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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electronic and plasmonic properties of real and artificial Dirac materials

Woollacott, Claire January 2015 (has links)
Inspired by graphene, I investigate the properties of several different real and artificial Dirac materials. Firstly, I consider a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of metallic nanoparticles, each supporting localised surface plasmons, and study the quantum properties of the collective plasmons resulting from the near field dipolar interaction between the nanoparticles. I analytically investigate the dispersion, the effective Hamiltonian and the eigenstates of the collective plasmons for an arbitrary orientation of the individual dipole moments. When the polarisation points close to normal to the plane the spectrum presents Dirac cones, similar to those present in the electronic band structure of graphene. I derive the effective Dirac Hamiltonian for the collective plasmons and show that the corresponding spinor eigenstates represent chiral Dirac-like massless bosonic excitations that present similar effects to those of electrons in graphene, such as a non-trivial Berry phase and the absence of backscattering from smooth inhomogeneities. I further discuss how one can manipulate the Dirac points in the Brillouin zone and open a gap in the collective plasmon dispersion by modifying the polarisation of the localized surface plasmons, paving the way for a fully tunable plasmonic analogue of graphene. I present a phase diagram of gapless and gapped phases in the collective plasmon dispersion depending on the dipole orientation. When the inversion symmetry of the honeycomb structure is broken, the collective plasmons become gapped chiral Dirac modes with an energy-dependent Berry phase. I show that this concept can be generalised to describe many real and artificial graphene-like systems, labeling them Dirac materials with a linear gapped spectrum. I also show that biased bilayer graphene is another Dirac material with an energy dependent Berry phase, but with a parabolic gapped spectrum. I analyse the relativistic phenomenon of Klein Tunneling in both types of system. The Klein paradox is one of the most counter-intuitive results from quantum electrodynamics but it has been seen experimentally to occur in both monolayer and bilayer graphene, due to the chiral nature of the Dirac quasiparticles in these materials. The non-trivial Berry phase of pi in monolayer graphene leads to remarkable effects in transmission through potential barriers, whereas there is always zero transmission at normal incidence in unbiased bilayer graphene in the npn regime. These, and many other 2D materials have attracted attention due to their possible usefulness for the next generation of nano-electronic devices, but some of their Klein tunneling results may be a hindrance to this application. I will highlight how breaking the inversion symmetry of the system allows for results that are not possible in these system's inversion symmetrical counterparts.

Production atmosphérique du nucléide cosmogénique 10 Be et variations de l'intensité du champ magnétique terrestre au cours des derniers 800 000 ans / Atmospheric production of the cosmogenic nuclide Beryllium-10 (10Be) and geomagnetic field intensity variations over the last 800,000 years

Ménabréaz, Lucie 07 September 2012 (has links)
Parmi les méthodes de reconstitution de l'histoire du champ géomagnétique, l'étude des variations de la production atmosphérique d'isotopes cosmogéniques s'est récemment développé. Cette production est modulée au premier ordre et aux échelles multimillénaires par l'intensité du champ géomagnétique. Son enregistrement dans les archives de l'environnement terrestre en apporte une lecture indépendante, donc complémentaire des méthodes paléomagnétiques. Ce travail vise à retracer les changements de taux de production de 10Be enregistrés dans les sédiments marins, afin de restituer les variations du moment géomagnétique depuis environ 800 000 ans. Les rapports 10Be/9Be authigéniques mesurés par Spectrométrie de Masse par Accélérateur le long de trois séquences de différentes latitudes, permettent de caractériser la production globale de 10Be sur deux intervalles de temps. (1) Lors de la baisse du moment dipolaire associée à l'excursion Laschamp (~41 000 ans BP), la surproduction de 10Be à 38°N et 2°S, confirmée par des mesures de 10Be/230Thxs, est identique à celle restituée dans les glaces du Groenland. (2) L'étude menée sur une carotte prélevée à l'équateur couvrant l'intervalle 800 000 – 250 000 ans BP (époque Brunhes), révèle les phases successives de surproduction globale de 10Be déclenchées par les chutes de moment dipolaires liées à l'inversion Brunhes-Matuyama d'une part et d'autre part à une dizaine d'excursions documentées. La calibration de ces enregistrements avec des valeurs absolues disponibles dans la littérature permet la quantification des moments dipolaires. / Among the methods for reconstructing the geomagnetic field history, studying the variations in cosmogenic isotopes production in the atmosphere has recently developed. At multi millennial scales, this production is mainly modulated by the geomagnetic field intensity. Its record in terrestrial archives provides an independent reading to complement paleomagnetic methods. This work aims at tracing the changes in 10Be production rates recorded in marine sediments, in order to reproduce the geomagnetic variations for the past 800,000 years. Authigenic 10Be/9Be ratios measured using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry along three sequences from different latitudes, characterize the 10Be global production during two time intervals. (1) During the dipole moment low associated with the Laschamp excursion (~ 41,000 years BP), the 10Be overproduction at 38°N and 2°S, confirmed by measurements of 10Be/230Thxs, is identical to that recorded in the Greenland ice sheet. (2) Studying a core collected near the equator and covering the interval 800,000 – 250,000 years BP (Brunhes epoch) reveals the successive phases of global 10Be overproductions triggered by dipole moment lows associated to the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal and also to several other documented excursions. Calibrating these records with absolute values available in the literature allows quantifying dipole moments. These are then compared to paleomagnetic reference reconstructions over the same time series. Bearing out the number and extent of these dipole field lows allows considering to refine their chronology before using their features to get a better understanding of the geodynamo rhythms throughout the last Million years.

Interpretace georadarových měření s využitím kombinovaného geoelektrického průzkumu / GPR data interpretation with use of a combined geoelectrical survey

Široký, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
GPR data interpretation is often difficult due to complex geological environments, reflections ambiguity and time-depth conversion uncertainty. Thanks to the geophysical fields interoperability it is possible to compare results of related survey methods. Radargrams from three model sites were processed and interpreted in an usual way to uniformly amplify all recorded reflections. Results were compared with ERT and EM (DEMP) data within integrated interpretation. GPR data interpretation was extended and new geological and geomorphological interpretations were uncovered. The GPR processing sequence was modified and simplified following outcomes from the integrated interpretation to ease different methods results comparison. Adapting a velocity model to precise time- depth conversion hasn't showed improvements. Key words: ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity tomography, dipole electromagnetic profiling, integrated interpretation, integrated inversion, GPR processing optimization, sedimentary environment, velocity model

Progress towards a new parity non-conservation measurement in cesium-133

Yao De George Toh (6858197) 16 August 2019 (has links)
Atomic parity violation measurements provide a way to probe physics beyond the Standard Model. They can provide constraints on conjectures of a massive Z′ bosonor a light boson, or searches of dark energy. Using the two-pathway coherent control technique, our group plans to make a new measurement of the weak interaction induced parity non-conservation (PNC) transition moment (<i>E<sub>PNC</sub></i>) on the cesium 6S→7S transition. We will coherently interfere a 2-photon transition with the Stark and PNC transitions to amplify and extract the PNC amplitude. Previously, our lab has measured the magnetic dipole transition moment on the same 6S→7S transition to about 0.4% uncertainty using this technique. In this dissertation, I discuss improvements made to the system, and review what future upgrades are needed for a new<i> E</i><sub><i>PNC </i></sub>measurement. Key systematics are also described. For an accurate determination of <i>E<sub>PNC</sub></i>, properties of cesium such as the scalar (<i>α</i>) and vector (<i>β</i>) transition polarizabilities are needed. I present improved determinations of keyelectric dipole matrix elements, and calculate new high precision determinations of <i>α</i> and <i>β</i>. Finally, using <i>β</i> and the previously measured value of <i>E<sub>PNC</sub>/β</i>, I calculate new values for the weak charge of the cesium nucleus Q<sub>w</sub>.<br>

From single to many atoms in a microscopic optical dipole trap / De un à plusieurs atomes dans un micro piège dipolaire optique

Fuhrmanek, Andreas 23 September 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la manipulation d'atomes de rubidium 87 piégés dans un piège optique dipolaire microscopique. Les expériences sont réalisées dans divers régimes de chargement du piège allant d'un atome unique à quelques milliers d'atomes en moyenne.Le régime à un seul atome permet de calibrer le dispositif expérimental. Nous utilisons l'atome unique comme bit quantique dont nous pouvons préparer et lire l'état avec une efficacité de 99.97% et 98.6%, respectivement. Lorsque plusieurs atomes sont chargés dans le piège microscopique, nous observons une distribution sub-Poissonienne du nombre d'atomes, liée aux collisions assistées par la présence de lumière quasi résonante. Une étude de ces collisions dans notre cas particulier (piège microscopique) révèle des taux de pertes extrêmement élevés, proches de la limite théorique de Langevin. Enfin, nous montrons que le chargement du piège microscopique avec plusieurs atomes est plus efficace lorsque nous superposons sur ce piège un deuxième piège, macroscopique, qui joue le rôle de réservoir d'atomes. Ce réservoir permet de charger le micro-piège à partir du macro-piège en l'absence de lumière quasi résonante et donc d'éviter les collisions assistées par la lumière.Le chargement du micro-piège à partir du macro-piège conduit à des conditions initiales optimales pour l'évaporation forcée dans la perspective d'atteindre la condensation de Bose-Einstein avec seulement une dizaine d'atomes. Après évaporation du gaz nous atteignons des densités dans l'espace des phases proches du régime de dégénérescence. / This thesis focuses on the manipulation of rubidium 87 atoms in a microscopic optical dipole trap. The experiments are performed in various regimes where the number of atoms in the microscopic trap ranges from exactly one atom to several thousands on average.The single atom regime allows us to calibrate the experimental setup. We use it a quantum bit, which state we can prepare and read out with efficiencies of 99.97% and 98.6%, respectively. When several atoms are loaded in the microscopic trap we observe a sub-Poissonian distribution of the number of atoms due to light-assisted collisions in the presence of near-resonant light. A study of these collisions in our particular case (microscopic trap) reveals extremely high loss rates approaching the theoretical Langevin limit. Finally, we demonstrate that the loading of the microscopic trap is more efficient when we superimpose on this trap a second macroscopic trap, which we use as an atom reservoir. This reservoir allows us to load the micro trap from the macro trap in the absence of any near-resonant light, thus avoiding light-assisted collisions.The loading of the micro trap from the macro trap leads to optimal initial conditions for forced evaporation towards Bose-Einstein condensation with about ten atoms only. After evaporation we reach phase-space densities approaching the degenerate regime.

Uma  formulação  alternativa do método dos elementos de contorno aplicada à análise da propagação de fissuras em materiais quase frágeis / An alternative formulation of the boundary element method applied to crack propagation analysis in quasi-brittle materials

Oliveira, Hugo Luiz 25 March 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da análise da propagação de fissuras, independente do tempo, em domínios bidimensionais utilizando uma formulação alternativa do método dos elementos de contorno (MEC). O MEC vem sendo utilizado com sucesso na análise de diversos problemas de engenharia. Considerando problemas de mecânica da fratura, o MEC é especialmente eficiente devido à redução da dimensionalidade de sua malha, o que permite a simulação do crescimento das fissuras sem as dificuldades do processo de remalhamento. Nesta pesquisa, desenvolvem-se formulações não lineares do MEC para a análise da propagação de fissuras em materiais quase frágeis. Nesses materiais, a zona de processo à frente da ponta da fissura introduz efeitos fisicamente não lineares no comportamento estrutural. Assim, para a simulação da presença da zona de processo, modelos não lineares são necessários. Classicamente a formulação dual do MEC é utilizada para modelar propagação de fissuras na quais equações singulares e hipersingulares são escritas para elementos definidos ao longo das faces das fissuras. O presente trabalho propõe uma segunda formulação utilizando um campo de tensões iniciais para a representação da zona coesiva. Nesta formulação, o termo de domínio da equação integral clássica do MEC é degenerado, de forma a atuar somente ao longo do caminho de crescimento das fissuras, sendo que esse procedimento dá origem a uma nova variável denominada dipolo, responsável por garantir o atendimento das condições de contorno. Em conjunto com essa nova formulação, se propõe o uso do operador tangente (OT), que é deduzido no trabalho, a fim de acelerar o processo de convergência da solução. Os resultados obtidos, por meio da formulação alternativa, são comparados tanto com dados experimentais quanto com o MEC dual, ambos disponíveis na literatura. As respostas encontradas foram satisfatórias no sentido de conseguir reproduzir o comportamento real da estrutura explorando as vantagens computacionais proporcionadas pelo OT. / This work presents a time-independent crack propagation analysis, in two-dimensional domains, using an alternative boundary element method (BEM) formulation. BEM has been used successfully to analyze several engineering problems. Considering fracture mechanics problems, BEM is especially efficient due to its mesh reduction aspects, which allows the simulation of crack growth without remeshing difficulties. In this research, nonlinear BEM formulations are develop in order to analyze crack propagation in quasi-brittle materials. Considering these materials, the process zone ahead of the crack tip leads to nonlinear effects related to structural behavior. Thus, nonlinear models are required for simulating the presence of the process zone. Classically, the dual BEM is used for modeling the crack propagation, in which singular and hyper-singular equations are written for elements defined along the crack faces. This work proposes an alternative formulation using the initial stress field to represent the cohesive zone. In this formulation, the classic domain integral term is degenerated in order to be non-null only at the crack growth path. This procedure leads the creation of new variable called dipole, which is responsible for ensuring the compliance of the boundary conditions. In addition to this new formulation, it is proposed the use of the tangent operator (TO), which is derived in this work, in order to accelerate the convergence. The results obtained using the new formulation, are compared with experimental data and dual BEM results available in the literature. The responses were found satisfactory in reproducing the behavior of real structures exploiting the computational advantages provided by the TO.

Atomes de Rydberg en interaction : des nuages denses d'atomes de Rydberg à la simulation quantique avec des atomes circulaires / Interacting Rydberg atoms : from dense clouds of Rydberg atoms to quantum simulation with circular atoms

Cantat-Moltrecht, Tigrane 11 January 2018 (has links)
Les systèmes quantiques à N corps en interaction sont au cœur des problèmes actuels de la recherche en physique quantique. La compréhension de tels systèmes est un enjeu crucial pour le développement des connaissances en physique de la matière condensée. De nombreux efforts de recherche visent à la construction d'un « simulateur quantique » : une plateforme permettant de modéliser, grâce à un système quantique bien contrôlé, un système quantique dont l'accès expérimental est difficile. Les fortes interactions dipolaires entre atomes de Rydberg représentent un objet d'étude choix pour ce type de problème. Nous présentons dans le présent manuscrit une étude des conditions d'excitation d'un nuage dense d'atomes de Rydberg en interaction, permise par le dispositif expérimental dont nous disposons, qui mêle les techniques de piégeage et de refroidissement d’atomes sur puce avec les techniques de manipulation des niveaux de Rydberg. Les résultats de cette étude nous permettent de formuler une proposition expérimentale complète de développement d'un simulateur quantique fondé sur le piégeage d'atomes de Rydberg circulaires. Le simulateur que nous proposons est très prometteur, grâce à sa flexibilité et aux longs temps de simulation qu’il permettrait. Nous terminons ce manuscrit par la description détaillée de la première étape sur le chemin vers ce simulateur : l'excitation d’atomes de Rydberg circulaires sur puce. / Interacting many-body quantum systems are at the heart of contemporary research in quantum physics. The understanding of such systems is crucial to the development of condensed-matter physics. Many research efforts aim at building a "quantum simulator": a platform which allows to model a hard-to-access quantum system with a more controllable one. Ensembles of Rydberg atoms, thanks to their strong dipolar interactions, make for an excellent system to study many-body quantum physics. We present here a study of the excitation of a dense cloud of interacting Rydberg atoms. This study was conducted on an experimental setup mixing on-chip cold atoms techniques with Rydberg atoms manipulation techniques. The result of this study leads us to make a full-fledged proposal for the realisation of a quantum simulator, based on trapped circular Rydberg atoms. The proposed simulator is particularly promising due to its flexibility and to the long simulation times for which it would allow. We conclude this manuscript with a detailed description of the first experimental step towards building such a simulator: the on-chip excitation of circular Rydberg atoms.

Efeitos nucleares no processo Drell-Yan : formalismos de dipolos de cor e de momentum transversal intrínseco

Oliveira, Emmanuel Gräve de January 2010 (has links)
O principal tema desenvolvido nesta tese é o estudo de efeitos nucleares na produção de diléptons por meio do processo Drell–Yan para energias compatíveis com as de RHIC e de LHC. Dois modelos são usados: o formalismo de dipolos de cor e o modelo de pártons com momentum transversal intrínseco. No primeiro capítulo, uma breve introdução histórica e a motivação para o estudo são apresentadas. No Cap. 2, o espalhamento profundamente inelástico (EPI) no modelo de pártons é revisado e são discutidas as distribuições partônicas de prótons (CTEQ) e de nucleons (EKS, EPS08 e EPS09). O EPI no formalismo de dipolos também é discutido. O Cap. 3 é dedicado ao embasamento teórico do formalismo de dipolos e ao estudo das seção de choque de dipolos. As principais equações que governam a evolução de dipolos são expostas, seguidas pelas parametrizações fenomenológicas GBW, DHJ, BUWe ABGS. Um novo modelo é proposto: a parametrização AGBS com flutuações. Quando ajustada aos dados de HERA, a nova parametrização não difere da antiga AGBS, indicando que flutuações não são necessárias para descrever os dados de EPI nas presentes energias. No Cap. 4, é apresentado o modelo de pártons no processo Drell–Yan. O formalismo é discutido em ordem dominante, em ordem seguinte à dominante (OSD) e em OSD com momentum transversal intrínseco, já que apenas na última possibilidade o momentum transversal do dilépton pode ser gerado de maneira consistente com os experimentos. Posteriormente, o formalismo de dipolos aplicado ao mesmo processo é debatido, que em ordem dominante possui distribuição em momentum transversal consistente com os experimentos. Os resultados são cálculos para o fator de modificação nuclear (RpA) para rapidezes negativas como função de rapidez e momentum transversal. A aplicação para rapidezes negativas do formalismo de dipolos é uma contribuição original, bem como a comparação deste formalismo com o modelo de pártons com momentum transversal intrínseco. Efeitos de grande (efeito EMC e anti-sombreamento) e de pequeno x (sombreamento) são observados. Mostra-se que o momentum transversal intrínseco é particularmente importante, alterando o fator de modificação nuclear em torno de 10%. Quando as diferentes parametrizações da seção de choque de dipolos são comparadas, a produção de diléptons não apresenta variações significativas, indicando que ela não é sensível aos detalhes das parametrizações, como a possível violação de escalamento geométrico presente na parametrização DHJ. Adicionalmente, os resultados do modelo de pártons são estendidos para rapidezes positivas e comparados com resultados do condensado de vidros de cor. Para energias de RHIC, os formalismos concordam, enquanto que para LHC, a menos que a parametrização nuclear tenha um sombreamento muito forte (caso da EPS08), os formalismos discordam, devido aos comportamentos distintos do sombreamento de glúons e do sombreamento de quarks. Como perspectiva, é discutido o modelo unidimensional, que é uma simplificação drástica da evolução de dipolos sem deixar de incluir os efeitos de flutuações. Em particular, as possibilidades de escalamento geométrico e escalamento difusivo nas seções de choque são discutidas. / The main topic of this thesis is the study of nuclear effects in Drell–Yan dilepton production at RHIC and LHC energies. Two approaches are employed: the color dipole approach and the parton model with intrinsic transverse momentum. In the first chapter, a brief introduction and the motivation to the study are presented. Chapt. 2 reviews the deep inelastic scattering (DIS) in the parton model and the parton distribution functions of protons (CTEQ) and of nucleons (EKS, EPS08 e EPS09) are examinated. The DIS in the dipole frame is also discussed. Chapt. 3 reviews the theoretical foundations of the color dipole approach and the dipole cross section. The main equations that drive the dipole evolution are shown, followed by the phenomenological parameterizations GBW, DHJ, BUW, and ABGS. A new model is proposed: the AGBS parameterization with fluctuations. When fitted to HERA data, the new parameterization does not differ from the old AGBS, indicating that fluctuations are not needed to reproduce DIS data at current energies. Chapt. 4 discusses the parton model in the Drell–Yan process. This approach is considered at leading order, at next-to-leading order (NLO), and at NLO with intrinsic transverse momentum, as only in the last case the dilepton transverse momentum distribution can be obtained in agreement with experiments. Afterwards, the color dipole approach applied to the process is examined, giving at leading order a transverse momentum distribution compatible with experiments. The results are calculations to the nuclear modification factor (RpA) at backward rapidities as function of rapidity and transverse momentum. The use of backward rapidities of the color dipole approach is an original contribution, as well as the comparison of this approach with the parton model with intrinsic transverse momentum. Effects of large (EMC effect and antishadowing) and of small x (shadowing) are seen. It is shown that the intrinsic transverse momentum is particularly important, changing the nuclear modification factor of about 10%. When different parameterizations of the dipole cross section are compared, the dilepton production does not show significant discrepancies, suggesting the it is not sensitive to the parametrization details, such as the possibility of geometric scaling breaking present in DHJ parameterization. Furthermore, the parton model results are extended to forward rapidities and compared with results of the color glass condensate. At RHIC energies, the approaches agree, while at LHC energies, unless the nuclear parameterization shows a very strong nuclear shadowing (EPS08 case), the approaches disagree, due to the different behaviors of gluon shadowing and quark shadowing. The unidimensional model, a toy model of the dipole evolution that includes the fluctuation effects is also investigated. Specificaly, the possibilities of geometric scaling and difusive scaling in cross sections are discussed.

Charge-Storage mechanisms in polymer electrets

Camacho González, Francisco January 2006 (has links)
In view of the importance of charge storage in polymer electrets for electromechanical transducer applications, the aim of this work is to contribute to the understanding of the charge-retention mechanisms. Furthermore, we will try to explain how the long-term storage of charge carriers in polymeric electrets works and to identify the probable trap sites. Charge trapping and de-trapping processes were investigated in order to obtain evidence of the trap sites in polymeric electrets. The charge de-trapping behavior of two particular polymer electrets was studied by means of thermal and optical techniques. In order to obtain evidence of trapping or de-trapping, charge and dipole profiles in the thickness direction were also monitored. <br><br> In this work, the study was performed on polyethylene terephthalate (PETP) and on cyclic-olefin copolymers (COCs). PETP is a photo-electret and contains a net dipole moment that is located in the carbonyl group (C = O). The electret behavior of PETP arises from both the dipole orientation and the charge storage. In contrast to PETP, COCs are not photo-electrets and do not exhibit a net dipole moment. The electret behavior of COCs arises from the storage of charges only. <br><br> COC samples were doped with dyes in order to probe their internal electric field. COCs show shallow charge traps at 0.6 and 0.11 eV, characteristic for thermally activated processes. In addition, deep charge traps are present at 4 eV, characteristic for optically stimulated processes. <br><br> PETP films exhibit a photo-current transient with a maximum that depends on the temperature with an activation energy of 0.106 eV. The pair thermalization length (rc) calculated from this activation energy for the photo-carrier generation in PETP was estimated to be approx. 4.5 nm. The generated photo-charge carriers can recombine, interact with the trapped charge, escape through the electrodes or occupy an empty trap. <br><br> PETP possesses a small quasi-static pyroelectric coefficient (QPC): ~0.6 nC/(m²K) for unpoled samples, ~60 nC/(m²K) for poled samples and ~60 nC/(m²K) for unpoled samples under an electric bias (E ~10 V/µm). When stored charges generate an internal electric field of approx. 10 V/µm, they are able to induce a QPC comparable to that of the oriented dipoles. Moreover, we observe charge-dipole interaction. Since the raw data of the QPC-experiments on PETP samples is noisy, a numerical Fourier-filtering procedure was applied. Simulations show that the data analysis is reliable when the noise level is up to 3 times larger than the calculated pyroelectric current for the QPC. <br><br> PETP films revealed shallow traps at approx. 0.36 eV during thermally-stimulated current measurements. These energy traps are associated with molecular dipole relaxations (C = O). On the other hand, photo-activated measurements yield deep charge traps at 4.1 and 5.2 eV. The observed wavelengths belong to the transitions in PETP that are analogous to the π - π* benzene transitions. The observed charge de-trapping selectivity in the photocharge decay indicates that the charge detrapping is from a direct photon-charge interaction. Additionally, the charge de-trapping can be facilitated by photo-exciton generation and the interaction of the photo-excitons with trapped charge carriers. These results indicate that the benzene rings (C6H4) and the dipolar groups (C = O) can stabilize and share an extra charge carrier in a chemical resonance. In this way, this charge could be de-trapped in connection with the photo-transitions of the benzene ring and with the dipole relaxations. <br><br> The thermally-activated charge release shows a difference in the trap depth to its optical counterpart. This difference indicates that the trap levels depend on the de-trapping process and on the chemical nature of the trap site. That is, the processes of charge detrapping from shallow traps are related to secondary forces. The processes of charge de-trapping from deep traps are related to primary forces. Furthermore, the presence of deep trap levels causes the stability of the charge for long periods of time. / Angesichts der Bedeutung der Ladungsspeicherung in Polymerelektreten für viele Anwendungen, wie z.B. in elektromechanischen Wandler, ist es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, zum Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen der kurz- und langfristigen Ladungsstabilisierung beizutragen sowie mögliche Haftstellen zu identifizieren. Ladungs- und Entladungsprozesse in Elektreten geben Hinweise auf Ladungshaftstellen. Diese Prozesse wurden mit thermischen und optischen Methoden bei gleichzeitiger Messung von Ladungs- und Polarisationprofilen untersucht. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden an Polyethylenterephthalat (PETP) und an Cyclischen-Olefin Copolymeren (COC) durchgeführt. <br><br> PETP ist ein Photoelektret und weist in der Carbonylgruppe (C = O) ein Dipolmoment auf. Die Elektreteigenschaften ergeben sich sowohl aus der Orientierungspolarisation als auch aus der Ladungsspeicherung. Im Gegensatz zu PETP ist COC kein Photoelektret und zeigt auch keine Orientierungspolarisation. Deshalb folgen die Elektreteigenschaften des COC ausschließlich aus der Ladungsspeicherung. Die COC-Proben wurden mit Farbstoffen dotiert, um das innere elektrische Feld zu untersuchen. Diese Systeme zeigen flache Ladungshaftstellen bei 0,6 und 0,11 eV, die durch thermisch stimulierte Prozesse entladen werden sowie tiefe Haftstellen bei 4 eV, die optisch stimuliert werden können. <br><br> PETP-Filme zeigen einen transienten Photostrom mit einem Maximalwert ( jp), der von der Temperatur mit einer Aktivierungsenergie von 0,106 eV abhängt. Der thermische Paarabstand (rc) kann für die Photoladungsgeneration in PETP auf ca. 4,5 nm abgeschätzt werden. Die Photoladungsträger können rekombinieren, mit den gespeicherten Ladungen interagieren, über die Elektroden entkommen oder eine leere Haftstelle einnehmen. <br><br> PETP zeigt einen kleinen quasi-statischen pyroelektrischen Koeffizienten (QPC) von ca. 0,6 nC/(m²K) für nicht polarisierte Proben, ca. 60 nC/(m²K) für polarisierte Proben und ca. 60 nC/(m²K) für nicht polarisierte Proben mit Vorspannung (E ~10 V/µm). Wenn die gespeicherten Ladungen ein internes elektrisches Feld von ca. 10 V/µm generieren können, sind sie in der Lage, einen QPC herbeizuführen, der vergleichbar mit dem von orientierten Dipolen ist. Es ist außerdem möglich, eine Ladungs-Dipol-Wechselwirkung zu beobachten. Da die QPM-Daten von PETP auf Grund des geringen Signals verrauscht sind, wurde ein numerisches Fourier-Filterverfahren angewandt. Simulationen zeigen, dass eine zuverlässige Datenanalyse noch bei einem Signal möglich ist, dessen Rauschen bis zu 3-mal größer ist als der berechnete pyroelektrische Strom. <br><br> Messungen der thermisch stimulierten Entladung von PETP-Filmen ergaben flache Haftstellen bei ca. 0,36 eV, welche mit der Dipolrelaxation der Carbonylgruppe (C = O) assoziiert sind. Messungen der photostimulierten Entladung ergaben tiefe Haftstellen bei 4,1 und 5,2 eV. Die beobachteten Wellenlängen entsprechen Übergängen in PETP analog den π - π* Übergängen in Benzol. Die beobachtete Selektivität bei der photostimulierten Entladung lässt auf eine direkte Wechselwirkung von Photonen und Ladungen schließen. Einen zusätzlichen Einfluß auf die Entladung hat die Erzeugung von Photo-Exzitonen und deren Wechselwirkung mit den gespeicherten Ladungsträgern. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Phenylringe (C6H4) und die Dipolgruppen (C = O) eine zusätzliche Ladung in einer chemischen Resonanz stabilisieren und miteinander teilen können. Daher kann die gebundene Ladung auch durch einen Photoübergang im Benzolring oder durch eine Dipolrelaxation freigesetzt werden. <br><br> Die mittels thermisch stimulierter Entladung bestimmte Tiefe der Haftstellen unterscheidet sich deutlich von den mittels photostimulierter Entladung gemessenen Werten. Flachere Haftstellen werden bei der thermisch stimulierten Entladung gefunden und können sekundären Kräften zugeordnet werden. Die tieferen Haftstellen sind chemischer Natur und können primären Kräften zugeordnet werden. Letztere sind für die Langzeitstabilität der Ladung in Polymerelektreten verantwortlich.

Quantum Coherence Effects in Novel Quantum Optical Systems

Sete, Eyob Alebachew 2012 August 1900 (has links)
Optical response of an active medium can substantially be modified when coherent superpositions of states are excited, that is, when systems display quantum coherence and interference. This has led to fascinating applications in atomic and molecular systems. Examples include coherent population trapping, lasing without inversion, electromagnetically induced transparency, cooperative spontaneous emission, and quantum entanglement. We study quantum coherence effects in several quantum optical systems and find interesting applications. We show that quantum coherence can lead to transient Raman lasing and lasing without inversion in short wavelength spectral regions--extreme ultraviolet and x-ray--without the requirement of incoherent pumping. For example, we demonstrate transient Raman lasing at 58.4 nm in Helium atom and transient lasing without inversion at 6.1 nm in Helium-like Boron (triply-ionized Boron). We also investigate dynamical properties of a collective superradiant state prepared by absorption of a single photon when the size of the sample is larger than the radiation wavelength. We show that for large number of atoms such a state, to a good approximation, decays exponentially with a rate proportional to the number of atoms. We also find that the collective frequency shift resulting from repeated emission and reabsorption of short-lived virtual photons is proportional to the number of species in the sample. Furthermore, we examine how a position-dependent excitation phase affects the evolution of entanglement between two dipole-coupled qubits. It turns out that the coherence induced by position-dependent excitation phase slows down the otherwise fast decay of the two-qubit entanglement. We also show that it is possible to entangle two spatially separated and uncoupled qubits via interaction with correlated photons in a cavity quantum electrodynamics setup. Finally, we analyze how quantum coherence can be used to generate continuous-variable entanglement in quantum-beat lasers in steady state and propose possible implementation in quantum lithography.

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