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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tvorba kartograficky správných vrstevnic z dat LLS v rovinatém terénu / Production of cartographically correct countour lines from airborne laserscanning data in flat terrain

Picek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Production of cartographically correct countour lines from airborne laserscanning data in flat terrain Abstract The thesis is dedicated to the creation of contour lines from the data of airborne laserscanning in flat areas. For creation of contour lines in these parts is necessary specific generalization, that smooths unwanted artifacts, but does not delete the shapes, which are characteristic for the relief. The first part of the thesis is to serve as a short insight into the areas on which it is built, this thesis: the principle of airborne laserscanning and basic information on the contour line model. On the basis of technical literature are defined the requirements for the correct representation of the contour and cartographicly presented the different types of the DEM and generalization of contours. The main aim of this work is to design an algorithm that will combine several methods of generalization of contour while maintaining altitude accuracy as well as other requirements on their cartographicly the right terms, and to test this approach in several territories. In conclusion, the results of the methods of work and its implementation critically evaluated and outlined other possible developments of this issue. Keywords hypsography, airborne laserscanning, digital cartography, contour lines,...

Automatická klasifikace vybraných terénních tvarů z jejich kartografické reprezentace / Automated recognition of selected terrain features from their cartographic representation

Sykora, Matúš January 2021 (has links)
Automated recognition of selected terrain features from their cartographic representation. This diploma thesis is dedicated to automatic classification of selected terrain shapes and their cartographic representation. The main aim of this thesis is to design methodological approach for automatic recognition of terrain shapes (hills and valleys) with the use of Machine Learning (Deep Learning). The first part of suggested method divides rough terrain segmentation into two categories, which will be then classified with convolutional neural network. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the very classification of pre-segmented terrain shapes using Machine Learning. Both parts of the processing are using photos SRTM30 as an input data. The whole proposed method was developed in Python programming language with the usage of Arcpy, TensorFlow and Keras libraries. Keywords: Digital cartography, GIS, terrain shapes, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, recognition, classification, segmentation

Provinsgenerering med postprocess

Aldabbagh, Haimen January 2014 (has links)
This bachelor's thesis is a part of a larger project carried out at Paradox Interactive. The project aims to improve a map generator for the strategy game Europa Universalis IV. This work addresses the creation and implementation of a province generator that divides a pregenerated landscape in provinces. The provinces in the game are the regions on the game map that the game mechanics are based upon. The improvements that are expected of the new province generator includes the following properties: • The provinces that are created have more logically placed boundaries that are affected by the structure of the landscape. • The program gives the user more control over how the end result should look like by letting the user set the values of input parameters. • The execution should not exceed an approximate time limit. This time limit is set by Paradox Interactive. The work began with research on the topics map creation and map division to give enough knowledge to plan the implementation of the program. The programming language that is used is Java. The implementation of the program is based on many well-known algorithms in which the most remarkable one is Fortune's algorithm which performs the main task of the provincial division of the program, the creation of Voronoi diagrams. The Voronoi diagrams are used to divide the map into regions which by using a post-process results in the creation of the provinces. Other well-known algorithms and methods used or addressed in this report include the Lloyd relaxation, Bresenham's line algorithm, Scan Line Flood Fill, Delaunay triangulation and Bowyer-Watson's algorithm. The result of this work is a Java application that can load a map file containing information of a landscape structure and create a division of provinces with provincial boundaries that depend on the structure of the landscape. The results of the provincial division may be controlled by a number of user defined parameters. The program could not be fully calibrated during the time of the project because the landscape generator was not ready in time to be able to provide a map of a generated landscape. The generated provinces can be saved as an image file on the hard disk. / Kandidatexamensarbetet är en del av ett större projekt som utförs på företaget Paradox Interactive. Projektets mål är att förbättra en kartgenerator för strategispelet Europa Universalis IV. Det här arbetet avser skapandet och implementationen av en provinsgenerator som delar in ett färdiggenererat landskap i provinser. Provinserna i spelet är de landsdelar på kartan som spelmekaniken bygger på. Förbättringarna som förväntas av den nya provinsgeneratorn är bland annat att: • Provinserna som skapas ska ha mer logiska gränser som påverkas av landskapets utformning och inte vara alltför orealistiska. • Ge användaren mer kontroll över hur slutresultatet ska se ut genom användarinmatade parametrar. • Inte överstiga en ungefärlig tidsgräns vid programmets exekvering. Tidsgränsen sätts av Paradox Interactive. Arbetet började med forskning kring ämnena kartgenerering och kartindelning vilket gav tillräckligt med kunskap för att planera hur programmet skulle implementeras. Programmeringsspråket som används är Java. Implementationen av programmet bygger på många kända algoritmer där den mest anmärkningsvärda algoritmen är Fortune's algoritm som utför huvuduppgiften för provinsindelningen i programmet, skapandet av Voronoidiagram. Voronoi-diagramen används för att dela in kartan i ytor som med hjälp av en postprocess resulterar i skapandet av provinserna. Andra kända algoritmer och metoder som används eller tas upp i den här rapporten är bland annat Lloyd relaxation, Bresenham's linjealgoritm, Scanline floodfill, Delaunay triangulering och Bowyer–Watson's algoritm. Resultatet av arbetet är ett Java-program som kan läsa in en kartfil med information om landskapsstruktur och skapa en indelning av provinser med provinsgränser som beror på landskapets utformning. Resultatet av provinsindelningen kan styras med hjälp av ett antal användarinmatade parametrar. Programmet hann inte kalibreras fullt ut under arbetets gång på grund av att landskapsgeneratorn inte blev färdig i tid för att kunna bidra med en genererad landskapskarta. De genererade provinserna kan sparas som en bildfil på hårddisken.

Generalizace vrstevnic v rovinatých územích / Simplification of contour lines in flat areas

Čelonk, Marek January 2021 (has links)
Simplification of contour lines in flat areas The diploma thesis is focused on the cartographic generalization of contour lines derived from dense point clouds in flat territories, where the original contour lines tend to oscillate. The main aim is to propose, develop and test a new algorithm for the contour simplification preserving the given vertical error and reflecting the cartographic rules. Three methods designed for large scale maps (1 : 10 000 and larger) are presented: the weighted average, modified Douglas-Peucker and potential-based approach. The most promising method is based on the repeated simplification of contour line segments by calculating the generalization potential of its vertices. The algorithm is implemented in Python 2.7 with the use of Arcpy library was tested on DMR5G data, the simplified contour lines were compared with the result created by a professional cartographer. Achieved results are presented on attached topographic maps. Keywords: contours, cartographic generalization, digital cartography, vertical buffer, smoothing, GIS

Desenvolvimento de metodologia de cartografia digital para a recuperação de divisas de imóveis rurais através de escrituras e memoriais antigos. / Development of methodology of digital cartography for the recovery of verge of country property through old technical description.

Piveta, Adilson Haroldo 10 April 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado propõe técnicas de Cartografia Digital para um melhor embasamento técnico do Estado na defesa do patrimônio imobiliário estadual em ações judiciais que versem sobre questões relacionadas ao direito de uso e ocupação de terras públicas, em grande parte situadas em áreas de preservação ambiental e que resultam, muitas vezes, em indenizações milionárias contra o Estado. Segundo COSTA NETO (2006), a confusão que predomina na documentação da propriedade imobiliária em unidades de proteção integral favorece a ocorrência de ações ilegais e dificulta a resolução de conflitos, constituindo um dos principais obstáculos às ações governamentais para implantação e proteção dessas unidades. Favorece, ainda, a existência da denominada \"indústria das desapropriações\", por meio de uma corrida em busca de grandes somas de indenizações pelo poder público. Desta forma, torna-se fundamental a adoção de procedimentos técnicos que incorporem metodologias modernas de Cartografia Digital a fim de que possam ser compatibilizadas plantas, escrituras e memoriais descritivos antigos à bases cartográficas georreferenciadas e unificadas, a fim de agilizar trabalhos de defesa dos interesses do Estado, poupando o erário público de indenizações improcedentes. Para tanto, tomou-se como objeto de estudos a Reserva Florestal do Curucutú, imóvel do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, com características técnicas bastante diversificadas, e que bem serviu de paradigma para o estabelecimento e aplicação dos procedimentos nos demais imóveis. / This master thesis proposes techniques of Digital Cartography for the enhancement of the technical bases of the State in the defense of its real state patrimony in judicial actions regarding the issues related to the right of use and occupation of public lands, in great part located in areas of environmental preservation resulting, many times, in millionaire indemnifications against the State. According to COSTA NETO (2006), the predominant confusion on the real state property documentation in units of whole protection favors the occurrence of illegal actions and turns the conflicts resolution difficult, constituting one of the main hindrances to the governmental actions for the implementation and protection of those units. It favors yet the existence of the so called \"Power to Seize Industry\", through a rush in search of great sum of indemnifications by the Public Power. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance the adoption of technical procedures which incorporate modern methodologies of Digital Cartography so the plans can be compatible, deed and old descriptive memorials to cartographic bases geo-referred and unified, in order to streamline the work in defense of the State interests, saving the treasury from unsuitable indemnifications. For in such a way, the Forest Reserve of the Curucutú was overcome as object of studies, property of the Government of the State of São Paulo, with characteristics techniques sufficiently diversified, and that it served of paradigm for the establishment and application of the procedures in the excessively immovable ones well.

Desenvolvimento de metodologia de cartografia digital para a recuperação de divisas de imóveis rurais através de escrituras e memoriais antigos. / Development of methodology of digital cartography for the recovery of verge of country property through old technical description.

Adilson Haroldo Piveta 10 April 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado propõe técnicas de Cartografia Digital para um melhor embasamento técnico do Estado na defesa do patrimônio imobiliário estadual em ações judiciais que versem sobre questões relacionadas ao direito de uso e ocupação de terras públicas, em grande parte situadas em áreas de preservação ambiental e que resultam, muitas vezes, em indenizações milionárias contra o Estado. Segundo COSTA NETO (2006), a confusão que predomina na documentação da propriedade imobiliária em unidades de proteção integral favorece a ocorrência de ações ilegais e dificulta a resolução de conflitos, constituindo um dos principais obstáculos às ações governamentais para implantação e proteção dessas unidades. Favorece, ainda, a existência da denominada \"indústria das desapropriações\", por meio de uma corrida em busca de grandes somas de indenizações pelo poder público. Desta forma, torna-se fundamental a adoção de procedimentos técnicos que incorporem metodologias modernas de Cartografia Digital a fim de que possam ser compatibilizadas plantas, escrituras e memoriais descritivos antigos à bases cartográficas georreferenciadas e unificadas, a fim de agilizar trabalhos de defesa dos interesses do Estado, poupando o erário público de indenizações improcedentes. Para tanto, tomou-se como objeto de estudos a Reserva Florestal do Curucutú, imóvel do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, com características técnicas bastante diversificadas, e que bem serviu de paradigma para o estabelecimento e aplicação dos procedimentos nos demais imóveis. / This master thesis proposes techniques of Digital Cartography for the enhancement of the technical bases of the State in the defense of its real state patrimony in judicial actions regarding the issues related to the right of use and occupation of public lands, in great part located in areas of environmental preservation resulting, many times, in millionaire indemnifications against the State. According to COSTA NETO (2006), the predominant confusion on the real state property documentation in units of whole protection favors the occurrence of illegal actions and turns the conflicts resolution difficult, constituting one of the main hindrances to the governmental actions for the implementation and protection of those units. It favors yet the existence of the so called \"Power to Seize Industry\", through a rush in search of great sum of indemnifications by the Public Power. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance the adoption of technical procedures which incorporate modern methodologies of Digital Cartography so the plans can be compatible, deed and old descriptive memorials to cartographic bases geo-referred and unified, in order to streamline the work in defense of the State interests, saving the treasury from unsuitable indemnifications. For in such a way, the Forest Reserve of the Curucutú was overcome as object of studies, property of the Government of the State of São Paulo, with characteristics techniques sufficiently diversified, and that it served of paradigm for the establishment and application of the procedures in the excessively immovable ones well.

Créer un atlas numérique de l'architecture publique en France (1795-1840) : éditorialisation d'une base de données en histoire de l'art

Krause, Lena 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire consiste en la création d’un atlas numérique de l’architecture publique en France dans la première moitié du XIXème siècle. Le Conseil des bâtiments civils, institution publique chargée de l’architecture publique après la révolution, avait pour tâche de bâtir la République. Ainsi, le projet architectural est chargé d’une fonction symbolique, l’inscription du pouvoir dans l’espace, ainsi que d’une fonction de contrôle de l’espace public. La rationalisation et la codification de la pratique architecturale, ainsi qu’une pensée structurée par le développement de la cartographie et de la statistique, émergent afin de bâtir un territoire à l’image de ce nouvel Etat-nation. Issue du dépouillement analytique des procès-verbaux des séances du Conseil entre 1795 et 1840, la base de données CONBAVIL présente l’opportunité de traiter l’OEuvre du Conseil à travers une approche spatiale et quantitative alliant territoire, savoir et pouvoir. Suite à une analyse critique critique de son contenu, l’éditorialisation de CONBAVIL prend la forme d’une application web. Il s’agit d’un outil de recherche cartographiant et visualisant les données avec la librairie de code D3.js. L’exploitation de multiples formes de représentation, dont l’interactivité décuple le potentiel analytique, permet de faire émerger de nouvelles connaissances sur les pratiques et les politiques architecturales de cette institution. La dimension numérique de l’atlas habilite une exploration visuelle, pluridimensionnelle et hyperliée des données CONBAVIL, jusqu’à présent accessibles uniquement à travers des fiches statiques et via un formulaire. Ainsi, il s’agit d’explorer le potentiel de l’éditorialisation d’une base de données en un atlas numérique pour la production d’une épistémologie visuelle en histoire de l’art. / This master's thesis entails in the creation of a digital atlas of public architecture in France during the first half of the XIXth century. The Council of Civil Buildings, the public institution in charge of civil architecture after the revolution, had as aim to build the Republic. Thus, their architectural project takes on a symbolic function, the inscription of power into space, as well as the function to control the public space. A rationalisation and codification of the architectural practice, as well a mindset structured by the advancements in cartography and statistics, form in order to build a territory mirroring the new nation-state. Derived from the analysis of the Coucil’s sessions’ reports between 1795 and 1840, the CONBAVIL database presents the opportunity to study Council’s work through a spatial and quantitative approach uniting territory, knowledge, and power. After a critical analysis of its contents, the editorialisation of CONBAVIL takes the shape of as a web application. This research tool maps and visualizes this data using the D3.js code library. The multiple forms of representation, whose interactivity multiply their analytical potential, aim to reveal a new understanding of the political and architectural doings of the Council of Civil Buildings. The digital dimension of the atlas will allow a visual, multidimensional and hyperlinked explora-tion of the CONBAVIL data, until now only accessible through a form and as static records. Thus this research explores the potential of editorialising a database into a digital atlas for a visual epistemology in art history.

Análise espaçotemporal da qualidade do ar em vias urbanas por meio de redes de sensores com nós embarcados em ônibus coletivos. / Spacio-temporal analysis from air quality in urbvan streets by wireless sensor networks with node hosted on public transport buses.

Santos, Alessandro Santiago dos 08 December 2017 (has links)
Os veículos que compõem o tráfego urbano são considerados como o principal agente causador de poluição afetando diretamente a qualidade do ar nas cidades, sendo um desafio ter mecanismos de monitoramento que possibilitem uma visão geral das condições ambientais. Para proporcionar uma visão abrangente seria necessário um grande número de estações fixas de monitoramento da qualidade do ar, além de um incremento constante para acompanhar o crescimento da cidade. Neste cenário, surge a oportunidade de instrumentação de ônibus coletivo com sensores que medem a qualidade do ar durante seu trajeto, assim aproveitando as características de mobilidade do transporte público, o qual transita em áreas povoadas, com postura dinâmica de crescimento, adaptando-se de forma coerente à mutabilidade populacional e geográfica da cidade. A presente tese apresenta novas formas de realizar análises espaçotemporais da qualidade do ar de regiões urbanas. Os modelos cartográficos criados permitem analisar regiões mapeadas usando perspectivas espaciais e temporais com informações obtidas de kits sensores móveis, para análises a cada 100 metros, promovendo uma resolução maior que os modelos tradicionais de monitoramento (escala quilométrica), os quais ainda não oferecem esta possibilidade. Esta maior resolução permite uma nova perspectiva de análises de microrregiões e, desta forma, permite que os especialista ou gestores urbanos possam entender melhor as situações, ao utilizarem as ferramentas e recursos apresentados pela presente tese. Para atingir os objetivos optou-se pela criação e validação de um kit sensor para ser hospedado em ônibus coletivo, o qual foi validado e testado, quanto à sua eficiência de medição. Este kit foi integrado a uma plataforma computacional construída para extrair e processar informações com algoritmos matemáticos. Todos os componentes da plataforma foram legitimados com experimentos que confirmaram as hipóteses inicialmente formuladas para validação. E por fim, mapeamentos com mais de 70 mil pontos foram utilizados na criação de modelos espaçotemporais para realização de estudo de caso de regiões da cidade de São Paulo, os quais demostraram os usos potenciais das proposições desta tese. / The vehicles in urban traffic are considered as the main cause of urban pollution with a direct impact on air quality, being a challenge to have monitoring tools that enable an overview of the environmental conditions influenced by vehicle emissions. One option is to instrument the entire city with low-cost fixed sensors to collect environmental data; however, to provide a comprehensive view would require a large number of sensors, and a constant increase to follow the growth of the city. In this scenario, arises the opportunity for urban bus instrumentation with sensors that measure the environmental pollution, to take advantage of the mobility characteristics of public transport, which moves in populated areas, with dynamic attitude of growth, adapting in a coherent way to population and geographic variability of the city. This PhD Thesis proposes the monitoring of air quality inside urban roads by Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), hosted on city buses. Thus, new ways of performing spatiotemporal analyzes of the air quality of urban regions are possible with the cartographic models created by this thesis. These allow to analyze mapped regions using spatial and temporal perspectives with information obtained from mobile sensor kits, for analyzes every 100 meters, promoting a resolution higher than the traditional monitoring models (kilometer scale), which still do not offer this possibility. This higher resolution allows a new perspective of analyzes of micro regions and, in this way, allows specialists or urban managers to have a better understanding of the urban scenario. Sensor kits are created to be hosted by bus, which has been validated and tested for its efficiency in measurement. This was integrated into a computational platform built to extract and process information with mathematical algorithms. All the components of the platform were validated with experiments that confirmed the hypotheses originally formulated for validation. Finally, mappings with more than 70,000 points were used in the creation of spatiotemporal models for the study of the case of regions of the city of São Paulo, which denoted the potentials constructed by this thesis.

Análise espaçotemporal da qualidade do ar em vias urbanas por meio de redes de sensores com nós embarcados em ônibus coletivos. / Spacio-temporal analysis from air quality in urbvan streets by wireless sensor networks with node hosted on public transport buses.

Alessandro Santiago dos Santos 08 December 2017 (has links)
Os veículos que compõem o tráfego urbano são considerados como o principal agente causador de poluição afetando diretamente a qualidade do ar nas cidades, sendo um desafio ter mecanismos de monitoramento que possibilitem uma visão geral das condições ambientais. Para proporcionar uma visão abrangente seria necessário um grande número de estações fixas de monitoramento da qualidade do ar, além de um incremento constante para acompanhar o crescimento da cidade. Neste cenário, surge a oportunidade de instrumentação de ônibus coletivo com sensores que medem a qualidade do ar durante seu trajeto, assim aproveitando as características de mobilidade do transporte público, o qual transita em áreas povoadas, com postura dinâmica de crescimento, adaptando-se de forma coerente à mutabilidade populacional e geográfica da cidade. A presente tese apresenta novas formas de realizar análises espaçotemporais da qualidade do ar de regiões urbanas. Os modelos cartográficos criados permitem analisar regiões mapeadas usando perspectivas espaciais e temporais com informações obtidas de kits sensores móveis, para análises a cada 100 metros, promovendo uma resolução maior que os modelos tradicionais de monitoramento (escala quilométrica), os quais ainda não oferecem esta possibilidade. Esta maior resolução permite uma nova perspectiva de análises de microrregiões e, desta forma, permite que os especialista ou gestores urbanos possam entender melhor as situações, ao utilizarem as ferramentas e recursos apresentados pela presente tese. Para atingir os objetivos optou-se pela criação e validação de um kit sensor para ser hospedado em ônibus coletivo, o qual foi validado e testado, quanto à sua eficiência de medição. Este kit foi integrado a uma plataforma computacional construída para extrair e processar informações com algoritmos matemáticos. Todos os componentes da plataforma foram legitimados com experimentos que confirmaram as hipóteses inicialmente formuladas para validação. E por fim, mapeamentos com mais de 70 mil pontos foram utilizados na criação de modelos espaçotemporais para realização de estudo de caso de regiões da cidade de São Paulo, os quais demostraram os usos potenciais das proposições desta tese. / The vehicles in urban traffic are considered as the main cause of urban pollution with a direct impact on air quality, being a challenge to have monitoring tools that enable an overview of the environmental conditions influenced by vehicle emissions. One option is to instrument the entire city with low-cost fixed sensors to collect environmental data; however, to provide a comprehensive view would require a large number of sensors, and a constant increase to follow the growth of the city. In this scenario, arises the opportunity for urban bus instrumentation with sensors that measure the environmental pollution, to take advantage of the mobility characteristics of public transport, which moves in populated areas, with dynamic attitude of growth, adapting in a coherent way to population and geographic variability of the city. This PhD Thesis proposes the monitoring of air quality inside urban roads by Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), hosted on city buses. Thus, new ways of performing spatiotemporal analyzes of the air quality of urban regions are possible with the cartographic models created by this thesis. These allow to analyze mapped regions using spatial and temporal perspectives with information obtained from mobile sensor kits, for analyzes every 100 meters, promoting a resolution higher than the traditional monitoring models (kilometer scale), which still do not offer this possibility. This higher resolution allows a new perspective of analyzes of micro regions and, in this way, allows specialists or urban managers to have a better understanding of the urban scenario. Sensor kits are created to be hosted by bus, which has been validated and tested for its efficiency in measurement. This was integrated into a computational platform built to extract and process information with mathematical algorithms. All the components of the platform were validated with experiments that confirmed the hypotheses originally formulated for validation. Finally, mappings with more than 70,000 points were used in the creation of spatiotemporal models for the study of the case of regions of the city of São Paulo, which denoted the potentials constructed by this thesis.

A Graph-Based Approach to Procedural Terrain

Mijailovic, Vidak January 2015 (has links)
Procedural terrain generation is a field that handles procedural, not by hand, generated realistic looking terrain for use in simulations, video games, movie special effects or art. It allows for creation of vast and far more detailed terrain than humans can create by hand. In this paper a new method for procedural terrain generation is presented. Terrain is generated in three steps. An arbitrarily shaped network oh nodes, a graph, is used as a base to design the shape and layout of terrain features. Common algorithms are used to generate custom terrain features inside the graphs sealed areas and finally the generated terrain is merged into a single piece using a new method. In this manner, more controlled and detailed terrain can be created as the layout and shape of features can be controlled. / Området terräng generering hanterar procedurellt, icke för hand, skapande utav realistisk terräng för användning inom simulationer, data spel, filmers specialeffekter och konst. I denna uppsats presenteras en ny metod för procedurell terräng generation. Terrängen genereras i tre steg. Ett godtyckligt nätverk av noder skapas, en graf, och används som grund för att designa och forma utläggningen av terrängens drag. Kända algoritmer används för att skapa dragen inuti grafens tomma ytor och slutgiltigen sys den genererade terrängen ihop till en sammanhängande helhet med en ny metod. På detta vis kan man skapa mera detaljerad och bättre styrd terräng då man både kan kontrollera dragens former och utläggning. Nyckelord: Terräng, realtid datorgrafik, digital-kartografi, graf-grammatik, Perlin

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