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Managing employment equity in higher education in South AfricaKola, Malose Isaac 05 1900 (has links)
South African universities have embarked upon a wide range of initiatives to
foster and acclimatise to new social development needs of the society. A
significant area of change involved implementation of employment equity.
This study investigated the manner in which universities manage
employment equity.The composition of staff in higher education institutions
fails to reflect the demographic realities of South Africa.As a result, black
people and women are still severely under-represented, especially in senior
academic management positions. Universities are slowly, but steadily
redirecting their student bodies and staff to reflect the demographics of
South African society applying fragmented effort and piecemeal approach.
The “as is” statistical reports obtained from the Department of Labour were
used to substantiate the progress being made in the selected universities.
Quantitative research methods were employed to collect data. University of
Pretoria, University of Witwatersrand, and Free State University were
selected as the population and the academic managers (Heads of
Departments, Directors of Schools, and Deans of Faculties) as the sample
of the study.
The study finds that white males still dominate in the universities and white
females are adequately represented, particularly in the professional and
academic categories. The academic managers responded less positively on
retention strategies for academic staff, especially for the designated groups
and the functionality of employment equity awareness campaigns. The
study also outlined the success of employment equity factors that the
academic managers indicated, such as their loyalties to the institutions,
prospects of career development, and collegial relations.
The study recommended proficient leadership to drive the employment
equity process, development of employment equity strategy with
reasonable goals, diversity management, retention strategy, and vigorous
employment equity awareness. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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The implementation of employment equity in the public service with specific reference to the Department of Justice and Constitutional DevelopmentMekwa, Makupu Sylvia 09 1900 (has links)
The Employment Equity Act, No 55 of 1998 forms part of the transformation legislation aimed at promoting equity and eliminating discriminatory and unfair treatment in the workplace. This Act was promulgated more than ten years ago, and its positive impact has to be measured in terms of its contribution to the conduciveness of the work environment. The aim of this study is to enhance measures for effective implementation of an Employment Equity Programme (EEP) in the Public Service, with specific reference to the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development. The ultimate aim is to identify Employment Equity (EE) measures that will benefit management and employees in enhancing individual performance and productivity. The study focuses on perceptions of employees on how they perceive EEP. As the study progressed it became equally important to determine the alignment and contribution of EEP on Departmental strategic objectives. The results and recommendations will be shared with the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development with a view to ensuring that its EEP is aligned to its strategic objectives, and adds value to service delivery. / Public Administration and Management / M.P.A.
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Управление разнообразием персонала в организации : магистерская диссертация / Diversity Management in the CompanyЯо, Ю., Yao, Y. January 2023 (has links)
Выпускная квалифицированная работа включает введение, три части, заключение, библиографию и приложение. В теоретической части разбираются и определяются основы соответствующих концепций, уточняются факторы влияния и пути влияния на управление разнообразием HR, а также проводится различие между парадигмами управления разнообразием HR на основе организации и парадигмами управления разнообразием HR на основе людей. В разделе «Практика» анализируются проблемы процесса подбора персонала, оценки эффективности и построения организационной культуры. На основании полученных данных были сделаны предложения по улучшению по следующим направлениям. В процессе набора персонала J City Farmers and Merchants Bank должен обеспечить справедливость и инклюзивность при наборе персонала. Что касается формирования команды талантов, J City Сельскохозяйственный и коммерческий банк должен проводить диверсифицированные методы обучения. Что касается оценки эффективности, J City Agricultural and Commercial Bank необходимо внедрить диверсифицированную и многоуровневую оценку эффективности. В построении организационной культуры используется совокупность инклюзивной культуры и конкурентной культуры, корпоративной культуры и ведения бизнеса. В завершение были подведены итоги согласно поставленным задачам. / The final qualified work includes an introduction, three parts, conclusion, bibliography and appendix. The theoretical part sorts out and defines the basis of relevant concepts, clarifies the influencing factors and influence paths of HR diversity management, and distinguishes between organization-based HR diversity management and people-based HR diversity management paradigms. The practice section analyzes the problems in recruitment process, performance assessment, and organizational culture building. Based on the data obtained, suggestions for improvement were made in the following areas. In the recruitment process, J City Farmers and Merchants Bank needs to ensure fairness and inclusiveness in recruitment design. In terms of talent team building, J City Agricultural and Commercial Bank needs to conduct diversified training methods. In terms of performance appraisal, J City Agricultural and Commercial Bank needs to adopt diversified performance appraisal and multi-level performance appraisal. In the construction of organizational culture, a collection of inclusive culture and competitive culture, corporate culture and business operation. Finally, the results were summarized according to the set tasks.
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Career Advancement and Ethnicity : The Experiences in a Multinational Swedish Company / Karriäravancemang och Etnicitet : Erfarenheterna i ett Multinationellt Svenskt FöretagKurda, Lava January 2022 (has links)
In terms of ethnic background, the labor market of the twenty-first century may be more culturally diverse than ever. At the same time, cultural, racial and ethnic bias are frequently reflected in organizational hierarchy. Power disparities affect interactions between people of different cultures since persons from ethnic minorities are typically shut out of high-ranking positions in Western nations. The homogeneity of most management demonstrates the various gaps in the widespread perception of cultural, ethnic and racial bias. Additionally, given the ambiguity surrounding the connection between organizational structures and racial bias, D&I deployment in organizations can occasionally be dispersed. The aim of this study is to raise awareness of how employees' ethnicity influences career advancement in a multinational organizational culture. In addition to providing insights into issues facing the culture, this tries to pinpoint perceived disparities that are brought on by existing institutions and cultures. The analytical unit is a subsidiary of a multinational company with its headquarters in Sweden. Semi-structured interviews, also known as qualitative research interviews, were conducted. The study focused on employees at lower levels of the hierarchy and had a global scope. The findings revealed that when it came to questions about nationality and career advancement, non-Western employees were typically aware of cultural, ethnic, or racial bias and could reflect on complex issues within these topics, in contrast to Western employees who were not as familiar with these topics. While this study has provided insight into the perspectives of employees and members of ethnic minorities on career advancement, there are still a great deal of unexplored fields. Based on the study's findings, employers and employees are better equipped to understand the concepts, detect examples, and build the necessary skills and instruments to overcome ethnic bias through awareness-raising and training, social dialogue, and diversity research. / När det gäller etnisk bakgrund kan det tjugoförsta århundradets arbetsmarknad vara mer kulturellt varierat än någonsin. Samtidigt återspeglas kulturella, rasmässiga och etniska fördomar ofta i organisatorisk hierarki. Maktskillnader påverkar interaktioner mellan människor från olika kulturer eftersom personer från etniska minoriteter vanligtvis stängs ute från högt uppsatta positioner i västerländska länder. Homogeniteten hos de flesta företagsledningar visar de olika klyftorna i den utbredda uppfattningen om kulturell, etnisk och rasistisk fördom. Dessutom, med tanke på oklarheten kring sambandet mellan organisationsstrukturer och etniska fördomar, kan tillämpningen av D&I-initiativ i organisationer ibland vara oklar. Syftet med denna studie är att öka medvetenheten om hur anställdas etnicitet påverkar karriärutvecklingen i en multinationell organisationskultur. Förutom att ge insikter i frågor som kulturen står inför, försöker detta att lokalisera upplevda skillnader som orsakas av befintliga institutioner och kulturer. Studien utförs på en enhet till ett multinationellt företag med huvudkontor i Sverige. Semistrukturerade intervjuer, även kallade kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer, genomfördes. Studien fokuserade på anställda på lägre nivåer i hierarkin och hade en global räckvidd. Resultaten visade att när det gällde frågor om nationalitet och karriärutveckling, var icke-västerländska anställda vanligtvis medvetna om kulturella, etniska eller rasistiska fördomar och kunde reflektera över komplexa frågor inom dessa ämnen, i motsats till västerländska anställda som inte var lika bekanta med dessa ämnen. Även om denna studie har gett insikt i perspektiven för anställda och medlemmar av etniska minoriteter gällande karriärutveckling, finns det fortfarande en hel del outforskade områden. Baserat på studiens resultat är arbetsgivare och anställda bättre rustade att förstå begreppen, upptäcka exempel och bygga de nödvändiga färdigheterna och instrumenten för att arbeta emot etniska fördomar genom utbildning, social dialog och forskning om mångfald.
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GeschlechterdispositivJäckle, Monika 26 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der Begriff Geschlechterdispositiv verweist auf den Dispositiv-Begriff bei Michel Foucault und umfasst das machtvolle Zusammenspiel von hegemonialen Geschlechternormen in Gestalt von gesellschaftlich-kulturellen Leitbildern (Diskursen), von institutionellen Regelungen wie Geschlechtsrollenverteilungen (Institutionen), von vergeschlechtlichten Praktiken im Sinne des doing gender (Praxis) und von geschlechtlichen Identitätsangeboten (Subjektivität). Die Konstruktion von Geschlecht ist mit Machtbeziehungen und Wahrheitspolitiken verbunden. Das Geschlechterdispositiv stellt damit auch eine Analyseeinheit dar, die sich für eine empirische Forschung im Sinne einer relationalen Machtanalytik öffnet.
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Multikulturalita firem v EU / Multiculturality (multiculturalism) of the companies in the EUZadražilová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is Multiculturalism of the companies in the European Union as one of the approach of managing cultural diversity. The aim of the thesis is to provide an overview on different approaches to this topic based on different materials already published as well as on good practices used in the companies. The main question of the thesis is: DO the companies on the EU market go toward the model of multicultural organization? The thesis contains of four parts. The first one explains most important terms which are multiculturalism, diversity and diversity management. It also summarizes the brief history of diversity management as well as the importance of managing diversity. It explains also the factors creating the interest of cultural diversity and its management. The second part explains the perspective of the EU. It elaborates recent demographic changes as one of the external factors influencing the attitude toward managing diversity. It explains also the Immigration Policy of the EU in more details. EU legislation focusing on discrimination and equal opportunities is also part of this chapter. The third chapter focuses on diversity from the organizations point of view. It explains the Cox model as one of the theories of dividing companies based on their approach to cultural diversity. It also describes the main techniques used for the transition to multicultural company. The part of this chapter focuses also on multicultural teams and their performance. The last chapter of the thesis describes good practices in managing cultural diversity of the companies on the EU market and the particular tips created by EU to help small and medium enterprises to manager diversity.
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多元化管理之研究--以台北市原住民就業為例王雯君, Wang, Wen-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論**********************1
第一節 研究動機與目的*******************..1
第二節 研究範圍、方法與限制****************..6
第三節 研究架構與流程*******************.10
第四節 重要概念界定********************.14
第二章 多元化管理的理念與精神************20
第一節 多元化管理的發展背景****************.20
第二節 多元化管理的意涵******************.39
第三節 多元文化組織********************.58
第三章 多元化管理的策略***************82
第一節 多元化管理的管理模式與組織案例***********.82
第二節 塑造多元化的組織文化****************.99
第三節 發展多元化的人力資源****************114
第四節 整合多元化的管理策略****************130
第四章 個案研究——以台北市原住民就業為例 *****148
第一節 原住民就業措施評介*****************150
第二節 多元化管理理念的反思****************159
第三節 組織因應原住民就業的策略**************174
第五章 結論*********************188
第一節 研究發現**********************188
第二節 研究建議**********************200
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From Reasonable Accommodation to Understanding: Reconsidering Diversity Management Practices in Quebec.Bennett, Amanda 12 1900 (has links)
En 2007, le Premier ministre du Québec, monsieur Jean Charest, a établi la Commission de consultation sur les pratiques d’accommodement reliées aux différences culturelles afin de donner suite aux conflits émanant des différences ethniques et culturelles. La commission a pour mandat de dresser le bilan des pratiques d’accommodement au Québec, d’analyser la problématique, de consulter la population et de formuler des recommandations au gouvernement afin d’assurer la conformité des pratiques d’accommodement avec les valeurs de la société québécoise. En premier lieu, ce mémoire démontrera que deux facteurs, dont l’évolution de l’identité de la majorité francophone et l’évolution des pays d’origine des immigrants, ont contribué à un malaise de gestion de la diversité et, par conséquent, ont rendu l’établissement de la commission pertinent. En deuxième lieu, m’appuyant sur une revue de la méthodologie, des conclusions et des recommandations de la commission, ainsi que la réplique du Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles, je vais illustrer que, malgré un mandat pertinent et achevé, la réponse gouvernementale fut inadéquate. Finalement, je démontrerai que les modèles de gestion de diversité soutenus par le rapport de la Commission, la laïcité inclusive et l’interculturalisme, sont des aspects nécessaires de la gestion de la diversité. Cependant, ils en découlent des philosophies politiques de neutralisme et pluralisme dont la force et le compromis en sont les buts. Je crois que le Québec peut être meilleur gestionnaire de sa diversité et peut obtenir de vraies réconciliations en prônant la conversation; une approche patriotique de la gestion de diversité. / In 2007 and in response to conflicts stemming from ethnic and religious difference, Quebec Premier Jean Charest established the Consultation Commission on Accommodation Practices Related to Cultural Differences. The Commission’s mandate was to take stock of accommodation practices in Quebec, analyse the issues, consult the population and formulate recommendations to the government to ensure accommodation practices’ congruence with the values of Quebec society. This mémoire will first argue that two factors, namely the evolution of the francophone majority population’s identity and changes to immigrants’ origins, contributed to Quebec’s malaise with diversity management and thus made the establishment of the Commission relevant. Second, through a review of the Commission’s methods, findings, recommendations and the Ministry of Immigration and Cultural communities’ response to the recommendations, it will be argued that while the Commission’s mandate was both pertinent and fulfilled, the government’s response was inadequate. Finally, it will be argued that while open secularism and interculturalism, diversity management methods proffered by the Commission’s report, are necessary components of diversity management, they espouse the political philosophies of neutralism and pluralism which respectively result in force and compromise. I will argue that Quebec can manage difference more effectively and achieve true reconciliation by embracing conversation, a patriotic approach to diversity management.
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From Reasonable Accommodation to Understanding: Reconsidering Diversity Management Practices in QuebecBennett, Amanda 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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La construction d'une culture organisationnelle en faveur de la diversité dans l'enseignement supérieur : monographie d'une recherche-intervention menée au sein d'une business school française / Building an inclusive diversity culture in higher education : monograph of an intervention research conducted in a French business schoolPérugien, Sabrina 09 January 2015 (has links)
De « facture classique », cette thèse se veut particulièrement originale tant dans le choix de l’objet investigué que dans les résultats obtenus. En s’attachant à mieux comprendre la dynamique qui a prévalu au cours de l’intégration stratégique d’un projet culturel et managérial en faveur de la diversité dans une organisation du Supérieur, ce travail s’inscrit à la lisière de la stratégie et de la GRH. Il prend son origine dans le cadre général des études traitant de la non-discrimination et du management de la diversité en France, en s’intéressant toutefois à une organisation particulière puisqu’il est question de la Business School, dont le rôle socioéconomique est singulier. En effet, elle produit la future génération de managers et dans une moindre mesure les futurs leaders et décideurs économiques.Ce travail s’intéresse donc à l’application de l’approche conceptuelle et managériale de la diversité dans ce type d’organisation et aux changements induits par une telle démarche dans le cadre d’une étude processuelle longitudinale de cinq ans d’un cas unique (monographie). Reposant sur une ethnométhodologie à visée transformative, cette thèse restitue un changement en train de se faire en mobilisant l’approche contextualiste de Pettigrew. / Despite its classical style, this thesis is highly original in both the subject of the investigation – the strategic integration of diversity into the organizational culture of a French business school – and its results. Focused on the social responsibility of French higher education establishments, this thesis addresses issues that lie at the boundary of strategy and HRM. It targets the institutions that could be called the ‘antechamber’ of the business world, and that produce the next generation of managers: leading business schools. Diversity and non-discrimination at work are recent streams of research in the French managerial literature and this work takes a detailed look at the dynamics of change of a phenomenon that has received little attention: the construction of an organizational culture that fosters diversity. As the emphasis is on ‘organized’ and ‘organizing’ action rather than the institution itself, an intervention research strategy is adopted to investigate ongoing organizational change. This single-domain (monograph), longitudinal and process-based case study was carried out in situ, while Pettigrew’s contextualist approach provided the framework for a detailed description and in-depth analysis.
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