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Enough is Enough : Sufficient number of securities in an optimal portfolioBarkino, Iliam, Rivera Öman, Marcus January 2016 (has links)
This empirical study has shown that optimal portfolios need approximately 10 securities to diversify away the unsystematic risk. This challenges previous studies of randomly chosen portfolios which states that at least 30 securities are needed. The result of this study sheds light upon the difference in risk diversification between random portfolios and optimal portfolios and is a valuable contribution for investors. The study suggests that a major part of the unsystematic risk in a portfolio can be diversified away with fewer securities by using portfolio optimization. Individual investors especially, who usually have portfolios consisting of few securities, benefit from these results. There are today multiple user-friendly software applications that can perform the computations of portfolio optimization without the user having to know the mathematics behind the program. Microsoft Excel’s solver function is an example of a well-used software for portfolio optimization. In this study however, MATLAB was used to perform all the optimizations. The study was executed on data of 140 stocks on NASDAQ Stockholm during 2000-2014. Multiple optimizations were done with varying input in order to yield a result that only depended on the investigated variable, that is, how many different stocks that are needed in order to diversify away the unsystematic risk in a portfolio. / <p>Osäker på examinatorns namn, tog namnet på den person som skickade mejl om betyg.</p>
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Utilisation of mineral rent and the diversified growth of the Botswana economy / ThesisMoribame, Thapelo Tebogo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study analyses the relationship between mineral rent and Botswana’s economic diversification. The analysis is done by; 1) providing an overview of Botswana’s economy and development, 2) explaining the economics of minerals, 3) describing Botswana’s mineral economy, 4) examining how mineral rent is generated and utilised in Botswana, 5) analysing the economic diversification of Botswana, 6) investigating constraints faced by Botswana in diversifying the economy, and 7) concluding by offering recommendations that can assist policy makers with decisions regarding economic diversification.
The economic value of minerals is measured by the rent they earn. Rent is profit above the normal return on total investment and is due to the scarcity of minerals. Management of minerals to achieve sustainability requires that rent is recovered through various taxes and be invested in economic activities that can provide income and employment for the future generation. In Botswana, mineral rent is generated from royalty payments, profit taxes and withholding tax on remitted dividends. Total resource rent was estimated at P160 million in 1979, but by the 2008/09 financial year, rent had increased by more than tenfold and was estimated at P10.56 billion. Diamond mining generates most of the rent and accounts for most of all the economic value of minerals, between 98 percent and 99 percent from 2004 and 2009. Copper nickel is the second most important resource after diamonds with a contribution that is between 1.03 percent and 1.34 percent of total resource rent in the 2007/08 and 2008/09 financial years. Coal, gold and soda ash are much less valuable from an economic perspective.
In the 1973/74 financial year, the mining industry contributed about 34 percent to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices and a high of 48 percent in 2000/01, although contribution declined to 40 percent in 2007/08. The mining industry contributed about 90 percent to total exports in 2001. In the same year, diamonds contributed about 85 percent to total exports and about 95 percent to the mining sector’s exports.
Since minerals took centre stage in the economy of Botswana, rent has been utilised to acquire foreign reserves abroad and finance development priorities such as the provision of health care, education and infrastructure. Part of the rent is also used to develop economic diversification through targeted initiatives that increase private sector involvement in economic activity. Even though that is the case, the Ogive Index shows that from 1973 to 2009, economic diversification has taken place, but at a slow pace. Slow economic diversification is a result of structural problems such as; a small domestic economy, high transportation costs, high cost of doing business, not fully benefitting from regional trade and vulnerability to transitional challenges like the economic crisis’. To overcome these problems, Botswana should benchmark in other mineral-rich countries to address internal capacity problems and production deficiencies. The country should also strive to benefit from international trade at a bilateral, regional and multilateral level. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is die verhouding tussen mineraalontginningsurplus en Botswana se ekonomiese diversifikasie ontleed. Hierdie ontleding is gedoen deur 1) ’n oorsig te bied van Botswana se ekonomie en ontwikkeling; 2) die ekonomie van minerale te verduidelik; 3) Botswana se mineraalekonomie te beskryf; 4) die manier waarop mineraalontginningsurplus in Botswana gegenereer en benut word, te ondersoek; 5) die ekonomiese diversifikasie van Botswana te ontleed; 6) beperkings waarvoor Botswana te staan kom in die diversifikasie van die ekonomie te ondersoek; en 7) af te sluit met aanbevelings wat beleidmakers kan help met besluite oor ekonomiese diversifikasie.
Die ekonomiese waarde van minerale word gemeet deur die ontginningsurplus wat dit verdien. Ontginningsurplus is wins bo die normale rendement van die totale belegging en is in gebruik weens die skaarste van minerale. Die bestuur van minerale vir volhoubaarheid vereis dat ontginningsurplus deur verskeie soorte belasting verhaal word en in ekonomiese aktiwiteite belê word wat inkomste en werkverskaffing vir die toekomstige generasies kan verskaf. In Botswana word mineraalontginningsurplus uit tantièmebetaling, winsbelasting en terughoubelasting op geremitteerde dividende gegenereer. Die totale hulpbronontginningsurplus is in 1979 op P160 miljoen geraam, maar teen die 2008/09- finansiële jaar het die ontginningsurplus tienvoudig vermeerder en is dit op P10.56 biljoen geraam. Diamantontginning genereer die meeste van die ontginningsurplus en is verantwoordelik vir die grootste gedeelte van die totale ekonomiese waarde van minerale – tussen 98% en 99% vanaf 2004 tot 2009. Nikkeliet is die tweede belangrikste hulpbron ná diamante,met ’n bydrae van tussen 1.03% en 1.34% van die totale hulpbronontginningsurplus in die 2007/08- en 2008/09- finansiële jaar. Steenkool, goud en soda-as is aansienlik minder waardevol vanuit ’n ekonomiese perspektief.
In die 1973/74- finansiële jaar het die mynwese ongeveer 34% tot die bruto binnelandse produk (BBP) teen huidige pryse bygedra, met ’n hoogtepunt van 48% in 2000/01, alhoewel die bydrae tot 40% in 2007/08 afgeneem het. Die mynwese het ongeveer 90% tot totale uitvoere in 2001 bygedra. In dieselfde jaar het diamante ongeveer 85% tot totale uitvoere en ongeveer 95% tot die mynbedryf se uitvoere bygedra. Sedert minerale die kern van Botswana se ekonomie begin vorm het, is ontginningsurplus gebruik om buitelandse reserwes te verkry en ontwikkelingsprioriteite, soos die verskaffing van gesondheidsorg, opvoeding en infrastruktuur, te finansier. ’n Gedeelte van die ontginningsurplus word ook gebruik om ekonomiese diversifikasie te ontwikkel deur teikeninisiatiewe wat die privaat sektor se betrokkenheid by ekonomiese aktiwiteit bevorder. Ten spyte hiervan, toon die Ogive-index dat ekonomiese diversifikasie wel van 1973 tot 2009 plaasgevind het, maar dat dit teen ’n stadige pas geskied het. Stadige ekonomiese diversifikasie is ’n gevolg van strukturele probleme soos ’n klein binnelandse ekonomie, hoë vervoerkoste, hoë sakekoste, streekshandel waaruit voordeel nie ten volle verkry word nie en kwesbaarheid vir oorgangsuitdagings soos die ekonomiese krisis. Botswana moet met ander mineraalryk lande normeer om interne kapasiteitsprobleme en produksiegebreke die hoof te bied. Die land moet ook daarna streef om op ’n bilaterale, streeks- en multilaterale vlak uit internasionale handel munt te slaan.
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In recent decades, revenue diversification has become a prevalent practice in state and local government finance. The trend of revenue diversification, according to the portfolio theory, has far-reaching implication for public financial management as it may change revenue stability, which has been an important policy objective for state and local government administrators. This study explores how revenue diversification affects revenue stability from both empirical and theoretical perspectives. Drawing on portfolio theory and regional science literature, this study develops a theoretical framework to explain how the effect of revenue diversification on revenue volatility of sub-national governments varies in terms of its economic base instability. To empirically test the theoretical framework, an econometric model that explores a series of factors that could affect revenue stability is estimated using socioeconomic and fiscal data of 156 Georgia county governments and 47 state governments during the years 1986-2004.
The findings indicate that revenue diversification affects revenue stability conditional on the instability of a jurisdiction’s economic base. The county level analysis suggests revenue diversification significantly increases the revenue instability of a county that has a stable economic base and the revenue stabilizing effect of diversification is enhanced as an economic base becomes more unstable. However, the state level analysis shows that revenue diversification significantly reduces revenue volatility for a state that has a stable economic base and the revenue stabilizing effect of diversification decreases when an economic base gets more unstable.
An important policy implication of the dissertation is that the degree of revenue diversification should be gauged by the condition of its corresponding economic base in order to achieve the goal of revenue stability.
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Towards a Model for Predicting Related Diversification Outcomes : Merging Views on SynergyGoldberg, Caroline, Katz, Petter January 2008 (has links)
<p>Businesses carrying out related diversification moves with the objective to gain synergy effects have been a frequently occurring phenomenon since the midst of the past century. Plenty of models have been constructed, mainly using external data, in order to predict the outcome of these moves, but a high degree of contradictory results in empiric testing shows that current models are insufficient. Our objective is to present a model which also takes into account the internal data presented by the line of research called horizontal strategies, with the aim of moving towards a more accurate explanatory model for related diversification. This is a study of literature which resulted in a model which may be used for approximations as a strategic planning device. Our main conclusions are that further empirical testing, mainly regarding the behaviour of costs for implementing interrelationships, is necessary in order to create an accurate, explanatory model for predicting the outcome of related diversification.</p>
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Evolution du périmètre d'activité et système de gouvernance d'entreprise : Le cas du groupe DanoneBesbes, Imène 25 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette recherche est d'expliquer l'évolution du périmètre d'activité de l'entreprise par la variation de son système de gouvernance. Nous proposons un modèle de recherche qui met en exergue l'impact des différents mécanismes de gouvernance sur les décisions du dirigeant et les conséquences sur l'évolution du périmètre d'activité de la firme. Ce modèle démontre que suivant la configuration du système de gouvernance de l'entreprise, le dirigeant optera soit pour la diversification, soit pour le recentrage d'activité. La variation du périmètre et son efficacité en termes de création ou de destruction de valeur résulteraient donc de l'interaction entre le dirigeant et les différents mécanismes de gouvernance de l'entreprise. Une étude empirique a été menée pour tester ce modèle à travers une étude de cas du groupe Danone.
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Mid-Pleistocene Extinction of Deep-Sea Ostracoda?Gaiger, Frances Jean January 2006 (has links)
A global extinction event has been documented in protozoan foraminifera in the late Pliocene to Pleistocene. The timing of the extinction event varied depending on location, however for Ocean Drilling Project Site 1125, disappearances occurred between 2.5 and 0.57 Ma, with the major decline approximately 1.1 Ma. In order to determine if this event affected benthic organisms other than protozoans, this study was undertaken to determine how podocopid ostracods (Crustacea) recovered Ocean Drilling Program Site 1125 responded. The present study was hindered by the small number of valves recovered; the fact that a large proportion of taxa found were undescribed and new to science; and the current state of taxonomic scheme that is under significant revision. These factors meant that a comprehensive comparison could not be achieved. Despite this, counts of ostracod valves and assessments of diversity from this study reveal a significant increase in both parameters from approximately 900-600 ka. Three possible causes were investigated to account for this increase, sediment type and sample size; affects of taphonomy, mainly dissolution; or an actual biotic 'event'. Statistical analyses showed that although sample size did have some effect, it was not the sole reason for the increase in ostracod numbers. Dissolution had an expected affect on the percentage of juveniles but no correlations were found with other sample characteristics. Sedimentation rate was investigated but this also proved unrelated. Therefore, it is suggested that the increase in total ostracod valves and diversity which occurs between 900 and 600 ka was in fact a natural, biotic 'event'. This preliminary evidence suggests that an oceanographic event that has negatively impacted on the foraminifers has had the reverse affect on the ostracod assemblage, in the sense that both population size and diversity increase during that time.
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業務分散程度對銀行績效的影響-以全球銀行為例 / Does Diversification Cause Diversification Discount – Banking Industry Around the World賴冠宇, Lai,Kuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對銀行業的業務分散程度與績效的關係,做實證上的研究。以一九九五年至二零零四年之間全球金融機構為研究對象,實證結果發現,業務較集中的金融機構會比業務較分散者的績效來得好,而且隨著分散的程度提高,績效變差的情況會更為明顯。除此之外,當銀行的本業是非利息收入時,提高業務分散程度所造成的績效降低會比本業為放款的銀行更為明顯。實證結果同時也指出,政府機關與民間的監督機制都能夠有助於減輕此種業務分散帶來的績效下降。 / This study examines the relationship between diversification of financial activities and performance in banking industry. Using cross-country data of financial institutions from 1995 to 2004, the empirical results suggest that focused banks outperform diversified banks. Moreover, I find that diversification discount declines as banks go diversified. Results show that banks which focus previously on noninterest income would suffer heavier diversification discount than loan-specialized banks while extending their activity into the other area. Results also suggest that the supervisory power from regulatory authorities and the policy of private-sector monitoring can help alleviate diversification discount that banks would experience when they go diversified.
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Ūkininkų ūkių ekonominės veiklos diversifikacija strateginės vadybos aspektu / Diversification of farmers activity in the aspect of strategic managementŠileikis, Matas 17 June 2010 (has links)
Pagrindinių magistrantūros studijų baigiamasis darbas 66 puslapių, 29 paveikslai, 14 lentelių, 30 literatūros šaltiniai, 2 priedai, lietuvių kalba.
Tyrimo objektas: ūkininkai įgyvendinantys ekonominės veiklos diversifikacijos strategiją, diversifikavimo paramos priemonės.
Darbo tikslas: išnagrinėti Lietuvos ūkininkų ūkių ekonominės veiklos diversifikavimo vadybinius aspektus ir sudaryti sprendimo diversifikuoti ūkininko ūkio veiklą pagrindimo, priėmimo ir įgyvendinimo modelius.
1. Išnagrinėti ekonominės veiklos diversifikavimo strategijos pasirinkimo ir įgyvendinimo teorinius aspektus.
2. Išanalizuoti ūkininkų ūkių ekonominės veiklos diversifikacijos būklę Lietuvoje.
3. Ištirti ūkininkų ūkių strateginių sprendimų diversifikuoti ekonominę veiklą priėmimo motyvaciją ir veiksnius.
4. Parengti pasiūlymus ūkininkų sprendimams, dėl jų ūkių veiklos diversifikacijos pagrindimo.
Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros, dokumentų bei teisės aktų analizė; kokybinis tyrimas ir jo analizė (pusiau standartizuota anketinė apklausa); statistinių duomenų analizė, loginis modeliavimas ir kiti metodai.
Tyrimo rezultatai
• pirmoje darbo dalyje išnagrinėta ekonominės veiklos diversifikavimo strategijos pasirinkimo ir įgyvendinimo teoriniai aspektai.
• antroje dalyje išanalizuota Lietuvos ūkininkų apsisprendimas diversifikuoti ūkio veiklą patirtis, motyvai, bei apsisprendimo priklausomybės nuo veiksnių.
• trečioje darbo dalyje pateikti sprendimo diversifikuoti ūkininko ūkio veiklą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Final work of University Postgraduate Studies consists of 66 pages, 29 figures, 14 tables, 26 sources of literature 2 appendixes, in Lithuanian language.
The object of the research: farmer’s who use a diversification strategy, diversification strategy supports.
Aim: To examine the Lithuanian diversification of farmers activity in the aspect of strategic management and to make justification, adoption and implementation models.
1st Examine the economic diversification strategy for the selection and implementation of the theoretical aspects.
2nd Analyze farmers' farms in the state of diversification of economic activities in Lithuania.
3rd To examine the strategic decisions of farmers farm diversification of economic activities and making the motivation factors.
4th To prepare proposals for decisions by farmers for their farm business diversification reasons.
Research methods: scientific literature, documents and legislative analysis and qualitative research analysis (semi-standardized questionnaire), statistical analysis, logic simulation and other methods.
Survey results:
• the first part of this examination of a strategy of diversification of economic activities in the selection and implementation of the theoretical aspects.
• the second part analyzed the Lithuanian farmers resolve to diversify the economic activities of experience, motives, and self reliance of factors.
• The third part of the decision to diversify the farm's business... [to full text]
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Phylogeny and phylogeography of South African barnacles (Thoracica; Cirripedia)Reynolds, Terry Veronica 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is known for its high marine invertebrate diversity but the
evolutionary histories of these species are largely unknown. The present study
contributes to the growing body of phylogeographic studies of southern African coastal
species. The main aim is to better understand the colonization and diversification of
South African barnacles.
To investigate the phylogeographic pattern in the southern African volcano
barnacle, Tetraclita serrata, 410 individuals from 20 sampling localities were analyzed.
In addition, to understand the colonization and diversification patterns of South African
barnacle species, nine taxa were included in a molecular phylogeny derived from the
nuclear gene, 18S rRNA. With only a limited number of 18S sequences available on
GenBank, a separate phylogenetic tree, for the mitochondrial gene, was constructed to
determine whether the genus Tetraclita is monophyletic.
Restricted gene flow in some geographical areas was hypothesized for T. serrata
based on oceanic circulation patterns; known biogeographic regions; and features such
as the Agulhas Bank, which has shaped the population genetic structure of several other
South African marine organisms. The population genetic structure was investigated
using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) and nuclear internal
transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) genes. Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of the
CO1 gene revealed two distinct genetic clades with overlapping distributions. The
nuclear ITS1 data performed on a subset of individuals drawn from both mtDNA clades
revealed a single lineage. The pattern observed can be ascribed to a historical event that
may have been responsible for the formation of allopatric lineages that have since come
into secondary contact. On the other hand, the pattern observed may be as result of
incomplete sorting of nDNA alleles, in which case, given that the two mtDNA clades are
not geographically isolated, could be explained by selective pressures acting on the
species due to ecological constraints. No clear phylogeographic structure was found
within each of these clades and the direction of gene flow of T. serrata individuals can be
linked to the oceanographic features found along the South African coast. In contrast to
most other South African marine species studied to date, the haplotype network,
mismatch distributions and time since expansion suggest that the effective population size of T. serrata was not severely affected by the Last Glacial Maximum. It is proposed
that further investigations into the phylogeography of coastal marine species,
particularly obligatory sessile species such as barnacles, are required to determine
whether the patterns observed in T. serrata is a rare history, or not.
Neighbour-joining, maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses on the CO1 gene
provide evidence for the monophyly of the genus Tetraclita; however, Tetraclita species
found in South Africa do not share a common ancestry suggesting multiple colonization
events. This study has also accidently led to the discovery of an introduced species,
Balanus perforatus, native to Europe, and I discuss the potential of the alien becoming
invasive on the east coast of South Africa where it was found. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is bekend vir sy hoë mariene ongewerwelde diversiteit, maar die
evolusionêre geskiedenis van hierdie spesies is grootliks onbekend. Hierdie studie is
gedoen om by te dra tot die filografiese studies van suider Afrikaanse kus spesies en om
die kolonisasie en diversifikasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse eendmossels beter te verstaan.
Om die genetiese struktuur van die bevolkings van die vulkaan eendmossel,
Tetraclita serrata, wat langs die Suid-Afrikaanse kuslyn voorkom, te bestudeer, was 410
individue van 20 lokaliteite ontleed. Daarbenewens, om die kolonisasie en diversifikasie
van Suid-Afrikaanse eendmossels te verstaan, was nege spesies ingesluit in 'n
molekulêre filogenie wat gebaseer is op die kern geen, 18s rRNA. Met slegs 'n beperkte
aantal 18s DNS volgordes beskikbaar op GenBank,is 'n aparte filogenetiese boom, vir die
mitochondriale geen COI, gekonstrueer om te bepaal of die genus Tetraclita monofileties
Beperkte geen-vloei in sommige geografiese gebiede was verwag vir T. serrrata
gebaseer op oseaniese sirkulasiepatrone; bekende biogeografiese streke, en kenmerke
soos die Agulhas Bank, wat die filogeografiese struktuur van verskeie ander Suid-
Afrikaanse mariene organismes beïnvloed het. Die genetiese struktuurvan die
bevolkings is geondersoek met behulp van die mitochondriale sitochroom oksidase
subeenheid 1 (COI) en kern interne getranskripeerde spasieërder 1 (ITS1) gene. Geen
duidelike bevolkings genetiese struktuur is gevind nie en die rigting van geenvloei van
T. serrata individue kan gekoppel word aan die oseanografiese kenmerke wat langs die
Suid-Afrikaanse kus voorkom. Filogenetiese en bevolking genetiese ontleding van die
COI geen openbaar twee afsonderlike klades maar met oorvleuelende geografiese
verspruidings. Die ITS1 data-analise wat uitgevoer was op 'n subset van individue wys
op 'n enkele spesie. Die waargenome patroon dui op 'n belangrike historiese verskil
tussen die twee klades. 'n Geskiedkundige gebeurtenis was dalk verantwoordelik vir die
vorming van twee evolusionêre lyne wat sederdien sekondêre kontak het. Aan die ander
kant, kan die patroon waargeneem word as gevolg van die onvolledige sortering van
nDNA allele, in welke geval, gegee dat die twee mtDNA clades nie geografies geïsoleer is
nie, dit verduidelik kan word deur selektiewe druk wat op die spesie was as gevolg van
fisiologiese of ekologiese beperkings. Die statistiese parsimonie netwerk, ongelyksoortige verspreidings en tyd sedert die bevolkingsuitbreiding dui daarop dat T.
serrata die laaste ysagtige maksimum tydperk oortleef het. Tot op hede het geen Suid-
Afrikaanse mariene spesies so 'n patroon gewys nie. So, verdere ondersoeke in die
filogeografie van die kus mariene spesies, veral verpligte sittende spesies soos
eendmossels, word vereis om te bepaal of die patroon waargeneem in T. serrata 'n
seldsame geskiedenis het, of nie.
Buur-aansluiting, maksimum parsimonie en Bayesian afleiding op die CO1 geen
het bewyse verskaf vir die monofiletiese afkoms van die genus Tetraclita, maar
Tetraclita spesies wat in Suid Afrika gevind is, deel nie ‘n gemeenskaplike afkoms nie,
wat weer bewyse verskaf vir verskeie kolonisasie gebeure. Hierdie studie het gelei tot
die ontdekking van 'n eksotiese spesie, Balanus perforatus, inheems aan Europa, en die
potensiaal van die indringer om ontwykend te raak aan die ooskus van Suid-Afrika waar
dit gevind is word bespreek. / The South African National Research Foundation (NRF) and Stellenbosch University
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Le marché parisien de l'or de 1941 à 2009 : histoire et financeHoang, Thi Hong Van 06 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La loi monétaire de septembre 1939 interdit la détention, le commerce, l'importation et l'exportation de l'or enFrance. Un marché clandestin s'est alors créé en 1941 et fonctionne jusqu'en janvier 1948. La loi du 2 février1948 a rendu la liberté au commerce de l'or en France. Ainsi, un marché officiel de ce métal précieux est-ilouvert à la Bourse de Paris. Après 56 ans d'existence, il est fermé en juillet 2004. Depuis cette date, le marché del'or en France est un marché de gré à gré où le prix d'équilibre est déterminé par la Compagnie Parisienne deRéescompte. Malgré cette riche histoire, le marché de l'or à Paris depuis 1941 n'a jamais été étudiéscientifiquement jusqu'à maintenant. Afin de l'explorer, cette thèse est divisée en deux parties distinctes. Lapremière l'étudie sous l'angle historique. Nous analysons son évolution en le rattachant aux événements del'histoire le qualifiant de plusieurs statuts différents : un marché clandestin de 1941 à 1948 (chapitre 1), unmarché réglementé de 1948 à 2004 (chapitres 2 et 3) et un marché de gré à gré de 2004 à 2009 (chapitre 4). Ladeuxième partie de la thèse étudie le marché de l'or à Paris sous l'angle financier. Les résultats du chapitre 5montrent que l'hypothèse de l'efficience informationnelle du marché parisien de l'or ne semble pas être validée.Dans le chapitre 6, nous trouvons que l'or coté à Paris (le lingot et la pièce napoléon) est moins rentable à longtermeque les actions. Cependant, il est aussi risqué que ces dernières et quatre fois plus risqué que lesobligations. Contrairement à la littérature anglo-saxonne, nous trouvons, dans le chapitre 7, que l'or n'est pas unbon moyen de protection contre l'inflation en France. De même, l'or coté à Paris n'est favorable dans ladiversification des portefeuilles français que durant les périodes où son prix a une tendance haussière.
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