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A Study On Celtic/galatian Impacts On The Settlement Pattern In Anatolia Before The Roman EraYorukan, Gunes 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Anatolia has been the cradle of many different cultures throughout history. One of these was the Celts who migrated from Europe to Anatolia in the 3rd century BC and had various impacts on the settlement pattern of the region called Galatia after their arrival. Therefore in Anatolia urbanization history we know them as Galatians.
The main statement of this thesis is that, cultural identity is not a static, inherent quality, but a dynamic and contigent aspect of the existence of people. Therefore cultural identity should be regarded as a pattern continuum. In thisd study, in order to predict the Galatian settlement pattern until thr Roman dominance in the late 1st century BC in Anatolia, European Celtic settlement pattern has been reviewed as well as archaeolgical evidence and the Celtic language. The Hallstatt and the following La Tene periods in European history have been investigated since La Tene period is isochronic with Galatians in Anatolia. From the archaeological evidence in Europe, it is clear that the Celts established defended settlements, mastered the art of iron working and mining, and traded with the classical world.
In previous literature, Anatolia Celts/Galatians have been regarded as nomads who were involved mostly in warfare. However, the location of their forts and village-like settlements along the ancient trade routes implies that they were settled people who were engaged in production and trading activities as well, similar to La Tene in Europe.
Settlement types and their distribution pattern, linguistic and archaeological evidence investigated in this thesis verify that Celtic cultural identity in the history of Europe and Anatolia should be regarded as a pattern continuum.
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The Revolutionary Guards And The Iranian Politics: Causes And Outcomes Of The Shifting Relations Between The Revolutionary Guards And The Political Leadership In Post-revolutionary IranSinkaya, Bayram 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation is aimed at analyzing the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps&rsquo / (IRGC) relationship to politics, which evolved into different forms through the three decades of the revolution. Eventually the IRGC has become one of the most influential organizations with respect to Iranian politics. This situation has raised the following question / why and how has the IRGC become such an influential political actor in post-revolutionary Iranian politics? Considering different forms of the IRGC-politics relationship, this study also questioned the reasons that lay behind the shifts in that relationship.
In order to answer these questions, this dissertation examined the relationship between the Revolutionary Guards and the political leadership in post-revolutionary Iran. It maintained that there are four variables that determined the IRGC-politics relationship, which are ideological position of the political leadership, power of the political leadership, ideological outlook of the Revolutionary Guards and corporateness of the Revolutionary Guards. In order to analyze forms of the IRGC-politics relationship and to explain shifts between these forms, it traced these variables through the post-revolutionary history of Iran, which was divided into four periods (i.e. transition, radical, thermidorian, and neo-radical periods) because of the changing political and revolutionary dynamics. It concluded that because corporateness of the IRGC reached into a high level whereas power of the political leadership was seriously weakened in the last two periods, the IRGC&rsquo / s clout significantly increased in Iranian politics. Congruence or incongruence between ideological values of the political leadership and of the IRGC, and their commitment to pursue those values determined the confrontationist or cooperative nature of the IRGC&rsquo / s relations with the political leadership.
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Performance Evaluation of DS/CDMA Communications Systems Modulated with π/2-shift BPSK over Multipath Rayleigh Fading ChannelsGalib, M.M.Asadullah, Yamazato, Takaya, Katayama, Masaaki, Ogawa, Akira 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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遠近問題とフェージングを考慮した DS/FH-CDMA 方式の特性評価新梶, 康彦, 山里, 敬也, 片山, 正昭, 小川, 明 25 November 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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TIME DEPENDENT HOLOGRAPHYDas, Diptarka 01 January 2014 (has links)
One of the most important results emerging from string theory is the gauge gravity duality (AdS/CFT correspondence) which tells us that certain problems in particular gravitational backgrounds can be exactly mapped to a particular dual gauge theory a quantum theory very similar to the one explaining the interactions between fundamental subatomic particles. The chief merit of the duality is that a difficult problem in one theory can be mapped to a simpler and solvable problem in the other theory. The duality can be used both ways.
Most of the current theoretical framework is suited to study equilibrium systems, or systems where time dependence is at most adiabatic. However in the real world, systems are almost always out of equilibrium. Generically these scenarios are described by quenches, where a parameter of the theory is made time dependent. In this dissertation I describe some of the work done in the context of studying quantum quench using the AdS/CFT correspondence. We recover certain universal scaling type of behavior as the quenching is done through a quantum critical point. Another question that has been explored in the dissertation is time dependence of the gravity theory. Present cosmological observations indicate that our universe is accelerating and is described by a spacetime called de-Sitter(dS). In 2011 there had been a speculation over a possible duality between de-Sitter gravity and a particular field theory (Euclidean SP(N) CFT). However a concrete realization of this proposition was still lacking. Here we explicitly derive the dS/CFT duality using well known methods in field theory. We discovered that the time dimension emerges naturally in the derivation. We also describe further applications and extensions of dS/CFT.
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Equal employment opportunities for Japanese women : changing company practiceLam, Alice January 1990 (has links)
The central aim of this thesis is to examine the extent to which the growing pressures for equal opportunity between the sexes has forced Japanese companies to adapt and modify their employment and personnel management practices in recent years. It analyses the major social and economic factors prompting Japanese companies to adopt more open employment policies towards women since the mid-1970s and the change programmes introduced by management. The thesis especially looks at how companies have reacted to the 1985 Equal Employment Opportunity Law and in the light of this considers how far the present legislation will bring about fundamental changes in the Japanese employment system towards more egalitarian treatment of women workers. A detailed case study was conducted at Seibu Department Stores Ltd., both before and after the introduction of the EEO Law, as a critical test of the possibility of introducing equal opportunities for women in a large Japanese company. Seibu was chosen because it is a big employer of women and is a company operating in an industry which has strong economic and- commercial incentives to offer women better career opportunities. All the more important, Seibu is regarded as a 'leading edge' company in personnel management reforms. The study reveals that despite many economic and social reasons that were in favour of change towards greater sexual equality in Seibu, and especially after the introduction of the EEO Law, change towards more egalitarian treatment of women has been very limited. This study illustrates the depth of the resistance to change in the core employment practices in large Japanese companies. The present EEO Law has little potential for undermining the structural mechanisms which perpetúate sexual job segregation in the employment system. The final part of the thesis speculates on the future prospects of introducing equal opportunities for women in Japanese companies. In the light of the present socio-legal constraints, the author puts forward a number of practical policy suggestions for engendering more pervasive long-term changes towards equal employment for Japanese women.
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Chinese Nation-building And Sun Yat-senErgenc, Ceren 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The intellectual and political roots of present-day China lie in the late imperial era and the transition to modern statehood. As the last chain of the thousands years of dynastic rule in China, the Qing Dynasty ended in 1911 with a revolution. Even though the Republican regime was immediately established after their revolution, it took three decades until thenew government (People&rsquo / s Republic of China) achieved full sovereignty on the territory.
The thesis argues that the 1911 Revolution is a major turning point in Chinese transformation not only because of the regime change but also the ideological shift towards modern statehood. In this study, first, the social forces and actors on the eve of the Revolution are analyzed. The gentry-domination of society and the power relations within the forces involved in the Revolution - especially the intellectuals and the military - appear to be the two major reasons why the transition was not completed with the Revolution. The second focus of the study: the process of breaking with the past. In other words, how was the shift in people&rsquo / s mind achieved? In China, this turning point did not coincide with the 1911 Revolution and/or regime change. It came later in 1910s, reaching its peak in 1919, with the New Culture Movement of the May Fourth intellectuals. There had been some influential intellectuals building a nationalist discourse even before the May Fourth Movement (e.g. Liang Qichao, reformist and ideologue in late Qing dynasty) but the radical and outspoken tone of the New Culture Movement achieved the grounds for a shift in minds. I will briefly analyze the intellectual work of the period and its politicization. A special emphasis is given on Sun Yat-sen&rsquo / s political and intellectual contribution to the transition since he was not only a major political activist but also a theoretician whose works (Three Principles of People) have been influential on China&rsquo / s nation-building process.
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Caracterización de variantes genómicas. Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías al estudio del retraso mental.Madrigal Bajo, Irene 28 March 2008 (has links)
Estudios recientes han permitido estimar que aproximadamente un 5% del genoma consiste en duplicaciones segmentarias (DS), secuencias de entre 1-100 kb con un nivel de similitud de más del 95% (Eichler, 2001). Las regiones flanqueadas por duplicaciones segmentarias son susceptibles de sufrir reordenamientos mediante recombinación homóloga no alélica y se ha hipotetizado que estas regiones representan puntos calientes de inestabilidad genómica propensos a variación en número de copia (CNVs). Esta variación estructural (deleciones, duplicaciones e inversiones) representa una fuerza mutacional infravalorada en la contribución a las enfermedades genéticas, y en particular en los loci susceptibles a retraso mental. La aparición de nuevas tecnologías como los arrays de CGH o el MLPA permiten el análisis de alta resolución para la identificación de alteraciones genéticas y variaciones en número de copia a nivel de todo el genoma. La aplicación de estas tecnologías ha permitido, recientemente, establecer la implicación de microdeleciones y microduplicaciones en diversas enfermedades genéticas, como por ejemplo el retraso mental (RM). Las técnicas convencionales (cariotipo, FISH, CGH o PCR) de las que disponemos actualmente para el estudio de enfermedades genéticas como el retraso mental no son los suficientemente sensibles para la detección de reordenamientos submicroscópicos. Disponiendo de la tecnología y el material adecuado, es posible la caracterización molecular nuevas variantes geonómicas en retraso mental. Debido a la gran cantidad de casos de RM en los que se desconoce su etiología, el objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido la caracterización de variantes genómicas responsables de RM aplicando nuevas tecnologías: aCGH del cromosoma X y MLPA. El MLPA se basa en la detección simultánea del número de copias de una secuencia específica mediante la hibridación genómica del DNA con una mezcla de sondas específicas. La cantidad relativa del producto amplificado se correlaciona con el número de copias de la secuencia diana de esa sonda. Por otro lado, los arrays de CGH permiten detectar reordenamientos cromosómicos desequilibrados de <1 Mb. Con el uso de clones genómicos distribuidos de forma que cubran la totalidad del cromosoma X se puede generar un array específico que permitirá obtener un cariotipo molecular de este cromosoma a nivel de 100kb, lo que permitirá detectar microdeleciones, microduplicaciones e inversiones del cromosoma X. Esta parte del proyecto que incluye tanto el diseño, la construcción y validación del array como la hibridación de las muestras se realiza de forma coordinada con el Centro de Regulación de Barcelona (CRG).Para este estudio se seleccionaron pacientes procedentes de familias con herencia compatible con un RM ligado al cromosoma X. Estas familias procedían del Departamento de Bioquímica y Genética Molecular del Hospital Clínico de Barcelona y del grupo GIRMOGEN (Grupo Investigación Retraso Mental de Origen Genético). A todos ellos se les había realizado previamente un cariotipo, se había descartado la expansión del triplete CGG el gen FMR1, responsable del Síndrome del X frágil y no se habían detectado reordenamientos subteloméricos. Gracias a la aplicación de estas tecnologías hemos identificado y caracterización de nuevas variantes genómicas implicadas en RM (11,5%). La detección de reordenamientos cripticos en pacientes afectos de estas enfermedades nos ha permitido establecer una correlación genotipo/fentipo e identificar nuevos genes y mecanismos implicados en el desarrollo del RM. / "CARACTERIZATION OF GENOMIC VARIANTS. APLICATION OF NEW TECHONOLOGIES TO THE STUDY OF MENTAL RETARDATION" TEXT:Mental Retardation (RM) is a common disorder affecting 1-3% of general population. X-linked MR represents and important group inside MR. Nowadays OMIM lists 359 entries about XLMR although only 44 X-linked genes are known to cause XLMR (syndromic and non-syndromic). On the other hand, subtelomeric rearrangements comprise 5-7% of MR with unknown genetic origin. There are few reports about submicroscopic rearrangements that affect X chromosome due to the difficulties that implicate these studies. CGHarray (array-based comparative genomic hibridization) measures submicroscopic DNA copy number changes and allows the simultaneous high-resolution mapping of these changes onto the genome sequence. With the construction and application of a specific CGH microarray, it will be possible to characterize different molecular variants inside this chromosome in those cases of MRLX without molecular diagnosis. On the other hand, MLPA is based in the simultaneous detection of the number of copies of a specific sequence through hybridization of genomic DNA with a mixture of specific probes. The main objective of the present project is to identify submicroscopic duplications and deletions affecting chromosome X in patients with non-syndromic. For this study we selected patients from families with an inheritance consistent with an XLMR. These families came from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at the Hospital Clinical of Barcelona and the GIRMOGEN group (Research Group for Mental Retardation of Genetic Origin). The application of new techonolgies such as MLPA o aCGH has led to the identification of new rearrangements in the X chromosome responsible for MR (11,5%). The detection of cryptic rearrangements in MR patients has enabled us to establish a gentype/phenotype correlation and to identify new genes and mechanisms involved in the development of MR.
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The influence of British rule on elite Indian menswear : the birth of the SherwaniGupta, Toolika January 2016 (has links)
‘The Influence of British Rule on Elite Indian Menswear: The Birth of the Sherwani’ is a study of the influence of politics on fashion and the resulting development of new garments. This research is designed to demonstrate the effect on elite Indian menswear of the two centuries of British rule in India. It is an effort to understand how the flowing garments worn by elite Indian men in the 18th century gradually became more tailored and fitted with the passage of time. The study uses multiple sources to bring to light lesser known facts about Indian menswear, the evolution of different garments and especially of the sherwani. The sherwani is a knee-length upper garment worn by South-Asian men, and is considered to be India’s traditional menswear. My study highlights the factors responsible for the birth of the sherwani and dispels the myth that it was a garment worn by the Mughals. Simultaneously, this study examines the concept and value of ‘tradition’ in cultures. It scrutinises the reasons for the sherwani being labelled as a traditional Indian garment associated with the Mughal era, when in fact it was born towards the end of the 19th century. The study also analyses the role of the sherwani as a garment of distinction in pre- and post-independence India.
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IP-telefoni i ett befintligt nätZarifnejad, Saman, Akravi, Zerevan January 2011 (has links)
Examensarbetet är en studie i felsökning och optimering av IP-telefonisystem i ett befintligt nät. Här beskrivs hur ett IP-telefoninät bör byggas och konfigureras för optimal prestanda utifrån Ciscos rekommendationer. Det aktuella nätet är IT-Partners nät som drivs av Nortel när det gäller IP-telefonidelen. I dagsläget har de vissa återkommande problem när det gäller IP-telefonin t.ex. att samtalet bryts då och då. Det är nämnt vad problemet kan vara och vilka lösningar som skulle passa nätet. I allmänt brister kunskaperna i IP-telefoni vilket medför att problem kan uppstå med att få ett IP-telefonisystem att fungera som det ska. Vidare berättas varför ett IP-telefonisystem inte optimeras redan från första stadiet.
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