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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


YANG, Wenlong January 2023 (has links)
The rise of the "Internet Plus" concept has brought enormous possibilities for digital transformation in various industries in recent years. Traditional pharmaceutical enterprises find it increasingly difficult for them to meet the rising healthcare needs of the people in the new era when facing problems such as high costs associated with too many intermediate distributors, low working capital turnover ratio, limited pharmacies in underdeveloped areas, uneven distribution of medical resources, and patients visiting major hospitals for minor conditions. It is possible to sufficiently address these problems with new models, such as pharmaceutical e-commerce and online consultation with the "Internet Plus" traditional pharmaceutical enterprises. This forces traditional pharmaceutical enterprises to seek a certain level of digital transformation. Combination with e-commerce and that with mobile healthcare are the two main directions of digital transformation of traditional pharmaceutical enterprises with specific options including B2B, B2C, and O2O. This study analyzes the effect of digital transformation efforts of pharmaceutical enterprises with Dingdang Health as the primary example from the perspectives of pharmacies, pharmaceutical enterprises, and consumer experience with the perspective of pharmacies analyzed in terms of operational capability and single store profitability model, the perspective of pharmaceutical enterprises analyzed in terms of financial performance, and the perspective of consumer experience analyzed in terms of third-party review, drug price, online consultation, etc. The findings show that online pharmacies' operational capability apparently outperforms traditional pharmacies regarding inventory turnover, drug types, service coverage, and average benefits. The single-store profitability model suggests that online pharmacies also perform much better than traditional pharmacies as the penetration rate of online drug purchases increases. However, the digital transformation has not brought significant decreases in marketing costs as expected though order fulfillment expenses are the largest port of costs of online pharmacies, as shown by the financial data of pharmaceutical enterprises. From the perspective of consumer experience, online pharmacies are more advantageous in terms of third-party review, rating, drug price, online consultation, etc. However, they still cannot completely replace offline pharmacies largely because of the immediacy and professionalism required in pharmaceutical consumption. / Business Administration/Finance

Essays on Corporate Transformation

Fernandez-Vidal, Jorge 15 July 2022 (has links)
La transformación corporativa es un imperativo en el mundo empresarial. Los mercados adquieren cada vez un mayor dinamismo, las nuevas tecnologías disrumpen industrias sin compasión, y los clientes cada vez son más exigentes. Como resultado, empresas de todo el mundo se ven obligadas a transformarse y a buscar nuevas formas de seguir siendo relevantes, mejorar la rentabilidad y desempeño de sus organizaciones y lograr una trayectoria de crecimiento sostenible. Las transformaciones corporativas son, o deberían ser, holísticas e implican naturalmente cambios en el modelo de liderazgo y en los empleados, en las estructuras organizativas, en los procesos internos, en los modelos de negocio y en la estrategia corporativa y de negocio (Laczkowski et al., 2021). Aunque las empresas siempre han tenido que adaptarse a los nuevos entornos empresariales, a las cambiantes dinámicas de mercado y a las demandas de los clientes, el actual periodo de crisis y agitación social y económica resultante de la pandemia del coronavirus y de la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania está creando una sensación de urgencia sin precedentes en muchas empresas. En consecuencia, es innegable que, en el clima de incertidumbre actual, las empresas se encuentran con la necesidad urgente de transformarse (Cordon, 2022; Terino et al., 2022). Hay quién afirma que el término transformación sea “quizás el término más usado en el mundo de los negocios" (Bucy, Hall & Yakola, 2016). Puede ser que no le falte razón, ya que las transformaciones impregnan todos los aspectos empresariales. Las transformaciones son amplias y muy complejas, aunque, a riesgo de simplificar, podemos genéricamente dividirlas en tres grandes tipologías. Algunas transformaciones son organizativas, cuando las empresas redefinen sus estructuras corporativas y las diferentes funciones y responsabilidades organizativas. Algunas transformaciones son estratégicas, cuando las empresas cambian o adaptan sus modelos de negocio, sus estrategias de llegada al mercado o la escala o el alcance de sus actividades. Algunas son transformaciones digitales (TD), cuando las organizaciones utilizan las tecnologías digitales para reinventar cualquier aspecto de su negocio. Y, francamente, muchas transformaciones son simplemente todo lo anterior, y pueden denominarse básicamente transformaciones corporativas. Numerosos estudios académicos se han centrado en aspectos muy concretos de las transformaciones. En el ámbito organizativo, los investigadores han examinado cómo se reorganizan las empresas para llevar a cabo las transformaciones (Balakrishnan & Das, 2020), cómo emplean métodos de trabajo "ágiles" (Rigby, Sutherland & Takeuchi, 2016; Gobillot, 2016), cómo gestionan el aprendizaje para transformarse con éxito (Schuchmann & Seufert, 2015), cómo rediseñan el trabajo (Richter et al., 2018), cómo exploran colaboraciones con actores internos y externos (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004; Weiblen & Chesbrough, 2015; Furr, O'Keeffe & Dyer, 2016) y, en términos muy generales, cómo se adaptan al cambio (Christensen & Overdorf, 2000; Birkinshaw, Zimmerman & Raisch, 2016). En el frente estratégico, ciertos académicos han estudiado el tema de la transformación y el crecimiento a través de la diversificación (Rumelt, 1982; Thompson, 1984; Hoskisson & Hitt, 1990; Goold & Luchs, 1993), las alianzas corporativas (Eisenhardt & Schoonhoven, 1996; Zollo, Reuer & Singh, 2002; Van den Steen, 2014), las fusiones y adquisiciones (Christensen et al, 2011; Cuatrecasas, 2019), la redefinición de su cartera de negocios (Pidun et al., 2011; Untiedt, Nippa & Pidun, 2013) o la integración vertical (Harrigan, 1983; Stuckey & White, 1993; Rothaermel, Hitt & Jobe, 2006). Otros han estudiado los cambios de modelo de negocio a través de la innovación continua (Steiber & Alänge, 2013), la innovación disruptiva (Christensen & Raynor, 2003), la innovación abierta (Chesbrough, 2003; Gassmann, 2006; Pohlisch, 2020; Papa et al, 2020), la innovación sostenible (Skarzynski & Gibson, 2008), o la disociación estratégica (Teixeira, 2019). Por último, en el ámbito digital, diversos académicos han explorado numerosos aspectos de las TDs. Schwarzmüller et al. (2018) analizaron cómo las TDs han conducido a la redefinición de múltiples funciones y responsabilidades corporativas; y Horlacher y Hess (2016) y Kunisch at al. (2020) estudiaron la aparición de nuevas figuras, como la del Chief Digital Officer. Sousa y Rocha (2019) exploraron las capacidades y habilidades requeridas en los procesos de TD. Fenech et al. (2019) estudiaron cómo las TDs han supuesto importantes cambios en las prácticas de gestión del talento. D'Ippolito et al. (2019) y Rachinger et al. (2019) examinaron la intersección entre las TDs y la innovación de modelos de negocio. Y Wrede et al. (2020) y Porfírio et al. (2021) investigaron el papel de los altos ejecutivos en las TDs. Esta tesis no pretende encasillarse en un área específica de estudio y más bien explora el concepto de las transformaciones corporativas de una forma amplia. Existen múltiples razones para ello, siendo quizás la principal que simpatizo con quienes argumentan que las verdaderas transformaciones son holísticas y deben, por definición, involucrar e incidir sobre todos los ángulos de la empresa si aspiran a tener éxito. A pesar de la ingente literatura que se centra en las transformaciones empresariales, hay muchos aspectos que quedan por estudiar. Esta tesis explora cuatro aspectos interrelacionados de las transformaciones corporativas que han sido poco estudiados por los académicos, por diversas razones -desde la impopularidad de ciertas herramientas, el estudio limitado de las estrategias de transformación en ciertos sectores o geografías, o la contemporaneidad de ciertos eventos. Aunque unidos por un tema común, estos artículos contribuyen por separado a cuatro corrientes de investigación independientes pero interconectadas. Desde un punto de vista práctico, esta tesis pretende contribuir a responder a cuatro preguntas críticas en cualquier proceso de transformación empresarial, a saber: ¿Cuál es la combinación adecuada de mercados y negocios en los que la empresa debe estar presente? (Capítulo 5) ¿Cuál es el posicionamiento adecuado en la cadena de valor de la empresa en un contexto de mercado cambiante? (Capítulo 6) ¿Qué herramientas estratégicas puede aprovechar la empresa para transformar su negocio? (Capítulo 7) ¿Cómo puede la empresa gestionar eficazmente un proceso de transformación? (Capítulo 8). Por supuesto, estas preguntas son tan amplias que esta tesis nunca podría aspirar a responderlas de forma categórica. De hecho, este trabajo de investigación pretende realizar una contribución original, desde una perspectiva o ángulo novedoso, que pueda hacer avanzar nuestra comprensión colectiva de las prácticas estratégicas y de gestión adecuadas que deben aplicarse en los procesos de transformación, y servir de apoyo y referencia para futuras investigaciones.

Digital capabilities in the construction industry

Atuahene, Bernard Tuffour, Kanjanabootra, S., Gajendran, T. 24 March 2023 (has links)
No / Digitalization is transforming the way of doing business, and the construction industry is experiencing its fair share. It has necessitated the influx and growth of digital technologies application on construction projects and, to a larger extent, construction firms. In as much as this is a great initiative, early adopters in construction are still exploring, experimenting, and exploiting the potential of these digital transformations in their projects. There appears to be a gap in the digital capabilities needed in the construction life cycle and how these should be developed. A systematic review approach was used to identify digital technologies used in the construction industry. Literature on organization and digital capabilities was used to identify these capabilities and supported with examples from the UK and Australia to explain the capabilities. A case was made for how developing countries can develop digital capabilities in the construction industry from geographical distribution analysis from the systematic review and inference from the identified capabilities and the enabling approaches. Three main digital capabilities (digital mindset, digital infrastructure/investment and digital skillset) with sub-capabilities and two main approaches (firm and external) to developing these capabilities are discussed in this chapter. By implication, these capabilities are also useful in the construction industry in developing countries

Digitalisering och affärsrelationer : Hur påverkas företags affärsrelationer i samband med ökad digitalisering? / Digitalization and business relationships : How are companies’ business relationships affected by increased digitalization?

Andersson, Lina, Ek Tedefors, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Digitalisering innebär en stor förändring för samhället och kommer påverka hur företag gör affärer. Företag kommer behöva följa med i den digitala utvecklingen då förutsättningarna kommer förändras. Digitalisering kommer även leda till att företags affärsrelationer påverkas då nya möjligheter till interaktion mellan företag uppkommer. Syfte: Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur digitalisering med avseende på integrerade affärssystem, e-handel och nya kommunikationskanaler påverkar företags affärsrelationer, gällande aspekterna tillit, makt och kommunikation. Metod: Studien har använt en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Det är en multipel fallstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem fallföretag som empirisk grund. Slutsats: Studien konstaterar att affärsrelationer påverkas både positivt och negativt av digitaliseringen. Digitaliseringsnivån hos företagen i studien har inte hunnit ikapp litteraturens nivå. Därför är förändringen svår för företagen att uttrycka sig konkret om. / Background: Digitalization means a major change in society and will affect how companies conduct business. Companies will need to keep up with the digital evolution as the conditions will change. Digitalization will also lead to a change in companies’ business relationships as new possibilities for interaction between companies occurs. Aim: The aim of this thesis is to study how digitalization with regard to integrated enterprise systems, e-commerce and new channels of communication affects companies’ business relationships concerning the aspects of trust, power and communication. Methodology: This thesis has a qualitative research method with a hermeneutical perspective. It is a multiple case study with semi-structured interviews with five companies as empirical basis. Conclusion: This study concludes that business relationships is affected both positively and negatively by the digitalization. The level of digitalization within the companies in the study have not reached the level of digitalization in the literature. Therefore it is difficult for the companies to describe the change in a concrete way.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på den auktoriserade redovisningskonsultens yrkesroll i mindre redovisningsbyråer : En kvalitativ studie av mindre svenska företag / The impact of digitalization on the Authorized Public Accountant's work in smaller accounting firms

Bolinder, Sara, Blees, Rickard January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Digitaliseringens påverkan på den auktoriserade redovisningskonsultens yrkesroll i mindre redovisningsbyråer   Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi   Författare: Sara Bolinder och Rickard Blees   Handledare: Arne Fagerström, Fazle Rahi och Saeid Homayoun   Datum: 2021 – januari    Syfte: Syftet med studien är att förklara och förstå hur den digitala utvecklingen inom redovisning påverkat den auktoriserade redovisningskonsultens arbete på de små- och medelstora redovisningsbyråerna.   Metod: Studien är kvalitativ och semistrukturerade intervjuer utgör forskningsdesignen. Data samlas in från tio auktoriserade redovisningskonsulter som arbetar på mindre redovisningsbyråer.   Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visade att den pågående digitaliseringen för auktoriserade redovisningskonsulter är en process som sker stegvis med olika institutionella påtryckningar. Vidare är digitaliseringen inom redovisningsområdet inte beroende av auktorisationen. Den auktoriserade redovisningskonsultens arbete på de mindre redovisningsbyråerna påverkas av att arbetsuppgifter effektiviseras vilket möjliggör mer kvalificerade arbetsuppgifter. Studien visar däremot att de molnbaserade verktygen inte används fullt ut av vissa redovisningskonsulter eftersom eftersläpande lagstiftningar, kostnader och kunder bromsar utvecklingen.   Examensarbetets bidrag: Studiens huvudsakliga teoretiska bidrag är det empiriska beviset att auktorisation inte bidrar till det digitaliserade arbetssättet samt att det finns institutionella teorier som påverkat implementeringen hos mindre redovisningsbyråer. Studiens praktiska bidrag kan ses som en utvärdering av lagar samt rekommendationer och utbildningar inom studiens ramar.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studiens bidrag kommer göra det vidare intressant att se om det finns en öppning att forska vidare inom huruvida läroplanen bör uppdateras. Vilket syftar till att nyexaminerade ekonomer ska vara relevanta på arbetsmarknaden och möjligheten för andra branscher såväl som redovisningsbranschen att skapa en bättre förståelse till digitaliseringen. Studien visar även att vidare forskning lämpligtvis kan detaljgranska de organisatoriska förändringar i mindre företag som påverkar den digitala utvecklingen. Nyckelord: digitalization, accounting, changes in digitalization, organizational change, information technology, Reko, Rex och institutionell teori.

Trends in Vacuum Technology and Pneumatics in the Context of Digitalization

Schmalz, Kurt, Winter, Albrecht 03 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Digitalization is finding it’s way into production and machine-building. Autonomous, sefoptimizing and highly interconnected units will determine the functionality of machines and production facilities. Communication and automation layout will fundamentally change, data will be more and more the base for new business modells. Innovation is determining pneumatics and handling technology. The innovation topics performance improvement, modular and mechatronic design of systems, sustainability and efficiency are keeping pneumatics and vacuum technology on the pathway of success. But is the technology field also prepared for the tremendous challenges caused by the digitalization? This paper is focusing on the significance of digitalization for fluid technology, especially for pneumatics and vacuum technology. The new concepts of digitalization and autonomization are based on the Internet of Things with open Communication of cyber-physical systems. These cyber-physical systems are able to react autonoumously. Cyber-physical systems can collect, interpret and analys data and transfer it into valuable information. Based on these data, cyberphysical systems will provide services to all participants of the smart factory. There will be a digital image inside the factory cloud, which is the base of new business models. Systems of pneumatics, vacuum technology and hydraulics will play a core role in this world. They are placed directly at the interface to the real technical process, they have direct contact with the workpieces, they are collecting multitude of sensor data and are evaulating it, they have functionality like Condition Monitoring and Energy Efficiency optimization on board and are able to communicate with the world of automation. This paper will show, that the innovation trends of the last years are supporting the way towards digitalization and Industrial Internet of Things. There are already a lot of different approaches to establish vacuum and pneumatic systems as adequate elements of the digitalized world. It will also be shown, that fluid technology still is facing tremendous challenges It will be not sufficient to equip the systems with more functionality and better communication. It will be essential, that from the interpretation and correlation of data will be derived valuable services with real customer benefit. This should happen under control of the vendors of smart field devices in fluid technology. Then it will be possible to turn this new kind of value generation also into new business models.

Elevers olikhet som utgångspunkt : En studie om inkluderande arbetssätt, individanpassning och tillgänglighet på handelsprogrammet / Learners diversity as starting point : A study about inclusion, individualization and accessibility on an upper seccondary vocational program in commerce

Onicescu, Ana-Maria January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur lärarna på handelsprogrammet arbetar med ett inkluderande arbetssätt, samt deras uppfattningar om arbetet med ett inkluderande arbetssätt, tillgänglighet och individanpassning i undervisningen. Syftet kompletteras med att introducera ett annat begrepp - digitalisering och dess påverkan över omtalade områdena. Undersökningen är av kvalitativ art och bedrivs i form av en fallstudie med holistisk infallsvinkel där analysenheten är handelsprogrammet, ett yrkesprogram på en gymnasieskola. För att kunna betrakta praktiken ur olika infallsvinklar samlades empirin genom klassrumsobservationer kompletterade med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien bekräftar tidigare forskning och visar en spänning mellan lärarnas handling och uppfattning när det gäller begreppen inkluderande arbetssätt och tillgänglighet, samt påpekar ett behov av utvidgning i lärarnas förståelse över koncepternas innebörd genom kollegialt lärande eller under lärarutbildningen. Studien utmynnar även i en diskussion om begreppsanvändning och yrkesspråk som pelare av lärarprofessionaliteten. Digitalisering ses i generella drag ha en positiv påverkan över lärarnas arbete med ovannämnda områdena men ses komma hand i hand med självdisciplin och som källa till förändringar på olika plan: i undervisningen, lärares planeringsarbete, och lärarens roll i klassrummet.

Optimizacija procesa i alata namenjenih monitoringu medija / Media Monitoring Optimization Processes and Tools

Bengin Senka 30 June 2015 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji je dat prikaz procesa monitoringa medija u uslovima delimične digitalizacije štampanih medija, koji se, u najvećem meri, zasniva na procesu pres klipinga. Realizovana je njegova optimizacija metodom lineranog programiranja (LP- Linear Programing), metodom celobrojnog lineranog programiranja (ILP- Integer Linear Programing) i metodom grananja i ograničavanja (Branch and Bound). U optimizaciji je korišćen softver CPLEX. Optimizacijom je dobijen globalni optimum raspodele zadataka među zaposlenima; smanjenja broja zaposlenih u radnim smenama i ravnomernog skraćenja radne smene u slučajevima manjeg broja radnih zadataka.</p> / <p>In this dissertation the process of media monitoring in case of incomplete digitalization of printed media is discussed. According to this model, media monitoring service is mainly based on monitoring of news in the printed media - press clipping. Considering that the monitoring of the printed media is complex process, we realized optimization of media monitoring process by using Linear Programming (LP), Integer Linear Programming (ILP), as well as Branch and Bound method. The optimization software CPLEX is used. The global optimum of tasks distribution among employees; reducing number of employees working in shifts and balanced shortening of the work shift in case of a small number of tasks is obtained.</p>

Past, Present and Future of Brand Trust : A case study done in the Swedish market

Bergström, Alexander, Zuazu, Stefan January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the declining direction that brand trusthas taken, throughout the past years in the Swedish market. Analyzing the present situation tobe able to build a picture of future solutions that brands could use in trying to build trust. By investigating the cause and then through these defined methods and tools be able to break this trend. Method: With a qualitative method consisting of semi-structured interviews with 7 communication- and marketing agencies within in southern part of Sweden. With the aim of getting an expert view of the problem´s past and present, to be able to build an assumption about the future of brand trust in this market. Theory: A theoretical framework consisting on the definition of brand trust, with a description of the micro- and macro perspectives. With theories about factors behind brand trust and also the markets mistrust of such. Some of which, authenticity, communication, satisfaction and customer loyalty arise as needed to build and uphold trust. These factors are described with the help of models, developed for this paper´s comprehension. Conclusion: The result has indicated that the decline is due to digitization, expectations/satisfaction and confusion for the consumer. Moreover, the result in the long termperspective is to build authenticity and genuineness, choose the right target groups, communicate the right expectations, dare to participate in public topics and build the brand with a purpose. Blockchain has also been located as a possible future solution.

Employee satisfaction in virtual teams

Persson, Jesper, Nilsson, Robin January 2019 (has links)
Background The world is experiencing exceptional technological evolution and Sweden is at the forefront of this development and virtual teams are on the rise. Virtual teams are a way for companies to improve their sustainability with decreased travel for employees which also saves time that employees can spend at home though with difficulties separating work and home. Virtual teams are a chance for employees to better influence their work, a way to have people from all over the world working together but with a risk of decreased physical social interactions and being isolated. Research question How is employee satisfaction perceived by individuals in virtual teams? Purpose  The purpose of this thesis is to describe how employees in virtual teams perceive employee satisfaction in contrast to traditional teams in order to identify which aspects are especially significant for employee satisfaction in virtual teams. Further we aim to explain how to create employee satisfaction with these aspects in mind. Method A qualitative research method was used in this study, by semistructured interviews with twelve respondents from various companies in Sweden, in which four of the twelve respondents work in the public sector and the rest in the private sector. The respondents were selected by convenience. TheoreticalFramework Theories about teams, virtual teams, job satisfaction and culture are presented followed by behavioural theory focusing on selfdetermination theory as well as social capital. The final component in the theoretical framework is theory regarding. work-life balance and spillover theory. Findings In this thesis, the findings of how employee satisfaction is perceived in virtual teams is divided into two parts. The first part addresses the need to prepare a structure for the virtual team before hiring as to avoid issues raised by the respondents and brings to attention key areas. The second part addresses the need to find the right people when hiring for the virtual team. It mentions important characteristics beneficial for the person to have if they are to work within the virtual team.

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