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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imprensa protestante na primeira república: evangelismo, informação e produção cultural - O Jornal Batista (1901-1922) / Protesting press in the first republic: evangelism, information and cultural production O Jornal Batista (1901-1922)

Anna Lucia Collyer Adamovicz 04 August 2008 (has links)
A partir da segunda metade do século XIX, as missões batistas norte-americanas passaram a realizar campanhas evangelizadoras em diferentes cidades brasileiras, com o intuito de promover uma reforma no sistema religioso local, cujas bases ideológico-doutrinárias se estabeleceram ao longo de três séculos de presença hegemônica da Igreja Católica. O movimento batista foi introduzido no cenário religioso da Nação em 1881, ano a partir do qual pregadores enviados pela Junta de Missões Estrangeiras passaram a se fixar no país, em virtude da aprovação da criação de uma frente missionária permanente no Brasil. Diante de semelhante perspectiva, o projeto na área de Publicações não restringia o seu campo de atuação aos centros urbanos, áreas onde o grau de escolaridade de seus leitores era potencialmente mais elevado. O consenso em torno da idéia de que a criação de um veículo de informação de alcance nacional contribuiria para o crescimento qualitativo e quantitativo das Igrejas (quantitativo no que se refere à abertura de novas congregações e qualitativo no que concerne à implementação da formação religiosa e intelectual dos fiéis), viabilizou a fundação do Jornal Batista, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no ano de 1901. O compromisso com a evangelização do povo brasileiro, o zelo com o aprofundamento do conhecimento bíblico e com a instrução dos crentes e o propósito de fornecer informação sobre os acontecimentos do mundo contemporâneo, a luz do Cristianismo, foram os fundamentos orientadores de o Jornal Batista, principal órgão desta Imprensa denominacional e principal objeto de investigação da pesquisa proposta. / Since the second half of the nineteenth century North American Baptist missionaries began to accomplish evangelistic campaigns in different brazilian cities: their widest objective was to promote a profound reformation in the local religious system, whose ideologicdoctrinal basis had been established in the course of more than three centuries of Roman Catholic Church hegemony. The Baptist movement was introduced this religious scenery in 1881, seeing that in the same year the first preachers encharged of settling a permanent mission site in Brazil were sent to this nation by the Southern Baptist Convention of the United States. Among the pioneer missionaries, the consensus toward the idea that the creation of a national reach communication vehicle would contribute to the quantitative growth as well as to the qualitative development of the churches, occasioned the foundation of the Baptist Journal (Jornal Batista) in Rio de Janeiro, on January 10th of 1901 (the term quantitative growth refers to the enlargement of this mission field with the opening of new congregations while qualitative development is attributed for the prospective improvement of both religious and intellectual instruction of their members). The commitment with the evangelization of the brazilian people, the zeal concerning the deepening of their biblical knowledge and the purpose of providing information about contemporary events in the perspective of the evangelical faith were the guiding principles of the Baptist Journal. During the first two decades of the brazilian republic it remained as the main medium of communication held by this denominational press. It consists on the prime investigation object of the present research

Le principe ecclésiologique de l'oecuménisme chez Yves Congar : élaboration, réception et perspectives ecclésiales / The ecclesiological principle of ecumenism in the works of Yves Congar : elaboration, reception and ecclesial perspectives

Blaj, Daniel 20 December 2012 (has links)
L’affirmation de l’Église « Une » comme une réalité présente dans l’histoire fait partie de la tradition catholique. Après la naissance du mouvement œcuménique, Yves Congar (1904-1995) introduit dans la théologie catholique le principe ecclésiologique de l’œcuménisme. Il s’agit de penser la vie chrétienne des autres baptisés à partir de leurs Communions. Pour mettre en évidence ce principe herméneutique, cette thèse étudie sa portée théologique dans l’œuvre congarienne (1931 à 1954), se penche sur sa réception dans le décret sur l’œcuménisme Unitatis Redintegratio (1964), dans l’encyclique Ut Unum Sint (1995) et dans quelques documents récents, avant de proposer son inscription dans une théologie de l’ Église structurée à partir de l’institutionnalité de la grâce, située dans une perspective eschatologique. / The assertion of the Church as “One” present throughout history is part of the Roman Catholic tradition. After the appearance of the ecumenical movement, Yves Congar (1904-1995) introduces the ecclesiological principle of ecumenism in catholic theology. The idea is to think of the Christian life of the other baptized based on their Communion. To emphasize this hermeneutics’ principle, this thesis studies its theological impact on the congarian work (1931-1954) and ponders over its reception within the decree on ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio (1964), within the encyclical Ut Unum Sint (1995) as well as in recent documents. It will also lead on to suggesting its recording in one theology of the Church structured by the institutionalization of grace in an eschatological perspective.

District Heating in a Liberalized Energy Market: A New Order? : Planning and Development in the Stockholm Region, 1978-2012 / Fjärrvärme i en liberaliserad energimarknad: en ny ordning? : Planering och utveckling i Stockholmsregionen, 1978-2012

Magnusson, Dick January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyses how district heating systems in the Stockholm region have evolved and developed during the period 1978-2012. The thesis comprises four papers analyzing how district heating has been handled in municipal and regional planning. The examination explores how actors have worked together to create regional, interconnected district heating systems with economic, technological and environmental benefits. An investigation is undertaken on the effects of liberalization (and the subsequent commercialization of the district heating market) on the planning and cooperation of these systems. The impact on the present and future district heating market is also discussed. The dissertation shows that energy companies cooperated on a regional level to create interconnected regional systems. Through openness, the capacity to make high-level decisions and municipal legitimacy, the regional strategies could be implemented at the municipal level. This can be considered a form of regional planning from below that developed through the initiative of the municipalities. The regional energy planning authority Stoseb could therefore succeed where other regional planning authorities in the Stockholm region have previous failed, to gather and unite the municipalities into a regional force. This cooperation changed around the time of the liberalization of the energy market in 1996, which led to sales of several municipal energy companies and a subsequent concentration of ownership in the region. The organizational distance between energy companies and municipalities has increased and affected the communication between them. Regional cooperation could not be maintained and this has meant that opportunities and tools to implement energy strategies today are weaker than earlier. This is a case of ‘regional splintering’. The liberalization of the energy market thus had a major impact on the district heating sector. / Denna sammanläggningsavhandling analyserar hur fjärrvärmesystemen iStockholmsregionen vuxit och förändrats, mellan 1978 och 2012. Avhandlingen består av fyra artiklar som analyserar hur fjärrvärme hanterats i kommunal och regional planering, hur aktörer samarbetat för att skapa regionala, sammankopplade fjärrvärmesystem med ekonomiska, tekniska och miljömässiga vinster som följd, hur elavregleringen, och den påföljande kommersialiseringen av fjärrvärmemarknaden, påverkade planering och samverkan kring dessa system, samt fjärrvärmemarknadens nuläge och framtid. Avhandlingen visar att energibolagen samarbetat på regional nivå för att skapa sammanhängande regionala system, genom öppet samarbete och att man tack vare hög beslutskompetens kunnat implementera de regionala strategierna på kommunal nivå. Det var en form av regional planering underifrån, då initiativet kom från kommunerna och samarbetsorganet lyckades med vad regionala planorgan haft svårt att genomföra under flertalet decennier i Stockholmsregion, nämligen att samla och ena kommunerna kring strategier som implementerats. Detta samarbete förändrades vid tiden runt liberaliseringen av energimarknaden, som genomfördes 1996, vilket ledde till försäljning av flertalet kommunala energibolag och en efterföljande koncentration av ägandeskapet i regionen. Det organisatoriska avståndet mellan energibolag och kommun har därmed blivit längre och påverkat kommunikationen dem emellan. Det regionala samarbetet kunde därmed inte fortsätta som tidigare och detta gör att möjligheterna och verktyg att implementera regionala energistrategier idag är svaga. Detta var ett fall av ”regional splintering”. Liberaliseringen av energimarknaden hade således stor påverkan påfjärrvärmesektorn.

A view on Russian evangelical soteriology: scripture or tradition

Kouznetsov, Viktor Matveyevich 01 January 2003 (has links)
The Russian Evangelical Soteriology as a phenomenon was evaluated in the dissertation. The original Russian Evangelical confessions of faith and some other historical documents of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries are used to present the following hypothesis. The historic fluidity of Soteriology of Russian Evangelica1s may only be understood in the light of their consistent adherence to the principles of Sola Scriptura and the Priesthood of all believers. We come to conclusion that the existence of Russian Evangelical Soteriology is not a question to be discussed, but a clear historical fact. We show that it has its past and present, a well-defended subject of study with clear presuppositions, rather developed vision, and it is unique as a phenomenon. The major principles of this theology strictly devoted to the Scripture and a flexible formulation of doctrines. We strongly insist that it is impossible without being eclectic combine the Evangelical Soteriology of Scripture with the Orthodox Soteriology of Tradition. The additional result of the study is the attempt to evaluate the possibility for a reconstruction of Russian Evangelical Soteriology as a part of a self-identification process. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Pluraliteit binne die sewendedag-adventistekerk

Horn, Ruan 30 November 2005 (has links)
Die doel van die verhandeling is om pluraliteit binne die Sewendedag-Adventistekerk aan te toon. Die konsep "pluraliteit" word gebruik om verskille en groepvorming aan te toon, terwyl die konsep "pluralisme" verwys na 'n ideologiese standpunt ten opsigte van pluraliteit. Verskille en groepvorming is kenmerkend van die Milleriete of Adventbeweging waaruit die Sewendedag-Adventistekerk ontwikkel het. Die oortuiging dat die Sewendedag-Adventistekerk die "oorblyfselkerk" is, lei daartoe dat Adventiste eksklusief aanspraak maak op die "waarheid". Gevolglik staan die "oorblyfselteologie" voor die uitdaging om verskille en groepvorming sinvol te verdiskonteer. Daar is tans polarisasie rondom verskillende sake. Sewendedag-Adventiste sal dit voordelig vind om dialoog te voer oor die moontlikhede wat 'n prakties-teologiese benadering bied in die hantering van pluraliteit. Teorievorming wat die empiriese werklikhede verdiskonteer sal bydra tot die ontwikkeling van 'n teologie wat kennis neem van die mens se behoeftes binne sy leefwêreld. Die benaderings van Van der Ven en Tracy word bespreek. / The aim of the dissertation is to create awareness regarding plurality within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The concept "plurality" refers to differences and group forming, while "pluralism" refers to an ideological view regarding plurality. Differences and disputes were very much part of the Millerites or Advent movement out of which the Seventh-day Adventist Church developed. The conviction that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is God's remnant church leads to the exclusive "truth" claim of Adventists. Consequently, the remnant theology is facing the challenge to deal with differences and group forming in a constructive manner. Presently there is polarization within the church on various issues. Seventh-day Adventists will find it beneficial to dialogue about the opportunities that a practical-theological approach offers in dealing with plurality. Theory that accounts for empirical realities will contribute to the development of a theology that will be aware of the needs of people. There is a discussion of the approaches of Van der Ven and Tracy. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Pentecostal contributions to modern Christological thought: a synthesis with ecumenical views

House, Sean David 30 November 2006 (has links)
Pentecostalism, which developed its essential character during the classical period of 1901-1916, has many significant contributions to make to modern theology. Often viewed as a type of fundamentalism, it is actually a theological tradition in its own right that deserves consideration along with the other two major streams of protestantism, conservative evangelicalism and more liberal ecumenical-mainline thought. Although it emphasizes the experience of the Holy Spirit, pentecostalism is highly Christocentric as is evidenced by its foundational symbol of faith, the fourfold gospel of Jesus as savior, healer, baptizer, and coming king. This work examines how the pentecostal fourfold gospel, as a functional, from below Spirit Christology, anticipates and intersects with trends in twentieth century ecumenical theological thought. The result of the study is the articulation of a fuller, more holistic understanding of the work of Christ in salvation in the world today. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Festal apologetics : Syriac treatises on the Feast of the Discovery of the Cross

Bryant, Kelli Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
This thesis argues that the Feast of the Discovery of the Cross offered an occasion to refute religious opposition to the cross and crucifixion in the diverse socio-political contexts encountered by Syriac Christians between the fourth and the ninth centuries. At its inception, the Feast of the Cross promoted the cult of the True Cross, Old Testament typology, and the expansion of the Christian faith, and these features were sufficiently malleable to meet new religious challenges and political contexts. John of Dara's ninth-century homily On the Cross is a lengthy exposition on the veneration of the cross, and it showcases how the feast could be used for apologetic ends. The first chapter focuses on the relic of the True Cross and the theologies of the cross of Eusebius of Caesarea, Cyril of Jerusalem, and Ephrem the Syrian, which shaped later festal celebrations. The second chapter traces the development of the legend of Helena's Invention of the Cross and introduces the most popular Syriac invention legends, the Protonike and Judah Kyriakos legends. The third chapter analyses themes in pre-Arab Conquest Syriac homilies for the Feast of the Cross by Narsai, David Eskolaya, Jacob of Serugh, Severus of Antioch, and Pseudo-Chrysostom. The fourth chapter provides an overview of the dramatic changes of the seventh century during the reign of Heraclius and following the Arab Conquest. Chapter five compares inter-religious debate concerning the cross and crucifixion between Christians and Jews and between Christians and Muslims between the seventh and ninth centuries. Chapter six introduces John of Dara's homily for the Feast of the Cross, which uses the traditional themes, together with apologetic topics, to defend the veneration of the cross. Chapter seven explores the influence of John of Dara's homily on later Syrian Orthodox writers, Moshe bar Kepha and Dionysius bar Ṣalībī.

Exploring the consequences of perceptions of the divine, and the church, in the making of self-identity: a case study of congregants from Roman Catholic and Charismatic communities in East London, South Africa

Sundberg, Dianne January 2009 (has links)
This thesis explores the impact and consequences of the teachings of the church, perceptions of The Divine [God] and of Mary, in the making of personal identity. In spite of secularisation and the prediction that the church would collapse in the face of modern science, recent evidence suggests that - in its various forms - religion, and belief in a higher power remain important and potentially powerful aspects in society. A foundation stone of the Christian faith is the doctrine of Imago Dei: humanity created in the image of The Divine. Although not male, The Divine is repeatedly spoken of - and addressed - in anthropomorphic masculine terms, but perceived in gender-specific stereotypical terms. Alongside The Divine - in the Roman Catholic Church - is Mary, the mother of Jesus. She is spoken of in feminine terms, but is also perceived in gender-specific stereotypical terms. Although not officially considered to be divine, Mary fulfils important needs in the life of the believer and it is in this context that her influence is evaluated. The role of the church as a community - and social institution - is also explored, based on Giddens’ theories of identity development. Belonging to a church community can provide a context for relationship, continuity, and trust. However, this potentially positive environment can have negative implications on self-identity in that restrictions on self-expression and personal choice can be as limiting as the sense of belonging is liberating. The patriarchal nature of the church is deemed to be of immense relevance. In order to establish the role of the church, The Divine, and Mary in the making of self-identity, in-depth interviews were conducted with twelve research participants belonging to Charismatic and Roman Catholic congregations, and Giddens’ criteria for self-identity development was used as the standard for evaluating participants’ personal sense of self-identity. Explored from the perspective of feminist theology, the findings of this qualitative research project suggest that it is more than gender language regarding The Divine that affects the agent’s perception of The Divine, and that the role of the church in identity formation is not uniform in its influence. It also concludes that perceptions of Mary can be influential in the development of selfidentity.

The first and second proofs for the world's pre-eternity in al-Ghazali's Tahafut al-falasafah

Mall, Zakariah Dawood 08 1900 (has links)
The Philosophers such as ibn-Sina had maintained that time and space were co-eternal with Allah, emanating by necessity from His Attributes, and not being the results of a deliberate act of creation. This must be the case, for otherwise nothing would have been present to induce Him to create the world after a period of non-existence. Al-Ghazali's refutation of this is that Allah had decreed in pre-eternity that the world would materialize at a future, predetermined date, selecting an instance for its birth from a myriad like-instances by exercising His Free Will and manifesting therewith a cause with a delayed effect. The Philosophers' explanation of local phenomena as resulting from the perpetual motion of the spheres is flawed, since perpetual celestial motions would result in perpetual, not transient phenomena. Time, the measure of motion, does not extend beyond the physical realm. Time, and hence motion, is finite. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Ancient Languages & Cultures)

Inculturation and consecrated life in the Catholic church: the Companions of St Angela as a case study

Modise, Mary 30 November 2003 (has links)
Consecrated life or religious life as it is sometimes called within the Catholic Church is almost as old as Christianity. All baptised persons are consecrated persons by virtue of their baptism, but the consecrated life to which some people feel called, is a special and fruitful deepening of the consecration received in baptism and confirmation.. This dissertation explores Christian spirituality as it is manifested in consecrated life with relation to inculturation and religious life. The scope has been limited to a study of one congregation, the Companions of St Angela as a case study. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Christian Spirituality)

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