Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dor e""
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Stäng dörren tack : En observationsstudie om dörröppningar på operationssal / Close the door please : An observational study of door openings in the operating roomKaas, Kristina, Mattsson, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Flera studier beskriver vikten av att minimera dörröppningsfrekvensen på operationssalarna. Högre frekvens av dörröppningar leder till försämrad ventilation på operationssalen, vilket i sin tur kan leda till vårdrelaterade infektioner. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att på en operationsavdelning observera frekvensen av dörröppningar under pågående operation, varför och av vem de öppnades. Metod: Metoden var en kvantitativ deskriptiv observationsstudie med tvärsnittsdesign. Personalen på en operationsavdelning i Mellansverige observerades under pågående operationer. Observationerna utfördes sex vardagar i januari 2013 och valdes från operationsprogrammet. Resultat och slutsats: 22 observationstillfällen observerades, 11 från vardera konventionell respektive infektionskänslig kirurgi. Studien visade att dörröppningsfrekvensen var högre vid konventionell kirurgi jämfört med infektionskänslig. Dörröppningsfrekvensen varierade från en gång per minut till var 10:e minut vid konventionell kirurgi. Vid infektionskänslig kirurgi varierade dörröppningsfrekvensen från var 3:e minut till var 19:e minut. Den yrkesgrupp som utförde de flesta dörröppningarna var den cirkulerande personalen. Den största anledningen till dörröppningarna var hämtning av utrustning/material/instrument. Klinisk betydelse: Studien visar att dörröppningsfrekvensen vid konventionell kirurgi är högre än vid infektionskänslig kirurgi. För infektionskänslig kirurgi finns lokala riktlinjer. Däremot finns det inte vid konventionell kirurgi, där de kunde ha betydelse för att sänka dörröppningsfrekvensen. / Background: Several studies describe the importance of minimizing the frequency of door openings to the operating room. Higher frequency of door openings leads to impaired ventilation in the operating room, which in turn can lead to surgical site infections. Aim: The aim of this study was that in a surgical department observing the frequency of door openings during surgery, why and by whom they were opened. Method: The method was a quantitative descriptive observational study with cross-sectional design. The personnel in a surgical department in central Sweden were observed during operations. The observations were performed six weekdays in January 2013 and were selected from the surgical program. Results and conclusion: 22 observations were observed, 11 each from conventional and implant surgery. The study indicated that door openings were more frequent when comparing conventional surgery with implant surgery. The frequency of door openings varied from once per minute to every 10 minutes for conventional surgery. In implant surgery the frequency of door openings varied from every 3 minutes to every 19 minutes. The profession who carried out most door openings was the circulating staff. The main reason for the door openings was retrieval of equipment / materials / instruments. Clinical relevance: This study shows that the frequency of door openings was higher at conventional surgery than at implant surgery. For implant surgery there are local guidelines. However, there are none for conventional surgery, where they could play a role in lowering the frequencies of door openings.
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The development of a novel method for arresting tunnel explosionsDwomoh, Michael January 1998 (has links)
The onset of an explosion in an underground mining environment is a threat that has over years attracted a lot of attention. Much of this attention has focused on either arresting the explosion after it has been initiated or preventing the initiation. The methods devised have proved successful in most cases, but on the odd occasion that they fail, the end results can be disastrous. There have been fatalities from underground mining explosions as a result of fires burning and sapping all the oxygen in the atmosphere leading to asphyxiation. A different approach to arresting these explosions would enhance safety in the face of increased productivity. A novel method using an explosion door with a porous media acting as a shock wave attenuator and arresting the flames has been introduced. This research investigates the ability of the porous media used in the explosion door to withstand explosions. The performance of the porous media is crucial, as its failure would render the explosion door useless. In order to assess the performance of the porous media, a shock tube was built capable of generating shock waves with a Mach number of 1.5. By placing samples of the porous media within the test section of the shock tube, pressure measurements were taken fore and aft of the porous media as it was impinged upon by the shock wave. Tests were also conducted using thin orifice plates to provide data for comparing the performance characteristics of the porous media. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the porous media and the orifice plates were performed to validate the experimental work as well providing graphic detail of the flow around the test specimen. The work presented in this thesis makes a contribution to the efforts towards the provision of a safe underground environment. This contribution is achieved by investigating the performance of the porous media to be used in an explosion door and correlating the performance of the porous media with thin orifice plates. The porous media in the work presented here is currently used in the castings industry and its application as a shock wave attenuator and fire arrester would contribute greatly to the well being of all people working underground.
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The Multi-Door Courthouse is Open in Alberta: Judicial Dispute Resolution is Institutionalized in the Court of Queen's BenchRooke, John D. 06 1900 (has links)
Based on the analysis of the empirical research data from a Survey Questionnaire completed by 374 lawyers and 197 clients who participated in 606 judicially conducted Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR) sessions (JDR Program) in the Court of Queens Bench of Alberta (the Court) in the year ending June 2008, the authors judicial experience, and legal literature research, it is asserted that the Courts JDR Program has become an integral, normative, and institutional part of the resolution of disputes litigated in the Court. This has been achieved through a judicially led process utilizing multi-faceted dispute resolution techniques, with considerable quantitative and qualitative success. All this has led to more demand by lawyers and litigants for the JDR Program, in which these components have, over time, combined in a symbiotic and synergistic way. Thus, it is asserted that the Multi-door Courthouse is open in Alberta. / Dispute Resolution
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Documentation and analysis of millwork : a method for mapping the evolution of Solitude /Ballard, Aleta Sue, January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1992. / Vita. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 103-110). Also available via the Internet.
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Increasing the knowledge of person to person evangelism among the Meiteis of Manipur /Singh, Mairembam Manichouba, January 2008 (has links)
Applied research project (D. Min.)--School of Theology and Missions, Oral Roberts University, 2008. / Includes abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 207-215).
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Vytvoření a validace výpočtového FEM modelu kliky dveří pro crashové výpočty / Car Door Handle FEM Model Creation and Validation for Crash SimulationsRaffai, Peter January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis was to create a component model of a door handle stiffener used by the Volkswagen concern, which can be used for crash computations. Also to tune its parameters the way, its behavior corresponds the most to the real part’s. In the theoretical part the current regulations of the Euro NCAP are presented, concerning the testing and evaluation of the passive safety of new vehicles. Attention is focused on the evaluation of the side impact barrier tests, where the effect of the door handle stiffener’s damage is reflected the most. Shown are the reasons for the effort to simulate the real behavior of the stiffener, the factors, which initialized the born of the studied problem. The practical part starts with the creation of the FEM mesh of the part based on its 3D CAD model, also describes the requirements for the mesh quality, as well as the used tools and methods. Further on investigated are the characters of real damages of the door handle area during side impacts, based on which the component tests are proposed for the validation of the simulation model. Experimental research consists of the stiffener’s testing for simple bend and twist loads, three specimens each. After the execution of the tests the results get compared with the corresponding simulations. Modifications are made on the model according to the acquired results: refinement of the FEM mesh, new material model usage with failure for shell elements and definition of real material characteristics for the used thermoplastics. The latest obtained simulation dependencies are compared with the measured values again, the results are evaluated at last.
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Desenvolvimento e validação experimental de modelo para cálculo e análise de confiabilidade do esforço de fechamento de portas automotivas. / Development and experimental validation of calculation method and reliability analysis of automotive door closing effort.Fernando Domingues Pereira 20 March 2015 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta também um estudo de confiabilidade e estabelece uma faixa de valores para o esforço de fechamento de portas baseado na variação de algumas componentes chaves no cálculo. A curva característica que é um dos parâmetros de saída do modelo apresenta forma extremamente próxima da medição realizada em laboratório. No Brasil, a indústria automotiva é conhecida por sua grande influência e peso na economia do país, assim como em diversos outros países. O conjunto porta na concepção do veículo é de extrema importância, visto que é região do veículo com que o consumidor trava contato primeiro. Um valor de esforço elevado para realizar a abertura e fechamento das mesmas pode levar a uma imagem indesejada pela montadora do veículo. O valor do esforço necessário para fechar a porta é um item de extrema importância, pois além de influenciar a imagem do veículo e da marca, é um item do pacote de conforto e ergonomia do veículo. O evento fechamento da porta parte do instante em que a porta está na condição aberta e seus componentes se encontram em descanso. O evento é modelado matematicamente e em planilha dinâmica admitindo como parâmetros de entrada dados específicos do veículo e seus componentes, como saída têm-se o valor da energia de fechamento de portas e a parcela de cada componente envolvido. São apresentados resultados experimentais para que o modelo seja considerado válido. Com a conclusão do modelo é possível estimar a queda de energia em função da vida de alguns componentes como a fechadura e o pacote de guarnições, bem como a influência do uso de sobreinjetados autolubrificantes na fechadura. Este trabalho contribui com os profissionais de Engenharia de Produto nas áreas de Carroceria, Mecanismos e Partes Móveis com a elaboração de uma ferramenta de cálculo para uso em qualquer fase de projeto, principalmente para estimar o valor da energia de fechamento de porta no momento de sua conceituação e até na validação de veículos protótipo. / The Brazilian automotive industry is known by its great influence on the country economy, similar to several other countries. It is important to highlight the door assembly importance on the vehicle concept, as it is the first contact made to the customer. The vehicle ingress is through the side access area, established by the doors and a high door closing effort may lead to a wrong impression. The door closing effort or also known as door closing energy is an extreme importance asset, as well as influencing the image of the vehicle and the brand, it is an item of ergonomics and vehicle comfort. The automotive door closing event starts at the moment door is open and pushed to close itself. This event is math modeled and implemented as an excel dynamic calculation plan, considering as input the vehicle and components specific data, its output is the door closing effort and each components portion. It is presented a series of values so the model is considered valid. This work also presents a reliability study defining a range of experimental values for the door closing effort based on tolerances of components used in the model calculations. The characteristic curve which is one of the parameters of the model output is extremely close to the measurement performed in the laboratory. With the completion of the model is possible to estimate the energy loss due to the life of certain components such as latches and weatherstrips, and the influence of using self-lubricating over molding in the latch. This study contributes to the Product Engineering professionals in the areas of Body, Mechanisms and Body Closures, with the elaboration of a calculation tool for use in any design phase, but mostly serving to estimate the door closing effort at the moment of conception until the validation of prototype vehicles.
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Propagação vegetativa do camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (HBK) McVaugh) por meio da garfagem em diferentes porta-enxertos da família Myrtaceae. / Vegetative propagation of camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (hbk) McVaugh) by grafting in different understocks from plants of the family Myrtaceae.Eduardo Suguino 11 July 2002 (has links)
A cultura do camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K.) McVaugh) tem despertado grande interesse comercial e sido alvo das indústrias que visam explorar a comercialização agroindustrial de sua polpa e suas potenciais aplicações farmacológicas. Devido à carência de informações sobre seu manejo em locais diferentes de seu ambiente natural, caracterizados pelas áreas inundáveis da região amazônica durante o período das chuvas, não existem grandes áreas cultivadas com a finalidade de atender a demanda exigida pela sua utilização em escala industrial. Este experimento tem por objetivo avaliar quais os melhores métodos de enxertia, por garfagem, e tipos de porta-enxertos que podem ser utilizados para propagar esta planta em terrenos não inundáveis. Utilizou-se o delineamento estatístico inteiramente ao acaso, onde foram selecionadas duzentas e quarenta plantas, de camu-camu, de goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.) e de pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora L.), que receberam quatro diferentes tipos de enxertia (fenda cheia, fenda lateral, inglês simples e fenda de colo) originando doze tratamentos. Cada tratamento era composto de sessenta plantas da mesma espécie, divididas em unidades experimentais de doze plantas com cinco repetições. Estes tratamentos foram avaliados, mensalmente, durante um período de oito meses. Durante o período de avaliação, tanto o porta-enxerto goiabeira como o de pitangueira, apresentaram problemas de incompatibilidade com os garfos de camu-camu. A análise estatística foi realizada através do teste qui-quadrado, ao nível de 5% de significância, com os dados referentes aos diferentes tipos garfagem em porta-enxertos de camu-camu, durante os oito meses de avaliações. As análises demonstraram que o melhor método foi a enxertia em fenda lateral com 78,96% de pegamento, diferente estatisticamente dos demais. As enxertias realizadas em fenda de colo (53,96%) e em fenda cheia (47,71%) demonstraram pegamento intermediário e não diferiram estatisticamente entre si. A enxertia inglês simples apresentou a menor porcentagem estatística de plantas formadas (25,83%). Lâminas com o material vegetativo, de camu-camu, goiabeira e pitangueira utilizados, foram preparadas para estudos microscópicos, a fim de que se pudesse avaliar os aspectos anatômicos relacionados ao processo de incompatibilidade. O estudo destas, permitiu a observação de que houve proliferação celular com estabelecimento de conexão vascular no material compatível (camu-camu), enquanto que o não surgimento de indícios de divisão celular, que pudessem sugerir a formação do calo, e o acúmulo de substâncias fenólicas foram observados no material vegetal que apresentou incompatibilidade (goiabeira e pitangueira). Todos os quatro tipos de garfagem avaliados podem ser utilizados no processo de formação de mudas, sendo que a enxertia em fenda lateral apresentou a maior porcentagem de pegamento para enxertos e porta-enxertos de camu-camu. Devido à problemas de incompatibilidade, a propagação vegetativa do camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K.) McVaugh) não é recomendada em porta-enxertos de goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.) e pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora L.). / The camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K.) McVaugh) culture raises a great commercial interest and has been the target of industries that want to explore the agroindustrial aspects of the fruit pulp, as well as its potential pharmacological applications. Due to the lack of knowledge about its management in places far from its natural environment, characterized by areas of Amazon region, flooded during rain season, there is not enough cultivated areas to support a industrial scale exploration. The objective of this experiment is evaluate which kind of grafting and understock are suitable to be used for the plant propagation in dry land. It was used the completely randomized design, where two hundred and forty plants, of camu-camu, guava (Psidium guajava L.) and surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora L.) were selected as undestocks and received different kind of camu-camu grafting (cleft graft, side cleft graft, splice graft and colon cleft graft) producing twelve treatments. Each treatment was formed using sixty plants of the same understock specie, divided in experimental units of twelve plants with five repetitions. These treatments were evaluated monthly during a period of eight months. During the evaluation period, both guava and surinam cherry understocks showed incompatibility with camu-camu grafts. The statistic analisys were done by ki-square test with 5% of significance level, referring to the grafting method in camu-camu understocks. The analisys showed that the side cleft graft method resulted in 78,96% that was statistically different from others. Graftings with cleft colon graft (53,96%) and cleft graft (47,71%) were intermediate and not statistically different. The splice graft, presented statistically lower percentage of formed plants (25,83%). Laminas with the vegetative material of camu-camu, guava and surinam cherry used, were prepared for microscopic studies, in order to evaluate the anatomic aspects related with incompatibility process. The studies have allowed the observation of cellular proliferation and established vascular connection in the compatible material (camu-camu), while no indication of cellular division, indicative of the callus formation, and also the accumulation of phenolics substances were observed in incompatible material (guava and surinam cherry). All four kinds of grafting methods evaluated can be used, however the side cleft graft method presented higher percentage of satisfactory union using grafts and unsderstocks of camu-camu. Due to incompatibility problems, the vegetative propagation of camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K.) McVaugh) is not recommended in understocks of guava (Psidium guajava L.) and surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora L.).
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Bluetooth Low Energy and Smartphones for Proximity-Based Automatic Door LocksAndersson, Tim January 2014 (has links)
Bluetooth Low Energy is becoming increasingly popular in mobile applications due to the possibility of using it for proximity data. Proximity can be estimated by measuring the strength of the Bluetooth signal, and actions can then be performed based on a user's proximity to a certain location or object. One of the most interesting applications of proximity information is automating common tasks; this paper evaluates Bluetooth Low Energy in the context of using smartphones to automatically unlock a door when a user approaches the door. Measurements were performed to determine signal strength reliability, energy consumption and connection latency. The results show that Bluetooth Low Energy is a suitable technology for proximity-based door locks despite the large variance in signal strength.
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Návrh systému vertikálního otevírání dveří elektromobilu / Electric Car Vertical Door Opening System DesignKolečář, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je výběr vhodného mechanismu automatického otevírání dveří pro elektromobil kategorie EU L7e. Pomocí analýzy dostupných řešení na trhu jsou k bližšímu zkoumání zvoleny tři koncepty. Klíčové prvky nejvhodnějšího mechanismu jsou navrženy s ohledem na silové působení včetně volby vhodného typu aktuátoru. V závěru práce je sestava zhodnocena s ohledem na předem zadané uživatelské požadavky.
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