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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Guidelines for using digitisation as a sustainable method of preservation at the University of Zimbabwe library

Kusekwa, Lovemore 31 July 2014 (has links)
This mini-dissertation reports on the guidelines for digitisation that were developed for the University of Zimbabwe Library. A literature study and an empirical investigation were done in order to come up with the guidelines. The literature study was primarily used to inform the researcher on those aspects of digitisation for which guidelines could be developed. A qualitative research design was adopted in this study. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from five South African institutions that are involved in digitisation. Digitisation managers from the five institutions were interviewed in this study. The data from the interviews and the literature study were used to come up with the proposed guidelines for digitisation at the University of Zimbabwe Library. The guidelines that were developed as a result of this study specifically address digitisation standards and best practices, technologies for digitisation, costs and sustainability of digitisation, intellectual property issues, steps in digitisation, challenges in digitisation and the selection of materials for digitisation. Although some of the respondents expressed that digitisation can be used as a sustainable method of preservation, this research could not demonstrate that current practices would be reliable in the long term. / Mini Dissertation (MIT)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Information Science / MIT

Developing a strategy and action plan for sustainably digitising specific special collections : a case of Buganda Kingdom collection at the Makerere University Library, Uganda

Sekikome, Patrick January 2016 (has links)
The focus of this study was to develop a strategy for sustainable digitisation of the Buganda kingdom special collections at Makerere University Library, Uganda. A number of questions were formulated to guide the researcher in finding answers to the research question. A literature review based on the research sub-questions was carried out. The review covered the approaches used when planning digitisation projects. These included the selection criteria, processes and technology requirements for digitising archival materials, resource requirements for sustainable digitisation initiatives, skills and competencies, possible framework for digitising archival materials, an overview of the Buganda Kingdom collection as well as the current digitisation equipment available at the Makerere University Library. The study took a qualitative approach with a case study design. This was due to the need to collect in-depth and detailed views and experiences regarding digitisation projects. A purposive sampling technique was used to identify three institutions, located within the Kampala area, which are actively involved in digitisation of collections. Data were collected, using semi structured interviews, from three participants; one from each institution. The participants were selected because of their knowledge about digitisation and semi-structured interviews were preferred due to their flexibility. An interview schedule was used as the data collection instrument. Data was transcribed into Microsoft Word and later entered into Microsoft excel for easy analysis. For ethical considerations, the researcher obtained clearance from the University of Pretoria and sought the consent of the participants before data were collected. Findings that answered the research question and sub-questions were presented and interpreted in chapter four and conclusions as were well recommendations discussed in detail in chapter five of this research report / Mini Dissertation (MIT)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / University of Pretoria / Information Science / MIT / Unrestricted

Digitising and Image-Processing of Radiographs to Enhance Interpretation in Avian Palaeopathology.

O'Connor, Sonia A., O'Connor, T.P. January 2005 (has links)
No / Although the study of palaeopathology is less developed for avian bones than for human or other vertebrate remains, skeletal pathologies have been noted in the bones of a range of bird species of all periods, from many parts of the world. Such studies make use of x-radiographs as an aid to differential diagnosis, to image features of the pathology that may not be apparent to the unassisted eye. Bird bones are often thin yet highly mineralised, and offer a particular challenge to the radiographer. Conventional medical or veterinary radiographic techniques are not optimal for ancient material, yet are commonly applied. Here we show that the quality of the x-ray image can be greatly enhanced by applying quite simple techniques. Furthermore, digitisation of the x-radiograph allows commercially available image manipulation software to be used to add further enhancement and to explore specific details of the image. We demonstrate the use of these techniques in the investigation of a number of avian palaeopathology specimens.

The development of an automated inspection system for the analysis of road markings

Burrow, M. P. N. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Dazzled by the Private Sector : An exploratory study of Public-Private-Partnership in Swedish library digitisation projects

Einarsson Lundborg, My January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the circumstances around Public-Private-Partnership in library digitisation of cultural heritage. The thesis uses a qualitative analysis on pre-existing documents and covers two case studies where interests, communication and handling of cultural heritage is explored using latent thematic analysis. The first case study explores a digitisation effort with six academic libraries and the Swedish National Library as they initiate a partnership with Google Books. The second case study explores a digitisation partnership between the Swedish National Library and three American non-profit institution. The thesis uses the four spaces model developed for library institutions, and a theoretical representation of cultural heritage as Significance, Form and Material in analysis. The thematic analysis relates the interests of the partnerships with the expectations on the institutions and the trends spotted in previous Public-Private-Partnership digitisation. The findings are limited by the confidentiality of the Public-Private-Partnerships and make an argument for the need for further research in the field. The thesis finds strong connection between the development of the cases under study and the trends in cultural heritage digitisation identified in background and previous research. The analysis shows that the public institutions approached the partnerships with clear roles that pertained to the purposes of each institution. In the discussion the question of whether Public-Private-Partnership is being utilised to its best qualities is being raised. The findings work as a starting point for discourse and further research, and a resource of information on the two cases.

Digital technologies and photographic archives Birmingham Central Library : a case study

Morris, Alan January 2001 (has links)
This thesis considers the use and potential of digital technologies for those responsible for photographic collections in public libraries. Using the Birmingham Central Library as a case study, the research has explored how information comn1unication technologies have impacted on the way in which photographic in1ages are created, stored and disseminated. The study provides an overview of both the British library service and the role of archives within this public provision. Following an examination of the characteristics of digital media and a range of issues relating to the preservation, dissemination and economic exploitation of photographic il1aterials in digital form, the thesis goes on to adopt a variety of research strategies, including a number of empirical projects used to assimilate information relating to the practical application of information communication technologies by those working in public libraries. The major outcome of the research, identified in the later sections of the thesis, has been to n1ake a unique contribution to the field of knowledge relating to the provision of digital resources by those responsible for photographic collections residing in archives within public libraries in the United Kingdom. The conclusions to emerge from the theoretical and empirical research contribute to knowledge by providing current information about the utilisation of digital technologies for the purposes of enhancing access to photographic material held within public library archives, whilst also considering possible future developments relating to the area of investigation.

Arkeologia digitaalisen aikakauden kynnyksellä

Oikarinen, T. (Teija) 24 November 2015 (has links)
Abstract Digitalisation is changing society and the sciences. In the future, it will increasingly affect Finnish archaeology and the preservation of cultural heritage data as a cross-cutting factor for materials and work practices. The research focused on the current state and characteristics of the digitalisation of both global and Finnish archaeology. This study is the first doctoral dissertation that discusses the digitalisation of Finnish archaeology. Technologisation and computerisation of archaeology have been going on for decades, but even in a global context, the concept of digitalisation is rarely attached to archaeological discussion of these trends. In this study, archaeology is examined through an interdisciplinary conceptual (theoretical) framework, which allowed comparison of the characteristics of digitalisation between global and Finnish archaeology. The aim was also to recognise digital development goals that may be either shared between various disciplines or specific to the field of archaeology. Archaeology was studied by utilising a variety of data sources and case examples. The answers to questions regarding digital development needs can be generalised to Finnish archaeology in its entirety. The evolution towards digitalisation of global archaeology is a consequence of the development of information technologies. The internal development of discipline and emerging needs have also contributed to it. Archaeological concepts and paradigms related to digital transition are partly internal and continuously evolving. Technological development is uneven at the global level: there are trailblazers who already utilise the latest technologies. These trailblazers are currently developing digital infrastructures of various sizes, even transnationally. This trend is common in various disciplines, and during research work, it was identified as a predominant trend of international archaeology. The internationally-recognised digital development goals of archaeology have not been widely discussed in Finland. Important areas of development include guidelines and best practices for digitality, understanding the importance of digital management and the digital data life-cycle, creating opportunities for the digitalisation of archaeological projects and processes, and providing access to original data collections. / Tiivistelmä Digitalisaatio muokkaa yhteiskuntaa ja tieteitä. Se tulee vaikuttamaan yhä kattavammin Suomen arkeologiaan ja kulttuuriperinnön säilyttämiseen aineistot ja työkäytännöt läpileikkaavana tekijänä. Väitöstutkimuksessa kartoitettiin globaalin ja suomalaisen arkeologian digitalisoitumisen nykytilaa ja ominaispiirteitä. Tutkimus on ensimmäinen arkeologian digitalisaatiota käsittelevä väitöskirja Suomessa. Arkeologian teknologisoituminen ja tietokoneistuminen on jatkunut jo vuosikymmeniä, mutta yleismaailmallisestikin tämä kehityskulku liitetään aiheen tiimoilta käytävässä arkeologisessa keskustelussa vain harvoin digitalisaatio-käsitteeseen. Tutkimuksessa arkeologiaa tarkastellaan tieteidenvälisen käsitteellisteoreettisen viitekehyksen kautta, mikä mahdollisti globaalin ja Suomen arkeologian digitalisoitumisen ominaispiirteiden vertailun. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin sekä tieteenaloille yhteisiä että arkeologian alalla todennettuja digitaalisia kehittämiskohteita. Arkeologiaa tutkittiin erilaisten aineistolähteitä ja esimerkkitapauksia hyödyntäen. Digitaalisiin kysymyksiin saadut vastaukset ja digitaaliset kehittämistarpeet ovat yleistettävissä koskemaan koko suomalaista arkeologiaa. Globaali arkeologian kehitys kohti digitalisaatiota tapahtuu sekä yleisen informaatioteknologisen kehityksen että tieteenalan sisäisen kehityksen ja muotoutuvien tarpeiden myötä. Digitalisaatioon liittyvät käsitteet ja paradigmat ovat osin tieteen sisäisiä ja jatkuvasti uudelleenmuotoutuvia. Teknologisoitumisen kehityskulku on arkeologian globaalilla tasolla epätasainen: on olemassa edelläkävijätahoja, jotka hyödyntävät uusimpia teknologioita. Edelläkävijät kehittävät parhaillaan vaihtelevan laajuisia, jopa valtioiden välisiä, digitaalisia infrastruktuureja. Tämä kehityskulku on eri tieteiden aloille yhteinen, ja se tunnistettiin tutkimuksen teon aikana vallitsevaksi trendiksi kansainvälisessä arkeologiassa. Kansainvälisesti arkeologiassa todennetut kehittämiskohteet eivät ole olleet juuri esillä Suomessa. Tärkeitä kehittämisen aihealueita ovat digitaalisuuteen liittyvät ohjeet ja käytännöt, digitaalisen aineistonhallinnan ja elinkaaren merkityksen ymmärtäminen, projekteille ja prosesseille suunnattujen digitalisoitumismahdollisuuksien luominen ja niiden hyödyntäminen sekä alkuperäisten dataoriginaalien saatavuuden kehittäminen.

Säker digitalisering inom medicinteknik

Bergman, Angus January 2023 (has links)
Medicinteknik är ett fält med en hög grad av digitalisering som erbjuder många viktiga tjänster inom sjukvården. Sjukvården har på senare år visat sig sårbar för intrång och cyberattacker med goda incitament för fientliga aktörer. Mer uppkopplade system förenklar användningen och integreringen av olika medicinska apparater och system men medför även risker som en följd av att mer av systemet blir tillgängligt för externa aktörer. Nya innovationer och en mer digitaliserad bransch kan alltså medföra problem om nödvändiga säkerhetsåtgärder inte vidtas. Branschen undersöks utifrån följande frågeställning: Hur arbetar medicintekniska företag för att motverka risker och hot inom cybersäkerhet? För att belysa nutidsläget inom branschen gjordes med en kvalitativ utgångspunkt en kartläggning av de risker och hot som branschen upplever med avgränsning på små och medelstora företag inom Sverige. Data samlades in genom ett antal semistrukturerade intervjuer med viss anpassning utifrån organisationens verksamhetsbeskrivning.Totalt utfördes 15 intervjuer, 13 med företag verksamma inom medicinteknik eller medicinframställning. En intervju utfördes med en kontakt på Läkemedelsverket och en intervju utfördes med två kontakter som arbetar med informationssäkerhetsfrågor inom en svensk region. Intervjuerna analyserades sedan med hjälp av tematisk analys. Den tematiska analysen resulterade i sju teman. Bland de intervjuade verksamheterna bedömdes generellt risken för intrång i verksamheten som låg, tjänster eller anslutna produkter som brukas av slutanvändare uppfattades dock som mer utsatta. Intervjuerna utfördes under en övergångsperiod till nya förordningar som ställer strängare krav på patientsäkerhet samt cybersäkerhet för medicintekniska produkter. Kraven som dessa förordningar ställer samt eventuella krav från vården identifierades som den primära motivationen att investera i informationssäkerhet bland de intervjuade företagen. Ett flertal respondenter framförde kritik mot de nya regelverken och hävdade att arbetet som krävs för att uppnå kraven är alltför omfattande för mindre verksamheter och risken att företag eller produkter skulle lämna marknaden som en följd framhävs. Synpunkten från Läkemedelsverket och regionen skiljde sig och de betraktade kraven som ställdes som rimliga samt nödvändiga.Resultaten från intervjuerna visar ett behov av ökat stöd för små och medelstora verksamheter för att kunna uppnå de krav som ställs samt vägleda mindre verksamheter. / MedTech is a sector with a high degree of digitization and responsible for providing many of the innovations and services the health care sector makes use of. In recent years the healthcare sector has shown itself to be vulnerable to intrusions and cyberattacks. Increasingly connected devices confer benefits through increased interoperability of devices and systems, easier access and handling of medical records along with general ease of use. Connecting these devices also puts them at risk of being remotely accessed however, meaning many recent innovations may be problematic if these risks are not properly mitigated. Given how interwoven the sectors mentioned above are there is a high likelihood that insufficient security measures in Medtech will impact healthcare adversely. In hopes of illuminating some of the threats and risks the MedTech sector is currently facing, the following question is asked: How do companies within MedTech work to mitigate cybersecurity risks and threats? To answer these questions a survey was done with focus on small and medium sized entities within MedTech based in Sweden. Data was collected through interviews. A total of 15 interviews were conducted, 13 of which were interviews with companies active within the field of MedTech or medicine.One interview was performed with Läkemedelsverket, a supervisory authority within MedTech and one interview was performed with two contacts within a Swedish county council who hold advisory roles regarding information security. The transcribed interviews were analysed thematically to discern common patterns and findings throughout the interviews. The thematic analysis resulted in 7 themes. Among the interviewed companies the majority perceived the likelihood of an intrusion within their company as low and security efforts were primarily directed towards the service or product on offer where the risk and eventual consequences of an intrusion was deemed to be higher. The interviews took place during a transitional period between old directives and new regulations with more stringent requirements regarding security and cybersecurity for medical devices. Complying with the new regulations and eventual requirements from caregivers were the primary motivators behind investment in cybersecurity among the interviewed companies. A number of respondents critiqued the new regulations on the grounds that the workload complying with the regulation brings is excessive for small enterprises and might cause an exodus of products and companies from the sector. This view was not shared by the respondent from Läkemedelsverket nor the respondents from the Swedish county council who considered the new requirements reasonable and necessary. The results show a need for further support among small and medium sized enterprises in order to handle regulatory demands.

Societal Dimensions of Digital Transformation: Implications of Digital Technologies on Stakeholder Groups in the Context of Ecosystem

PourMehdi Ebrahimi, Hassan 31 May 2022 (has links)
With the expansion of underpinning technologies, advanced digital technologies and innovations are transforming many aspects of human daily life, such as education, health, and business productivity. Today, the implementation of digital technologies is considered a characteristic of modern societies. However, while society is becoming increasingly dependent on digital technology and e-innovations in business and trade, the need for paying adequate attention to the societal side of this transformation is also becoming prominent. As a generation setting the future orientation of emerging digital innovations, we hold the ethical responsibility to build an inclusive playground for the current and future generations. Such an ethical responsibility urges attending to societal and humanitarian concerns of the current digital transformation into account. As our perception has evolved over the past decades, we perceive societal consideration as a backbone supporting long-term value creation and equitable welfare. Hence, this PhD thesis investigates the associated societal impact of digital technologies.

Radiography in Palaeopathology: Where Next?

Buckberry, Jo, O'Connor, Sonia A. January 2007 (has links)
Yes / Radiography has frequently been used during palaeopathological research, and plays an important role in the differential diagnosis of many diseases, including Paget¿s disease and carcinomas. Traditionally, radiographs were taken in hospitals with clinical equipment. However industrial radiography techniques have gradually become more commonly used, as their superior image quality and improved potential for diagnoses become recognised. The introduction of radiographic scanners has facilitated the digitisation of these images for dissemination and publication. However this is not all that radiographic digitisation can offer the researcher. Digital image processing (DIP) allows the researcher to focus on an area of interest and to adjust the brightness and contrast of the captured image. This allows the investigation of areas of high radio-opacity and radio-lucency, providing detailed images of the internal structures of bone and pathological lesions undetectable by the naked eye. In addition 3D effects, edge enhancement and sharpening algorithms, available through commonly used image processing software, can be very effective in enhancing the visibility of specific features. This paper will reveal how radiographic digitisation and manipulation can enhance radiographic images of palaeopathological lesions and potentially further our understanding of the bony manifestations of disease.

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