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Design and Characterization of Topical Econazole Nitrate Formulations for Treating Raynaud’s PhenomenonBahl, Dherya January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Riboswitch-targeted Drug Discovery: Investigation of Factors that Affect the T Box Transcription Antitermination MechanismZeng, Chunxi 04 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Metodoptimering och validering av UHPLC-metod för analys av rester av N,N-dimetylformamid och dimetylsulfoxid i radiofarmakaMånsson, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Vid positronemissionstomografi (PET) kräver vissa radiofarmaka lösningsmedlen N,N-dimetylformamid (DMF) och dimetylsulfoxid (DMSO) vid syntes. Rester av lösningsmedlen kan därför finnas kvar i produkten som ska injiceras i patienten och därför ska mängden lösningsmedelsrester kontrolleras enligt Europeiska läkemedelsmyndighetens riktlinjer (EMA). Gaskromatografi är standardmetod för att kvantifiera lösningsmedelsrester men är inte optimal för DMF och DMSO, som istället kan analyseras med UHPLC (ultra high performanc liquid chromatography) och UV-detektor. Syftet med projektet var att utföra metodoptimering och validering av en reverse phase UHPLC-UV metod för lösningsmedlen DMF och DMSO, på ett Agilent 1290 instrument. Sex aktuella radiofarmaka (spårmolekyler) användes vid utförandet. För metodoptimering studerades flera instrumentinställningar för analys av DMF och DMSO. Under optimeringen analyserades DMF och DMSO lösta i provmatriser och spårmolekyler med olika koncentration. DMF separerade från provmatriser och spårmolekyler. DMSO co-eluerade med de nämnda ovan och därför utfördes den efterföljande valideringen endast för DMF. Resultaten från valideringen erhöll godkända resultat för fem av sex radiofarmaka. Korrelationskoefficient var 0.9998, noggrannheten bestämdes till 96.8 – 101.5% och för precision som repeterbarhet och reproducerbarhet blev den relativa standardavvikelsen <5%. Detektionsgränsen bestämdes till 0.014 µg/mL och kvantifieringsgränsen till 0.047 µg/mL. Slutsatsen av projektet var att haltbestämning av lösningsmedlet DMF kan utföras. Därmed kan kraven från EMA säkerställas, men för en mer optimal metod kan ändring av pH på mobilfasen, flödeshastighet, kolonntyp och orsak till de breda topparna studeras närmare.
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Testování embryotoxicity vybraných lidských teratogenů na zárodcích kuřete. / Testing of embryotoxicity of selected human teratogenes on chicken embryos.Pavlíková, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Teratogenes are external environmental factors that can cause a developmental or a congenital defect in exposed individuals. The methods used for detecting the embryotoxic effect of substances are the classic when laboratory mammals are used and the alternative which use in vitro and in ovo systems. The main difference between these two is that the alternative methods lack metabolism of maternal organism. The metabolism of maternal organism brings a high variability of results to systems of the classic methods. We used two alternative methods in this thesis, both using chicken embryo. The first of them was in ovo method called CHEST (Jelínek, 1977). CHEST method can be used for administration of tested substances from ED2 to ED6. The disadvantage of this method is due to the dilution of the tested substance after subgerminal application at ED2. Therefore we developed in vitro method called SANDWICH. No dilution occurs while using the SANDWICH method. The aim of this study was to develop in vitro method SANDWICH while using proven teratogene (all-trans retinoic acid) and its solvent (dimethyl sulfoxide), to estimate beginning of the embryotoxicity dose range for both substances using CHEST and SANDWICH, and finally to compare obtained results. We confirmed the embryotoxic effect of all-trans...
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Plasma rico em plaquetas de equinos resfriado e criopreservado com dimetilsulfóxido e trealose / Equine platelet-rich plasma cooled and cryopreserved with dimethylsulfoxide and trehaloseKwirant, Liomara Andressa do Amaral January 2017 (has links)
O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é utilizado na medicina equina para o tratamento de lesões ósseas, articulares, tendíneas e ligamentares. No entanto o PRP deve ser preparado no momento de cada aplicação, pois seu tempo máximo de utilização após o preparo é de apenas oito horas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o resfriamento e criopreservação como métodos de armazenamento do PRP equino utilizando dois crioprotetores: dimetil sulfóxido (DMSO) e trealose, na tentativa de manter a viabilidade plaquetária após o armazenamento a baixas temperaturas. Duas amostras de PRP foram preparadas a partir da centrifugação do sangue de seis pôneis saudáveis e foram destinadas à criopreservação a -196º C ou ao resfriamento a 4º C. Cada amostra de PRP preparada foi dividida em quatro alíquotas: fresca, com DMSO, com trealose ou sem crioprotetor. As amostras frescas foram avaliadas quanto à contagem plaquetária, determinação do volume plaquetário médio (VPM), concentração plaquetária em relação ao sangue total e quantificação do fator de crescimento de transformação beta 1 (TGF-β1). As amostras criopreservadas e resfriadas ficaram armazenadas por 14 dias e foram então submetidas às mesmas análises laboratoriais. O número de plaquetas e concentração plaquetária foram similares entre as amostras frescas e resfriadas com ou sem crioprotetor, mas foram superiores nas amostras frescas em relação às amostras criopreservadas. Observou-se aumento do VPM em todas as amostras armazenadas, indicando que as plaquetas sofreram lesões durante o armazenamento. A liberação de TGF-β1 foi superior no PRP fresco em relação ao PRP resfriado ou criopreservado, não havendo diferença entre as amostras que continham ou não crioprotetores. A adição dos crioprotetores DMSO e trealose não impediu as lesões plaquetárias de armazenamento. Por outro lado, tanto as amostras resfriadas quanto as criopreservadas liberaram quantidades significativas de TGF-β1. / Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is used in equine medicine for treatment of bone, joint, tendon and ligament injuries. However the PRP must be prepared at the time of each application, since its maximum time of use after the preparation is only eight hours. The objective of this study was to evaluate cooling and cryopreservation of equine PRP as storage methods using two cryoprotectants: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and trehalose, in an attempt to maintain platelet viability after storage at low temperatures. Two PRP samples were prepared from the blood centrifugation of six healthy ponies and were intended for cryopreservation at -196 ° C or cooling at 4 ° C. Each prepared PRP sample was divided into four aliquots: fresh, DMSO, trehalose or without cryoprotectant. The fresh samples were evaluated for platelet count, determination of mean platelet volume (MVP), platelet concentration in relation to whole blood and quantification of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1). The cryopreserved and cooled samples were stored for 14 days and then submitted to the same laboratory tests. The number of platelets and platelet concentrations were similar between fresh and cooled samples with or without cryoprotectant, but were higher in fresh samples than in cryopreserved samples. An increase in MPV was observed in all stored samples, indicating that platelets suffered lesions during storage. The release of TGF-β1 was higher in fresh PRP than in cold or cryopreserved PRP, with no difference between samples containing or not cryoprotectants. The addition of DMSO and trehalose cryoprotectants did not prevent platelet storage lesions. On the other hand, both the cooled and cryopreserved samples released significant amounts of TGF-β1.
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Etude du maillon atmosphérique du cycle biogéochimique du soufre aux hautes latitudes sud (station Dumont d'Urville)Jourdain, Bruno 06 December 2001 (has links) (PDF)
L'atmosphère des hautes latitudes sud demeure très peu documentée à l'heure actuelle. Or, la compréhension des systèmes biogéochimiques à ces latitudes est nécessaire tant pour l'interprétation des archives glaciaires que pour évaluer l'importance de ces régions dans le climat actuel et futur, en liaison notamment avec les émissions océaniques de diméthylsulfure (DMS). Des études de distributions en taille de l'aérosol sur la base côtière antarctique de Dumont d'Urville ont permis de mieux cerner les problèmes de fractionnement de l'aérosol marin par rapport à la composition de l'eau de mer. En hiver, un déficit de sulfate par rapport au sodium ou au chlore est observé. La chronologie et l'ampleur de ce phénomène ont pu être précisés, dans le but de quantifier le nss-sulfate hivernal. Un second phénomène de fractionnement du sel de mer, lié à la remobilisation de HCI et traduit par un déficit de chlore par rapport au sodium, se révèle peu marqué sur le site suite à la combinaison de plusieurs paramètres, parmi lesquels l'influence locale d'émissions ornithogéniques alcalines. Depuis fin 1998, des mesures de DMS et de DMSO complètent les prélèvements d'aérosols continus depuis 1991. Après trois années de mesures, il apparaît une très grande variabilité interannuelle des teneurs en DMS liée à une variabilité importante de la source océanique locale en été. Si les niveaux de DMS paraissent fortement dépendants de cette source à une échelle locale, les espèces oxydées (MSA, sulfate) sont plutôt représentatives en été des émissions océaniques à une échelle régionale. En hiver, leurs teneurs sont très faibles (15 à 20 ng/m3 de nss-sulfate, hors perturbation volcanique, dont une moitié serait d'origine biogénique). Enfin, des études de photochimie en été ont confirmé l'importance d'un puits hétérogène du DMSO qui semble avoir une dépendance photochimique et s'inscrit comme étant une voie de production privilégiée de MSA particulaire.
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Proteome Analysis Of Hydrogen Production Mechanism Of Rhodobacter Capsulatus Grown On Different Growth ConditionsPeksel, Begum 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Rhodobacter capsulatus is a versatile organism capable of growing on different growth conditions including photofermentation in the presence of carbon source, aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration in the presence of an external electron acceptor such as DMSO. The photofermentative growth of R.capsulatus results in hydrogen production which stands out as an environmentally harmless method to produce hydrogen and accepted as one of the most promising process. Due to the serious problems such as as global climate change and environmental pollution caused by the fossil fuels, there is an increasing requirement for a clean and sustainable energy source. Furtherrmore, the ability of R.capsulatus to fix nitrogen, to use solar energy makes it a model to study various aspects of its metabolism. Thus the goal of this study is to increase the potential in biohydrogen production with the photofermentative bacteria and to investigate the proteins playing roles in different growth modes of the bacteria.
In the present study, protein profiles of Rhodobacter capsulatus grown on respiratory, anaerobic respiratory and photofermentative growth modes were obtained. LC-MS/MS system is used to analyze the proteome as a high throughput technique. Physiological analysis such as HPLC for the analysis of the carbon source consumption, GC and analysis of pigments were carried out to state the environmental conditions. As a result, total of 460 proteins were identified with 17 proteins being unique to particular growth condition. Ratios of the proteins in different growth conditions were compared and important proteins were highlighted.
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Plasma rico em plaquetas de equinos resfriado e criopreservado com dimetilsulfóxido e trealose / Equine platelet-rich plasma cooled and cryopreserved with dimethylsulfoxide and trehaloseKwirant, Liomara Andressa do Amaral January 2017 (has links)
O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é utilizado na medicina equina para o tratamento de lesões ósseas, articulares, tendíneas e ligamentares. No entanto o PRP deve ser preparado no momento de cada aplicação, pois seu tempo máximo de utilização após o preparo é de apenas oito horas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o resfriamento e criopreservação como métodos de armazenamento do PRP equino utilizando dois crioprotetores: dimetil sulfóxido (DMSO) e trealose, na tentativa de manter a viabilidade plaquetária após o armazenamento a baixas temperaturas. Duas amostras de PRP foram preparadas a partir da centrifugação do sangue de seis pôneis saudáveis e foram destinadas à criopreservação a -196º C ou ao resfriamento a 4º C. Cada amostra de PRP preparada foi dividida em quatro alíquotas: fresca, com DMSO, com trealose ou sem crioprotetor. As amostras frescas foram avaliadas quanto à contagem plaquetária, determinação do volume plaquetário médio (VPM), concentração plaquetária em relação ao sangue total e quantificação do fator de crescimento de transformação beta 1 (TGF-β1). As amostras criopreservadas e resfriadas ficaram armazenadas por 14 dias e foram então submetidas às mesmas análises laboratoriais. O número de plaquetas e concentração plaquetária foram similares entre as amostras frescas e resfriadas com ou sem crioprotetor, mas foram superiores nas amostras frescas em relação às amostras criopreservadas. Observou-se aumento do VPM em todas as amostras armazenadas, indicando que as plaquetas sofreram lesões durante o armazenamento. A liberação de TGF-β1 foi superior no PRP fresco em relação ao PRP resfriado ou criopreservado, não havendo diferença entre as amostras que continham ou não crioprotetores. A adição dos crioprotetores DMSO e trealose não impediu as lesões plaquetárias de armazenamento. Por outro lado, tanto as amostras resfriadas quanto as criopreservadas liberaram quantidades significativas de TGF-β1. / Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is used in equine medicine for treatment of bone, joint, tendon and ligament injuries. However the PRP must be prepared at the time of each application, since its maximum time of use after the preparation is only eight hours. The objective of this study was to evaluate cooling and cryopreservation of equine PRP as storage methods using two cryoprotectants: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and trehalose, in an attempt to maintain platelet viability after storage at low temperatures. Two PRP samples were prepared from the blood centrifugation of six healthy ponies and were intended for cryopreservation at -196 ° C or cooling at 4 ° C. Each prepared PRP sample was divided into four aliquots: fresh, DMSO, trehalose or without cryoprotectant. The fresh samples were evaluated for platelet count, determination of mean platelet volume (MVP), platelet concentration in relation to whole blood and quantification of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1). The cryopreserved and cooled samples were stored for 14 days and then submitted to the same laboratory tests. The number of platelets and platelet concentrations were similar between fresh and cooled samples with or without cryoprotectant, but were higher in fresh samples than in cryopreserved samples. An increase in MPV was observed in all stored samples, indicating that platelets suffered lesions during storage. The release of TGF-β1 was higher in fresh PRP than in cold or cryopreserved PRP, with no difference between samples containing or not cryoprotectants. The addition of DMSO and trehalose cryoprotectants did not prevent platelet storage lesions. On the other hand, both the cooled and cryopreserved samples released significant amounts of TGF-β1.
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Plasma rico em plaquetas de equinos resfriado e criopreservado com dimetilsulfóxido e trealose / Equine platelet-rich plasma cooled and cryopreserved with dimethylsulfoxide and trehaloseKwirant, Liomara Andressa do Amaral January 2017 (has links)
O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é utilizado na medicina equina para o tratamento de lesões ósseas, articulares, tendíneas e ligamentares. No entanto o PRP deve ser preparado no momento de cada aplicação, pois seu tempo máximo de utilização após o preparo é de apenas oito horas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o resfriamento e criopreservação como métodos de armazenamento do PRP equino utilizando dois crioprotetores: dimetil sulfóxido (DMSO) e trealose, na tentativa de manter a viabilidade plaquetária após o armazenamento a baixas temperaturas. Duas amostras de PRP foram preparadas a partir da centrifugação do sangue de seis pôneis saudáveis e foram destinadas à criopreservação a -196º C ou ao resfriamento a 4º C. Cada amostra de PRP preparada foi dividida em quatro alíquotas: fresca, com DMSO, com trealose ou sem crioprotetor. As amostras frescas foram avaliadas quanto à contagem plaquetária, determinação do volume plaquetário médio (VPM), concentração plaquetária em relação ao sangue total e quantificação do fator de crescimento de transformação beta 1 (TGF-β1). As amostras criopreservadas e resfriadas ficaram armazenadas por 14 dias e foram então submetidas às mesmas análises laboratoriais. O número de plaquetas e concentração plaquetária foram similares entre as amostras frescas e resfriadas com ou sem crioprotetor, mas foram superiores nas amostras frescas em relação às amostras criopreservadas. Observou-se aumento do VPM em todas as amostras armazenadas, indicando que as plaquetas sofreram lesões durante o armazenamento. A liberação de TGF-β1 foi superior no PRP fresco em relação ao PRP resfriado ou criopreservado, não havendo diferença entre as amostras que continham ou não crioprotetores. A adição dos crioprotetores DMSO e trealose não impediu as lesões plaquetárias de armazenamento. Por outro lado, tanto as amostras resfriadas quanto as criopreservadas liberaram quantidades significativas de TGF-β1. / Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is used in equine medicine for treatment of bone, joint, tendon and ligament injuries. However the PRP must be prepared at the time of each application, since its maximum time of use after the preparation is only eight hours. The objective of this study was to evaluate cooling and cryopreservation of equine PRP as storage methods using two cryoprotectants: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and trehalose, in an attempt to maintain platelet viability after storage at low temperatures. Two PRP samples were prepared from the blood centrifugation of six healthy ponies and were intended for cryopreservation at -196 ° C or cooling at 4 ° C. Each prepared PRP sample was divided into four aliquots: fresh, DMSO, trehalose or without cryoprotectant. The fresh samples were evaluated for platelet count, determination of mean platelet volume (MVP), platelet concentration in relation to whole blood and quantification of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1). The cryopreserved and cooled samples were stored for 14 days and then submitted to the same laboratory tests. The number of platelets and platelet concentrations were similar between fresh and cooled samples with or without cryoprotectant, but were higher in fresh samples than in cryopreserved samples. An increase in MPV was observed in all stored samples, indicating that platelets suffered lesions during storage. The release of TGF-β1 was higher in fresh PRP than in cold or cryopreserved PRP, with no difference between samples containing or not cryoprotectants. The addition of DMSO and trehalose cryoprotectants did not prevent platelet storage lesions. On the other hand, both the cooled and cryopreserved samples released significant amounts of TGF-β1.
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Préparation électrochimique et caractérisation de couches nanostructurées de semi-conducteurs de type p pour cellules photovoltaïques hybrides / Electrodeposition and characterization of p-type nanostructured semi-conductor films for hybrid photovoltaic solar cellsKoussi-Daoud, Sana 14 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse visait à développer des techniques de croissance électrochimiques d'oxydes pour obtenir des semi-conducteurs de type p utilisables comme photocathodes dans les cellules solaires à colorant (p-DSSC). Dans la littérature, la méthode d'électrodépôt n'a pas été explorée pour l'application p-DSSC. Les conditions de synthèse de films de NiO avec une épaisseur contrôlée ont été définies. Des couches de NiO ont été obtenues par électrodépôt en milieu aqueux, en milieu éthanol, en milieu diméthylsulfoxide DMSO et en milieu mixte DMSO/eau. Ces couches ont été caractérisées par DRX, spectroscopie Raman, MEB, mesures optiques, etc¿ puis testées comme photocathode dans des p-DSSC. L'électrodépôt de l'oxyde cuivreux Cu2O en milieu aqueux a été également étudié. Les rendements de conversion photovoltaïques des dispositifs ont été déterminés. Une nanostructuration des couches d'oxyde de nickel et d'oxyde cuivreux a aussi été réalisée en utilisant comme agent structurant des sphères de polystyrène fonctionnalisées par des groupements carboxyls. Enfin, nous avons exploré l'électrodépôt de la delafossite de cuivre CuFeO2 en milieu DMSO. / The objective of this thesis was the electrochemical deposition (ECD) of p-type semiconductors forthe fabrication of p-Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (p-DSSCs). The electrodeposition method remained unexploredfor the p-DSSC applications. The best conditions for ECD of nickel oxide layers with a controlled thickness havebeen defined. Nickel oxide has been deposited in water medium, in ethanol, in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)medium and in a mixture of DMSO/water solvent. The layers have been characterized by XRD, Ramanspectroscopy, SEM, optical measurements… then have been tested as a photocathode in p-DSSCs. The cuprousoxide (Cu2O) electrodeposition in an aqueous bath has also been investigated. The photovoltaic efficiency of thevarious prepared layers has been evaluated in p-DSSCs. We have also prepared inverse opal organized structureswith a perfectly defined macropore organization and size using a macrosphere polystyrene template. Finally, wehave explored the ECD of a copper delafossite CuFeO2 in DMSO medium.
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