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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A experiência do Departamento de Informação e Documentação Artísticas (IDART) em São Paulo: uma revisão crítica / The Experience of the Departamento de Informação e Documentação Artística (IDART) in São Paulo: a critical review

Andréa Andira Leite 19 September 2017 (has links)
Essa dissertação visa investigar o legado do Departamento de Informação e Documentação Artísticas - IDART para a cultura paulistana. Criado em 1975, na cidade de São Paulo, teve uma importante trajetória que foi marcada, no entanto, por uma forte instabilidade institucional. O recorte temporal escolhido cobre de 1975 a 1982, período em que o IDART gozou de autonomia política e conceitual. Embora o Departamento tenha se tornado conhecido pelo seu Centro de Pesquisa, pretendemos demonstrar que ele se constituiu numa instituição muito mais complexa, dotada de uma estrutura organizacional singular. Para atingir nossos propósitos iremos primeiramente analisar o projeto que deu origem ao IDART, os antecedentes institucionais que serviram de base para o estabelecimento de suas matrizes conceituais, bem como a contribuição de diferentes intelectuais que estiveram envolvidos em sua concepção, com destaque para o papel preponderante desempenhado por Maria Eugênia Franco. Iremos também detalhar as atividades do Centro de Pesquisa (Centro de Documentação e Informação sobre Arte Brasileira Contemporânea), ressaltando o caráter pioneiro das metodologias e das rotinas de trabalho adotadas. Por fim, tentaremos evidenciar de que modo o IDART buscou conjugar as funções de centro de documentação às atribuições de uma instituição museológica, no que se refere à formação de coleções e difusão de conhecimento por meio de publicações e exposições didáticas. Em relação às fontes, utilizamos documentos de arquivos institucionais, sendo que uma parte deles foi tornada pública apenas recentemente, além de termos recorrido a um levantamento minucioso de matérias publicadas na grande imprensa com o intuito de cobrir certas lacunas. Todo o nosso esforço concentrou-se em propor uma revisão crítica da história institucional do IDART, em seus primeiros anos, como uma contribuição pontual para o estudo das políticas públicas da cultura no estado de São Paulo ao longo do século XX. / This dissertation aims to investigate the legacy left by the Departamento de Informação e Documentação Artísticas - IDART (Department of Artistic Information and Documentation) for São Paulo\'s cultural scene. Established in 1975 in the city of São Paulo, it had an important trajectory however marked by its strong institutional instability. We have chosen to focus on the years between 1975 and 1982 when IDART enjoyed a greater political and intellectual autonomy. Even though the Department has been recognized for its Research Center, we intend to show that it was indeed a much more complex institution with a singular organizational structure. In order to achieve this goal, we will first analyze IDART\'s original project, the organizational background that laid the ground for its conceptual matrix, and also the contribution offered by many intellectuals and scholars who were involved in its foundation, especially Maria Eugênia Franco who played a crucial role in this process. We will also further describe the activities of the Research Center (Center for the Documentation and Information on Brazilian Contemporary Art), highlighting how groundbreaking its methods and activities were. Finally, this dissertation aims to shed some light on how much IDART sought to combine the functions of a documentation center with the assignments of a museum institution, especially concerning the collections development, and the dissemination of knowledge through its publications and pedagogical exhibitions. As for the sources used for this work, we have analyzed documents from the organization\'s archives, recently made public, and a comprehensive overview of newspaper articles published about IDART that helped us to fill in some gaps left by the investigation. Our focus was on providing a critical perspective on IDART\'s institutional history during its first years, as well as on its contributions towards cultural policies implemented by the State of São Paulo in the 20th century.

Aksoum (Ethiopia) : an inquiry into the state of documentation and preservation of the archaeological and heritage sites and monuments / Aksoum (Éthiopie) : enquête documentaire et de préservation des sites et monuments archéologiques et patrimoniaux

Woldeyohannes, Hiluf Berhe 07 December 2015 (has links)
Aksum est la capitale de l'ancien royaume aksumite et l'un des sites archéologiques les plus importants d'Éthiopie. Il a été inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondial en 1980. / Aksum is the capital of ancient Aksumite Kingdom and one of the most important archaeological site in Ethiopia. It has been registered on World Heritage List in 1980. Its archaeological and cultural heritage continues to be a victim of urbanization, development, erosion and deposition. Despite increased awareness and issues within the field of archaeology, the destruction of archaeological and cultural heritage sites of Aksum has been staggering. Although considered as an outstanding universal heritage site, very little focused cultural heritage management has been undertaken in Aksum. All archaeological excavations conducted thus far in Aksum focused on unearthing elite tombs and palaces. Both acts of destruction are relevant to current research on the cultural heritage management aspect in Aksum in general. This research provides an analysis of the destruction of the archaeological and heritage sites and monuments in Aksum based on ancient documents, archaeological excavations and field observation. It examines the extent the sites have been excavated, documented and preserved. Three sites have been selected for case study for the present research. The research revealed that the archaeological and heritage sites in Aksum have been deeply affected by urbanization in general. Evidently, the absence of integrated development planning by the municipality, lack of professionals in the field of archaeology and lack of public education have contributed significantly to the loss of the archaeological record. This thesis attempts to evaluate the current state of documentation and preservation of the cultural heritage resource in Aksum.

Sentiment d’auto-efficacité perçu d’étudiants et étudiantes en sciences infirmières de leur performance clinique lors de la documentation électronique de la démarche de soins infirmiers / Nursing student's self-efficacy of clinical performance when using electronic documentation to describe nursing process

Pavel, Roxana January 2016 (has links)
Problématique : L’avènement de la documentation infirmière des soins dans les dossiers cliniques informatisés (DCI) engendre des changements dans la pratique infirmière actuelle. Le personnel infirmier devra acquérir les habiletés et savoirs nécessaires pour documenter électroniquement la démarche de soins infirmiers. À cet effet, des chercheurs de l’Université de Sherbrooke, en collaboration avec une compagnie informatique, ont développé un logiciel de simulation nommé Environnement Virtuel d’Apprentissage (EVA). Ce dernier vise à permettre aux personnes étudiantes infirmières, au moyen d’un simulateur sur écran, de pratiquer, à partir d’histoires de cas, l’évaluation clinique, l’examen physique, de même que la documentation électronique de la démarche de soins infirmiers, tout en se familiarisant avec une terminologie infirmière standardisée. But : Cette étude visait à évaluer l’impact du système EVA sur le sentiment d’auto-efficacité d'étudiants et étudiantes en sciences infirmières concernant leur performance clinique associée à la documentation électronique de la démarche de soins infirmiers. Méthodologie : Un devis quasi-expérimental avant-après a permis de décrire le sentiment d’auto-efficacité du groupe témoin et expérimental. Une appréciation concernant les fonctionnalités d’EVA a aussi été documentée par le groupe expérimental. Analyses et résultats : L’échantillon était composé majoritairement de femmes entre 21 et 30 ans ayant moins d’un an d’expérience en soins infirmiers. Un total de 63 personnes étudiantes ont rempli le questionnaire d’enquête au pré-test. Les résultats sur le sentiment d’auto-efficacité initial étaient similaires chez les groupes témoin et expérimental. En raison d’une importante perte de sujets, les calculs en post-test et pour la comparaison des groupes dans le temps ne sont pas significatifs. Une présentation graphique et une comparaison descriptive des données de quatre sujets ont été possibles pour décrire l’évolution du sentiment d’auto-efficacité dans le temps. Conclusion : Malgré quelques embûches concernant la participation du groupe expérimental, nous avons décrit le sentiment d’auto-efficacité avant et après l’utilisation du logiciel, effectué des comparaisons inter et intra groupe et fourni une rétroaction au développeur du logiciel. / Abstract : Issue: The advent of nursing care documentation in computerized clinical records generates changes in the current nursing practice. Nurses will need to acquire the skills and knowledge required to electronically document the nursing process. To this end, researchers at the University of Sherbrooke, in collaboration with an IT company, have developed a simulation software called Environnement Virtuel d’Apprentissage (EVA). The purpose of this program is to enable nursing students, using a simulation software, to practice, from case histories, clinical assessment, physical examination, as well as electronic documentation of the nursing process while becoming familiar with the nursing terminology. Purpose: This study aimed to assess the impact of the software EVA on the self-efficacy of nursing students about their clinical performance associated with electronic documentation of the nursing process. Methods: A quasi-experimental design before and after allowed to describe the feeling of self- efficacy in the control and experimental sample. An appreciation regarding EVA’s features was described by the experimental sample. Findings: The sample was predominantly composed of females between 21 and 30 years of age with less than one year of experience in nursing. A total of 63 students completed the survey questionnaire in the pretest. The results for the initial self-efficacy measure were similar in for the control and experimental group. Due to a significant loss of participants, our calculations regarding the post-test and comparison of groups over time were not significant. A graphic presentation and a descriptive comparison of four subjects was possible to describe the evolution of self- efficacy over time. Conclusion: Despite some difficulties concerning the participation of the experimental sample, we described the feeling of self-efficacy before and after using the software, made inter and intra-group comparisons and provided feedback to the software developer.

Hantering av driftdokumentation inom statlig myndighet : En fallstudie utförd med fokus på utmaningar och möjliga förändringar / Management of operational documentation within a governmental authority

Elebring, Albin, Hjertén, Niklas January 2020 (has links)
Dokumentation har i över 20 år beskrivits som en av de viktigaste artefakterna inom förvaltningsarbete. Denna studie har utförts i samarbete med Trafikverket där problematik rörande hanteringen av driftdokumentationen påträffats. Vid bristande hantering av förvaltningsdokumentation når inte förvaltningsarbetet sin fulla potential. Denna studie syftar till att genom en kartläggning av nuläget på en avdelning av Trafikverket, beskriva problem och utmaningar som uppstår i en statlig myndighet gällande hanteringen av driftdokumentation i förvaltningsarbetet av ett system eller applikation. Studien syftar även till att beskriva huruvida en statlig myndighet kan förhålla sig till dessa problem och utmaningar i jämförelse med redan etablerade lösningsförslag och tillvägagångssätt. Denna studie är av det kvalitativa slaget där data till studien insamlats genom dokumentstudier och intervjuer. Studien är en deskriptiv fallstudie som beskriver problem och utmaningar i den studerade verksamheten rörande dess hantering av driftdokumentation. Vidare beskrivs redan etablerade lösningsförslag till de identifierade problemen och utmaningarna samt hur en statlig myndig kan förhålla sig till dessa. Litteraturstudier har genomförts i syfte att samla in teori inom forskningsområdet. Kringliggande områden där hanteringen av olika typer av dokumentation har använts i generaliseringssyfte. Studien mynnar ut i en nulägesbeskrivning. Nulägesbeskrivningen utgår i grunden från en litteraturstudie där en genomgång av tidigare studier och resultat från dessa sammanställts. Resultatet av litteraturstudierna nyttjades vid utformandet av intervjufrågorna och gav vägledning i urvalet av dokument som använts i studien. Det material som genererats från intervjuer och dokumentstudier har genom en tematisk analys bidragit med att skapa en beskrivande bild över nuläget för dokumenthanteringen på avdelningen anpassad för studiens syfte. Vidare beskrivs tre möjliga förändringar som syftar till att hantera den problematik som upplevs. Förändringarna innefattar två tekniska lösningar vilka är införandet av ett nytt dokumentationsverktyg samt ett rättighetsbaserat system för hantering av känslig information. Den tredje utgör en kulturell förändring där ett gemensamt ansvar för förvaltningen av driftdokumentationen lyfts. / Documentation has for over 20 years been described as one of the most important artefacts in maintenance work. This study was conducted in collaboration with the Swedish Transport Administration where problems regarding the management of the operational documentation has been detected. Insufficient management of maintenance documentation results in maintenance work not reaching its full potential. This study aims to describe, through mapping of the current situation in a department of the Swedish Transport Administration, the problems and challenges that arise in a governmental authority regarding the management of operational documentation in the maintenance process of a system or application. The study also aims to describe how a governmental authority can relate to these problems and challenges in comparison with already established solution proposals and approaches. This is a qualitative study where data was collected through document studies and interviews. The study is a descriptive case study that describes problems and challenges in the studied business regarding its handling of operational documentation. Furthermore, already established solutions to the identified problems and challenges are described and how a governmental authority can relate to these. Literature studies have been conducted in order to gather theory in the research area. Surrounding areas regarding the handling of different types of documentation has been used for generalization purposes. The study culminates in a current situation description. The current situation description is based on a literature study where a review of previous studies and results from these has been compiled. The results of the literature studies were used in the design of the interview questions and provided guidance in the selection of documents used in the study. The material generated from interviews and document studies has, through a thematic analysis, helped to create a descriptive picture of the current state of document management in the department adapted for the purpose of the study. Furthermore, three possible changes are described that aim to deal with the perceived problems. The changes include two technical solutions where one is the introduction of a new documentation tool and the other a permission-based system for handling sensitive information. The third represents a cultural change where a joint responsibility for the management of the operational documentation is highlighted.

Ověření kvality katastrální mapy v katastrálním území Křtěnov u Olešnice / Verification of quality of the cadastral map in cadastral unit Křtěnov u Olešnice

Ondrůšková, Hana January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on checking the quality of a digitalised cadastral map in the cadastral district Křtěnov u Olešnice, which lays in Blansko district in South Moravian Region. Determined noticeable boundaries are compare with boundaries displayed in the cadastral map by several methods - graphically, in coordinates and on the basis of side measures. Historical maps and records of detailed measurement of changes were used to achieve the aim of the master thesis. It was completed by using VKM programme.

Ověření kvality katastrální mapy v katastrálním území Křtěnov u Olešnice / Verification of quality of the cadastral map in cadastral unit Křtěnov u Olešnice

Žižlavská, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the verification of quality of the cadastral map in digital form in the cadastral unit Křtěnov u Olešnice. The map was created after a renewal of the cadastre documentation by reprocessing in 2012. In the terrain there were measured as many detailed points as possible. These points were compared with the points in the cadastral map. Then the parcels with differences between the cadastral map and the actual state in the terrain were solved. The software VKM was used for processing.

Model rodinného domu v programu Revit / The model of a family house in Revit

Soukup, Štěpán January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on processing and data collecting for the use of creating functional 3D informating model that we call BIM (Building Information Modelling) which is getting more and more attention throughout building industry and it is used by all of the participants in the industry from designers and architects to those who are dealing with building installations. This process is slowly getting into legislations of many countries including Czechia. The thesis is divided into two parts where one of them is describing the Building Information Modeling in general and the other part is describing the work which is behind the colleting good data which is needed when making the 3D documentation in Revit software which is wildly used for designing building constructions. Practical part of the land surveyor´s work is devided here into two parts where one of them is dedicated to collecting data by laser scanning process, GNSS and measuring by total station and levelling machine. Second part focuses on the description of the data processing in order to make 3D model. The example of the output production data is the BIM 3D model of the family house in selected level of detail and besides that we also have the visualization of both interior and exterior and 2D simplified building documentations.

Obnova katastrálního operátu přepracováním v katastrálním území Rakvice / Renewal of the cadastre documentation by revision in the cadastre unit Rakvice

Nováková, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a renewal of cadaster documentation by revision in a cadastral area Rakvice. This work describes single phases of the renewal and some irregularities, that occurred during the work, including their solutions. The next part of the thesis deals with comparison of a digitalized cadastral map, which came from the revision, and a digital cadastral map, which was created by a new mapping. The appendix contains protocols of processes of transformation and graphic comparison of cadastral maps.

Automatiserad dokumentation vid systemutveckling / Automated documentation in systems development

Andersson, Magnus January 2012 (has links)
Ett erkänt problem inom industrin för mjukvaruutveckling är bristen på kvalitativ systemdokumentation. Hos företaget Multisoft Consulting finns detta problem. Utvecklare måste spendera onödigt mycket tid på att sätta sig in i befintliga system. Som en del av lösningen vill företaget införa automatisk generering av dokumentation. Genereringen ska ske i plattformen Softadmin® som används för att bygga alla kundsystem. Plattformen är baserad på C# och Microsofts SQL Server och innehåller en mängd färdiga komponenter med olika funktionalitet. För att veta vilken dokumentation som bör genereras automatiskt har litteraturstu-dier och intervjuer med Multisoft Consulting-anställda genomförts. För att veta vilken dokumentation som kan genereras har Softadmin® analyserats. Undersökningarna visar att dokumentation som ger en överblick över ett system samt visar hur systemet används både är önskvärd och möjlig att generera via Softadmin®. En form av system-överblick fanns redan implementerad i Softadmin® i form av en träd-struktur. Överblicken saknade dock en del önskvärda detaljer vilket medförde att fokus för studien blev att implementera en prototyp som kompletterade överblicken. Resultatet är att information om systemets menyval, vilket är sidor med olika funktionalitet, nu visas i överblicken. / A well-known problem within the software development industry is the absence of qualitative system documentation. This problem can be found within the company Multisoft Consulting. Too much time is spent by the developers when they must familiarize themselves with an existing system. As a part of the solution to this problem the company would like to generate documentation automatically. The generation should be performed by the platform Softadmin® which is used to develop all customer systems. The platform is based on C# and Microsoft’s SQL Server and contains different components, each with its own functionality. In order to find out which documentation that should be generated automatically literature has been studied and developers have been interviewed. In order to know which documentation that can be generated by Softadmin® the platform has been analyzed. The conclusion is that documentation which provides a general view of the system and demonstrates how the system is used is both desirable and possible to generate with Softadmin®. A kind of general view had already been implemented in Softadmin®. However, some desired features were not included in the general view. The priority of this study became to implement a prototype which completed the general view by including some of the desired features. The result is that it is now possible to display information about the system’s menu items, which is pages with different functionality, within the general view.

Přepracování katastrálního operátu v katastrálním území Blansko / Cadastral documentation supersession in cadastral area Blansko

Martinková, Ludmila January 2012 (has links)
Master´s thesis is about cadastral documentation supersession by revising in part of the cadastral territory Blansko. A cadastral map made by Instruction A is revised to concept of a digital cadastral map. Current status of the data file of geodetic and descriptive information from the cadastre information system and records detailed measurements of changes based in the documentation cadastral department Blansko are used. Planimetric coordinates of cadastral map in vector format were focused in the field for control. Thesis contain a comparison of size of parcels owned paper and the graphic file.

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