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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Du magasin au poste-frontière dans l’Égypte ancienne : étude lexicographique du vocable khetem / From storehouse to border post in Ancient Egypt : lexicographical study of the word khetem

Somaglino, Claire 26 June 2010 (has links)
Le vocable khetem étudié dans cette thèse est attesté en Égypte ancienne de la Première Période Intermédiaire à l’époque romaine. C’est cependant au Nouvel Empire que son utilisation est la plus fréquente. Dérivé de la racine khetem, « sceller », ce terme peut désigner à la fois « ce qui est scellé » et « ce qui scelle ». Il est appliqué à diverses réalités. Au Moyen Empire, khetem désigne ainsi un type de magasin. À partir du Nouvel Empire, plusieurs sens lui correspondent : il peut occasionnellement, dans des documents littéraires, désigner des portes de ville ou des enclos – un sens que l’on retrouve d’ailleurs aux périodes suivantes – ; mais le terme est surtout choisi pour désigner les postes-frontières du pays, ainsi que le centre administratif et poste de contrôle du village de Deir el-Médineh. Les postes-frontières khetemou, dont les plus connus sont ceux de Tjarou, Ouadjour, Tjékou et Senmout, marquent les frontières restreintes de l’Égypte, et contrôlent les entrées et sorties du territoire. Ils constituent également des villes-magasins, par lesquelles transitaient le tribut et assumaient peut-être même le rôle de postes de douane. L’analyse, fondée essentiellement sur les sources textuelles, prend également en considération les données archéologiques et géomorphologiques. Centrée autour des structures khetemou, cette étude nous a cependant amenée à aborder la thématique plus large de l’organisation de l’espace par le pouvoir égyptien. Les domaines de la politique étrangère, de l’économie, de l’administration sont donc largement mis à contribution. / The word khetem which is the main object of this dissertation is attested in ancient Egypt from theFirst Intermediary Period to Roman times. It was nevertheless most used during the New Kingdom.Derived from the khetem-root, which means « to seal », this word could be used to depict both whatwas sealed and the device which assured the actual sealing. It testifies to various realities. In theMiddle Kingdom, khetem was a certain type of storerooms. From the New Kingdom on, severalmeanings can be found: occasionally, in literary documents, it was used for the gates of a city or forenclosures – the latter meaning is still found in more recent periods. Nevertheless, the word wasmostly used for the border-posts of the Egyptian State as well as the administrative hall and checkpoint of the village of Deir el-Medineh. As for the border-posts khetemou, the best known ones areTjaru, Wadj-wr, Tjeku and Senmut as they stand for the inner borders of Egypt, where in- and outcomerswere checked. These settlements are also warehouse-cities, through which went the tributefrom foreign countries and operated as customs. The methods of analysis used here are grounded inthe textual sources, along with the archeological and geomorphological data. Focused on thestructures called khetemou, this thesis also consider the wider problem of the organisation of space bythe Egyptian state. Thus foreign policy, economics and administration have been widely taken intoconsideration.

A Critical Introduction to the Proletarian Novels of Alan Sillitoe

Boyd, Ronald E. 08 1900 (has links)
This study seeks to analyze each of Sillitoe's proletarian novels as a separate artistic endeavor, to study each in terms of its critical reception, plot, theme, characterization, setting, and style.

Odeurs et demandes d'aide implicites : aider par le bout du nez

Saint-Bauzel, Roxane 28 November 2011 (has links)
Les odeurs affectent nos jugements, nos perceptions voire nos comportements, et plus particulièrement les comportements d’aide spontanés (Baron, 1997), même si ce champ de recherches reste peu exploré en psychologie sociale. Dans une première série de recherches, nous avons tout d’abord répliqué l’effet de l’odeur (vanille versus camphre, toutes deux pré-testées comme des odeurs agréables) d’un demandeur sur les comportements d’aide subséquents. Puis dans une seconde série de recherches, nous avons exploré expérimentalement l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’humeur médiatise la relation odeur-comportement, dans le paradigme de soumission sans pression du pied-dans-la-porte (Freedman & Fraser, 1966) avec demande implicite (Uranowitz, 1975). Rappelons que le pied-dans-la-porte (cf. méta-analyse) est une procédure éprouvée consistant à faire précéder une requête-cible généralement coûteuse d’une requête dite préparatoire qui l’est moins. Les effets de pied-dans-la-porte sont classiquement interprétés en termes d’engagement (Kiesler, 1971) ou en termes d’auto-perception (Bem, 1966, 1972). Les résultats obtenus dans ce paradigme attestent que l’efficacité du pied-dans-la-porte est affectée par l’odeur portée par le demandeur : lorsque celui-ci porte une odeur de camphre, les effets de pied-dans-la-porte ne sont plus observés, sans pour autant valider que l’odeur a un impact sur l’humeur des sujets. Difficilement interprétables en termes d’engagement ou d’auto-perception, nous avons exploré dans une troisième série de recherches une interprétation alternative de nos résultats : l’odeur d’autrui véhicule per se des informations sociales et ce sont ces informations qui orientent les comportements d’aide, et qui peuvent sous certaines conditions contrecarrer les effets pourtant robustes du pied-dans-la-porte. Pris globalement, les résultats recueillis auprès de mil-quatre-cents sujets pour la plupart en milieu écologique, articulés à une méta-analyse actualisant celle plus ancienne (Burger, 1999) nous ont amené à proposer un modèle intégratif permettant de rendre compte de l’impact des caractéristiques des demandeurs sur l’efficacité du pied-dans-la-porte. / Although this field of research remains poorly investigated in social psychology, some data indicates that odors modify our judgments, our perceptions, our behaviors, and more particularly our spontaneous helping behaviors (Baron, 1997). In a first series of experiments, we replicated a study aimed at evaluating the effect of a perfumed experimenter (vanilla versus camphor, both pre-tested as pleasant odors) on helping behaviors. In a second series of studies, we experimentally investigated the hypothesis according to which mood is a mediator variable of odors influence on helping behavior, in the foot-in-the-door paradigm without pressure compliance (Freedman & Fraser, 1966) with implicit demand (Uranowitz, 1975). Foot-in-the-door paradigm (cf. meta-analysis) is a well-tested procedure consisting in asking for a small request, and then asking for a larger one. Foot-in-the-door effects are classically interpreted in terms of commitment (Kiesler, 1971) or self-perception (Bem, 1966, 1972). Results obtained in this paradigm give evidence that the foot-in-the-door efficiency is affected by the experimenter’s odor: when the experimenter is perfumed with camphor, classical foot-in-the-door effects are not observed any more. However, the results do not confirm the hypothesis according to which odor influence subject’s mood. Neither the self-perception theory nor the commitment theory can account for these results. Thus, in a third series of experiments, we investigated an alternative interpretation: other people’s odors serve as social informations, which influence helping behaviors, which can cancel, under some requirements, the strong foot-in-the-door effects. An update of a meta-analysis (Burger, 1999), conducted on the data collected over four hundred thousand subjects in a naturalistic setting, lead us to propose an integrative model that would explain the influences of the experimenter’s characteristics on the foot-in-the-door efficiency.

中國智庫角色與功能之研究 / The roles and functions of Chinese think tanks

傅永俊 Unknown Date (has links)
中國被稱為是一個已崛起的世界大國已是不爭的事實。然而為何中國會迅速崛起,除了外在因素的配合外,最重要還是要歸功於鄧小平實施「改革開放」以來,社會知識增長,經濟蓬勃發展的緣故,其中中國政府高層對智庫及學者、專家的重視,使各項政策的出臺,在合理性、周延性、可操作性與前瞻性上大為提高應為重要成因。 毛澤東當政時期智庫幾乎不存在(尤其是文革時期)。鄧小平掌權後重建一些舊有研究機構,並陸續成立新的研究機構,是為中國現代智庫發展之濫觴。近30年來,中國官方智庫蓬勃發展,而民間智庫(尤其是政治、外交、軍事方面)卻因受政治環境的影響,出現巨大起伏變化,其後續發展值得觀察。 中國官方智庫扮演的角色頗多,與美國等西方智庫比較,其中擔任政府政策宣傳者的角色,以及作為情報機關的掩護機構,較為特殊,另外部份官方智庫已成為政府與外國「二軌」對話之主要管道。在功能上,由於中國由落後中崛起,故其發揮之功能頗為顯著,至於「旋轉門」及儲備與提供高層官員人才二項功能,由於中國遴選人才制度的關係,目前發揮有限,惟未來可望逐漸提升。 由於政治制度的不同,中國智庫相較於西方,有以下三點差異,第一、高度的壟斷性,面對民間智庫的競爭相對較少;第二、經費來源單一、量少;第三、可透過一種屬於常態卻「非正規」管道直接提供高層政策建議,發揮其影響力。 中國民間智庫因為法律註冊問題及政治信任問題,生存發展遭受挫折,針對中國特有的政治環境,吾人以為中國智庫未來可能出現以下的發展走向:一、續將部份官方研究機構改為民間(或半官方)智庫,二、調整法律註冊方式,開放民眾成立真正民間智庫。 / China, being called a rising world strong power, is an indisputable fact.Why can China rise rapidly? Apart from external factors to support its development, the most important internal factor is the social and economical grows due to the “reform and opening” policy of Deng Xiaoping. With consulting to think tanks, scholars and experts, Chinese government carry out national policy in a more rational, compre- hensive, feasible, far-sighted way. One could hardly find a think tank in Mao’s period (especially during the Cultural Revolution). After Deng came to power, he reconstructed some research institutions and established new ones, which became Chinese modern think tanks later on. China's official think tanks have acted vigorously for nearly 30 years. However, the non-official think tanks (especially in the areas of politics, diplomacy, and military) have gone through huge ups and downs with the changing of political environment. The subsequent development of the think tanks needs to be watched closely. Compared with think tanks in the West, China's official think tanks play multiple roles. They not only serve as media for government propaganda, but also act as fronts for intelligence agencies. Further- more, some of the official think tanks have served as the "dual-track" channels to communicate with foreign governments. Think tanks play important roles for China’s development in recent years. Their func- tions, however, as a “revolving door” and human power providers, are still limited. It is expected that above situation will change gradually. There are at least three differences between Chinese think tanks and the western ones. First, a high degree of monopoly- there is little competition from non-official think tanks. Second, they have a single and limited source of funding. Third, they provide policy suggestions to the government officers through normal, but "informal" channels. It is difficult to register as a “think tank” in China. Even a think tank can register legally; it’s still hard to get political trust from the government. This thesis finds that there are two possibilities for the development of Chinese think tanks in the future. First, Chinese government will transfer the government research institutes to non-official (or semi-official) think tanks. Second, Chinese government will amend the law to allow the public to set up non-official think tanks.

I Have Dreamed a Dream... : An Analysis of H.G. Wells' Short Stories "Mr Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The Door in the Wall" and "A Dream of Armageddon" / Jag har drömt en dröm... : En analys av H.G. Wells noveller "Mr Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The Door in the Wall" och "A Dream of Armageddon"

Wallner, Lars January 2008 (has links)
<p>"I Have Dreamed a Dream..." is an analysis of the three short stories "Mr Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The Door in the Wall" and "A Dream of Armageddon" by H.G. Wells. The essay makes a comparison of the three short stories from the perspectives of the dreamland, the inner struggle of the protagonist and the message of the story. The purpose is to show that the three seemingly similar short stories have different outcomes and deliver different messages to the reader. The essay finally presents a theory of how these messages coincide despite their differences.</p> / <p>"Jag har drömt en dröm..." är en analys av de tre novellerna "Mr Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The Door in the Wall" och "A Dream of Armageddon" av H.G. Wells. Uppsatsen gör en jämförelse av de tre novellerna utifrån tre perspektiv: drömvärlden, huvudpersonens inre kamp och historiens budskap. Syftet är att visa hur de tre till synes lika novellerna har olika resultat och presenterar olika budskap till läsaren. Uppsatsen framför slutligen en teori för hur dessa budskap överensstämmer trots sina olikheter.</p>

Practices that are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement

Carlson, Dawn Michelle 09 February 2011 (has links)
African American students are disproportionately underachieving in public elementary schools (National Center for Education Statistics, 2003). School staff and school leaders need to understand why an achievement gap still exists between the White and the African American students on their campuses (Kafele, 2009; Noguera, 2003; Denbo, 2002; Ferguson, 2001). A few schools have made a significant difference in school achievement for students of color and researchers and educators need to identify what these schools are doing differently to promote student success, especially for African American students (Chenoweth, 2009; Carter, 2000; Reyes, Scribner, & Scribner, 1999). The purpose of this study was to identify the practices that are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement. The study took a holistic look at one diverse elementary school in order to highlight the practices that assisted in the school’s success with African American students and their achievement. The research questions for this study are: 1. What practices are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement? 2. What policies are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement? The framework for the study is based on Samuel Casey Carter’s Study of 21 High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools. The methodology for this study used qualitative research guidelines, was ethnographic in nature, and used a single-case study approach. The data was gathered through observations, interviews, focus groups, and analysis of documental data. The findings for effective practices include: Supportive Leadership, Implementing Change, Staff Development, Distributive Leadership, Departmentalization, School-Wide Programs, Student Resources, Teacher Resources, Communication, and Planning and Teaming. The findings for effective policies include: Open Door Policy, Student Placement, Site-Based Decision Making Committee, Parent-Teacher Organization, and Grading. The conclusions are that policies and practices must be in place for schools to run effectively and increase achievement. The specific practices and policies that appear to support African American students may be beneficial to campuses with similar backgrounds or demographics. Schools that embrace practices and policies, such as these are in a better position to enhance the achievement for all African American students. / text

Preliminary investigation of the nature of hydrocarbon migration and entrapment

Bai, Jianyong 30 September 2004 (has links)
Numerical simulations indicate that hydrocarbon migration and entrapment in stacked fault-bounded reservoirs are mainly affected by the following factors: charge time, faults, pressure and geological structures. The charge time for commercial hydrocarbon accumulation is much longer in oil-water systems than in oil-gas-water systems. Faults are classified into charging faults and 'back doors' faults other than charging faults in stacked fault-bounded reservoirs. The lower the displacement pressure of a fault, the higher its updip oil transportation ability. The downdip oil transportation ability of a fault is usually low and cannot cause commercial downdip oil accumulation. Back doors affect both hydrocarbon percent charge and hydrocarbon migration pathways. Updip back doors improve updip oil charge. The lower the displacement pressure of an updip back door, the more efficient the updip oil charge before 3,000 years. Back doors whose displacement pressure is equal to or higher than 28.76 psi are effective in sealing faults in oil-water systems. On the contrary, only sealing faults result in commercial gas accumulations in stacked fault-compartmentalized reservoirs. Otherwise gas is found over oil. Downdip back doors generally have few effects on downdip hydrocarbon charge. Geopressure enhances the updip oil transportation of a fault and improves the positive effects of updip back doors during updip oil charge. Geopressure and updip back doors result in more efficient updip oil charge. A physical barrier is not necessarily a barrier to oil migration with the aid of geopressure and updip back doors. The chance for hydrocarbon charge into reservoirs along growth faults is not equal. Any one of the above controlling factors can change the patterns of hydrocarbon charge and distribution in such complex geological structures. Generally, lower reservoirs and updip reservoirs are favored. Reservoirs along low-permeability charging faults may be bypassed. Gas can only charge the updip reservoirs. Both updip and downdip back doors can facilitate oil penetrating a barrier fault to charge reservoirs offset by the barrier fault. Interreservoir migration among stacked fault-compartmentalized reservoirs is an important mechanism for hydrocarbon accumulation and trap identification. The interreservoir migration is a very slow process, even though the displacement pressures of bounding faults may be very low.

National roots and diasporic routes: tracing the flying African myth in Canada

Thorsteinson, Katherine 10 September 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the presence and progression of the Flying African Myth in Canada— a myth which originally reflected the desires for escape and cross-Atlantic return shared by generations of Black slaves throughout the Americas. While related West African themes of spirit flight and human transformation do suggest a historic relationship, it was only in the New World that human powers of flight emerged. Thus, a new mythology sprung from the desires to transcend the bonds of slavery and return to an African home. However, despite being well documented as Pan-American, this myth has gone largely uninvestigated in its Canadian context thus far— an omission which follows an extensive pattern of Black cultural erasure in Canada as well as the exclusion of Canada in much Black diasporic scholarship. These absences lead to my exploration of the unique circumstances in Canada that continue to influence this myth, including the constant "struggle against erasure" and the “fragile coalition of identities” that constitute the Black diaspora in Canada, as well as federal legislation that protects the nation’s self-image as a multicultural “mosaic.” I argue not only that the myth exists more extensively in Canadian oral and written literatures than may be expected, but that the myth may be alternately interpreted as a method of preserving Canadian national roots as well as navigating Black diasporic routes. I suggest that these two opposing functions of the myth, to pronounce both fixity and fluidity, reflect the tendencies of critics George Elliott Clarke and Rinaldo Walcott to articulate differing approaches to Black identity and culture in Canada. This thesis also embraces the aims set forth in Paul Gilroy’s The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double-Consciousness, demonstrating how the image of human flight further challenges the oppressive ideologies of Western modernity as well as reimagines the possibilities and implications of the Black diaspora. Indeed, the myth has literally contributed to the formation of the Black diaspora in that it is a cultural artefact shared throughout the Americas and associated with the desire for African return. But the myth also offers a means by which to reconceptualise the structure of the Black diaspora. That is, as the medium of flight, the sky offers an alternative, though equally flexible and more ubiquitous, space for locating the Black diaspora beyond the Atlantic basin. Moreover, the notions of impossibility, immateriality, and imagination which are embraced by this myth circumvent Gilroy’s implicit affirmation of individualism, rationalism, physical mobility, as well as static and bounded geographic space— elements which compromise his productive critique of nationalisms, ethnic essentialisms, and particularly of modernity.

Contribuição para o emprego de portas modulares em projetos de alvenaria estrutural / Assessing the use of modular door leafs in designing structural masonry

Grabarz, Regina Candeloro 15 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:09:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4800.pdf: 10440406 bytes, checksum: e74b9d2a19207b02796d6d5a98de2254 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-15 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The construction industry often related to high handwork production processes, which results in waste of physical and financial resources. The current great demand for new buildings leads to the need of industrialized elements, components and technologies in order to push the evolution of the construction process. In view of these aspects, modular coordination stands out as an excellent strategic tool since it aims to organize the dimensions of buildings, in order to reduce the variety of sizes in which the elements and components are produced, allowing its ready installation without the need of any modification. The structural masonry stands out in this direction since its design is guided by modular coordination, allowing the application of this concept and thereby to rationalize the subsystems of larger impact of the building: the partitions and the building structure. However, although this system contributes to the modular coordination, other construction components and elements must also have modular measures, being the element door an example. With that in mind, this research seeks to contribute to the dimensional standardization of "opening doors with one leaf" through the diagnosis of modular dimensions suitable for structural masonry designs. Initially, it was diagnosed the possible modular dimensions for the door space. The analyses resulted in the possible horizontal space before de door installation of widths with final 1 (61, 71, 81, cm) and 6 (66, 76, 86, cm). The vertical modular space is equal to 221 cm before any other construction element is added and 217 cm considering a regularization capping and floor tile over the slab (nominal). The width of wood door leaf is currently commercialized with dimensions ending with 0 (60, 70, 80, cm) and 2 (62, 72, 82, cm). These dimensions were diagnosed suitable to modular masonry design when combined with door post thickness of 2 and 2,5 cm respectively. However the 210 cm height, available in the market, proved to be inadequate. With this dimension a construction solution is need to fill the gap between the door and masonry, which is not wanted and becoming very undesirable today. The study leaded to the conclusion that a door leaf height of 212,5 cm would be ideal. Also, although it is possible wood-doors of 0 and 2 endings widths (current standard) changing the standards to width with endings dimensions of 3 (63, 73, 83, ... cm) and 8 (68, 78, 88, cm) would make possible to have the same width standard for door leafs of several materials (wood, metal). The metal doors of steel and aluminum are available in the market in several different. Although most of them are suitable for the modular dimensions the proposals are made here to standardize and reduce the number of different dimensions. The first one has lower impact, just recommends to eliminated some of the marketed dimensions standardizing to width endings with 1 (61, 71, 81, cm) and in height 211 cm. The other suggestion has higher impact, but allows the same dimensions for doors of different materials, thus having only one dimension standard for door leafs regardless of its material. / A construção civil é uma indústria muitas vezes vinculada a processos produtivos artesanais, refletindo em desperdício de recursos físicos e financeiros. A grande demanda por edificações leva a necessidade de industrializar elementos, componentes e tecnologias construtivas como alavanca ao desenvolvimento tecnológico e evolução do processo construtivo. Tendo em vista estes aspectos a coordenação modular se destaca como excelente ferramenta estratégica uma vez que objetiva organizar as dimensões das construções, de forma a reduzir a variedade de tamanhos nos quais os elementos e componentes são produzidos, permitindo seu uso sem modificações, cortes ou retoques. O sistema construtivo em alvenaria estrutural se destaca nesse sentido uma vez que é concebido através da coordenação modular, possibilitando fazer uso deste conceito e com isso racionalizar os subsistemas de maior impacto da edificação, a vedação e estrutura da edificação. No entanto, embora esse sistema contribua com a coordenação modular, os demais componentes e elementos construtivos que conformam a edificação, em sua maioria, não possuem medidas modulares, sendo o elemento porta um exemplo. Tendo isso em mente esta pesquisa busca contribuir com a padronização dimensional de portas de abrir com uma folha , através do diagnostico de dimensões modulares adequadas a projetos de alvenaria estrutural. Para tanto se diagnosticou os possíveis vãos modulares da alvenaria, apresentando na largura final 1 e 6 (nominal), e na altura 221 cm sem contrapiso e 217 cm com contrapiso e piso (nominal). No material madeira as larguras de folha de final 0 (zero) e 2 (dois), disponíveis atualmente no mercado, foram diagnosticadas adequadas a projetos de alvenaria estrutural quando combinadas respectivamente com batentes de 2 e 2,5 cm de espessura. Já a altura de 210 cm, disponível no mercado, se mostrou inadequada, apontando a necessidade de soluções para preencher o vão. Através do estudo diagnosticou-se como dimensões ideais de folhas de madeira, na largura final 3 (três) e 8 (oito), e 212,5 cm de altura (nominal). No caso das portas mistas, batente metálico envolvente e folha de porta de madeira, constatou-se como a melhor solução trabalhar com as dimensões de folha diagnosticadas ideais para portas de madeira, ao invés das dimensões disponíveis no mercado, possibilitando padronizar a dimensão do batente metálico assim como a folha da porta. As portas metálicas (aço e alumínio) se destacam por apresentarem dimensões disponíveis no mercado, largura e altura, adequadas a projetos de alvenaria estrutural. No entanto através do estudo diagnosticou-se duas soluções dimensionais mais adequadas, uma de menor impacto, padronizando somente as portas metálicas, sendo folhas de final 1 (um) na largura e 211 cm de altura, e outra de maior impacto buscando padronizar as dimensões de folha de porta metálica e de madeira, permitindo o intercambio destes materiais, portanto folhas de final 3 (três) e 8 (oito) com altura de 212,5 cm e batente padronizado em 1,5 cm (parte com rebaixo).

Maximum Capacity Antenna Design for an Indoor MIMO UWB Communication System

Liu, Ran, Liu, Hao January 2012 (has links)
Ultra-wideband (UWB) offers a high data rate transmission, however it only can be used in short distance communication due to its low power restricted by regulations, therefore it is applicable for an indoor scenario. Within an enclosed (indoor) scenario, there exist many possible multipaths of electromagnetic waves which lead to an effect known as fading [Big07]. Since SISO systems suffer severely from it, in contrast, multiple-output-multiple-input (MIMO) systems take advantage of this multipath/diversity effect. Typical MIMO system utilizes antenna arrays to generate subchannels, but it has no guarantee of orthogonal channels or maximum capacity. Using a new antenna synthesis algorithm, optimal subchannels can be computed by decomposing the MIMO channel into parallel SISO subchannels through the employment of sampling antennas. Thereafter optimal real word antennas can be designed according to the synthesized antenna radiation pattern which result in the reduced hardware. The goal of this thesis will be expressed as follows: Firstly, a good strategy planning to reduce computing effort should be realized since all the design parameters to be analyzed are frequency dependent. Furthermore, a systematic framework of the synthesis must be designed for the UWB band. Lastly, the corresponding real world antenna should be designed and verified. In this thesis, a systematic synthesis framework has be developed and analyzed for the UWB spectrum. The channel matrix acquisition, the design of the ‘sampling antennas’ along with the algorithm to decompose the MIMO channel into parallel independent SISO subchannels are discussed in detail. Two realizations of the real world antennas as well as all the challenges in the design process are also presented. As consequences, an antenna system with optimal radiation pattern has been synthesized. This antenna system radiates orthogonal channels with sufficient power and has fixed beamforming (direction optimized according to the scenario and with averaging over various positions along with rotations) at the transmitter and receiver. The maximum capacity takes into account the scenario, frequency band, physical available space for the antenna array and polarization (added degree of freedom). This work also organizes the antenna synthesis algorithm for UWB in a systematic framework, meeting the objectives of the project. / In this thesis, a UWB antenna synthesis based on the averaging strategies for the predefined indoor communication scenarios has been proposed, which contains both the indoor communication theoretical analysis and real world realization. The algorithm can be applied in an arbitrary indoor scenario over ultra wideband frequency. All synthesized results demonstrated that the designed sampling antenna configuration is able to provide optimized solutions. The synthesis method is based on computing optimal antenna configurations for a MIMO ultrawideband system. In order to maximize the throughput, there exists a sampling volume for both transmit and receive antennas. As such, the face-centered and body-centered cubic antenna arrays are utilized. Given that the system operates in the UWB band with a cognitive feature, the type of antenna, orientation, placement and MIMO diversity scheme have been well investigated. The radiation patterns of the antenna array cover the sampling volume and the bandwidth cover the UWB band. The goal of this thesis work concentrates on the analysis of an indoor communication to find an optimum solution on the antenna configuration and placement. The final objective was to design and realize an optimal MIMO-UWB antenna system. / Add: Waldhornstrasse 19, Karlsruhe, 76131, Germany Tel: +49 176 34467663

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