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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Der Verlauf und das Verzweigungsmuster ausgewählter Brust- und Lendennerven bei der Katze der Rasse Europäisch Kurzhaar (EKH)

Röhrmann, Nicole 17 November 2017 (has links)
Einleitung In deutschen Haushalten zählen Katzen, neben Hunden, zu den häufigsten Haustieren. Die Europäisch Kurzhaar gehört dabei zu den beliebtesten Rassen. Auch bei Katzen als Patienten werden ergänzend zu klassischen Therapiemethoden in der Veterinärmedizin zunehmend komplementäre Verfahren angewendet. Da viele Methoden und Therapien der Komplementären Medizin auf segmentale Zusammenhänge zurückzuführen sind, ist unter anderem die genaue Kenntnis der Hautinnervation von Bedeutung für komplementär arbeitende Veterinäre. Jedoch existieren bisher nur wenige Untersuchungen über die detaillierte Verzweigung der Spinalnerven bei Kleintieren, insbesondere bei Katzen. Ziele der Untersuchungen Das Ziel dieser Dissertation war eine präzise, detaillierte Präparation und Beschreibung des Innervationsmusters der Spinalnerven bei Katzen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Rami dorsales mit ihren Hautästen und ihrer kaudalen Verschiebung in der Regio thoracolumbalis. Tiere, Material und Methoden Dafür wurde an 15 Katzen der Rasse Europäisch Kurzhaar eine mesoskopische Präparation durchgeführt. Die Katzen wurden mit 4%-igen Formalin über die A. femoralis in Brust-Bauchlage fixiert und anschließend die Spinalnerven im Bereich des Thorakalnerven (Th) 9 bis zum Lumbalnerven (L) 7 in 4 Schichten präpariert: 1) im Bereich der Nerveneintritte in die Haut (Haut), 2) auf Höhe der Fascia thoracolumbalis (Faszie), 3) auf dem Niveau der langen Rückenmuskulatur (Muskulatur) und 4) im Bereich der Foramina (Forr.) intervertebralia (Forr. intervertebralia). Für jeden einzelnen Ramus dorsalis zwischen Th9 und L7 wurde für jede Katze die symmetrische Verteilung und der Verlauf durch die Ebenen dargestellt. Daraus ergaben sich die Kaudalverschiebungsindizes (KVI) der Rami dorsales für die jeweilige Katze (KVIj) und für jeden einzelnen Ramus dorsalis bei allen Katzen (KVIi). Weiterhin wurde eine paramediane Verschiebung zwischen den Rami dorsales einer Körperseite in einer Ebene und den Ebenen 2 (Faszie) und 3 (Muskulatur) jedes Ramus dorsalis bestimmt. Zur Überprüfung eines linearen Zusammenhangs zwischen der Länge der Lendenwirbelsäule und der KVI der einzelnen Katzen wurden der Korrelationskoeffizient r und das Bestimmtheitsmaß R² ermittelt. Ergebnisse Die Rami dorsales waren fast vollzählig und nahezu symmetrisch bei allen Katzen ausgebildet. Der Seitenvergleich zeigte vor allem Unterschiede für die kaudalen Rami dorsales ab L4. Die Anzahl der Hautnerven lag zwischen 8 und 11 pro Körperseite. Der Ramus dorsalis L6 konnte bei keiner der untersuchten Katzen nachgewiesen werden. Die Durchtrittshöhen der einzelnen Rami dorsales variierten zwischen den Ebenen und in einer Ebene auf einer Körperseite sowie im Seitenvergleich. Der KVIj ergab ein Verhältnis von 3:2:1 von der Haut bis zur Muskulatur für beide Körperseiten. Es zeigte sich, dass auch für die einzelnen Rami dorsales dieses Verhältnis für ihren Verlauf durch die Ebenen zutraf. Bei der morphometrischen Analyse der Korrelation zwischen der Länge der Lendenwirbelsäule und den KVIj ergaben sich für die KVIj-H (links: r = -0,0782, rechts: r = -0,0188) beider Körperseiten und die KVIj-M (r = -0,1134) der rechten Seite ein sehr geringer negativer Zusammenhang. Der KVIj-M (r = 0,0823) der linken Seite sowie die KVIj-F (links: r = 0,4903, rechts: r = 0,3521) beider Körperseiten wiesen eine geringe positive Korrelation auf. Durch die computertomografischen Aufnahmen konnte ein Vergleich zwischen der Längenmessung der LWS am Präparat und den Schnittbildrekonstruktionen am Computer durchgeführt werden. Die Bestimmung der Standardkorrelation (Pearson Korrelation) ergab einen signifikanten Zusammenhang beider Messmethoden (r = 0.875691, p = 8,74 x 10^-5). Schlussfolgerungen In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden erstmals Spinalnerven mit ihrem individuellen Verlauf und ihrer symmetrischen Verteilung bei der Katze untersucht. Die resultierenden Erkenntnisse etablieren die anatomische Basis für verschiedene therapeutische Verfahren, für die Kenntnisse über den Verlauf der Nerven eine hohe Relevanz besitzen. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen eine symmetrische Ausprägung der Rami dorsales Th9 bis L3 für die untersuchten Katzen. Diese regelmäßige Ausprägung der Spinalerven bis L3 unterscheidet sich sichtlich von der des Hundes. Für die ab L3 kaudal folgenden Rami dorsales bestand eine größere interindividuelle Variation und Unregelmäßigkeit. Jedoch wurde eine Korrelation zwischen den KVIj und der Länge der Lendenwirbelsäule nicht bestätigt. Zudem konnte bei keiner Katze ein Ramus dorsalis L6 nachgewiesen werden. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen bereits merkliche Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Katzen ab dem Spinalnerven L4 und Katzen zu anderen Tierarten wie dem Hund. Damit wird deutlich, dass eine Übertragbarkeit der Nervenverläufe und Innervationsgebiete zwischen den Tierarten oder von der Katze auf den Menschen aufgrund der speziesspezifischen neuroanatomischen Unterschiede nicht möglich ist und die tierartlichen Besonderheiten berücksichtigt werden sollten.

Padrão de atividade temporal de pequenos mamíferos não voadores em floresta ombrófila mista nonordeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Dal Berto, Ana Carolina January 2012 (has links)
O horário de atividade é um importante aspecto da vida de um animal, refletindo sua fisiologia, interações com o ambiente e com outros animais. Dentre os sinais exógenos que ajudam a determinar o início e fim de um dia para um animal estão a luz, temperatura, precipitação e disponibilidade de alimento. Em nosso estudo buscamos determinar o horário de atividade de duas espécies de roedores cricetídeos, Akodon montensis e Delomys dorsalis, verificando como este é influenciado por variáveis ambientais (temperatura e umidade) e pela disponibilidade da semente da araucária (pinhão). Para isso, utilizamos 21 armadilhas acopladas com relógios para determinar o horário de captura dos animais em oito grades de floresta com araucária nativa. As armadilhas permaneceram funcionando por cinco noites consecutivas em excursões bimestrais no período de março de 2010 a fevereiro de 2011. Para determinar a influência do pinhão no horário de atividade comparamos a época dentro e fora de sua produção. Também removemos o pinhão, experimentalmente, de quatro das grades para determinar como a ausência desse recurso sazonal afeta o comportamento dos animais (grades remoção). Encontramos um padrão de atividade bimodal para A. montensis e unimodal para D. dorsalis, sendo as duas espécies predominantemente noturnas e apresentando padrões de atividade noturnos distintos. Em A. montensis, verificamos diferenciações no horário de atividade entre o inverno e o verão, com a atividade nos meses mais frios apresentando um pico no início na noite e, nos meses mais quentes, apresentando um pico no fim da noite. A. montensis também apresentou horários médios de atividade diferentes entre as grades controle (21h35min) e remoção (23h51min). Em D. dorsalis verificamos uma relação positiva entre o horário de atividade e a temperatura ambiente. O efeito da remoção do pinhão sobre a atividade de A. montensis reforça a importância dessa espécie para a fauna de pequenos mamíferos. / An important aspect of an animal’s life is its activity pattern, which reflects its physiology, interactions with the environment and with other animals. Among the exogenous signs that help determine the beginning and end of a day to an animal are light, temperature, precipitation and food availability. In our study we aimed to determine the daily activity patterns of two species of cricetid rodents, Akodon montensis and Delomys dorsalis, analyzing how these are influenced by the availability of an important seasonal resource, the seed of the araucaria tree (Araucaria angustifolia), and by environmental variables (temperature and humidity). To do so, we used 21 live-traps equipped with clocks that determined the time an individual was captured in eight grids placed in native araucaria forest. The traps were set on the grids for five consecutive nights during six excursions, which took place between March 2010 and February 2011. To determine the influence of the araucaria seed on the daily activity of the two species, we compared the times of capture registered during the production season of the seed and outside of the production period. We also experimentally removed the araucaria seeds from four of the grids, to determine how the absence of this seasonal resource affects the behavior of the studied species (removal grids). We found a bimodal daily activity pattern for A. montensis and a unimodal pattern for D. dorsalis, and both species were considered predominantly nocturnal and presented distinct nocturnal activity patterns. A. montensis showed a differentiation in its daily activity pattern between winter and summer, presenting a peak of activity in the beginning of the night in the colder months and at the end of night during the warmer months. A. montensis also presented different average activity hours between the control grids (9:35 p.m.) and removal grids (11:51 p.m.). We found a positive relationship between the daily activity time of D. dorsalis and ambient temperature. The effect of the removal of the araucaria seed on the daily activity of A. montensis reinforces the importance of this tree species to the small mammal fauna.

Padrão de atividade temporal de pequenos mamíferos não voadores em floresta ombrófila mista nonordeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Dal Berto, Ana Carolina January 2012 (has links)
O horário de atividade é um importante aspecto da vida de um animal, refletindo sua fisiologia, interações com o ambiente e com outros animais. Dentre os sinais exógenos que ajudam a determinar o início e fim de um dia para um animal estão a luz, temperatura, precipitação e disponibilidade de alimento. Em nosso estudo buscamos determinar o horário de atividade de duas espécies de roedores cricetídeos, Akodon montensis e Delomys dorsalis, verificando como este é influenciado por variáveis ambientais (temperatura e umidade) e pela disponibilidade da semente da araucária (pinhão). Para isso, utilizamos 21 armadilhas acopladas com relógios para determinar o horário de captura dos animais em oito grades de floresta com araucária nativa. As armadilhas permaneceram funcionando por cinco noites consecutivas em excursões bimestrais no período de março de 2010 a fevereiro de 2011. Para determinar a influência do pinhão no horário de atividade comparamos a época dentro e fora de sua produção. Também removemos o pinhão, experimentalmente, de quatro das grades para determinar como a ausência desse recurso sazonal afeta o comportamento dos animais (grades remoção). Encontramos um padrão de atividade bimodal para A. montensis e unimodal para D. dorsalis, sendo as duas espécies predominantemente noturnas e apresentando padrões de atividade noturnos distintos. Em A. montensis, verificamos diferenciações no horário de atividade entre o inverno e o verão, com a atividade nos meses mais frios apresentando um pico no início na noite e, nos meses mais quentes, apresentando um pico no fim da noite. A. montensis também apresentou horários médios de atividade diferentes entre as grades controle (21h35min) e remoção (23h51min). Em D. dorsalis verificamos uma relação positiva entre o horário de atividade e a temperatura ambiente. O efeito da remoção do pinhão sobre a atividade de A. montensis reforça a importância dessa espécie para a fauna de pequenos mamíferos. / An important aspect of an animal’s life is its activity pattern, which reflects its physiology, interactions with the environment and with other animals. Among the exogenous signs that help determine the beginning and end of a day to an animal are light, temperature, precipitation and food availability. In our study we aimed to determine the daily activity patterns of two species of cricetid rodents, Akodon montensis and Delomys dorsalis, analyzing how these are influenced by the availability of an important seasonal resource, the seed of the araucaria tree (Araucaria angustifolia), and by environmental variables (temperature and humidity). To do so, we used 21 live-traps equipped with clocks that determined the time an individual was captured in eight grids placed in native araucaria forest. The traps were set on the grids for five consecutive nights during six excursions, which took place between March 2010 and February 2011. To determine the influence of the araucaria seed on the daily activity of the two species, we compared the times of capture registered during the production season of the seed and outside of the production period. We also experimentally removed the araucaria seeds from four of the grids, to determine how the absence of this seasonal resource affects the behavior of the studied species (removal grids). We found a bimodal daily activity pattern for A. montensis and a unimodal pattern for D. dorsalis, and both species were considered predominantly nocturnal and presented distinct nocturnal activity patterns. A. montensis showed a differentiation in its daily activity pattern between winter and summer, presenting a peak of activity in the beginning of the night in the colder months and at the end of night during the warmer months. A. montensis also presented different average activity hours between the control grids (9:35 p.m.) and removal grids (11:51 p.m.). We found a positive relationship between the daily activity time of D. dorsalis and ambient temperature. The effect of the removal of the araucaria seed on the daily activity of A. montensis reinforces the importance of this tree species to the small mammal fauna.

Padrão de atividade temporal de pequenos mamíferos não voadores em floresta ombrófila mista nonordeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Dal Berto, Ana Carolina January 2012 (has links)
O horário de atividade é um importante aspecto da vida de um animal, refletindo sua fisiologia, interações com o ambiente e com outros animais. Dentre os sinais exógenos que ajudam a determinar o início e fim de um dia para um animal estão a luz, temperatura, precipitação e disponibilidade de alimento. Em nosso estudo buscamos determinar o horário de atividade de duas espécies de roedores cricetídeos, Akodon montensis e Delomys dorsalis, verificando como este é influenciado por variáveis ambientais (temperatura e umidade) e pela disponibilidade da semente da araucária (pinhão). Para isso, utilizamos 21 armadilhas acopladas com relógios para determinar o horário de captura dos animais em oito grades de floresta com araucária nativa. As armadilhas permaneceram funcionando por cinco noites consecutivas em excursões bimestrais no período de março de 2010 a fevereiro de 2011. Para determinar a influência do pinhão no horário de atividade comparamos a época dentro e fora de sua produção. Também removemos o pinhão, experimentalmente, de quatro das grades para determinar como a ausência desse recurso sazonal afeta o comportamento dos animais (grades remoção). Encontramos um padrão de atividade bimodal para A. montensis e unimodal para D. dorsalis, sendo as duas espécies predominantemente noturnas e apresentando padrões de atividade noturnos distintos. Em A. montensis, verificamos diferenciações no horário de atividade entre o inverno e o verão, com a atividade nos meses mais frios apresentando um pico no início na noite e, nos meses mais quentes, apresentando um pico no fim da noite. A. montensis também apresentou horários médios de atividade diferentes entre as grades controle (21h35min) e remoção (23h51min). Em D. dorsalis verificamos uma relação positiva entre o horário de atividade e a temperatura ambiente. O efeito da remoção do pinhão sobre a atividade de A. montensis reforça a importância dessa espécie para a fauna de pequenos mamíferos. / An important aspect of an animal’s life is its activity pattern, which reflects its physiology, interactions with the environment and with other animals. Among the exogenous signs that help determine the beginning and end of a day to an animal are light, temperature, precipitation and food availability. In our study we aimed to determine the daily activity patterns of two species of cricetid rodents, Akodon montensis and Delomys dorsalis, analyzing how these are influenced by the availability of an important seasonal resource, the seed of the araucaria tree (Araucaria angustifolia), and by environmental variables (temperature and humidity). To do so, we used 21 live-traps equipped with clocks that determined the time an individual was captured in eight grids placed in native araucaria forest. The traps were set on the grids for five consecutive nights during six excursions, which took place between March 2010 and February 2011. To determine the influence of the araucaria seed on the daily activity of the two species, we compared the times of capture registered during the production season of the seed and outside of the production period. We also experimentally removed the araucaria seeds from four of the grids, to determine how the absence of this seasonal resource affects the behavior of the studied species (removal grids). We found a bimodal daily activity pattern for A. montensis and a unimodal pattern for D. dorsalis, and both species were considered predominantly nocturnal and presented distinct nocturnal activity patterns. A. montensis showed a differentiation in its daily activity pattern between winter and summer, presenting a peak of activity in the beginning of the night in the colder months and at the end of night during the warmer months. A. montensis also presented different average activity hours between the control grids (9:35 p.m.) and removal grids (11:51 p.m.). We found a positive relationship between the daily activity time of D. dorsalis and ambient temperature. The effect of the removal of the araucaria seed on the daily activity of A. montensis reinforces the importance of this tree species to the small mammal fauna.

Etablierung eines isoliert druckkonstant perfundierten Ex-vivo-Modells des equinen Larynx

Otto, Sven 14 May 2018 (has links)
Der Einsatz von Ex-vivo-Modellen ermöglicht die experimentelle Untersuchung isolierter Organe, die vom Gesamtorganismus unbeeinflusst sind. Für viele Spezies und Organe sind solche Modelle bereits beschrieben. Wird das Organ dabei perfundiert, stehen flusskonstante und druckkonstante Perfusion zur Auswahl. Für den Larynx des Pferdes existiert in der Literatur bisher nur ein einziges flusskonstant perfundiertes Modell. Im Bereich der Pferdemedizin können solche Modelle helfen, neue Behandlungsoptionen der sogenannten recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN) zu entwickeln, bei der es zu einer Atrophie des Musculus cricoarytaenoideus dorsalis (CAD) kommt. Die Studie hatte zum Ziel, ein druckkonstant perfundiertes Ex-vivo-Modell des equinen Larynx zu etablieren, in dessen Fokus insbesondere die Funktionalität des CAD stand. Hierzu wurden in zwei Vorversuchsphasen verschiedene Parameter auf ihre Eignung als Marker für die Vitalität des entnommenen Kehlkopfes getestet. Die ermittelten Parameter wurden dann in den Hauptversuchen verwendet, um die Vitalität des perfundierten Kehlkopfes zu Beginn und am Ende der Perfusion zu untersuchen. Für die Untersuchungen wurden Kehlköpfe von 16 Pferden verwendet. Diese wurden im direkten Anschluss an die Euthanasie frisch entnommen und im Labor an einen Perfusionskreislauf angeschlossen. Hierzu wurde eine modifizierte Tyrode-Lösung beidseits über die Arteria thyroidea cranialis perfundiert. Die Lösung wurde über den gesamten Versuchszeitraum mit Carbogen begast und somit ein pH-Wert von 7,35 bis 7,45 gehalten. Es wurde ein konstanter Perfusionsdruck von 9,81 kPA eingestellt. Im Anschluss an die Adaptationsphase wurden die Vitalitätsparameter zur Überprüfung der Unversehrtheit und Funktionalität der arteriellen Gefäßversorgung und des CAD getestet. Neben der myogenen Autoregulation wurde die Reaktion der Gefäße auf die Zugabe von Noradrenalin (NA), Nitroprussid (NO) und Papaverin (Papa) als Vasokonstriktor (NA) und Vasodilatatoren (NO, Papa) ermittelt. Des Weiteren wurde die Kontraktilität und Funktionalität des CAD durch Messung des intramuskulären Druckes nach elektrischer Stimulation überprüft. Zusätzlich wurden aus dem Perfusat Proben zur Messung von Laktat und der Aktivität der Laktat-Dehydrogenase (LDH) zu drei Zeitpunkten entnommen. Für die statistische Auswertung wurden eine einfache ANOVA mit wiederholten Messungen sowie der Holm-Sidak-Test als Post-hoc-Test im Falle signifikanter Unterschiede verwendet. Dabei wurde eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von p < 0,05 als statistisch signifikant angenommen. Im Hauptversuch konnten an n = 5 Kehlköpfen Perfusionen über einen Zeitraum von 352 ± 18,59 Minuten durchgeführt werden. Die myogene Autoregulation zu Beginn der Perfusion war bei drei Kehlköpfen und zum Ende der Perfusion bei vier Kehlköpfen sichtbar. Auf die Zugabe von NA reagierten am Beginn der Perfusion vier Kehlköpfe und am Ende der Perfusion alle fünf Kehlköpfe mit einer Vasokonstriktion. NO erzeugte am Versuchsbeginn bei vier Kehlköpfen eine Vasodilatation. Die Zugabe von NO und Papa führte am Versuchsende in allen Fällen zu einer Vasodilatation. Die Kontraktilität des CAD nach elektrischer Stimulation konnte in allen Fällen am Versuchsbeginn und Versuchsende gemessen werden. Bei Überprüfung der Funktionalität des CAD zeigten sich insgesamt heterogene Messergebnisse. Im Verlauf der Perfusion stiegen sowohl die Konzentration des Laktats als auch die Aktivität der LDH statistisch signifikant an, lagen aber beide im Bereich der für das Pferd in der Literatur beschriebenen Normwerte. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt erstmalig die Etablierung eines druckkonstant perfundierten Ex-vivo-Modells des equinen Larynx. Über verschiedene Vitalitätstests wurde die Intaktheit und Funktionalität des perfundierten Kehlkopfes überprüft. Die myogene Autoregulation hat sich als sinnvoller aber störanfälliger Test erwiesen. Die Applikation vasoaktiver Substanzen zur Überprüfung der Funktionalität der arteriellen Gefäße hat sich als sehr zuverlässig gezeigt. Der Test auf Kontraktilität des CAD hat sich als Vitalitätsparameter mit geringer Aussagekraft gezeigt. Der Test auf Funktionalität des CAD hingegen hatte eine höhere Aussagekraft über die Vitalität des entnommenen Kehlkopfes, zeigte aber auch interindividuelle Schwankungen. Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit beschriebene Ex-vivo-Modell stellt eine solide Grundlage für weitere Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiet der Kehlkopflähmung dar.

An Invasive Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Tephritidae), on Mango in Senegal: Impact on Mango Crop Production and Value, Marketing Practices, and Management

Balayara, Assa 12 July 2016 (has links)
The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, is an economic tephritid that invaded Senegal in 2004 (Vayssieres et al. 2011). This work determined 1) Impact of B. dorsalis on mango crop production and value, and marketing practices, 2) Effect of neem and kaolin on its behavior and development (laboratory and field), and 3) Effect of treated soil with neem seed cake (NSC) and neem seed powder (NSP) on the larval-pupal survival and development (laboratory and field). Results revealed crop value (price/kg) was associated with infestation levels. P<0.0001, crop value decreased in highly infested orchards. Southern Orchards were heavily infested than northern orchards. Early harvest, orchard sanitation, decreasing the purchase quantity, sorting infested mangoes and lowering prices were strategies used by growers and traders. Laboratory bioassays showed females landed and spent time on fruit identically on control and neem. On kaolin there were fewer landings and less time spent. P<0.0001, mean pupae was higher in control than in treated mangoes. In the field, percent of infested mangoes was higher in neem than in control and kaolin. However, the number of emerged flies was higher in the control than in either the neem or kaolin-treated fruit. Treated soil with NSC and with NSP did not have effect on pupation; all larvae pupated in the lab. However, treated soil decreased significantly the number of emerged flies. In the field, there were no significant differences between untreated and treated soil in number of emerged flies. / Master of Science in Life Sciences

Utilização de peixes nativos da Amazônia como biomarcadores na avaliação da qualidade da água de uma área industrial no rio Pará - PA - Brasil

MONTES, Caroline da Silva January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2013-02-26T20:17:05Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_UtilizacaoPeixesNativos.pdf: 922451 bytes, checksum: 893a8bf5891eabcf3fd02b05fb69f416 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva(arosa@ufpa.br) on 2013-03-01T17:01:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_UtilizacaoPeixesNativos.pdf: 922451 bytes, checksum: 893a8bf5891eabcf3fd02b05fb69f416 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-03-01T17:01:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_UtilizacaoPeixesNativos.pdf: 922451 bytes, checksum: 893a8bf5891eabcf3fd02b05fb69f416 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / FAPESPA - Fundação Amazônia de Amparo a Estudos e Pesquisas / Indiscriminate dumping of toxic substances impairs and deteriorates the water quality. Fish gills have a large surface area; they remain in close contact with the external environment and are particularly sensitive to changes in water quality, for this reason they are quite relevant for environmental monitoring. This study analyzes the gill structure of the fish species Plagioscion squamossissimus and Lithodoras dorsalis from two different sites located an Amazon estuary. A total of 324 specimens were used, this total 176 were P. squamossissimus and 148 L. dorsalis, removing the second gill arch for histological, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical analyses. The histological changes were analysed semiquantitatively according to the histopathological evaluation. The sampled sites differ regarding the rate of occurrence of altered animals, only site A showed healthy animals, 84% of L. dorsalis and 77% of P. squamossissimus had normal gill structure, with the lamellae lined by simple squamous epithelial, composed of pillar, mucous and chloride cells. However, all the specimens collected in sites B revealed tissue changes in the gill lamellae such as: aneurysm; epithelial lifting; cell proliferation; lamellar fusion and cell hypertrophy, this result was also confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. TUNEL analysis indicated that only animals captured on site B showed apoptotic cells. The presence of injury in gill tissues in the animals captured on site B emphasizes the need for more effective pollution control measures with regards to discarding pollutant loads as well as the need for urban planning in this region.

Substance P, récepteurs NK1 et neurones à sérotonine : relations anatomiques et fonctionnelles dans le noyau raphe dorsalis

Baptiste, Lacoste 06 1900 (has links)
Nous avons étudié les relations anatomiques entre les systèmes de neurotransmission à substance P (SP) et à sérotonine (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) dans le noyau du raphé dorsal (NRD) du rongeur, afin de mieux comprendre les interactions entre ces systèmes durant la régulation de l’humeur. Le NRD reçoit une innervation SP provenant de l’habenula, et le blocage pharmacologique des récepteurs neurokinine-1 (rNK1) de la SP aurait des effets antidépresseurs. Chez le rongeur, le traitement par les antagonistes des rNK1 s’accompagne d’une désensibilisation des autorécepteurs 5-HT1A de la 5-HT et d’une hausse de l’activité des neurones 5-HT dans le NRD, suggérant des interactions locales entre ces deux systèmes. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré par doubles marquages immunocytochimiques en microscopies optique, confocale et électronique, la présence du rNK1 dans une sous-population de neurones 5-HT du NRD caudal. Lors de l’analyse en microscopie électronique, nous avons pu constater que les rNK1 étaient principalement cytoplasmiques dans les neurones 5-HT et membranaires sur les neurones non 5-HT du noyau. Grâce à d’autres doubles marquages, nous avons aussi pu identifier les neurones non-5-HT porteurs de rNK1 comme étant GABAergiques. Nous avons ensuite combiné l’immunomarquage de la SP avec celui du rNK1, dans le but d’examiner les relations entre les terminaisons (varicosités *) axonales SP et les neurones 5-HT (pourvus de rNK1 cytoplasmiques du NRD caudal. En simple marquage de la SP, nous avons pu estimer à 41% la fréquence avec laquelle les terminaisons SP font synapse. Dans le matériel doublement marqué pour la SP et son récepteur, les terminaisons SP ont été fréquemment retrouvées en contact direct ou à proximité des dendrites munies de rNK1 cytoplasmiques, mais toujours éloignées des dendrites à rNK1 membranaires. Pour tester l’hypothèse d’une internalisation soutenue des rNK1 par la SP dans les neurones 5-HT, nous avons ensuite examiné la localisation subcellulaire du récepteur chez le rat traité avec un antagoniste du rNK1, le RP67580. La densité du marquage des rNK1 a été mesurée dans le cytoplasme et sur la membrane des deux types de dendrites (5-HT: rNK1 cytoplasmiques; non 5-HT: rNK1 membranaires). Une heure après une injection unique de l’antagoniste, la distribution du rNK1 est apparue inchangée dans les deux types de neurones (5-HT et non 5-HT). Par contre, après un traitement quotidien de 7 ou 21 jours avec l’antagoniste, nous avons mesuré une augmentation significative des densités cytoplasmique et membranaire du rNK1 dans les neurones 5-HT, sans aucun changement dans les neurones non 5-HT. Ces traitements ont aussi augmenté l’expression du gène rNK1 dans le NRD. Enfin, nous avons mesuré une hausse de la densité membranaire du rNK1 dans les neurones 5-HT, sans hausse de densité cytoplasmique, par suite d’une lésion bilatérale de l’habenula. Ces résultats confortent l’hypothèse d’une activation et d’une internalisation soutenues des rNK1 par la SP dans les neurones 5-HT du NRD caudal. Ils suggèrent aussi que le trafic des rNK1 dans les neurones 5-HT du NRD représente un mécanisme cellulaire en contrôle de l’activation du système 5-HT par les afférences SP en provenance de l’habenula. / We have studied in detail the relationships between substance P (SP) and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) neurotransmission systems in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) of rodents, in order to further our understanding of their interaction during mood regulation. The DRN receives a SP innervation arising from the habenula and, in human, it is known that blockade of the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1r) of SP by antagonists may have antidepressant effects. In rodents, treatment with NK1r antagonists is known to increase the firing of DRN 5-HT neurons and to induce a desensitization of their 5-HT1A autoreceptors, suggesting local interactions between the SP and 5-HT systems. In a first step, we were able to demonstrate by means of light, confocal, and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry, including double immunolabelings of NK1r and of the biosynthetic enzyme of 5-HT, tryptophane hydroxylase, the presence of NK1r in a subpopulation of 5-HT neurons in the caudal DRN of rat and mouse. After the dual immunolabelings for electron microscopy, we also found that NK1r was mostly cytoplasmic in 5-HT neurons while predominating on the plasma membrane of TPH negative (non 5-HT) neurons. Subsequently, in additionnal double labeling experiments, we were able to identify most if not all non 5-HT dendrites bearing membranous NK1r as GABAergic. In a second step, we combined the immunolabeling of SP with that of NK1r, in order to examine the relationships between SP axon terminals (varicosities *) and the two categories of DRN neurons (5-HT: cytoplasmic NK1r; non 5-HT: membranous NK1r). After single SP labeling, we could estimate the frequency with which SP terminals made synapse at 41%, at least. In the material doubly labeled for SP and NK1r, the SP terminals were often found in close contact or in the immediate proximity of dendrites endowed with cytoplasmic receptor, but never near non 5-HT dendrites bearing membrane bound receptors. To test the hypothesis of a sustained internalization of NK1r in 5-HT neurons, we then tested the effects of RP67580, a selective NK1r antagonist, on the subcellular localization of the receptor. One hour after administration of a single dose, the NK1r distribution was unchanged in both types of dendrites (5-HT and non 5-HT). However, after administration for 7 (subchronic) or 21 (chronic) days, the cytoplasmic and the membrane densities of NK1r were significantly increased in 5-HT dendrites, without any change in non 5-HT dendrites. These treatments also increased NK1r gene expression in the caudal DRN. Lastly, a significant increase in the membrane density of NK1r was measured in the 5-HT neurons, without any increase of the cytoplamic density, following bilateral electrolytic lesioning of the habenula. These results strenghtened the hypothesis of a sustained activation and internalization of NK1r by SP in 5-HT neurons of the caudal DRN. They also suggested that trafficking of NK1r in these cells might represent a cellular mechanism in control of the activation of the 5-HT system by SP afferents from the habebula.

Aspectos ecológicos do bacu-pedra Lithodoras dorsalis (Valenciennes, 1840) (Siluriformes: Doradidae) na foz amazônica, Brasil

BARBOSA, Thiago Augusto Pedroso January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2013-02-19T22:06:01Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_AspectosEcologicosBacu.pdf: 1630438 bytes, checksum: 828409c2e83734c5fb2bc6d4905fe79f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva(arosa@ufpa.br) on 2013-02-20T16:35:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_AspectosEcologicosBacu.pdf: 1630438 bytes, checksum: 828409c2e83734c5fb2bc6d4905fe79f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-02-20T16:35:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_AspectosEcologicosBacu.pdf: 1630438 bytes, checksum: 828409c2e83734c5fb2bc6d4905fe79f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar aspectos alimentares do bacu-pedra Lithodoras dorsalis (Siluriformes: Doradidae) na região da foz Amazônica e seu possível papel como dispersor de sementes. As coletas dos espécimes de L. dorsalis foram realizadas mensalmente de julho de 2010 a junho de 2011, totalizando 371 espécimes capturados. Por meio da análise das gônadas constatou-se que todos os espécimes coletados encontravam-se imaturos, caracterizando-os como jovens. O comprimento padrão médio foi igual a 15,40cm (DP ± 4,87cm) e a massa total média igual a 94g (DP ± 149,45g). A dieta da espécie foi composta por 28 itens alimentares, dos quais 16 foram de origem alóctone e 12 de origem autóctone, o que define a espécie como herbívora, com forte tendência à frugivoria devido aos altos valores de importância de frutos e sementes presente em sua dieta. Houve diferença entre os períodos pluviométricos com relação a sazonalidade alimentar, sendo o final do período de transição entre chuva estiagem e o início da estiagem os períodos de menor e maior atividade alimentar, respectivamente. Porém, a importância dos itens consumidos entre os períodos pluviométricos não apresentou diferença, sendo que a dieta da espécie foi similar durante todo o período de coleta. Quanto à ictiocoria, dos 371 espécimes de Lithodoras dorsalis coligidos, 268 (74,93%) apresentaram frutos e sementes em seus estômagos (principalmente açaí Euterpe oleracea Mart., aninga Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott e buriti Mauritia flexuosa Mart). Para as análises de germinação foram utilizadas sementes do açaí Euterpe oleracea Mart. e da aninga Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott por atingirem quantidade suficiente de amostras. A partir da análise do trato digestivo do bacu-pedra constatou-se que todas as sementes de Euterpe oleracea Mart. apresentavam-se intactas, havendo um aumento no desempenho germinativo, porém o mesmo não ocorreu para as estruturas germinativas de aninga Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott, algumas das quais apresentaram-se destruídas devido ao processo digestivo. Concluiu-se que Lithodoras dorsalis é um potencial dispersor do açaí Euterpe oleracea Mart. na Foz Amazônica, uma vez que há um aumento do desempenho germinativo das sementes. Foi constatado um acréscimo na quantidade de frutos e sementes consumidos à medida que os indivíduos aumentam o tamanho corporal. Por fim, tendo em vista o alto consumo de material de origem alóctone por Lithodoras dorsalis, destaca-se a importância da vegetação ripária por fornecer itens como frutos essenciais na dieta desta e de outras espécies de peixes neotropicais. Além disso, Lithodoras dorsalis parece fazer parte do mecanismo de algumas espécies de plantas para a colonização de novas áreas (ictiocoria), como no caso do açaí Euterpe oleracea Mart. / The aim of this study was investigate the ecological aspects related to the rock-bacu Lithodoras dorsalis (Siluriformes: Doradidae) from streams next to the city of Abaetetuba, Pará, Brazil. The aspects investigated were: feeding ecology and dispersal of plant diaspores (seeds). The study of feeding ecology and seed dispersal are important because they provide essential information for understanding the relationship between ichthyofauna and environment, allowing the taking of effective measures in the conservation of species and ecosystems. The samplings were carried out monthly from July 2010 to June 2011. In this period, 371 specimens of L. dorsalis were collected and through analysis of the gonads was found that all were immature. The average standard length was equal to 15.40 cm (SD ± 4.87 cm) and average total mass equal to 94 g (SD ± 149.45). The diet of the species was composed by 28 food items (16 allochthonous origin and 12 autochthonous origin) and Lithodoras dorsalis was classified as herbivore with a strong tendency to frugivory due to the high importance of fruits and seeds in your diet. With regard to the intensity of obtaining food by the rock-bacu, there were differences between the pluviometric periods, where the end of the transitional period wet-drought and early drought periods represented the lowest and highest feeding activity, respectively. However, there were no significant difference to the importance of the items consumed between the pluviometric periods, the diet of species was similar throughout the sampling period. About the dispersal of seeds, 268 (74.93%) of 371s pecimens of Lithodoras dorsalis showed fruit and vegetable seeds in their stomachs, the main being the assai Euterpe oleracea Mart., the aninga Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott and the buriti Mauritia flexuosa Mart. For analysis we used the assai seeds Euterpe oleracea Mart. and aninga Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott for reaching enough samples. From the analysis of the digestive tract of the rock-bacu was found that all plant diaspores of Euterpe oleracea Mart. were found intact, with an increase in performance of this plant germination, but this did not occur to aninga Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott, because the digestion process destroyed some seeds. Thus it was concluded that Lithodoras dorsalis is a potential disperser of assai Euterpe oleracea Mart. in the Amazonian mouth, because in addition to increasing the performance of the seeds germination, there is an increase in the amount of fruits and seeds consumed by the individuals with the increasing of their body size. Finally, given the high consumption of material of allochthonous origin for Lithodoras dorsalis, we highlight the importance of riparian vegetation by providing items such as fruit and seeds, essential in the diet of Neotropical fishes and we emphasize the importance of ictiocoria for plants since many have sessile habit of life and cannot move from one location to another without the aid of dispersers.

Toxicological Impact of Agricultural Surfactants on Australian Frogs

Mann, Reinier Matthew January 2000 (has links)
Surfactants are one of the more ubiquitous contaminants in aquatic systems. Their importance as toxic components of pesticide formulations has, however, been largely overlooked. Amphibians particularly, as inhabitants of shallow, temporary and often lentic aquatic environments may be at risk from exposure to these chemicals when they enter aquatic systems. This thesis presents data on the toxicity of surfactants to amphibians. Several experimental exposures were conducted with embryo-larval, tadpole and adult developmental stages of the Australian species- Crinia insignifera, Helcioporus eyrei, Limnodynastes dorsalis and Litoria moorei and the exotic species- Bufo marinus and Xenopus laevis. Animals were variously exposed to glyphosate formulations that contain a high proportion of nonionic surfactants, or commercial pesticide wetting agents (alcohol alkoxylate and nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) surfactants). Feeding stage tadpoles of C.insignifera, H. eyrei, L. dorsalis and L. moorei were exposed to three commercial glyphosate formulations, glyphosate isopropylamine and glyphosate acid in static-renewal acute toxicity tests. The 48-h LC50 values for Roundup Herbicide (MON 2139) tested against tadpoles of C. insignifera, H. eyrei, L. dorsalis and L. moorei ranged between 8.1 and 32.2 mg/L (2.9 and 11.6 mg/L glyphosate acid equivalent (ae)), while the 48-h LC50 values for Roundup Herbicide tested against adult and newly metamorphosed C. insignifera ranged from 137-144 mg/L (49.4-51.8 mg/L ae). / Touchdown Herbicide (4 LC-E) tested against tadpoles of C. insignifera, H. eyrei, L. dorsalis and L. moorei was slightly less toxic than Roundup with 48-h LC50 values ranging between 27.3 and 48.7 mg/L (9.0 and 16.1 mg/L ae). Roundup Biactive (MON 77920) was practically non-toxic to tadpoles of the same four species producing 48-h LC50 values of 911 mg/L (328 mg/L ae) for L. moorei and >1000 mg/L (>360 mg/L ae) for C. insignifera, H. eyrei and L. dorsalis. Glyphosate isopropylamine was practically non-toxic producing no mortality amongst tadpoles of any of the four species over 48 h, at concentrations between 503 and 684 mg/L (343 and 466 mg/L ae). The toxicity of technical grade glyphosate acid (48-h LC50, 81.2-121 mg/L) is likely to be due to acid intolerance. Feeding stage tadpoles of B. marinus, X laevis, C. insignifera, H.eyrei, L. dorsalis and L. moorei were exposed to NPE and alcohol alkoxylate in static renewal acute toxicity tests. All species exhibited non-specific narcosis following exposure to both these surfactants. The 48-h EC50 values for NPE ranged between 1.1 mg/L (mild narcosis) and 12.1 mg/L (full narcosis). The 48-h EC50 values for alcohol alkoxylate ranged between 5.3 mg/L (mild narcosis) and 25.4 mg/L (full narcosis). Xenopus laevis was the most sensitive species tested. The sensitivity of the other five species was size dependent with larger species displaying greater tolerance. Replicate acute toxicity tests with B. marinus exposed to NPE at 30 degrees celsius over 96 hours indicated that the narcotic effects were not particularly time dependant. / The mean 24, 48, 72 and 96-h EC50 (mild narcosis) were 3.6, 3.7, 3.5 and 3.5 mg/L respectively. The mean 24, 48, 72, and 96-h EC50 (full narcosis) values were 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.0 respectively. Acute toxicity tests with B. marinus exposed to NPE at 30 degrees celsius under conditions of low dissolved oxygen (0.8-2.3 mg/L) produced a two to threefold increase in toxicity. The 12-h EC50 values ranged from 1.4 to 2.2 mg/L. The embryotoxicity of NPE was determined in X. laevis, L. adelaidensis and C. insignifera using a Frog Embryo Teratogenesis assay-Xenopus (FETAX). The 96-h LC50, EC50 and MCIG (LOEC) values for X. laevis were 3.9 to 5.4 mg/L, 2.8 to 4.6 mg/L and 1.0 to 3.0 mg/L respectively. The 140-h LC50, ECSO and MCIG values for L. adelaidensis were 9.2 mg/L, 8.8 mg/L and 5.1 to 6.0 ing/L respectively. The 134-h LC50, EC50 and MCIG values for C. insignifera were 6.4 mg/L, 4.5 mg/L and 4.0 mg/L respectively. Teratogenicity indices for the three species ranged between 1.0 and 1.6 indicating either no or low teratogenicity. Xenopus laevis was the more sensitive of the three species and the only species that displayed indisputable terata. The acute toxicity data indicated that the amphibian species tested were of similar sensitivity to fish and some invertebrates. Developmental retardation and oestrogenic effects following exposure to nonylphenol ethoxylate were indicated by sublethal toxicity tests. Crinia insignifera embryos were exposed during early embryogenesis to sublethal concentrations of NPE. / Exposure to NPE did not affect either weight nor size (snout-vent length) at metamorphosis. Exposure to 5.0mg/L NPE resulted in a significant delay in the time required to reach metamorphosis. Also, exposure to 3.0 mg/L NPE for the first 6 days of embryonic development or exposure to 5.0 mg/L NPE from day 2 to day 6 resulted in a statistically significant predominance in the female phenotype amongst metamorphosing froglets. Exposure for the first five days to 1.5 ing/L or 3.0 mg/L NPE had no effect on sex ratio. The results indicated that exposure to NPEs has endocrine disruptive effects in this species and that a narrow window of susceptibility exists for the induction of predominantly female phenotype. This study has also followed the degradation of a mixture of NPE oligomers and the concomitant formation of individual oligomers in static die-away tests with and without illumination in freshwater. Over 33 days in darkness there was a progressive and complete loss of long chain oligomers (NPEO(subscript)8-17), transient increases and subsequent loss of short to medium chain oligomers (NPE0(subscript)4-7), and large persistent increases (approximately 1000%) in short chain oligomers (NPE0(subscript)1-3). In the presence of illumination, biodegradation was retarded and heterotrophic bacterial proliferation was inhibited. After 33 days there was complete loss of long chain oligomers (NPE0(subscript)9-17), incomplete loss of medium chain oligomers (NPE0(subscript)6.8) and increases in short chain oligomers (NPE0(subscript)1-5). / This thesis discusses the importance of persistent metabolites of NPE degradation as it pertains to the habitat, developmental time frame and ecology of amphibians. Degradation of NPE is likely to occur over a time frame that is longer than that required for complete embryogenesis and metamorphosis of many species of amphibians, and may easily encompass those critical stages of development during which oestrogenic metabolites can affect development.

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