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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Re-Ranking auf Basis von Bradfordizing für die verteilte Suche in digitalen Bibliotheken

Mayr, Philipp 06 March 2009 (has links)
Trotz großer Dokumentmengen für datenbankübergreifende Literaturrecherchen erwarten akademische Nutzer einen möglichst hohen Anteil an relevanten und qualitativen Dokumenten in den Trefferergebnissen. Insbesondere die Reihenfolge und Struktur der gelisteten Ergebnisse (Ranking) spielt, neben dem direkten Volltextzugriff auf die Dokumente, inzwischen eine entscheidende Rolle beim Design von Suchsystemen. Nutzer erwarten weiterhin flexible Informationssysteme, die es unter anderem zulassen, Einfluss auf das Ranking der Dokumente zu nehmen bzw. alternative Rankingverfahren zu verwenden. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Mehrwertverfahren für Suchsysteme vorgestellt, die die typischen Probleme bei der Recherche nach wissenschaftlicher Literatur behandeln und damit die Recherchesituation messbar verbessern können. Die beiden Mehrwertdienste semantische Heterogenitätsbehandlung am Beispiel Crosskonkordanzen und Re-Ranking auf Basis von Bradfordizing, die in unterschiedlichen Phasen der Suche zum Einsatz kommen, werden hier ausführlich beschrieben und im empirischen Teil der Arbeit bzgl. der Effektivität für typische fachbezogene Recherchen evaluiert. Vorrangiges Ziel der Promotion ist es, zu untersuchen, ob das hier vorgestellte alternative Re-Rankingverfahren Bradfordizing im Anwendungsbereich bibliographischer Datenbanken zum einen operabel ist und zum anderen voraussichtlich gewinnbringend in Informationssystemen eingesetzt und dem Nutzer angeboten werden kann. Für die Tests wurden Fragestellungen und Daten aus zwei Evaluationsprojekten (CLEF und KoMoHe) verwendet. Die intellektuell bewerteten Dokumente stammen aus insgesamt sieben wissenschaftlichen Fachdatenbanken der Fächer Sozialwissenschaften, Politikwissenschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Psychologie und Medizin. Die Evaluation der Crosskonkordanzen (insgesamt 82 Fragestellungen) zeigt, dass sich die Retrievalergebnisse signifikant für alle Crosskonkordanzen verbessern; es zeigt sich zudem, dass interdisziplinäre Crosskonkordanzen den stärksten (positiven) Effekt auf die Suchergebnisse haben. Die Evaluation des Re-Ranking nach Bradfordizing (insgesamt 164 Fragestellungen) zeigt, dass die Dokumente der Kernzone (Kernzeitschriften) für die meisten Testreihen eine signifikant höhere Precision als Dokumente der Zone 2 und Zone 3 (Peripheriezeitschriften) ergeben. Sowohl für Zeitschriften als auch für Monographien kann dieser Relevanzvorteil nach Bradfordizing auf einer sehr breiten Basis von Themen und Fragestellungen an zwei unabhängigen Dokumentkorpora empirisch nachgewiesen werden. / In spite of huge document sets for cross-database literature searches, academic users expect a high ratio of relevant and qualitative documents in result sets. It is particularly the order and structure of the listed results (ranking) that play an important role when designing search systems alongside the direct full text access for documents. Users also expect flexible information systems which allow influencing the ranking of documents and application of alternative ranking techniques. This thesis proposes two value-added approaches for search systems which treat typical problems in searching scientific literature and seek to improve the retrieval situation on a measurable level. The two value-added services, semantic treatment of heterogeneity (the example of cross-concordances) and re-ranking on Bradfordizing, which are applied in different search phases, are described in detail and their effectiveness in typical subject-specific searches is evaluated in the empirical part of the thesis. The preeminent goal of the thesis is to study if the proposed, alternative re-ranking approach Bradfordizing is operable in the domain of bibliographic databases, and if the approach is profitable, i.e. serves as a value added, for users in information systems. We used topics and data from two evaluation projects (CLEF and KoMoHe) for the tests. The intellectually assessed documents come from seven academic abstracting and indexing databases representing social science, political science, economics, psychology and medicine. The evaluation of the cross-concordances (82 topics altogether) shows that the retrieval results improve significantly for all cross-concordances, indicating that interdisciplinary cross-concordances have the strongest (positive) effect on the search results. The evaluation of Bradfordizing re-ranking (164 topics altogether) shows that core zone (core journals) documents display significantly higher precision than was seen for documents in zone 2 and zone 3 (periphery journals) for most test series. This post-Bradfordizing relevance advantage can be demonstrated empirically across a very broad basis of topics and two independent document corpora as well for journals and monographs.

ICTS: A catalyst for enriching the learning process and library services in India

Chandra, Smita, Patkar, Vivek January 2007 (has links)
The advances in ICTs have decisively changed the library and learning environment. On the one hand, ICTs have enhanced the variety and accessibility to library collections and services to break the barriers of location and time. On the other, the e-Learning has emerged as an additional medium for imparting education in many disciplines to overcome the constraint of physical capacity associated with the traditional classroom methods. For a vast developing country like India, this provides an immense opportunity to provide even higher education to remote places besides extending the library services through networking. Thanks to the recent initiatives by the public and private institutions in this direction, a few web-based instruction courses are now running in the country. This paper reviews different aspects of e-Learning and emerging learning landscapes. It further presents the library scene and new opportunities for its participation in the e-Learning process. How these ICTs driven advances can contribute to the comprehensive learning process in India is highlighted.

\"Repensando os commons na comunicação científica\" / Rethinking the access to the scientific communication

Evelyn Cristina Pinto 23 May 2006 (has links)
Recentemente estudiosos como Benkler, Lessig, Boyle, Hess e Ostrom retomaram o uso do conceito de commons, mas agora relacionado à informação em geral ou à informação científica. Nesse trabalho, nós lançamos mão desse termo para destacar o caráter cooperativo da pesquisa científica, a importância da transparência e neutralidade no acesso ao commons da Ciência e a natureza anti-rival da informação científica. O conceito de commons nos é muito útil para focar todo o conjunto dos artigos científicos já publicados, quer estejam na forma impressa ou na digital. Ainda permite um estudo através de prismas multidisciplinares e, finalmente, enfatiza a dinâmica das comunidades científicos como um todo. Em qualquer commons de informação, quanto maior a distribuição do conhecimento, mais dinâmico e eficiente é o processo de evolução do conhecimento. A tecnologia da imprensa tem desempenhado um papel fundamental na divulgação de informação e o seu surgimento marcou uma revolução no conhecimento e na cultura da nossa civilização. A tecnologia digital tem se mostrado mais eficiente ainda, uma vez que a natureza da sua implementação em bits se aproxima mais da natureza anti-rival das idéias do que qualquer outra tecnologia hoje empregada para preservação e distribuição de informação. Em nosso estudo, constatamos que o commons da Ciência pode ser enormemente enriquecido através de práticas cooperativas e de acesso aberto na publicação da academia. Percebemos também que o uso da tecnologia digital no commons científico, especialmente na publicação dos resultados da pesquisa, aumenta grandemente a distribuição do conhecimento acadêmico, suas oportunidades de escrutínio e validação, a dinâmica de amadurecimento das idéias científicas e, conseqüentemente, pode tornar o desenvolvimento da Ciência mais veloz e eficiente. No entanto, o meio digital tem sido utilizado tanto para criar um ambiente de livre circulação de idéias quanto para controlá-las. Por um lado, código computacional tem sido implementado para garantir o acesso apenas aos que pagam pelos altos preços das revistas científicas. Por outro lado, a publicação de revistas on-line de acesso aberto e outras formas alternativas de disseminação de conteúdo científico têm se proliferado. Ainda, o decrescente orçamento das bibliotecas, o crescente preço das assinaturas de revistas científicas e as crescentes restrições aplicadas pelas leis de propriedade intelectual têm minado a natureza livre das idéias científicas e colocado a Comunicação Científica numa crise. Estamos no meio de uma transição de paradigmas quanto à publicação dos resultados de pesquisa científica, onde aspectos legais, tecnológicos e sócio-econômicos estão em renegociação. À luz das oportunidades da tecnologia digital e da publicação em acesso aberto, as formas de disseminação dos resultados da pesquisa científica presentemente estabelecidas tem sido repensadas. Inserimos essa análise num contexto maior, o paradigma da Comunicação Científica. Isso nos auxilia a fazer um estudo mais abrangente das complexas questões envolvendo nosso tema, analisando os aspectos tecnológicos, legais e sócio-econômicos de uma possível transição para o modelo de publicação de acesso aberto. Tão grandes são as oportunidades desse novo modelo que ele tem agregado em torno de si iniciativas sócio-acadêmicas conhecidas por Movimento de Acesso Aberto à literatura científica. Atualmente, há muitos testes e modelos de publicação dessa literatura. Em especial, nesse trabalho focamos o modelo de acesso aberto aos resultados científicos, suas vantagens, as dificuldades para seu estabelecimento e como ele tem se desenvolvido. Analisamos a viabilidade de criação de um ecossistema de bibliotecas digitais de acesso aberto, especializadas em cada ramo da Ciência. Nossos modelos de partida baseiam-se em alguns aspectos de serviços como arXiv, CiteSeer e Google Scholar. Entre as muitas conclusões desse estudo, constatamos que bibliotecas desse tipo aumentam sobremaneira a dinâmica de circulação, geração, transformação e renovação do conhecimento científico. Assim, o processo de produção de recursos no commons científico pode se tornar muito mais eficiente. / Recent studies done by Benkler, Lessig, Boyle, Hess and Ostrom look at the concept of commons again however, this time in relation to information in general more specifically to scientific information. In this study, we focused on the cooperative character of scientific research, the importance of transparency and neutrality to access the scientific commons. The concept of commons is highly useful to focus on every scientific article that has already been published in print or digitally. This allows studies through several multidisciplines and finally emphasizes the dynamic of scientific communities around the world. In each commons of information, the higher the distribution of knowledge, the more dynamic and efficient the process of the evolution of this information. Technology of the press has been key in the divulging of information and its expansion marked a revolution in knowledge and culture in our civilization. Digital technology has shown more efficiency. Its implementation into bits is closer to the non-rival nature of the ideas than other technologies used to preserve it and used to distribute information. In our work, we realized that the science of commons should be enriched through cooperative practices and open access to scientific results. We also realized that digital technology in scientific commons improves distribution of scholarly knowledge and the dynamic evolution of scientific ideas so the science development should be even more efficient and faster. The digital revolution has been used to create a free environment of circulation of ideas and it has also been used to control certain things. On one side, computational code has been implemented to allow access just for people who pay for the service. On the other hand, online journals publishing and other alternative forms of disseminating scientific knowledge have been proliferated. The decreasing budget of libraries, the increasing cost of journal subscriptions and the increasing restrictions applied by intellectual property has enclosed the free nature of scientific ideas and it has put Scholarly Communication into a crisis. We are in the middle of a transitional phase, where legal, technological, social and economic aspects of scientific publishing have being renegotiated. We inserted our analyses in a larger context, the Scholarly Communication paradigm. This supports a larger study about the complex questions of our subject, analyzing the technological, legal, social and economic aspects of a possible transition to the open access publishing model. This new publishing model is so interesting that some initiatives have started social movements pertaining to it. Nowadays, there are many tests and publishing models especially in this line of work. We focused on the open access model in scientific results, its advantages, the difficulties of its establishment and how it has been developed. Finally, we propose that the creation of an open access digital libraries ecosystem specialized in every scientific field. Our staring models are services such as: arXiv, CiteSeer and Google Scholar. Among our conclusions, we have realized that following this models stated above, digital libraries can enhance the dynamic of circulation, generation, transformation and renovation of the scientific knowledge.

Image Retrieval in Digital Libraries: A Large Scale Multicollection Experimentation of Machine Learning techniques

Moreux, Jean-Philippe, Chiron, Guillaume 16 October 2017 (has links)
While historically digital heritage libraries were first powered in image mode, they quickly took advantage of OCR technology to index printed collections and consequently improve the scope and performance of the information retrieval services offered to users. But the access to iconographic resources has not progressed in the same way, and the latter remain in the shadows: manual incomplete and heterogeneous indexation, data silos by iconographic genre. Today, however, it would be possible to make better use of these resources, especially by exploiting the enormous volumes of OCR produced during the last two decades, and thus valorize these engravings, drawings, photographs, maps, etc. for their own value but also as an attractive entry point into the collections, supporting discovery and serenpidity from document to document and collection to collection. This article presents an ETL (extract-transform-load) approach to this need, that aims to: Identify and extract iconography wherever it may be found, in image collections but also in printed materials (dailies, magazines, monographies); Transform, harmonize and enrich the image descriptive metadata (in particular with machine learning classification tools); Load it all into a web app dedicated to image retrieval. The approach is pragmatically dual, since it involves leveraging existing digital resources and (virtually) on-the-shelf technologies. / Si historiquement, les bibliothèques numériques patrimoniales furent d’abord alimentées par des images, elles profitèrent rapidement de la technologie OCR pour indexer les collections imprimées afin d’améliorer périmètre et performance du service de recherche d’information offert aux utilisateurs. Mais l’accès aux ressources iconographiques n’a pas connu les mêmes progrès et ces dernières demeurent dans l’ombre : indexation manuelle lacunaire, hétérogène et non viable à grande échelle ; silos documentaires par genre iconographique ; recherche par le contenu (CBIR, content-based image retrieval) encore peu opérationnelle sur les collections patrimoniales. Aujourd’hui, il serait pourtant possible de mieux valoriser ces ressources, en particulier en exploitant les énormes volumes d’OCR produits durant les deux dernières décennies (tant comme descripteur textuel que pour l’identification automatique des illustrations imprimées). Et ainsi mettre en valeur ces gravures, dessins, photographies, cartes, etc. pour leur valeur propre mais aussi comme point d’entrée dans les collections, en favorisant découverte et rebond de document en document, de collection à collection. Cet article décrit une approche ETL (extract-transform-load) appliquée aux images d’une bibliothèque numérique à vocation encyclopédique : identifier et extraire l’iconographie partout où elle se trouve (dans les collections image mais aussi dans les imprimés : presse, revue, monographie) ; transformer, harmoniser et enrichir ses métadonnées descriptives grâce à des techniques d’apprentissage machine – machine learning – pour la classification et l’indexation automatiques ; charger ces données dans une application web dédiée à la recherche iconographique (ou dans d’autres services de la bibliothèque). Approche qualifiée de pragmatique à double titre, puisqu’il s’agit de valoriser des ressources numériques existantes et de mettre à profit des technologies (quasiment) mâtures.

Strategies for converting traditional academic library spaces to research commons : a South African perspective

Matatiele, Refilwe Agnes 11 1900 (has links)
Background: Over the years, the traditional academic library has been the quintessential repository for hard-copy materials and relevant information resources to support the teaching, learning and research activities of their parent universities. Accordingly, the reinvention of the academic library and its transition to the research commons model was induced by the combined effect of historical and momentous developments such as :globalisation; the worldwide democratisation of societies; the advent of mass higher education; as well as the irreversible proliferation of information and communication technologies and their tectonic impact on the knowledge economy. Purpose: This research study investigated strategies applied when converting traditional university libraries to the research commons service delivery model in South Africa. The study also sought participants’ perspectives in the identification of success factors and constraints to such conversion strategies. Methodology :The study adopted a combined qualitative-quantitative approach involving interviews, observations and questionnaires. Three public university libraries in Gauteng Province were involved as case studies to determine the extent of their orientation to the research commons model. In this regard, the study sample consisted of a manager/librarian from each of the three university libraries. Data was collected primarily by means of a survey questionnaire and semi-structured individual interviews. Explorative, descriptive and interpretive elements were applied to complement the data collection and analysis processes. Thematic data analysis was used for the ultimate categorisation and merging of both the questionnaire- and interview-based data accrued rom the selected participants. Results: Overall, the study found that careful planning and identification of positive conversion factors were critical aspects for successful implementation and evolution of any current or future research commons model. Critical factors included :formation of a research library consortium; establishing one-stop multifunctional spaces; and ongoing user and space assessment to adjust services, resources and spaces accordingly to suit changing technologies, postgraduate needs and contemporary learning styles on time and as required .Meanwhile, conversion hindrances included: model misconception by university leadership; strategic planning and change management deficiencies; poor communication; homogeneous staffing models and budgetary constraints. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)

Analýza informačních zdrojů pro rozvoj softwarových aplikací v prostředí grafického průmyslu / Analysis of Information Sources for Development of Software Application for Printing Industry

Urbánek, Matyáš January 2011 (has links)
Diploma work is targeted on analysis and description of information sources for software application and management information systems in printing industry. At first information needs and information overloading are shortly defined. Next are descripted concepts of printing industry, software for printing industry and relatives concepts of management information systems and workflow systems. In next chapter keywords for information retrieval was arranged in hierarchical tree structures. Core specialised journals and usefull information sources were found within information retrieval. In work are involved both deep web sources and surface web information sources. Found information object are descripted and cited by ISO 690. At the end of work are given categorised bibliographic lists and simple web page project for specialised information portal.

Informační architektura webového rozhraní vybraných digitálních knihoven / Information Architecture of Selected Digital Libraries Web Interface

Kvašová, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
(in English): This thesis is dedicated to the analysis and evaluation of applied information architecture of two selected digital libraries - Manuscriptorium and Kramerius of the National Digital Library. Information architecture is one of several interconnected web design disciplines. For designing purposes, information architecture can be defined as a complex of elements and principles. Analysis and evaluation of the existing information architecture depends on its integration into the web sites context. The thesis contains theoretical part with definition of information architecture, its elements and principles of design. It describes evaluation methods of information architecture as a combination of qualitative and quantitative elements of web sites. Information architecture of digital libraries often means architecture of the system. The thesis contains a definition of a digital library and explains focus on access application. Testing of web usability is the best way of testing the information architecture of digital libraries. It enables to test information architecture from user's point of view. The conclusion provide results of the usability tests.

Elementary school children’s acceptance and use of digital school libraries at Crawford Preparatory Pretoria School in Gauteng Province, South Africa

Moyo, Sharon 05 1900 (has links)
The use of the digital school library depends on many factors, including end-users‘ acceptance. The issue of designing information systems that will be used appropriately is growing and thus user acceptance of new technology is now receiving much attention by researchers. Without acceptance, discretionary users will seek alternatives, while even dedicated users will most likely manifest dissatisfaction, negating many, if not all, the presumed benefits of the digital library. Whereas the traditional focus of digital libraries has drawn research on technological developments, there is a call for user-focused research. This study sought to identify the dynamics of elementary children‘s (11- to 13- year olds) decision-making in the context of accepting or resisting making use of digital school libraries at Crawford Preparatory Pretoria School in Gauteng. To be accepted, the digital library must satisfy basic usability requirements and be perceived as useful by the children. The constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness were used to generate an understanding of acceptance of the digital school libraries. The study adopted a quantitative case study research approach to compare the empirical data and the TAM theory. Data triangulation of a wide range of data collection methods, including observation, questionnaires, focus groups and tasks given to the children to work on using the International Children‘s Digital Library was analysed. The findings revealed that, just like adults, children make decisions regarding accepting and using the digital school library based on how easy it is to use and how relevant it is to their needs. The study recommends that software designers, teachers and librarians work with the children when designing digital school libraries to ensure that their acceptance factors are taken into consideration when designing for them. / Information Science / M. Inf.

Elementary school children’s acceptance and use of digital school libraries at Crawford Preparatory Pretoria School in Gauteng Province, South Africa

Moyo, Sharon 05 1900 (has links)
The use of the digital school library depends on many factors, including end-users‘ acceptance. The issue of designing information systems that will be used appropriately is growing and thus user acceptance of new technology is now receiving much attention by researchers. Without acceptance, discretionary users will seek alternatives, while even dedicated users will most likely manifest dissatisfaction, negating many, if not all, the presumed benefits of the digital library. Whereas the traditional focus of digital libraries has drawn research on technological developments, there is a call for user-focused research. This study sought to identify the dynamics of elementary children‘s (11- to 13- year olds) decision-making in the context of accepting or resisting making use of digital school libraries at Crawford Preparatory Pretoria School in Gauteng. To be accepted, the digital library must satisfy basic usability requirements and be perceived as useful by the children. The constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness were used to generate an understanding of acceptance of the digital school libraries. The study adopted a quantitative case study research approach to compare the empirical data and the TAM theory. Data triangulation of a wide range of data collection methods, including observation, questionnaires, focus groups and tasks given to the children to work on using the International Children‘s Digital Library was analysed. The findings revealed that, just like adults, children make decisions regarding accepting and using the digital school library based on how easy it is to use and how relevant it is to their needs. The study recommends that software designers, teachers and librarians work with the children when designing digital school libraries to ensure that their acceptance factors are taken into consideration when designing for them. / Information Science / M. Inf.

Kartografické kulturní dědictví / Cartographic cultural heritage

Novotná, Eva January 2021 (has links)
Disertace je zaměřena na kartografické kulturní dědictví. Zkoumá postupy a stav jeho zpracování i způsoby a nástroje pro zpřístupnění v paměťových institucích. Byly vytčeny dva hlavní cíle práce. Nejprve zpracovat teoretický model online zpřístupnění kartografického kulturního dědictví a ověřit jej na vzorku mapových sbírek. Dále na základě teoretického modelu vytvořit online nástroj pro zlepšení služeb mapových sbírek. K dosažení cíle byly použity kvalitativní výzkumné metody. Konkrétně se jednalo o dotazníkové šetření českých a zahraničních mapových sbírek a také o případové studie českých projektů zaměřených na zpracování a zpřístupnění kartografických památek. K naplnění cílů práce byly podle knihovnického referenčního modelu IFLA navrženy dílčí modely uživatelských úloh, jejichž cílem bylo najít, určit, vybrat, získat a prozkoumat dílo. Na jejich základě byla doporučena kritéria pro hodnocení uživatelských úloh. K ověření funkčnosti modelu došlo testováním 20 digitalizovaných mapových sbírek. Byl vytvořen webový nástroj Databáze digitalizovaných mapových sbírek pro zlepšení služeb mapových sbírek.

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