Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dor e""
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Cab Door Design : Improvement of door cornersIslam, Akib January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a product development process, where an existing solution on a cab door have been analysed and developed, with the aim to result in a cost-effective concept solution for handling tolerances on the door frame. The methodological approach in this thesis is based on Volvo Construction Equipment’s development model; The Global Development Process, which started with a pre-study phase where the problem formulation was established. The problem formulation in short is to find a solution for how to handle narrow tolerances in steel profiles for the door weldment on cab doors. Various solution ideas were discussed and concepts were generated with focus to design a new cab door corner that would solve the problems addressed by the project. The applied method resulted in a final concept consisting of the same steel profiles but with new dimensions, and two new concepts in each corner; one corner module that is placed inside the steel profiles and joined by welding, and a plastic shell that covers the welded corner. The concept was validated using a prototype of the proposed solution, where tests show that the requirements were achieved, besides a few deficiencies. A cost comparison between the existing and the proposed solution was made within limitations for this thesis. The result of the cost comparison shows an indication of that the proposed solution can be more cost-effective than the existing solution. Some of the recommendations after have completing the project are to make a complete cost comparison to ensure that the indication is correct and to analyse the new components to optimize and define the dimensions of them.
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Ouvrir et fermer la maison du dieu : les portes de temples en Grèce égéenne de l'époque archaïque aux Antonins / Open and close the god’s house : the temple doors in Aegean Greece from the archaic period to the AntonineDubernet, Audrey 17 November 2017 (has links)
La porte a été l’un des premiers éléments de l’architecture grecque a être monumentalisé. Le terme de «porte» fait ici référence à l’ensemble du dispositif, aussi bien les battants que l’encadrement. Ces deux éléments sont eux-mêmes composés de plusieurs parties mais seules celles en pierre, à savoir le seuil, les montants, le linteau et le couronnement nous sont parvenus. On retrouve également des scellements métalliques et des traces de scellement ou de placage en bois. Ces vestiges, associés à une étude des textes (traités, comptes de construction, récits de voyageurs), de l’iconographie (céramiques et reliefs) et à une comparaison avec d'autres monuments (trésors, tombes macédoniennes, etc.), permettent une reconstitution de l’ensemble. Outre son aspect fonctionnel, la porte du temple détient un rôle symbolique fort puisqu'elle fait le lien entre la sphère humaine et la sphère divine. La porte pose la question de l'accessibilité à la cella. S'ajoutent les clôtures d'entrecolonnement et les diverses barrières pouvant être autant de nouvelles limites à la circulation. L’étude porte sur les portes de temple de l’époque archaïque jusqu’aux Antonins en Grèce égéenne. Le choix des limites chronologiques et géographiques du sujet est motivé par une volonté d’uniformité et de continuité. Il s’agit d’une analyse systématique de la morphologie des portes ainsi que de la portée symbolique du dispositif dans son contexte architectural et de son rôle dans la scénographie du temple et du sanctuaire et dans les rites. / The door was one of the first element of Greek architecture to be monumentalized. The term "door" refers here to the whole system, as well as the door panels and the door frame. These two elements are themselves composed of several parts but only those in stone, namely the threshold, the jambs, the lintel and the coronation remain. There are also metal seals and traces of wood seals or veneer. These remains, together with a study of texts (treaties, construction accounts, travelers' tales ), iconography (ceramics and reliefs), and a comparaison with other monuments (treasuries, Macedonian tombs) allow a reconstruction of all in many cases . In addition to its functional aspect, door monumentalised has a strong symbolic impact as it separates the human world from the one of the gods. The study of the door is connected with the question of the access to the cella. We also consider the intercolumnation screens and various barriers that can be encountered in temples as they all are limits to the circulation within the building. The study will focus on the temple doors of the Archaic period to the Antonines constructions in aegean Greece. The choice of chronological and geographical limits of the subject was motivated by a desire for consistency and continuity. It will be a systematic analysis of the doors morphology and of the symbolic significance of the device in its architectural context and its role in the temple and sanctuary scenography and in the rituals.
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Quel modèle économique pour une offre de transport de voyageurs porte-à-porte ? / Finding a business model for door-to-door passenger mobilityBonneville, Jean-Baptiste 19 January 2018 (has links)
Fournir un service de mobilité porte-à-porte pour les voyageurs est un objectif largement partagé. C’est aussi un objectif stratégique pour SNCF. En effet, après plus de trente années de croissance portée par le TGV, l’entreprise a fait face à des difficultés qui l’ont incitée à revoir son modèle économique. Elle vise à s’affirmer comme un véritable opérateur multimodal et à retrouver, grâce à d’autres modes que le train, sa vocation de desserte fine des territoires. Le porte-à-porte consiste à permettre aux individus d’aller d’une origine à une destination sans utiliser leur voiture, donc en utilisant différents moyens de transport mis bout à bout. La question posée est celle de l’existence d’un hypothétique opérateur de mobilité porte-à-porte qui serait l’interlocuteur unique du voyageur et qui lui garantirait la continuité de service tout au long du déplacement. Ce travail étudie, dans une démarche de recherche-intervention, les modèles économiques possibles pour un opérateur de mobilité porte-à-porte : quelle offre, quelle organisation entre les acteurs, quelle répartition des coûts et de la valeur ? La thèse apporte dans un premier temps une analyse approfondie de la notion de porte-à-porte pour les voyageurs. Ensuite elle détaille les enjeux pour les différentes parties prenantes. Les évolutions du contexte réglementaire de la mobilité en France, les enjeux relatifs au développement durable et la modification des équilibres en place sous l’effet de la transition numérique de l’économie sont passés en revue. Au sein de SNCF, différents approches du porte-à-porte existent qui reflètent la complexité de l’entreprise. L’évolution du système d’acteurs dans leur diversité ouvre des perspectives nouvelles. Trois grands types de modèles économiques pour le porte-à-porte sont identifiés : un modèle intégré, un modèle de plate-forme et un modèle distribué. Il en découle des trajectoires possibles de moyen et long termes pour le groupe ferroviaire. Sans être exclusifs les uns des autres, les trois modèles ont chacun leur domaine de pertinence. Affirmer un modèle économique distribué du porte-à-porte semble toutefois être une orientation à privilégier pour que le transport ferroviaire reste pertinent face à la voiture individuelle / The goal of providing passengers with seamless door-to-door mobility has today become a common objective, and a key priority for SNCF, France’s historical national rail group. After more than 30 years of growth thanks to the success of the TGV high-speed train, SNCF faces difficulties that have prompted it to reconsider its business model. The firm has decided to become a genuine multimodal operator with the capacity to provide a comprehensive territorial service through a variety of transport modes. The principal function of door-to-door transport is to enable travellers to go from A to B without using their own cars but a sequence of transport modes. This raises the possibility of the emergence of door-to-door mobility operators that provide a one-stop shop for travellers and offer continuity of service provision over an entire journey. This paper explores possible business models for a door-to-door mobility operator: the nature of the service, organisation between stakeholders and the revenue model. It begins with a detailed analysis of the idea of door-to-door service in the context of passenger transport. It then studies the main challenges for the stakeholders, in particular the evolution of France’s regulatory framework, issues relating to sustainable development and the effects of the digital economy. Different approaches to door-to-door provision exist within SNCF, reflecting the complexity of the company. Growing diversity in the system of actors has opened up new possibilities. Three contrasting business models were identified for door-to-door services: the integrated model, the platform model and the distributed model, all of which offer possible mid-term and long-term strategic directions for SNCF. Without being mutually exclusive, all three models are relevant in their distinct spheres. Nevertheless, the distributed model would seem to offer the greatest potential for rail transport to remain competitive with the private car
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ENHANCING URBAN MOBILITY OF VISUALLY IMPAIRED INDIVIDUALS : An Examination of Door-to-Door Accessibility in Helsingborg SwedenSulaiman, Sinan January 2024 (has links)
Urban mobility remains a persistent challenge for visually impaired individuals (VIIs) despite legal protections. This study provides a thorough investigation into the door-to-door mobility experiences of VIIs in urban environments and public transport systems in Helsingborg, Sweden. Methodologically, it employs a mixed qualitative methods, combining semi-structured interviews, walking interviews and observations, and document analysis to explore the complicated research topic. The study develops a three-dimensional analytical framework, namely the Universal Design, the participatory approach, and the technology options, to identify and analyse the urban mobility challenges faced by VIIs. According to the research results, it is evident that there is an urgent need of deeper urban planning engagement and continuous innovation for truly inclusive environments for VIIs. Recommendations based on this study include enhancing Universal Design integration, promoting collaboration, and utilizing digital tools to create inclusive urban spaces, ultimately aiming to empower VIIs for independent navigation and full societal participation. / Nej
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Logística de baixo carbono: avaliação da eficiência do modal cabotagem no transporte de longa distância. / Low carbon logistics: evaluating the efficiency of modal cabotage in long distance transportation.Rodrigues, Edmilson Roberto 20 December 2018 (has links)
Este estudo estima e compara as emissões de CO2 entre os dois modos de transporte intermodais mais utilizados no Brasil, para cargas com origem e destino ao município de Manaus, Estado do Amazonas. O primeiro é denominado cabotagem porta-a-porta, tem o contêiner como unidade de transporte e é caracterizado pela utilização da navegação em rios e/ou oceano como modalidade principal, complementado por caminhões para os trechos rodoviários na origem e destino. O segundo modo de transporte consiste na combinação do modo fluvial com rodoviário, conhecido no mercado brasileiro como rodo-fluvial. Nesse modal, a unidade de transporte é usualmente a carreta-baú, que percorre uma parte do trajeto sobre uma barcaça (trecho fluvial) e outra parte conectada a um cavalo-mecânico (trecho rodoviário). Através da aplicação dos métodos de cálculo baseados na energia ou atividade (energy-based or activity-based approach) foi possível realizar uma comparação das emissões de forma bastante compreensiva. Na literatura existem diversos estudos que destacam a eficiência do modal aquaviário em relação ao modal rodoviário. No entanto, esses estudos analisam as emissões sem considerar todas as etapas envolvidas, como coleta e entrega, e movimentação portuária. Dessa forma, esses estudos podem estar deixando de computar quantidades importantes de emissões quando fazem essas comparações. Nesse estudo, a comparação contempla todas as etapas e permite que ao analisarmos os resultados, possamos entender exatamente em qual etapa do processo as emissões são mais significativas. Os resultados apurados apontam uma clara vantagem ambiental do modal cabotagem porta-a-porta, emitindo até 40% menos CO2 que o modal rodo-fluvial no trecho entre Manaus e São Paulo. De igual forma, mostra-se também mais eficiente mesmo em trechos de menor distância, como entre Manaus e Recife, onde as emissões na cabotagem porta-a-porta são 54% inferiores ao modal rodo-fluvial. Quando comparado com rotas puramente rodoviárias, como entre Porto Alegre e Recife, a cabotagem porta-a-porta emite 63% menos CO2 que o modal alternativo. / This study estimates and compares CO2 emissions between the two modalities of intermodal transport most used in Brazil for cargo with origin and destination to the municipality of Manaus, State of Amazonas. The first is called door-to-door cabotage, has the container as a transport unit and is characterized by the use of river and/or ocean navigation as the main modality, complemented by trucks for the road sections at the origin and destination. The second mode is the combination of the fluvial and road modal, known in the Brazilian market as a fluvial highway. In this modality, the transport unit is usually the trailer, which travels part of the route on a barge (river sections) and another part connected to a tractor (road sections). Through the application of the energy-based or activity-based approach, it was possible to compare the emissions in a very comprehensive way. In the literature there are several studies that highlight the efficiency of the waterway modal in relation to the road modal. However, these studies analyze emissions without considering all the steps involved, such as pick-up and delivery and port handling. Thus, these studies may be failing to compute significant amounts of emissions when making such comparisons. In this study, the comparison contemplates all the steps and allows that when analyzing the results, we can understand exactly at which stage of the process the emissions are more significant. The results obtained indicate a clear environmental advantage of the modal cabotage door-to-door, emitting up to 40% less CO2 than the combined fluvial and road modal in the stretch between Manaus and São Paulo. Similarly, it is also shown to be more efficient even in smaller distances, such as between Manaus and Recife, where the emissions in the door-to-door cabotage are 54% lower than the alternative (fluvial-road) modal. When compared to purely road routes, such as between Porto Alegre and Recife, the door-to-door cabotage emits 63% less CO2 than the alternative modal.
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Questa tesi ha come obiettivo quello di contribuire all'analisi empirica della struttura dei costi del ciclo dei rifiuti solidi urbani in un campione di 534 comuni italiani, per un periodo di sette anni, dal 2004 al 2010. Dopo una panoramica sia delle varie fasi del servizio RSU che del funzionamento del settore in Italia, nel primo capitolo, il secondo analizza la letteratura empirica delle funzioni di costo, con particolare attenzione per i lavori più recenti, tra cui anche i pochissimi italiani sul tema. L’argomento del terzo capitolo riguarda lo studio della presenza di economie di scala e di densità nel settore dei rifiuti utilizzando una specificazione translogaritmica per la funzione di costo stimata con il metodo SUR. L'ultimo capitolo si propone di fornire risposte a domande molto attuali come: la raccolta porta a porta è più costosa? E' meglio smaltire in discarica i rifiuti residui o bruciarli? Data una certa quantità di rifiuti da smaltire, esiste una quantità ottimale da incenerire? Inoltre, dato che molte comunità usano contemporaneamente diversi siti di smaltimento, qual è il numero ottimale di siti per portare i propri rifiuti indifferenziati? / This thesis aims to contribute to the empirical analysis of the cost structure of municipal solid waste management in a sample 534 Italian municipalities, for a period of seven years, from 2004 to 2010. After giving an overview both of the various phases of the MSW service and of the functioning of the sector in Italy in the first chapter, the second chapter reviews the cost function studies, with particular emphasis on recent years including also the very few Italian papers on the topic. This topic of the third chapter the study of the presence of scale and density economies in the Italian waste sector using a translogarithmic specification estimated with the SUR method. The last chapter aims to provide answers to very actual questions as: is the door to door collection more expensive? Is it better to burry residual waste or to incinerate it? Given a certain amount of garbage, is there an optimal quantity to be incinerated? Moreover, given that many communities use contemporaneously different dumpsites, which is the perfect number of disposal sites for unsorted waste?
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O uso do territorio pelos homens lentos : a experiencia dos camelos no centro de Ribeirão Preto / The use of territory by the slow mensMiranda, Ana Luisa 30 August 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Arleude Bortolozzi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T07:41:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Résumé: Dans ce mémoire de maitrise, nous partons de I'idée que I'usage du territoire implique « différentes matrices de rationalité » ce qui donc impose non seulement Ia reconnaissance de Ia diversité mais également celle des contradictions inscrites dans I'espace géographique. Ainsi, Ia « conflituosité » en tant que donnée de I'analyse spatiale est essentielle á Ia mise en valeur de Ia différence et, surtout, á Ia mise en valeur de sujets sociaux historiquement occultés. En ce sens-Iá, notre recherche s'utilise du territoire utilisé en tant que catégorie d'analyse, vu qu'il nous remet á I'espace de tous et, encore, qu'il nous invite á entreprendre des « relations sociales et de pouvoir ». Donc, nous chercherons á dévoiler les stratégies et les tactiques qui conduisent les actions des différents agents - tout en faisant ressortir Ia présence des marchands ambulants - dans Ia lutte pour I'usage du centre ville de Ribeirao Preto. Avec Ia notion « d'hommes lents » nous cherchons á mettre en valeur Ia territorialité des marchands ambulants qui, hors du modéle hégémonique, être trés difficilement confrontée, non seulement en tant que porteuse de valeurs, mais aussi en tant que nouvelle possibilité de I'usage de Ia ville. Dans ce contexte, les marchands ambulants résistent á I'aménagement du territoire urbain dominant et, grâce á leurs circonstances, ils tentent d'imposer leurs spécificités tout en apportant au débat une possible autre configuration socio-spatiale. De cette maniére, en installant un désaccord sur I'organisation du centre ville de Ribeirao Preto, ils se constituent, même potentiellement, en tant que sujets politiques. C'est ce processus de constitutions, négociations et répressions, que nous tentons apréhender afin d'illuminer Ia géographie de ces sujets / Resumo: Nesta dissertação, parte-se da idéia que o uso do território envolve "diferentes matrizes de racionalidade" e, portanto, impõe o reconhecimento da diversidade e das contradições inscritas no espaço geográfico. Com isso, a "conflituosidade", como um dado da análise espacial, é essencial para a valorização da diferença e, sobretudo, para a valorização de sujeitos sociais historicamente ocultados. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa vale-se do território usado como categoria de análise, já que nos remete ao espaço de todos e, com isso, nos convida a atentar para as "relações sociais e de poder". Assim, busca-se desvendar as estratégias e táticas que conduzem as ações dos diferentes agentes - destacando a presença dos camelôs - na luta pelo uso do centro de Ribeirão Preto. Por meio da noção de "homens lentos", procura-se valorizar a territorialidade dos camelôs que, estando fora do modelo hegemônico, dificilmente é confrontada como portadora de valores e, sobretudo, como uma nova possibilidade de uso da cidade. Nesse contexto, os camelôs resistem ao planejamento urbano dominante e, dentro de suas circunstâncias, tentam impor suas especificidades, trazendo para o debate uma outra configuração sócio-espacial possível. Assim, ao instalar um dissenso sobre a organização do centro de Ribeirão Preto constituem-se, ainda que potencialmente, como sujeitos políticos. É nesse processo de constituições, negociações e repressões, que se procura apreender e, sobretudo, iluminar a geografia desses sujeitos / Abstract: This paper discusses the idea that the use of a territory envolves "different sources of rationality", therefore, it imposes the recognition of diversity and contradictions inscribed in geographical space. Through it, the "conflictuality" as a known element of the spacial analysis is essencial to the appreciation of the difference and specially, for the appreciation of social subjects historically hidden. Therefore, this research makes use of used territory as a category of analysis, since it remits us to the space of everybody, in such a way, it invites us to consider the "social relations and the power relations". In this way, it seeks in revealing the strategies and tactics which carry the actions out of the different subjects - pointing out the presence of camelôs - fighting for the use of Ribeirão Preto's downtown. Through the notion of "slow men" we value the territoriality of the camelôs who has been out of the hegemonic model, it is hardly faced as a value bearer and, above ali, as a new possibility to make use of the city. Therefore, the camelôs withstand to the dominant urban planning and under these circumstances, they try to impose their specialities bringing to debate another possible configuration of social space. Thus, installing a disagreement about the organization of Ribeirão Preto's downtown, however, it constitutes potentially as political subjects. In this process of constitutions, negotiations and repressions that we seek to undestand and beyond that, to enlighten the geography of these subejts / Mestrado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Mestre em Geografia
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Teplovzdušné vytápění / Warm air heatingRohlíková, Věra January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this master's thesis is warm air heating system. The task is to apply this heating method to a specified building and to design technical solutions. The degree of completion of the extended project is appropriate for the requirements of building permit documentation. Proposed solutions were evaluated in the viewpoint of inner environment, space requirements, operation economy and environmental impact. Warm air heating system made by Atrea is used for building heating. The text part of the thesis deals with building air permeability and the experimental part describes performance of blower door test in a family house and evaluation of experiment data
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Network Authentication to the Physical WorldSandberg, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
Quick Response (QR) codes have been used for both non-authentication purposes and authentication & authorization of a user. The visual representation of a QR code requires a reader/decoder to convert the code to a readable resource for an application. This raises some concerns, such as: What kind of information and how much information can be stored in this representation? What kind of vulnerabilities are there when using this technology in some type of authentication? The concrete problem addressed in this thesis is whether a mobile device displaying a QR code can be used as an authenticator for an Axis Communications A8105-E Network Video Door Station. To solve this problem the thesis investigates the use of QR codes in authentication & authorization based upon displaying a QR code on a mobile device, scanning this code via a camera, and then verifying the code using a validation server. Two important issues were what information to put into the QR code (given that the QR code is to be read by a camera) and where the decoding process should be carried out. This thesis also considers multiple types of authentication. Moreover, the system contains multiple components which themselves rely on secure communication and well-designed protocols to ensure security (against popular methods of attack) and stability. A prototype of the proposed authentication process was evaluated using a testbed consisting of three door stations, an Android app, and a backend service for analysing QR codes and making an authentication & authorization decision. QR codes proved to be as secure as the current solutions, such as magnetic stripe or RFID access cards. Using QR codes together with the user’s mobile device also offered additional functionality, such as easy management of the device registration/deregistration and compatibility with multifactor authentication. The conclusion is with the current door station products and the finalized design of the software; it is possible to have a secure and scalable system which is also cost-effective by eliminating the need of human verification as well as equipment required for access card systems. / Quick-Response (QR) koder har använts både för icke autentiseringssyften men även för just autentisering av en användare. Den visuella representationen av en QR-kod behöver en läsare för att kunna omvandla koden till en läsbar resurs för en applikation. Detta leder till frågeställningarna: Vad för information och hur mycket kan man lagra i en QR-kod? Vilka sårbarheter finns det med användningen av denna teknologi inom autentisering? Det konkreta problemet i detta examensarbete är huruvida en mobil enhet som visar en QR-kod kan användas med en Axis Communications A8105-E Network Video Door Station. För att lösa detta problem så undersöker detta arbete användningen av QR-koder inom autentisering baserat på att visa QR koden på den mobila enheten, skanna denna kod med en kamera och validera denna kod med en valideringsserver. Två viktiga frågor var vilken information som skulle lagras i QR-koden samt vart avläsningen av en QR-kod tog plats. Detta arbete undersöker också olika typer av multifaktor autentisering. Systemet består vidare av flera komponenter som förlitar sig på säker kommunikation och väldesignade protokoll sam ger säkerhet (mot de mest populära nätverksattackerna) och stabilitet. Den tänkta autentiseringsprocessens prototyp evaluerades i en testmiljö bestående av tre Door Station, en Android applikation och en backend service för att analysera QR-koder samt hantera autentiserings och behörighetslogik. QR-koder bevisades vara lika säkert som befintliga lösningar som till exempel kort accesskort med magnetremsa och RFID chip. Användning av QR-koder med de mobila enheterna gör dessutom att hantering av registrering/avregistrering av enheterna kan ske på ett enkelt sätt samt även integreras med multifaktor autentisering. Slutsatsen är att med de befintliga Door Station enheterna och den slutgiltiga designen av mjukvaran ger det säkert och skalbart system som dessutom är kostnadseffektivt genom att behovet av en mänsklig verifiering samt de fysiska komponenterna av befintliga accesskortsystem, inte längre finns.
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Improving Travel Satisfaction with Public TransportFernández Abenoza, Roberto January 2017 (has links)
The existing link between PT travelers’ satisfaction, ridership and loyalty prove the relevance of improving overall trip satisfaction. The thesis present an array of approaches and methodologies aiming at increasing overall satisfaction with PT door-to-door trips while covering important issues that previous research has failed to address. These knowledge gaps include: disregarding the different needs and priorities of different type of travelers; overlooking the evolution over time and across geographical areas that overall satisfaction and satisfaction with specific service attributes may experience; and, neglecting the importance of access and egress legs. Based on the Swedish customer satisfaction barometer (2001-2013), an investigation of the determinants of PT satisfaction and their evolution over time (I) shows that: a) the deterioration of overall satisfaction with PT in Sweden in recent years is driven by a decrease in satisfaction with customer interface and length of trip time; b) these two service aspects as well as operation are found as key determinants of overall satisfaction which users consistently rate among the least satisfactory. The diversity of needs and priorities of SKT travelers was reduced into 5 distinctive multi-modal travelers’ groups (II). These travelers’ groups exhibited geographical disparities and an in between-groups overall similarity in the importance attached to the service attributes. Nevertheless, some noticeable differences could be observed. The service attributes’ importance levels reveal overall changes in appreciations and consumption goals over time. A number of both normative and heuristic satisfaction aggregation rules are tested on METPEX dataset for different types of trip configurations (III). The results show that normative rules can better reproduce overall travel satisfaction than heuristic rules, indicating that all trip legs need to be considered when evaluating the overall travel experience. / Kontinuerlig urban tillväxt, miljöproblem, konkurrens om begränsat utrymme, längre pendlingsavstånd samt behovet av att främja rättvisa och jämlikhet i samhället är de främsta anledningarna till förbättringar av kollektivtrafikens (KT) tjänster och attraktionskraft för att få fler resenärer att byta från bil till KT och därmed en viktig politisk fråga i många länder över hela världen. Den befintliga kopplingen mellan KT-resenärens tillfredsställelse, antalet passagerare och lojalitet visar betydelsen av att förbättra resans övergripande tillfredsställelse. De tre artiklar som ingår i denna licentiatavhandling presenterar en rad tillvägagångssätt och metoder som syftar till att öka den totala tillfredsställelsen med KT i ”från dörr till dörr”-resor samt täcker viktiga frågor som tidigare forskning har misslyckats med att ta itu med. Dessa kunskapsluckor inkluderar de olika behov och prioriteringar som olika typer av resenärer har, utveckling över tid och över geografiska områden som total tillfredsställelse och tillfredsställelse med specifika serviceattribut kan påverkas av samt försummelsen av resans av- och påstigningsdelar. Baserat på den svenska kundtillfredsställelsebarometern Svensk Kollektivtrafikbarometer (SKT) visar en undersökning av bestämningsfaktorerna för KT- tillfredsställelse och deras utveckling över tiden för KT-användare under åren 2001-2013 att (Artikel I): a) det skett en försämring av den sammanlagda tillfredsställelsen med KT i Sverige under de senaste åren som drivits av en minskning av tillfredsställelsen med kundgränssnittet och resans tid; b) att dessa två serviceaspekter samt drift är helt avgörande för övergripande tillfredsställelse och som resenärer konsekvent graderar bland de minst tillfredsställande. Mångfalden av behov och prioriteringar för SKT-resenärer reducerades till 5 distinkta multimodala resenärsgrupper (Artikel II). Dessa resenärsgrupper uppvisade geografiska skillnader och en i mellan-grupper övergripande likhet i vikt som fästs vid serviceattribut. Likväl kan några märkbara skillnader observeras. Serviceattributens betydelse avslöjar övergripande förändringar i uppskattnings- och konsumtionsmål över tid. De mer frekventa KT-användarsegmenten är mer nöjda över hela spektret och kännetecknas av en mer balanserad fördelning av attributens betydelse, medan en av grupperna – bilpendlare på landsbygden - är markant missnöjda med service- och driftattribut. Ett antal både normativa och heuristiska regler för aggregerad tillfredsställelse testas på METPEX-data (A Measurement Tool to determine the quality of the Passenger EXperience) för olika typer av resekonfigurationer (Artikel III). Detta görs för att förstå hur resenärer kombinerar delresors tillfredsställelse i en övergripande utvärdering av hela resan och för att undersöka den relativa betydelsen av tillfredsställelse med påstignings-, huvud- och avstigningsdel för hela reseupplevelsen i ”från dörr till dörr”-resor. Resultaten visar att normativa regler bättre kan återge övergripande resetillfredsställelse än heuristiska regler, vilket tyder på att alla resans delar måste beaktas när man utvärderar den samlade reseupplevelsen. I synnerhet ger viktning av tillfredsställelse med individuella delresor och de upplevda delresornas restider den bästa predikatorn för övergripande resetillfredsställelse, särskilt vid tillämpning av en väntetidsvikt på 3 eller 4 gånger i fordons- eller gångtid. Denna uppsättning artiklar skulle kunna hjälpa myndigheter att bättre utvärdera och tillgodose resenärernas behov genom att stödja tilldelning av resurser och prioriterandet av åtgärder i den mest effektfulla delen i en ”från dörr till dörr”-resa. / El rápido crecimiento urbano, problemas medioambientales, la competencia por el uso de espacios cada vez más limitados, el aumento de la distancia en los viajes pendulares así como la necesidad de fomentar una sociedad más equitativa e igualitaria, son algunas de las principales razones que hacen de la mejora de los servicios de transporte público (TP) y del trasvase de usuarios del transporte privado motorizado al TP una política clave en muchos países del mundo. La relación existente entre la mejora de la satisfacción del usuario de TP con el incremento de usuarios y de su fidelidad, prueban la importancia de mejorar la satisfacción global del usuario con el viaje. Los tres artículos incluidos en esta tesis de mitad de doctorado, en Suecia Licentiate thesis, presentan un variedad de enfoques y métodos que tienen como objetivo incrementar la satisfacción global con los viajes de puerta a puerta (desde el origen hasta el destino final) en los que el transporte público está involucrado, a la par de cubrir cuestiones importantes que no han abordado estudios previos. Estas lagunas de conocimientos incluyen: ignorar las distintas prioridades y necesidades de distintos tipos de viajeros; pasar por alto que tanto la satisfacción global con el viaje como la satisfacción con los atributos específicos del servicio pueden experimentar cambios a lo largo del tiempo y entre diversas zonas geográficas; y, el obviar la importancia que otras etapas del viaje (acceso y egreso), diferentes a la principal, pueden ejercer sobre la valoración global del viaje. Basado en el barómetro sueco de satisfacción del usuario de transporte público (SKT), se estudian los determinantes de la satisfacción con el TP y su evolución temporal, para usuarios de TP y para el período 2001-2013 (Artículo I). El artículo muestra que: a) el deterioro de la satisfacción global con el TP sueco experimentado en los últimos años se debe a la disminución de la satisfacción con el modo en el que la agencia de TP gestiona las quejas y el trato con los usuarios (customer interface), y de la duración del viaje (length of trip time); b) frequencia y la fiabilidad del servicio (operation) se suman a los dos ya mencionados atributos del servicio como factores determinantes de la satisfacción global con el TP. Son precisamente estos tres atributos los que consistentemente reciben unas valoraciones situadas entre las menos satisfactorias. Basándose en las características de tipo socio-económico, en las del viaje y en coeficientes de accesibilidad, se obtienen cinco grupos de viajeros multimodales relativamente homogéneos, los cuales ayudan a simplificar la complejidad existente, en términos de necesidades y prioridades, de todos los viajeros suecos - SKT (Artículo II). Los cinco grupos de viajeros exhiben disparidades geográficas y, en general, una semejanza entre grupos en la importancia atribuida a los atributos del servicio. Sin embargo, existen algunas diferencias notorias. A lo largo del tiempo, los niveles de importancia de los atributos del servicio revelan cambios generales en las apreciaciones y objetivos de consumo. Los grupos de viajeros que viajan más frecuentemente con transporte público están, de forma generalizada, más satisfechos con el viaje y muestran una distribución más equilibrada de la importancia dada a los atributos del servicio. Se hace destacable la marcada insatisfacción que uno de los grupos – los automovilistas rurales pendulares (rural motorist commuters)- muestran con los atributos relacionados con la operación (fiabilidad y frequencia). Una serie de reglas de agregación de la satisfacción del viajero, tanto normativas como heurísticas, son examinadas en el conjunto de datos de METPEX (Una herramienta de medición para determinar la calidad de la experiencia del viajero) para distintos tipos de configuraciones de viaje (Artículo III). El objetivo de este artículo es; entender como los viajeros combinan la satisfacción con cada una de las etapas del viaje en su valoración global del viaje, e investigar la importancia relativa que cada una de las tres etapas del viaje (acceso, principal y egreso) tienen sobre la experiencia de un viaje completo de puerta a puerta. Los resultados muestran que, en comparación con las reglas heurísticas, las reglas normativas pueden reproducir de una mejor manera la satisfacción global con el viaje; indicando que todas las etapas del viaje necesitan ser consideradas cuando se evalúa la experiencia global del viaje. En particular la ponderación de la satisfacción con cada una de los segmentos del viaje[1] con la duración percibida para cada una de los segmentos del viaje produce el mejor indicador de la satisfacción global del viaje, especialmente cuando se aplica una penalización por cada minuto de espera equivalente a 3 o 4 veces el tiempo en movimiento y/o caminando. Éste conjunto de artículos pretende ayudar a las operadores y autoridades pertinentes a evaluar y proveer de la mejor manera posible las necesidades de los viajeros mediante la priorización de medidas y asignación de recursos a la parte más relevante del viaje multimodal puerta a puerta. [1] Un segmento del viaje (trip leg) es la parte más pequeña en la que se descompone un viaje de puerta a puerta. Una etapa del viaje puede estar compuesta de uno o más segmentos del viaje. / <p>QC 20170202</p>
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