos Lava e ZirNeo (p<0,001). A desadaptação interna oclusal mostrou diferença significante para os PM dos grupos TiNeo e Controle e para os molares dos grupos Lava e Zir Neo (p<0,005). Houve diferença significante de tensão na região cervical dos molares dos grupos ZirNeo e Lava (p=0,015) com maiores valores de tensão para o grupo Lava. O grupo TiNeo teve maior resistência à fratura que os demais (p=0,022). O relacionamento entre os componentes da prótese permaneceu favorável para todos os grupos. Os resultados deste trabalho permitem concluir que a prensagem da porcelana e a termociclagem mecânica não influenciou os resultados da desadaptação marginal e melhorou a desadaptação interna. O grupo usinado pelo sistema Neodent digital em zircônia teve maior concentração de tensão na região cervical podendo ter maior perda óssea nessa região. O grupo TiNeo foi o que mais resistiu à fratura. Entre fresar em zircônia pelo sistema Neodent digital ou Lava, o sistema Lava distribui melhor a tensão ao longo do implante, porém teve maiores valores de desadaptação interna. Entre fresar em titânio ou confeccionar a prótese pelo sistema convencional, melhor fresar. / Considering the growing aesthetic requirements, the development of zirconia and the increase of CAD/CAM technology, the aim of this study was to evaluate the marginal and internal fit, tensions in implants and fracture resistance after pressing porcelain and thermomechanical cycling in FPDs on implants with abutments and infrastructure in zirconia with two CAD/CAM systems (Neodent digital -Neodent and Lava - 3M ESPE) compared with the conventional method (n = 10). The marginal and internal fit was analyzed by a computerized microtomograph (microCT). Each prosthesis was scanned and the files were processed using the NRecon and CTAN software. Dataview program was used for the assessment of the measures. To carry out the thermomechanical cycling, prostheses were placed in mechanical fatigue machine for chewing and 120 N load was applied with a tip that simulates the antagonist occlusion simulating 2,000,000 cycles. During the test, the prostheses were kept in distilled water and thermocycled with temperatures between 5°-55° C. Digital image correlation analysis was performed to check the load transfer by implant-supported restoration. Five models were selected from each of the CAD/CAM systems and an antagonist and a load of 250 N was applied, with 0.1 mm/min speed using a universal testing machine. The fracture resistance was verified with force applied perpendicular to the long axis of the prosthesis, at pontic, until there were no more fracture resistance. After this test was evaluated the relationship between the components of the prosthesis in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The statistical analysis showed significant difference in abutment-implant fit of molars between Lava and ZirNeo, Lava and control groups (p=.008). For vertical and horizontal fit there was no significant difference (p>.005) before and after pressing and thermomechanical cycling. The axial internal gap was significantly different before and after for molar ZirNeo groups (p<.001). The occlusal internal fit was significantly different to the PM of TiNeo and Control, and the molars of Lava and ZirNeo (p<.005). There were significant difference for tension in the cervical region of the molars of ZirNeo and Lava (p=.015) with higher values for the Lava group. TiNeo group had higher resistance to fracture than others (p=.022). The relationship between the prosthesis components remained positive for all groups. The results of this study showed that the pressing of porcelain and thermomechanical cycling did not influence the results of marginal gap and improved internal fit. The zirconia group machined by Neodent digital system had higher concentration of tension in the cervical and may have greater bone loss in this region. TiNeo group was the most resistant to fracture. Between the zirconia milling by Neodent digital or Lava system, the Lava system distributes better strain throughout the implant, but had greater internal fit values. Between milling titanium or fabricate the prosthesis by the conventional system, better milling.

Fracture Behaviour including Size Effect of Cement Stabilised Rammed Earth

Hanamasagar, Mahantesh M January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Rammed earth is a monolithic construction formed by compacting processed soil in progressive layers. Rammed earth is used for the construction of load bearing walls, floors, sub base material in roadways, airport runways, taxiways, aprons, foundations and earthen bunds. Soil, sand, cement and water are the ingredients used for the preparation of cement stabilized rammed earth (CSRE) specimens. The cracking in a rammed earth structure is due to the development of tensile stresses. The tensile stresses are generated due to various causes like unequal settlement of foundation, eccentric loading and / or lateral loading such as wind pressure and earthquake on an earth structure. The cracking in a rammed earth structure causes the failure of its intended function. For example formation of crack may lead to the instability of an embankment slope. And earthen dam can be destroyed gradually by erosion of soil at the crack surface (Harison et al. 1994). Hence, it becomes important to understand the fracture behaviour of cement-stabilized rammed earth structures. Well focused studies in understanding the fracture behaviour of CSRE structures are scanty. The present work attempts to address some issues on the fracture behaviour of CSRE including size effect. Through an experimental programme material properties viz. compressive strength, tensile strength and stress-strain relationships are generated for two chosen densities, 17 and 18.5 kN/m3 of CSRE both in dry and saturated condition. Soil composition, density, cement content and moisture content of the specimen during testing influence the characteristics of CSRE. In the present investigation keeping the cement at 10%, the density is varied choosing a soil-sand mixture having optimum grading limits. The basic raw materials used are soil, sand, cement and water in the ratio of 1 : 1.5 : 0.25 : 0.34 by weight. The strength properties studied alone are inadequate to predict the mechanics of fracture due to the presence of microscopic flaws, cracks, voids and other discontinuities. Therefore, some linear elastic fracture parameters such as mode I fracture toughness (KIc), critical energy release rate (GIc), net section strength (f net) and notch sensitivity are calculated, presuming that CSRE is still a brittle material because it is yet to be confirmed that CSRE is a quasibrittle material. In fact, in the present work, it is shown that CSRE has significant amount of softening. A comprehensive experimental work has been undertaken to test CSRE beam specimens for two densities, three sizes of beam and three notch to depth ratios under three point bending (TPB) in a closed loop servo-controlled machine with crack mouth opening displacement control. Results indicate that the CSRE in dry condition exhibits a greater resistance to fracture than the saturated specimen. The variation of net section strength with the notch depth is not significant. Therefore the CSRE material is notch insensitive, implying that it is less brittle. An experimental program was undertaken to determine the nonlinear fracture parameters of beam specimens both in dry and saturated condition. The influence of moisture content, density, size of the specimen as well as notch to depth ratio of the specimen on RILEM fracture energy (G F ) are presented. The GF values increase with increase in density and size of the specimen, while they decrease with increase in notch to depth ratio. Results clearly show that the total energy absorbed by the beams (W OF ) and RILEM fracture energy (G F ) for all specimens tested in dry state are higher compared to the specimens tested in saturated state, indicating that the dry specimen offers higher resistance to the crack propagation. The RILEM fracture energy GF , determined from TPB tests, is said to be size dependent. The assumption made in the work of fracture is that the total strain energy is utilized for the fracture of the specimen. The fracture energy is proportional to the size of the fracture process zone (FPZ), which also implies that size of FPZ increases with increase in the un-cracked ligament (d - a) of beam. This also means that FPZ is proportional to the depth d for a given notch to depth ratio, because for a given notch/depth, (d - a) which is also is proportional to d because is a constant. This corroborates the fact that fracture energy increases with size. Interestingly, the same conclusion has been drawn by Karihaloo et al. (2006). They have plotted a curve relating fracture process zone length and overall depth the beam. In the present study a new method namely Fracture energy release rate method proposed by Muralidhara et al. (2013) is used. In the new method the plot of GF /(d - a) versus (d - a) is obtained from a set of experimental results. The plot is found to follow power law and showed almost constant value of GF /(d - a) at larger ligament lengths. This means the fracture energy reaches a constant value at large ligament lengths reaffirming that the fracture energy from very large specimen is size-independent. This Fracture energy release rate method is used to determine size-independent fracture energy GRf , based on the relationship between RILEM fracture energy and the un-cracked ligament length. The experimental results from the present work agree well with the proposed new method. Similarly, the method is extended to determine nominal shear strength τv for large size beam. Results show that for both densities GRf decrease in saturated condition, while in dry condition as the density is increased from 17 to 18.5 kN/m3 the GRf decrease by 7.58%, indicating that the brittleness increases with higher density. The τv for large size beam increases with density both in dry and saturated condition. The size effect method for evaluating material fracture properties proposed by Bazant (1984) is applied to cement stabilised rammed earth. By measuring the peak loads of 2D geometrically similar notched beam specimens of different sizes, nonlinear fracture parameters such as fracture energy (Gf ), fracture toughness (KIc), effective length of the fracture process zone (Cf ), brittleness number (β), characteristic length (l 0) and the critical crack tip opening displacement (CT ODc) are determined for both dry and saturated conditions. The crack growth resistance curves (R-curve) are also developed for dry and saturated specimens. In the size effect method, for both densities 18.5 and 17 kN/m3 the values of nonlinear fracture properties, namely G f , Cf , KIc, CT ODc and l 0 are lower for the saturated specimen compared to those of the dry specimen. In dry condition as the density is increased from 17 to 18.5 kN/m3 the Gf decreases to 13.54%, indicating that the brittleness increase with higher density. The areas under the load-displacement and load-CMOD curves are a measure of the fracture energy and these areas are low for saturated specimens. The crack growth resistance curves (R-curve) plotted using the size-effect law from peak loads are the measure of resistance against crack growth R. The value of R is high for dry specimen compared to that of the saturated specimens. During aggregate pullout or the opening of crack, the interlock or friction between the crack surfaces may cause the energy dissipation through friction and bridging across the crack. Therefore the wet friction in case of saturated specimen must be smaller resulting in more brittleness compared to the larger dry friction for dry specimen. In the present investigation the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique is used to study the FPZ properties in cement stabilised rammed earth. The MATLAB package written by Eberl et al. (2006) is suitably modified and used for image correlation to suit our requirements. CMOD measured using DIC technique is validated by comparison with the CMOD measured using clip gauge. The FPZ properties such as the development of FPZ and crack opening displacements at different loading points as well as the influence of notch/depth ratio on FPZ length (lFPZ ) are evaluated for both dry and saturated conditions. At peak load the lFPZ are about 0.315 and 0.137 times the un-cracked ligament length respectively for specimens tested under dry and saturated conditions. In dry and saturated states the FPZ length decreases as the ratio increases. Lower values of lFPZ in saturated specimen indicates that it is relatively more brittle compared to dry specimen.

Élasticité et endommagement sous chargement bi-axial de nano-composites W/Cuen couches minces sur polyimide : apport des techniques synchrotrons / Elasticity and damage under biaxial loading of W/Cu nanocomposite thin films onpolyimide : contribution of synchrotron techniques

Djaziri, Soundès 25 September 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la déformation bi-axiale contrôlée de nano-composites W/Cu en couches minces déposées sur des substrats polyimides. La nano-structuration est obtenue par stratification de deux matériaux immiscibles (W et Cu) par pulvérisation ionique avec contrôle de la taille des grains au sein du film mince par contrôle de l'épaisseur selon la direction decroissance du film. Nous avons développé une procédure permettant de caractériser le comportement mécanique des échantillons à deux échelles différentes. L'essai de traction biaxial est couplé à la diffraction des rayons X (déformation microscopique) et à la corrélation d'images numériques (déformation macroscopique). Nous avons utilisé une machine de tractionbi-axiale développée dans le cadre d’un projet ANR sur la ligne de lumière DiffAbs du synchrotron SOLEIL. Elle permet de contrôler les contraintes dans des films minces supportés par des substrats polyimides. La confrontation des résultats obtenus par ces deux techniques dans le domaine d'élasticité a montré que la déformation est intégralement transmise via l’interfacefilm - substrat. La seconde étape de notre travail a consisté à étudier les déformations du nanocomposite W/Cu au-delà du domaine d’élasticité. Nous avons mis en évidence trois domaines de déformation associés à différents mécanismes de déformation. La limite d'élasticité du nanocomposite W/Cu a été déterminée en comparant la déformation élastique du film mince à la déformation macroscopique du substrat. Enfin, l'étude de la limite d'élasticité du nanocomposite W/Cu pour différents ratios de force a révélé un comportement fragile du nanocomposite W/Cu. / This thesis focuses on the biaxial deformation of W/Cu nanocomposite thin films deposited on polyimide substrates. The grain size in the thin film is controlled by stratification of two immiscible materials (W and Cu) employing sputtering techniques. We developed a procedure to characterize the mechanical behavior of samples at two different scales. A biaxial tensile test is coupled to X-ray diffraction (microscopic deformation) and digital image correlation (macroscopic deformation) techniques. We used a biaxial tensile setup developed in the framework of an ANR project on the DiffAbs beamline at synchrotron SOLEIL allowing forthe control of stresses in thin films supported by polyimide substrates. By comparing the strains obtained by these two techniques, the applied strain is determined to be transmitted unchanged in the elastic domain through the film - substrate interface. The second part of our work was to study the deformation of W/Cu nanocomposite beyond the elastic range. We have highlighted three domains of deformation associated with different deformation mechanisms. The elastic limit of the W/Cu nanocomposite was determined by comparing the elastic deformation of the thin film to the macroscopic deformation of the substrate. Finally, the elastic limit of W/Cu nanocomposite was studied for different load ratios. The overall results emphasized the brittle behavior of these nanocomposites.

Analyse multi-échelles des relations microstructure/propriétés mécaniques sous sollicitation monotone et cyclique des alliages de titane β-métastable / /

Duval, Thimothée 10 December 2013 (has links)
L’amélioration des performances spécifiques des alliages métalliques de l’aéronautique est une démarche constante. Les alliages de titane sont des matériaux privilégiés par les constructeurs aéronautiques car ils allient hautes propriétés mécaniques et faible densité.Parmi ces matériaux, les alliages β-métastables qui ont pour particularité de retenir jusqu’à 40% de phase β connaissent un fort regain d’intérêt pour les motoristes (Ti-17) comme pour des applications de structure type trains d’atterrissage (Ti-5553 et Ti-10-2-3). Ce travail a pour but d’analyser le comportement mécanique et la durabilité de ces alliages soumis à des sollicitations monotones et cycliques en lien avec les microstructures.Des essais mécaniques ont pour cela été développés à partir de différentes microstructures métallurgiques qu’elles soient issues d’un traitement industriel ou spécifique visant à simplifier ces dernières. Les mécanismes de déformation (systèmes de glissement) et d’endommagement (amorçage de fissures) ont été identifiés et analysés à différentes échelles par microcopie optique et électronique à balayage en intégrant les notions d’orientation cristallographique (EBSD). Le recours à des essais réalisés in situ sous microscope (optique et MEB) et à une métrologie adaptée aux échelles pertinentes a permis d’identifier les éléments micro-structuraux clés et les cinétiques de développement de ces processus. Un des faits marquants est le rôle majeur de l’anisotropie de propriétés mécaniques de la phase β qui a également fait l’objet de simulations numériques. / The improvement of specific performances of metallic materials used for aerospaceapplications needs continuous researches and developments. Titanium alloys are materials ofchoice for aerospace companies thanks to their high mechanical properties and low density.Among them, the β-metastable alloys that retain up to 40% of β phase are more and moreintroduced in aircraft engines (Ti-17) and for structural parts (e.g. landing gears in Ti-5553and Ti-10-2-3).This work aims to analyse the mechanical behaviour and durability of these alloyssubmitted to monotonic or cyclic loadings. Mechanical tests have been developed on differentindustrial microstructures as on academic simplified ones produced by specific thermaltreatments. Deformation mechanisms (slip systems) and damage processes (cracks initiation)were identified and analyzed at different scales using microscopes (optical and SEM) andcrystallographic features were studied by EBSD. Specific in situ tests performed undermicroscopes (optical and SEM) and digital images correlation techniques at scales of interesthave permitted to identify and to quantify the key microstructural parameters and the kineticsof these processes. One major result concerns the influence of the anisotropy of mechanicalproperties associated to the β phase.

Tracking and modelling small motions at grain scale in granular materials under compression by X-Ray microtomography and discrete simulations / Matériaux granulaires en compression quasi-statique : étude des petites déformations par microtomographie X et par simulation numérique discrète

Khalili, Mohamed Hassan 03 November 2016 (has links)
Le travail réalisé durant cette thèse a été motivé par l'étude des mécanismes microscopiques à l'origine du fluage dans les matériaux granulaires.%En particulier, on cherche à explorer des techniques expérimentales et numériques pour l'étude d'un tel phénomène.Dans une première partie, on cherche à mesurer les déplacements des grains dans un matériau granulaire par observations en micro-tomographie X. Une telle identification ne peut être efficacement réalisée pour des phénomènes rapides avec les méthodes classiques de corrélation d'images numériques. Une nouvelle méthode nommée emph{corrélation discrète des projections numériques} qui contourne cette difficulté est développée dans cette thèse. Cette méthode, basée sur la corrélation des projections de tomographie, permet de mesurer les déplacements avec un nombre réduit de projections (100 fois moins que les méthodes classiques), ce qui diminue énormément le temps d'acquisition nécessaire pour la mesure. La méthode, appliquée à des données expérimentales, donne une précision comparable à celles des méthodes classiques tandis que le temps d'acquisition nécessaire est réduit à quelques minutes. Une étude portant sur l'analyse des sources d'erreurs affectant la précision des résultats est également présentée.Le but de la deuxième partie est de réaliser des simulations numériques pour fournir une caractérisation de l'essai oedométrique. Différents assemblages de billes de verre légèrement poly-disperses interagissant à travers des contacts élastiques de Hertz-Mindlin et frottement de Coulomb ont été utilisés. Ces simulations ont permis d'étudier l'évolution de certains paramètres structuraux du matériau modèle, préparant ainsi le terrain pour de futures études sur le fluage. Il a été particulièrement souligné que les contacts élastiques utilisés dans ces simulations ne reproduisent pas l'irréversibilité des déformations observée dans les expériences sur des sables. Cependant, l'irréversibilité est bien visible sur le nombre de coordination et l'anisotropie. Alors que les paramètres élastiques peuvent exprimer la réponse pour des petits incréments de déformations, la compression oedometrique est belle et bien anélastique, principalement à cause de la mobilisation du frottement. Le rapport entre les contraintes horizontales et verticales (coefficient du sol au repos) n'est particulièrement constant que lorsque l'anisotropie de structure est instaurée dans l'état initial de l'assemblage. Il est par ailleurs relié à l'anisotropie interne de la structure par une formule simple. Finalement, les coefficients du tenseur élastique dépendent principalement du nombre de coordination et son anisotropie est plus liée à l'anisotropie des contacts qu'à celle des forces / The present work is motivated by the study of creep in granular materials at the microscopic scale.The first part of this thesis deals with displacement measurements by microtomography. Classical digital image correlation fails to catch time-dependent (possibly fast) phenomena such as short-term creep. A new method named emph{Discrete Digital Projection Correlation} is developed to overcome this limitation. This method requires very few projections (about 100 times less than classical methods) of the deformed state to perform the correlation and retrieve grain displacements. Therefore, the acquisition time is remarkably reduced, which allows to study time-dependent phenomena.The method is tested on experimental data. While its accuracy compares favorably to that of conventional methods, it only requires acquisition times of a few minutes. The origins of measurement errors are tracked by numerical means, on simulated grain displacements and rotations.The second part is a numerical simulation study, by the Discrete Element Method (DEM), of oedometric compression in model granular materials, carried out with a simple model material: assemblies of slightly polydisperse spherical beads interacting by Hertz-Mindlin contact elasticity and Coulomb friction. A wide variety of initial states are subject to compression, differing in density, coordination number and fabric anisotropy. Despite apparently almost reversible strains, oedometric compression proves an essentially anelastic and irreversible process,due to friction, with important internal state changes affecting coordination number and anisotropy. Elastic moduli only describe the response to very small stress increments about well equilibrated configurations. The ratio of horizontal stress to vertical stress (or coefficient of earth pressure at rest, commonly investigated in soil mechanics) only remains constant for initially anisotropic assemblies. A simple formula relates it to force and fabric anisotropy parameters, while elastic moduli are mainly sensitive to the latter. Further studies of contact network instabilities and rearrangements should pave the way to numerical investigations of creep behavior

Vieillissements statique et dynamique et instabilités associées : expérimentation, modélisation et simulations numériques / Static and dynamic strain aging and associated instabilities : experimentation, modeling and numerical simulations

Nogueira de Codes, Rodrigo 07 September 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier expérimentalement les phénomènes de vieillissement dus à la diffusion des atomes en solution dans les alliages d’aluminium et les instabilités qui leur sont associées comme le phénomène Portevin-Le Châtelier ou les bandes de Lüders et de proposer une modélisation de ces phénomènes dans le cadre de la thermodynamique des processus irréversibles. Une étude expérimentale détaillée est alors entreprise sur les alliages d’aluminium AA5083-H116 et AA5182-O. Le comportement du premier présente l’effet PLC de façon prononcée et les deux types d’instabilités sont observées simultanément pour le second. La corrélation d'images numériques et la thermographie infrarouge sont essentiellement employées pour détecter et caractériser les aspects spatiotemporels des instabilités observées. La déformation non homogène due à l’apparition et la propagation de bandes de localisation est mise en évidence. Ces bandes de déformation sont visualisées, permettant à leurs diverses caractéristiques (vitesse, orientation, largeur, vitesse de déformation à l'intérieur des bandes, augmentation de la température à l'intérieur des bandes) d'être mesurées sur des éprouvettes lisses (plates, cylindriques ou prismatiques). Dans le cas des éprouvettes plates, l’effet des épaisseurs de l’éprouvette a aussi été examiné. Les caractéristiques des bandes sont aussi analysées sur d’autres géométries d’éprouvette (entaillées avec divers types d’entailles) à des vitesses de déformation différentes pour exhiber leur morphologie en présence de chargements multiaxiaux. Des simulations non linéaires et tridimensionnelles ont été effectuées en utilisant le modèle de McCormick pour montrer comment la prise en compte des phénomènes de vieillissement, même partielle, permet de décrire les hétérogénéités et le mouvement des bandes de déformation ainsi que de prévoir leurs différentes caractéristiques. Enfin, en se basant sur les mécanismes physiques à la base des phénomènes de vieillissement et en soulignant les limites du modèle de McCormick, un modèle élasto-viscoplastique prenant en considération les phénomènes de vieillissement est proposé dans le cadre de la thermodynamique des processus irréversibles. / The objective of this thesis is to study experimentally the ageing phenomena due to the atoms diffusion in solid solutions in aluminium alloys and associated instabilities as the Portevin-Le Châtelier phenomenon or the Lüders bands and to propose a model of these phenomena within the framework of thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Digital Infrared Thermography (DIT) are essentially employed to capture and characterize the spatio-temporal aspects of these instabilities. Inhomogeneous deformation, due to the appearance and the propagation of various localization bands are observed. These deformation bands are visualized, allowing their various characteristics (velocity, orientation, width, strain rate inside the bands, temperature increase inside the bands) to be measured on smooth specimens (flat, cylindrical or prismatic). In the case of flat test, the effect of the specimen thickness was also examined. The band characteristics are also analyzed on other specimen geometries (notched with various kinds of notches) at different strain rates to exhibit their morphology in the presence of multiaxial loadings. Some nonlinear and three-dimensional simulations were carried out with McCormick model to show how the inclusions of ageing phenomena, even partial, makes possible to describe heterogeneities and the deformation bands but also reproducing qualitatively their various characteristics. Finally, based on the physical mechanisms of aging phenomena and underlying the limitations of the McCormick model, an elasto-viscoplastic model taking into account the aging phenomena is proposed in the framework of thermodynamics of irreversible processes.

Contribution à l’analyse expérimentale du comportement thermomécanique du caoutchouc naturel / Contribution to the experimental analysis of the thermomechanical behavior of natural rubber

Caborgan, Rodica 16 December 2011 (has links)
Une analyse du comportement thermomécanique du caoutchouc naturel est réalisée en combinant deux techniques d'imagerie quantitative. La corrélation d'images visibles sert à estimer les déformations puis l'énergie de déformation alors que des images infrarouges permettent d'estimer, via l'équation de diffusion, les quantités de chaleur mise en jeu. La construction de bilans d'énergie montre alors l'importance relative des mécanismes dissipatifs et de couplage thermomécanique. A basse fréquence pour de faibles déformations, les résultats permettent de retrouver le fameux effet d'inversion thermoélastique. A déformation plus importante, les résultats montrent une compétition sur le plan énergétique entre élasticité entropique et mécanismes de cristallisation/fusion sous contrainte. Aucun effet dissipatif significatif n'est détecté à basse comme en haute fréquence alors que dans chaque cas, sur le plan mécanique, une aire d'hystérésis caractérise la réponse cyclique du matériau. / An analysis of the thermomechanical behavior of the natural rubber is carried out by combining two quantitative imaging techniques. The digital image correlation of visible images is used to estimate the strain and then the deformation energy whereas infrared images make it possible to estimate, via the heat equation, the amounts of heat involved in the material transformation. The construction of energy balance enables us to determine the relative importance of the dissipative and thermomechanical coupling mechanisms. For low frequency and low extension ratio, the results show the famous thermoelastic inversion effect. From an energy standpoint, a competition between entropic elasticity and stress-induced crystallization/fusion mechanisms is observed for more significant extension ratios. No significant dissipative effect can be detected at low or high loading frequency whereas in each case, a stress-strain hysteresis characterizes the cyclic response of the material.

Full-field experimental characterization of mechanical behaviour and failure in a porous rock in plane strain compression : homogeneous deformation and strain localization / Caractérisation expérimentale par mesure des champs du comportement mécanique et de la rupture dans une roche poreuse en déformation plane : déformation homogène et localisation de la déformation

Lanata, Patrizia 02 April 2015 (has links)
Ce travail présente une caractérisation expérimentale du comportement mécanique et de la rupture par localisation de la déformation dans un grès des Vosges. L'évolution temporelle de la localisation a été caractérisée par des mesures de champs. Une nouvelle cellule triaxiale vraie a été développée au Laboratoire 3SR (Grenoble), qui permet une visualisation des échantillons sous chargement pour réaliser de la corrélation d'image numérique (CIN). Les essais ont été réalisés par compression en déformation plane (confinement de 20 à 50 MPa). La transition d'une déformation diffuse à localisée a été finement étudiée. Une analyse comparative a été ensuite effectuée entre les mesures de champs et la microstructure à l'échelle des grains observée par microscope (MEB). Enfin, une étude théorique basée sur une analyse en bifurcation a été menée pour comparer observations des bandes de cisaillement et prédiction sur la localisation de la déformation. / This work aims an experimental characterization of the mechanical behaviour and failure by strain localization on a Vosges sandstone. The time evolution of strain localization has been characterized by full-field measurements. A new true-triaxial apparatus has been developed at Laboratoire 3SR (Grenoble), which enables the observation of the specimens during mechanical loading for application of digital image correlation (DIC). Tests have been performed in plane strain compression (confining pressure from 20 to 50 MPa). The transition from diffuse to localised deformation regimes has been extensively studied. Then, a comparative analysis has been done between the strain fields (DIC) and microscope (SEM) observations to determine how closely the DIC fields are related to deformation mechanisms detected at the grain scale. Finally, a theoretical bifurcation analysis is presented to compare the experimental observations of shear bands with strain localization prediction.


John J Rotella (11811830) 20 December 2021 (has links)
<p>Modern structural materials utilize tailored microstructures to retain peak performance within the most volatile operating conditions. Features such as grain size, grain boundary (GB) character and morphology and secondary phases are just a few of the tunable parameters. By tailoring these types of microstructural features, the deformation behavior of the material is also altered. The localization of plastic strain directly correlated to material failure. Thus, a systematic approach was utilized to understand the effect of microstructural features on the localization of plastic deformation utilizing digital image correlation (DIC). First, at the macroscopic scale, strain accumulation is known to form parallel to the plane of maximum shear stress. The local deviations in the deformation pathways at the meso-scale are investigated relative to the plane of maximum shear stress. The deviations in the deformation pathways are observed to be a function of the accumulated local plastic strain magnitude and the grain size. Next, strains characterized via DIC were used to calculate a value of incremental slip on the active slip systems and identify cases of slip transmission. The incremental slip was calculated based on a Taylor-Bishop-Hill algorithm, which determined a qualitative assessment of deformation on a given slip system, by satisfying compatibility and identifying the stress state by the principle of virtual work. Inter-connected slip bands, between neighboring grains, were shown to accumulate more incremental slip (and associated strain) relative to slip bands confined to a single grain, where slip transmission did not occur. These results rationalize the role of grain clusters which lead to intense strain accumulation and thus serve as potential sites for fatigue crack initiation. Lastly, at GB interfaces, the effect of GB morphology (planar or serrated) on the cavitation behavior was studied during elevated temperature dwell-fatigue at 700 °C. The resulting γ′ precipitate structures were characterized near GBs and within grains. Along serrated GBs coarsened and elongated <a>γ′ </a>precipitates formed and consequently created adjacent regions that were denuded of γ′ precipitates. Dwell-fatigue experiments were performed at low and high stress amplitudes which varied the amount of imparted strain on the specimens.<a> Additionally, the regions denuded of the γ′ precipitates were observed to localize strain and to be initial sites of cavitation.</a> <a>These results present a quantitative strain analysis between two GB morphologies, which provided the micromechanical rationale for the increased proclivity for serrated GBs to form cavities.</a></p>

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