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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

To be or not to be : state death and the digital Leviathan

Ryd, Erik January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores state death and the possibilities to escape death that comes with the digitalising of the state. The analysis, built on earlier theorising of how we could understand what the state is, explicate the connection between the narrative of the identity, or “collective self”, and the survival of the state through a repository of its key information, which in turn could be viewed as an asset in terms of recognition. Hence we could envision the possibility for the state to possess identity repositories where certain information becomes the bearer of identity, which ensures the survival of the narrative of the collective self, after invasion and territorial conquest. This is also put in relation to statehood and its intimate connection to the contemporary notion of spatial domain and how it might be affected by digitalisation.

Leadership in Digitalisation : Employees' Perception of Effective Leadership in Digitalisation

Böck, Valerie, Lange, Marion January 2018 (has links)
It is widely recognised that digitalisation has a significant impact on the organisational environment, triggering challenges on all levels of organisations irrespective of the industry. Despite the fact that digitalisation also brings forth opportunities, ultimately, companies are required to transform their businesses to stay competitive. Although leadership plays a crucial role in this digital transformation process, there is only little research on the link between leadership theory and digitalisation as well as a lack of understanding of what effective leaders in the digital age should encompass. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to add to the discussion of effective leadership in the digital age by investigating employees’ perception of leadership. Therefore, we conduct a qualitative study with twelve semi-structured interviews. Following an abductive research approach, we interpret the empirical findings with the prior established theoretical framework and further literature to fulfil the purpose of research. The study reveals that effective leadership in digitalisation as perceived by employees consists of an interplay between seven leadership skills and respective leadership behaviours that are also partly reflected in specific leadership styles.

Global journalism in the Czech Republic : A mixed-methods study of awareness and presence of global journalism in Czech mediascape

Zvolánková, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to explain the concept of global journalism and to describe its presence in the Czech Republic. The development of journalism in the last years, which is connected to globalisation and digitalisation of media, and various global journalism theo-ries are introduced first to give the theoretical background. Then Peter Berglez's theory of global journalism is accepted as the main one for this work and it is described into greater details, including strong and weak points, criticism, problems and challenges. That is the core of the theoretical part of this work. The history and media of the Czech Republic are shortly addressed before the actual research. That is done with the help of mixed methods – quantitative surveys and content analyses and qualitative interviews – to answer four research questions: the awareness about the existence of global journalism, opinions about it, the influence of education and the presence of global journalism in Czech media.

Vi ger bort vår personliga integritet för att få veta vilken M & M vi är : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med individer med kunskap om hacking

Bengtsson, Clara, Leikas, Nette January 2018 (has links)
The digital environment is facing changes and threats from different factors. Digitalisation seeks to exceed all boundaries at the expense of something we used to value high. Privacy today is a subject that garners a lot of attention due to its deterioration. This study aims to assess this dilemma from different angles and find easier ways to understand it. It considers components like updating legislation, companies’ business models and lack of available information. All this is done from the perspective of hackers and cyber security professionals by researchers without further IT background. Thus, the methodology of the study consists of qualitative interviews with persons who possess a great knowledge of the digital world. After the interviews the study has found a connection between an individual’s privacy and his choices, level of knowledge and society’s structures. The results indicate that information has become so highly valued that it can be used as a currency. This creates for example the possibility for big companies to exploit their power in order to affect opinions and consumer behaviour. However, individuals donate their privacy voluntarily in exchange for free services. Therefore, they should be offered clear information by those who recognise the threats. The study also proposes some suggestions from the professionals for better privacy.

Arkeologia digitaalisen aikakauden kynnyksellä

Oikarinen, T. (Teija) 24 November 2015 (has links)
Abstract Digitalisation is changing society and the sciences. In the future, it will increasingly affect Finnish archaeology and the preservation of cultural heritage data as a cross-cutting factor for materials and work practices. The research focused on the current state and characteristics of the digitalisation of both global and Finnish archaeology. This study is the first doctoral dissertation that discusses the digitalisation of Finnish archaeology. Technologisation and computerisation of archaeology have been going on for decades, but even in a global context, the concept of digitalisation is rarely attached to archaeological discussion of these trends. In this study, archaeology is examined through an interdisciplinary conceptual (theoretical) framework, which allowed comparison of the characteristics of digitalisation between global and Finnish archaeology. The aim was also to recognise digital development goals that may be either shared between various disciplines or specific to the field of archaeology. Archaeology was studied by utilising a variety of data sources and case examples. The answers to questions regarding digital development needs can be generalised to Finnish archaeology in its entirety. The evolution towards digitalisation of global archaeology is a consequence of the development of information technologies. The internal development of discipline and emerging needs have also contributed to it. Archaeological concepts and paradigms related to digital transition are partly internal and continuously evolving. Technological development is uneven at the global level: there are trailblazers who already utilise the latest technologies. These trailblazers are currently developing digital infrastructures of various sizes, even transnationally. This trend is common in various disciplines, and during research work, it was identified as a predominant trend of international archaeology. The internationally-recognised digital development goals of archaeology have not been widely discussed in Finland. Important areas of development include guidelines and best practices for digitality, understanding the importance of digital management and the digital data life-cycle, creating opportunities for the digitalisation of archaeological projects and processes, and providing access to original data collections. / Tiivistelmä Digitalisaatio muokkaa yhteiskuntaa ja tieteitä. Se tulee vaikuttamaan yhä kattavammin Suomen arkeologiaan ja kulttuuriperinnön säilyttämiseen aineistot ja työkäytännöt läpileikkaavana tekijänä. Väitöstutkimuksessa kartoitettiin globaalin ja suomalaisen arkeologian digitalisoitumisen nykytilaa ja ominaispiirteitä. Tutkimus on ensimmäinen arkeologian digitalisaatiota käsittelevä väitöskirja Suomessa. Arkeologian teknologisoituminen ja tietokoneistuminen on jatkunut jo vuosikymmeniä, mutta yleismaailmallisestikin tämä kehityskulku liitetään aiheen tiimoilta käytävässä arkeologisessa keskustelussa vain harvoin digitalisaatio-käsitteeseen. Tutkimuksessa arkeologiaa tarkastellaan tieteidenvälisen käsitteellisteoreettisen viitekehyksen kautta, mikä mahdollisti globaalin ja Suomen arkeologian digitalisoitumisen ominaispiirteiden vertailun. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin sekä tieteenaloille yhteisiä että arkeologian alalla todennettuja digitaalisia kehittämiskohteita. Arkeologiaa tutkittiin erilaisten aineistolähteitä ja esimerkkitapauksia hyödyntäen. Digitaalisiin kysymyksiin saadut vastaukset ja digitaaliset kehittämistarpeet ovat yleistettävissä koskemaan koko suomalaista arkeologiaa. Globaali arkeologian kehitys kohti digitalisaatiota tapahtuu sekä yleisen informaatioteknologisen kehityksen että tieteenalan sisäisen kehityksen ja muotoutuvien tarpeiden myötä. Digitalisaatioon liittyvät käsitteet ja paradigmat ovat osin tieteen sisäisiä ja jatkuvasti uudelleenmuotoutuvia. Teknologisoitumisen kehityskulku on arkeologian globaalilla tasolla epätasainen: on olemassa edelläkävijätahoja, jotka hyödyntävät uusimpia teknologioita. Edelläkävijät kehittävät parhaillaan vaihtelevan laajuisia, jopa valtioiden välisiä, digitaalisia infrastruktuureja. Tämä kehityskulku on eri tieteiden aloille yhteinen, ja se tunnistettiin tutkimuksen teon aikana vallitsevaksi trendiksi kansainvälisessä arkeologiassa. Kansainvälisesti arkeologiassa todennetut kehittämiskohteet eivät ole olleet juuri esillä Suomessa. Tärkeitä kehittämisen aihealueita ovat digitaalisuuteen liittyvät ohjeet ja käytännöt, digitaalisen aineistonhallinnan ja elinkaaren merkityksen ymmärtäminen, projekteille ja prosesseille suunnattujen digitalisoitumismahdollisuuksien luominen ja niiden hyödyntäminen sekä alkuperäisten dataoriginaalien saatavuuden kehittäminen.

Visualising How Influential Circumstances within Implementations are Connected : A Study of Implementation Difficulties and Strategies in Healthcare

Modin, Micaela, Helstad, Julia, Martinez Calderon, Temis January 2021 (has links)
According to the UN, several problems are expected to arise due to the longer life span of future generations. In conjunction with a reduced amount of healthcare personnel, lifted by the WHO, a predictable crisis is yet to come. To counteract this problem many nations have turned to digitalisation. For example, Sweden is currently working towards "Vision e-hälsa 2025", which among others implies becoming the world leader in using digitalised solutions by 2025. Digitalisation in the healthcare sector implicates to upgrade existing systems or implementing new Healthcare Information Systems (HIS). This master thesis focuses on the implementation processes of HIS, which need to be improved in order to achieve the earlier mentioned goal. A literature review was conducted where relevant strategies and barriers within implementation processes in healthcare were identified. Furthermore, semi-structured interviews with practitioners resulted in the finding of ten categories and four themes (group of categories) through qualitative analysis. The categories and themes are circumstances that affect implementations; the following were the most influential in an implementation: Planning, Communication, Practical Training and Follow-up & End-user involvement. In conclusion, the improvement of one or all of the circumstances above could contribute to a faster digitalisation in the healthcare sector. Finally, the authors suggested some of the selected strategies and other solutions as tools for improvement. This study contributes to current knowledge about implementations by discovering important gaps between knowledge and practice. Moreover, this study contributes partially to a methodological discovery in visualisation analysis.

The impact of digitalisation on tax transparency

Kohler, Toni Jo January 2019 (has links)
No abstract / Mini Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Taxation / MCom (Taxation) / Unrestricted

Conceptualisation du pilotage logistique, structure et évolution au sein des chaînes logistiques et d’approvisionnement. Biais par lesquels une néguentropie des connaissances pourrait être sources de co-création durable de valeur / Conceptualisation of logistics management, structure and évolution within logistics and supply chains. How a neguentropic knowledge could be source of sustainable joint value creation

Quillaud, Alban 10 December 2016 (has links)
La logistique incarne la colonne vertébrale de l’économie mondiale. Elle est la réalisation physique ducontrat commercial d’achat de biens. Paradoxalement, elle semble souffrir de manque deconceptualisations de ses structures et déterminants. Ainsi, les chaînes logistiques sont encore à tortsouvent confondues avec les chaînes d’approvisionnement, et les activités d’exécution physique sontsouvent mélangées avec les activités de pilotage. Il en résulte, que de mauvais diagnostics causentd’autres problèmes, eux-mêmes sources d’inefficience, et donc d’une forme d’entropie. Cette entropieest observable au travers de multiples symptômes opérationnels et financiers ; et elle tend à grandir avecle progrès technologique mal maitrisé. Que faire de ces nouvelles données, de ces informations, de cesconnaissances ? Avons-nous les connaissances pré-requises pour en faire bon usage ? Ce travail derecherche essaie précisément de décrire les microstructures de ce secteur d’industrie. Il met en avant lerôle clé du pilotage, et les effets disruptifs du progrès technologique sur la composition « traditionnelle »de ses « facteurs de production ». Il essaie également de mettre en lumière une plus grande polarisationattendue du facteur travail autour de tâches humaines faiblement et hautement cognitives. Lanéguentropie des connaissances, avec l’humain comme support, serait alors assimilable à une hauteperformance du transfert de celles-ci, et pourrait alors devenir une source de co-création de valeur. / The logistics represents the backbone of the world economy. It physically materialises the commercialcontracts between buyer and seller. Paradoxically, it seems to suffer from a lack of conceptualisation, ofits related structures and determinants. Too often, the logistics chains are mixed up with the supplychains. Also the physical logistics execution and its management are rarely differentiated. As aconsequence, wrong diagnosis are causing other issues, themselves being source of inefficiency, leadingto a kind of entropy. The latter is observable through numerous operational and financial symptoms,and it tends to grow if technological progress is not under control. What shall we do with this new data,information and knowledge? Do we actually have the right knowledge to make good use of it? Thisresearch precisely tries to describe the industry microstructures. It sheds light on the pivotal role of thelogistics management, as well as on the disruptive effects that technological progress could have on itstradition mix of production factors. It tends to show how labour factor could polarise over low and highcognitive tasks supported by human. The negentropic knowledge, using human as a support, would thenbe similar to a high knowledge transfer performance, and could become a source of joint value creation.

Digitalisation to enhance country-by-country reporting for effective tax risk assessment in South Africa

Carrim-Ismail, Shamsah January 2020 (has links)
In 2015, The OECD released an 15 point action plan to combat base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). Amongst those actions is action 13 which deals with the implementation of Country-by-Country (CbC) reporting on Multinational Enterprises (MNE). Even though South Africa is not an OECD member, it adopted the implementation by enacting CbC reporting into law in December 2016. CbC reports give an overview of how local entities fit into their large group structure of the MNE which in turn will increase the tax transparency in the jurisdictions it operates from. Therefore, CbC Reports can be a great tool for tax administrations to assess tax risk. CbC reports are exchanged electronically between tax payer and tax administration as well as between different tax administrations of the different jurisdictions, thus the use of a digitalised system is of high importance as it will ultimately lead to better tax transparency. This approach of this work is qualitative in nature and the OECDs guidelines and corresponding sections in South Africa‘s Income Tax Act were analysed. Throughout this study South Africa and India‘s tax administrations are being compared, with recommendations drawn from the Indian tax administration. This study addresses the use of CbC Reports in the risk assessment procedure as well as the current tax risk assessment procedures in both countries. The study goes further by explaining the concept of digitalisation and then gauges the digital competence of South Africa‘s and India‘s tax administration according to an gauge set out by EY. There are numerous challenges that are a result of digitalisation of the tax administration. The findings of study prove that South Africa has already made progress towards a digitalised tax administration however there is room for improvement. Furthermore, as the tax administration progress, CbC reports will become more effective as a risk assessment tool. Lastly, the study imparts that even with the challenges that digitalisation of the tax administration brings about, the benefit of a digital tax administration providing tax transparency will be able to overcome these challenges. / Mini Dissertation (MPhil (International Taxation))--University of Pretoria, 2020. / pt2021 / Taxation / MPhil (International Taxation) / Unrestricted

Well, that escalated quickly... : Exploring how leaders have managed the rapid change of leading a group of people in a physical environment into a digital environment due to Covid-19.

Fellbrant, Johanna, Fridén, Emma, Ohlsson, Clara January 2021 (has links)
The Covid-19 pandemic has not only affected people's health seriously around the world, but it has also forced people to change the way they live their lives abruptly. The pandemic has had a significant impact on how people communicate and interact, and changed our normal working routines to a digital setting. Leadership is more important than ever during a time of crisis, hence, this phenomenon must be investigated further. The pandemic has created new changing realities for organizations and individuals. Considering constant changes in the world, one can argue that leadership also changes with time and thus indicates the need for updated research on the subject. Therefore, leadership is an important subject to investigate constantly despite its complexity. The purpose of this paper is to deepen the understanding of leaders' and employees' experiences of leadership within a time of crisis that has created new, digital, working conditions for organizations. This thesis will also contribute to the psychological philosophy of change management theory with new valuable insights.

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