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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Frontline Managers' Perceptions and Lived Experiences in the Execution of Diversity Management Programs

Rodgers, James O. 01 January 2019 (has links)
For over 30 years, organizations have engaged in programs to address the growing presence of diverse populations in their ranks, and researchers have attempted to identify and quantify a link between diversity and enterprise performance. The problem was a lack of understanding of how organizations benefit from increased diversity and the role of frontline managers in that process. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to address the research question aimed at the perceptions and lived experiences of frontline managers and to gain insights about how they are navigating the challenges of increased diversity to enhance their ability to produce high-performance outcomes. The three conceptual frames used were (a) diversity management, (b) managing people, and (c) team performance. The data collection process involved interviewing 12 frontline managers from a variety of industry sectors using a semistructured, conversational interviewing protocol. The open hand-coded analysis revealed patterns of thought and behaviors relating to managing individuals, managing the complexity of diversity, and managing diverse teams for high performance. The original concept of diversity management was in response to the growing diversity in the workplace and was intended to develop the capacity among managers to manage the resulting diversity mix. The study findings indicated that a common definition of diversity management is possible, that managing diversity requires a competence with all dimensions of diversity, and that there are a set of management skills that can yield better performance with teams of diverse composition. The results of my study can have positive impact on theory, practice, and general social acceptance of diversity.

Využití nových poznatků o Generaci Y při jejich zařazování do podnikové praxe / The Use of New Knowledge about Generation Y for Their Inclusion into Business Practice

Kruntorádová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation deals with Generation Y and its position in the corporate environment and in the labor market. The selected issue is very topical because of increasing structural and cyclical unemployment among young people. In preparing the dissertation, we departed from theoretical findings acquired by studying Czech and foreign monographs, articles published in journals, other electronic resources and, most importantly, primary research conducted. The main objective of the dissertation to gain new knowledge about Generation Y, which would lead to a more effective inclusion of young people (especially graduates) into practice with the use of new management methods in the adaptation and stabilization of a young employee in the job, with focus on future employees with economic expertise. In order to achieve the main objective, 4 sub-objectives and 4 research questions with relevant hypotheses were set. Based on an analysis of the theoretical basis and secondary data, a schema of adaptation and stabilization of a young employee was created. The primary research conducted then combines quantitative and qualitative approaches for the analysis and description of each part. The research results are presented in the form of partial conclusions characterizing each area as well as in the form of a summarizing conclusion placed in a broader context in a comparison with the determined state of current scientific knowledge. The dissertation includes contributions to science and research, business practice and teaching as well as a proposal of continuation of research activities.

Uplatnění koncepce diversity managementu v oblasti řízení lidských zdrojů / Applying Diversity Management Concept in the Field of Human Resource Management

Senichev, Valery January 2017 (has links)
The presented Ph.D. thesis deals with the topic of Diversity management and its application into the area of Human Resourse Management. The main goal of the thesis is to survey the impact of diversity on the effective team operation in selected organizations in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is thus to identify factors that influence the team effectiveness.The investigated teams operate in selected companies in the Czech Republic The Ph.D. thesis is divided into two parts: the theoretical part and the empirical part. The aim of the theoretical part is to provide a summary of personnel work in organizations with a focus on Human Resource Management at organizational and team´s level. Modern trends are also introduced: diversity management, talent management etc.The second part of the theoretical part is dedicated to diversity and diversity management, diversity classification, the structure of diversity management, functioning in teams, diverse teams and measuring the influence of diversity on team effectiveness. In the end of the theoretical part a summary of key research results is presented. A dictionary of key terms is also created as a part the presented thesis. In the empirical part an analysis of the research results gained by making pilot researches and main research are presented.The research was focused on studying the effectiveness of diverse teams in organizations mainly from the following sectors: Finance a Insurance, IT, Information and communication and Education. The research sample in the main research consisted of 98 team leaders.The gathered data were processed using descriptive and explorative statistics (nonparametric tests: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the Mann – Whitney U test and The Kruskal – Wallis Test). A qualitative analysis was used in the analysis of chosen items.The main results of the research is the following: 1.a slightly positive correlation was detected between gender diversity and handling project or work deadlines. 2.a positive correlation was found between informational diversity and goals or specific task/assignment achievement. 3. a slightly positive correlation was detected between the informational diversity and handling project or work deadlines. In teams with a focus on Human Resource Management a middle level of gender diversity was found, whereas in project teams the informational diversity is on a high level. Marketing teams have a lower level of information diversity. The same results is for teams with a focus on Management of academic projects/programs. No relationship was detected between the team effectiveness and the team size. The same negative results were found for the organizational size and the rate of occurence of age, gender or informational diversity.The qualitative analysis concluded that age diversity is linked with a situation of mixing different perspectives and experience in teams; gender diversity could have a positive influence on socio – psychological dynamics in a team and be efficient for client management. Informational diversity was mentioned as a factor of improving the problem-solving process and project effectiveness. Respondents were asked to define the traits/factors of a high – performing teams. Proportions in gender: 50:50, proportional representation of experienced and not so experienced peers in teams. The role of the manager is to unite the team, to support team members´potential, team cooperation with a goal to fulfil the task.

Recruiting immigrants : A Swedish study of the recruitment practice in the hospitality industry

Kilponen, Elinor, Korssell, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Immigration is a megatrend that continues to change our society. With an influx of people this means that the workforce becomes more diverse. Diversification is something that is becoming increasingly noticeable today, which has led to diversity issues gaining greater topicality, which in turn contributes to the management of diversity gaining greater importance. This is also a current issue when it comes to politics in Sweden, as one side of today’s political climate is against promoting cultural diversity in Sweden. Which is one reason why foreign-born, or immigrants are an underrepresented group in society.  Most literature in the management field regarding diversity, recruitment and diversity management has an Anglosphere perspective which is why this thesis brings in the Swedish perspective. Our purpose is to identify and describe existing phenomenon in diversity management, recruitment and how much one's ethnicity or nationality matters in the recruitment process.  In order to be able to answer the purpose, two research questions have been designed: What does a hospitality organization's diversity management look like to manage cultural diversity in the workplace? What role does the candidate’s nationality and ethnicity play in recruitment? We utilized an abductive approach which meant that we challenged existing theory with the data we collected. This research was done by a qualitative semi-structured interview with six respondents from the hospitality industry, specifically restaurants and cafes. The interview included questions about their own view on diversity, how the recruitment process is, and how they manage diversity. Through this, we were able to obtain data regarding diversity, recruitment, and diversity management, which helped us reach a conclusion. The findings indicate that one's ethnicity or nationality does not play a role in the recruitment process and that the requirements are relatively low. This was based on the manager’s or owner’s personal attitude towards diversity. The most prominent way to manage diversity is to be open to hiring people from different backgrounds. The recruitment is done with an informal or pragmatic recruitment process because of the recruiters' requirements being personality and organizational fit. Additionally, it was found that diversity management or a human resource strategy was not included in most organizations and potential conflicts and challenges were handled by communication.  Finally, this study contributes with a Swedish perspective on recruitment and shows that theories and what is done in practice differ.

Weathering At Work: Narratives of African American Women's Perception of Procedural Justice Relative to Diversity Management Practices in Healthcare Companies

Carroll, Sherry, 0000-0002-4287-5783 January 2022 (has links)
Employees are observant to their employers' policies and practices, which can reveal a lot about an organization's commitment to procedural justice. According to Judge & Colquitt (2004), perceived procedural justice, in particular, appears to have a considerable effect on chronic stress. Chronic stress, on the other hand, can have a negative effect on one’s wellbeing (Geronimus et al., 2006). Despite this, little research on African American women’s perception of procedural justice in relation to diversity management practices has been conducted. Using a qualitative interpretative phenomenological approach, I examined African American women’s lived experiences in healthcare companies in relation to diversity management practices under a procedural justice framework to investigate if weathering is exhibited within healthcare companies. Weathering recognizes that “the cumulative health and stress disparities that African American women experience throughout their lives result in negative health outcomes” (Warren-Findlow, 2006, p. 221). Two studies were performed. Study Two was designed to replicate, validate, or bring different perspectives to Study One's findings. Its findings were consistent with those of Study One, suggesting that the weathering concept is exhibited within healthcare companies. These findings may encourage healthcare organizations to delve deeper into the origins of health disparities impacting African American female employees and members. Furthermore, the findings of this investigation advocate for research to be broadened beyond the societal level to include the experiences of African American women working in other organizations. / Business Administration/Interdisciplinary

Diversify or die; en kvalitativ studie om mångfaldsutvecklingsarbete och dess betydelse i människobehandlande organisationer

Mutsson, Maja Virginia January 2007 (has links)
Föreliggande studie ville ta reda på huruvida mångfaldsutvecklingsarbetet är förankrat i de studerade människobehandlande organisationerna. Det visade sig att arbetet med mångfaldsfrågorna begränsas för merparten av de intervjuade till att anställa personer med olika etniska bakgrund samt att följa de styrdokument som förbjuder diskriminering. Analysen har visat att merparten av respondenterna resonerar fortfarande kring mångfald i termer av hinder och problem samt lagar och regler, istället för vinster, fördelar och möjligheter. Att de gör det betyder oundvikligen att man begränsar sig själv och sitt handlingsutrymme när det gäller verksamhetsutvecklingsarbetet, det är mitt resonemang. Många av de intervjuade verksamhetsansvariga fokuserar och relaterar diskussionen om mångfaldsutveckling till problematik och upplevda hinder utan att de medvetet, strategisk och målinriktad försöker göra något för att minimera dessa upplevda negativa effekter som mångfaldiga arbetsgrupper kan medföra. Att det krävs en ny typ av ledarskap som skall kunna initiera, hantera, inspirera, stödja och utveckla mångfaldsarbetet i organisationen är något som har framgått i föreliggande studie. Under analysen av det empiriska materialet har klara tendenser till homogenisering kunnat skönjas i vissa organisationer, inte enbart när det gäller den kulturella bakgrunden utan även den kunskap som medarbetarna kan tillföra organisationen. Rekryteringsprocesser används inte som redskap för mångfaldsutveckling och det är en enda informant som hävdar att man har börjat arbeta med att kvalitetssäkra rekryteringsprocesserna ur ett mångfaldsperspektiv. Oliktänkande, nytänkande och innovativa processer är inte speciellt eftersträvade i de studerade organisationerna. Att det är ”svenska normer och regler som gäller” samt att ”man måste anpassa sig till organisationens kultur” är något som somliga intervjuade har uttalat sig om. Även om många av informanterna uppger att verksamhetsutveckling betyder utveckling av nya tjänster och produkter utifrån kundernas och marknadens behov så visade det sig att de flesta saknar insikt i kundernas gruppsammansättning och dess konsekvenser för den egna organisationen. Att en mångfaldig arbetsstyrka bidrar till ökad kreativitet, innovationsförmåga, effektivitet och lönsamhet är inte en drivkraft för alla informanter. Graden av kännedom om kundgruppens sammansättning och dess behov verkar inte direkt styra verksamhetsutvecklingsarbetet i dessa organisationer, vilket i sin tur har konsekvenser på vilken service/vård/behandling man erbjuder sina klienter/kunder/brukare och inte minst kvalitetssäkringen av dessa tjänster. Detta betyder vidare att mångfaldsutvecklingsarbete inte kan betraktas vara en självklar del av verksamhetsutvecklingsarbetet. Att mångfaldsutvecklingstänkandet inte har integrerats i verksamhetsutvecklingsarbetet gör att man inte riktigt kan arbeta strategisk med ledarskap för mångfald samt med mångfaldsmedvetna rekryteringsprocesser. Det teoretiska och empiriska underlaget tyder på samma sak: att arbeta medvetet med mångfaldsutveckling handlar om en överlevnadsfråga oavsett om det är privat, offentlig eller frivillig sektor man bedriver sin verksamhet i. De flesta av informanterna i denna studie har dock inte insett detta än, trots den omfattande demografiska utvecklingen och kompetensförsörjningsproblematiken som är så påtaglig redan nu. Slutsatsen är att mångfaldsutvecklingsarbetet kräver ett målinriktat samt långsiktigt förändringsarbete som tvingas fram av den omfattande globaliseringen samt den demografiska utvecklingen i vårt land. En process som måste kvalitetssäkras, utvärderas och följas upp. Faktum återstår: vi har redan ett multikulturellt land, men fortfarande saknar vi de multikulturella organisationerna som är idealorganisationen i det globala samhället. / Abstract : Sverige står inför en demografisk utveckling som kommer att utmana både oss individer men även de strukturer och organisationer vi jobbar i. Ur ett verksamhetsutvecklingsperspektiv är utmaningen ännu större då att kunna på ett proaktivt sätt integrera mångfaldsarbetet i det övriga utvecklingsarbetet kommer att vara en viktig förutsättning för organisationers överlevnad. Syftet med föreliggande kvalitativa studie är att skapa större förståelse för mångfaldens betydelse för verksamhetsutveckling samt att skapa insikt i ledarskap - och rekryteringsprocesser ur ett mångfaldsutvecklingsperspektiv. Uppsatsens frågeställningar ville ta reda på drivkrafterna bakom mångfaldsutvecklingsarbetet i de studerade organisationerna. För att kunna ta reda på det har jag valt att intervjua 3 mångfaldsansvariga samt 8 verksamhetsansvariga från 10 olika människobehandlande organisationer som bedriver något form av socialt arbete. Det visade sig att begreppet ”mångfaldsutveckling” är fortfarande väldigt nytt samt oanvänt som organisationsutvecklingsmetod. Några få av de studerade organisationerna har blygsamt börjat identifiera drivkrafterna som tvingar fram ett strategiskt mångfaldsutvecklingsarbete, men att det finns mycket mer att åstadkommas är det något de flesta respondenter intygar om. Att mångfaldsutvecklingstänkandet inte har integrerats i verksamhetsutvecklingsarbetet gör att man inte riktigt kan arbeta strategisk med ledarskap för mångfald samt med mångfaldsmedvetna rekryteringsprocesser. Studiens resultat slår fast att trots att vi redan nu har ett multikulturellt land saknar vi fortfarande de multikulturella organisationerna som är idealorganisationen i det globala samhället.

Mångfald eller meriter? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om journalisters erfarenheter och synpunkter på mångfald och mångfaldsarbete / Merit or Diversity ? : A qualitative interview study on Swedish journalists' experiences and views on diversity and diversity management

Olutayo, Blessing Adeoluwa, Svanström Holmqvist, Noelle January 2024 (has links)
Frågan om mångfald är debatterad inom journalistkåren och det finns delade meningar om dess betydelse och påverkan på det journalistiska arbetet. Uppsatsens frågeställningar handlar om journalisters syn på hur mångfald på en redaktion kan påverka nyhetsbevakningen, journalisternas erfarenheter av mångfaldsarbete på redaktioner och hur de upplever att mångfaldsarbetet fungerar.                                       Vi utgår från fyra teoretiska ramverk genomgående i studien, allt från hur vi skapade frågeställningarna till hur vi analyserar resultatet. Dessa ramverk är teorier knutna till mångfald och mångfaldsarbete, gestaltningsteorin, dagordningsteorin och intersektionalitetsteorin. Teorierna i samspel ger oss en övergripande bild över fenomenet då det ger oss en grund för att förstå vad mångfaldsarbete går ut på, faktorer som kan påverka hur och vad som syns i nyhetsbevakningen samt att hjälpa oss förstå hur maktordningar skapas.                                                                                                 Det som undersökningen fokuserar på är att belysa journalisternas erfarenheter och åsikter, något som påverkar hur de individuellt ser på vikten av mångfald på nyhetsredaktionerna. Detta såväl i korrelation med arbetsmiljön men även hur samhället speglas i nyhetsbevakningen. För att få svar på det utförde vi kvalitativa intervjuer med 7 journalister, alla med olika åldrar, journalistiska erfarenheter, kön och etniska bakgrunder. Med hjälp av vårt urval fick vi ett nyanserat resultat som innefattar olika perspektiv.   Resultatet visade att journalisterna har en enad syn på frågan om mångfalden på redaktioner, däremot så var meningarna delade när det kom till orsaker till att medielandskapet ser ut som det gör idag. Meningarna var även delade när det kom till lösningar på fenomenet eftersom många ansåg att så som det ser ut idag är ett problem. Journalisterna uttryckte att de upplevde att det behövdes mer mångfald på de olika redaktionerna och att en ökad mångfald hade varit berikande då det öppnar möjligheten att kunna rapportera utifrån fler perspektiv i samhället.

Diversidade, voz e escuta nas organizações: estudos de casos em empresas brasileiras e espanholas / Diversity, voice and listening in organizations: case studies in Brazilian and Spanish companies

Martinez, Victor De La Paz Richarte 29 August 2013 (has links)
Nesta tese se estuda como empresas brasileiras e espanholas lidam com a diversidade humana em seu ambiente organizacional e se a microgestão de RH, ou seja, a gestão de pessoas e equipes com um sistema de voz, pode ser um componente significativo da gestão da diversidade. Esse objetivo de pesquisa advém da compreensão, obtida por meio do levantamento do estado da arte sobre esse tema, de que as ações organizacionais na diversidade podem não atender as demandas e expectativas dos trabalhadores, pois sua voz frequentemente não é ouvida a respeito dessa gestão. Para esse intento, o desenho metodológico firma-se na abordagem qualitativa, de natureza exploratória e sob o paradigma construtivista. Foram feitas entrevistas individuais e em grupo em três empresas, resultando em cinco unidades estudadas: uma brasileira e uma espanhola, do segmento de transporte público; e duas brasileiras e outra espanhola, do segmento de energia. Para o tratamento de dados recorreu-se à técnica de análise de conteúdo, suportados por observação assistemática e análise de documentos corporativos. Os resultados de pesquisa sugerem que a microgestão de RH pode colaborar para a efetividade de práticas organizacionais e, ainda, apontam para a necessidade da capacidade de escuta organizacional como componente de um sistema de voz que facilite o diálogo na empresa, por estimular a confiança e propiciar melhor clima de trabalho para as pessoas na organização. / This thesis explores how a sample of Brazilian and Spanish companies dealing with human diversity in its organizational environment and whether the Micro Human Resources Management (MHRM), or people and teams management with a voice system, might be a significant component of diversity management. The main goal of this research arises from understanding obtained through the research of the state of the art on this subject, that diversity related organizational actions can not meet the demands and expectations of employees mostly because, because their voices on the matter is hardly ever heard. To reach this goal a qualitative, exploratory research approach grounded on the constructivist paradigm was employed. Individual and group level interviews were conducted in three companies (five organizational units in total): two from the public transport segmentation (one Brazilian and one Spanish) and three from the energy segmentation (two Brazilian and one Spanish). Content analysis, document analysis and unsystematic observation were employed as a means to analyze the data collected/elicited. As a whole, the findings emerging from this research suggest that the MHRM can contribute to the effectiveness of diversity related organizational practices. They also point to the need for organizational listening skills as a key component of a voice system that might facilitate within-organizational dialogue, to stimulate confidence and provide a better working environment for organizational members.

Koncepce age managementu v organizacích v České republice / Concept of Age Management in Organizations in the Czech Republic

Steklíková, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis summarises current approaches to age management, or human resources management taking in account the age and skills of employees in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of this paper deals with the background of this concept, describes the present demographical development, its consequences in the labour field, and the problem of aging population which is visible in the need to adapt applied management strategies in organisations to this trend. There are mentioned several programmes, thoughts, and legislative measures on which the newest concepts and strategic plans in Europe and the Czech Republic are based. The empirical part of the thesis focuses on a specific level of organisations, and consists of two surveys. The first one is a comparative case study for which data were collected in two organisations which have recently implemented measures stemming from age management strategies. These measures are then specified and confronted with the statements of the employees who, in semi-structured interviews with the author, talked about the changes that were put into practice under the concept of age management, and about the discrimination of persons over 50 years of age on the labour market. The second survey was carried out by a questionnaire distributed online to...

Urban and Suburban Differences in Cultural Identification, Life-Guiding Principles, and Person-Organization Fit

Edigin, Joseph 01 January 2018 (has links)
Diversity practitioners in the United States have taken steps to implement programs for integration of people in organizations from across the socioeconomic and demographic spectrum. Despite changes in U.S. discrimination laws and work by diversity practitioners, maintaining equitable workplace diversity continues to be a problem in U.S. corporations. This correlational study was conducted to examine differences in life-guiding principles, urban identification, and person-organization fit between urban and suburban residents. A purposive sample of 180 adults was drawn in a voluntary online survey from industries in two U.S. representative counties with a mix of urban and suburban sprawl. This study was also conducted to further examine planned behavior, expectancy, normative social influence, and social impact theories by comparing how the independent variable of participant residence location affected the dependent variables of life-guiding principles, urban identification, and person-organization fit. T-test statistics were used to test mean differences in normally distributed data sets, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used for testing differences in non-normally distributed data sets. Test results revealed that there were differences in the dependent variables with a significant difference in urban identification for urban and suburban residents, confirming the hypothesis. Findings from this study may help diversity practitioners and organizational leaders understand the differences among urban and suburban residents. Study findings may also support organizations' social agenda toward addressing diversity issues and for narrowing career achievement gaps between urban and suburban residents through a better understanding of variations in culture.

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