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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pracovní doba, její délka a rozložení, se zaměřením na kratší pracovní dobu / Working hours, its lenght and distribution, with the focus on part-time

Randlová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Working hours, its lenght and distribution, with the focus on part-time Abstract The thesis deals with the issue of working hours and its distribution with a special focus on part-time. The thesis also introduces the legislation of part-time in the foreign law system, particularly in the Netherlands. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current legal regulation of working hours, its length and distribution, focusing on part-time. The thesis is divided into six chapters, which represent labor law in the system of law, historical development of working hours, sources of labor law, legal regulation of working hours and rest periods and distribution of working hours. The fifth chapter deals with labor law institutes in which part-time deviate from the set weekly working hours. The chapter defines persons that are entitled to apply for part-time or another suitable adjustment of their working hours, forms of these suitable adjustments and the interpretation of the concept of operational reasons by the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. The thesis also describes the method of calculating and remunerating overtime work for part-time employees and the calculation of the leave of those part-time employees whose working hours are unequally spread over several working days per week. The chapter also describes...

Mezinárodní a evropské aspekty úpravy pracovní doby / International and european aspects of the working time legal regulations

Vácha, Jan January 2020 (has links)
International and european aspects of the working time legal regulations Abstract The aim of this thesis is to comprehensively describe and critically evaluate european and international legal regulation of the working time and the rest periods. After the general Introduction the thesis is divided into 4 main chapters. The most fundamental outputs from these chapters are summed up in the Conclusion. The importance of the issue within the scope of juridical institutes of the labour law is emphasized in the Introduction of this thesis. It is one of the most important working condition for the employees. That is why the duly adjusted minimal protective standards are essentials for the workers with regard to the possibility of influencing theirs state of health. In the short historical summary I try to prove that people always realized the importance of the limitation of the working time and of the adjusting the minimum rest periods. I also refer to the fact that the european and international legal framework dealing with the working time is very extensive and difficult to interpret. It brings along burdensome work for the national legislators to duly transpose the requirements of the european and international legal standards. I also express the commiseration that this area is in my opinion under the...

Čechy v době merovejské (6.století) / Bohemia in the Merovingian age

Korený, Rastislav January 2013 (has links)
Bohemia in the Merovingian age - end of the 5th - 6th century AD Rastislav Korený Mining Museum Příbram Abstract The following objectives have been pursued in the dissertation: 1. A new commented inventory of sites from the end of the 5th and 6th century (excluding coin finds) which should become a reliable basis for an analysis of the collected material. The last inventory of such kind was created by Bedřich Svoboda approximately sixty years ago, i.e. in the 1940-1950s, and it was not published until 1965. The need for a new revised inventory became apparent over the recent years. During the physical re-evaluation of earlier finds and related primary visual and textual documentation, which was carried out in the years 1996- 2013 (30 museum and non-museum collections, 4 separate archival collections and other information sources were revised), there was a striking discrepancy between the published data contained in the catalogue of the above mentioned monograph and reality. The excavations carried out after 1965 also, naturally, resulted in the expansion of the amount of available source material. 2. Because the material currently available from settlements was published by Ivana Pleinerová in 2007, the analysis of the collected data concentrated, in addition to the identification of chronologically more...

Analýza pracovní doby v marketingové společnosti / Working time analysis in a marketing company

Daňková, Silvie January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of working time, as one of the main aspects of work. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the working time in concrete marketing company. The theoretical part introduces the issue and summarizes the basic knowledge of literature. In the practical part the company system of flexible working hours is being analyzed in detail. The aim is to analyze the behavior of employees in relation to working time and to recommend appropriate further steps for the company. This analysis should be useful particularly for managers and for HR department.

Flexikonto v rámci Škoda Auto a.s. / Flexible working hours account within the Škoda Auto a.s.

Bydžovská, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my master`s thesis was to approach the issue of working hours as one of the most important working conditions, and its special arrangements known as flexible working hours account. The basis of working hours is contained the Labour Code 262/2006. Working hours are often decisive factor for selecting employment. Mothers welcome the opportunity to negotiate a shorter working time. They can properly take care of their children as well as go to work. Today is very popular flexible working hours. The thesis is devoted to working hours, both at an international and European level. These regulations have a considerable influence on the Czech regulation of working time. ILO conventions have priority over the Czech law. From the 1st May 2004 is the Czech Republic member of the European Union and it implies an obligation to bring Czech legal regulation into conformity with European Union regulation. For regulation of working hours are important judgements of the European Court of Justice. The most important judgements are mentioned in the thesis (e.g. Jaeger, SIMAP). These judgements had big influence on definitions of working hours in Labour Codes of the Member States. Czech Labour Code respects these decisions as well as the Council Directive 2003/88/EC on some aspects of organization of the...

Flexibilní formy pracovní doby / Flexible forms of working hours

Knapp, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
- Flexible forms of working hours Flexibility is hotly debated term in the recent years and not only in a relation to labour market. This diploma thesis deals with flexible forms of working hours, which represents one of the means to achieve greater flexibility of labour law as well as flexible labour market. Increased options in adjusting working hours based on the needs of the subjects of labour-law relations contributes to more efficient use of employees work, provides new possibilities for some risk groups of employees on the labour market and helps employees in achieving work- life balance. These factors also have positive influence on unemployment rate. The thesis is divided into four chapters, which are further divided into subchapters. The first chapter introduces selected legal principles with the regards to the subject of the thesis. Main focus is on subsidiary relation between civil and labour law and "what is not forbidden, is allowed" principle, which is crucial for flexible forms of working hours, followed by an overview of selected basic principles of labour-law relations and introduction of flexicurity concept. The second chapter builds a foundation and much needed context for subsequent chapters by defining working hours and it's legal regulation on national as well as...

Zpracování strategického scénáře vývoje zásob a těžeb buku na ŠLP "Masarykův les" Křtiny s výhledem na 30 let

Mašek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This piece of work seeks to suggest an optimal strategy for beech felling to avoid high felling fluctuations in the future. This particular suggestion is based on the last two forest management plans. Divisions based on the age class in the last two decades were analysed (described?) and compared with each other. The calculations of felling plan were based on two different scenarios. Based on felling balance comparison, both scenarios could be used. The second scenario is preferred based on economic reasons.

Výluhy z vermikompostů produkovaných za odlišných podmínek / Extracts from vermicomposts produced under different conditions

Kahanec, Julius January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to determine if aeration and extraction time influence on the properties of extracts produced under different conditions. The leachates for our experiment were obtained from five different kinds of vermicompost (from horse manure, digestate, marc, apple pomace and from kitchen waste). Has always been prepared 1kg of vermikompost and using special extraction equipment for leaching in 9 liters of water. Attempt always proceeded 48 hours and at predetermined intervals, were taken control samples. Every 1h, 6h, 12h, 24h and 48h. The leachates were prepared in two variants. The first variant was without aeration at a constant temperature 30 °C and stirring 750 rpm. The second variant was with aeration at a constant temperature 30 °C and stirring 750 rpm. In this work we are evaluated in terms of leachate contents of ammonium nitrogen(N-NH4+), nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N), total nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Analytical equipment placed on the apparatus measured the remaining variables evaluated in this work - pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen. The leachates produced with aeration generally reached higher values than the leachates produced without aeration. This difference was only 6%. The highest increase during exgraction was the ammonium nitrogen in a variant with aeration. Other endpoints were higher by only a few percent . The extraction time effect on the properties of extracts was clear. The highest rates of increase was in the first 24 hours, when values were rising most. The remaining 24 hours have had such importance. Time certainly had a great influence on the properties of the extracts, but the last 24 hours of leaching characteristics has not changed significantly, so it is not necessary to infuse for 48 hours.

Přesčasová práce a nároky z ní vyplývající / Overtime and consequent demands

Formanová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with the topic of overtime work and demands connected with this issue. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part describes basic terminology of working time and its division. Also, records of working hours, required working hours that are closely related with overtime work. Next, this part deals with overtime pay, with its remuneration and defines who cannot perform the overtime work according to law. And last but not least, it deals with problems of labour inspectorate that monitors compliance of overtime work. The partical part focuses on interviews (concerning overtime work) with individual workers and employers of selected companies.The aim of the thesis is to compare attitudes of various companies in the area of overtime work and its comparison and evaluation. I would also like to acquaint a reader with a new proposal to amend the remuneration for overtime work. The end of my thesis includes evaluation of results derived from interviews with workers and employers from particular companies.

Vliv kofeinu na změnu reakční doby / The influence of caffeine on the change of reaction time.

BAUEROVÁ, Miroslava January 2014 (has links)
Thesis is focusing on influence of caffeine on the change of reaction time of individual. The theoretical part consists of the introduction of the specific subject and is following by information about positive and negative caffeine effect on the human body. Certain part of dissertation presents some liquid food products, where caffeine is included. The description of the reaction time of the individual before and after consumption is mentioned as well. The practical part of thesis pays attention to the experimentation with the pre-selected sample of person. The test itself was based upon usage of the reaction measurement tool with the optical stimulus for inputs. The objective of the practical part was to compare the influence of caffeine, and its specific amount, on the reaction abilities of selected individuals. Recorded data have been than statically evaluated, and prepared to final comparison. Based on receiving information the unequivocal deduction was determined.

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