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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les dogmes Shi'ites à travers l'oeuvre de Sayed Moshin Al-Amine

Hammoud, Mohammad January 1980 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Die heilsgeschichtliche Theologie Erich Sauers im Kontext missionarischer Verantwortung

Afflerbach, Horst 01 December 2004 (has links)
This dissertation makes an attempt to scientifically investigate Erich Sauer's theology of salvation history for the first time. Sauer grew up in a vital missionary context in the setting of the Open Brethren fellowship and the Alliance Bible School in Berlin. He studied history, philology and theology at the Humboldt University in Berlin, with the goal of promoting missions. Because of an acute eye ailment he was forced to discontinue his studies. He was invited to Wiedenest, where he found his life's work in the Bible School, which had moved in 1919. Here he worked for almost forty years as a teacher and a writer and travelling unceasingly to preach, lecture and hold biblical seminars on the topic of salvation history and missions. His theology, which is indebted to the theory of revelation history, was influenced by federal theology, theology of salvation history and the scientific, exegetic theology of German theological positivism. Sauer derives the authority of Scripture from history and develops a complex, salvation historical model, which is characterised by the classic structure of protology, soteriology and eschatology. His pre-millennial character is not dispensationally restricted, but has, rather, its own independent formation, that allows for the universal dimensions of God's completion act, without supporting a universal redemption theory. Through the high rating that he gives the position of the ecclesia in salvation history, Sauer has achieved a programmatic missions concept, which sees a missions-oriented church within every local church. With this paradigmatic theory, Sauer contributed to a revival of missions in German Brethren congregations, in conjunction with his professional colleague Schrupp. / Christian Spirituality, Church Hist and Missiology / D.Th.

Rentree van de profetie

Herwijnen, Wouter van 09 1900 (has links)
Dutch text with Dutch and English summaries / The main question is whether prophecy is still possible in our time. Reformed theology taught for centuries that with the closing of the canon prophecy came to an end. Prophecy since then was equated with the proclamation of the Word of God. Is such a viewpoint correct? Is the church not obliged to test any prophecy against given meaningful biblical criteria? In the forties of the 20th century the Reformed minister A.A. Leenhouts had a prophecy which he reckoned would have shone light on the world around him. He repeatedly asked for the prophecy to be tested which in fact did not happen. Leenhouts finally found himself outside the Reformed church. In this study it is firstly investigated whether prophecy is still possible after the conclusion of the biblical canon, secondly, how the prophecies people receive are to be tested, and thirdly what are the criteria we have to employ regarding the phenomenon of prophecy. In this regard the prophecy of Leenhouts is also scrutinised and tested. During this study I encountered within Reformed theology an increasing number of theologians who regard prophecy still possible after the conclusion of the canon. Amongst them is professor E. van Niekerk from South Africa. The Dutch Rev W. Smouter is suprisingly close to his views. In this study it is investigated who Leenhouts was, in which situation he received his prophecy, how these words fitted into his time and what the reaction of others was on his prophecy. Before the prophecy of Leenhouts is tested his prophecy is materially compared to the views of others, especially in regard to the nation of Israel and the return of Christ. His views are also compared with representatives of the Reformed tradition, the Enlightenment and Dispensationalism. Leenhouts prophecy is also tested with the criteria the General Synod of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands has devised for prophecy. Besides, we add the following criteria: whether the prophecy of Leenhouts throws new light on the Bible and whether in Van Niekerk’s view God’s Spirit is really busy writing a Third Testament in cooperation with us in the present era. / De grote vraag is nu of er nog profetie mogelijk is in onze tijd. De Gereformeerde theologie heeft eeuwen geleerd dat met het sluiten van de Kanon, de gave van profetie ten einde is. Profetie zou nu zijn de verkondiging van Gods Woord. Klopt dit en is de kerk niet verplicht een profetie te toetsen aan de daarvoor gegeven bijbelse criteria? In de veertiger jaren van de 20e eeuw kreeg de Gereformeerde dominee A.A. Leenhouts een profetie over dingen die volgens hem licht wierpen over de wereld en de situatie van zijn dagen. Deze predikant heeft vaak gevraagd om zijn profetie te toetsen. Dat is niet gebeurd en tenslotte is de man buiten het kerkverband geraakt. In deze studie wordt allereerst nagegaan of er na het sluiten van de Kanon nog profetie mogelijk is. In de tweede plaats hoe een ontvangen profetie getoetst kan worden en in de derde plaats wat de criteria zijn om zo'n profetie te toetsen. Tevens wordt de profetie van Leenhouts besproken en getoetst. Tijdens deze studie ontmoette ik binnen de eigen Gereformeerde theologie een groeiend aantal theologen, dat na het sluiten van de Kanon nog w£l profetie mogelijk achten. Tot hen behoort wel heel speciaal Professor E. van Niekerk uit Zuid-Afrika. Verrassend nauw sluit hierbij aan de Nederlandse Ds. W. Smouter. In deze studie bekijken we eerst wie Leenhouts was, in wat voor situatie hij zijn profetie ontving, hoe deze woorden pasten in zijn tijd en hoe de reactie van anderen er op was, Voordat we de profetie van Leenhouts daarop gaan toetsen, vergelijken we zijn profetie inhoudelijk met de zienswijzen van anderen, speciaal met het oog op Israel en de wederkomst. We vergelijken hem verder met vertegenwoordigers van de Gereformeerde traditie, de kring van de Verlichting en de Bedelingenleer. Daarna toetsen we de profetie van Leenhouts aan de hand van de door de Generale Synode van de Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland hiervoor aangereikte criteria. Tevens voegen we de criteria toe: of de profetie van Leenhouts echt nieuw licht op de Bijbel werpt 6n of Gods Gees in samewerking met ons naar de zienswijze van Van Niekerk op dit moment echt een Derde Testament aan het schrijven is. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th.(Systematic Theology)

The representation of weeping rulers in the early Middle Ages

Murray, Frances January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the representation of weeping rulers in early medieval sources, focusing on the Carolingian empire between 790 and 888. The meanings applied to tears are culturally specific: thus, exploring how, why, when and where rulers cried can illuminate the dynamics of power and ideals of kingship in this period. This thesis provides a survey of a poorly understood phenomenon. It also challenges several assumptions about the nature of early medieval power. Rulers wept not only over their own sins (a well-recognised phenomenon), but also over the sins of others and out of a desire for heavenly glory. Thus, they wept in a ‘monastic' or ‘priestly' way. This was something associated more with certain rulers than others. As such, tears can be used as a lens through which developments in ideas about the relationship between secular rulers and the ecclesiastical hierarchy can be traced. The thesis is divided into six sections. The historiographical importance of this topic is discussed in the introduction. Chapter one assesses the understanding of tears in biblical, Roman and Merovingian sources. Chapter two focuses on the representation of tears in texts associated with the court of Charlemagne (d. 814). Chapter three explores how authors loyal to Louis the Pious (d. 840) used tears to respond to criticisms of him and his wife, the Empress Judith (d. 843). Chapter four turns to exegetical material written between 820 and 860 and examines how biblical rulers were represented weeping. In particular, the reception of these previously unrecognised images in royal courts and their influence on narrative sources will be considered. Chapter five explores sources from the later ninth century, focusing particularly on the writings of Hincmar of Reims (d. 882) and Notker of St Gall (d. 912). Chapter six considers tears in three case studies drawn from post=Carolingian sources. Finally the concluding section outlines the significance of this thesis for our understanding of Carolingian and post Carolingian political culture and the history of weeping in the middle ages.

Etude des discours islamiques fondamentalistes sur la femme véhiculés par des acteurs et actrices religieux glocaux à Bruxelles: une analyse genrée des modèles sexués prônés

El Bachiri, Leïla 10 June 2011 (has links)
Quels sont les modèles sexués prônés dans les discours islamiques par les acteurs religieux issus des courants fondamentalistes, conscientisateur des Frères Musulmans et néosalafiste, à Bruxelles? Préconisent-ils un rapport hiérarchique, complémentaire ou égalitaire entre la femme et l’homme ?<p>L’analyse genrée de ces discours propres à chacun de ces courants, permet-elle d’identifier des différences de représentation de « la femme musulmane » ?L’émergence d’une féminisation du discours islamique à Bruxelles, au sein du courant conscientisateur des Frères Musulmans engendre-t-elle une remise en question de ces représentations et la mise en exergue des rapports sociaux de sexe ?A partir d’une recherche de terrain, qui s’est étendue de septembre 2006 à mars 2011, nous répondons à ces questions à l’aide d’un corpus constitué de plus 60 discours issus des acteurs et actrices religieux des courants fondamentalistes à Bruxelles. Ce corpus peut prétendre à l’exhaustivité.<p><p> / Doctorat en Philosophie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

De l'omphalos de la Terre à la cité céleste d'Apollon: études sur la doctrine de la Tétractys dans le pythagorisme ancien / From Earth's Omphalos to Apollo's celestial city: a study on the doctrine of Tetractys in ancient pythagoreanism to Plato

Viltanioti, Irini Fotini 29 November 2010 (has links)
La doctrine pythagoricienne de la Tétractys est sans doute une des questions les plus délicates de l’histoire de la philosophie. Elle représente non seulement une des théories essentielles de l’arithmologie, mais aussi, ainsi que la doxographie ancienne en témoigne, « le plus grand secret et le fondement de la philosophie pythagoricienne ». Armand Delatte, dans ses classiques Etudes sur la littérature pythagoricienne, a souligné l’importance véhiculée par ce philosophème. Dans la première partie, « méthodologique », de notre étude, nous traitons du lien entre Platon et la pensée pythagoricienne, en prenant comme fil conducteur trois notions essentielles: le silence voué des initiés de l’ordre et la pratique du secret ;l’expression énigmatique et « symbolique » ;la pratique de l’allégorie (hyponoia), indissolublement associée, elle, à celle du mythe. La deuxième partie de notre travail est centrée sur le témoignage le plus ancien au sujet de la Tétractys, à savoir sur la fameuse maxime des Acousmatiques :« Qu’est-ce que l’oracle des Delphes ?La Tétractys, c'est-à-dire l’harmonie où se trouvent les Sirènes ». En outre, en modérant, d’une certaine manière, l’ « ésotérisme historique » de l’Ecole de Tübingen, dont nous nous prenons des distances quant à certains points (comme, par exemple, l’importance de la méthode allégorique), nous tentons, dans la troisième et dernière partie de notre étude, de lire certains passages mythiques de Platon comme des allégories susceptibles d’être comprises et de trouver leur cohérence à la lumière de la tradition indirecte, voire de la théorie platonicienne sur les nombres, théorie intimement liée à la doctrine pythagoricienne de la Tétractys. Dans cet ordre d’idées, à partir de la République et du Timée jusqu’au Phèdre et au Gorgias, la mathématisation platonicienne de la réalité se verrait intégrée aux mythes, dont la somptuosité poétique ne serait qu’une image de l’enchantement philosophique entraînant l’élévation de l’âme vers l’Un – Bien. Bien qu’ayant toujours présents à l’esprit les dangers auxquels notre étude s’expose, nous n’avons pas toujours su les éliminer. Nous ne méconnaissons aucunement ses lacunes et ses faiblesses. Nous considérons en revanche que son avantage réside en ce qu’elle tente de contribuer à éclairer d’une lumière nouvelle certains aspects méconnus. C’est sans doute là que se situe le danger, mais aussi son intérêt. <p> <p> / Doctorat en Philosophie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Eros et infini: essai sur les écrits de Marc-Alain Ouaknin

Bailly, Jean-Jacques 17 May 2005 (has links)
Les principaux livres de Ouaknin ont constitué un matériau de choix me permettant de poser deux questions par hypothèse liées l’une à l’autre :<p> <p>\ / Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation philosophie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Religious directives of health, sickness and death : Church teachings on how to be well, how to be ill, and how to die in early modern England

Elkins, Mark January 2018 (has links)
In broad terms, this thesis is a study of what Protestant theologians in early modern England taught regarding the interdependence between physical health and spirituality. More precisely, it examines the specific and complex doctrines taught regarding health-related issues in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and evaluates the consistency of these messages over time. A component of the controversial Protestant-science hypothesis introduced in the early twentieth century is that advancements in science were driven by the Protestant ethic of needing to control nature and every aspect therein. This thesis challenges this notion. Within the context of health, sickness and death, the doctrine of providence evident in Protestant soteriology emphasised complete submission to God's sovereign will. Rather, this overriding doctrine negated the need to assume any control. Moreover, this thesis affirms that the directives theologians delivered governing physical health remained consistent across this span, despite radical changes taking place in medicine during the same period. This consistency shows the stability and strength of this message. Each chapter offers a comprehensive analysis on what Protestant theologians taught regarding the health of the body as well as the soul. The inclusion of more than one hundred seventy sermons and religious treatises by as many as one hundred twenty different authors spanning more than two hundred years laid a fertile groundwork for this study. The result of this work provides an extensive survey of theological teachings from these religious writers over a large span of time.

Inculturation and consecrated life in the Catholic church: the Companions of St Angela as a case study

Modise, Mary 30 November 2003 (has links)
Consecrated life or religious life as it is sometimes called within the Catholic Church is almost as old as Christianity. All baptised persons are consecrated persons by virtue of their baptism, but the consecrated life to which some people feel called, is a special and fruitful deepening of the consecration received in baptism and confirmation.. This dissertation explores Christian spirituality as it is manifested in consecrated life with relation to inculturation and religious life. The scope has been limited to a study of one congregation, the Companions of St Angela as a case study. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Christian Spirituality)

The sufficiency of Christ in Africa : a christological challenge from African traditional religions

Banda, Collium 00 December 1900 (has links)
The sufficiency of Jesus Christ in the African Church is challenged by the widespread spiritual insecurity in African Christians, prompting them to hold on to ATR. The wholistic securing power of ATR challenges the sufficiency Christ's salvation to Africans. Proposing African Christological motifs alone is inadequate to induce confidence upon Christ. The African worldview must further be transformed inline with the implications of the victory of the Cross over Satan. Indeed, Christ has fully liberated African Christians from Satan's authority, placed them in his kingdom, and transformed them into a glorious state. However, because of the Fall, salvation, before the eschaton can never result in the utopian order envisioned in ATR. Suffering does not necessarily indicate satanic harassment. It is a fact of the fallen world. African Christians stand secured in Christ; therefore, they must hold on to their faith. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)

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