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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A History of the Concepts of Zion and New Jerusalem in America From Early Colonialism to 1835 With A Comparison to the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith

Gardner, Ryan S. 01 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis discusses the role that the idea of Zion has played in the first three centuries of American religion. Millenarian themes, such as building New Jerusalem, were common religious themes in seventeenth- to nineteenth-century America. Understanding the doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regarding this vital subject will be helpful for historians, scholars, and teachers.When the Puritan colonists came to the New World in the early seventeenth century, they sought not only a land of religious liberty, but also a land of ultimate religious achievement: the establishment of Zion and/or New Jerusalem. Many of them hoped to demonstrate that an ideal theocratic society was possible and would solve the world's governmental dilemmas. They paved the way for a long-standing Zion tradition in America.During the eighteenth century, the dream for Zion faded due to the growing concern for individual salvation. The banner of revolution and independence also superseded the interest in the "ensign for the nations" (see Isaiah 11:10-12). Unfortunately, during this era Zion and New Jerusalem became the watchwords for dissident charismatic truth-seekers with small congregations. Antebellum America presented a completely new environment. As America forged westward, more and more settlers became dissatisfied with mainstream organized religions. Primitivism and restorationism made Zion and New Jerusalem an inevitable desire for many religious enthusiasts, though opinions varied on when, where, how, and by whom the "city of God" (Psalm 46:4; see also Psalm 48) could be established.Within this historical context rose The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose members were intent on building the New Jerusalem on the American continent and establishing Zion throughout the earth (see Articles of Faith 1:10). It is my ardent hope that this attempt to put the Latter-day Saint concept of Zion and New Jerusalem in its early American millenarian context will be a useful resource in helping to "put all inquirers after truth in possession of the facts" (JS-H 1:1).

La participation à l'exercice de la charge pastorale de la paroisse : évaluation théologique du c. 517, 2 - CIC 1983

Moog, François 13 April 2018 (has links)
La part spécifique prise par certains fidèles laïcs dans la vie et la mission de l'Église requiert l'élaboration d'outils conceptuels permettant d'en rendre compte. Parmi ceux -ci, la notion de participation est souvent mise en oeuvre, notamment dans l'expression "participation à l'exercice de la charge pastorale". Le faible investissement de la théologie dans 1 analyse de la notion de participation et le contexte de crise dans lequel elle est utilisée entraînent un flou institutionnel qui invite à un travail théologique d'analyse et d'évaluation. Le point de départ de cette recherche est constituée par le c. 517 ʹ 2, seule source disponible par sa proposition de confier une "participation à l'exercice de la charge pastorale de la paroisse" à certains fidèles. L'évaluation théologique de cette participation appelle un travail généalogique à trois niveaux. Elle passe par l'histoire de la rédaction du c. 517 ʹ 2 afin de comprendre la volonté du Législateur. Elle nécessite une recherche lexicologique dans le Code de 1983 et dans les Actes de Vatican II afin de poser les bases d'une définition de la notion de participation. Elle demande une enquête historique sur l'usage de la notion de participation dans l'Église au XXe s. : dans le cadre du Mouvement liturgique ("participation des fidèles à la liturgie") et de l'Action catholique ("participation du laïcat à l'apostolat de la Hiérarchie"). Au terme, deux valeurs de la notion de participation peuvent être mises à jour: une participation mystérique à la vie et à la mission que l'Église reçoit du Christ et une participation partitive de quelques fidèles à la mission des pasteurs. Ces deux valeurs appartiennent à deux perspectives ecclésiologiques différentes, charismatique et sociétaire. Ce résultat permet une évaluation des équilibres théologiques du c.517ʹ2 et met en évidence ses limites ecclésiologiques. Il permet également des propositions concrètes pour reconnaître aux communautés chrétiennes leur statut de sujets d'action, d'initiative et de droit.

The Interpretation of to einai isa theo in Phil 2:6 : "Equality with God"?

Karleen, Benjamin 02 February 2024 (has links)
Phil 2.6-11 figure parmi les passages bibliques les plus étudiés. Les exégètes ne cessent pas d'examiner l'extrait du point de vue de son origine, sa structure, son arrière-plan conceptuel, sa doctrine christologique, et son vocabulaire. La majorité des traductions anglaises rendent la phrase grecque τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ dans Phil 2.6b « to be equal with God » ou « equality with God » comme commentaire sur la nature de la relation de Jésus Christ avec Dieu le Père. Toutefois, bon nombre de facteurs suggère que cette interprétation n'est pas conforme au sens du discours. La littérature secondaire avant les années 70 démontre une tendance de lire τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ comme commentaire sur les circonstances du Christ plutôt que sur son essence ontologique. Toutefois, dans la littérature plus récente, la phrase est moins traitée, et le sens présumé est souvent celui d'égalité d'essence plutôt que circonstance. Cette thèse se veut un nouveau regard sur le sens de τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ dans son contexte et vise à avancer l'étude scientifique par une approche interdisciplinaire. Pour bien entamer l'étude de Phil 2.6, nous considérons tout d'abord le grec néotestamentaire dans le contexte de la littérature grecque générale de l'époque. Ensuite vient un survol des questions d'arrière-plan majeures nécessaire pour une compréhension juste de l'Épître aux Philippiens. Le troisième chapitre introductif décrit l'état de la recherche et de la traduction de τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ dans Phil 2.6b. Ces chapitres introductifs sont suivis d'un examen de la manière avec laquelle les Pères grecs de l'Église emploient τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ jusqu'au cinquième siècle de notre ère. Ensuite le mot grec ἴσα est étudié du point de vue morphologique, syntaxique, et sémantique avec exemples tirés de la littérature grecque. Troisièmement, nous nous penchons sur un bon nombre d'exemples de la phrase comme expression courante dans la littérature grecque à partir d'Homère jusqu'à la période byzantine. En dernier, nous considérons la manière avec laquelle ces données peuvent influencer la lecture de Phil 2.6-11 dans le contexte de la lettre. Notre conclusion affirme en bonne partie ce que disait la littéraire secondaire concernant τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ avant les années 1970, tout en offrant une gamme de données patristiques et linguistiques beaucoup plus considérable qu'auparavant. / The interpretation of Phil 2:6-11 has occupied exegetes as much as any other passage in the New Testament. Scholars continue to study the passage's origin, strophic structure, conceptual background, Christology, and vocabulary. The majority of modern translations render the Greek phrase τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ in Phil 2:6b as "to be equal with God" or more commonly "equality with God" as a comment on the nature of Jesus Christ's relationship to God the Father. A number of factors, however, would suggest that this interpretation misses the meaning of the Greek phrase. The secondary literature from before the 1970s shows a more frequent tendency to read τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ as a comment on Christ's circumstances rather than his ontological being. In the more recent literature, the phrase is treated less extensively, and the assumption is often for τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ as equality. This dissertation revisits the question of the meaning of τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ in its context and casts new light on the scholarly discussion. To set the stage for the study of Phil 2:6, we consider the nature of the Greek of the New Testament in relation to wider Greek literature. Then we survey the major background questions necessary to an accurate understanding of the letter to the Philippians in its context. Third, we survey the state of research and English translation of τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ in Phil 2:6b. These introductory chapters are followed first by an examination of the way that the Greek Fathers employed τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ during the second through fifth centuries. Second, the Greek word ἴσα is considered from morphological, syntactic, and semantic points of view with examples from the wider literature. Third, we examine an extenstive set of occurrences of ἴσα θεῷ/θεοῖς as a common collocation in Greek literature from Homer on down. Lastly, we apply the data of these areas to Phil 2:6-11 in the context of the letter. Our conclusions confirm much of what was offered in the older secondary literature, while presenting a wider range of patristic and linguistic data than had been previously brought to bear on the question of the meaning of τὸ εἶναι ἴσα θεῷ.

La signification salvifique de la mort du Christ

Bigaouette, Francine 19 November 2021 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous avons voulu répondre, en nous référant à K. Rahner, F.-X. Durrwell et H. U. von Balthasar, à la question suivante: Pourquoi le Christ devait-il faire l'expérience de la mort pour accomplir notre salut? L'analyse ainsi que la synthèse des interprétations de chacun de ces auteurs, ont été élaborées en trois étapes: 1- La mort du Christ considérée dans sa réalité existentielle; 2- La mort du Christ, traduction humaine ultime de son être filial divin; 3- La signification salvifique de la mort du Christ. Cette étude nous a permis d'élaborer la synthèse suivante: En assumant, dans son obéissance filiale, l'expérience de la mort entendue non seulement comme accomplissement de la vie humaine dans l'expérience du vide de la fin corporelle, mais aussi comme solidarité psychique avec le destin eschatologique des pécheurs non rachetés, le Christ a accompli pour nous en sa personne le jugement divin sur le péché du monde, qu'impliquait notre réconciliation avec Dieu. Désormais ressuscité d'entre les morts, il peut, dans l'acte d'amour absolu que fut sa mort - et en lequel il est fixé éternellement -, se communiquer à tous les êtres humains pour qu'ils puissent, en lui, échapper au jugement et avoir de nouveau accès à la vie de Dieu.

A paradigmatic analysis of authority within Pentecostalism

Holm, Randall 08 November 2021 (has links)
En ressuscitant l'expérience charismatique des premières communautés chrétiennes, le Pentecôtisme a connu une croissance phénoménale depuis une génération, en dépit de la suspicion dont il a été l'objet. Forme populaire de christianisme, le Pentecôtisme défie les modes traditionnels de régulation de la foi chrétienne en proposant un nouvel équilibre entre l'autorité de l'Écriture (Verbe écrit), l'autorité du partage communautaire de la Parole de Dieu (Verbe parlé) et l'autorité du discours officiel (Verbe institutionnel).Le but de cette étude est d'analyser le fonctionnement de l'autorité dans le mouvement pentecôtiste contemporain, en particulier dans les Assemblées de la Pentecôte du Canada (ADPC). Le regard est à la fois théologique, historique et sociologique. Le corpus étudié sera essentiellement constitué d'écrits pentecôtistes caractéristiques de chacune des périodes considérées et des résultats d'une enquête que nous avons menée auprès de 200 pasteurs pentecôtistes du Canada. Notre hypothèse sera que la régulation de la foi a été conçue successivement selon trois différents paradigmes (modèle intuitif mu par un souci d’orthopathie, modèle opportuniste guidé par des préoccupations d’orthodoxie, et modèle technocratique fondé sur une volonté d’orthopraxie) et que le pragmatisme a joué un rôle déterminant dans cette évolution. Notre étude se déroulera en deux parties. La première partie s'intéressera aux fondements théoriques de la régulation de la foi. Nous chercherons d'abord à identifier la compréhension que le Pentecôtisme a progressivement développée de son rapport à la Bible (Parole écrite), au partage communautaire de l'Évangile (Parole proclamée) et au discours officiel (Parole institutionnelle). La seconde partie proposera un regard sur la pratique. Il s'agira de vérifier comment l'autorité de cette triple Parole s'est exercée pratiquement dans trois questions typiques respectivement du vécu doctrinal (baptême dans l'Esprit), éthique (divorce et remariage) et juridique (ordination des femmes) du mouvement pentecôtiste contemporain. Notre conclusion est que le Pentecôtisme s'en remet d'abord à la primauté de l'Écriture, cependant considérée comme Parole toujours vivante. Il croit à la permanente nécessité de la proclamation, dans l’Esprit, de cette Parole. Quant au discours officiel, toujours suspecté, il ne réussit à s'imposer que par la voie du pragmatisme.

An investigation into the nature of a viable pentecostal hermeneutic

Clark, Mathew S. 11 1900 (has links)
Current pentecostal scholarship is attempting to articulate pentecostal theological distinctives. For hermeneutics, this involves both a descriptive and a prescriptive approach to the use of the Bible. The descriptive approach appraises the historical roots of pentecostalism, which include the Wesleyan I Holiness movement, the radical Reformation, Tertullian and Montanism, and earliest charismatic communities. These understood Christian Scripture as guidelines to a Way of behaviour and testimony, rather than a source-book of doctrine. This 'alternative history' experienced the Enlightenment on a different level to protestantism and fundamentalism. Many of the concerns of historical church theology and hermeneutics during the last centuries are thus not always shared by pentecostals. The choice is: articulate a distinctive pentecostal hermeneutic, or 'borrow' from non-pentecostal theology. The prescriptive approach first investigates some of the latter options: some identify closely with conservative evangelical hermeneutics. Others prefer the political hermeneutic of the socio-political contextual theologies. The burgeoning Faith Movement has influenced many pentecostals. Some pentecostal scholars show interest in 'post-modern' literary theory. A viable pentecostal hermeneutic might be prescribed as follows: It respects the demands of scientific method, not ignoring the concerns of contemporary hermeneutical philosophy and literary theory. It highlights specifically pentecostal concerns: the teleology of any encounter with the text; historical continuity with the early church groups; implementation, demonstration and realisation of the literal intent of the text; the role of biblical narrative in defining experience of God; and the authority granted ongoing revelation via the charismata in the light of the canon. Application of a pentecostal hermeneutic would emphasise an holistic understanding of Scripture, the crucial role of the charismatic community, awareness of issues in the ongoing hermeneutical debate, and the need for the interpreter's personal ongoing charismatic experience. In a distinctively pentecostal exegesis of 1 Corinthians 14 prophecy is discussed as normal liturgical activity, as a confrontation of outsiders and unbelievers, in terms of its regulation, and in the light of spiritual discernment / Biblical and Ancient Studies / Th. D. (New Testament)

A practical-theological investigation of the nineteenth and twentieth century "faith theologies"

King, Paul Leslie 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a study of nineteenth and twentieth century faith theology and praxis, seeking to determine a balanced, healthy faith that is both sound in theology and effective in practice, Part 1 presents a history and sources of Faith Teaching and Practices. It first looks historically at the roots of later faith teaching and practice by presenting a sampling of teachings on faith from early church fathers, reformers, mystics, and Pietists. These form the foundation for the movements of faith in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries-the classic faith teaching, followed by the modern faith movement and leaders. Part 2 deals with the foundational issues of faith teaching and practice: the relationship of faith to the supernatural, the concept of the inheritance of the believer and the practice of claiming the promises of God, the nature of faith, and the authority of the believer and its inferences for faith praxis. Part 3 investigates seven major theological issues of faith teaching and practice: faith as a law and force, the object and source of faith, the relationship of faith and the will of God, distinguishing between a logos and a rhema word of God, the concepts of revelation and sense knowledge, the doctrine of healing in the atonement, the question of evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Part 4 examines major practical issues of faith teaching and practice about which controversy swirls: positive mental attitude and positive confession; issues of discernment in acting upon impressions, voices, revelations, and "words from the Lord;" questions of faith regarding sickness and healing, death, doctors and medicine; the relationships between sickness, suffering, healing, and sanctification; and prosperity. Part 5 reflects upon these issues and comes to final conclusions regarding: the role of hermeneutics in determining faith theology and praxis, how to handle unanswered prayers and apparent failures of faith, the seeming paradox and tension between claiming one's inheritance and dying to self, a summary of practical conclusions for exercise of healthy faith, and final conclusions and recommendations on developing a sound theology and practice of faith for the twenty-first century. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

Mission als Handeln in Hoffnung: eine Auseinandersetzung mit Hermeneutik und Eschatologie bei N.T. Wright vor dem Hintergrund von David J. Boschs ökumenischem Missionsparadigma / Mission as action in hope: an examination of hermeneutics and eschatology of NT Wright against the background of David J Bosch’s Ecumenical missionary paradigm

Jaeggi, David 01 1900 (has links)
Text in German with abstracts in German and English / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 222-239) / Vorliegende missionstheologische Untersuchung geht aus von David J. Boschs ökumenischem Missionsparadigma als Vorschlag für ein ganzheitliches Missionsverständnis mit den Brennpunk-ten Verkündigung und soziales Engagement in einer postmodernen Welt. Auf der Suche nach einer geschichtsbezogenen Eschatologie als Grundlage und motivierende Hoffnung für die Kirche in ih-rer Mission, verweist Bosch mit einiger Zurückhaltung auf die heilsgeschichtliche Theologie seines Lehrers Oscar Cullmann. Die Arbeit setzt sich daher in einem ersten Teil kritisch mit unterschied-lichen eschatologischen Entwürfen und insbesondere mit Cullmanns Eschatologie und deren Impli-kationen auf das Missionsverständnis auseinander. Im Anschluss wird danach gefragt, ob und in-wiefern die Theologie von N.T. Wright die cullmannsche Eschatologie in Sinne von Bosch zu er-weitern vermag. Es wird schliesslich deutlich, dass Wrights eschatologischer Ansatz eine tragfähi-gere Grundlage für ein ganzheitliches Missionsverständnis darstellt, als derjenige von Cullmann. Die Untersuchung will einen Beitrag leisten zur Auseinandersetzung mit der Eschatologie und gleichzeitig Wrights Theologie aus missionstheologischer Perspektive kritisch würdigen. / This missionary-theological investigation takes as its point of departure David J. Bosch’s ecumeni-cal missionary paradigm as a proposal for a holistic understanding of mission with a focus on pro-clamation and social engagement in a postmodern world. In the search for an eschatology related to history as a foundation and motivating hope for the church in its mission, Bosch refers with some reservation to the salvation historical theology of his teacher Oscar Cullmann. Accordingly, the first part of the work is devoted to a critical engagement with different eschatological conceptions and especially with Cullmann’s eschatology and its implications for the understanding of mission. After this, we then ask whether and to what extent the theology of N.T. Wright can expand the Cullman-nian eschatology in the sense of Bosch. It becomes clear in the end that Wright’s eschatological approach represents a more viable foundation for a holistic understanding of mission than that of Cullmann. The study aims to contribute to the debate over eschatology and at the same to present a critical appraisal of Wright’s theology from a missionary-theological perspective. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

An investigation into the nature of a viable pentecostal hermeneutic

Clark, Mathew S. 11 1900 (has links)
Current pentecostal scholarship is attempting to articulate pentecostal theological distinctives. For hermeneutics, this involves both a descriptive and a prescriptive approach to the use of the Bible. The descriptive approach appraises the historical roots of pentecostalism, which include the Wesleyan I Holiness movement, the radical Reformation, Tertullian and Montanism, and earliest charismatic communities. These understood Christian Scripture as guidelines to a Way of behaviour and testimony, rather than a source-book of doctrine. This 'alternative history' experienced the Enlightenment on a different level to protestantism and fundamentalism. Many of the concerns of historical church theology and hermeneutics during the last centuries are thus not always shared by pentecostals. The choice is: articulate a distinctive pentecostal hermeneutic, or 'borrow' from non-pentecostal theology. The prescriptive approach first investigates some of the latter options: some identify closely with conservative evangelical hermeneutics. Others prefer the political hermeneutic of the socio-political contextual theologies. The burgeoning Faith Movement has influenced many pentecostals. Some pentecostal scholars show interest in 'post-modern' literary theory. A viable pentecostal hermeneutic might be prescribed as follows: It respects the demands of scientific method, not ignoring the concerns of contemporary hermeneutical philosophy and literary theory. It highlights specifically pentecostal concerns: the teleology of any encounter with the text; historical continuity with the early church groups; implementation, demonstration and realisation of the literal intent of the text; the role of biblical narrative in defining experience of God; and the authority granted ongoing revelation via the charismata in the light of the canon. Application of a pentecostal hermeneutic would emphasise an holistic understanding of Scripture, the crucial role of the charismatic community, awareness of issues in the ongoing hermeneutical debate, and the need for the interpreter's personal ongoing charismatic experience. In a distinctively pentecostal exegesis of 1 Corinthians 14 prophecy is discussed as normal liturgical activity, as a confrontation of outsiders and unbelievers, in terms of its regulation, and in the light of spiritual discernment / Biblical and Ancient Studies / Th. D. (New Testament)

A practical-theological investigation of the nineteenth and twentieth century "faith theologies"

King, Paul Leslie 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a study of nineteenth and twentieth century faith theology and praxis, seeking to determine a balanced, healthy faith that is both sound in theology and effective in practice, Part 1 presents a history and sources of Faith Teaching and Practices. It first looks historically at the roots of later faith teaching and practice by presenting a sampling of teachings on faith from early church fathers, reformers, mystics, and Pietists. These form the foundation for the movements of faith in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries-the classic faith teaching, followed by the modern faith movement and leaders. Part 2 deals with the foundational issues of faith teaching and practice: the relationship of faith to the supernatural, the concept of the inheritance of the believer and the practice of claiming the promises of God, the nature of faith, and the authority of the believer and its inferences for faith praxis. Part 3 investigates seven major theological issues of faith teaching and practice: faith as a law and force, the object and source of faith, the relationship of faith and the will of God, distinguishing between a logos and a rhema word of God, the concepts of revelation and sense knowledge, the doctrine of healing in the atonement, the question of evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Part 4 examines major practical issues of faith teaching and practice about which controversy swirls: positive mental attitude and positive confession; issues of discernment in acting upon impressions, voices, revelations, and "words from the Lord;" questions of faith regarding sickness and healing, death, doctors and medicine; the relationships between sickness, suffering, healing, and sanctification; and prosperity. Part 5 reflects upon these issues and comes to final conclusions regarding: the role of hermeneutics in determining faith theology and praxis, how to handle unanswered prayers and apparent failures of faith, the seeming paradox and tension between claiming one's inheritance and dying to self, a summary of practical conclusions for exercise of healthy faith, and final conclusions and recommendations on developing a sound theology and practice of faith for the twenty-first century. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

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