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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude et optimisation de l'émission et de l'extraction de lumière des nanofils semiconducteurs grand gap : application à des dispositifs électroluminescents

Henneghien, Anne-Line 15 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les diodes électroluminescentes (LEDs) bleues ou blanches actuelles sont constituées de couches épitaxiales planaires, essentiellement à base de GaN. Sans autres opérations technologiques, la réflexion totale interne aux interfaces réduit le nombre de photons extraits à quelques pourcents du nombre de photons émis. Cette thèse s'intéresse à un concept en rupture : les LEDs à nanofils GaN ou ZnO. Plus précisément elle vise à préciser l'intérêt de ces couches pour l'augmentation du rendement d'extraction. Nous nous sommes plus particulièrement intéressés à trois types de couches (taille des fils, arrangement), chacune mettant en jeu un processus d'extraction différent. La première géométrie, basée sur des fils relativement gros (rayons 50-100nm minimun) et distants vise à profiter des résonances ou du guidage optique pouvant exister au sein de chaque fil pour canaliser l'émission spontanée. Les coefficients de couplage de la couche active sur ces modes ainsi que la réflectivité des modes guidés en bout de fils ont notamment été évalué numériquement en fonction de la taille des fils. La seconde approche, issue de l'étude goniométrique de couches de fils MBE sur substrat Silicium, vise à profiter des propriétés d'indice effectif des couches de fils sublongueurs d'onde pour éviter le phénomène de réflexion totale à l'origine des faibles rendements d'extraction des couches planaires. Le modèle anisotrope numérique développé montre qu'un rendement d'extraction proche de 70% est envisageable sur ce type de couche épitaxiée sur Silicium. Enfin la troisième approche, plus prospective, vise à initier une étude sur l'émission dans des réseaux de fils agencés périodiquement.

Etude d'une nouvelle famille d'aluminosilicates de baryum et strontium dopés à l'europium : structure, fluorescence, phosphorescence et thermoluminescence

Denis, Grégoire 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le cadre de la recherche de matériaux fluorescents et/ou phosphorescents à émission blanche, une nouvelle famille d'aluminosilicate de baryum/strontium dopée à l'europium (Ba/Sr)13-xAl22+2xSi10+2xO66:Eu a été étudiée. La première partie de ce mémoire rappelle les mécanismes d'émissions de fluorescence de l'ion Eu2+ et les processus de thermoluminescence (TL). La seconde partie est quant-à-elle consacrée aux conditions de synthèse des matériaux étudiés, à leur caractérisation structurale et leurs propriétés optiques. Typiquement, sous illumination UV, un matériau de la famille sus-mentionnée présente deux bandes de fluorescence (respectivement centrées dans le bleu et le vert du spectre du visible) dues à la présence de Eu2+ dans des sites cristallographiques distincts. Le cation Eu2+ occupe préférentiellement l'un des sites comme nous avons pu le vérifier par calculs ab-initio de type DFT. Les deux bandes d'émissions recouvrant la totalité du spectre du visible donnent lieu à une émission blanche pour l'oeil humain. La variation du taux d'europium et de la proportion Ba/Sr permettent de modifier le rendu colorimétrique de l'émission. Après arrêt de l'excitation UV, le composé présente une phosphorescence blanche visible une dizaine de minutes. Des mesures de déclins d'émission conjointement à des expériences de TL ont permis d'identifier et caractériser les pièges responsables de la phosphorescence. Enfin, l'analyse spectrale de la TL a pu mettre en avant une dépendance des spectres de TL avec la température à laquelle le matériau est excité. Ce phénomène surprenant a fait l'objet d'une analyse détaillée.

Etude d'une nouvelle famille d'aluminosilicates de baryum et strontium dopés à l'europium : structure, fluorescence, phosphorescence et thermoluminescence

Denis, Grégoire 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le cadre de la recherche de matériaux fluorescents et/ou phosphorescents à émission blanche, une nouvelle famille d'aluminosilicate de baryum/strontium dopée à l'europium (Ba/Sr)13-xAl22+2xSi10+2xO66:Eu a été étudiée. La première partie de ce mémoire rappelle les mécanismes d'émissions de fluorescence de l'ion Eu2+ et les processus de thermoluminescence (TL). La seconde partie est quant-à-elle consacrée aux conditions de synthèse des matériaux étudiés, à leur caractérisation structurale et leurs propriétés optiques. Typiquement, sous illumination UV, un matériau de la famille sus-mentionnée présente deux bandes de fluorescence (respectivement centrées dans le bleu et le vert du spectre du visible) dues à la présence de Eu2+ dans des sites cristallographiques distincts. Le cation Eu2+ occupe préférentiellement l'un des sites comme nous avons pu le vérifier par calculs ab-initio de type DFT. Les deux bandes d'émissions recouvrant la totalité du spectre du visible donnent lieu à une émission blanche pour l'oeil humain. La variation du taux d'europium et de la proportion Ba/Sr permettent de modifier le rendu colorimétrique de l'émission. Après arrêt de l'excitation UV, le composé présente une phosphorescence blanche visible une dizaine de minutes. Des mesures de déclins d'émission conjointement à des expériences de TL ont permis d'identifier et caractériser les pièges responsables de la phosphorescence. Enfin, l'analyse spectrale de la TL a pu mettre en avant une dépendance des spectres de TL avec la température à laquelle le matériau est excité. Ce phénomène surprenant a fait l'objet d'une analyse détaillée.

Šiluminio lęšio charakterizavimas bei jo įtakos mažinimas išilginio diodinio kaupinimo lazeriuose / Thermal lens diagnostics and mittigation in diode end pumped lasers

Stučinskas, Darius 02 March 2010 (has links)
Šios disertacijos tikslas – didelio tikslumo matuoklio, skirto šiluminio lęšio lazerių aktyviuosiuose elementuose matavimams sukūrimas, bei įvairių metodų, skirtų šiluminio lęšio įtakos mažinimui tyrimas. Matavimai buvo atliekami Shack‘o ir Hartmann‘o bangos fronto matuokliu, kuris buvo pritaikytas mažų skersinių matmenų (<1x1 mm) šiluminio lęšio matavimams. Pademonstruotas naujos konstrukcijos asferinis kompensatorius iš esmes mažinantis šiluminio lęšio aberacijų įtaką išilginio diodinio kaupinimo lazeriuose. Atlikti šiluminio lęšio aberacijų matavimai buvo panaudoti kompensatoriaus profilio skaičiavimams. Naudojant asferinį kompensatorių, pagamintą plonasienių dangų užgarinimo būdu, generacijos slenkstis sumažėjo daugiau kaip 3 kartus, taip pat ženkliai pagerėjo lazerio pluošto intensyvumo skirstinys. Darbe nagrinėjamas stiprinamų impulsų energijos didinimo būdas pasitelkiant eliptinę rezonatoriaus modą Yb:IAG lazeryje. Šis metodas leidžia kelis kartus padidinti stiprinamų impulsų energiją, išlaikant dirakciškai ribotus erdvinius pluošto parametrus. Taip pat, surasta lazerio rezonatoriaus konfigūracija, leidžianti palaikyti stipriai astigmatišką modą aktyviajame elemente, ir simetrišką modą lazerio išėjime. Pateikiami šiluminio lęšio matavimų rezultatai „atermalinės“ ir Ng orientacijos Yb:KGW kristaluose. Taip pat, parodėme, kad kristalo galų išsigaubimo įtaka Ng orientacijos Yb:KGW aktyviuosiuose elementuose gali siekti 50%. Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad išbandyta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this thesis, analysis of thermal effects and various approaches for their mitigation in diode end pumped ultrafast lasers is presented. Experimental investigations were performed by employing Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor which was adapted for measurements of thermal lens in diode end pumped lasers. During research, operation of high average power, diode-pumped, Nd:YVO4 laser with aspheric aberration corrector was investigated. Actual thermal lens measurements were conducted in order to design properly shaped aberration corrector that was manufactured using a thin film deposition technology. This allows us to conclude that employment of proper thermal lens aberration compensator allowed for laser threshold reducing and ensured improved output beam quality parameter M2 in wide pump power range. Prospects of output pulse energy scaling in diode end-pumped Yb:YAG laser by employing elliptical mode geometry was investigated. During our experiments, maximum average power in of ~ 5.5 W was obtained at repetition rates of 30-100 kHz, while in CW operation mode the 8 W output power was achieved. In spite of strongly astigmatic thermal lens due to optimized cavity design the output beam exhibits high spatial quality: beam quality parameter M2 in both vertical and horizontal plane was close to unity. Detailed comparative study of thermal effects in Yb doped KGW crystals with different orientation was performed. Measurements confirm, that anisotropic optical and thermal properties... [to full text]

Thermal lens diagnostics and mitigation in diode end pumped lasers / Šiluminio lęšio charakterizavimas bei jo įtakos mažinimas išilginio diodinio kaupinimo lazeriuose

Stučinskas, Darius 02 March 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, analysis of thermal effects and various approaches for their mitigation in diode end pumped ultrafast lasers is presented. Experimental investigations were performed by employing Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor which was adapted for measurements of thermal lens in diode end pumped lasers. During research, operation of high average power, diode-pumped, Nd:YVO4 laser with aspheric aberration corrector was investigated. Actual thermal lens measurements were conducted in order to design properly shaped aberration corrector that was manufactured using a thin film deposition technology. This allows us to conclude that employment of proper thermal lens aberration compensator allowed for laser threshold reducing and ensured improved output beam quality parameter M2 in wide pump power range. Prospects of output pulse energy scaling in diode end-pumped Yb:YAG laser by employing elliptical mode geometry was investigated. During our experiments, maximum average power in of ~ 5.5 W was obtained at repetition rates of 30-100 kHz, while in CW operation mode the 8 W output power was achieved. In spite of strongly astigmatic thermal lens due to optimized cavity design the output beam exhibits high spatial quality: beam quality parameter M2 in both vertical and horizontal plane was close to unity. Detailed comparative study of thermal effects in Yb doped KGW crystals with different orientation was performed. Measurements confirm, that anisotropic optical and thermal properties... [to full text] / Šios disertacijos tikslas – didelio tikslumo matuoklio, skirto šiluminio lęšio lazerių aktyviuosiuose elementuose matavimams sukūrimas, bei įvairių metodų, skirtų šiluminio lęšio įtakos mažinimui tyrimas. Matavimai buvo atliekami Shack‘o ir Hartmann‘o bangos fronto matuokliu, kuris buvo pritaikytas mažų skersinių matmenų (<1x1 mm) šiluminio lęšio matavimams. Pademonstruotas naujos konstrukcijos asferinis kompensatorius iš esmes mažinantis šiluminio lęšio aberacijų įtaką išilginio diodinio kaupinimo lazeriuose. Atlikti šiluminio lęšio aberacijų matavimai buvo panaudoti kompensatoriaus profilio skaičiavimams. Naudojant asferinį kompensatorių, pagamintą plonasienių dangų užgarinimo būdu, generacijos slenkstis sumažėjo daugiau kaip 3 kartus, taip pat ženkliai pagerėjo lazerio pluošto intensyvumo skirstinys. Darbe nagrinėjamas stiprinamų impulsų energijos didinimo būdas pasitelkiant eliptinę rezonatoriaus modą Yb:IAG lazeryje. Šis metodas leidžia kelis kartus padidinti stiprinamų impulsų energiją, išlaikant dirakciškai ribotus erdvinius pluošto parametrus. Taip pat, surasta lazerio rezonatoriaus konfigūracija, leidžianti palaikyti stipriai astigmatišką modą aktyviajame elemente, ir simetrišką modą lazerio išėjime. Pateikiami šiluminio lęšio matavimų rezultatai „atermalinės“ ir Ng orientacijos Yb:KGW kristaluose. Taip pat, parodėme, kad kristalo galų išsigaubimo įtaka Ng orientacijos Yb:KGW aktyviuosiuose elementuose gali siekti 50%. Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad išbandyta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Tunnelling and noise in GaAs and graphene nanostructures

Mayorov, Alexander January 2008 (has links)
Experimental studies presented in this thesis have shown the first realisation of resonant tunnelling transport through two impurities in a vertical double-barrier tunnelling diode; have proved the chiral nature of charge carriers in graphene by studying ballistic transport through graphene $p$-$n$ junctions; have demonstrated significant differences of $1/f$ noise in graphene compared with conventional two-dimensional systems. Magnetic field parallel to the current has been used to investigate resonant tunnelling through a double impurity in a vertical double-barrier resonant tunnelling diode, by measuring the current-voltage and differential conductance-voltage characteristics of the structure. It is shown that such experiments allow one to obtain the energy levels, the effective electron mass and spatial positions of the impurities. The chiral nature of the carriers in graphene has been demonstrated by comparing measurements of the conductance of a graphene $p$-$n$-$p$ structure with the predictions of diffusive models. This allowed us to find, unambiguously, the contribution of ballistic resistance of graphene $p$-$n$ junctions to the total resistance of the $p$-$n$-$p$ structure. In order to do this, the band profile of the $p$-$n$-$p$ structure has been calculated using the realistic density of states in graphene. It has been shown that the developed models of diffusive transport can be applied to explain the main features of the magnetoresistance of $p$-$n$-$p$ structures. It was shown that $1/f$ noise in graphene has much more complicated concentration and temperature dependences near the Dirac point than in usual metallic systems, possibly due to the existence of the electron-hole puddles in the electro-neutrality region. In the regions of high carrier concentration where no inhomogeneity is expected, the noise has an inverse square root dependence on the concentration, which is also in contradiction with the Hooge relation.

Liposucción con diodo láser 980-nm (LSDL 980-nm): optimización de protocolo seguro en cirugía de contorno corporal

Centurión, Patricio, Cuba, J.L., Noriega, A. 11 June 2014 (has links)
pccenturion@gmail.com / Introduction: Liposuction has undergone several improvements since its first description, including changes in the cannulas, variation in the concentration of the infiltrating solution, and the use of different devices and technologies. The use of laser technology devices for lipolysis and stimulation of skin retraction has contributed to the procedure. This article presents the authors’ experience with laser lipolysis in 400 patients, within a 5-year period, and discusses the principles of the technology and its effect on tissues. Methods: This is a study performed between July 2007 and July 2012 and included 400 patients who underwent laser lipolysis. All procedures were performed following the original protocol – infiltration of cold saline, passage of the cannula with an optic fiber for conducting the energy needed for laser lipolysis, skin retraction, and finally, conventional liposuction. Results: Hospitalization type ranged from outpatient to overnight surgery. Approximately 45% (180 of 400) of patients had minimal bruising, with involvement of 2% or more of the affected body surface. Hematoma, seroma, and dehiscence occurred in a total of 9% (36 of 400) of patients. We did not find any case of thermal burn of the skin. Conclusions: Laser lipolysis performed according to the described technique was safe and reproducible. / Introdução: A técnica de lipoaspiração recebeu várias contribuições desde sua primeira descrição, como modificações nas cânulas, variação na concentração da solução de infiltração e uso de aparelhos com tecnologias variadas. A utilização de aparelhos com tecnologia laser vem contribuir com o procedimento por meio da lipólise e com o estímulo de retração cutânea. Neste artigo é apresentada a experiência dos autores com a laserlipólise em 400 pacientes, no intervalo de 5 anos, sendo discutidos aspectos dos princípios da tecnologia e sua ação sobre os tecidos. Método: Estudo realizado entre julho de 2007 e julho de 2012, que incluiu 400 pacientes submetidos a procedimento de laserlipólise. Os procedimentos foram realizados seguindo protocolo original, com infiltração de soro gelado, passagem da cânula com fibra óptica para a condução da energia laser visando à laserlipólise, retração cutânea e, por último, lipoaspiração convencional. Resultados: O período de internação variou de cirurgia em regime ambulatorial a pernoite. Cerca de 45% (180/400 pacientes) dos pacientes evoluíram com equimoses mínimas, com acometimento de 2% ou mais da superfície corporal comprometida. Os casos de hematoma, seroma e deiscência totalizaram 9% (36/400 pacientes). Em nenhum caso foi constatada queimadura por lesão térmica na pele. Conclusões: O procedimento de laserlipólise realizado com a técnica descrita demonstrou segurança e reprodutibilidade

Experimental Synchronization of Chaotic Attractors Using Control

Newell, Timothy C. (Timothy Charles) 12 1900 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is to theoretically and experimentally investigate two new schemes of synchronizing chaotic attractors using chaotically operating diode resonators. The first method, called synchronization using control, is shown for the first time to experimentally synchronize dynamical systems. This method is an economical scheme which can be viably applied to low dimensional dynamical systems. The other, unidirectional coupling, is a straightforward means of synchronization which can be implemented in fast dynamical systems where timing is critical. Techniques developed in this work are of fundamental importance for future problems regarding high dimensional chaotic dynamical systems or arrays of mutually linked chaotically operating elements.

Investigation of Surface States and Device Surface Charging in Nitride Materials Using Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy

Sabuktagin, Mohammed Shahriar 01 January 2005 (has links)
In this work Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy (SKPM) was used to characterize surface states and device surface charging in nitride materials. Samples grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) and Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) typically show a high surface band bending of about 1 eV. In an n-type sample with 3X1017 cm-3 carrier concentration, 1 eV upward band bending corresponds to 1.7X1012 cm-2 trapped charge density in the surface states. Under continuous ultraviolet (UV) illumination up to 0.6 eV surface photo voltage effect could be observed in some samples, which further indicates that surface band bending is very likely larger than 0.6 eV, i.e. close to 1 eV. Reactive Ion Etching (RIE)damage was observed to increase surface band bending by about 0.4 eV where as surface treatments in organic solvents and inorganic acids did not affect surface band bending significantly. These results indicate presence of high density of surface states in devices fabricated in nitride materials. Surface potential measurements immediately after turning off a reverse bias to the Schottky contact of a GaN Schottky diode as well as an AlGaN/GaN Hetero-junction Field Effect Transistor (HFET) show an increase of band bending near the Schottky contact edge. For an applied reverse bias of 4 V, about 0.5 eV increase of band bending was observed. This increase of band bending was caused by tunneling of electrons from the Schottky contact and their subsequent capture by surface states near the contact edge. In case of the HFET, the increase of band bending for a bias that caused no current flow through the device was similar to a bias that did. This showed that hot electron injection from the channel did not play a significant role in increasing surface band bending. The accumulated charge near the gate edge of a HFET can deplete the channel, which would cause the drain current to decrease. The total times of accumulation and dissipation of excess surface charge near the gate edge of the HFET were comparable to the time scales of drain current transients of current collapse and recovery. From this observation we attributed current collapse phenomena to charge accumulation near the edge of the reverse biased gate contact of a HFET.

Optical investigations of InGaN heterostructures and GeSn nanocrystals for photonic and phononic applications: light emitting diodes and phonon cavities

Hafiz, Shopan d 01 January 2016 (has links)
InGaN heterostructures are at the core of blue light emitting diodes (LEDs) which are the basic building blocks for energy efficient and environment friendly modern white light generating sources. Through quantum confinement and electronic band structure tuning on the opposite end of the spectrum, Ge1−xSnx alloys have recently attracted significant interest due to its potential role as a silicon compatible infra-red (IR) optical material for photodetectors and LEDs owing to transition to direct bandgap with increasing Sn. This thesis is dedicated to establishing an understanding of the optical processes and carrier dynamics in InGaN heterostructures for achieving more efficient visible light emitters and terahertz generating nanocavities and in colloidal Ge1−xSnx quantum dots (QDs) for developing efficient silicon compatible optoelectronics. To alleviate the electron overflow, which through strong experimental evidence is revealed to be the dominating mechanism responsible for efficiency degradation at high injection in InGaN based blue LEDs, different strategies involving electron injectors and optimized active regions have been developed. Effectiveness of optimum electron injector (EI) layers in reducing electron overflow and increasing quantum efficiency of InGaN based LEDs was demonstrated by photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence spectroscopy along with numerical simulations. Increasing the two-layer EI thickness in double heterostructure LEDs substantially reduced the electron overflow and increased external quantum efficiency (EQE) by three fold. By incorporating δ p-doped InGaN barriers in multiple quantum well (MQW) LEDs, 20% enhancement in EQE was achieved due to improved hole injection without degrading the layer quality. Carrier diffusion length, an important physical parameter that directly affects the performance of optoelectronic devices, was measured in epitaxial GaN using PL spectroscopy. The obtained diffusion lengths at room temperature in p- and n-type GaN were 93±7 nm and 432±30 nm, respectively. Moreover, near field scanning optical microscopy was employed to investigate the spatial variations of extended defects and their effects on the optical quality of semipolar and InGaN heterostructures, which are promoted for higher efficiency light emitters owing to reduced internal polarization fields. The near-field PL from the c+ wings in heterostructures was found to be relatively strong and uniform across the sample but the emission from the c- wings was substantially weaker due to the presence of high density of threading dislocations and basal plane stacking faults. In case of heterostructures, striated regions had weaker PL intensities compared to other regions and the meeting fronts of different facets were characterized by higher Indium content due to the varying internal field. Apart from being the part and parcel of blue LEDs, InGaN heterostructures can be utilized in generation of coherent lattice vibrations at terahertz frequencies. In analogy to LASERs based on photon cavities where light intensity is amplified, acoustic nanocavity devices can be realized for sustaining terahertz phonon oscillations which could potentially be used in acoustic imaging at the nanoscale and ultrafast acousto-optic modulation. Using In0.03Ga0.97N/InxGa1-xN MQWs with varying x, coherent phonon oscillations at frequencies of 0.69-0.80 THz were generated, where changing the MQW period (11.5 nm -10 nm) provided frequency tuning. The magnitude of phonon oscillations was found to increase with indium content in quantum wells, as demonstrated by time resolved differential transmission spectroscopy. Design of an acoustic nanocavity structure was proposed based on the abovementioned experimental findings and also supported by full cavity simulations. Optical gap engineering and carrier dynamics in colloidal Ge1−xSnx QDs were investigated in order to explore their potential in optoelectronics. By changing the Sn content from 5% to 23% in 2 nm-QDs, band-gap tunability from 1.88 eV to 1.61 eV, respectively, was demonstrated at 15 K, consistent with theoretical calculations. At 15 K, time resolved PL spectroscopy revealed slow decay (3 − 27 μs) of luminescence, due to recombination of spin-forbidden dark excitons and effect of surface states. Increase in temperature to 295 K led to three orders of magnitude faster decay (9 − 28 ns) owing to the effects of thermal activation of bright excitons and carrier detrapping from surface states. These findings on the effect of Sn incorporation on optical properties and carrier relaxation and recombination processes are important for future design of efficient Ge1−xSnx QDs based optoelectronic devices. This thesis work represents a comprehensive optical study of InGaN heterostructures and colloidal Ge1−xSnx QDs which would pave the way for more efficient InGaN based LEDs, realization of terahertz generating nanocavities, and efficient Ge1−xSnx based silicon compatible optoelectronic devices.

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