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Äktenskapet kommer ut : Dagspressens rapportering om registrerat partnerskap och könsneutralt äktenskapHansson, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur rapporteringen om registrerat partnerskap och könsneutralt äktenskap i svensk dagspress såg ut under perioden 1 januari till 31 mars 1995 respektive 1 maj till 31 juli 2009. Genom att jämföra hur samkönade relationer, äktenskap och familjebildning gestaltas i texterna under de båda tidsperioderna, har syftet varit att undersöka huruvida rapporteringen har förändrats i riktning mot en mer tolerant diskurs. Studiens frågeställningar rör bland annat förekomsten av olika former av uttryck för diskursiv diskriminering i texterna samt andelen positiva/negativa uttalanden. Studien utgår från ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv, och betraktar de dagliga medierna som betydelsefulla agenter när det gäller att befästa eller utmana diskurser om vad som betraktas som normalt avseende olika sociala grupper. 341 artiklar i svensk dagspress har undersökts med hjälp av kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Tjugo artiklar har också valts ut för en kritisk diskursanalys baserad på Norman Faircloughs modell och Kristina Boréus typologi över diskursiv diskriminering. Resultatet visar att negativa uttalanden om samkönade relationer inte är lika vanliga 2009 som de var 1995, och att representationerna har förändrats i riktning mot en större mångfald när det gäller könsfördelning såväl som olika former av sexuell orientering. Samma mönster kan ses när det gäller negativ andrafiering och förslag som pekar mot negativ särbehandling av samkönade par, vilka inte är lika vanliga 2009 som de var 1995. Den övergripande slutsatsen är att dagspressens rapportering om samkönade relationer har förändrats i riktning mot en mer tolerant diskurs. / This study examines the coverage of registered partnership and same-sex marriage inSwedish daily newspapers at two periods of time; 1995-01-01–1995-03-31 and 2009-05-01–2009-07-31. By comparisons between the representations of same-sex couples and the construction of the concept of marriage and family during the two periods, the aim has been to analyse whether the coverage of the topic has changed towards a more tolerant discourse. The questions raised concern for example the presence of different forms of discursive discrimination in the texts, and the frequency of positive/negative statements. The study is based on a social constructive perspective, and the assumption that the daily newspapers are important agents when it comes to maintaining or contesting the discourse on what is regarded as normal concerning different social groups. 341 articles in Swedish newspapers have been analysed using quantitative content analysis, and twenty articles have been selected for a critical discourse analysis based on Norman Fairclough’s approach and Kristina Boréu’s typology of discursive discrimination. The results show that negative statements about same-sex relations are less frequent in the texts 2009 compared to 1995 , and that the representations have changed towards a larger diversity concerning female and male same-sex couples as well as regarding different sexual orientations. The same pattern applies to negative other-presentation and proposals pointing towards unfavourable treatment of same-sex couples, which are not as visible in the daily newspapers in 2009 that it was in 1995. The overall conclusion is that the media coverage about same-sex couples has changed towards a more tolerant discourse. Read more
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Ensamkommande flyktingbarn i media : -En kritisk diskursanalys om porträtteringen av ensamkommande flyktingbarn i Aftonbladet och Expressen / Unaccompanied child refugees in media : – A discourse analysis of the portrayal of unaccompanied child refugees Aftonbladet & Expressen.Safarzadeh, Niloofar, Nehmé, Gabriella January 2017 (has links)
The study aimed to investigate the characterization of unaccompanied child refuges in two of Sweden’s leading newspapers by analyzing the rhetoric used in publications. The empirical material was collected from Aftonbladet and Expresses’s databases and was limited to 50 electronically published leaders, debate and news articles for the period of September 2015 up to February 2016. The empirical analysis was based on Norman Fairclough’s interpretation of critical discourse analysis, CDA and the theoretical discourse concept of power, knowledge and stigma. The result of the study showed two recurring themes within the discourse of unaccompanied child refugees titled “victim” and “prisoner”. Description within the themes portrayed the children as exposed, affected and involuntary addicts as well as criminal, violent and threatening. The portrayal of the children effected human perception, attitudes and actions toward the group. Media is described to have an undeniable impact on the creation of human perceptions, believes and attitudes. By doing so, the portrayal of children as perpetrators can have a negative impact on human processes, which however can be altered by nuances given to the subject by the portrayal of the children as victims. Read more
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Osynliga nyhetsoffer eller som du och jag : Framställningen av personer med funktionsnedsättning i Rapport och TV4 NyheternaCarlsson, Sofie, Petersson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
In this study we examine to what extent people with disability participate in television news and how they are represented. We chose to examine one broadcast per day of SVT Public Service news program Rapport and commercial channel TV4 Nyheterna (TV4 News) during one month using quantitative content analysis and qualitative discourse analysis. We found that people with disability are underrepresented in television news. In Rapport only 1,9 percent of the total broadcasting time contained people with disability and in TV4 Nyheterna 3 percent of the total broadcasting time contained people with disability. In the news people with disability were often represented as stereotypes, most commonly as victims. The focus was often on the medical aspect of the disability and on the problems that people with disability had. Through our qualitative analysis we found that television news discriminated people with disability in almost all of the news features by representing them as passive and not individuals but as representatives of the group “people with disability”.
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Sanning - I vems intresse? : En kvalitativ studie om fyra tidningars förhållande till medieetiken rörande ”busskapningen i Årdal” och ”dubbelmordet i Ljungsbro” / Truth - In whose interest? : A qualitative study of four newspapers approach to the media ethic rules regarding ”The hijacking of a bus in Årdal” and ”The double murder in Ljungsbro”Björn, Kemi January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ”The hijacking of a bus in Årdal” & ”The double murder in Ljungsbro” from media ethics aspects. The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures. The material that has been analyzed are articles from Expressen, Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. From each happening, two articles per newspaper has been selected by a toss, which ended up with sixteen articles for the whole study. The result and analysis are introduced in packedges, contaning two articles per newspaper and are devided into the two different cases the study examines. The result indicate that Expressen and Aftonbladet has breached the media ethic rules in both cases when focusing on the one of the swedish victims in Årdal and also when reporting about the suspect murderer in Ljungsbro. The basic journalistic ideals and values has been ignored, for the interest of producing sensational news. Read more
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Osynliga nyhetsoffer eller som du och jag : Framställningen av personer med funktionsnedsättning i Rapport och TV4 NyheternaCarlsson, Sofie, Petersson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this study we examine to what extent people with disability participate in television news and how they are represented. We chose to examine one broadcast per day of SVT Public Service news program Rapport and commercial channel TV4 Nyheterna (TV4 News) during one month using quantitative content analysis and qualitative discourse analysis.</p><p>We found that people with disability are underrepresented in television news. In Rapport only 1,9 percent of the total broadcasting time contained people with disability and in TV4 Nyheterna 3 percent of the total broadcasting time contained people with disability. In the news people with disability were often represented as stereotypes, most commonly as victims. The focus was often on the medical aspect of the disability and on the problems that people with disability had. Through our qualitative analysis we found that television news discriminated people with disability in almost all of the news features by representing them as passive and not individuals but as representatives of the group “people with disability”.</p>
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