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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av frivilligt vårdade patienter i en låst avdelningsmiljöTchobanova, Belgin, Skoglund, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Abstrakt Att vårda frivilligt inlagda patienter på en låst heldygnsvårdsavdelning är ett vanligt förekommande fenomen i Sverige idag. Inom psykiatrin på olika platser i Sverige har diskussioner förekommit tidigare huruvida dörrarna ska vara låsta eller öppna. Information om att dörren är låst och varför bör ges till patienten samt att de som vårdar vet varför avdelningen är låst. Gott bemötande vid psykisk ohälsa är väsentligt. Tydlig information ger möjlighet till att patienten känner sig delaktig i sin vård. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av vård och vårdrelation av frivilligt vårdade patienter i en låst avdelningsmiljö Metod: Studien utformades utifrån en kvalitativ metod. I studien användes semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fem allmänsjuksköterskor och sju specialistsjuksköterskor inom psykiatrisk heldygnsvård intervjuades. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera insamlade data. Resultat: Det framkom fyra kategorier i studiens resultat: Vårdrelationen bakom den låsta dörren, Makten bakom den låsta dörren, Konsekvenser av den låsta dörren och Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter kring lagar och regler på en låst avdelning. Slutsats: Studiens resultat pekar på att personalen har mer makt än patienten. Men denna maktobalans kan ändå leda till en god vårdrelation när sjuksköterskor försöker ha patientens värdighet och integritet i fokus. Sjuksköterskor som arbetar på en låst psykiatrisk avdelning behöver reflektera över skälen till den låsta dörren. Den låsta dörren medförde till svåra etiska dilemma hos sjuksköterskorna. En känsla av frustration framkom hos sjuksköterskor när de behövde begränsa och hindra frivilligt inlagda patienter på grund av lagar och riktlinjer. Sjuksköterskor bör ges möjligheter till att förbättra sina kunskaper kring lagar och regler för att kunna ge en god och säker vård.
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Utveckling av fiberoptisk ljusgenomföring för lägenhetsdörr / Development of a fiber optic light conductor for use in apartment doorsKärrlander, Daniel, Nordström, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Det här är en rapport som behandlar examensarbetet i integreradproduktutveckling vid Högskolan i Skövde. Projektet sker i samarbete med ett företag som tillverkar dörrar och vill utöka sitt tillbehörssortiment med enprodukt i marknadssegmentet mellan fönster och LED-ljus för att belysataburentrén och underlätta för användaren att vistas i tamburen.Utvecklingsprocessen för denna produkt började med en omfattande förstudieföljt av identifiering av aktuella miljöer, insamling av mätdata via mätningar avbelysningsstyrka samt teoretiska beräkningar på produktens geometrier såsomljusinsamlingsarea. Den samlade kunskapen ledde fram till ettkonceptgenereringsstadie, konceptutvärdering samt prototypframställning.Detaljutvecklingen av det slutgiltiga konceptet baserades i stort på tekniska ochfysiska egenskaper. Resultatet blev undermåligt och nådde ej upp till eftersträvadbelysningseffekt med de identifierade randvillkoren, på grund av oförutseddaeffektförluster. Tas produkten ur ramarna för randvillkoren och istället användasi mer gynnsamma förhållanden blir resultatet betydligt bättre.Slutsatsen blir att passiv insamling av diffust ljus är möjligt men inte effektivt ochframförallt inte kompatibelt med, i detta fall, krav på hög säkerhet och lågt pris. / This is a report which covers the bachelor degree project in Product Design Engineering at University of Skövde. The project is conducted in cooperation witha company that manufactures doors and wants to expand their accessory rangewith a product in the market segment between windows and LED-lights toilluminate the very entrance of an apartment and provide the user with sufficientlight. The development process for this product began with a comprehensiveprestudy followed by identification of relevant environments, collection of targetdata through measurements of illumination, and theoretical calculations ofproduct geometries such as light collecting area. The combined knowledge led toa generation stage, evaluation stage and prototype production. The result becamesubstandard and did not reach the desired lighting effect with the identifiedboundary conditions due to unforeseen power losses. If the product is taken outof these boundaries and instead used in more favorable conditions, the result issignificantly better.The conclusion is that passive collection of diffused light is possible but noteffective and above all incompatible with, in this case, high security and demandsfor low costs.
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Design užitkového vozidla / Design of commercial vehiclePaclt, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis deals with design of a commercial vehicle for urban use. Thesis has complex solution. A small size vehicle uses the hybrid technology to drive with a combination of electric motors in wheels and the Wankel engine. Thesis gives some innovative solutions of daily required functions. A sliding door can be operated by a legs. A flip roof allows enlarging the commercial space. A swiveling front and rear axle for better maneuverability in the city. The main aim of the design is to remove the front mask of the vehicle.
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Výroba součásti dveřního zamykání sdruženým nástrojem / Manufacturing of part of door lock by compound toolNečas, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Academic thesis, drawn up within the framework of engineering studies, presents a proposal optimal production of garage door lock striker. The part is manufactured from steel sheet S275JR of 1.5 mm thickness. By the analysis of its possible methods of production, with regard to the required annual series of 500,000 pieces, was chosen technology of manufacturing the part in the compound tool by blanking and bending processes. For these technologies was designed solution of the compound tool and automatic production line with the eccentric crank press SMERAL S160, where is the compound tool fixed. The measure of financial performance of manufacturing the part is economical assessing. In the current state is investment return in the production of 179,186 pieces of the parts.
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Změna konstrukce profilu dveřního křídla pro kolejové vozidlo / Modifying profile design of the door leaf for rail vehicleLysák, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with creation computional model of specific door leaf which was researched and now is provided by company named IFE-CR, a.s. Finite element method analysis is performed within the standards for load conditions during the operation. Stress-strain response should be the main factor to comparing results with experiment on real door. Based on acquired knowledge from the original model we can evaluate credibility of mechanical behavior of newly designed model which has lower profil tapered from the original 42 mm to 25,4 mm. From the results of FEM analysis of the modified profile is evaluated applicability to the real operational state. At the end is quantified material and financial savings achieved by reducing the height of profile.
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Studie realizovatelnosti výroby hliníkových dílů ve společnosti Alfa / Feasibility study of aluminium parts manufacturing at Alfa companyHonzálek, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to a study of manufacturing of aluminum parts at Alfa company. A complete analysis of the company's main product which are roller doors for commercial vehicles is elaborated. The thesis is based on a existing operation of the company and tries to find the optimal solution for the future. The result is the definition of a new solution and determination it’s operating costs, economic impacts and suggestions for improvement. Key words roller door, aluminum profiles, slat, roller shutter, manufacturing of aluminum parts.
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Service users' and service providers' understandings of addiction and their impact on treatment plans and treatment outcomes.Garrun, Candice 17 January 2012 (has links)
The word addiction is almost immediately associated with notions of drug dependency and alcoholism, and drug addiction is often referred to as a pandemic that affects individuals, families, communities and society at large. Aetiological approaches to understanding and treating addiction have changed dramatically throughout history, and currently the most contemporary approach is that of the disease model which views addiction as an illness rather than as a ‘badness’. While the underpinnings of Narcotics Anonymous’ 12 step philosophy employs non-specific drug language as it views all drugs as having the capacity to become addictive, and while it does not distinguish between the capacity for substances and certain behaviours to become addictive, activities such as overeating, having sex and gambling are yet to be classified as legitimate addictions by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR). As a result, it appears as if some confusion exists as to whether these behaviours should be classified as impulse control disorders or as genuine addictions due to the various similarities they share in common with substance based disorders. The research conducted explored how people recovering from addiction, as well as how people working with addiction understand addiction and multiple dependency, together with the factors that contribute to relapse and the ability to abstain. Various 12 Step meetings from a variety of 12 Step Fellowships were attended and members were invited to participate in the study. Ultimately seventy eight participants completed a self developed questionnaire which was utilised to assess how people recovering from addiction understood addiction and multiple dependency and the factors that contribute to relapse and the ability to abstain. Quantitative data were analysed via descriptive and inferential statistics. Furthermore twenty participants working with addiction were interviewed with the use of a semi structured interview schedule in order to explore their perceptions around addiction and the factors that contribute to relapse and sobriety. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic content analysis.
Results indicated that the majority of recovering addicts and professionals working with addiction understand addiction as a disease. However, discrepancy was apparent with regards to whether or not all recovering addicts have the same disease and subsequently whether all addictions can be treated in the same manner. The above result suggested that there was no standardised, uniform way in which the disease model is understood and interpreted. Factors such as cross addiction, resistance to change and issues relating to the maintenance of change were identified as issues that contribute to relapse, while factors such as aftercare, following the 12 step programme and support were identified as the main aspects that contribute to sobriety. No statistical significance was noted between participants who had relapsed as opposed to those who had not for variables of sensation seeking, impulsivity and perceived stress (which may have been as a result of small sample size). Deeper understanding of the disease model together with broader application of it, and a focus on appropriate training and more comprehensive assessment could perhaps see a reduction in high rates of relapse and recidivism more commonly known as the ‘revolving door syndrome’.
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Gårdsnära produktutveckling : Gårdsförsäljningens möjliga påverkan på produktutveckling hos svenska producenter av alkoholdryck / Product development close to the farm : The potential impact of cellar door sales on product development for swedish producers of alcoholic beveragesHenriksson, Felix, Mortensen, Martin January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Quality Multicultural Literature as Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Glass Doors for Arab American Students in the Elementary Classroom, (2012-2022)Ritts, Sarah 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Discrimination occurs against underrepresented and misrepresented cultures in the United States of America. Hate crimes, racism, and stereotyping are not only against adults but also students in the educational system. These actions are causing division within our nation. There is a movement for transforming the classroom into one that is culturally inclusive for everyone. These Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) methods can help to unite our nation by celebrating diversity. One very effective method to achieve this is by using multicultural literature in classrooms as a way for students to see themselves as if looking in mirrors, understand their peers as if looking through windows, and empathize with other cultures as if stepping through a sliding glass door into the other culture (Bishop, 1990).
Arab Americans too often are experiencing discrimination at the same or worse levels than other underrepresented and misrepresented cultures. The goal of this study was to find quality books by and about Arab Americans as multicultural literature is an effective means for creating a culturally inclusive classroom. My first step was to locate any and all books I could find that were written by or about Arab Americans. Then using specific parameters, I narrowed my findings to list only the quality literature I found within the last ten years. These findings are listed for teachers to use and access with ease.
While reading these books in the classroom, it is important to initiate conversations with and among the students. Therefore, I created a list of general guiding questions that pair with the literature for teachers to use in their classrooms to get their students talking and thinking about the multicultural books they are reading. These discussions can help move classrooms into ones that celebrate individual cultures, embrace diversity, and instill empathy among the students.
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Evaluating the security of a smart door lock systemVeijalainen, Sebastian, Noreng Karlsson, Tommy January 2021 (has links)
Smart home appliances and IoT devices in general are a fast growing market. Smart door locks are one type of device which is included in these categories. The smart door lock replaces a common deadbolt lock. In this study a smart door lock was penetration tested. The project started with a literature study, followed by a reconnaissance phase for gathering information about the smart door lock system. A threat model was created based on the findings during the reconnaissance phase and with the help of the STRIDE and DREAD frameworks. Penetration tests were chosen and conducted based on the threat model. The results of the penetration tests showed no major vulnerabilities, but a weakness in the communications between the mobile app and the server. / Smarta apparater och generellt enheter på sakernas internet är en snabbt växande marknad. Smarta dörrlås är en slags enhet som inkluderas i dessa kategorier. I den här studien penetrationstestades ett smart dörrlås. Projektet började med en litteraturstudie, följt av en spaningsfas för att samla in information om det smarta låssystemet. En hotmodell skapades baserad på fynden från spaningsfasen och med hjälp av ramverken STRIDE och DREAD. Penetrationstester valdes och genomfördes baserat på hotmodellen. Resultaten från penetrationstesterna visade inga större sårbarheter, men en svaghet i kommunikationen mellan mobilappen och värddatorn.
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